Please re-visit my blog post for the Moda Hop…half my content was missing…sorry for the computer issues…  click size-matters_800x150

97 responses to “Please re-visit my blog post for the Moda Hop…half my content was missing…sorry for the computer issues…”

  1. Barbara Avatar

    Why do we have to limit ourselves to ‘a’ size? I like many sizes and like to include different sized blocks in the same quilt. Oh to have time to create!

  2. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    If I’m collecting for scrap quilt I like 1/3 yard pieces, otherwise 1/2 yard if I just like it but don’t have a use in mind yet. Which happens a lot!!

  3. Lynelle Ussery Avatar
    Lynelle Ussery

    gotta love computer issues! Love your blog – thanks for the inspiring fabrics and patterns I’ve grown to love!

  4. Nancy Avatar

    I see your boys Presley and Jeter appreciate your quilts too! I think FQ’s are great for collecting for scrap quilts. If I buy yardage, it’s a half yard or bigger. Thanks for sharing your talents!

  5. Mary Jo Avatar
    Mary Jo

    Very cool patterns. I like to buy a yard and charms.

  6. Pat Avatar

    I usually buy 1/2 yards and charm packs too. What are those little 2 1/2 inch squares called? I’m in love with those too.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Moda candy…2 1/2″ love those too..

  7. Joan Avatar

    I like to buy 1/2 yards!

  8. Jane Avatar

    I love the precuts, but I have a hard time deciding on how much fabric is enough when buying yardage. I recently bought 10 yards of solid white, thinking I might use it in several upcoming projects. We’ll see about that. I usually buy at least a yard of theme fabrics and maybe half to just a fat qtr of coordinates. Doesn’t seem like I ever have enough for what I eventually decide what to do! that having been said, I’m at no loss for fabric! What I need is the time to sew! PS just realized I left this comment on sept 4 blog!

  9. Diane G Avatar
    Diane G

    I would love to be able to buy a fat quarter pack of every fabric line…however, my crafting budget couldn’t handle it. Maybe I should thing bigger…

  10. Arlene Tribble Avatar
    Arlene Tribble

    My favorite is jelly rolls. When Snowman Gatherings came out I couldn’t wait to get my jelly roll. Also charms are a great stash item.

  11. Lori g Avatar
    Lori g

    The more the better!!!!!!!!!! the little candy 21/2″ love them cuz of your itty bitty ruler love love love your work (I have stayed up to date with your new words to live by)

  12. Marsha Bohling Avatar
    Marsha Bohling

    I usually buy 1/2 yards and charm packs and mostly for specific projects. I have so much fabric now I don’t buy as much as I used to.

  13. Terri Avatar

    Really like your new quilt patterns and the floral gatherings fabric line.

  14. Kristy Avatar

    I am telling you, you and Linda are a match made in Heaven. Your quilt design and her quilting design are fabulous!!!! I did find the renegade tulip block…loved it! I also, love that Moda reprints some of your fabrics so I can buy it in one yard pieces. Yes, I said one yard pieces…..can you really ever have too much? I don’t think so. Also, relieved that I am not the only one who has computer issues from time to time. Hang in there, as we love your posts. Kristy

  15. Paulette Doyle Avatar

    I like to buy fat quarter bundles of all the fabrics in the line plus yardage of my favourites…with a couple of charm pack thrown in to the mix!! :o))) LOVE fabrics!! Thanks for the chance to win your give away!!

  16. Connie Thomas Avatar
    Connie Thomas

    I love love love fabric. I like to get 1/2 yards if I’m not sure but like the fabric. Sometimes I get 6 yards if I really really like it. I also like fat quarters. I just don’t think anything less is enough, you know like one scoope of your favorite ice cream it is just not enough and leaves you wanting more…

  17. Mayme Avatar

    Half yards mostly. I make mostly scrappy quilts. I’m a sucker for fat quarter bundles.

  18. sandratimmons Avatar

    Been enjoying your blog so much. Can’t wait to make a quilt from your block. Looks so cute and would be just perfect for a quilt for my niece. I enjoy purchasing and working with 5″ charms as well as jelly rolls. Thank you for being a part of the Size Matters Blog Hop because size really does matter. Hoping to become a winner of your goodies giveaway. It is so unique to receive a squishy package in your mailbox. It is really a great feeling and you just want to do a happy dance.

