Day 5…Needlful things for quilters…


Day 5…Rowenta Travel Iron… Untitled4

Now you know how it is to have a bazillion little pieces you are sewing together…and sometimes it is nice not to have to get off your sewing chair to go to the “big” iron, because you are only sewing and pressing these little seams…or you are pressing your seams open…this little iron sits right by my machine…I have a table top ironing board or  I have a covered TV tray stand as a mini ironing board, next to my machine…So conveinence is a big thing here, but also tiny pieces-tiny iron makes this little Roweneta has the all the nice features as the “big” Rowenta…which is all those steam holes and the nice point for getting those seams open…the downfall-no automatic shut off…But you only have to leave in on for days once to remember you almost could have burned your house down…I know not funny with all those quilts in it..and the steam holder is little…I have to fill it a couple of times…but it is a tiny iron and I use it ALOT!

As long as I am talking about irons here…I also use a “normal “Rowenta iron for my wool appliqué… and in my regular ironing of fat quarters or border and so on…Do you see all those tiny steam holes in my travel iron?  These are the same steam holes you want in your iron for wool appliqué!  Lots of steam holes…not just 12 big ones.  This is crucial because wool and steam are best friends!  If you also leave your iron in one place too long on your black wool you wont have 12 little circular iron marks now in your black wool!!!   In my patterns you might get tired of reading…”lots of tiny little presses using a steam iron”…I must type this a million times….So for wool applique , small piecining and any ironing the Rowenta Irons I cannot live without!   If you want to purchase the Rowenta Travel Iron click here at 25% off til the end of the year:  Iron



Now the winner of Day 6…is  LeanneDecember 19, 2012 at 2:20 pm

Rotating cutting mat…the best invention! Red my favorite color, maybe it’s time to replace my green ones :-)because I know cutting would be more fun on a red mat.Enjoy the snow storm, a perfect time to do somethng you love, I plan on baking cookies and doing a little stitching.Happy Holidays to you and your family!

Please send me your address so I can send you your new pieced star pendant…Made by my friend Julie from, Me and My Stitches.  Click here to visit her site and blog to see all her stuff and her new Christmas designs.. Pendants

I feel bad for those of you who will not ever experience a “snowday”…Blizzard Brianna is upon us…My 2 California boys and their Dad just LOVE IT!  Today I will be baking and cooking for a Neighborhood Christmas party at my house tomorrow night…so you know what that might be like right???? Too much to do and not enough time to do it…IMG_8329IMG_8326

154 responses to “Day 5…Needlful things for quilters…”

  1. Alice Tignor Avatar
    Alice Tignor

    Love my little iron too! Cute tiny ironing board you have there with it!

  2. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    This is a luxury I have never given myself. I think my birthday wishlist just got longer.

  3. Christi P. Avatar
    Christi P.

    I didn’t even know that Rowenta made little tiny travel irons! I bought a cheap one a few years ago and ended up throwing it in the trash. Exciting to know they have a good quality one! Thanks….Christi

  4. Holly Howard Avatar
    Holly Howard

    I really really want a little iron like this!

  5. timberlandsjs Avatar

    I’ve never had a mini or travel iron. I can see how handy it would be. And a Rowenta?? I love my big Rowenta. I’ve had it for 21 years!

  6. Kathy O in GA Avatar
    Kathy O in GA

    The snow looks like so much fun! I really don’t miss shoveling out from the blizzards the last year we lived in PA though, and that was 18 years ago! Here in Atlanta the ice is usually more of an issue.
    The little iron looks wonderful, as does the little ironing board. Hmmm, I have a birthday coming up in Feb….gotta get that wish list going!

  7. Kitty Avatar

    Good points on irons and steam! Have fun at your party and I’m wondering……. Who is the biggest kid of the 3 boys??? Possibly the one wearing the red hat?

