Designer Mystery Blog Post

Hi…I’m Lisa from Primitive Gatherings…I am so excited to be a part of this mystery event!

Welcome to this 2014DM Quilt 4Designer Mystery Blog Hop Hosted by Fat Quarter Shop.  This Mystery quilt is  made with fabric from Moda Fabrics designed by Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts.  The collection is called  Snowbird…and it is so beautiful….you can see it and order it from Fat Quarter Shop at the link at the top, and also visit Edyta’s blog to see her inspiration and post about this beautiful fabric…I wish I could show you my block…but then it wouldn’t be a MYSTERY now would it…but you know it is going to be a gorgeous quilt with this fabric line and 12 different star blocks…that is a recipe for a successful quilt!

snowbird-bundle-200snowbird-batik-200I was invited to design a star block for this mystery quilt.  The quilt consists of 12 star blocks made from this beautiful soft blue color palette…We were also asked to name this star after a STAR in our lives…My star is named Fast Eddie…after my DadEddie Hoefler Photo…I miss him and all the fun we had….growing up and as we got older.  I recently have been going through the family photo album and keepsakes and came across a few things…like this….I found a grade school graduation card…from JUST my Dad…I bet it had a big bill in it too! But the fact that he gave me a card from just him must have been very special to me…as I kept it and I am

Lisa - Graduation Card Side 2

not a “keeper of everything” kind of person.

My Dad was a very exciting person to be around…he was talented musically, he played the accordion, hum-strum(stump fiddle) beer bottle, the harmonica and the spoons…So you can kind of tell this was a make-do kind of guy….My Dad was a Body Mechanic and worked days at the local dealership and evenings to flip cars and resell them…He worked hard and enjoyed life…when he wasn’t working he was playing…He enjoyed saturday evenings out with mom for dinner and then out to the tavern where I’m sure at more than a  few of these outings they were partying to the music playing and  getting everyone to play “something”  including the

Lisa - Graduation Card Side 1

 jug…I could tell my parents had a lot of fun from the photos of their good times…

we also had a “mobile home ” parked year round at a “campground”

Eddie Fishing

 where we did all kinds of year round things from Fishing, (see photo-remember those polaroids?) hunting, snowmobiling…to going to the band every Saturday night…I miss the excitement he brought to everything that was going on…I miss the stories he told…I guess the more I think about it…his “star” shined bright in my life and still does…

Now back to the HOP…If this if the first you have heard of the hop you may want to go and visit the other designers blog posts listed here below…and Don’t for get to go to FQ Shop website, comment to win a $75 Gift Card…and boy that sounds like a great idea…if you want a $75 Primitive Gathering Gift Card…Comment…tell me your Dads name and your best memory…most people won’t probably read this fine print, but if you do I bet you have a good chance claiming the Prize…

March 7th
Sweetwater –
Cotton Way –
Sandy Gervais –

March 14th
Minick and Simpson –
Vanessa Christenson –
Fig Tree and Co. –
Kate Spain –

March 21st
Kansas Troubles –
Bunny Hill –
Me and My Sister Designs –
Primitive Gatherings –

March 28th
Prize Winners announced on the Jolly Jabber



254 responses to “Designer Mystery Blog Post”

  1. Joni Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Jack
    I am really lucky that he is still part of my life as on Tues March 26th he will be 80 years young. He grew up in a very disfunctional family life & family gatherings are very important to him .

  2. Pat Doyle Avatar
    Pat Doyle

    My dad’s name is Carl. Dad was a mailman, and one of my favorite memories is of walking along with him on his mail route during my summer vacations when I was probably eight or nine years old. He was taking his kid to work long before the take-your-daughter-to-work days went national!

  3. Cooking Karen Avatar

    John Richard, He was a master story teller with an infectious smile!

  4. Janice Avatar

    Hi Lisa,
    I also have been doing a lot of reminiscing ! I have been getting so many “signs” from my parents. I have so many great memories of my dad. He could do anything and did. He was a successful businessman in many different ventures. I have so many good memories. My first horse was owned by both of us. Half and half. He owned the middle and I owned the front and back. Think about it. As I got older and did not have the time to spend with animals he decided to purchase a motorcycle for us. I said same deal right Dad! He agreed. Haha gas tank in the middle. Thanks for prompting this special memory.

  5. MaryMarge Avatar

    Ok – crazy thing. My dad’s name was Harry but everyone called him by his middle name – Trev. Not a real popular name back then but he made it work. My favorite story of him is: All of us were talented musically but not my dad. Not a lick of talent there! But he did play the kazoo. (I might mention that he didn’t have any rhythm either!). We would play guitars and banjo and he would get that dang kazoo out and start with it. Threw us all off! And I used to get MAD! This was serious business here! One time I looked over at him while he was playing and I saw the delight on his face. The man was in pure heaven. I never said anything again. Untalented as he was, he loved being around us, hearing the music and adding what he could.

  6. Jill Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your story, it was wonderful.
    My dad’s name is Kenneth and my fondest memory is something simple, but it is imagines of his hands. The strength of them, the worn and tough skin of them. When you look at them and touch them you can read his whole life.

  7. Judith Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Woodrow…Woody for short. Too many wonderful memories of him, but mots of all I can still see his Irish smile. It was always there for me.

  8. Brenda Avatar

    My dad’s name was Albert. he was a very hard worker who worked 16 hour days as a small grocery store owner to provide for his family.He loved us deeply and would do anything for us. He took one day off a summer to spend the day with his family. Dad passed away 18 years ago and I still miss him every day.

  9. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    My dad, Hector, loves car racing. My mother tired of going to races with him when I was a young girl. So I started going with him. I didn’t think he should go alone. So he always asked me. I always said yes. I love those memories.

    1. Becky M Avatar
      Becky M

      My dad’s name was Harold. My mom used to say, “he could strike up a conversation with a fence post” and it is my memory that he talked to EVERYbody. We lived on a farm in MN and people would bring him things to fix because he was also a welder. He brought everyone to the house for coffee and Mom’s cookies. We too had a mobile home permanently parked at a lake and I have many happy memories of time spent there with family, friends and relatives. We live far iaway from them all now and I miss them. My dad has been gone for many years, but I have his eyes and I see him every time I look in the mirror.

  10. Rebecca Avatar

    My Dad’s name is David. The best. He still will help solve any of my troubles!

  11. Kim Wolter Avatar
    Kim Wolter

    My dad’s name is Merle and he was surrounded by women – my mom and 5 daughters – he was a very hard worker sometimes working 2 jobs to provide for us – one of my memories is of him standing out in the rain in a blue windbreaker teaching me to parallel park.

  12. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    My dad’s name was Bill. He had the most contagious high pitched laugh/giggle. I can still see/hear him. 🙂

  13. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    My dad’s name is Ron…the thing I admire about my dad, besides the usual of hard working, etc., is how he let me do the “fun things” as a kid….as long as he knew for sure I could. Like for instance swimming in a lake by myself… after I could swim across the lake (with him next to me in the boat) then I was allowed. Driving a snowmobile…..after he took me through a maze where he knew I would get stuck and could get out by myself, learning to drive at 12…after letting me “practice” in some woods without hitting any trees. I so appreciate everything my parents did for us, they made sure we had fun as kids… even though nothing was ever new it still served the same purpose and we still had fun. Now at 75 yo my dad is still going strong and he is having fun 🙂

  14. Judy Avatar

    My Dad’s name was James. My best memory of him is a morning of fishing on Lake Murval in East Texas. Several of our family members had small cabins there at the lake. We would spend every summer weekend we could at the lake swimming, fishing and just being with family. My dad woke me up early one morning and asked me if I would like to go fishing with him. Well, of course I said yes. We got in the small boat and took off. When we came to a spot that Dad thought looked promising; he asked me to drive the boat. I was scared but did my best. He would tell me “Go over there by the trees. Bass could be hiding in the cool water there”. “Let’s try over on the other side of that cove”. We spent several hours looking for those bass but did not catch any that morning. Still the time spent with my Dad that day is a beautiful memory for me.

  15. Darlene D'Eon Avatar
    Darlene D’Eon

    Beautiful fabric for what I’m sure will be a beautiful quilt! My Dad was wonderful! He passed away very unexpectedly three and a half years ago. There are so many memories but some of my favs were spent with just him and I fishing. From the time that I was just a little girl until the spring before he died. Thanks for telling us about your dad!

  16. Pam Avatar

    My dad’s name was Erwin (Erv for short). He was a very compassionate man and loved people. He was very smart and was a veteran of the Army. My grandparents had a lake home and we spent our summer weekends fishing and playing in the lake. I have so many wonderful memories of him and miss him all the time. What a great way to start my day…thinking of the most wonderful man I have ever met!

  17. DebrafromMD Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Robert, but everyone called him by his nickname Micky. He was in the Navy for over 30 years which means that there were some long periods of separation when he was deployed on ships. My best memories were of the homecomings after these long deployments. It was always good to have Daddy home with us again.

  18. Sharon Avatar

    You’re lucky to have so many good memories of your dad! My dad’s name was Otto. Unfortunately he passed away when I was only 5 years old so I don’r have a lot of memories. Before he passed we lived on a farm. I remember going to a farm auction once with him, those bleachers seemed so huge to me. Wish I had more to tell.

  19. Paula Lipe Avatar
    Paula Lipe

    Donald. The day when he finally let me have a kitten and then he was the one that sat every night and held her in his lap. She (Sox) lived for 17 years and he cried just like me when she passed away. My Dad and I had a special bond because of that little kitty. It still brings tears to my eyes to think about my Dad and My cat. Happy Memories. Paula

  20. Kathy Baker Avatar
    Kathy Baker

    Lisa, thank you for sharing memories of your dad. My dad’s name was Reuben. My mother always said she had five kids – my three siblings, me, and my father. I can’t say I have one favorite memory, as there are numerous ones, but I often think of our family outings to the county fair. Dad was up for anything – going on the rides with us, sharing cotton candy, walking through the exhibits, but his favorite activity was playing the games. He loved “I Got It!,” always lucky to win, then letting us pick out the prizes! Thanks for letting me share!

  21. Lauren Avatar

    My dad Norm had a machine repair shop in our garage – I used to love to ride my bike round and round the same path just to be near him while he was out there working. He passed when I was only 20 (I’m 57 now) so some of the memories are clouded with time, but this one is still strong and sweet!

  22. Sally Jean Avatar
    Sally Jean

    My Dad’s name was Robert (Bob) and worked at the Milwaukee Journal. He passed away 7 years ago but the best thing about dad was when I needed him the most he was there for me. We were both middle children so we had a connection there. Miss you Dad 🙂

  23. Phaye Avatar

    My dad’s name is Glen. He was a hard working man. Never without a project to keep him busy. One of my fondness memories was playing horseshoes with him. He was pretty good at horseshoes and patiently helped me learn how to throw a mean shoe. I miss him and his wry sense of humor. Always had a joke to tell me.

  24. Sue Avatar

    My dads name was Jack. He was a barber with eight children. He was a great man and father.

  25. Melanie Truesdale Avatar
    Melanie Truesdale

    My Dad’s name was Ralph Joseph Shade. My favorite memory is of him coming into our bedroom with a metal cake pan and wooden spoon banging it to wake us up to go do something fun or on Christmas morning to see what “Santa” left, He was like a big kid at heart. I really, really miss him,

  26. Alice Tignor Avatar

    My dad’s name was Leonard. He is still with me through all of the things he taught me. We shared the love of cooking and the appreciation of antiques. I see him in my children even the ones he never knew!
    Thank you Lisa for sharing your dad!

  27. Christie Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Dale and some of my very favorite memories are him taking me to the OSU football games. We have had some great talks and seen some great games. We are both huge fans and love the band and the team. Besides the fun times, Dad has always been the strong one during sad times. God love ’em, whenever I have had a beloved pet pass, Dad would always come over to help with things even though I knew his heart ached too. I’ve very fortunate to still have him and count each day as a blessing!

  28. Muriel Brawn Avatar
    Muriel Brawn

    Hi Lisa! What a beautiful fabric to work with…oh my gosh.
    My Dad was the greatest and if you remember the song “Daddy’s Hands” that was my Dad. He was a farmer and like your Dad worked hard and played hard. We were a family of 7 kids (WHEW!) and all worked on the farm. No allowance, but given fun money when at the local fielddays etc. he even grew softer as the years went by and grandchildren came along…i.e. Our daughter had a very difficult time in labor with her first child…when talking to him it brought him to tears…never saw that as I was growing up! He was a star for all of us!!!


  29. Allison Evrard Avatar
    Allison Evrard

    My dad was Alfred Mathias, named after his father and grandfather. He was the smartest man I’ve ever known. He always expected the best from each of us and instilled a love of learning in me that still guides me towards learning and trying new things. And maybe best of all, he was an avid gardener. Now, my sister, brother, and I have followed in his footsteps and have gorgeous gardens of our own.

  30. Mary Schreiner Avatar
    Mary Schreiner

    My dads name was Wayne. My dad worked in the steel mills of Gary, as most of my friends fathers did. He was an amazing father and role model. My fondest memories are of spending time together, as a family, outdoors in the summer, swimming and playing in the sandbox that dad made my sister and I.