    Sandi Timmons

  19. Jo Ann Avatar
    Jo Ann

    Love your blog. I like purchasing 5 inch charm packs and half yard cuts. Lately I have been purchasing your wool kits. Love them

  20. Cassie Avatar

    Layer Cakes are my absolute weakness so I’d have to say 10″ squares are my favorite! Beautiful fabrics and patterns! Thanks for the inspiration, for sharing and for the chance to win!

  21. Karen Avatar

    I love to work with fat quarter bundles! I then like to add from my stash! I love working with both
    cotton and wool applique. Love your designs! Thank You for the pattern and giveaway!!

  22. wanda Avatar

    I had a chance to visit your store–WOW!! Bought fat quarters, and 1/2 yard cuts!! Thanks for sharing your creativitiness!!

  23. Pamela Miller Avatar
    Pamela Miller

    I love half yard pieces-gives me enough to cut strips, small or larger squares or triangles. I love layer cakes and charm packs. Heck, I love ALL sizes. My sewing room is proof of that! Love your fabrics, Lisa.

  24. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    Are you going to kit this cute little quilt? I love the colors!

  25. Linda Kay Avatar
    Linda Kay

    I love half yard cuts, fat quarters, and charms (5 “) – they are such useful sizes for me.

  26. Shelly Avatar

    I love charm packs and 1/2 yard cuts. Love a scrappy looking quilt.

  27. Eggs Avatar

    I buy fat quarters if I don’t have anything in mind with them to do, although if I’m in love with the fabric it is a yard regardless of plans. I also love 10″ layer cakes as they are cheaper then charm packs x 4, and you can make a decent sized quilt with them.

  28. Karen Qualls Avatar

    I love your fabrics! And the patterns are wonderful@

  29. Dya Avatar

    Lovely block, thank you!
    I love the tulip quilt very much too (I’m Dutch, so got a ‘thing’ for tulips LOL. Is it a pattern of yours?
    Dutch greetings

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Yes…it will be available in November when the fabrics come out!!!

  30. Kalynn Avatar

    I like to by pre-cuts. But if I buy yardage I buy at least 1 yard

  31. Althea Avatar

    Love your quilts, the colors just pop for me! I love the charm packs and I buy the yard or more at a time just to have it!! You can never have enough fabric or books! My pups are now wanting their own quilt since they saw yours on the quilt!! I am going to make a plaid one for my Old Time Farm Scotch Collie, Angus. Thank you for sharing your block with us, I now have more fabric added to my “need” list!!

  32. Patti Rosenbaum Avatar
    Patti Rosenbaum

    I just think I am addicted to Primitive Gatherings in general! I love the quilts that you make and the fabric designs are out of this world. I just have to keep up collecting them all! I can’t wait to try this Whirlygig.

  33. Elizabeth AnnCarter Schraeder Avatar

    Well my “go to” size for fabric is constantly changing… many moons ago when I was first learning to quilt my go to size was 1/2 to 1 yard, then I moved on to 3 yard cuts but now I’m in a get things finshed mode I tend to buy things that are put together in a kit such as your Summer Block of the Week “Words to Live By” (which by the way I’m loving putting together). When I’m not buying as a kit, I pretty much stick to a fat quarter unless it’s for a specific project and then I only buy what size I need. I love love love (did I mention LOVE?) your pictures in this post, which one of your books are these patterns in? I believe those have inspired me to make a sizable dent in my stash. Hugs from So Cal

  34. Claudia TN Avatar
    Claudia TN

    I’ve been buying layer cakes of late. They give me a good variety of fabric and a decent amount at the same time.