  8. Teri LaVoy Avatar
    Teri LaVoy

    I have a little red iron that is just perfect for those classes that I have to take tools to. And I made a neat carrier for it…looks like a little purse. Thanks for the next tip. Looking forward to tomorrow’s tip! BTW – love the Christmas Blog Hop and your little sheep. Can’t wait to make him – need one on my tree and he looks like he will fit in perfectly. Hugs

  9. Shirley Avatar

    Interesting tip today, I never paid attention to the holes in a iron, but it sure makes sense. I agree steam and wool go together..Another purchase I will have to make..How is the baking going?

  10. mary Avatar

    I think I would like the feature of having constant heat available instead of going to my big Rowents & wait for it to heat up again. It would be great for taking to my quilt group so it will be on my christmas list for next year! Thanks for all these great tips you are giving us.

  11. Joyce Beenes Avatar
    Joyce Beenes

    I love my travel iron! We are looking forward to the snow – it should be here this afternoon 🙂

    Keep the tips coming – love them.

  12. Anne Bryson Avatar

    That iron looks fabulous with all the little steam holes. Enjoy your snow, we are supposed to get some too

  13. Karen Schultz Avatar
    Karen Schultz

    I love this iron. I don’t leave home without it!!

  14. Brenda Wyatt Avatar
    Brenda Wyatt

    A Rowenta travel iron would be Great to take with me in the truck! (I drive a Big Rig) I always carry something to work on and work with wool alot, it’s my favorite. Think I need to invest in one. Love all your tips. Thanks for sharing all your little secrets.

  15. Peggy Dalberto Avatar

    Wow Lisa, I remember your showing us your Rowenta irons at the Gathering. But how to keep the bottom clean?

  16. Diane B Avatar
    Diane B

    Love love LOVE that little iron! I’ve replaced my tiny hand held clover iron with this. It works really well when preparing turned appliqué pieces. The “boys” and their dad look like they’re having a great time. I can’t tell who is having the most fun!

  17. Brenda Avatar

    We don’t have snow here in NH so it looks like we won’t have a white Christmas this year. The trave iron looks wonderful. I know Kim Diehl recommend them in her classes too.

  18. Debbie T Avatar
    Debbie T

    I also keep a table top ironing board right by my machine. I don’t have the travel iron. Makes sense not so bulky.
    The snow looks great all were getting is the the rain right now. Great day for baking.

  19. Cheryl C Avatar
    Cheryl C

    I love my little Rowenta too. I am loving all of your tips every day, they’re so helpful. I wish this could continue everyday, but that’s just greedy of me. 🙂 Enjoy your snow! We just missed this storm here in the Mpls/St Paul area.

  20. buntyw Avatar

    I’ve never had a travel iron – they look a great idea!
    I wish we had snow – it would make a change from the never ending rain here in the UK!

  21. marie Avatar

    Will have to put this on my Santa list. Love your snow, wish it was here, we had a dusting and it didn’t last long, but ski areas are happy.

  22. Julie - Me & My Stitches Avatar

    I think I need one of those little irons. Glad your boys are having fun – we are getting snow now too! Yippee! A white Christmas! Thanks for the shout out on the jewelry – still love that star.

  23. Paulette Doyle Avatar

    Yikes!! Another thing I NEED! Thanks so much for drawing it to my attention!! :o) Have fun baking…and take time to join hubby and the dogs in the snow!!

  24. Lori Neisler Avatar

    The Rowenta travel iron is great. I bought mine from Primitive Gatherings, of course, when they first came out. Have fun at your party !

  25. Diane Emanuelson Avatar
    Diane Emanuelson

    I just love that lil iron. The snow looks like alot of fun as well. I live in Mass. so we do get snow. I have 3 pugs and they love jumping in deep snow. Enjoy! Diane

  26. Roberta Avatar

    That would be a handy addition to my sewing room! Perfect for projects and no need to relocate the big ironing board from room to room! We’ve got snow here too. Being from Iowa, I don’t mind driving in the snow. Unfortunately, we usually get a lot of ice along with the snow and that’s another matter! ~Roberta

  27. Nancy Martin Avatar
    Nancy Martin

    Hey Lisa, I love snow and cold weather. It’s gonna get cold here in Georgia over the weekend but not enough for a white Christmas like there. Enjoy your party with family & friends.

