Thanks…here’s some quilting…

Thanks for the support everyone…I do not like it when my girls are treated badly and you always come through for us…saying just the right things to let them think about how much better they might have it cause they can walk in our door….I know we are not perfect and sometimes we do not think of everything, but we try hard at whatever we do and the last thing we want to do is lose a customer or have unhappy ones.  So hopefully they can admit to themselves that this is kind of stupid…and understand our reasons.

Here is some of Linda’s work from her magical needle…I want to see more!!!

Good night my friends…LB



Lisa Bongean/Linda Hrcka 2014
Lisa Bongean/Linda Hrcka 2014

47 responses to “Thanks…here’s some quilting…”

  1. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    I think you have another show stopping winner! The quilt is beautiful and the Linda’s quilting always enhances the design. You two are a winning pair.

  2. Lynn Avatar

    I love your store and your staff is wonderful. I live in a remote location and have only been able to make it into the shop in person once. I would love to come more often and be able to shop, visit and be inspired, but since this is not possible I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to order online. Thankyou Lisa and all of you who work so hard to help me create beautiful quilts!

  3. Debbie St. Germain Avatar

    That is gorgeous quilting and so perfect for the designs.


  4. Nancy Martin Avatar
    Nancy Martin

    WoW! Perfection! Before I get too old I want to visit your store. It’s on my bucket list.

  5. Sue Avatar

    I agree with Lynn about wishing I could come to your store. I live in SW Florida and have only been to the shop once, but I lived in Wisconsin when I learned to quilt and have many happy memories of the wonderful shops there. Your shop has the kind of things I just love. I’m so sorry your girls were treated badly. No one has the right to call someone else a bitch, particularly in those circumstances and I do hope those who did it have realized their bad taste and will apologize.

    I also agree with Debbie about the beauty of the quilt and the quilting. It’s a joy to look at.

  6. gijane279 Avatar

    Beautiful I’m sure the entire design is just awesome I spent a lot of time looking at Linda’s exquisite Quilting I even emailed her to inquire about her doing work for me

  7. Susan J Avatar
    Susan J

    Gezzz-there’s always something-please know that the majority of us think of you as so talented, we really look forward to your SBOW and this one may be your best! Thanks for the prepay break for us mailing quilters-hopefully the ladies will understand, but there is no one that deserves to be called that name especially in a great quilt shop-too bad. Thank you for sticking up for your girls-they’ve always been so helpful to me personally.

  8. Sandie French Avatar
    Sandie French

    I cannot believe your gals were treated so poorly! They are the most accommodating ladies and deserve better.! Let me at those old hags, we’ll show them some classLove your staff, your designs and you…keep up the good work! We just had our annual quilt show here in ?grants Pass, OR and some of your designs were in it, along with one of the venders…keep up the great talent and looking forward to the SBOW!!!

  9. Janet O. Avatar

    When I grow up I want to quilt like Linda!! : )

  10. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    can’t believe how awesome that quilting is. I agree with Janet O. If those women don’t come back to the store, life will go on, and probably better. Usually quilters are not nasty like that. Who needs them. Glad you stuck up for your girls.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Late last night I got an text from one of my girls thanking me for sticking up for her…I then told her if the 2 “mean” girls EVER give her any grief again to show them the door…and tell them they cannot “participate” any longer…There is no rules to stay the “abusive” customer is right…no one has to take that…LB

  11. Linda Smith Avatar
    Linda Smith

    So sorry thoughtless people cause pain. The quilt is spectacular and the quilting is fabulous!!!

    Thanks for your eye for design, skillful stitching, and heart for all of us groupies.

  12. Rachel Childress Avatar
    Rachel Childress

    I have been a customer of your store since our tour in Korea, then Germany and now, good old Virginia! I am so grateful for you and your wonderful store! Your staff has never been anything but kind and helpful. Just a short while back I was uncertain how to do something on one of the patterns, and one of your girls took the time to help me. I am so happy with the service and products you supply us with at your store! I can’t wait to see you all again in a few weeks at the Quilters Unlimited show here! :-). Very excited! Thank you for all that you do to help us who live faraway. Going to Primitive Gatherings is on my bucket list by the way! 🙂

  13. Cat Avatar

    Wow, ooooooow, how absolutely fabulous your sitiching is. I am working on Words to Live By and am enjoying seeing it come together stitch by stitch. Thank you for sharing your talent in stitches, designs and fabric.

  14. Kim Avatar

    Beautiful! Can’t wait to get started! You tell your girls not to think twice about those mean girls….they’re just miserable in their own skin…they should just be thankful they get to come into your store….I would love to have that privilege!

