12 Days of Needful Things…Day 8!

12 Days of Xmas Ornaments 8DAY 8 STEAM-A-SEAM 2 LITE

I have to admit to you that I usually am working on a couple of post ahead of when they post…this is not the case right now…With all the rain we have had some water issues along with some meetings for the new house has put me back a bit…but I’ll catch up today…So I am actually writing this post today!

images-3I am featuring  this needful thing AGAIN this year because I think it is extremely needful…I know there are tons of fusible webs out there…but I think this one is the best for WOOL appliqué.  For several reason…Now that they have finally figured out all the glitches it works perfectly now…The following is a step by step directions on how to use SAS2Lite…

Trace your design on the side that has the 1″ grid…-(FYI the 24″ wide now comes with a yellow grid that is not so “there” the yellow is more subtle, which I really like.)

Remove the backing paper and place your shape on the wool.  Iron using lots of HEAT…you cannot over heat the SAS2Lite, and keeping the iron moving over the wool.

Cut out your shapes using a nice fine scissors…cut away the traced line as wool is fluffier than normal cotton.  So the shapes grow a little. This is why I cut 3/16″ stems- when they are stitched they are a 1/4″…if i would cut 1/4″ they would look bigger than a 1/4″, like 3/8″after being stitched and sometimes this is too big.  I notice this on peoples blocks that their stems are a lot chubbier than mine…again…they look at the diagram and cut 1/4″ and do not read those directions I painstakingly wrote for them and have them cut 3/16″. LOL…

Remove the paper from the back of the shape and place it on your background.

Iron with tons of heat and steam…lots of presses up and down always keeping the iron moving at all time…the steam should be giving you a facial on the side.

Once it all looks good…flip it over and steam the back side too…up and down presses, lots of steam and heat…-no worries you will not wreck the fusible with too much

Now it’s time to stitch…

I sometimes hear that stitcher’s do not care for the SAS2Lite because it gives you a gummy needle…I do not have this problem…If you do you are not steaming enough..I will help remedy this problem later…The SAS2 loves steam and heat and I say this all the time in my classes that Wool and Steam are best friends…You will not have lifting or losing parts on your project…there are no pins, glues or any thing to get in your way of stitching or messing on your beautiful wools…your appliqués are clean and neat because of the fusible web, not all fuzzy and unmanageable….When you are laying out your wool the SAS2 has a tacky back that allows you to layout a whole big block and then tweak until it perfect and then steam it all down at once…I do not like slipy slidy appliqués they are too hard to manage.  So that is the story of SAS2 Lite…Please try it…you will never go back to the others.

Unknown-1We have ordered a ton of the sheets of the SAS2LITE so you can stock up or try it for the first time…This pack reg. $5 is on special for $4.00…BUT  if you order more than 1 we will give you $25% off…so they will go down to $3.75 a package STEAM-A-SEAM2 …the cart will figure your discounts usual…and remember to HOLD if thats what you doing…we truly appreciate the HOLD as this allows us to order ahead or for Jake to make ahead, if you wait until after the event to order all at once…it will take a bit longer, it you don’t care thats fine..




So with that said…here is a peek at what If am working on ..It is ODD that I would be working on something “in season”…I have a new line of MODA fabric called Christmas Gatherings coming out in MAY 2016…So I thought we would do a book to go along with the line of Moda fabrics.
Christmas Gatherings Covers LR-350x350 2I have yet to do a book in conjunction with a fabric line so this is a first…but I want the book to be all what I do and not just fabric quilts…so the book will have cotton and wool projects..lots of them.



Here is a peek at what is currently in progress at our studio and how we go about writing and self publishing our books…This book will be made completely in house here at Primitive Gatherings…IMG_4711A big part of what I do is write directions…here is how this happens… I bring Teri my ideas/rough schetches…she create the quilts digitally with the fabric sku’s…I figure out yardages for all the cotton quilts…these two things go to the MODA marketing crew to prepare sell sheets for the fabric reps to help promote the fabric sales….Then I take the yardages I have figured out and write the directions for the quilts.

When my sample yardage comes  Amy cuts and starches all the fabrics.IMG_4712   Teri- our graphic designer…gets the first draft copy done and we proceed to cut the quilts, so we are working from the book right from the start and can ward off any nasty boo boos…which would  devastate us. IMG_4710

These appliqué projects have been prepped with SAS2LITE and are waiting to be stitched by meIMG_4628IMG_4707Amy is piecing the Flying Geese for my Christmas Rose..these big appliqué blocks…I am piecing Boxes of CandyIMG_4709… Jean is currently binding All wrapped up…after it came off my quilting machineIMG_4630…So we have one quilt done!!!  If you like what you see going on here you can pre order out next book  CHRISTMAS GATHERINGS BOOK

I will give you a tour on one of these posts…of the whole Primitive Gatherings.  Have a great day…and Day 8 means we only have 8 more days to complete all what we need to get done…I better get going!!! LB

REMEMBER  to leave a comment to WIN some SAS2Lite!!!


223 responses to “12 Days of Needful Things…Day 8!”

  1. Karin Pavlovsky Avatar
    Karin Pavlovsky

    I am so glad to hear that you cannot steam too much that answers my problem with wool. Thanks

  2. Lorene Breit Avatar

    I love the new sas2lite. Just works so much better.

  3. Sharon Avatar

    SAS2lite looks wonderful. I will definitely have to try some.