  28. Mary Avatar

    Would love that little iron, my travel iron doesn’t steam anymore and I like steam. WE had 11 inches of snow and its a perfect day for baking and wrapping.

  29. Barb Avatar

    do have this and love it will be getting the red mat thx Lisa

  30. Deborah from Valparaiso Avatar
    Deborah from Valparaiso

    i wouldn’t mind a snow day, but i do mind commuting in the 12 inches of the stuff! A new travel iron is on my list of things i need!

  31. Debby C Avatar
    Debby C

    I live in central Iowa and we’ve had 11 ” of snow so far. I love the little irons, they’re great for retreats,also. What a great day to do some baking and spend time sewing. Have a great day!

  32. Jude Avatar

    I have never used a travel iron for quilting…hmmmm….might have to ponder this. 😉 AND, I LOVE the quilty jewellery…I think I need her things in my store. 🙂

  33. Betty Forester Avatar
    Betty Forester

    Thrilled to see the iron!!!!! I have been looking for one for a looong time!!! Thanks

  34. Joanne O Avatar
    Joanne O

    I bought this iron before my last trip to the spa so I could work on a little wool kit from Lisa’s!!!!! Just love the iron!

  35. Pam Avatar

    Just got my Christmas Bonus!!!! Think I need to get one of these. I love Rowenta irons….I have had mine for years and treat it with TLC! We live in Milwaukee and just getting LOTS of rain…will turn to snow later!!!!!

  36. Dee Dalton Avatar
    Dee Dalton

    I use this little iron a lot, have used it for years. I appreciate the helpful tip in using it on wools.

  37. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    I love your ideas about the little iron. I iron everything and the joke with my husband is that when I die he will even leave an iron with me so I feel at home! Need this iron for Christmas!

  38. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    Wow! I would love to have this travel iron, especially now that I have so many of your wool kits and Summer Block of the Week projects to complete. I can see how all those steam holes would really make a difference.
    Keep the tips coming, we are all learning a lot. Enjoy the snow and your holiday parties with family and friends.

  39. Barbara Avatar

    I have wanted one of these little irons for a long time now you gave me justification for getting one. The other iron I still want is one WITHOUT steam for iron on applique. I found them on Vermont Country Store so I have ordered one for myself for Christmas. To Me From Me With Love.l Thank you for all these fun ideas for Christmas.

  40. De De Avatar
    De De

    California boys are cute in the snow.

  41. Mary Avatar

    I’m reorganizing my sewing room after Christmas and a small ironing station next to my machine is something I’ve been wanting to add. I will checking out that little iron right away!
    We’re getting our first snowfall of the season here in Missouri but so far the wind along with it has been practically unbearable.
    Hope you get everything done you’re planning to do, and then get to relax a while too!

  42. carol l Avatar

    Another item goes on my want list, everyday it grows. I sure do hope Santa reads this blog!!!!!
    Carol L

  43. Janice M Avatar
    Janice M

    I will definitely check out this little iron. I didn’t know Rowenta made one. I just started snowing here in Illinois a couple of hours ago. We have been long over due for a good snowstorm. Looks like we got it today!

  44. Lisa K Avatar
    Lisa K

    I debated about spending the money on a travel iron when I already have a big iron, but I’m sure glad I did! I love that thing and use it all the time.

  45. Lynette Tibodeau Avatar
    Lynette Tibodeau

    I’m lovin’ the idea of this little iron…and it being on sale makes it even more appealing! By the way…where did you get the cute 😀 little iron board? Merry Christmas!

  46. ritainalaska Avatar

    nice comments on the little rowenta … i do like all the little holes! i have spray bottles ’cause i don’t like the way little irons steam. we have very little snow on the ground and am wanting for a nice one for christmas.

  47. Barbara Avatar

    I had a little travel iron. It was truly my fave for on the go projects and paper piecing and all sorts of mini jobs that my “big” iron was too clumsy for… until one day when it wasn’t there. I kept thinking that I had put it away in a very good spot. And I have looked for three years. It is my small groups best punch line… I found the best…didja find the iron tho? Well I finally had to admit defeat. We moved from MI to TX and I went thru every bin, box and drawer. No iron anywhere. I would love this iron! I promise not to let it get away! Please Santa Baby bring me a little iron today!