  15. Linda Schluchter Avatar
    Linda Schluchter

    I wish I had the opportunity to walk into your store, my sisters and I fell in love with your work at your location in Paducah last year and made your spot tops on our list this year. My sister and I are both anxiously awaiting the arrival of our kit and threads in the nice case. I hope you will post more pictures of the beautiful quilting that is being done on the finished quilt, I would appreciate having it for reference for my long armer. Keep up the fabulous work, I only have 3 other kits of yours to do along with finishing my Evelyns Album from last year, but i’m sure I will dive right into the new kit when it comes. Don’t sweat the little stuff and those who feel they should be given special consideration.

  16. Barb Avatar


  17. randyquilter Avatar

    Love it. Can’t wait to get started on mine. Love Linda’s quilting I study everything she does (one day I might get there). Love your store and your web site, and I am one of those that calls in and places orders over the phone and the web and your staff gets a A+++++++ form me, You just have to over look some people. God Bless you and your staff

  18. Mary Z Avatar
    Mary Z

    Beautiful quilt! You always provide such beautiful products for us to make! And don’t fret about those nasty customers – – there are always people who feel they are more privileged than the rest of the world. They owe you a big time apology, but my guess it won’t happen. Thanks for sticking up for your staff – – you would be wonderful to work for.

  19. pdroberts Avatar

    I have never had any complaints regarding your staff. They have been gracious and courteous to answer all my questions and have gone out of their way to help. I am so very sorry that your girls had to suffer at the hands of some very small minded people. It is very apparent that you all work very hard to make things easy for we customers. When I call with a question I feel as though I am talking to a friend. I have had the pleasure to speak with both Lisa and Nick at the show in Cincinnati, Ohio. I do wish you would were going to be at the NQA show in Columbus, Ohio. I am really hooked on all your projects. Your SBOW is marvelously beautiful. The quilting is superb. How do you do it? I am in AWE. Bless you all and some day I hope I can come to your store, meanwhile I will peruse your fantastic web site. Thank you so much for being here.

  20. Jane lemley Avatar
    Jane lemley

    Just another case of “Adults Acting Badly” ! Please know how we love your store and all the beautiful kits available. Those ladies should be asked to shop elsewhere ….see how long it takes them to beg to be allowed back in.

  21. Jane z Avatar
    Jane z

    My thought on these rude that they have to live with themselves..I can only imagine.
    The quilting on this quilt is absolutely beautiful!!!!

  22. Kathe Lyndsley Avatar

    Lisa and staff, Have always been treated with the utmost courtesy and respect. Even when I’m having a stupid moment and need guidance over the phone, your staff is able to figure out what I’m doing wrong. Lisa, we love your drive and talent — incredible designs — kits include awesome wool, reversed shapes and easy to follow instructions– colors are fabulous — recommended tools and notions that work — and the list could go on and on.. Sometimes it is good for us to remember there is a whole village that keeps PG #1 for wonderful combination quilts! Well done to a great staff! We are behind you.

  23. Sandy Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous quilt and quilting!!!

    1. debi from Fl Avatar
      debi from Fl

      The comments and the women were rude…..quilting is to slow things down and enjoy the ride, not to yell and be in a hurry…..I feel sorry for them that they don’t get that 🙁 Don’t you change a thing!!!! Your quilt and the quilting shown are enough to put the ohhh and the aahhh back into the sneak peaks of this totally awesome quilt….GREAT JOB!!!! Debi L.

  24. Phyllis Avatar

    How I would love to be able to walk into your shop and meet the wonderful ladies who take care of my orders and BOMs. I live in Colorado so I shop online. You are all wonderful and I can’t talk about you enough with my friends. Thank you all for all you do to make my quilting life such fun.

  25. Linda Avatar

    OMG!!! Quilt is beautiful. Would she consider doing mine when it is finished?

  26. Anne Travis Avatar
    Anne Travis

    Your shop girls are fantastic! They are patient and willing to help, and I am talking about describing something over the phone and they get it right! I am so glad you mail your projects out! Keep up the great work. Anne

    Sent from my iPad


  27. Connie R. Spalding Avatar
    Connie R. Spalding

    OMG…this is absolutely gorgeous. Both you and Linda have outdone yourselves with this one…can’t wait to start mine.

  28. hpyquilter Avatar

    Lisa I have worked retail my entire life and I believe everyone and I do mean everyone should be required to work for 1 year in retail. There would be kinder people if they did. Having said that, let the walk in’s prepay, but they have to have them mailed. Once they see they are paying more they won’t want to prepay. That way they are getting what they want and paying more than the normal walk in price. People’s reasoning is nutty sometimes. Love the blocks, I think this might be your best BOW yet.