  4. Sue Dollhopf Avatar
    Sue Dollhopf

    Thanks for showing us a preview of your next book. It’s always interesting to see “behind the scenes”.

  5. Patty Fowl Avatar
    Patty Fowl

    I love to see all the “background” workings of what it takes to do what you do! Looking forward to your Christmas book!

  6. Linda Avatar

    I have never used sas2lite but I am going to start by ordering today. I am also going to preorder your Christmas Gatherings book. I love Christmas Rose!

  7. Nancy Avatar

    Thanks to you Lisa, this is my favorite product for my woolie work and I have a woolie hand stitch going at all times. I ran out when it was unavailable, tried another product and was not at all happy. I did the happy dance when SASL was available again. This was a fun post to read and look at pictures. THANK YOU once again.

  8. DianeWyte Avatar

    Will want to try the SAS2 for sure — the fusible I currently use is not working too well!!!

  9. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    SAS 2 Lite is wonderful. It is the only way to go when working with wool. I need to stock up. I love the projects in your upcoming book. Beautiful work.

  10. Sue knill Avatar
    Sue knill

    Love the new book plans.

  11. Ann in PA Avatar
    Ann in PA

    I love working with wool – SAS2Lite is the best! Have introduced my young granddaughters to wool applique and they love it. : )

  12. Meme Avatar

    So glad the improved sas2lite is back. Thanks for your updated instructions, time to get busy using them!

  13. Liz Kisielewski Avatar
    Liz Kisielewski

    Wool appliqué is so much fun. Using a fusible makes it easier and more portable. Cannot recommend it enough.

  14. zaneyonequilts Avatar

    Lisa, I absolutely love the nativity ornaments which are displayed prominently on my tree! I see they are to be included in your Christmas Gatherings book. I have been hoping you would add a few, such as wisemen, camel, more animals, etc., to complete the set.

  15. Laura Benthien Avatar
    Laura Benthien

    How on earth do you get it all done!

  16. Lynnette Kleinau Avatar
    Lynnette Kleinau

    Always my go to for applique–great stuff!

  17. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    I only use steam a seam. I really missed it when they were having troubles with it. Other products just didn’t work for me and it got frustrating. I really appreciated all the work you and your staff do to bring us wonderful projects to work on. You a so creative. Thanks.

  18. Gayle Troccoli Avatar
    Gayle Troccoli

    I absolutely LOVE the Christmas Gatherings fabric! I am constantly amazed at your creativity and the number of new projects you design. Thank you so much for sharing your process. I am looking forward to your Christmas Gatherings book.

  19. Dee Avatar

    Love what you are coming up with for you Christmas line. Do you find the new Steam a Seam light to be a little heavier than the previous steam a seam we all loved so much? Thinking I may need to give it a try.

  20. Julie Avatar

    I’m new to wool and don’t use a fusible web product. Now I can try the best and not have any issues. Thanks for all your helpful tips!! The new book looks great and it’s wonderful that it will come out with the fabric.

  21. Shirley Mord Avatar
    Shirley Mord

    Great product have used it many times. Your new book looks fantastic.

  22. Kathy Avatar

    Thank you for the detailed instructions. Sometimes you worry about too much heat. Not anymore!

  23. Sharon Clune Avatar
    Sharon Clune

    Can’t wait for the Holidays to be over so I can clean up my sewing room and start some new wool projects.
    Hope Santa brings me all of your 12 days goodies. Thanks for the tip about how to use the SAS2lite, more ironing!

  24. Kim F Avatar
    Kim F

    I love SAS2Lite. I have been careful pressing as I was told if you press too much the fusable sinks into the fabric and doesn’t work. I had trouble with it holding. I will give it another try now. Thanks for the sneak peek too.

  25. Arlene Clark Avatar
    Arlene Clark

    I love the SASLite & use it when doing
    applique. Thanks for the detailed instructions in your blog. Also thanks for the peek at your upcoming book…sounds like you have a lot on your plate!

  26. Mary Lou Ripper Avatar
    Mary Lou Ripper

    The improvements were well noticed on NEW steam a seam light.
    I use it on my last will project. love it!!!!!
    way to go steam a seam!!!!!!

  27. Marcia Connor Avatar
    Marcia Connor

    I love, love love this fusible. I have been using it in it’s various incarnations for years and this is now perfection. Couldn’t be without it!

  28. nettiecrain Avatar

    You have solved my problem! The dilemma of the best way to fuse wool to fabric. I have tried everything and SAS2 seems to be the answer. I will try it on my next wool project. Thanks for the tips too.
    Happy Holidays.

  29. Rose Avatar

    Thanks for the instructions for using SAS2LITE. Somehow, I have always managed to mess up using the instructions on the package (not hard to do for me). Anxious to get my hands on your new book.

  30. Quilter Kim Avatar
    Quilter Kim

    I agree with you SASLite is the BEST!! Thanks for all of the “tips” and the new book and fabric line look great, love the look of the Christmas reds and greens with the cheddar!

  31. Judy Hunsberger Avatar
    Judy Hunsberger

    I absolutely love to applique wool to either cotton or wool. Your projects and ideas inspire me so much.

  32. debby421 Avatar

    I Love SAS2, it is easy on the needle and sticks forever on those prepped pieces that seem to take a long time to get to the needed. LOL

  33. Lee Bowers Avatar
    Lee Bowers

    I was looking forward to this special around Christmas. Your booth is my high point at Paducah. Blessings

  34. Mary Avatar

    The Steam a Seam Lite 2 sounds like just what I need. I have recently purchased a couple of your kits and will be working with wool applique for the first time. Can’t wait till Christmas doings are over so I can start.
    Loved seeing the process for putting together a book.

