Long beach show…summer quilt festival

Hey California girls…And everyone else of course…

I hope you are coming to visit us this weekend! It is sadly our last show in Long Beach as it is moving to Portland next year 🙁 I love long beach…I am going to miss it here…so if you all come and visit us and maybe they will rethink leaving CA….

Meet Sophia…I met her at a quilt show and gave her this little pack of fabric…her grandma sent me this pic….she is sewing and loving it…her grandma is so proud of her and said she talked about me and looked for me at the show this year…I wasn’t there this year, but the other crew was… This is another reason I LOVE my job…I can inspire the next generation…


26 responses to “Long beach show…summer quilt festival”

  1. Rachel Childress Avatar
    Rachel Childress

    What a sweet picture, Lisa! You inspire girls of all ages, it seems! 🙂

  2. Patty Avatar

    see you tomorrow and Saturday! Looking forward to it!!

  3. Melodee Cartin Avatar
    Melodee Cartin

    So very, very bummed the show in Long Beach is ending, my little quilt group drive up from Oceanside every year. With fewer and fewer quilt shops, the quilt shows are our opportunity to see and feel all the fabrics we see online. There are always so many people at the LB show, what are the quilters of So. Cal to do?

  4. Charmaine Avatar

    LIsa, you’re the best! We love your designs and can’t wait to see what’s new at the show. We’re all going to miss this show, but there’s always the Road to California Show in Ontario, CA every January. I hope you are vending at that show cuz we California Girls need our Primitive Gatherings fix!!!

  5. Jakey Avatar

    Awesome pic! You are truly an inspiration Lisa, speaking from my own personal experience. Can’t wait to visit your booth at LBQ… that’s a bummer about moving to Portland… looks like I’ll have to start watching airfares to Portland 😉

  6. Marcia Porcelli Avatar

    Lisa, Sofia was so excited to see her picture with you on your blog! When her mom showed it to her this morning she gave her mom a huge hug and said “Aw, that’s the sweetest thing!” (we say stuff like that here in the South). But, it’s true! YOU are the sweetest thing! You touch so many lives-many you will never even know about. You have made this Grammy’s day! 🙂

  7. Bonnie B Quigley Avatar
    Bonnie B Quigley

    Lisa — you are an inspiration to ALL of us – young and old. I loved your two day classes at Village Dry Goods last January and have been singing your praises ever since. Keep it up — your fans LOVE you!

  8. Colleen Avatar

    Love the picture… what a sweet girl! Also wanted to tell you I am so excited you are carrying Cheri patterns! Are you going to be kitting any? Would love to purchase if you do!

  9. Nora Sue Manley Avatar
    Nora Sue Manley

    Good picture of you and the little girl looks like a little angel!

  10. Cindy Avatar

    It’s a real treasure when you see little ones sewing!

  11. Joanne O Avatar
    Joanne O

    That picture is adorable….maybe she will be a future fabric designer!!!!

  12. Brenda Avatar

    What a treasure. How sweet when little ones want to learn to sew .

  13. Rachel Friedrichs Avatar
    Rachel Friedrichs

    I will be stopping by the booth tomorrow! I’ve been looking forward to the quilt show since last year.

    I am sorely disappointed that the show will not be returning to LB next year 🙁 It fills the holes in the quilting industry in SoCal. Maybe we can persuade them to return.

  14. Kathy Avatar

    What a great picture!!! It is so true it is the little things that mean so much. This little girl will always remember how she got her start sewing!

  15. Pam McLellan Avatar


  16. Julie Forslev Avatar
    Julie Forslev

    I feel for all the Southern Californians. We lost the Quilt Show here in Chicago for a few years, but then they brought it back. There is hope!
    That is a very sweet picture! 🙂

  17. Linda Schaefer Avatar
    Linda Schaefer

    Good seeing you last night! What a cute picture! You will make a Great Grammy when the time comes! I know I’m loving it.

  18. Lissa Alexander (@modalissa) Avatar

    Wish I was coming! Have fun. See you soon.

  19. bevy Avatar

    We visited your booth Friday, love your patterns and all the goodies. Once again we helped the $economy$ at your booth, which is well worth it. Too bad this is the last quilt show at LB….but we`’ll see you ar R2CA! Very sweet picture, thanks for sharing. Also, nice to see Dru helping you & Nick at the booth, she is so sweet & helpful.

  20. Liz Carter Avatar
    Liz Carter

    lovely picture, I love that you’re taking the time to inspire a new generation of quilters!!! Is the quilt behind you in this photo still available for purchase as either a kit or just pattern? I’m searching your website but I’m not seeing it. 🙂

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      The pattern is…
      Summer penny garden…

      1. Liz Carter Avatar
        Liz Carter

        Thank you I’ll look it up on your website!!! I love what I can see of it….

      2. Liz Carter Avatar
        Liz Carter

        ooopsie, I’ve looked and looked (I looked in patterns, in BOM’s and in Wool section) I can’t seem to find it, would you post the link to it directly or should I call the shop… Thanks 🙂

      3. Liz Carter Avatar
        Liz Carter

        LOL took me a bit but I found it and ordered it… thank you and hugs from SoCal

    2. lisabongean Avatar

      Summer penny garden

  21. Janan Avatar

    She is an adorable young girl.
    The quilt hanging behind your photo is beautiful.

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