  29. sallie mcdaniel Avatar
    sallie mcdaniel

    Lisa this SBOW looks just beautiful. I cannot afford to purchase it on a weekly basis right now. Will the pattern be available after this summer as a complete pattern or book or BOM? It is too pretty to be only offered througj SBOW, which is just too pricey for me. Thanks, Sallie

      Sallie McDaniel 4139 Chickasaw Trail Douglasville, GA 30135 770-949-0518

    Never be afraid to try something new–A lone amateur built the Ark while a group of professionals built the Titanic!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      yes…it will run as a bom and will include the pattern…or you can purchase the pattern separate.

      1. Sallie Avatar

        Thanks, I look forward to getting on board. It really looks gorgeous!!! Sallie

  30. Sandi H. Avatar

    Hi Lisa, as one of this long distant customers who has never been to the store, although last year I had hoped to come when I drove from the west coast to the Chicago quilt show in June. I have to say that I was so impressed when I was in Houston in 2012 and Jessica recognized me by my name tag and introduced herself. It nice to have that type of thing happen because of being a participant in your SBOW program. Several of my friends enjoy the great service you give us living in Canada by bundling our blocks to help keep the costs down.

    I will hopefully get to your store one day and meet more of you staff. Keep your heads up and a smile on your face, don’t let them get you down.

  31. Beth Avatar

    I don’t know, I find the shop to be just evil…..! So many wonderful quilts, great staff who help me fill up the basket and always have very good ideas and the perfect answers to my questions. When I am in the area, my car just knows to turn right on 441 and right on Racine Street and directly into the parking lot – -the car might be part bloodhound. Thankfully, I can also order on line and the evilness shows up in my mailbox in Madison in just a few days.

  32. Jan Konen Avatar
    Jan Konen

    Great quilt and great staff. They don’t deserve the verbal abuse.

    Jan Konen

  33. Kathy B Avatar
    Kathy B

    Lisa, you have another top notch SBOW!!! It is so beautiful & the quilting is the absolute perfection to
    the project!! You & Linda are an excellent duo! So looking forward to seeing you in St. Cloud – as well
    as any of your top notch staff!!

  34. Miranda Flinders Avatar
    Miranda Flinders

    Dealing with customers–you know it is ALL about me!  I apologize for all of those angry people out there!

  35. Becky Avatar

    To each and every person who has the pleasure of calling quilting their work – always remember…Don’t let the turkeys get you down, you make a positive difference in someone’s life every single day! Guard your heart from those who couldn’t even begin to fill your shoes, even on one of your bad days.

  36. Shari Avatar

    This is a beautiful quilt and the quilting is fantastic. I think you need to show your’s and Linda’s winning quilt from Paducah! It was gorgeous! Congratulations!

  37. Karen S Avatar
    Karen S

    This quilt is so gorgeous. Love the mix of colors and the designs are lovely. Wish I could play along–just can’t swing the time right now. And so sorry to hear there are sour attitudes there. You offer such fabulous patterns and fabrics.

  38. cari Avatar

    A big whoo whoo to Judy P. who does such great service to your online customers!!! Can’t wait to get this one started!!

  39. Gloria Parsons Avatar

    Rock on Lisa…. Isn’t it amazing out of the thousands and thousands of customers you have… it only takes just a few that want to bend the rules (thinking about themselves only) that can just ‘STEAL YOUR JOY’! Women are something else aren’t they? Simply unbelievable! Hey… I know… let them have the job – FOR JUST ONE WEEK – of cutting out all the FREEBIES! That will truly put an end to their selfishness! Don’t you think? HA! I’ve found the answer for you….. hugs to all of you… miss you bunches!

  40. Colleen Avatar

    My name is Colleen and I live about a 70 minute drive away from the shop. I get there several times a year at least. I am a lucky girl! And EVERY TIME in the last 8 years I have been visiting the shop I have NEVER been treated rudely by one of the staff. Jessia and the gang are fabulous! They go out of their way to help, to give suggestions if you want them, and are just plain old kind! Some women are just mean… plain and simple! Not happy unless they have something to bitch about. The summer BOW is gorgeous and I can’t wait to see the freebies :o) Thank you Lisa and staff!

  41. Marlene M Avatar
    Marlene M

    Lisa, There’s not a quilt shop I’m familiar with that comes close to yours. I have been there once but use your on-line all the time. I have to say – you are all THE BEST. Thanks for being there for us.

  42. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    What nice stitching on the quilt !!!! Nice work Linda !
    I’m not sure what all the hubbub is about but like Colleen’s comment and agree !!!

  43. Jan Gifford Avatar
    Jan Gifford

    Your staff is great! And, I just can’t get enough of Primitive Gatherings! Thank you, Lisa.:-)

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