  48. Renee Rettler Avatar
    Renee Rettler

    Thanks for today’s tip. I am really enjoying all the good advice! Have fun at your party tomorrow!

  49. Christelle Avatar

    I have problems with ironing, pressing my pieces…. what I read and interest me is : you press your seams open not light on dark and with steam? I must try…. and a lighter iron
    Lesson learn Thanks!

  50. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    I have this iron and I do like it.The only problem is because it is small it does not hold as much water for the steam as you would like. It is a great buy at Lisa’s price.

  51. Lidi Avatar

    Hope I’m not too late! Had a Dr.’s appointment in Philly. ….(need iron)

  52. Lorrie McD. Avatar
    Lorrie McD.

    Well, I am going to have to add irons to my list! I only have one with 12 holes and it looks like that is not good enough for my new favourite thing———wool!!

  53. Jackie Avatar

    Cool iron. Perfect for retreats. I like the color, too. It’s snowing where I live, too. My lab LOVES the snow.

  54. Amy McC Avatar
    Amy McC

    Love the snow…..bring it on! Just ordered the iron. Love my big Rowenta.

  55. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    I love my big Rowentas and having one right by the sewing machine would be great……..might be another self-gift for Xmas. Enjoy your “snow day”, hope you get a little time for yourself after party prep is done.

  56. quiltygirl1 Avatar

    I remember using this little iron in your class ! It is cute but efficient! Thank you so much for these great ideas.

  57. sue singer Avatar
    sue singer

    I have the Rowenta iron and love it. So light and hot

  58. Sharon nejedlo Avatar
    Sharon nejedlo

    Awesome…gotta get this! A neighbor came over this am and asked if our puppy could come out to play with the other labs in the neighborhood. Who needs doggy day care when you have neighbors like that, right? My husband works during snowstorms and so I haven’t had a snow day with him in 33 years…a little jealous of those that can snuggle up together today!

  59. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I did not realize Rowenta made a “baby’ iron. It juts went to the top of my want list. Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Ruth Avatar

      I enjoy everything in all your sites .Keep up the great work . Hope 2013 is better than 2012

  60. susiedele Avatar

    Another thing to add to my wishlist… I know gals that haven’t seen their iron in 10 years. How weird is that! I’d be lost.

  61. Denise Avatar

    I’ve only had one travel iron and it never worked well. I didn’t know that Rowenta had a small travel iron. I have a full size Rowenta iron and love, love, love it. I has the separate base to fill it up with water and steams and presses my wool really well! I’ll have to check out the small travel iron….

  62. Sandy Kipphut Avatar
    Sandy Kipphut

    Thanks for all your tips. I really enjoy reading them, just too bad they will end soon. Enjoy the snow. I love snow. None here yet. Maybe later today. Merry Christmas!

  63. Julee Avatar

    Have this little beauty, and love it. I have 3 irons on my ironing board at all times! I marked one with black marker for ‘iron on paper’ only as it is a $5.00 cheap iron and don’t care if the bottom gets covered with glue, turns dark & sticky, just toss it out. Bought another cheap one day after Thanksgiving so I’m ready when the other one needs tossing.
    Southern Iowa is in the middle of a Blizzard now, can’t tell how much snow we got. Sending it your way..LOL

  64. Linda L Avatar

    The travel iron looks wonderful especially for classes and retreats but would be perfect for using right next to my sewing machine. I grew up in the midwest and remember those majestic snow falls. What fun we had.

  65. Ann Avatar

    I have the small iron and the big one and LOVE both of them. I am baking today and enjoying being ‘stuck’ in the kitchen.

  66. Mary flynn Avatar

    I have one…love it!

  67. Janan Avatar

    The most fun is all the handy tips you are sharing. Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy your snow, we are having tornadoes here in AL right now. Pray for every ones safety and warmth.

  68. Janet Avatar

    I have got to get one of these irons … Actually I’m up to 4 of the items you’ve featured that I’ve got to get! I’m waiting until the end to order!

