it is so good to be home…

yesterday and today were days of…laundry, cleaning out my purse, cleaning out teaching stuff…going through the mail…going through 45o emails…putting up the booth for Lakeland/Tampa Florida…Nick and I made homemade spaghetti & meatball for supper…then I quilted Luke’s quilt that has been loaded on my long arm for a few weeks, it is just two pieces of fabric, one flannel on the back..but this is what he picked out , he also was going to quilt it???… I also put the binding on a quilt that came back from the quilter…wow…it is good to be home…oh…i did finish the pennies on the flight on the way home, but do not have them stitched together yet…here they are…I am bushed…goodnite!              PS I am still on West Coast time…I did not get used to it til the last day I was there…hopefully I can get my butt out of bed to go to exercise tomorrow…

10 responses to “it is so good to be home…”

  1. Robin Avatar

    Welcome Home!
    Your penny mat is beautiful!!!
    Prim Blessings

    1. simplethymeprims Avatar

      Now I know I’ve got to make time to sew some pennies….gorgeous!

  2. penelope10 Avatar

    So love this, it has motivated me to get out all my fabulous pieces and stitch! Thanks!

  3. penelope10 Avatar

    P.S. Will you have a backing on the pennies, once they are stitched? I have seen different methods.

  4. Sheila Avatar

    Are you teaching a class at Lakeland ? I can’t find anything listed for you 🙁 I will be spending TIME in your booth for sure ! I’m a New Englander living in Central Fl … I need a fix !!

  5. bevy Avatar

    Hi Lisa, It’s always nice to be HOME! I loved seeing You, Hubby (such a Good Helper) and seeing all the Goodies in your booth. I purchased the DOVO 5″ scissors at your booth (in addition to other goodies)….this cuts through so smooth & pretty too (LOVE IT), Girls gotta have her toys too! I just ordered a leather sheath & scissors kit for my new toy.. Get some rest & hopefully see you at the Long Beach Quilt show! Your Penny Mat is awesome..keep up the great designs.

  6. Debbie Avatar

    Hi Lisa,
    You are one busy girl!! I look forward to seeing you in Lakeland ~ visited with you last yr there. You’re not teaching there are you? Teaching at any guilds ( think you did that last yr, but I found out about it too late)!
    Get some rest ~ there’s no place like home! 🙂

  7. Carol J. Avatar
    Carol J.

    I am so happy that I am going to be on the Quilting Cruise with you. So you have about two weeks to relax.
    Carol J.

  8. gas natura Avatar

    I love what you guys are up too. This sort of clever work and exposure!
    Keep up the wonderful works guys I’ve included you guys to our blogroll.

  9. Priscilla Connell Avatar
    Priscilla Connell

    Would love to have instructions on how to make your penny matt. I have wanted to try this for many years.


    Priscilla Connell

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