  35. Ellen Ingram Avatar
    Ellen Ingram

    I love buying charms (5″), jelly rolls, layer cakes and then fabrics for the sashing, edges, and the backing which I always do in several different pieces. But, if I am just “buying fabric” because I love it, I will get either a half or full yard! You can imagine my shelves. If I had more room, it wouldn’t matter, I’d fill it up. Woe is me. Love your picture of the truck tower, perfect timing I’d say! Ellen

  36. gijane279 Avatar

    I just tried to comment but when I was asked to login my comment went off into never never land. LOL… Anyway hopefully it doesn’t show up later and make me look like I’m trying to enter twice (I’m not) For me when I first learned to quilt I used to buy 1/2 to 1 yard pieces, but soon learned that if I was making anything that wasn’t scrappy it wasn’t enough so I then went to buying 3 yard pieces… long story short I have a huge amount of “stash” ! Now my priority is to get things finished so I buy as a kit, which by the way I love love love the SBOW “Words to Live By” and I’m making good progress on my 13 blocks (all are prepped for the hand stitching). Thank you for the lovely pictures of the quilts on this blog, what book do they come from (did I miss that when I read it?), I’m thinking I could make a sizable dent in my stash making a few of these, especially the tulip quilt… I adore that one. Hugs from SoCal

  37. Susan Kellam Avatar
    Susan Kellam

    If I’m adding to my 1800’s reproduction stash I buy 1/4 yd. so I’ll have lots of different prints for a quilt. But if I’m really in love with the fabric, I’ll buy 3 yds. so I’ll have enough for a border. I just love your little 18″ quilt!

  38. Barbara Bledsoe Avatar
    Barbara Bledsoe

    Thanks for the quilt show…love the whirligig pattern!

  39. Martina Avatar

    I buy mostly half yards too. But I also love fat quarters, they are great too. Thanks for the lovely block!

  40. Marilyn Avatar

    I love all sizes. I love all my children, and grand-children. They are in all sizes. I make all size quilts, and love each one. Yes, you are right. What would the world be like with just one size?? Today, 9/11, we remember those HUGE buildings coming down, but if they were small buildings, would the reaction have been the same? It is all up to the person, as to the size. I like to buy big, then you are covered if you need big pieces, or cut them to small pieces. Thank you Lisa for having a HUGE selection of fabrics, and sizes to please all the quilters out there.

  41. Kim S Avatar

    I usually buy one yards at a time and sometimes charm packs.

  42. Janet Houge Avatar
    Janet Houge

    Love the tulip quilt. But like the other ones, too. And your fabrics are awesome.

  43. Phyllis Avatar

    I like precuts, mainly charms, also fat quarters.

  44. Leanne Sant Avatar
    Leanne Sant

    I buy kits when ever I have the chance!! Love your block and thanks for your inspiration!

    1. Beverly Avatar

      Linda you are a VERY CREATIVE DESIGNER – implementing traditional blocks into the newness of each season…thank you for the tulip lift!

  45. Chris Teague Avatar
    Chris Teague

    (Hi there, I tried posting this at the other post but it got hung up in “Awaiting moderation back at 9:59am)

    My favorite ‘size’ to buy is 2 yard cuts and here’s why: Sometimes I just really like the fabric but have no ‘use’ for it at that moment. But I know that is time I will and that’s when I congratulate myself at being smart enough to splurge. I also love the weight in my bag as I carry it out the door. I’m a gatherer; what can I say?

  46. Lisa E Avatar
    Lisa E

    I buy 1/2 yards the most. I also like jelly rolls. Your dogs are so cute.

  47. Sheri-Lee Youmans Avatar
    Sheri-Lee Youmans

    I like to buy 1/2 yrd and layer cakes best!

  48. Barb Avatar

    If I buy fabric and don’t know what I am going to do with it I usually buy a yard. If I really like it and it is on sale I buy 2 yards. Thanks for a chance to win some prizes

  49. Sandie Mackintosh Avatar
    Sandie Mackintosh

    I always buy 2 charm packs of my favorite designers lines. If the budget allows I buy Fat quarter collections. I have been trying to use more different fabrics in a color family, instead of all one red, or all one blue, so my buying habits are changing… Used to be if I bought it was a minimum of 3 yards, now, Unless i know it is for the borders, the most I buy is a half yard.