  69. Barbara P Avatar
    Barbara P

    Have the little iron and love it! I need a big iron though and am hoping Santa brings it. Enjoy the snow, something we don’t get in coastal Texas.

  70. Perry Carroll Avatar
    Perry Carroll

    Lisa: I just love everything you put on the web.Keep up the good work an to you an everyone that helps, may God richly Bless you an yours in 2013. Ruth from Tn.


  71. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    Thanks for adding another item to my Christmas wish list – for my last minute shopper! Now he can buy me that for Christmas. Working from home – enjoying the snow outside. We’ve got lots and more coming. My dogs have as much fun as yours – thanks for sharing the boys in the snow.


  72. Kim Kopac Avatar
    Kim Kopac

    Ohhh I want one of these – I did not know that they made them. I love my big Rowenta! With all this snow I just want to sit and sew.
    Happy Holidays All

  73. Michelle S. Avatar
    Michelle S.

    Your “boys” look like they were having a grand time. I will have to try using the small Roweneta. I have the big one and love it. Thanks! Michelle S.

  74. Cindy D Avatar
    Cindy D

    Oh what a handy item that would be! Hope you are enjoying the blizzard and can see your “boys” (all 3) are having a great time. Winter wonderland for sure!

  75. Kim Friesen Avatar
    Kim Friesen

    I usually use the big iron. I exercise getting up and going into the laundry room to use it. It also entertains the new kitten following me throught the house. I do love Rowenta irons too.

  76. Elaine S. Avatar
    Elaine S.

    I have a big Rowenta and love it. The small one would really be nice to have…..I’ll have to put that on my list. Have fun in the snow and enjoy the party.

  77. wendy Avatar

    I have an old Shark travel iron that is on it’s way out. I should check this one out at Joann’s and use the 40% off coupon…..if they allow it. Or, just wait till they go on sale!

  78. Cheryl Barkdoll Avatar
    Cheryl Barkdoll

    This is a must for quilters especially for those retreats that we take. Many from my quilt guild had them and convinced several of us to go out and purchase one. Next on my list is to make the insulated “carrier” for it. Having another one by my machine would be great.

  79. Polly Jensen Avatar
    Polly Jensen

    I love my big rowenta for all my BOW patterns this will have to go on my bday list, which is before the endof the year..lucky me!

  80. Carolyn Vogel Avatar
    Carolyn Vogel

    Our dog (a German Shorthair) also loves the snow. Hates rain but loves snow. She especially likes to have you make a snowball and throw it up in the air so she can “catch” and chew it up, and then spit it out. I have large Rowenta that has served me well for many years. Little one might be just the right replacement.

  81. Kim Avatar

    I love the small ironing board…they think of everything. And the iron too. When it comes to quilting stuff that is out there I feel like I must be living in a closet. I live south of Fond du Lac, and we are getting this snow storm too. It is really heavy stuff. Very pretty too…only if you don’t have to shovel or move a lot of it.

  82. gayle Avatar

    I did not realize there were so many little hole in the Bottom of that iron – awesome!

  83. Dortha Avatar

    What a neat little iron.

  84. Dee Avatar

    Since taking one of your classes, I now have two – they are just great. I keep one right by sewing machine on a small ironing board. Dee

  85. Maddy McCaslin Avatar
    Maddy McCaslin

    My oh my another wish list item. Lisa I cannot say thank enough for all your great ideas.

  86. Cindy Avatar

    Oops! I posted on the wrong blog yesterday…we’ll have to try again! This looks like a really handy tool to pack along on trips. Guys go fishing & girls are stitching, especially on trips to MN.

  87. Ann Rennier Avatar
    Ann Rennier

    Mid Missouri, the winter is here! Lots of wind, some snow, lots of accidents! Love your needful things! Love the travel iron! I didn’t know how much I wanted one until I read your post!

  88. Molly Avatar

    I have a large rowenta but the travel iron would be great for classes and retreat. Thanks for sharing your must haves with us.

  89. Diane Avatar

    That travel iron sounds great! I have heard good things from other people as well. Love all that snow! We got spared here in Minneapolis, I think the worst of the latest storm was to the south. Sorry Iowa!