  35. Karen Weiderman Avatar
    Karen Weiderman

    New to wool – I have come over to the Dark Side!
    What a great idea!!!
    I thought fusing would be cheating!!!

  36. ethelann wood Avatar
    ethelann wood

    Good Morning Lisa. I started getting into wool when the whole SASLite2 problems were going on and it wasn’t available so I am in the other methods habit. I have had the problems with sizing and fuzzing that you mentioned. I am going to try your method. I know you’ve got my back and my work will improve. I can’t wait for the new line. I love working with different materials within the same project. You must be so excited to be setting up a new home. Only you could do so much at one time and it sound so perfectly normal!

  37. Nancy Amann Avatar
    Nancy Amann

    Thanks so much for the detailed information on how to use this product. I will be ordering some.

  38. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    Hi Lisa, I use soft fuse. Since I trust you I’m going to try SASLite 2. You always have great tips. Thanks

  39. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    SAS does work well but I need to steam more. I’m trying the lite this time around. Thank you for the sale.

  40. Tammy Avatar

    I really want to start doing more hand stiching with all my wool kits I have bought over the years from you! Would love to win!!

  41. vickie Avatar

    I was one of the ones who didn’t like the product when it first came out. BUT I am going to give it another try. Thanks for the information and tips.

  42. Jean Pope Avatar
    Jean Pope

    I love your new fabric line. Not is so beautiful. I am no a huge Christmas fabric collector but will have to get your book and fabric.

  43. Carole Avatar

    I have used SASlite. Now that the bugs are worked out……I will try it again. Some of the other products are now having quality issues. Thanks for the reminder.

  44. Joni Everson Avatar
    Joni Everson

    Sa2 lite is the best!!

  45. Carol Caraccia Avatar
    Carol Caraccia

    Thank for the LSAS2 directions….and the preview of your new book!

  46. Glenda Burris Avatar
    Glenda Burris

    I must give this a try! Love the quilt process!

  47. Claire Avatar

    Thanks for the tips on the Steam a Seam 2. I have never had good luck with fusible so will give it another try. I love seeing your behind the scenes pictures and it is so interesting to hear about the process of designing and producing patterns. Your patterns and instructions are excellent and I think you have a great graphic designer, too, as the shapes are always so crisp and clear and easy to trace. Great to see your works in progress. Your first Primitive Christmas book that I have had for years is still one of my favourites. The square in a square one is still on my to do list.

  48. Linda Davis Avatar
    Linda Davis

    Thank you for the informative tour of what is to come and the process to get it accurately ready for us. I’m very glad the sas2 lite is now perfected. Will you be selling it as yardage?

  49. Terri Avatar

    Guess I need to try this again….cuz I hate the slippy slidey too! Thanks for the wool helpful tips….I need to take a class from you as you are the BEST! Are any scheduled? Looking forward to your new line and book.

  50. Diane Heller Avatar
    Diane Heller

    Thank you for sharing your book writing process. Think i will have to preorder your new book!

  51. Pat Morrow Avatar
    Pat Morrow

    I am looking forward to trying the Seam a Seam Lite. I am new to wool applique and am just loving it.

  52. Bonnie Avatar

    Never have enough SAS2 Lite!!! It great to get it for less. Thank you, Lisa!

  53. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    thank you for the peak into the inner workings of publishing…so impressive !

  54. Lily Pinarello Avatar
    Lily Pinarello

    Lisa….you are truly one of a kind amazing.
    A definite inspiration for me and for this l want to thank-you. Your creations are beautiful.

  55. Robin T Avatar

    Last year I ordered SAS2Lite after Primitive Gatherings had it back in stock. Was that the new SAS2Lite or is this the new one? I love using SAS2Lite with wool and cotton and to quickly and temporarily hem my pants.

  56. Kathy Vetter Avatar
    Kathy Vetter

    I have not tried this improved SAS product as of yet. Thank you Lisa for all your beautiful designs!

  57. Margie Avatar

    OK Lisa, as a longtime user of Heat n Bond forever, now as I read your comment on SAS2
    it gives me pause. I think I MUST give SAS2 a decent test! You make it sound like
    “where have I been all this time????!!!!” so yes I WILL get some of this new stuff,
    thank you Lisa!

  58. Vickie Avatar

    Lisa, love the new Christmas fabric line and the book is a must! You never cease to amaze us all with your creativity!!

  59. Irene Avatar

    Hi Lisa, Sounds like you are busier than Santa’s elves!! Just want to thank you for the refresher course on the proper use of SAS2 when using on wool. Perhaps in the days to come, you could give us a reminder on your method and reasons for starching the fabric before starting a project. Merry Christmas to You and Yours..

  60. Susan Koscielak Avatar
    Susan Koscielak

    Thanks for your helpful information! I’m new to wool applique and appreciate the advice on what to use and how to use it.

  61. Dawn brinker Avatar
    Dawn brinker

    Can you tell me what pantograph you used in the picture? I do not own that one. Love the book! Will have to own it:)

  62. Kay Brand Avatar
    Kay Brand

    SAS2L is hit and miss for me. Sometimes it fuses perfect sometimes it is gummy. Maybe it is the high humidity here in the south. Wish I knew. Love the new Christmas book and fabric. Just found out yesterday that my hubby has a business trip to Sun Pairie WI in Feb/March 2016. Hope that is near Menasha. If it is I’ll be going with him on that trip.