  31. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    My dad’s name was Wayne. He never failed to attend my softball games and be my greatest supporter.

  32. Missie Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Harold…there are too many great memories to name a favorite, but the picture of your dad at the lake makes me think of all the fun times at our lake house. Several times, every few years, the white bass would school on the surface of the water. I would be skiing behind the boat and we’d go through one of these areas and he would stop instantly to fish! LOL! There I was a silly girl in the middle of a schooling bunch of fish bubbling on top of the water! I learned to just sit still and wait till they passed on to the next area of the lake. When my dad finished catching the limit in only a few minutes, we’d get back to skiing, laughing all the way!

  33. sue Schultz Avatar
    sue Schultz

    Wonderful memories you have shared with us Lisa. My dad’s name is Bill. Growing up our vacations were camping trips in our pop up camper. Dad was a fisheries biologist and loves the outdoors. We would go to all the beautiful places along Lake Superior. Bon fires, looking for agates, playing games around the table at night, all such good memories.

  34. Jane Avatar

    My Dad’s name was George. He was an odd kind of guy. He died when I was 22. He had just retired about 1.5 years before he passed away. He was a great dancer and at weddings, everyone wanted to dance with my Dad. He taught me many being the polka. Love it.

  35. stacy Avatar

    My dad is also an Ed and my best memories growing up were traveling with the sports he played. Our vacations were wherever the tournaments were. After the games the dads would take over for the tired moms who had kept track of 20 some kids at a big park all day. Our dads would take us to the park in the dark to play or sneak us into the hotel pool afrer it was closed so we could all have a late night swim. I have many many good memories of little things like that thst just make my Dad the special man he is!.

  36. Sylvia Avatar

    Memories of my dad, who I lost last May, at the age of 104, are always with me, since he was a fun loving, happy guy, with a ready smile and I loved him with all my heart. I am an only child, and even at age 78, it was a very devastating loss for me. I feel that he is still with us, enjoying family gatherings, which he dearly loved, and playing with his great, great grandchildren, who were his pride and joy.

  37. Mountain Gurl Quilts Avatar

    Hi Lisa, Thanks so much for sharing your memories of your dad. My dad’s name is Jerry (Jer) as everyone calls him. He was a volunteer fireman and would drive a yellow firetruck in our local parade, I always got to ride on top and throw candy at the kids, but I guess my best memory of my dad while I was growing up is all the times that he came outside to play $5 with my friends on our street, he would throw the ball way up in the air and we would all try to catch it. as the ball was coming down he would call out a dollar amount and if we caught it, we would have to add that onto our total, sometimes he would say “in the hole” (which meant you would lose a dollar)…you were too busy wanting to catch that ball that you sometimes did not hear him yell it and everyone else would be staying away from that ball, because you did not want to lose points…LOL Now I have kids of my own and when grandpa comes to visit, we still play that same game. He cannot throw as high as he used to, he has been stricken with a disease called myasthenia gravis that slows him down a lot, but he tries his best, just has a hard time breathing and tires easily, but he bears through it to give my kids the same enjoyment he did me when I was growing up! Love you dad! Thanks, Lisa, for letting me share.


  38. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    My dad’s name was Wayne. When I was about 10 our parents told us they bought a new home and all of us kids were so sad because we didn’t want to move from our friends. In reality they bought a travel trailer and we had the best vacation going from MN to Yellowstone and all the great sites inbetween. We had many great memories through the years camping and having fun with family.

  39. Jackie Avatar

    My dad was Bob, and he was a contractor. One of my favorite memories was back in the late 70’s just the two of us took a trip up to Fish Creek Wisconsin to help move my sister and her husband back to Ohio. As a treat he said we would take the car ferry from Michigan over to Wisconsin and we would get a stateroom to rest in. Well I was a teenager and the Love Boat was very popular then so you can imagine what I was in visioning that our stateroom would look like…lol. It ended up to be two pull down bunks on the wall with a sink in the room and no Captain Stubing, Gopher or Issac anywhere LOL! I was trapped in the top bunk while my dad snored very loudly underneath…it was the start of a wonderfully fun and memorable trip that I cherish to this day. He has been gone now for 19 years and I still miss him! Love you Dad!

  40. Diane Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ralph . He was a farmer all his life. Mostly dairy cows. My memories include going to the milking parlour and washing the equipment at milking time. My earliest memory was when I got a pony we named Wendy and Dad would lift me up on Wendy and walk me around and around the yard.

  41. Sheila S Avatar
    Sheila S

    My dad’s first name was Charles but actually he went by his middle name of Judson or Judd. My father was not a demonstrative man but the memory of him that I treasure most was when my mom, daughter and myself went to Ireland and found the town and Church in Tipperary county that his people had came from. While there, I purchased a walking stick and I carried it all over in our travels and brought it home and gave it to him. When I presented it to him-he started crying. It was the first and last time in my life that I ever saw him cry. I miss my dad!

  42. Paula Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Robert. Some of my fondest childhood memories come from our summer holidays when we always went caravanning (and still do 40+ years on). He would bring us out in Grandad’s boat fishing for mackrel, read us bed time stories (Alice in Wonderland is one I remember particularly). I’m so glad that now I get to bring my children on such summer holidays and that he’s always there to share so much with them.

  43. Christina Nancarrow Avatar
    Christina Nancarrow

    My dad was a quiet, strong, kind man who was held in high esteem in the hearts of so many. His name was Stanley and I love and miss him so much.
    Dad was very young (18) when I was born, but always so strong. He was in the Coast Guard, so he was away a lot. When he was home wih us, he would entertain us with silly things like chasing the light of a flashlight and telling stories by the campfire while we were camping. He had a fantastic sense of humor. I have so many wonderful memories, it’s hard to choose just one.
    Dad loved us and his grandchildren and instilled us with high values and a sense of right and wrong. I feel very blessed to have such a wonderful father and to have known such a wonderful man.
    I love you Dad.

  44. Miss Kitty Avatar
    Miss Kitty

    My dad’s name was Thomas Onslow but everyone called him TO. He died when I was 16 from a fire. I miss him to this very day! He was a truck driver and my favorite memory is riding in his HUGE truck and him singing to the radio. He always came home from a trip with lots of “surprises” and I was always excited when he rolled in. Wonder if it was him or the surprises???? Ha…

  45. Cindi P Avatar
    Cindi P

    My dad’s name is Earl and at the age of 84 he is still making memories for me. I am not sure I can pick my favorite memory but it might be the special note he wrote me as I was doing my internship for my college degree and I wasn’t able to go onthe family vacation for the first time. He told me how proud he was of me and how much he loved me.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  46. Carrie P. Avatar

    My dad’s name was John David. Most people called him Jim. The best memory I have with my dad is all the camping and boating trips we took. Best times ever. I love camping and when I had kids we took them camping too. I hope they have fond memories of doing that together too. Thanks for the giveaway and I enjoyed your post.

  47. Sandra Avatar

    My father, Theo, had a wonderful laugh and a twinkle in his eye. He was a loving family man who always said “I’m not going if we can’t take the kids”. We always knew how important we were to him. Leukemia took him way too young. Love you Daddy!

  48. Joyce Beenes Avatar
    Joyce Beenes

    What a beautiful story you shared. My dad’s name is Alvin Arthur. I can still hear my mom calling his full name when she was tired of his silly jokes. He loves to tell jokes, and a few years ago the grand kids put together a book with all of his jokes. “What time do you go to the dentist? 2:30. (tooth hurty)”!

  49. Miriam Avatar

    My dad was George. My fondest memory was going with him to the YMCA to watch home swim when he was 90 years old. He loved the water, and I can still see him smiling up at me during class. What a guy. I loved him so. He also loved music. He ‘d play for his friends at the Assisted Living. Music and exercise kept him young . He had the biggest hands, but he could”tickle the ivories” like no one else.

  50. Jody Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Jim. He’s been gone for about 1 1/2 yrs now but still think of him everyday. He LOVED to fish! When I was growing up I would go fishing with him all the time. We had a small outboard fishing boat. I loved to fish as well, but I think that is because he would always bait my hook for me. 🙂 He was my biggest cheerleader.

  51. Debra Wilbourn Avatar
    Debra Wilbourn

    My Dad holds a very special place in my heart and always will!!! He is a very hard worker and always has to be working on a project. He worked as a miner for the Homestake Gold Mine in the Black Hills. At he age of 81 he remains very active–living in Lead, SD winter can very snowy. He not only shovels snow around his own home he also does the neighbors. He also checks on the elderly and assist them with anything that needs to be done. When I was in college he would write me letters just to keep me informed as to what was happening at home. I still have those letters and cherish them. Many childhood pictures of our outings driving around the Black Hills and our impromptu picnic!!

  52. Phyllis Avatar

    My father’s name was Harold. He passed away when I was 10 years old from cancer. He was a gentle man with a heart full of love. He worked in a bank and always wore a suit and tie. When he died my grandfather and an uncle stepped up for my sister and I so in reality I guess I had 3 Dads.

  53. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    My dad was the life of the party too! We were raised on a farm and he was a diemaker for GM too. We showed cattle and hogs at the 4-H Fair and when we weren’t working hard we were playing hard too! We went camping, snowmobiling and we would have Euchre tournaments too. He would turn our pole barn into a giant party with lots of friends, music, pig roast and of course a few beers too!! Very good memories indeed!

  54. Dee Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Woodrow Wilson – his momma was a schoolteacher. One of my favorite memories is having coffee one morning after Mom passed and I told him Dad, you are going to think I am crazy, but I have to tell you something. He said, “Ohhhh?” I told him “I had a dream about Mom and, well, she called me and told me that she is ok, she loves us, and I was supposed to look after you.”
    He thought about that and I finally I said, “you think I’m crazy huh?” He said “No, I am just upset that she didn’t call me.” We had a good laugh after that. I do miss my morning coffee with him before I went to work each day.

  55. Sara Avatar

    My dad’s name was Philip and the greatest memory was of his story telling of stories he made up about a pink magic elephant. I just wish I could have written them all down!

  56. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    My Dad’s name is Don and my favorite memories are every summer weekend, hearing the Detroit Tigers baseball game on the radio while my Dad cleaned out the pool. And playing playing catch with him out on the street, him teaching me how to throw a baseball.

  57. Janice Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ken (short for Kenneth). My fondest memories of him are centered around this time of year as Easter approaches. As a young married man, he gathered all his married buddies together and organized an Easter picnic for all the families way out under a shade tree in the countryside. After church we’d all run home, change out of our Easter finery, grab the fried chicken and potato salad and head for the “picnic place”. After lunch the dads would take all the eggs from everyone’s Easter basket (most were boiled and dyed in those days) and hide them in a nearby pasture. Daddy would pass his cap around and all the loose change and a few dollars where thrown in to be divided into several prize eggs. It was a grand day for a little kid! Today I rarely see an Easter basket without thinking of my Dad. I don’t know for sure the year the picnic was started, but I’m so proud to say that my Dad’s Easter picnic continues as a family tradition for my family some 60+ years later. Love him and miss him!

  58. Judy Fullerton Avatar
    Judy Fullerton

    My dad’s name was John, but everybody called him “Jack”. He was a very hard worker and did his best to provide for my mom and us kids. My dad died tragically many years ago, but I carry his memory with me every day, recall all the “little” things, and sometimes I dream about him. It is a comfort to me, and I believe his way of letting me know he is still with me and guiding me every day. My dad always believed in me, and taught me to think that I could do anything I put my mind to if I didn’t give up and worked hard enough at it. I think that was his greatest gift to me. I was his only daughter, and I my best memories are of the times we spent together – just the two of us – fishing and talking quietly.

  59. Marj Avatar

    My Dads name is Leland and my favorite memory is his special Valentines gifts he gave me every year to make me feel loved.

  60. pdroberts Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ben, I grew up with that man who could make and repair anything. There was not a day that he did not create something wonderful. I remember especially the desk he built for me. Even as an adult I remember him helping me make picture frames for my counted cross stitch pieces. I think that is where I got the ability to quilt, stitch, sew, knit, crochet and all the other things I can do today. Thanks, Dad.

  61. Melanie Avatar

    My Dad’s name is John. Technically he’s my “step-Dad”, but to me he’s always been Dad. He came into my life when I was ten and immediately took my brother and I as his own. He was the one who coached our baseball and softball teams, sat in the bleachers cheering while we ran track and played basketball. He walked me down the aisle and cried when I married the love of my life. He was the one sitting or should I say pacing in the waiting room when both of my sons were born. He’s never been a “step” Dad to me, he’s always just been Dad.

  62. Sally Hurst Avatar
    Sally Hurst

    My best memory of my dad, Wally, is of how much he accepted and loved my daughter, who is adopted. In fact he sometimes even favored her (on small things) which warmed my heart. He was also a very hard worker, putting his family first, before himself. Thanks, Lisa, for the memories.

  63. Michelle F. Avatar
    Michelle F.

    My dad’s name was John. My favorite memory is going to the Indianapolis Motor Speedway each May to watch the drivers practice. We would have lunch at the USAC restaurant and I would have a candy bar and a Coke. Only a dad would allow that. Recently I was able to go to the track with my own son and it was a full circle moment!