  90. Jill Avatar

    I have always wanted one of these irons. I will have to check into them.
    Thanks for sharing.

  91. Leanne Avatar

    I never thought of the amount of holes in the iron…great tip. Enjoy your snow day!

  92. Jan Avatar

    Love my little iron for pressing by my machine. Having withdrawal symptoms because we have been without power for 4 days and no idea when it be restored.

  93. Vicki Avatar

    I have used a couple of different traveling irons and the Rowenta is by far my very favorite!!! Yes,….you do have to fill it up more but is well worth it…couldn’t live without my little iron….

  94. Jule Avatar

    I’ve got a travel iron beside my sewing table as well, but I am always afraid to put water in it to use for steam as I’m afraid of getting water dripping from the big holes and staining, so I tend to use it dry! It would be great to have an iron I could “trust”!! Love the blog…Happy Holidays everyone!

  95. Sharon K Avatar
    Sharon K

    Have one of these irons. So nice to have next to the sewing machine. I also am enjoying the snow storm staying in and doing some sewing.

  96. Mary Beth Avatar
    Mary Beth

    It hadn’t occurred to me to use a travel iron. Great idea!

  97. Jill Bodwin Avatar
    Jill Bodwin

    I’m hard “pressed” to get this little iron!

  98. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    Well, we’ll, well … a sad situation this week involves my VERY old Rowenta travel iron seeming to have finally stopped working well. It doesn’t seem to get beyond “warm” even when dialed up to the highest setting. I believe I got my money’s worth as I cannot even remember how long ago I bought it!
    So I adopted a rescue kitty from South Carolina this month and guess what her favorite thing is? The Rowenta travel iron! She sits next to it and rubs her jowls along the edge and purrs. Just like we all would to have one of those beauties in our sewing rooms! I will definitely need to buy one for myself now because we all know once a kitty claims something it’s hers forever!
    Thanks for the tip about ironing wool. I am new to the wool world and am in fact in the “hunting and gathering” stage in your wool of the month club… so every wool tip you offer goes in my notebook of Lisa-isms!

  99. Sheila Plock Avatar

    What a great looking iron and purple no less, my favorite color. Enjoy the beautiful white weather, just hope it doesnt create any travel problems but great weather for baking cookies.

  100. Sue Kraft Avatar
    Sue Kraft

    You taught me something new again today (little steam presses)! I have a big Rowenta iron so I’ll have to try that — I’ve never used the small iron. Migh have give that a try too. I look forward to your posts everyday and will be sorry when the 12 days of posts is over. Sue

  101. Janet G Avatar
    Janet G

    I have the little iron also and just love it.

  102. Sandy Huelsbeck Avatar
    Sandy Huelsbeck

    I didn’t realize there was a small Rowenta iron! I love my large one as it makes pressing so much easier. I will put it on my gift list. Thanks for the tip!

  103. Joan R Avatar
    Joan R

    Merry Christmas to you and your family! I look forward to all the wonderful quilting things you will bring us next year!

  104. Cassandra Collins Avatar

    I really want to come to your part of the world NOW – our forecast for Christmas day is 38C – thats over 100F. I think I have a bad case of snow envy!!!!!

  105. Sharon M. Avatar
    Sharon M.

    I have never tried the Rowenta travel iron but if you say it works I believe you. It makes sense to have an iron next to your machine. Once again thanks for the tip. I want to make a snowman but I don’t have snow like you guys. LOL

  106. Sue Huettl Avatar
    Sue Huettl

    Looks like Nick and the boys are having fun!!! I have one of those little Rowenta Irons, I just love it almost as much as my big Rowenta. I know they are heavier than most irons but they do such a good job on those seams. I usually use my big one for everthing and the little one sits in a with my travel stuff. Maybe it is time to bring out the little guy to try it on the little seams. Thanks for the tip, Lisa.

  107. sandy Avatar

    Looks like a handy dandy iron. We also have snow on Vancouver Island the past few days. Keep those tips coming, good for a “newbie” like me.