  63. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I took one of your classes and have been using the SAS2lite. Works great. Looking forward to seeing the projects in your new book and the fabric line too.

  64. Yvonne Avatar

    Can’t wait to get some SAS2! Looking forward to your new Christmas book and fabric!!!

  65. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    Thanks for the steam hints.

  66. Vicki h Avatar
    Vicki h

    I look forward to using this product.

  67. Roxie Avatar

    This was a very helpful post. I have not used SAS2L before. Your post has given me the motivation to try it out. I loved the preview of your new book. Thank you.

  68. jackie Avatar

    This is one product can’t live with out doing wool, thanks for the great discount!

  69. Kim Fernald Avatar
    Kim Fernald

    Thank you for writing out specific directions for SAS2 – I am making your wool Christmas ornament kits and the needle keeps getting sticky. I know now that I didn’t use enough heat and steam!

  70. Phil and Mary Heidemann Avatar
    Phil and Mary Heidemann

    I love the 12 Days of Needful Things and look forward to the post each day. I had tried the Steam-a-seam, but it did not adhere. I have copied your suggestions and printed it, so now I’m ready to try it again. I actually used a stapler to make sure I kept my wool felt from shifting when I was trying to blanket stitch on a bus trip. I can’t sit without some sewing in my hands, even on a bus. Thanks again for this great post.

    Mary Heidemann 56555 Hwy 4 Daykin, NE 68338 402-587-0177

  71. Theresa Avatar

    I want to learn more about wool applique and the best products to use so I can proceed with some projects

  72. Theresa Avatar

    I appreci9ate your hints because I have projects to start

  73. Susan LaRose Avatar
    Susan LaRose

    Thank you for the tour! It’s fascinating to see how it all comes together. Can’t wait to get some of the next collection.

  74. Cindi P Avatar
    Cindi P

    All I can say is “duh!” That is why my stems always look so much fatter than the pattern….3/16 cuts here I come!

  75. Jane Avatar

    Thanks for the instructions on SAS2! Love the book with the new fabric line!

  76. Cathy Trujilloo Avatar
    Cathy Trujilloo

    I’m a big fan of SAS2lite! I really like the “tacky” feature which helps keep all the pieces remain exactly where I want them and am less likely to lose the itty bitty shapes I worked hard to cut out! Also there is less fraying and I can whip stitch close to the edges giving more dimension. Thanks for sharing your tips for wool and piecing!

  77. Lisa LK Avatar
    Lisa LK

    Love SAS2lite, too! Can’t figure out how you do it all, do you ever sleep?

  78. Patricia Streeter Avatar
    Patricia Streeter

    I LOVE SAS2lite. It has been making a difference in my appliqué.

    No I don’t have problems with sticky needles – but I have a steam station

    I do have alcohol squares on hand just in case though.

    When will the pattern/kit with the cheddar fabric be available?? LOVE IT!

    Merry Christmas!

  79. Jane Hansen Avatar
    Jane Hansen

    Perfect timing for the sale on SAS2. It was on my list of things to pick up at the shop when I’m there this afternoon. Love the behind the scenes look at the new book.

  80. aquiltinglady Avatar

    So love SAS2lite! I would not even know it existed if not for you, so thanks for that!! Sooo excited about your new Christmas fabric line and book! Two words came to mind about the added cheddar….genius and love! It’s a beautiful addition! Merry Christmas!!

  81. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I love your Christmas projects! The cheddar fabric is one of my favorite things!!

  82. Lori Albrechtsen Avatar
    Lori Albrechtsen

    Now I won’t ever use anything else but SAS2 since you are the expert Lisa!! I love the things you are working on right now too! Thanks!!!

  83. Lana Avatar

    Love SAS2lite!!! I’ve always steam,steam, steam like you have advised and I have no problem with a sticky needle. Happy for the yellow lines on the 24″ ! Love the new fabric line and the book!

  84. Carol Thomas Avatar
    Carol Thomas

    I can’t wait for the new book!

  85. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    I am so excited for your new Christmas Book and it’s coming in plenty of time to work on projects for next Christmas. Will the fabric line be out then too? I will give SAS2 lite a try.

    1. Betsy Avatar

      I love steam a seam 2 lite! Yes, it can be finicky at times…but I’ve learned to deal with it! Can’t wait to see your new book!

  86. JanetD Avatar

    The clear directions are very appreciated. I’ve been undecided about working with wool, sometimes loving it, sometimes not. Now I believe I’ve discovered my errors and will try again.

  87. Jan W. Avatar
    Jan W.

    Love lite SAS and thanks for the tips. Your new Christmas book looks fantastic!!

  88. Joan Avatar

    Wow! Lots to read and so interesting. In suspense till the new book and Christmas Gatherings comes out. Thanks for the tips. I always find them useful.

  89. marie Avatar

    I love SAS2L, use it lots, my only issue is I dislike the grid lines, I feel they get in the wary more than being helpful.

  90. Jo Anne Hawks Avatar
    Jo Anne Hawks

    Thanks for introducing me to this product at Quilt Fest in Layton, UT. Lovely projects that you are working on.

  91. Terry Handerson Avatar
    Terry Handerson

    I am so enchanted with your new book! Gotta try wool now that SAS2 is here!..love that red you used for poinsettias from book. How about a kit for that!