  64. Linda Kramer Avatar
    Linda Kramer

    My Dad’s name was Ray, he’s been gone four years now. Dad was a very talented woodworker, making small pieces of furniture, and all sorts of home remodeling projects. Some of my favorite memories are of us in his workshop. Even when very small I was given a hammer, nails, and a few boards to “make something”. One of dad’s favorite sayings was “measure twice, cut once”. Something I still employ when cutting fabric for a quilt.
    Sounds like you had the same kind of talented Dad!

  65. Angela Adams Avatar
    Angela Adams

    Great memories!! My dad’s name is Ronnie. He is a car guy, loves to restore old cars and used to race cars as well. We always had fun when I was a kid and now I see him doing the same with my boys…..

  66. Sheila Plock Avatar
    Sheila Plock

    My Dad’s name was Ray and I remember him taking us swimming to a local swimming hole on a Sunday afternoon or going for a Sunday drive and then getting an ice cream cone. Much simpler times but such good memories.

    1. Shirley Avatar

      My dad’s name was Thomas, a hard worker, I remember when he bought our first tv, black and white now that was excitement.

  67. Pam Avatar

    My dads name is Fred and growing up I didn’t see much of him. We lived on a farm and had 10 mouths to feed so he worked two jobs. My fondest memory is the joy he got in his grandchildren. He got his second chance to be around his family when he retired and I know being there for us means everything to him.

  68. Ann Wissbaum Avatar
    Ann Wissbaum

    My dad’s name was Francis but he was best known by ‘Wizzy’. I have so many memories of him it is hard to think of just one. I remember him telling stories of when he was a technician in World War II. Some of the things he did and witnessed were amazing. I can still see him sitting in his chair smoking his pipe and to this day whenever I smell pipe tobacco it reminds me of him. ❤️

  69. Renee Avatar

    My dad’s name is Pete. Growing up my Dad encouraged my love of horses. We lived on a small hobby farm and the family had a couple horses. I decided I wanted to have our mare bred so I could raise and train a horse. I saved my money to pay the stud fee and my Dad drove our mare to the farm for breeding. Once the foal was born he helped me train it. It was wonderful to have the chance to realize a dream so early in my life!

  70. Sarah Avatar

    Virgil–when he bought the house behind me and moved literally into my back yard. We got 10 amazing years of life that was so special as he watched my kids grow and was just there for me.

  71. Lesley Avatar

    What a handsome fellow your dad was! My fondest memories of my dad were of him watching all my tennis games at the cottage. We would have small tennis tournaments with all the other cottagers and he would bring over his lawn chair, park it beside the tennis court, and cheer me on!

  72. Dortha Avatar

    My dad’s name was Joe. I miss him so much. He would take us to his parents every summer. We would spend a month swimming and playing with cousins who also came every summer. Such good times.

  73. barbaraleh Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Linwood, Lin for short. He turns 80 this year, and it’s difficult realizing that my time with him is limited. He and my Mom live across the country, and I only see them about once a year. I have great memories of sitting on the back of a snowmobile with him and going out for rides through the woods as night in the dark. I would close my eyes and breathe in the cold night air, knowing I was safe because I was with my Dad.

  74. Pat Wade Avatar
    Pat Wade

    Martin was my fathers name and every Friday after buying groceries with the family we would go to the get an ice cream come.

  75. Kathy Avatar

    My dad’s name was James but everyone called him Jimmy. He died when he was 50 and I miss him everyday. He loved to play pranks on his six sisters. His younger brother Johnny was usually in on the fun with him. Jimmy and Johnny were only 9 month apart and were both very close. My fondest memory is of his canary yellow camero. He loved that car and one year for Easter my outfit matched the car, oh and yes he took pictures.

  76. Audrey Avatar

    Arnold, I remember dad sleeping in the station wagon with screens, while his wife and nine children risked a possible bear attack in our canvas tent!

  77. dianecrawford Avatar

    Lisa–thanks for the great opportunity to remember our dads. I’m lucky enough to still have my dad around, but at 84 I know that as he says he is in Overtime of this great game we call life. My dad was a hard worker, 5 kids through Catholic schools and college. All on a commissioned sales job. If fact he is still working part time today, he says it is to keep him busy, I think it is because he did not have the opportunity to save when we were younger. The work ethic he instilled in all of us continues to encourage me today.

  78. Kelly Disidoro Avatar

    My dad’s name is John. One thing I’m proud about my dad is he served our country in the army for 22 years. That made him the man he is today!

  79. Candee Avatar

    It’s so neat to hear all these special memories. I wish I had one to share. I really enjoyed hearing about so many great Dads!

  80. Elaine S. Avatar
    Elaine S.

    My dad’s name was Jim, or Jimmie to some. He loved to fish and hunt and coached all of his 3 girls in softball. He always worked hard and his 1st priority was always his family. I miss him and wish he could have met my husband and boys.

  81. Lynelle Ussery Avatar
    Lynelle Ussery

    My Dad’s name was Howard and he was just such a good dad! He passed away 2 years ago on leap year day, February 29 – I remember how he always had peppermints in his suit pocket and I would purposely sit by him and sneak mints during church…I love the pink ones! He took the travel trailer to the beach and parked it on Lake Michigan for weeks during the summer – so much fun! I miss my Dad, too!

  82. Sher Avatar

    My dad’s name was Kenny. He loved fast cars, horses, and nature. My favorite memory with him was laying behind a large fallen tree in the timber watching a doe with twin fawns just talking about how we had to take care of nature if we wanted it to be around forever.

  83. Donna Frazier Avatar
    Donna Frazier

    Donald Frazier. I was named after my dad and something he told me once was never let anyone gell you you can’t do something, especially a man. I’ve heldbtrue to that my whole life and no matter what schemes I’ve hatched he’s always ben my biggest supporter.

  84. sandy Lowery Avatar
    sandy Lowery

    My Dad’s name was Bob and I remember the day he died. I was one week away from being 9 years old and remember coming home from school to this news.

  85. Janis Walch Avatar
    Janis Walch

    My dad’s name was Homer! He was in the Navy during WW 2 so my mom had to name my brother Homer after him in case he didn’t come home. But thank God he did. He was a wonderful dad that I never heard him say an unkind word about anyone. And he never talked about his time in the Navy. And then my sister requested his military records after his death and we found out about the naval ships he served on and the battles he fought. I count my lucky stars I had him for a father!

  86. Samdy Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Clyde but his nickname was Snowball, that was the name 99% of people called him throughout his whole life. Dad had lots of hobbies/interests in his life and I like to think that’s where I get my love of quilting and gardening. When Dad passed in January of 2012, at 98 1/2 years old, I knew we had lost someone with so much knowledge and wished we could have put it on a flash-drive. I miss him a lot but treasure the memories that I have.

  87. Denise Cabral Avatar
    Denise Cabral

    My dads name is John Sterling Davis. My best memory is him leaving on a business trip to Minot, South Dakota, and I was crying asking him not to go. He got stuck in a blizzard and didn’t make it home until a week later!

  88. Leanne Avatar

    My dad’s name is Les and one of my favorite memories is going fishing. He always knew the best spots and we always (or at least that’s what I remember) caught fish. I didn’t like putting the bait on so he would do it for me. At the end of our fishing trip we always had our pictures taken with the fish we caught. He would say hold that fish straight and in front of you it makes them look bigger for the camera. He has taken my kids fishing when we go to visit and last year he taught my youngest how to ice fish….they’re all hooked on fishing 🙂

  89. lynnrodby Avatar

    My dad was named Herman but he always went by the nickname Buddy. He was a buyer for American Hoist and Derrick in St. Paul. My Dad was a big teaser. He was out visiting my husband and I and I decided to tease him back. After we were done eating I had put the plates on the floor for the dog to lick. I waited til my Dad was watching and I picked the plates up and put them right in the cupboard. The look of horror on his face was priceless! He died when I was 26 and 32 years later I still miss him every day!!! Lynn

  90. Nancy Avatar

    Oh dear. The tears were falling here but now I can type. My papa, Julius, came from Germany and settled in Milwaukee where I grew up. My Mum was born in Coloma (Wisconsin) of German parents. My favorite Dad memories are those spent at the frequent German gatherings with the music and bratwurst (and beer for the ‘big’ people) flowing. Those were such fun days with lots of singing and always the polka dancing. I loved dancing and singing with Dad. The picnics at Old Heidelburg Park near Milwaukee…. with the shoe platlers as I called them. I was always trying to dance like that. Never expecting such a trip down memory lane this morning!

  91. Mary Pat Avatar
    Mary Pat

    Lisa…..thanks for sharing your stories of your Dad. After all the comments, you could publish a book. My Dads name was Howard. He was a very, very special man. He was an only child and was born when his Mom was in her 40’s and his Dad was in his 50’s. He was a Navy man that flew airplanes during the war. He was the most loving person in my life……he truly cared about you. He was an excellent business man and did very well for himself. He was able to retire at age 55 and enjoy life with my Mom with all their travels. My Dad and Mom were truly meant for each other and they gave us the best example of what true love is and was. My Dad passed away at age 84 of a heart attach and my Mom just passed away at age 92 1/2. I am sure when they met again in heaven, my Dad had a huge smile on his face and asked my Mom…”what took you so long”

  92. Patricia Streeter Avatar
    Patricia Streeter

    Thanks for sharing all of the beautiful memories! Dad was called “Bink” short for his family name Binkley. Few ever knew his given name Loren Otto. The youngest of 8 children whose Mother was widowed when he was in grade school he became a self made man and gave me the gift of believing that I could do anything if I worked hard enough. The state fair was a big event in our family and hanging with Dad through the mechanical building and endless tractors was rewarded with glorious time in the horse barns rubbing lots of velvet noses. Dad has been gone for many years and I still miss him and cherish our many memories.

    Patricia Binkley Streeter

  93. Veronica Avatar

    Lisa, First of all, I have to say that I read your web blog often. I enjoy all that you have to say and the beautiful quilts you share. I, too, have many memories of my dad as a musician. He was self taught, didn’t read music, but played guitar, harmonica, ukulele, banjo, accordion, and steel guitar. He’d go to auction sales and pick up used instruments and just figure out how to play them. In his teen years he was part of a band that would play for local dances, and would entertain during intermissions by yodeling. I have 10 siblings, and have so many memories of listening to Dad play and sing after the farm chores were done, and especially during holidays when he had more time. We would all gather around him and have sing-a-longs. This continued through our adult years when we came back home to visit! His favorite saying was, “Me love you to much!”, and his favorite song was, “You are my sunshine” – both of which continues on through our generation and on. Oh, how I miss him erotica

    Sent from my iPhone


  94. Glynis Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Harry and I remember him hooking rugs, the kind where the wool was precut and hooked on canvas with a graph design. He hooked rugs right up into his eighties and always had to get my Mom to help him with the colour selection as he was colour blind. All of us six children and eleven grandchildren have hooked rugs to remember him by.

  95. Judy Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ed. He was a truck driver and worked the night shift for Montgomery Wards. It was common to find him asleep on the kitchen table exhausted but he drove and then worked at a catering company on Saturday nights. There were 8 of us so he didn’t have much choice but to work all the time. The only thing he ever did for himself was to bowl on Sunday morning. He used to take me along. I loved it. It was my time with my Dad. I’d get a quarter to buy a drink and thought I was on top of the world. He also only got 2 weeks vacation a year and during those two weeks we would do all the museum stops, Santa’s Village and hit the trout farm (so that we all caught a fish 🙂 The second week we would spend at some dive cabin on the chain of lakes. It was all about him trying to do for us. I miss him every single day

  96. Claire Avatar

    My dad, Maurice, was a wonderful man. He worked hard at many different jobs and then came home and worked again in the orchard. I couldn’t wait until he came home. I would watch out the window and when I saw his old truck coming down the road I would run outside to meet him. He would swoop me up and give me a big kiss and say “you can never have too many kisses”. He was also a lover of cars and was still making plans for “his next truck” when he passed away in his mid-90s. He was definitely my star then and still is today only instead of looking out the window for him I look up to the sky.

  97. Carol Sullivan Avatar
    Carol Sullivan

    His hands. Dad started out his life in masonry and later general construction. His work could be felt in his hands – and I have never felt hands like that since then. His name was Charlie.

  98. Leslie L Avatar

    Hi Lisa! Great post! My dad is Tony, and my favourite memory is travelling out of town to a tree farm at Christmas and stomping thru knee high snow, hitting the tree, snow falling on us, laughing without a care in the world! Love your new spring designs too!
    Thanks for the giveaway. Take care, Leslie

  99. Karen Applegate Avatar
    Karen Applegate

    My dad worked hard all his life and his hands were large and calloused. But he would always let me play with his hand in church and I can to this day remember the feel of my little paw in his big one. I’m 63 and miss him to this day. You never forget your daddy.

  100. Mary Pasewark Avatar
    Mary Pasewark

    My Dad, George, was an army colonel— a career military man. He was quick with a joke and could fix ANYTHING from electronic things to woodworking and everything in between. He loved to build radios and was a HAM radio operator, speaking to people all over the world in the evenings. One of my favorite memories is working with him on my high school science project. When I won first place, he was right there, smiling so BIG. It was OUR win! One of the last projects he was able to complete was carving a wooden rocking horse for his grandchildren. It is the size of a really small pony and has a real horsehair mane and tail, very realistic looking and beautiful. Unfortunately, we lost him early to leukemia. He was just 60. I think about him everyday and so wish that my boys had had the chance to learn and laugh with him.

