Look… some new patterns for Spring!

Here is a new pattern that will be in Chicago….LB

9 responses to “Look… some new patterns for Spring!”

  1. Colleen Avatar

    I just LOVE it Lisa! Now I am going to patiently wait for a kit to come out :o) Good luck in Chicago and Paducah!

  2. Robin C Avatar


    You must stop this. I’m going to get divorced because of it all 🙂 just kidding but now I want this. Hurry up with the kits!

    can’t wait to see what else you taunt us with in Chicago.

    Robin in VA

  3. Terry Avatar

    Oh my…it’s beautiful! My list of your designs I want to make just keeps getting longer and longer! :0)

  4. Marlene Avatar

    I don’t think my husband will divorce me but he sure is raising his eyebrows! I want this kit too, and I don’t even have two that I’ve already received cut out, and I have three on the way that should arrive today or tomorrow! blessings, marlene

  5. Pam L Avatar
    Pam L

    Yep–count me in on that kit! I LOVE it! I am somewhat lucky that my spouse travels so he doesn’t see what all comes in the mail:)

  6. tami Avatar

    You have got to stop making patterns I love so much faster than I can make the project!!!

  7. Cindy Avatar

    I purchased Summer on the Farm at the Chicago show–a must have. The booth was like a candy store to me. I am fairly new to this, and the girls at the store warned me, “It’s addictive.” They were right. Maybe it’s better I live in Indiana and not so close.

  8. Brenda Avatar

    I LOVE THIS KIT! I just picked it up and have started working on it immediatly.

    I have noticed that the sketch and photo are different. The sketch is opposite direction, ie: the houses are facing opposite direction and the photo shows the houses in mirror direction. You just have to figure out which way you want the houses and other items to go.

    Can’t wait to do more and I love the blog also.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I just wanted them to be this way…I sometimes change my mind….and see it all still looks good…always remember…there is no right or wrong way…it is however it turns out..

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