  92. Kris Avatar

    Thanks for the chance to win SAS2L! I love wool and hand stitching!

  93. Sharon Ernst Avatar
    Sharon Ernst

    Lisa, you are wonderful!! Merry Christmas! I LOVE everything you do!

  94. Dianek Avatar

    Love Sas2L. It is wonderful when laying out a large motifs. You can see how you like the layout, move it around and everything stays put until you are satisfied and then you steam.

  95. Lisa Avatar

    Love the preview of items showed so far, should be a great book.

  96. cindysewher Avatar

    Thanks for the update on “steam a seam lite 2” Good to know they’ve improved it ! Your new book looks like a “must have ! ” Thanks , Lisa !

  97. cindysewher Avatar

    Thanks for the update on steam a seam 2…glad it works better now ! You new book looks like a “must -have” ! Thanks , Lisa !

  98. Kathy Avatar

    I love your useful tips! Thanks for always being so generous with your ideas.

  99. Karen Qualls Avatar

    I have tried many other fusible so and SAS2L is by far the best out there.

  100. Joan R Avatar
    Joan R

    I love the stickiness of this for accurate placement. One of your best hints!

  101. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Thanks for the chance to win some SAS2L. I

  102. carol Avatar

    SAS2lite looks like a great product. I am new to fusibles.

  103. birdlooker Avatar

    I’ve never done wool applique. I think I’ll have to give it a try. Can’t wait for Christmas Gatherings.

  104. Marianne Carree Avatar

    Hello Lisa,

    Do you ship to the Neherlands and does the discount hold for overseas as well?

    Marianne C.

  105. usairdoll Avatar

    Can’t wait for your new book! Congratulations! I love everything you do! The fabrics look so rich, awesome colors. I’m using SAS2Lite now on a BOM at my LQS. So far, so good, hehe.

    Thanks for a chance to win.


  106. Judee Lefler Avatar
    Judee Lefler

    Thanks for the opportunity, I would love to try this with my next Primitive Gatherings project. :- )

  107. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    Fantastic product! I have tried other fusible web products and find that Lite Steam-A-Seam 2 works the best. It helps give your great designs a superb result!!

  108. Nancy O'Neil Avatar
    Nancy O’Neil

    Lisa your posts always put a smile on my face. I too am a sasl2 lover. I’ve just started working with the wools and love it. And your patterns 🙂

  109. Paula Proctor Avatar
    Paula Proctor

    Thank you for the information on the SAS2. I learn something every time that I read a post about it and learned a lot from you at the Primitive Gatherings retreat in December. Had a wonderful time and look forward to the next one!!

  110. Joyce Scribner Avatar
    Joyce Scribner

    Steam a Seam 2 is one of my very best friends!! I haven’t used the yellow grid one yet though. Your Christmas book looks absolutely wonderful – I’m excited to get it!

  111. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    I’m so happy SASL2 became available again and is better than ever. Other fusibles just aren’t as good. Your new book looks fantastic, can’t wait to see it. Happy Holidays to you & your family!

  112. merryl Avatar

    I just love working with wool! I haven’t tried Steam a Seam 2 yet but I hope to! I love all your pattern and i’m looking forward to the new book. Thank you

  113. Sharon Sabins Avatar
    Sharon Sabins

    Can I add another wool, needle and thread book to my pending order. I couldn’t find it to order another one.

    May the holiday season fill you with peace and joy, Sharon💒


  114. Becky in Georgia Avatar
    Becky in Georgia

    I love this product! Thanks so much for writing out the process you follow for wool. Please tell us more about the new house you are building. Take care!!!

  115. beckyrab Avatar

    Thank you Lisa for sharing so much of your family life with us. Merry Christmas!

  116. Joan Carmody Avatar
    Joan Carmody

    Thanks for the helpful instructions on using the fusible web!

  117. Pam Hintze Avatar
    Pam Hintze

    This is the product I use also.

  118. Helen LeBrett Avatar
    Helen LeBrett

    I LOVED seeing how you make a book and the steps in the process: Thanks for taking the time to show us!

  119. Lou Avatar

    I haven’t tried Steam a Seam yet so that’s something new to try. Your Christmas gatherings book looks really, really lovely! I will definitely be wanting to get myself a copy!

  120. Joan Carmody Avatar
    Joan Carmody

    Thanks for your helpful instructions on how to use the fusible web!

  121. Joan Carmody Avatar
    Joan Carmody

    Thanks for the helpful tips in using the fusible web!

  122. Susan Oakes Avatar

    Just getting back into wool appliqué after only dabbling in it a decade ago. This SASL looks wonderful — can’t wait to try it!

  123. Marilyn Hopkins Avatar
    Marilyn Hopkins

    SASL2 is great. Never can have enough!! Your new book looks great.

  124. Wendy hembree Avatar
    Wendy hembree

    The greatest invention for applique. A needful for sure

  125. Audrey Avatar

    I love all of the tips and ideas you share with us! Thank you!!

  126. Chris Avatar

    Thanks for the tip. My needle was gumming up. I will use more steam.

  127. Paula Key Avatar

    Love this site everything is so educational for me also

  128. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    Love steam a seam 2 lite and I always seem to be running out! The new book looks very interesting! What’s the panto, Lisa? It’s a good one!

