Week 3 Freebie…

Where does the time go…I thought I just posted the new freebie of the week and I have to do it all again!  I really like this block…so today after I was running around picking out counter tops, faucets, paint and so on…I decided to draw the rest of the freebie blocks…so I have all 12 drawn, I have 5 stitched.  I have 6 weeks of blocks of the weeks blocks done (so I am half way done there…I have all of those drawn, but not fused down yet…I hope you all have received your first and second week’s blocks by now…I know the 3rd week got sent off to the P.O. this morning.  It takes Nicole 7 hours to ship all the “block of the week” blocks.  Here is a challenge…as soon as you get a chance to, fuse the weekly blocks down.  This seams to take a little longer than sewing them.  So if you have them fused…they are always ready then for you to sew, like when you are talking on the phone, at the Dr’s office, always take your little blocks along every where you go…you never know when you will be waiting, so now you can be sewing…all for now…LB.

3 responses to “Week 3 Freebie…”

  1. Ann Avatar

    These are so pretty. I have some Steam A Seam 2 that I bought 2 years ago. Does this product keep its quality of bonding or should I get some new?

  2. Carrie Avatar


    I love the little basket blocks, your baskets are just the cutest.

    Thanks for another very enjoyable summer project.
    Your tip on getting them fused is a good one. It is so nice to sit down in the evening and get to stitching.

  3. Terri Miles Avatar
    Terri Miles

    This is not related to the blog, but a reuest. My friend Donna Tirpak and I are interested in your Punch needle frame that we believe your husband makes. It is a wood frame with wire points that grip the fabric. Do you still sell these? If so, would you let us know the size and price. Would it also be possible to bring one to Long Beach in July and hold it until one of us gets there on Sat. July 26th?

    Thanks for the information and we can’t hardly wait to take your class at Road 2 California in january!

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