  101. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    My dad’s name was William, but he went by Bill. He was known as Skipper Bill. He was in the navy before I was born. I remember him building a 16″ cabin cruiser in our back yard when I was little. It was so much fun watching the progress on this. He would let me stand in the boat and “pretend”. We had that boat till after my father passed away (he was 92 when he died). Then my uncle (my dad’s brother) took the boat and restored it. He drove from Colorado to Wisconsin ( at 81 years old) to get the boat. He and his family now enjoy it.

    The most important memory that I have of my Dad, is his strong faith in the Lord and that his life was a reflection of what he believed. Faith, family and friends.

  102. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    My Dad’s name was Clayton, and his nickname was Bud. My greatest memory of my dad is that I was Daddy’s Little Girl. I was his helper with everything from going to the grocery store, to helping changing the oil on his car. My father was diagnosed with Emphysema when I was young, and he passed away to early when I was in my teens. No one will ever be like my “Daddy”.

  103. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    My dads name was Joe. When I was young I was a clarinet player in various bands and marching bands. My dad never missed a concert or a parade. Whether I was marching in a parade or playing on stage, he was always in the audience. Now that I’m an adult playing in a concert band, I miss seeing him out in the audience. I believe he is there in spirit though, tapping his foot to the music.

  104. Barb G. Avatar
    Barb G.

    My dad’s name was Walter, he was a pastor so he worked weekends. We had a cottage where we would spend the entire summer, dad would spend “his work week” in the city and come out and spend his days off with us. I remember the patience he had teaching us to water ski and fish, evenings were spent grilling and eating fresh fruits and vegetables from the local farmstands. I didn’t realize until I was older and had my own children how lucky we were to have that summer cottage!

  105. Nancy Martin Avatar
    Nancy Martin

    My dad worked nights at the post office and raised dachshund puppies to sell. With the overtime money and puppy money he took us on long camping vacations to different parts of the USA to national parks. Thats ehen the parks weren’t crowded and you could drive right in. We tent camped. Those were the good ‘ol days for sure. I have been to every state in the lower 48. Thanks dad!

  106. Kathy B Avatar
    Kathy B

    My dad’s name was Charles but everyone called him Bud. He was a hard worker and worked in the service station in town. My fondest memory was of him taking me each year to the Memorial Day parade in town. We had our special spot where we stood to watch the parade go by. That was our special time together. The last year I went with him was in 7th grade. The next year I informed him that I was too old to go to the parade. I think he was disappointed and the following year he was no longer with us. It’s a bitter sweet memory but oh how I loved my dad.

  107. Amy Avatar

    Clarence LeRoy is my dad. My parents lived with us for the last 9 years. We recently moved to GA and they came with us. My moved was soon diagnosed with cancer and went home to be with Jesus. My dad has been so strong through it all. As usual a great example to all. My best memory is all about his generosity. A missionary friend shared that he liked his tie….my dad took it off and gave it to him. He is a very generous man…..I love him.

  108. susan f Avatar
    susan f

    My dad’s name was Charles. One memory that stays with me is how after Mass on Sunday he would sing the hymns loudly (it seemed loud then) all the way home with the car windows roled down! It embarrassed me as a kid but I feel much differently about it now!

  109. seeshesews Avatar

    Oh, now I’m all weepy. I’ve been reading about all the heros we call “Dad”. My hero’s name was Frank. He was a dairy farmer and loved nature and forestry. He taught his children to love and respect God’s earth. My memory of him came to mind immediately. He loved to whistle, and boy could he whistle. You knew all was right with his world if he was whistling.

  110. Lola Underdahl Avatar
    Lola Underdahl

    My dad’s name was George. He was such a kind and generous person. He was a carpenter and I remember when I was about 10, he was working on something in the basement that he said was going to be his work bench. Actually it was a desk for me and when he told me I was thrilled. He was always doing something for someone.

    Lola in NW MN

  111. Delores Wagg Avatar
    Delores Wagg

    My dad’s name way Byron Ward, although he went by Ward. One of my favourite memories is my dad dancing – when he danced with you it was like you were floating and he and my mom looked so wonderful on the dance floor.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  112. Cher Epp Avatar

    I never comment on blogs or emails, it took me the longest time to even find where to comment to this one! But I had to tell you about my Dad. My Dad’s Name is Ernest; no second name because in those days it was common to not be given one. My Dad’s father was a farmer and that was all my dad ever wanted to do. He waited four long years for my mother to finally finish teacher’s college and decide she was ready to be married. On their wedding picture my Dad looked extra handsome; dark brown hair with a bit of a wave, sky blue eyes, slim tall build. They then had four girls. Remember, my Dad was a farmer, so us girls all became farmers. We did everything from shoveling grain, working on farm machinery, and picking stones. Anything my Dad was doing had to be infinitely more interesting than my Mom’s work consequently we were always with him. My Dad was a super hard worker, there was no such a thing as a 9-5 day, he was always working on something in the evenings on a field or the yard and then when it was dark he did farm paperwork. In his spare time he weeded the garden and around the shelter-belt that Mom and all of us girls helped plant. He took apart an old barn and house, salvaged the lumber and the nails to build granaries that I helped him with. We did everything by hand including mixing concrete for the footings. Those granaries sported varnished hardwood flooring thanks to that old house we tore down; I can still remember how slick the shovel slide along them! Mom and Dad built a cabin when I was 10 at a northern Saskatchewan lake. My Dad said it had to be far enough north in the forest that he couldn’t see any summerfallow fields that needed to be worked. My Dad was an avid hunter and fisherman and we grew up eating all those good healthy meats. Some of my fondest memories are fishing with my Dad. At the cabin he loved exploring old trials in the bush and he dared drive where no one else would to explore some old trapper’s cabin or old logging road. When my Mom was scared driving though huge puddles he would just tell her that under the sand was a layer of road; no way you could get stuck, and he rarely did! My Dad very seldom expressed his feelings into words but about 10 years ago I clearly remember walking across the field with him to the 3-ton truck during harvest. I said that “no one understands how it “feels” to farm” and then he really opened up and we talked about the smell of freshly turned earth in spring, and that harvest smell in the air. My Dad often told us that if he died farming he would die happy. 8 years ago my Dad had a stroke and I had to face the fact that my life would change and I asked myself if I just “liked to farm” or if I “liked to farm because I got to do it with my Dad”. I know I liked it so much in a large part because I got to do it with my Dad. He instilled in me the love to work hard, the joy of growing beautiful plants, and pride in taking care of one of God’s most precious gifts to us, The Land. Today my Dad is a home and he doesn’t know me or even what a tractor is. I find this so sad to see, but I have the best memories of working and playing with my Dad.

  113. repp2013 Avatar

    I never comment on blogs or emails, it took me the longest time to even find where to comment to this one! But I had to tell you about my Dad. My Dad’s Name is Ernest; no second name because in those days it was common to not be given one. My Dad’s father was a farmer and that was all my dad ever wanted to do. He waited four long years for my mother to finally finish teacher’s college and decide she was ready to be married. On their wedding picture my Dad looked extra handsome; dark brown hair with a bit of a wave, sky blue eyes, slim tall build. They then had four girls. Remember, my Dad was a farmer, so us girls all became farmers. We did everything from shoveling grain, working on farm machinery, and picking stones. Anything my Dad was doing had to be infinitely more interesting than my Mom’s work consequently we were always with him. My Dad was a super hard worker, there was no such a thing as a 9-5 day, he was always working on something in the evenings on a field or the yard and then when it was dark he did farm paperwork. In his spare time he weeded the garden and around the shelter-belt that Mom and all of us girls helped plant. He took apart an old barn and house, salvaged the lumber and the nails to build granaries that I helped him with. We did everything by hand including mixing concrete for the footings. Those granaries sported varnished hardwood flooring thanks to that old house we tore down; I can still remember how slick the shovel slide along them! Mom and Dad built a cabin when I was 10 at a northern Saskatchewan lake. My Dad said it had to be far enough north in the forest that he couldn’t see any summerfallow fields that needed to be worked. My Dad was an avid hunter and fisherman and we grew up eating all those good healthy meats. Some of my fondest memories are fishing with my Dad. At the cabin he loved exploring old trials in the bush and he dared drive where no one else would to explore some old trapper’s cabin or old logging road. When my Mom was scared driving though huge puddles he would just tell her that under the sand was a layer of road; no way you could get stuck, and he rarely did! My Dad very seldom expressed his feelings into words but about 10 years ago I clearly remember walking across the field with him to the 3-ton truck during harvest. I said that “no one understands how it “feels” to farm” and then he really opened up and we talked about the smell of freshly turned earth in spring, and that harvest smell in the air. My Dad often told us that if he died farming he would die happy. 8 years ago my Dad had a stroke and I had to face the fact that my life would change and I asked myself if I just “liked to farm” or if I “liked to farm because I got to do it with my Dad”. I know I liked it so much in a large part because I got to do it with my Dad. He instilled in me the love to work hard, the joy of growing beautiful plants, and pride in taking care of one of God’s most precious gifts to us, The Land. Today my Dad is a home and he doesn’t know me or even what a tractor is. I find this so sad to see, but I have the best memories of working and playing with my Dad.

  114. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    My dad’s name is Roger. HE worked for the WI Power & LIght Company as his full time job and farmed as a side job. At the power and light company he worked second shift and I remember my mom dragging all 3 of us on Friday nights for groceries and then to a place for fish fry. We would always pick up a to go dinner for dad and stop by so he could have dinner. I am happy to say and also very lucky that my dad is still alive and a big part of my life. He is a wonderful husband to my mom, father to four of us, grandfather to five, and now has his first great grandson. Thanks Lisa.

  115. Kalynn Avatar

    David Ferdinand is my dad. He was a Dairy Farmer for most of my growing up years, I remember him and the boys getting up early every morning to go milk the cows. I thought I was so picked on because my chores were all throughout the day, the boys just had to go milk and feed the animals in the morning and again at night. So I talked my dad into letting me trade chores with one of my brothers. Yea not exactly what I thought it would be like. I decided I would leave the milking to my brothers.

  116. Karen Avatar

    Lisa, I loved the story of your star. My Dad was an amazing star in my life. He blessed many many people during his 91 years on this earth. One of my fondest memories of him was when I told him I was pregnant. His face lit up and he grinned ear to ear and he gave me the biggest hug ever and told me how happy he was for me and my husband. He love his grandchildren so much and did so many fun things with them. I miss him so-o-o much!

  117. Stacey Larson Avatar
    Stacey Larson

    Hi Lisa, My Dad’s name was Ed. I was Daddy’s little girl and although he’s been gone for 14 years I miss him still as though it was yesterday. We had a relationship that I’ve never been able to fill by another. My dad and I did a lot together growing up. I was his little kitten. We fished, gambled, cooked, built and did so many things together. We had many cherished moments. I don’t know that I can pick one time over another that I coud say is the best. However, one memory I cherish and always will, is that he passed just before Thanksgiving. Back then the fax machines had paper ink paper in them. Prior to Thanksgiving he sent a fax that was very random. I wish I had kept it but at the time didn’t think about it. He sent me a fax that read “happy pre-thanksgiving”. He died a week later. So although a sad thought to some degree it is a peaceful thought to me that it was his way of saying goodbye.

  118. Maggi Avatar

    My dad’s name was Carrol. Most people didn’t know that though. To begin, he had noassatall syndrome. One day his older siblings, he was the baby, came home from the rodeo. The clown that day at the rodeo was having a very difficult time keeping his pants up. The rodeo announcer kept yelling at him, “Homer, pull up your pants!!”. From that day forward, my dad was Homer. Both of my brothers have proudly carried his moniker. He died at the age of 42 from complications from MS. That was nearly 35 years ago. I miss the crap out of him still. No one memory says it all but to know that he loved to play and always included us spoke loudly. Water skiing, riding snow mobiles, motor bikes, camping, shooting clay pigeons, playing cribbage and ping pong. My favorite photo is of him reading to me and my brother. We are in our winter Pj’s and slippers. Did I say I miss him dearly?

  119. Lori Gold Avatar
    Lori Gold

    Dale is my dad’s name. His is the type of guy that everyone loves to be around. So positive and always willing to help. End of last year, dad was diagnosed with cancer. It has been a rough few months, but he his strength is back and I feel so lucky to have dad back!!! He has been there for me all of my life (50 years) and I can’t imagine not having him here. Love my DAD!!!

  120. heartsdesire Avatar

    My dad’s name was Bob, and he sold women’s hosiery. I was the first girl in my Grade 5 class to wear nylons and then, later, pantyhose. it was great to always have these items on hand.

  121. Linda Avatar

    HELLO, my Dad’s name was Don. He was a wonderful Father to me! Loved to ride bicycles with him and play checkers! My Dad is now with The Lord, but I remember him well ! Thanks Lisa for sharing a beautiful post!