  129. Patricia Carreon Avatar
    Patricia Carreon

    Wow – learned something new today. Thank you. I hated my needles feeling gummy. Going to try this again.

  130. debbie Avatar

    Thanks for the tips on using Steam A Seam Lite. I always have trouble getting everything to stick. This info should help.

  131. Barbara P. Avatar
    Barbara P.

    I love SAS2 Lite. Works beautifully with wool.

  132. Carol Garner Avatar
    Carol Garner

    Loved your post today – and love SAS2 – and wool applique – Can’t wait for your next book – I also enjoyed the information on how you go about writing your patterns.

  133. Pam Miller Avatar
    Pam Miller

    SAS2Lite is a great product. Easy to use. One can never have enough of it on hand. Thanks for the tips. I can’t wait for your newest book. It looks fabulous. And of course the new fabric line-gotta have it too.

  134. Rebecca H Avatar
    Rebecca H

    Thanks for the chance to win SAS2Lite, love it. Your new book looks like a winner!

  135. Stephanie Kluk Avatar
    Stephanie Kluk

    I always have trouble with SAS. I draw on the grid side BUT that is the one that comes loose from the wool even in handling. I have to use pins to hold it together. WHAT am I doing wrong?

  136. Nancy Avatar


  137. herkyhawk Avatar

    I like the SAS also. Performs well. I love seeing a glimpse into the work behind your books and kits. It’s easy for customers to forget how much hard work goes into a product. Plus it’s interesting to me.

  138. Margaret Avatar

    Your new book looks wonderful!

  139. Carolyn B Avatar
    Carolyn B

    SASLite is the BEST!!! I, like you, have always mixed Wool and Cottons and can’t live without it. Your new book looks FABULOUS!! Can’t wait 😊

  140. Carolyn kimble Avatar
    Carolyn kimble

    I used the SAS2lite for the first time when I started SBOW and I’m sold on it. Lisa your new book looks wonderful!

  141. Fran Avatar

    Love the Christmas Rose pattern and can’t wait to see your new book

  142. suejean1Sue Schultz Avatar

    Lisa, your Christmas Gatherings fabric is stunning!!! Love, love, love those flying geese. I can’t wait to see it all in person, especially the beautiful cheddar color. You are amazing!!

  143. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    Love SASL 2. Fun to see shat you have in the works.

  144. Carol Avatar

    SASlite2is impossible to find locally. I will definitely want some of that!

  145. Judy Zoll Avatar
    Judy Zoll

    Thanks for the instructions on how to fuse the wool. I will try your method on my next project!

  146. Barb E. Avatar
    Barb E.

    Oh… so pretty!!!! I can’t wait for the new fabric line with all the gorgeous projects. Lisa, you have been busy <3

  147. Therese Hoehn Avatar
    Therese Hoehn

    SAS2lite is so helpful in my wool projects! The sneak peak of Christmas book looks great. How do you do all you do!

  148. Kathy Baker Avatar
    Kathy Baker

    Your new line of fabric as well as your newest book look very enticing! I an anxiously awaiting your next line -Songbird Gatherings to arrive. I have used SAS Lite as well as a few other fusibles and haven’t had much of a problem because I use plenty of steam (even with one brand that doesn’t require steam) so I believe your comment that wool and steam are great partners. Thanks for your insight as well as the 2015 Needful List offerings.

  149. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    Your new book looks really great! You said you thought SASL2 was the best for wool applique, do you also think it’s the best for cotton fabric applique??

  150. Nicole Avatar

    I love the SASLITE but have been having both problems of pieces lifting and needle getting sticky. Thanks to your instructions, I see what my problem is. I plan to print those instructions to keep with my PG projects. Thank you so much!

  151. Janet Glover Avatar
    Janet Glover

    Love the SAS lite. Can’t wait for your Christmas book and fabric..

  152. Deborah from H Town (Houston) Avatar
    Deborah from H Town (Houston)

    I’ve used SASLiTE and love, love it. Couldn’t wait to order some. I’ve got some in my stash but with all the PG’s projects that I have ready to start, except for the SAS. thanks Lisa. Happy Holidays to you and your family

  153. Cherie Avatar

    I’m going to try this fusible as I scorched one of my wool snowmen in a project using a fusible which works great for cotton. I’m also going to print out your guidelines. Thanks for all the tips!

  154. Dorothy Hopko Avatar
    Dorothy Hopko

    Hold my order until 12 days finish – love all that you do for us – Merry Christmas

  155. Paula in KY Avatar
    Paula in KY

    Lisa, do you care to share the name of the PANTO you used on the quilt. I really like it. Thanks
    Paula in KY

  156. Pam Knight Avatar
    Pam Knight

    Steam a seam is a great product. I will need to stock up for the class I am taking from you in March. Also, love the new Christmas line. Can’t wait to see what else you have in store for us. You are a very talented lady! Thanks again.

  157. DeDe Avatar

    I’m a big fan of your shop and have always believed in shop local. I discovered SAS2 lite from a shop employee’s recommendation a few years ago. People, it’s not expensive, put it in your carts, you won’t regret it.

  158. Cecilia Avatar

    Thank you for this tip. I haven’t used wool yet, but it is on my to do list. I too would like to know the name of the panto, please.

  159. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    I recently bought SAS2 lite but have not tried it yet. Thank you for all the extra info on how to use it with wool. I would love to win some more because I have signed up for a wool applique BOM in 2016.

  160. Leslie Avatar

    Thank you! love your descriptive writing! It’s like we were right there helping you!