  108. Peggy Avatar

    I hope you are able to have the party tomorrow night. I know WI knows how to take care of the roads, but this is a big storm. Take care Lisa. Oh I love my Rowenta travel iron. Mine isn’t that cool color 🙁

  109. Pamela Schmitt Avatar

    I love my Rowenta iron. It is the best iron ever. Isn’t the snow awesome. reminds me of when I was a child and we played outside all day long.

  110. Julie Avatar

    The travel Rowenta iron looks like a very handy tool for quilters. I would love to own one!

  111. Charlotte S Avatar
    Charlotte S

    I have a large Rowenta but I think I need a small one too- sounds wonderful.

    Charlotte S

  112. Pattywacks Avatar

    🎁Thanks for the lessons on irons-learned that I should look for one with more holes🎁

  113. Lorene Avatar

    i LOVE my little rowenta. i am teaching my mom to quilt. and guess what, she wants this iron!

  114. Paula Avatar

    I bought my sister the travel Rowenta for her birthday this year, one for my quilter friend for Christmas and my husband bought me one for Christmas!
    Paula in KY

  115. Laurel Avatar

    Love my big rowenta… may have to pick this little travel one up.
    We are in Illinois and the snow has just started to fall in our area…
    Maybe a white christmas after all…

  116. Jean Nolting Avatar
    Jean Nolting

    I have a little iron that came over on the Mayflower. That ironing board sure did look clean.

  117. jmniffer Avatar

    I’ve never owned a Rowenta of any size…don’t know that I’ve ever used one either. They sound amazing.

  118. Cecilia Avatar

    I live in southwest Georgia and it doesn’t snow here very often, but it does look like fun. I love the look of the Rowenta travel iron.

  119. suejean1 Avatar

    Great photos of Nick and the pups playing in the snow. Thank-you for all your great quilting tips. I have been enjoying your posts.

  120. Darlene D'Eon Avatar

    Love your snow pictures! Great iron with all those little steam holes! Thanks for another great tip!

  121. Rebecca Avatar

    My Rowenta iron is my freezer paper appliqué tool!

  122. Diann Selke Avatar
    Diann Selke

    Great little Iron…..have to order one asap.
    Love the pendants…..thanks for the link.

  123. Karen in Breezy Point Avatar

    I am in love with the Rowenta travel iron and have learned to alway unplug it when I am finished using it. I left mine on for days (not sure HOW many) and only realized when I went by the room and heard the little ticking sound it makes as it is heating. I’m thanking the quilting gods that my hubby didn’t find it like that or I would never hear the end of that!!! I keep a recycled dish soap bottle with the little slide closing top close by with water to refill the small water chamber. It’s free, handy and won’t spill if it gets knocked over.

  124. Nancy Pleimann Avatar

    You are right about the iron. They are wonderful. I wouldn’t have any other brand. Nancy P.

  125. Brenda Y Avatar
    Brenda Y

    My sister has this iron and loves it but I don’t, may have to try this one out. I love my rowenta big iron.

  126. Jody R Avatar
    Jody R

    I keep an ironing board right next to my machine. Keep it the height of my table. This little iron would be AWESOME to use! I make lots of smaller quilts and a small iron would be wonderful.

  127. Donna Avatar

    Woo-hoo!!!! An iron… LOVE it!

  128. Kristy Avatar

    I have never had an iron I was really happy with…. I have never owned a Rowenta. Perhaps that is why. I love making wool mats and quilts, so the steam from the Rowenta would solve many of my issues. This has been a fabulous series of blogs. Thank you Lisa! Merry Christmas

  129. Cathy Avatar

    No snow in this part of CA but school will be close for the holidays finally on Friday. Time to sew soon. I’ll be adding this little iron to the list of things from this series that I must have. Can’t wait to see what’s next…

  130. Jayne K. Avatar
    Jayne K.

    Darn. I should have put this on my list for Santa. It’s probably too late. Can the big guy get the discount?