  122. Lori Luke Avatar
    Lori Luke

    My Dad’s name was Geroge “Bud’ to all that loved him. One of many great memories was the day I brought my wedding dress home for the store. He had to put a nait up near the ceiiling for me to hang my dress on. It had just been pressed and was waiting for my big day. He put the nail in the wall and than helped me hang my dress. He just stood there and keep looking at the dress and than me. I saw him start to cry and it made me cry too. He said to me at that time no matter what you will always be my baby. I love him more than words can say. My Daddy was everything to me and he didn’t have to be as he was not my biological father but more he was my Daddy from the time I was 6 months old….Love him and miss him so much.

  123. Juanita Avatar

    My dad’s name is Eldon … an Iowa farmer. He has an amazing work ethic and is known for his honest and fair business dealings. He also has a crazy sense of humor that keeps my siblings and me constantly in stitches. Thanks, Dad!

  124. herron3 Avatar

    Robert – my dad was always my hero! It wasn’t so much for the things that he did with us it was how he showed us his true love for us. When my mom passed away she left my dad with six children ages 2 – 15 years old. He was encouraged to split us up among the aunts and uncles as he worked long hours. My dad refused and we all learned how to make do and accept additional responsibilities. Fifty years later my siblings and I are still very close. Most of our memories of our dad center around him being strict, but we appreciate the things that he modeled for us – persistence, determination, and family.

  125. Kathy Havelka Avatar
    Kathy Havelka

    My Dad’s name is Jim. My favorite memory is if Sunday afternoon drives in the Buick. Listening to St Louis Cardinals baseball game while driving for a hour or two. We would drive down by the River to see how high the waters were, and stop at the Dari-Dine to get an ice cream cone before heading home.

  126. wendy held Avatar
    wendy held

    My dad’s name was David, everyone called him Dave. He was a very personable man and told lots of stories, many of which one did not know it they were true or not. But one of my fondest memories of him is when he drove the lead car in the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Years Day. I was so proud and told everyone around me that, “That is my Daddy!”. Unfortunately he passed away at 57, far to young. He would have loved his grandchildren!!!

  127. Mary t Salmon Avatar
    Mary t Salmon

    My dad’s name was Hilliard. He was from Mass.
    My favorite memory was my telling him that the girls at school were making fun of me because I had such small breasts. He reassured me that I will mature in time and do not let those girls bother me. We had a long conversation about growing up. I could discuss anything with my dad.

  128. Gretchen Avatar

    My dad’s name is Ron and my favorite memory is sharing all of our “inside” jokes from quotes from old Saturday Night Live sketches to funny family stories, I love that we share the same sense of humor. Thanks for the great question and the giveaway.

  129. Lou Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Michael and we had such a special relationship. He died sadly when I was just eleven and still I feel a great loss but am left with special memories of going fishing together. He used to make his own flies and I loved to look through them. He always had a sketchbook and one day found a goose feather by the river. He took a knife and cut it into a quill, pulled out a pot of ink and made an ink sketch of the river as we sat watching the fishing rods. Such special times. I definitely got my creativity from him, wish he was still here so I could tell him how my life turned out. xx

  130. Mary Andra Avatar

    Our dad, there were 6 of us, was everywhere we were without us knowing it. He was a carpenter during the day and an Auxiliary Police Officer during the night and on weekends. If we went on a date so did he only in hiding. Once I called him to come pick me up from a date at the movies and he told me he was outside the door waiting. LOL. Every Friday or Saturday night we would go to the local WGLI Radio station for a live on air dance. Dad was always directing traffic. We were so proud of the fact that he always watched out for us so no harm would come our way. Even our friends relied on his kindness. The anniversary of his death was yesterday so it is fitting that I talk about him today. His first name is Per Anders. Most of the neighbors called him Petie. Always in my thoughts dad.

  131. Cheryl Raab Avatar
    Cheryl Raab

    My dad’s name was Garland but he went by Lee. My favorite memory is sitting on his lap while he read the Sunday funny pages to me. They weren’t really funny but I loved to hear him read.

  132. Lisa Mikel Avatar

    What a wonderful story about your dad, he sounds like a wonderful man! My dads name is Lewis and my favorite memory with him is when I graduated from RN school, he was so proud of me and told me so. I had never seen my dad cry before but during my pinning ceremony at the college that night he had tears in his eyes and cried. I will never forget that. He is an amazing man and was always there for me.

  133. Jenny Huntly Avatar
    Jenny Huntly

    My dad’s name was Alan. Childhood memories are going fishing, trapping rabbits.The pelts were sold for extra income, (alot of rabbits in Australia when I was a kid).In mushroom season my Dad would take me and my sister out to collect mushrooms to sell at the local market. Too many memories to write here. I was the baby of the family, first to go to college, my Dad was so proud of me.

  134. Kathy Avatar

    My dad’s name was Loyd. We lived in a small town in SW Iowa. One of my most vivid memories of dad. An outside activity we kids did with our dad was swimming. After dad would work hard all day, we would take off and go to our local swimming pool. My mom was scared to death of water…so this was something we did with dad. When I got to go off the high diving board my dad kept encouraging me that I could do it…and telling me not to look down but straight out. Well, I looked down and really smacked my face. I was crying and my dad said to me, “You can do it, try agaIn.” Of course, I didn’t want to but dad insisted that I try again. The rest is history cause I did do it again and I know if Dad had not insisted that I try again, I would never have gone off the high diving board again. It was a great lesson in life and one that I have thanked Dad for many times. I sure do miss my dad and all that wisdom he had.

  135. Peggy Dalberto Avatar
    Peggy Dalberto

    Lisa, Amanda and I are at your house this weekend, and Terri really enjoyed seeing this blog post. As we did. My dad’s name is Pete, and even though he died this past August at 96, he isn’t really gone in my mind, as he represented all that was good and right in a man and dad. I told him one time that it was all his fault that I had been divorced 2 times and finally married to a good guy. “Dad, I watched how wonderful you were to my ma, how you always worked so hard and always put us first. I thought all men were like you so I never really asked or got to know the guys I married, then discovered that you were the rare one, and the jerks more the norm out there.” I remember he looked at me and said, “that’s a hell of a thing to say!” and he grinned at me.
    So we all walk thru down the path into the garden of memory.

  136. Robin Avatar

    My dad’s name was Jim. He would do anything to help another person and never say no to someone in need. My husband said the other day, “you know, I really miss your dad to this day even though he’s been gone 12 years”. He went all over the world helping people. The best story was the one my mother told me that when my dad was in the navy instead of taking leave and going out on the town; he would go to the orphanages and help out there.

  137. Clara Chandler Avatar
    Clara Chandler

    Calvin was my father’s name, 7th of 7 children in his family. One fond memory is the dinner we would have on my birthday, beginning when I was 10. He would wear a suit and tie to take me to dinner in a “fancy” restaurant, just the two of us. We would talk about “things” without the interruptions from little, “pesky” brothers. I felt so grown-up. My dad has been gone 10 years in April and it still brings tears to my eyes.
    Thank you, Lisa.

  138. Sharon Fuerlinger Avatar
    Sharon Fuerlinger

    My Dad’s name was John he was a barber and along with my mother owned a tavern. My dad was always there to fix anything we needed fixing. If we wanted something made like when walking stilts were a hot item we were one of the first to get them.

  139. Sherry Avatar

    Richard was my father’s name. My dad and I both loved reading and we had many long conversations about books. His favorite was mysteries so I started reading them so that we could discuss different authors. I give my dad all of the credit for my love of sliced tomatoes with salt and raisin bran cereal. He would snack on those two items and I would always be willing to join in.

  140. Peg Oppenhuis Avatar
    Peg Oppenhuis

    My dad, Frank, could do just about anything. He didn’t go to high school but God gave him a talent to use his hands. He served in WW11 as a mechanic and later worked at a gas station and then bought his own gas station. He could fix just about anything. One of my favorite memories of him was on a day we went to my uncle’s farm (we lived in Illinois). My cousin had an old Schwin bicycle. My dad, probably in his 50’s then, got on the bike backwards–his hips on the handlebars, his hands on the handles, and his feet on the pedals. He rode that bike backwards from the house down to the barn–with no trouble at all!!! That event took place about 50 years ago now but I can see him riding that bicycle without even closing my eyes.

  141. Sharon Mayer Avatar
    Sharon Mayer

    My dad was Burt, (I learned very early it was important to spell it with a “u” and not an “e”) and I always remember him as a cowboy born 100 years too late. One of my favorite memories of me and my dad together was when he’d take me to the target range and let me shoot one of his .22 rifles “all by myself.” The best memory of those times was the afternoon we came home to show off our targets to my mother. I had clearly shot out the entire center of my target with those small holes and, ready to claim “outshooting” daddy, I suddenly found myself in a headlock under his arm, his hand over my mouth, and and him proudly showing off my target as HIS! All these years later, I can’t remember that day without smiling at how we all laughed at my rightous outrage.

  142. Robbi Buckles Avatar
    Robbi Buckles

    My dad was Robert Jones and I was named after him, Roberta. He was my best friend. I was always right at his side whatever he was doing. He taught me so much in life. He was diagnosed with Alzheimers when he was 75 years old. It was my turn to take care of him and to keep him close by my side. My dad has been gone since 2009 and I think about him everyday.

  143. DianeWyte Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Bill. I can remember so many wonderful things about him, but mostly I remember his swinging arm and clicking his thumb and middle finger to the beat of any music. Click Click, Click – My most favorite memory of him calling me is “wonderful to look at” – He died of Alzhemier complications – and the wonderful memorires are what carried me though that period.

  144. Tana Avatar

    My dad’s name is Bruce. He is one of the best people I know….kind, humble, quietly funny. Not to ignore my dad, but your card reminded me of my Grandpa Junior and since today would have been his birthday, it seems appropriate to share a short snippet about him. Every birthday, all the grandkids would get a card from our grandparents signed “Oceans of Love, Grandma and Junior”. All those years, we thought Grandma did the card organizing and giving, but we soon realized after my Grandpa died, that it had been him all along.

  145. Jackie Avatar

    One of my best memories was when I was in my late thirties and my Dad brought over a birthday cake for me.My family wasn’t big on cakes, parties etc after we were older and had families of our own. This was very special to me. I miss him!

  146. Patty Avatar

    I loved hearing your memories ! Thanks.

  147. Karen Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Charles. He is the kindest, most generous person I know. He has given us the best example of how to live our lives and treat others. When he was just a kid, delivering the Saturday Evening Post, he had to walk far out of his route to deliver to a handicapped man. When this man told him to stop delivering the Post, because he could no longer afford it, my Dad kept walking the distance to deliver the Post to this man and paid for it out of his earnings. I am proud to be his daughter!

  148. Karen Doerr Martin Avatar

    Would you believe I have 3 Marvin’s in my life? My Dad, FIL, and my hubby–all were Marvelous!

  149. Rose Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ben and he was the sweetest, most gentle father. Not only was he a great father, he was a super grandfather too. My children loved him dearly. Recently, I told my son that he reminded me of Pop Pop and my son said that was the best compliment anyone could have given him.

  150. Tina Avatar

    I wasn’t raised by my biological father, but by my wonderful stepfather. What can I say? He was just the BEST and was always there for me whether good times or bad, if I was wrong or I was right, or if I needed a shoulder to cry on or to share giant laughs with me. I always knew I could count on him. He fought in WWII and even though he had bad-times, he never spoke of them – now that I’m older I wish I could have been there for him during those times. Yes, I still miss him too, and I am so very grateful that he was my dad.

  151. Zane Jacks Avatar
    Zane Jacks

    My dad was Herb. My favorite memories of him center around music and water. My dad played the guitar and he always played me “You are my sunshine.” I loved to hear him sing. He had a great voice. To this day, I love to hear a bass voice. I was an only child and he took me fishing. I caught my first and only keeper wide mouth bass with him cheering me on. It was about 14″ and we measured it on the fishing pole. We also loved to water ski. Both of us loved to slalom and mom wouldn’t drive the boat, so I had to, with her watching over my shoulder. Otherwise he would never get to ski himself, just pull the rest of us. One spring break, we went on a little vacation to Tennessee and had the best luck catching crappie. There is a picture somewhere of Daddy and I holding this huge stringer of fish between us. That was so much fun. Every time you threw your line into the water, you would pull out a fish! The next year we went backat the same time, and didn’t even catch a good mess of fish. The Christmas before he died of cancer, I made my dad a flannel quilt. It was just a simple rag quilt with a panel of a lake and fish in the middle. I had never made him a quilt of his own, although the two of them had several together. My mom picked it up one day for whatever reason, and he told her, “That’s MY quilt!” I am so glad he got to enjoy that simple quilt for four months before he passed away.

  152. Becky Romero Rabalais Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Mabry. He is as unique as his name. I remember wonderful famiy crawfish boils that he organized for my mom’s family members. He loved his “brother-in-laws.” Take care, Lisa! Thank you for sharing your wonderful memories of your Dad.

  153. Stephanie B Avatar
    Stephanie B

    My. Dad’s name is Waldeck, but he goes by Wally. He is still alive and kicking and he is the sweetest man ever. I love the memories we are making now…he builds a fire in the fireplace every night in the winter and he loves telling me all the things he plans to do and I love hearing about it.