  161. Sharon Cervenka Avatar
    Sharon Cervenka

    All I can say is BELIEVE what Lisa says about SAS2! Hope I win some!

  162. Janelle Parker Avatar
    Janelle Parker

    I do love SAS2 lite, but I am one of the ones with the gummy needle. I don’t let it get me down…gummy or not I stitch away! I do like buying it from you by the yard though……..great for big projects.

  163. Martha C. Avatar
    Martha C.

    I have not tried the new SAS2lite yet. I had so much of the old product – I just couldn’t bring myself to throw it all away. I will definitely try it now!

  164. Paula in Indiana Avatar

    Really like your site and blog Has gotten me back into wool projects again Thanks

  165. maryluvs2quilt@gmail.com Avatar

    I will not use any other fusible debt since you showed it to me. I buy it by the yard. Good to have on hand.

    Sent from my iPad


  166. Roxanne Avatar

    I only use sas2, thanks to you! Love it!

  167. Dixie Heer Avatar
    Dixie Heer

    I have always loved SAS2lite and was devastated when they discontinued for awhile. Thank goodness they
    figured it out and we are able to once again get it. Thanks for offering this product at such a good price.

  168. Mary DePue Avatar
    Mary DePue

    I buy Steam A Seam by the yard. It is the best by far. Love the photos of a growing young man (grand baby) playing with the quilt. Have a great Christmas.

  169. Kary Avatar

    Your new book looks wonderful. Love your designs.

  170. Janet Avatar

    A workshop you did in Newport Beach a couple of years back got me hooked on SAS2 Lite – love it! And am crazy about that cheddar in the pics!

  171. Cheryl Avatar

    OMGosh, I love your Christmas Gatherings line. I can’t wait till May. I am a firm believer in SAS2. Thank you for the tips on using it.

  172. Steph M. Avatar
    Steph M.

    Thanks for the tutorial on SAS2lite. I’ll admit I haven’t been a fan….needle gets gummy! I am going to give it another try. Love your new book!!

  173. Alisa Avatar

    I learned to use SAS2 lite from you and love it!

  174. Toni Avatar

    thanks for the tips, new to wool and am willing to try SAS2 now

  175. Kristy Avatar

    I have never had any trouble with SASII, however, I am a steam happy quilter!!! Thoroughly enjoyed your behind the scenes dialogue. Intriguing!!

  176. Caroline Avatar

    Love your new fabric and book!! I always use SAS2 lite so it is defiantly a needful thing!!

  177. Kathryn Casavant Avatar
    Kathryn Casavant

    I want 10 how can I get them? They can be on hold if you want. Just need to know how I can get them at this good price! Thanks Kathy

  178. Traci Rickert Avatar
    Traci Rickert

    Tutorial on Steam a Seam was perfect…thank you!

  179. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    I loved the old but I am looking forward to trying the new SAS2lite.

  180. Pam Legg Avatar
    Pam Legg

    I have used bolts of SAS lite in my past appliqued quilts. This summer I joined the SBOW and was introduced to
    SAS2 lite. It makes all the difference when positioning wool pieces onto the background. You can move them around to get exactly what you want rather than picking off a piece that is wrong. Just use plenty of steam on front and back and you will be a convert like I am. Thank for the offer since I have three BOM from you going now and will use all the packages that I have ordered. Pam

  181. Kristy W. Avatar
    Kristy W.

    So glad steam a seam 2 lite is back! Love the stuff! I think I need to be steaming mine more! Thanks for the tip and your new things look wonderful. K-

  182. mountainquilter51 Avatar

    I have used bolts of SAS Lite to make my past appliquéd quilts. This summer I joined the SBOW and was introduced to SAS2 Lite. What a difference it makes. You can reposition pieces to get them on your background just the way you want them without picking off pieces that get misplaced. Since I am doing three of your BOM quilts, I will be using all the package that I am buying. Thanks for introducing me to this product. Just use LOTS of steam and you will enjoy it too. Pam

  183. Alberta Bailie Avatar
    Alberta Bailie

    I do really like that the steam a seam is just a bit tacky when you put it on your background. I have had all of my pieces move because of the steam – that’s really frustrating. I love wool appliqué!!

  184. Cat Avatar

    Thank you for giving further direction of using SAS2Lite. I liked it before and when it came back, I couldn’t figure out why it wouldn’t hold. Got it, I need to use much, much more steam. Your book is going to be great! Looks like loads of work publishing it.

  185. Kristine Dauth Avatar
    Kristine Dauth

    SAS2LITE is the best fusible. And I didn’t know it needed as much heat and steam as you recommend. I look forward to putting your tips into action.

  186. Kimberly Springer Avatar
    Kimberly Springer

    Ever since they re-formulated SAS2, I have had a hard time finding it locally to purchase, so I plan to “stock up” during your sale! Thanks Lisa!

  187. Joyce Weese Avatar

    I bought some of the SAS2LITE when I Visited your shop last week. I then realized that I really did not know how to use it. Some of the appliqué projects I’ve worked on have such tiny pieces that I have had to change the pattern because I could not figure out how to cut the small pieces and get them on the project correctly. I figured I would either have to write you for directions or get them somewhere on the Internet. SO, Lisa, I am so thankful that you added the directions on how to use the SAS2LITE here. I will probably purchase some more during the sale. Thank you again!

  188. Judy Avatar

    Your new book looks very special. Will look forward to it. Thanks for the tips on the fusible.

