12 Days of Needful Things…Day 7!

12 Days of Xmas Ornaments 7DAY 8 A COUPLE OF SEWING NOTIONS

There are always little sewing notions being developed or re colored so here are the NEW items we found this year that we think are worth having…

Super Shears Minis…IMG_4723These little cute scissors are adorable as well as sharp and very functional.  I would consider these great for stitching, on the road and not risking bringing your “good” scissors, when you need a thread snipper.  I wouldn’t want to cut out my wool shapes with them.  They also make cute little gift for stitching friends and when you need little trinkets for a quilting get together…when the MODA girls came to the retreat house…they introduced these to me.IMG_4724

Here is the official description…Super Shears Mini. Miniature sized scissors that are fun & safe. The highest quality, sharpest little shears you will ever own. Cuts nails, cardboard, woven labels, cords & elastic. Comes with a protective sheath attachmnent which won’t get lost. I’m thinking the nails are finger nails….and thread..how about thread? that’s all I want to cut with them!!! So maybe this is the scissors you should throw in the junk drawer, so they(loved ones) don’t hunt down your good scissors…or when you have to cut those plastic thingys off of everything made now days…this can do it!!!

We are selling these in a set of three (yes, we think you need three)…as shown.. They are normally $2.79 each…now just $6.oo for the set. Super Shears

The next notion is the Seam Fix Ripper…Yes we had this one before in the 12 days so why am I offering this one again??? They come in NEW colors!!!!IMG_4725

Let me tell you I LOVE this ripper…and that rubber end to pull out the loose ripped threads…AMAZING…of coarse mine doesn’t get much use as I rarely make mistakes! LOL…I hope you don’t believe that?  You would think that the more years we’ve been stitching the less mistakes you would make? right? That be a No…Don’t think you are the only one who sews the wrong sides together, or messes up a block and only after you done the final press do you notice you turned something…right at the beginning??? We ALL do it…what you need to do especially when stitching with others is not make such a big deal out of it when you do something “stupid” then no one notices…    The deal on the ripper reg. $6.79 is $5.44 or 2 for $10…I need at least 2 of them in each of my sewing spaces because…I’ts never where it should be!!!  We will pick you a random colors, because they come in a box of like 6 of each color or something like that…if you ALL want purple what are we to do???? see our delima?  So it will be a surprise which color you get!!!  Order your RIPPER here. I just noticed Judi has the old pic of the rippers on the site… you will get the new colors…

Again…remember to place HOLD in the COMMENT section of your ORDER…please try not to put it in the comment section of the blog…I have to send them to the shop  and I don’t want one to get missed. We need it on the order itself to make sure they are processed correctly…I know some of you are new to 12 days…and I want to make sure you are happy with our promotion.

and… Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for ordering everyday so we can get the correct numbers ordered ahead of shipping day…Jake appreciates it too as he can work on pin bowls now instead of between Christmas and New Years…

Here is the panto info from the Christmas quilt I showed the other day…no worries…I didn’t ignore you on purpose…IMG_4717

I don’t have much to share today so I’ll say a little about our house we are building…I see some of you are asking about it…First…the house will not be like my Menasha house (which we will be selling in Spring/Summer) which is warm and cozy…We will be going lighter, airier and a bit more modern…but we will still have lots of vintage and reclaimed/primitive accents…But my whole color scheme will change from reds, browns and blacks to blues, greys, white/creams, and old yellow…..think Lakeside Gatherings fabrics!!!

We are in several different stages…The wall painting just has finished up and the tile floors are starting to go in (which is super exciting than just seeing sticks and stones) as well as the reclaimed wood floor in our kitchen will be delivered today…I fought hard for a real beat up looking floor…everyone is afraid your going to call them back and say…my floor has big gaps in it..or whatever…I want that…I want my dogs to be able to scratch it up and it not be a OOOHHH NOOO…so I promised my wood floor guy he would not be hearing me complain about anything!!!  There will be nothing shiny or sparkly in this house…no chandeliers or crystals things…just not my style…there will be signs that a quilter lives in it…herringbone and hex tiles…I’m making the quilted patchwork fabric to cover my window bench in the dining room…