  154. Pam Hintze Avatar
    Pam Hintze

    My dad’s name was Donald. Our family would spend a week each summer at my grandmother’s cottage on Lake Butte des Morts. I loved fishing with him.

  155. Diane W Avatar

    My daddy’s name is Doug, or actually Douglas but everyone calls him Doug. Sometimes if my mother is upset with one of us she calls him Douglas. He is 83 but still full of spunk and life. He doesn’t move as fast, I don’t know if he ever moved real fast, but he is still my best bud. I have so many wonderful memories I’ll try to pick one. A memory that makes me laugh every time is this one…..When I started driving I had to share my fathers car. It was a 57 Ford Fairlane (Boy do I wish I had that car now) anyway I was out driving and the car started acting funny. Engine kind of missing. When I got home I told my dad that the car was missing. He said he would look at it the next day. He started it up, every thing sounded fine so he drove it to work. That night at the dinner table he told me he found out what was wrong with the car. It was out of gas, he ran out of gas on the way to work. Oh here’s another…I only remember my father missing a couple of days work my whole life, he went when he didn’t feel good, went when he was sick, he went every day. He was a local truck driver. One day when it was time to leave for work his car wouldn’t start. It was a stick shift and our backyard had a slope to it so you already know what he did, he tried the length of our yard to jump start it, but it wouldn’t start. He was not going to miss a days work, so he drove the riding mower to work. About 10 miles, on a major highway with a lot of honks and laughs but he made it to work and was just a little late. My dad is a “jack of all trades” not well educated but smart as a tack and I love him with all my heart.

  156. Dorothy Hopko Avatar
    Dorothy Hopko

    My Dad’s name was Joe – of course his initials spelled JET – which he claimed to be as fast as one – he was a machinest at a glass container shop – when the parts would break – he would get a piece of metal and make the part….of course this was in the 30’s and 40’s and I am sure that was a common event in the factories. He was a great Dad and so much fun…we had a great life full of love and laughs….of course our family would not miss church to thank God for all that was good and to help us get thru the week. After Mom died he came to live with us and such a delight – we were still laughing together ….. miss him….lived to be 91 years young….
    Aiming to do the same….

  157. Kathy Rie Avatar
    Kathy Rie

    Stuart Elton Hergert was my dad’s name. There are so many fond memories for me it is difficult to pick out just one to share. When my siblings and I were very young our dad would play hide and seek with us. And one time he put me on top of the refrigerator for my hiding spot. It was fantastic because no one could find me!
    Miss you dad.

  158. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    Daddy’s name was Donald. We had popcorn or ice cream every evening for a snack. Still love them for snacks.

  159. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I am always touched by your heartwarming stories and generosity with sharing your life. Thank you! My father’s name is Gleason, after his father, and of course that didn’t go over big growing up so… his friends called him “Jake” derived from part of his last name. My favorite memories with my Dad are our vacations at my Uncle John’s Cabin in Leesville Lake OH. We swam, fished, played cards, cooked out amongst many other things. Good memories. I am grateful that I’m still able to spend time with him, though I miss him terribly because he lives in OH and I am in CA. He is a happy, fun loving soul, who loves to BS. One last note… My quilting friendship group has two of us with the same name so one friend decided to dub me “Jakey”, and it stuck, which makes me smile because it reminds me of my Dad. Hugs., and thanks for the opportunity to share too.

  160. Diane Lanzo Avatar
    Diane Lanzo

    Hi Lisa. My dad was George, and although he has been gone for six years, he is never far from my mind. He was a carpenter, a builder of houses…. more than that, a builder of homes. He took an interest in the people whose home he was building, and always did something extra for each one. He had a wonderful sense of humor, and my favorite memories of him are of him laughing. He was interested in my quilting and the quilts I made and found many similarities between the construction of a house and the construction of a quilt. He enjoyed life, and made friends wherever he went. I miss him every day.

  161. lbierman937 Avatar

    My dad’s name is Darrell Lynn. My fondest memory of my dad is his ability to train horses. He would take all 5 of us kids during the summer months when he would be training other people’s horses, as my mom worked full time. I really learned a lot from him! He can be very gentle & loving, but also have a hard hand when needed. With 5 kids running around to stay out of trouble & be able to work with the horses was sometimes more than he bargained for at the time! But we always had a blast hanging out with him & helping him. So I guess I can say I also developed my love of horses from my dad. We also belonged to a Trail Riding Club, and would go almost every weekend in the summer months. None of my other siblings loved horses as much as I did, so I got to have a lot of “me” time with my bud, my dad! Loved camping under the stars!! He is now 75 years old, and still trains horses! Love him to pieces!!

  162. Paulette Doyle Avatar

    My dad’s name was Bert and he was the security guard at a Sawmill. My best memory was going out in his truck, just the two of us looking for a Christmas tree…such fun. We came home with a Charlie Brown tree and were soaking wet!! This memory spurred me on to make the Truck in woods penny that you designed!! It was out on my coffee table this year and man it brought back this memory!! So I THANK YOU!!!

  163. Debra Avatar

    My dad’s name was John Paul – John after his father, so he went by Paul. His family were all farmers, and he was too, but by trade he was an Iron Worker. I don’t know how he walked those high-in-the-sky beams on the job, and I surely did not get THAT from him, as I don’t care for heights! As a family we took month-long summer camping trips, and that is probably my favorite memory – camp fires, sleeping in the tent, crossing the U.S. and visiting all the great natural attractions.
    Thanks for the chance, and I LOVE those Snow Bird fabrics!!!

  164. Liz Armstrong Avatar
    Liz Armstrong

    My Dad was a musician in the Big Band era and he was in a big band in California; He was also in the movies. I didn’t see him very often when I was a little kid but I knew he was famous because where ever we went
    people were always asking for his autograph and picture. Sometimes he went fishing to a private lodge and he took me with him. He taught me how to put a worm on a hook. My only claim to fame today!!! Thanks, Lisa

  165. Peg G. Avatar
    Peg G.

    My dad was Howard. He was the youngest of four boys and they called him Tuffy because they couldn’t make him cry. My best memory was every Christmas Eve especially when I walked into the house from our Christmas with our aunt and uncle and there was no English Racer bicycle. That was all I wanted. Ran to my bedroom to cry and there leaning against my bed was my bike which I rode through the house. I guess he wanted me to be a Tuffy too.

  166. debi from Fl Avatar
    debi from Fl

    My Dad is Chuck…..he was raised dirt poor in Northern Minn and had a hard time in school…he entered the airforce and then another person’s dad pulled him aside and told him to buckle down and that he was smart enough to make something of himself if he tried to…..he got his GED and then went through Law school and became a notable lawyer for a corporation until he retired….he helped his father , an alcoholic get treatment, though his dad wasn’t strong enough to overcome those demons……he instilled in me the instinct to buckle down, to always try my best and what ever I did, to make a difference…..I mattered……I could change things….I could be better…..and to enjoy the ride…..thanx dad.

  167. Mary Hilyer Avatar
    Mary Hilyer

    My Dad is Otha. I wish I could tell him how proud of him I am. He was a WWII vet receiving the purple heart, loving Dad, not much of an education but worked hard & achieved much so he could leave an inheritance for my sister & I. Not that we wanted any but he was determined that’s what needed to be done. The fondest memory is him playing the guitar & singing. Miss him.

  168. Kris Anthony Avatar
    Kris Anthony

    Such a sweet post Lisa! My dad has been gone for almost 3 years. I can still hear him whistling sometimes when I am alone. He was also a make do kinda guy. Always putzin’ around with some wood work or mechanical project. He had the best smile and gentle eyes. He was just shy of his 95th birthday when he passed. My favorite memory is his continuous soft whistle. It was his very own tune, not a duplicate of any song. It was dad’s song.

  169. Pam watts Avatar
    Pam watts

    My dad’s name is Robert. My favorite memory was playing tag in the house, just my dad, sister and myself. My mother would just seat and shake her head.

  170. Beth Strand Avatar

    My dad’s name was Asa Odette Hennen (he never told people his middle name because he thought it was a girl’s name but I like it.) He died when I was six and so I don’t have a lot of memories of him. My favorite was the time he took me and my brother out to breakfast. We both wanted to order French Toast and it wasn’t on the menu. My dad simply went back into the kitchen and taught the chef how to make it! My brother and I thought that was the coolest thing ever! Even now, every time I make French Toast at home, I tell my kids the story of the time my dad was a kid’s super-hero in a restaurant on a Saturday morning. Beth @ Words & Stitches,

  171. Sandy Avatar

    My dad’s name was Victor Halvorsen and one of my most memorable memories was him teaching me to drive with all the patience in the world. To this day I’m a good driver if I have to say so myself! Thanks Dad!!!

  172. Sharon Avatar

    My dad’s name was Pat and my favorite memory was the night we went night crawler hunting after a beautiful rain. It was a contest to see who could find the most worms for fishing the next day. It’s a cherished memory!!

  173. Jo Ann Fortney Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Willie and he will be gone two years in June. My favorite memories of my Dad are the times we went places together with just the two of us and we really talked to each other. I learned things about my Dad that probably none of my siblings know because of the many hours I spent with just the two of us.

  174. Marcy Peterson Avatar
    Marcy Peterson

    My dad’s name was Ray and the thing I remember most about him was when he got in financial trouble he started a lemonade stand at age 65. I have now learned the meaning of “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”.

  175. Beth F Avatar
    Beth F

    I loved your post today. I had a happy time and made some beautiful purchases at the Primitive Gatherings booth at the Lakeland quilt show, you should know your staff was wonderful, friendly and very helpful. My Dad’s name is Bob and I have a memory of him walking me to the school bus stop on my first day of school. Halfway there (which was no short distance in those days) I remembered that I had forgotten my box of crayons and he walked home to get them for me. I love him for all he does for his family.
    Beth F.

  176. Debra Braaksma Avatar
    Debra Braaksma

    My dad’s name is Bill, and what I remember most is his trying to teach me how to drive. The first time I tried to brake, he almost went through the front window!

  177. deb kerns Avatar
    deb kerns

    My dad worked until he was 76 years old. He owned a John Deere business in Britt, IA that he and my mom ran for 48 years. He was generous, patriotic, smart, fun, loving, hard working – often working 7 days a week if a farmer broke down and needed a part on Sunday, he would go deliver it. His name was Merle but everyone called him “Moe”. In his youth, he served his country in WWII as a mechanic. He found the love of his life tat church group when he was 14.-the same year he lost his mother to breast cancer. My dad helped his father raise his two younger brothers, ages 9 and 2 and when they were grown he hired one and helped get the other one a job at John Deere’s manufacturing facility. Upon his return to the states, he and my mom married and together they raised five daughters. They were married 64 years, My dad was always a kid at heart and his family was everything to him. I have such respect for him and miss him greatly. He was active in his church and his community. He was instrumental in getting an assisted living facility built that is attached to our hospital and served on the hospital board for years. He is in heaven now after a long battle with dementia. He has left a big hole in his family and community. Miss you dad!

  178. Cecilia Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Harry. My favorite memory was the time he went with me to a Brownie spaghetti dinner for a father daughter date. That was the only time I had him to myself. 🙂 He has been gone for 20 years now, but I think of him almost every day.

  179. Debbie Avatar

    My dad is Bernard, Barn, Barnie. My favorite memory is when my dad used to take me to the library on Saturdays when my mom worked. It was just the two of us and he instilled a love of reading in me at an early age. I’m very lucky that he and my mom are still living a good life together.

  180. Karen V Avatar
    Karen V

    Hi Lisa, my dad’s name was Wesley. He served in WWII and though he only served 2 tours in the Army, those years remained very important to him. He was active in the American Legion and marched in the various holiday parades. I remember him standing so proud and tall at attention when the flag was presented. When I was in high school, my yearbook advisor snapped a picture of him saluting the flag. That’s my favorite picture of my dad to this day.

  181. Diana Kiehl Avatar
    Diana Kiehl

    My dad died suddenly last year after living to nearly 93. He was my best friend. He listened to me without trying to fix everything, encouraged me as I grew in school, college, grad school and my career. My favorite times and memories of “us”. Were the ones where we would have a chili and cornbread dinner and play cards from cribbage to rummy until we couldn’t shuffle another deck! He won, I won and all the while we talked, laughed and enjoyed each other. I still long to call him when I’m feeling blue and misunderstood. And when I’m celebrating a big win at work and when I want to play cards, chili and cornbread….love…Diana K

  182. Virginia Howell Avatar

    My dad’s name was Claud. We lived in Atlanta, Georgia. We had very little snow and ice. When the weather was predicted to get VERY cold, my Daddy would tie an old water hose to a branch in the tree and leave it on all night so that we could have our own winter wonderland to admire and play in. We had such fun playing in the ice and sliding on the ground. My a Dad would join in , always smiling ear to ear.

  183. Marie-Claude Picon Iperti Avatar
    Marie-Claude Picon Iperti

    My dad’s name is George. He has been my first love. He passed away just a few month ago and I miss him soo much. He loved dancing with me, his “Princess”. Today, I just remember my last dance with him. It was 5 years ago, he was ill, but he wanted to dance with me a….rock and roll. It was soooo funny. My Mum was soooo angry with us. But he was feeling like a teen-ager….