  189. Linda K Avatar
    Linda K

    Lisa, So much fun to see the ‘design- to -quilt’ process in pictures! SAS2Lite is hard to find here. I’ll be working on the Summer Crazy table mat this winter, so I’ll definitely be needing some. Merry Christmas and Thanks for all of your wonderful fabrics and wool. My Snowman Gathering quilt is center stage in my Holiday decorations!

  190. Barbara F. Avatar
    Barbara F.

    Love the SAS products! It really does make life much easier. Looking forward to seeing the Christmas fabrics in person — they look gorgeous!

  191. Karen Avatar

    Love your 12 days of Christmas, look forward to it every year. I can hardly wait for the new book to come out! Merry Christmas.

  192. Janice Avatar

    I haven’t tried SAS2 before, but you’ve convinced me. I’m going to give it a try.

  193. Teresa Avatar

    Thought I would die when the company quit making SAS! So glad you’ve provided the great tutorial on using it!
    Would love some for all my applique projects.

  194. Kathie Avatar

    LOVE SAS2 Lite! I really missed it while it was gone & really respect the Warm Company for all their efforts to perfect the product,

  195. Kathy Avatar

    I bought a bolt of Aleene’s way back when. It is my fav. Wish it was still available. I will try SASL, because I am almost out of my bolt. : (

  196. sandy Lowery Avatar
    sandy Lowery

    Well, I learned something new about ASA2. I am still using the old stuff, must use old before getting new.

  197. Patti Avatar

    Thanks for the tips. I have some old Steam a Seam, and have not tried the Steam a Seam 2. Adding it to my list.

  198. Dawn Avatar

    I use SAS also love it! Book and quilts look beautiful, nice job once again!

  199. Sue Horton Avatar
    Sue Horton

    i would love to try the sas2 for my wool. thanks for the tips.

  200. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    So nice to get a peek at the process behind the scenes how you do all the beautiful things you create! What fun all of you must have! Thanks for letting us be a part of it! I love the SASII too!

  201. Janet O. Avatar

    I’ve tried all the fusibles and I am glad to come back to SAS2L.
    Your new fabric line is glorious! Love those rich holiday colors! And another book? WooHoo!

  202. Chris Avatar

    I’ve tried different fusibles, pins and glue for my wool applique. Your directions were wonderful and convinced me that I need to try/use the new SAS2L. Thanks so much!

  203. Angelia L. Avatar
    Angelia L.

    Thank you for the SAS2L tips….can’t wait to try the new version! The new Primitive Christmas fabric looks gorgeous! Don’t know how you do it all…Thank You!!

  204. Rose Burkett Avatar
    Rose Burkett

    I love Steam a seam2. I have been using it on some stockings I have been making. Have a great day and enjoy the holidays.

  205. Laura Williams Avatar
    Laura Williams

    SAS2 Lite is the only fusible I use. The grid lines are very helpful and double sided sticky is a must.

  206. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    Thank you for the sneak peek of the Christmas book. SAS2L is my favorite fusible.

  207. Rosemary Redhead Avatar
    Rosemary Redhead

    Your P.G. designs and fabulous wool got me hooked and I have never looked back. Love SAS2L…so glad that it is available once again.
    I learned some new ideas from your detailed instructions on this post. Thanks!

  208. Trisha Balding Avatar
    Trisha Balding

    This is what I use, but I have been having trouble with gummy needles. Thanks for the tip on using more steam 🙂

  209. Susan Stanley Avatar
    Susan Stanley

    Thank you for sharing so much. I am ready to begin a project but I’m going to wait for my SAS2 to arrive.

  210. Karen in Breezy Point Avatar
    Karen in Breezy Point

    We just had a discussion at our sewing group about the gummy needles–thanks for the timely information!

  211. sewwritecreations Avatar

    I LOVE this stuff!! Never have used any other brand with good results – SASLite – ALWAYS perfect! I love that it’s repositionable and doesn’t lose its temporary “stick” no matter how many times I move it!

  212. Jeanne Langston Avatar
    Jeanne Langston

    I so much appreciate all the tips and directions you give on these products and what a delight to see your new Christmas book “in the making!

  213. Janan Avatar

    I can’t wait to try the new SASlite2!! I did not know it had been improved! That curly quilting design looks sew awesome! I plan to pre-order the Christmas gatherings book. Can’t wait to see those Christmas designs!

  214. Barb Avatar

    Can’t wait to see your new book and fabric.

  215. Julie Letvin Avatar

    CAN NOT WAIT TO GET MY HANDS ON THAT NEW FABRIC!!!! And your new book. Love all of the things you are working on. Oh, and I love SASL2. Glad they changed the grid – that was the only thing I didn’t like about the new stuff. But, I bought a huge box of it, so will have to live with it for now!

  216. Barb Avatar

    Love the SASL2! A “needful” thing for sure with wool applique. Thanks for sharing!

  217. Caroline Avatar

    I love SASL2 and use it all the time! You are one busy girl!!

  218. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I love SAS2. Thanks so much for sharing

  219. JudyBL Avatar

    I love SAS2LITE and was so glad it became available again!

  220. Bridgidk Avatar

    LOVE Steam a Seam lite 2!!!!

  221. Betty Avatar

    Love the new SASL2. Thanks for sharing

  222. Kaaren Nowlin Avatar
    Kaaren Nowlin

    I LOVE sas2 lite!

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