  131. SheriBeri Avatar

    Maybe it is time to retire my old ‘big 12 hole’ iron that I have had since 1983 when I went off to college. Thanks for the 12 days of cool info…I feel like I am getting a free Sewing Seminar. Do I hear a fellow teacher counting down the days in the comment above? 🙂

  132. Nancy Avatar

    I have both a large and a travel Rowenta; but my travel size doesn’t have all those nice holes for steam. It is an older version….I might have to consider this newer one sometime when my budget allows.

  133. Mary Hilyer Avatar
    Mary Hilyer

    I also have a large and a travel Rowenta. Love the travel size for all the steam I get from it but you do have to fill it alot. Obviously has more holes than the big one. We missed the snow storm here in Northern IL. Can’t say I’m sorry! But your pics are fun to look at.

  134. Nancy D Avatar
    Nancy D

    I need a new iron badly! This one looks great! I’m in a small space, so anything that is space saving and works well gets put on my list of wants!

  135. Ani Hudson Avatar
    Ani Hudson

    Would love a new iron, I do love that it’s purple too!

  136. Marcia Porcelli Avatar

    I didn’t know that Rowenta made a travel iron. I love all the steam holes!! Have a fun time at your Christmas party. And I’m glad you enjoy all that snow ’cause I sure would not!!!

  137. Diann Avatar

    I would love to win the iron. I Thanks for sharing your beautiful snow. It is snowing here tonight so we wil see what we have in the morning.

  138. Kelle Avatar

    Enjoy your beautiful white snow blanket! Thank you for all of the great tips…I might just hover around all the steam holes to keep warm!

  139. Nancy J Avatar
    Nancy J

    We just got a dusting of snow in Ohio, but enough to make it feel like Christmas. Love the travel iron and the fact that it is made by Rowenta.

  140. Marlene Avatar

    If it is made by Rowenta, it will be good. Love the big one, want the small one!

  141. Lisa Newman Avatar

    Those are some awfully cute boys!!!!! My newest pup is also loving the snow he keeps trying to dig tunnels. But then again he is a St. Bernard so if he should love the snow!
    I will remember the steam micro-burst holes for when I finally use some of my wool that I keep collecting. I love the look of wool applique and need the courage to get started using it, I should make that a New Year resolution.

  142. Janice Akin Avatar
    Janice Akin

    I love a fresh snow! My dogs just love it too. Except the golden gets little nerdles of snow on her coat and brings them in and they melt on the wood floor. Oh a small price for a happy dog. Thanks for the giveaway Lisa.

  143. Robin T Avatar
    Robin T

    I love ironing and I love my Rowenta irons. I use the travel size beside my sewing table and when I go on a retreat with my mini group. My full size Rowenta is used everyday, more for ironing my clothes than for my quilting projects. My full time job keeps me from something I love doing . . . Quilting. I am new to your blog and enjoy the tips and the pictures. I look forward to seeing more on your sewing studio.

  144. Kim Avatar

    That travel iron looks awesome!! Will have to look into one of those. Your “California Boys” look like they are having a great time. Enjoy the snow.

  145. Mary Marge Avatar
    Mary Marge

    Those boys are to DIE for! Wish with all my might I was there!

  146. Cheyl K Avatar
    Cheyl K

    After reading your tip I had to go and see how many holes my iron has. The small iron will be on my must have list.

  147. Dee Johson Avatar
    Dee Johson

    This would rock for retreats! I will be ordering before end of year. Thank you.

  148. Suzie Jankowski Avatar
    Suzie Jankowski

    Perfect for rug camps alo! Can’t wait to get one!

  149. […] JanetDecember 20, 2012 at 12:51 pm […]

  150. Bridgidk Avatar

    I have a Rowenta iron but not a traveling iron. I just may have to get me one of those. Thanks Lisa!!!!

  151. Lori Avatar

    Your dogs are adorable!!!

  152. Jane Knoll-Tenney Avatar
    Jane Knoll-Tenney

    I bought that little Rowenta iron about6 months ago and absolutely love it. Ohhhh, I accidently left mine on too, and am so thankful I had an angel on my shoulder. Merry Christmas Lisa to you, your husband, and the boys…loved your pictures.

  153. Tammy Avatar

    Great little iron!! Can you tell me were you got the little ironing board? thanks!

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