  184. Read this before you buy another hard drive Avatar

    Read this before you buy another hard drive

  185. Carolyn Avatar

    My dad’s name was Stanley, but he was always called Bud. He was an AMAZING dad as well as being an electrical engineer he could build or fix anything. Some of my fondest memories are ice skating and sledding with him during our New England winters. He was the “biggest kid” on the sledding hill. I still have his red flyer sled. My dad loved me/us no matter what and we knew it! I miss him and his twinkling eyes and engaging smile.

  186. Kate Avatar

    My dad’s name is Mike and my favorite memory is when he brought a puppy home for us (when I was about 6) after we were asleep for the night. In the morning, I thought that it was a dream, but then I saw the paw prints in the rug and couldn’t wait to get downstairs! Love you Dad!

  187. Margaret Witt Avatar
    Margaret Witt

    My Dad’s name was Kenny. Mom and Dad were divorced when I was 6 so I didn’t get to know my Dad until my step Mother died. I was 48. I really got so e quality time with him for the next 15 years. He and I made so e flower troughs together and now they are my miniature gardens. He passed away in 2006 .

  188. Sue Lemery Avatar
    Sue Lemery

    My Dad’s name was Dennis. He had a side business when I was a kid as a professional photographer and I remember going on photo shoots with him and helping with the lighting. He also had one of our bedrooms at home set up as a dark room and I would go in and “help” him develop his photos. . . I can still smell the chemicals used in the baths and see the pictures come to life!

  189. Jennifer G Avatar

    Hi Lisa! My Dad’s name is William. He is one of my biggest fans and always lets me know that he has my back, especially in my most troubling moments.

  190. Cindy M Avatar
    Cindy M

    My dad was Bob. And the one memory I have was when we were water skiing/ski boarding at the lake. Dad wanted to do what us kids were doing, so he hopped on the ski board and away he went behind the speed boat. But when it came to ski into the sandy beach, he forgot to let go of the rope and skied right into the dock!! How he didn’t hit it hard and with no bruises, we will never know. It’s the one memory that sticks right in my mind!!

  191. Julee Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Richard. I have many memories but remember how he loved to play with his first great grandson, my only grandson Austin. I think as we get older we take more time with children.

  192. Jan Harritt Avatar
    Jan Harritt

    My dad’s name was Max and he made growing up special. He was happy and fun to be with. He was always making things, fixing things, working on the house, adding on to the house, etc. one of the things he made for me was a pair of stilts, remember those? …before pogo sticks… The wood was shaped and smoothed and he coached and coaxed me until I could walk all over the place. He was a wonderful Dad for a little girl!

  193. Veronica Avatar

    First of all, I have to say that I read your web blog often. I enjoy all that you have to say and the beautiful quilts you share. I, too, have many memories of my dad as a musician. He was self taught, didn’t read music, but played guitar, harmonica, ukulele, banjo, accordion, and steel guitar. He’d go to auction sales and pick up used instruments and just figure out how to play them. In his teen years he was part of a band that would play for local dances, and would entertain during intermissions by yodeling. I have 10 siblings, and have so many memories of listening to Dad play and sing after the farm chores were done, and especially during holidays when he had more time. We would all gather around him and have sing-a-longs. This continued through our adult years when we came back home to visit! His favorite saying was, “Me love you to much!”, and his favorite song was, “You are my sunshine” – both of which continues on through our generation and on. Oh, how I miss him.

  194. Patti Avatar

    My dad’s name was Albert. He died when I was seven, but I remember watching Saturday morning cartoons with him, our favorite was Bugs Bunny. This was just our time together. I also remember him taking me to baton twirling lessons. He was a very patient man.

  195. Mary Truax Avatar
    Mary Truax

    Such fond memories of your Dad, Lisa. The quilt is stunning and on my wish list! My Dad is Jerry. He took me sledding on the family farm in Canada.

  196. Janet Chrzanowski Avatar
    Janet Chrzanowski

    My dad was Charles Hansen. I realize he was the one person who loved me unconditionally. The older I get the more I realize what a special gift that was and it makes me try hard to give that gift to my two children.

  197. Mary H Avatar
    Mary H

    My dad’s name is Don ( and don’t be calling him Donald) and he is almost 95. He came from nothing, his mom died when he was 10 weeks old and he was raised by an aunt. He is to this day a positive, cheerful guy who loves to travel- he went to Maine from Iowa last month. He is curios about everything- an engineer who has to know how things work!

  198. Marie Sundsboe Avatar
    Marie Sundsboe

    My dad’s name was Richard Lockhart. He was such a character — loved surf fishing and smoking cigars when he was younger. He was a gift to anyone who knew him.

  199. Jodi Avatar

    My dad’s name is Garlend. My favorite memories are singing in the car the songs he taught us, usually on Sundays when we were going to dinner at the relatives, so it was about a 30 minute drive to any of them. There were up to 8 of us packed into a car that today would legally only hold 5 or 6. We sang songs like “Davy Crockett”, “Sue City Sue”, “Daniel Boone”, “You Are My Sunshine”, and more. Amazing memories!

  200. Angelia L. Avatar
    Angelia L.

    My dad’s name is Joseph. He was an amazing dad! I remember when we were stationed in Japan, he was retired Air Force, and when my two sisters and I got chicken pox at the same time he gave us each a special Japanese Geisha doll. I still have and love that doll after 45 years. I also remember when he was stationed in Thailand for a year and my mother and sisters and I had to stay behind in the states. He wrote several letters to me that I have also kept and like to read often. He passed away 17 years ago and I truly miss him.

  201. Libby DT Avatar
    Libby DT

    Your handsome hubby Nick resembles your handsome dad.

  202. Sharon Avatar

    It sounds like we have all been blessed to have such wonderful fathers in our lives, we are all so very fortunate. My Dad’s name was Donald and my fondest memory was seeing his eyes light up when he saw me come into his hospital room having flown from Canada to England to see him. He passed away that night leaving behind so many amazing, happy memories, I can never thank him enough for being such a wonderful father, grandfather and friend. I miss him so very much.

  203. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    I just read all the above stories. We each could have written them all! I always relate to you, Lisa, when you mention your dad. I, too, miss my dad every day. He passed away 25 years ago at age 59 from heart disease. William Wayne (Bill) went to Dvry University in Chicago and became a television sales and service shop owner in Racine where I grew up. He raised german short-haired pointers as a hobby and I was always the one “helping” him when the puppies were born, feeding, and cleaning the pens. On weekends when he took the dogs to shows and field trials he would always take us kids along and we had the greatest times. He would take us everywhere, fishing, camping, water skiing, baseball games, hunting, sledding & skating. He would spend hours making an ice pond in the back yard for us to skate on in the winter. He even took us to the tavern with him where I remember sitting on the foot rest under the bar where we would eat a candy bar and drink an orange soda! He made life fun and I remember kissing him goodnight and getting a wisker – rub from him every night as a child! Miss you dad and Love you. Wish you were here to enjoy my beautiful grandchildren with me.

  204. Cheryl Avatar

    My dad’s name was Harry, nicknamed Bud. As children we spent time with the cousins on dad’s side especially at his parents.

  205. Sharon Laurin Avatar

    Hi Lisa…My dad’s name was Kenneth. He died when he was just 41…I’ve always wished I could have known him as an adult, but that wasn’t in God’s plan. But…when I was in the 2nd or third grade, my dad taught me how to water ski. He even bought me small skis called “Buttercups”. Thanks for the memory!

    1. marie Avatar

      My father’s name was “Daddy” and i remember well the walks we would take. I still miss him after 32 years!

  206. Christie Stevens Avatar
    Christie Stevens

    My dad’s name is James. I have so many great memories. One of my favorites is each year when we’d go to the beach on vacation he would sneak me away for an ice cream sundae – just the two of us!

  207. Late Night Quilter Avatar

    What a lovely post. So intimate and generous of you to share it. My Dad’s name is Robert. I’m so lucky. He’s still my safety net in life. He was a scientist, and my best memories with him are the elaborate science experiments he helped me plan. I was the only child in first grade who anesthetized fruit flies with ether and categorized them by sex. I got an A on that one.

  208. Angie C Avatar
    Angie C

    My fathers name is Henry, my favorite memories with him are of Sunday drives in the summer to Devils Lake we always had ice cream followed by a wonderful time swimming.

  209. Brenda Peplinskie Avatar
    Brenda Peplinskie

    My dad has always been there when I needed him and he still is even though I just celebrated my 50th birthday! I still believe there is nothing he can’t do. One of my favourite memories with him, and still today, is playing horseshoes with him, whether it’s at our local small town league, or in the Provincial or Canadian championships. I’m the only one of my five siblings that share this with my dad and that makes it extra-special.

  210. Brenda J Avatar
    Brenda J

    My dad’s name is Gregor, and I am blessed to still have him, though his health is failing as is his memory. He is a rancher and the most honest, hard working person I know along with my mother. I have so many memories — working cattle with him, opening gates, swimming in the hayfield pond after a picnic in the summers. It was a wonderful way to grow up. My favorite memory though was the time I was riding on his back when he was on his hands and knees, and we heard a knock at the door. He hid behind the wall to scare what he thought was my young cousin. The door opened and he growled… it was his favorite aunt with a tin of cookies that almost flew…. we all laugh about that to this day. His facial expression was very memorable…. We who had wonderful fathers (and mothers) were certainly blessed.

  211. Paula L. Avatar
    Paula L.

    My Dad was Lester, and he was a true “star” in my life! One of my fondest memories is how he was always there for me. After losing my husband when my son was 6, we (my Dad and I) were taking a walk and he put his arm around me and told me if I ever needed anything he was just a phone call away. I wish that phone reached up to heaven….Oh how I miss him!!

  212. Julie Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Ervin. He was a farmer and worked so very hard all his life. When he was young they used horses to farm with. We have a picture of him and his Dad and 5 brothers with their first tractors lined up. He raised 8 children (4 boys and 4 girls – the boys are the oldest and then the girls came along). He lost his battle to cancer 19 years ago at the young age of 69. One of my favorite memories of him was that his birthday was on July 4th and every year we would attach a pull string firecracker to the gate and fence so when he came in from milking cows it would pop. We always scared him (at least we thought we did). Miss him!

  213. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    My Dads name was Robert, but was called Bob. He was a great mechanic. Always working on cars. He could rev that engine so lound. He liked to fix things up nice. When he got me my bike, it was lavender and he put coonskin tails on the handlebar ends. Loved them, and only girl I know who had them. My mom and Dad divorced, and I wish I had known him better. He died of a hear attack before 50. Miss him/

  214. Charlotte Avatar

    My dad’s name was WIlliam Valentine but everybody called him Val since he was born on Valentine’s Day.
    My memories of him range from going to Prince Castle for ice cream on summer nights, visiting Buckingham Fountain in downtown Chicago, shopping for our Christmas tree to helping him with home remodel projects.
    We didn’t always see eye to eye but I learned a lot from him.

  215. Susan Knaack Avatar
    Susan Knaack

    My dads name was George…I remember the bright red swim trunks he wore. We lived on the lake and sometimes swim before school. Then it would be a mad dash to get ready and out the door. He was only 69 when he died. Good memories.

  216. gijane279 Avatar

    My dad’s name was John, him and my mother divorced when I was very young (and we had no contact, times were different then)so my best memory is when I got to sit and have dinner with him in my 20’s when I was in the Air Force.

  217. Janan Avatar

    Hi, my dad’s name is Jesse, and my name is Jessie!! How cool is this, named after my father and my grandfather(he was Jesse too)! I remember times shared out in the woods, my father was a logger.
    And I have a great love of the outdoors!

  218. Rita Grizzard Avatar
    Rita Grizzard

    May Dad’s name was Jesse. He passed away 10 months ago at the age of 88 . While I have many happy childhood memories, the memory I cherish now is more recent. He moved across the street from my husband and I 13 yrs ago. He came over for dinner every night (my Mom had already passed). Then at times we’d sit in his “man-cave” garage and talked about everything. I miss him and his many “bits of wisdom” I learned in our conversations.

  219. Kathy Vetter Avatar
    Kathy Vetter

    My Dad’s name was George but everyone called him “Sonny”….fondest memories was going to the stock car races with Dad on Saturday night. Dad towed Buddy’s stock car each week. My brother and I got to ride in the back of the truck as we pulled the stock car into the pit area before the races began. Dad also loved to tell silly jokes !! Later in life we had a falling out and didn’t speak for a long time. I never told my Dad that I loved him, but as it turned out those were the last words I said to him before he passed away and I am so glad I did.

  220. Janet Erickson Avatar
    Janet Erickson

    My dad’s name was William but everyone called him Bill. He passed away two years ago this June. He was an incredible person and all my memories are the fondest. I miss his encouraging words, warm hugs, and unconditional love.

  221. Wendy Grant Avatar
    Wendy Grant

    My Daddys name is Mervin. I loved riding in his antique corvair, he always wanted me to be happy. always.