  50. Donna Avatar

    A yard….always works for me…

  51. Mary Andra Avatar

    If I love it I but 3 to 6 yards. If I love it I but 1 yard. If I love the whole line I buy 1/2 yard of each of it and then 3 to 6 yards of two different that are in the line. Great block

  52. stacey larson Avatar
    stacey larson

    Well as my son says “Mom your a fabric hoarder!” YUP…………I love 5 yard cuts of fabrics that I absolutely love so I have them for backings. Designers I’m addicted to I usually get a fat quarter pack so I can have a sampling of all the fabrics. I love to touch and feel the fabrics first hand- then I get larger yardage of the ones I can’t live without. Primitive Gatherings being one of the designers I love!!! But you already knew that Lisa. 🙂 There’s nothing worse than loving a fabric and not being able to find it again.

  53. Shari Avatar

    Love to collect fat quarters.

  54. kathy h Avatar
    kathy h

    My favorite are the 5 inch charms and 1 and 1/2 yards of fabric. I can make 2 pillowcases from that or have a border for a nice wall hanging.

  55. Robin Avatar

    I love fat quarters! It’s a rare treat to buy a fat quarter tower of a single line, but that’s the ultimate fun.

  56. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I like to buy 1/2 yards and fat quarters. Love the pictures of all the new quilts.

  57. Linda Yeager Avatar
    Linda Yeager

    I prefer yardage, primarily 1/2 yd… occasionally 1 yd if I have a definite use for it or it’s something I’ll make a binding out of. Rarely will I buy precuts as I wash all my material, and you can’t do that to them. I have two patterns of yours; one I’m working on inbetween other quilts (45 & Life to Go) and another (Snowflake Garden)
    for…sometime in the future! LOL

  58. Mary Andra Avatar

    If I love it I but 3 to 6 yards. If I love it I but 1 yard. If I love the whole line I buy 1/2 yard of each of it and then 3 to 6 yards of two different that are in the line. Great block. This is my third try but for some reason it is not taking my reply.

  59. Nancy Thomas Avatar
    Nancy Thomas

    I love it all! Really like fat-quarters and 5-inch charms so you can play with a bigger variety.

  60. Sandy Avatar

    I like to applique so my favorite is fat quarters.

  61. Brandy Pettit Avatar
    Brandy Pettit

    I really like to get Fat Quarters, because it gives me wiggle room with my sizes, but I am also learning to love the 5 inch charm packs as well for the simplicity they can offer. I really enjoy your tulip quilt, it makes me happy, so thank you for sharing it!

  62. Barb Johnson Avatar
    Barb Johnson

    I’m not sure if I am commenting in the correct place to be entered, but here goes – I tend to buy single yards of fabric, unless I know that I am going to use it for a background, or a backing. I also love, love, love jelly rolls. They are addictive!

  63. Theresa Avatar

    HI Lisa! I just love fabric period! I love the precuts but if I see something I really like, I buy two yards of the fabric. I’m always asked what am I making and I just say I don’t know, it’s an addition to my stash. Thank you for a great blog as always!

  64. Sandra Richardson Avatar

    I like 1/2 yards and jelly rolls. Thanks for the chance to win..

  65. Lois Wilhelm Avatar
    Lois Wilhelm

    I have never met a “size” of fabric I didn’t love…with that note, I buy in all sizes! If I love it a lot, then multiple yards, otherwise whatever moves me at the point of sale….From those bundles of 2 1/2″ squares (?) to charms and up!! Thanks for posting pictures of the beautiful quilts….inspiring!

  66. Pam from Indiana Avatar
    Pam from Indiana

    I have mainly fat quarters — am buying charm packs, too! I do love a scrappy look so that’s how I get it! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  67. Carol Gouveia Avatar
    Carol Gouveia

    If I am buying off the bolt I will purchase 1/2 yard. As for precuts I usually go for layer cakes if available. Love the little tulip quilt!

  68. Bri Loftis Avatar

    Wow! Your patterns are as creative as your fabric! When I buy yardage, I usually buy a yard. In precuts, I usually get a jelly roll, but lately have bought layer cakes. Also love the tulip quilt!