  222. Patti Wiggs Avatar
    Patti Wiggs

    My Dad’s name is Roland and he was a super guy. He loved Christmas – even more than my brother and I. He was always sitting at the tree waiting for all of us to wake up, He raced down the aisle with me at my wedding rehearsal — the next day, he had tears in his eye as we slowing walked the aisle. He is always missed.

  223. Terry Avatar

    My Dad’s name is Harold. He enjoyed shooting and was always happy to talk guns with anybody who was interested. He had no sons, but my sister and I both shot with him sometimes. My mother gave him a special antique gun for Christmas one year, and he was so touched that it made him cry. That made the rest of us cry, too!

  224. Sally Smith Avatar
    Sally Smith

    My Dads name was Jim, unfortunately he had alzheimers from the age of 50. He gave us all so many wonderful memories he was a kind, generous, gentle, caring strong man. He died quite recently and the thing I miss most is the sound of his voice, his laughter and his mischievous sense of humour. Xx

  225. Pat McPherson Avatar
    Pat McPherson

    My dad’s name was Tom. He had sparkling eyes that always look like he was laughing. He liked to tease, everyone. I only had one sister and she was my mom’s favorite but I was my dad. He died in 2000 and I really miss him. He loved animals and shared that love with us. Whenever we drove somewhere we always sang in the car and none of us could sing!

  226. Sharon Avatar

    My fathers name is Kenneth, Friends call him Kenny. One favorite memory is going fishing with him with the old cane poles. My poor dad with 5 girls he had no time to fish himself because he was alway baiting the hook, taking off the fish or untangling the line. Should do that again.

  227. Donna Faris Avatar
    Donna Faris

    My Dad’s name is Ralph. He is 88 years old and I am blessed with many memories plus we continue to make memories! My Dad and I plus one of my sisters and her husband are going on an Alaska cruise this July. He has always wanted to go to Alaska so we are making one of his dreams come true. I know I will have many memories from that trip which we will cherish.


  228. Lisa LK Avatar
    Lisa LK

    My Dad’s name is Lee, but everyone knows him as The Bear. And that’s just what he is, a giant teddy bear. One of my many great memories is when he taught me how to swim. Took me out on the dock and threw me off the end. You’d think I would have been terrified, but I wasn’t at all. I’ve always had complete trust in him. He wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t think I could swim. He will turn 80 this summer and what do you give a dad who already has everything? Make him a quilt, of course!

  229. susan jankowski Avatar
    susan jankowski

    My Dad’s name was Dan, and I miss him dearly, even after 30 years. i only had him for 20 years, as he died pretty young. He also worked on cars, but the engine part of the car. Many people in Menasha still remember him . My favorite menory of him was he would let me stand on his shoes and he would dance. That is how i learned to polka. That memory always puts a smile on my face. : )

  230. Celeste Espeseth Avatar
    Celeste Espeseth

    My Dad’s name was Ray. He had a wonderful sense of humor. Miss him every day. My memories of his huge garden and canning salsa are so wonderful. Especially in the fall.

  231. Antonia Arnold Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Paul, a WI dairy farmer who never took time off because no one else could milk the cows to his satisfaction. He introduced me to the public library and took me along with him every time he went. Either my brothers weren’t interested or were too busy so I felt special.

  232. Bev Avatar

    My dad’s name was Ken. And he always had a project – building or fixing things. One summer he decided to build a stone wall and we spent the summer picking rocks in farm stone piles, with plenty of bees chasing us as we picked through the pile!

  233. Arlene H. Avatar
    Arlene H.

    My Dad’s name was Bob, a tool and die worker in Detroit while the auto industry was in full swing. My best memory was of going to Cedar Point as a child and he would hold me down on the roller coasters because I was so small when we started going I will be lifted off the seat while the ride was going. Eventually I was big enough he didn’t need to hold me down!

  234. Kif huffman Avatar
    Kif huffman

    My dad was James he has been gone 17 years. I loved when I danced with him my feet on his and the two step. He was my everything since my mom had a stroke when I was 10

  235. Norma Avatar

    Great project, Lisa.
    My Dad’s name was Russell. I was the Youngest of 6, 4 1/2 years behind my nearest sibling. I was a bit of a Daddy’s girl. He was a WI dairy farmer, electrician, math whiz, assessor. He always had time to listen to me. So many memories. Even though he’s been gone for 20 years there are still times when I think I should call him to go for a drive.

  236. Anne Avatar

    My Daddy, Perry, was a very serious Chiropractor in NC … but he also had a good sense of humor and enjoyed telling goofy jokes to his patients. He grew up one of 10 kids on a tobacco farm across the river with lots of brothers. Clearly, one of the things he’d loved was going hunting, since he arranged his adult work schedule so he’d be off on Thursday and Saturday afternoons. About 9 months of the year he was out hunting something on those afternoons, and a few holidays, along with a buddy or two. (And sometimes my brother got to go along … one time he shot his gun at Daddy’s Cadillac … but that’s another story.) When Daddy would come home from rabbit, squirrel or dove hunting, he looked like a kid. I think he looked like I probably looked when I came in from a great afternoon of sledding in the snow … chilled, red in the face and happy as could be. To this day, when I think of Thanksgiving smells, it isn’t turkey and pumpkin pie that come to mind … it’s tangerine peels (from his coat pockets), spent shotgun shells (also from his coat pockets), and gun oil … he always hunted on Thanksgiving morning, and would come home and dump out his pockets, then clean his shotgun. And he just looked so very happy and content as he warmed up and the red chill left his face.

  237. Jackie Roisler Avatar
    Jackie Roisler

    I truly enjoy reading your memoirs of your special dad 🙂
    My father, Jan, was more reserved than yours. It probably had a lot to do from leaving Holland (and only speaking Dutch) when he was 5 yrs. old & moving to America with his family. In his elder years I got him to open up about this time & loved his stories, though not always the happiest to hear. His memories were of hiding in his mothers skirts as they went through Ellis Island’s immigration lines with tall, scary American soldiers & their holstered guns. Three days into living in the US, he & his 6 yo sister Freda walked to school & they could only understand “yes” & “no”. In his teens his nic-name became Boots, for this is the only shoe he wore. Early mornings he arose before school to accompany his father to the flower market to buy stock for their store. I really loved my Dad, I still am proud of him, he passed on quite a while back. He retired as Director of Travel & Conference for one of the largest US insurance companies… bad for a scared child who hid in his mothers skirts.

  238. Sandie Mackintosh Avatar
    Sandie Mackintosh

    My dad goes by many names – James Robert is the combination given to him, but his mother didn’t like Jim, so family called him Robert, School friends called him Jim, of course my brothers and I called him dad, but I think his favorite name is “Pap”. Watching him interact with his grandchildren can always make me smile.

  239. LisaD Avatar

    My dad’s name is Bob. My favorite memory is when he drove 4 hours to where I was attending college one day to help me with a computer program I was having trouble writing. I was so surprised when he showed up and so grateful for the help. He would do anything for me or my siblings. It was just like him to take a day off and spend 8 hours driving just to take me to lunch and help me write my program.

  240. Mary W Avatar
    Mary W

    My dad’s name is George. My favorite memory is of him and my grandpa taking me fishing (trolling) out on Lake Superior when I was about 10. I got seasick and spent most of the trip puking over the edge of the boat. Now that I think about it, that shouldn’t be my favorite! One that my kids talk about is when we went up to visit in the U.P. during the winter and my dad showed them how to “bum slide” down the snowbanks. Who needs a toboggan or saucer when you can ride down on your bum!

  241. Pamela Miller Avatar
    Pamela Miller

    Lisa, my dad’s name is Jerry. I have many fond memories of him-I was definitely a daddy’s girl and still am. The most heartfelt memory I have though is that when I was three years old, I desperately wanted a real bike with training wheels for Christmas. We didn’t have much money, but we always had great times and lots of love. Daddy needed a new pair of shoes, his were worn out. I got that new shiny bike for Christmas. My Mother told me years later that Daddy put cardboard in his shoes to cover the hole that was there, just so he could get me that bike. I cried many tears after hearing that. He sacrificed so much so his three girls could have what they needed and wanted. I love him so much. He has dementia now, but can still remember alot about the “old” days.

  242. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    My Dad’s name was Ambrose..Amby for short. We 6 kids were forbidden from naming any grandchildren after him! He was a quiet but strong, gentle man. He was a farmer and when I think of him he is in his blue & white striped bib overalls. When I was in grade school I went through a period where I was terrified of being the only one awake in the house. So after I went to bed, he’d sit at the kitchen table reading that day’s Wisconsin State Journal until I was asleep. He’d softly call up through the old round register grate between the kitchen & my room, and if I was still awake he’d sit down and read some more, until he was sure I was asleep.
    We had a radio in the barn. When my Mom was in the barn, we had to listen to the local radio station-crop reports, weather forecasts and local obituaries. But as soon as she left it was fine with him if we turned it back to the only rocknroll station we could dependably get, WLS in Chicago. There are a lot of old songs that put me right back in that barn when I hear them, all these years later.

  243. Maureen Groebner Avatar
    Maureen Groebner

    My father’s name was Joe. He was a trucker. I met him when I was 43 and he was 72. I learned about him when I was 19. He spent his life looking for me and when we met he claimed I was the most beautiful person he had ever met. I had my two babies and husband with me and we visited for 3 days. That was the only time we met and talked. He died shortly thereafter. It’s the best memory I have. Others are blessed to have their daddy with them throughout life. I had mine for 3 days….a lifetime of catchup we did in those 3 days! I treasure it always.

  244. Paula Walters Avatar
    Paula Walters

    My dad’s name was Martin. When I was a kid, he had a Harley motorcycle, and every day when he
    got home from work, he would take me for a ride. He’s the only person I ever trusted to ride on a
    motorcycle with. I sure do miss him!

  245. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    My Dad’s name was Tony. He worked for the township driving trucks and maintenance. He also farmed so he was busy all the time. I remember eating popcorn with him. Maybe that is why to this day I love popcorn so much.

  246. Robert King Avatar
    Robert King

    Hi Lisa,

    What a beautiful tribute to your Dad! My Dad was my hero also and I miss him everyday. One if my favorite memories if my dad was when he and Mom stayed in our small apt above the garage. It wasn’t attached to the house. Every night I would cross the yard to the apt, open the door and yell night guys! Dad would come to the top of the step with that beautiful grin and say “Good night Jo Jo! Sleep tight and don’t let the bugs bite”! He’d been saying that to me since I was a toddler. As I was closing the door he would say “Lock us in honey!” And I would lock the door to save him a trip down the stairs. His grin told me how much he loved ” tucking his little girl in” again. My dad was also a mechanic and worked days and then evenings at a garage! I know a lot about cars because of him! He also loved to fish!! I lost dad last April. They lived in Fl for 20 years and I missed him so much, but he and mom had a 20 year honey moon and I’m so happy for that. He was just shy if his 90th birthday. Sorry this was so long! Take care Lisa! I’m sure your block will be beautiful. Jo

    Jo King Automated Only 717-793-0387 Accounting Solutions for the Average “Jo” Member of Intuit’s Accountant’s Advisory Council Member Intuit Training Writer Network Quickbooks Advanced Pro Advisor QuickBooks Online Certified QuickBooks Point of Sale Certified Enterprise Solutions Certified NAN Chapter Leader Sleeter Group Certified QuickBooks Consultant


  247. Jo King Avatar
    Jo King

    Hi Lisa,
    What a beautiful tribute to your Dad!
    My Dad was my hero also and I miss him everyday. His name was Bernie.
    One of my favorite memories of my dad was when he and Mom stayed in our small apt above the garage. It wasn’t attached to the house. Every night I would cross the yard to the apt, open the door and yell night guys! Dad would come to the top of the step with that beautiful grin and say “Good night Jo Jo! Sleep tight and don’t let the bugs bite”! He’d been saying that to me since I was a toddler.
    As I was closing the door he would say “Lock us in honey!” And I would lock the door to save him a trip down the stairs.
    His grin told me how much he loved ” tucking his little girl in” again.
    My dad was also a mechanic and worked days and then evenings at a garage! I know a lot about cars because of him! He also loved to fish!!
    I lost dad last April. They lived in Fl for 20 years and I missed him so much, but he and mom had a 20 year honey moon and I’m so happy for that. He was just shy if his 90th birthday. Sorry this was so long!
    Take care Lisa!
    I’m sure your block will be beautiful.
    Jo King

  248. Lois Wilhelm Avatar
    Lois Wilhelm

    Hi Lisa,
    My dad’s name was LeOrr. He loved his family greatly and I loved watching him read to my daughters when they were little, like he read to me 🙂

    Lois Wilhelm

  249. Louise Avatar

    My Dad’s name was Herb. He adopted me and I am sorry to say I wasn’t always the nicest kid. Towards the end of his life I went home to visit – he hugged me and said he was proud of me. I sure miss him.

  250. Sue Couts Avatar
    Sue Couts

    My Dad’s name is Russ. He past 6 years ago in August. I miss him and love him so. Can’t wait to see him again~ My Dad did counted cross stitch, he was amazing at it. Me not so much 🙂 He was always so interested in everything that I did, sewing and otherwise. He had complete unconditional love for me and I cherish those memories.

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