  69. Laurie Fildey Avatar
    Laurie Fildey

    I like the size of the fat quarter and the mini charms for doing hexs

  70. Rosemary Redhead Avatar
    Rosemary Redhead

    I am a kit shopper but love to buy fat quarters to “fondle”. I have a pattern on hold just waiting for your new line in November … it will look so awesome!

  71. Jennifer Avatar

    Lisa, your fabric and designs are beautiful!! when I’m around beautiful fabric I find myself unable to purchase anything less than a half yard

  72. Mary Avatar

    I usually buy 1/3 to 1/2 yard cuts. If I really like the fabric, I will buy 3 yards! Needless to say, my stash is huge! I love fabric! I also am I great kit buyer – – I need another lifetime to finish all of the projects I have lined up! LOL!

  73. Pat Neyens Avatar

    I like Kits and Kit Kats! Kits w/wool accents are the best.

  74. Kathy Avatar

    I never met a fabric that I didn’t like so I buy all kinds…….yards, halves, fat quarters, layer cakes…….

    Who are we kidding……..we will never use up our stashes as we keep buying more!!!

  75. Beth Avatar

    I always like to cut up my veggies is larger chunks for stews or soups or salads and my husband chops everything fine! So what does that mean?? He does most of the cooking lately. My Mom told me that if you buy fabric that you don’t know what you’re going to do with it you should buy 3 yds. So if it’s not in a kit and I just have to have it, it’s 3 yds for me! I do like the 5″ charms too. Besser

  76. Janet Glover Avatar
    Janet Glover

    I like to buy fat quarter bundles, then I can add extra yardage of my favorites (which is usually all of them)!!! I also like the charm and mini charm squares. Thanks for the cute pattern. Keep on creating and inspiring all of us.

  77. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    My mom always told me to buy 3 yds if I didn’t know what I was using it for so I like that amount! I also like the 5″ charms. Now when chopping veggies for soup or stew, I like big chunks but my husband chops everything fine. I was told that was the French in him! As for me, I just want to get done quicker!!

  78. Duane Avatar

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  79. Wanda Myers Avatar
    Wanda Myers

    The smallest size I like to buy is 1/2 yds, usually I buy 1 yard pieces. If I really like the fabric, I’ll buy yards. Now if I’m wanting the whole line of fabric, I’ll get the quarter yard bundles!

  80. mamageese Avatar

    Love your tulip quilt…exquisite! I have many charm packs in my stash, but lately I’ve been getting layer cakes. I’m a novice quilter, as I ‘ve been on and off if it for 15 years. I’ve learned so much from Moda, and when I’m not sewing, or internet shopping for fabric, I’m on someone’s blog learning new things. THX!

  81. Sandy G. Avatar
    Sandy G.

    If I don’t know wha I’m making and I really love the fabric, I’ll buy 3 yards, but I do love the charm packs. Your quilts are great, can’t wait for the new line to come out.

  82. Mandi Avatar

    I love charm packs and fat quarters! There is always room for those even in a packed, tiny quilt space!

  83. Jessica :) Avatar

    there have been so many inspiring blocks! this hop has really opened my eyes as to what can be done with one block!

  84. Carol Santos Avatar
    Carol Santos

    I love reading your blog and primitive gatherings. It’s very inspirational. I usually buy fat quarters and 1 yard cuts or any size in between. Size doesn’t matter !!

  85. Kim Turner Avatar
    Kim Turner

    I have limited sewing space so I buy charm packs,jelly rolls and layer cakers. On occassion I pick up a fat quarter as well.

  86. Lorraine Avatar

    I like buying fat quarters or jelly rolls. Thanks for all of the quilt ideas!

  87. mary Avatar

    I like fat quarters, 3 yds, and other folks scrap bags that give you stuff you wouldn’t buy yourself.

  88. Michelle Avatar

    Lisa love anything you come up with! Enjoy sewing with you. I always buy fat quarter bundles and I like kits. When I see a quilt hanging in a shop that I like I hope there is a kit.

  89. Linda Milward Avatar

    I just realized something about size .. I prefer to use precuts, why ? because I have arthritis and i can’t handle tons of yardage .. so I was thrilled when layer cakes and charm packs etc came out .. all i have to do now is stop making King size quilts LOL .. which I plan to do !

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