The outside still does not have the siding up! The company who was hired I guess the main foremen quit and went on their own…now the owner is sitting with no experienced guy to run the crew…so we are waiting for a different company to fit us in their schedule…bummer cause it was sooooo nice here…now our siding guys will have to work in the snow and cold probably…and NO we do not have any snow yet…

Every night when Nick and I go out it is dark, its hard to see what the colors of paint are on the walls.  So today I may sneak out of work early and go…I need to run around and pay some people $$$, for rugs and wall tiles, and extra cool knobs in some places that aren’t in the budget!!  I’m beginning to dislike the word budget….When you build a sewing studio, the builder does not alway figure in the “budget” what you really want. I don’t even want to tell you how much my sewing studio put us over on our cabinet budget! But no one can even deny me what I want in that room…because we all know why!!!!   I was watching some HGTV last night before bed and they were flipping kitchens for $8,000?…in CA?…now no way is that even close to what we pay here in WI for some of that stuff!!!They would flip a whole house for $40,000, so I was kinda laughing at the whole thing…here is what we saw last night…the master bath tile floor.IMG_4716

I somehow feel the need to share a few things that maybe you don’t know about Nick and I…we help many family and friends out…we live well below our means…We came from working class families where both parents worked very hard.  Our parents knew each other back in the day…Our Dads both drove stock cars…I think my Dad won more races though…lol…sorry Nick…We met while working 12 hour swing shift in a paper mill, we both have been working since age 14 both at supper clubs washing dishes.  We are both from small town which are next to each other…so we are alike…Please, I ask.. if it offends you that I am building a new house…please keep your comments to yourself…Most of you are happy for our success and want to know about the house and I’m happy to share some things with you but when you put yourself and your personal life out there, there are some who feel the need to crash your party with some ugly comments. I am writing about the Lakehouse because all of you who follow me know it is special to me…You know about the ANCHOR…you know why I need to be there all the timeso hopefully by reading this those of you who are NEW know that we are not a bunch of spoiled brats who’ve been handed everything…When we were shopping around for a builder one of them blew me off at more than one parade of homes event.  I’m sure because by looking at me in my jeans and sweatshirt he didn’t think I could afford him.  I can’t wait to only have to take care of 1 house instead of 2, and Nick will be able to fish everyday, like I get to stitch everyday!!! It is our time to build our forever home. 

My best…LB


194 responses to “12 Days of Needful Things…Day 7!”

  1. Mary Schreiner Avatar
    Mary Schreiner

    Can we never have enough tiny scissors?? No! Love these!

  2. beckyrab Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing info about your new home! We had 2 homes for a year. Definitely, loved getting back to just one. I can see the lake from my recliner (with a dog and quilt on my lap) Life is Good!!! Merry Christmas!

  3. Patricia Carreon Avatar
    Patricia Carreon

    Congrats on your new home. It looks like it will be a wonderful house built for a hard working couple. Never ever worry about the haters. Just know that you guys have been blessed to do the job you love to do. Many happy blessings in your new home.

  4. Nancy Avatar

    Lisa – I for one (of many I’m sure) totally believe you deserve your new house. Boo on the those who would leave comments otherwise. Sometimes I just can’t believe what people put into print!! The only thing that confuses me is when you say you will only have one house instead of two to take care of, knowing you love your lake house.
    I can see some new scissors in my future!! Thank you for all your hard work and hope you will be moving in that new home soon. Would love to see your sewing room setup when you do.

  5. Linda kramer Avatar
    Linda kramer

    Loved your post today. You never need to apologize for your success, you are truly self made. I love when you share photos of your home, you are as talented in decorating as you are a quilt designer! Hope to see many more of your new lake home . Merry Christmas!

  6. Patty Fowl Avatar
    Patty Fowl

    How exciting to be planning/building a new home! Be proud because you and your husband have worked for every tile and nail! You are a perfect example of how hard work brings about success! I am proud for you!!

  7. sharon Avatar

    Mean people can eat sawdust from your new home! When you are successful, we get to keep in fabric and patterns, Congratulations!

  8. Beverly York Billingsley Avatar

    Lisa, I am so happy for you and your new home. You and Nick deserve to enjoy your success in life, please ignore those hateful comments from jealous, miserable people! God bless you and Merry Christmas!

  9. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    Love the little scissors. Congratulations on your new home!!!

  10. Deb clark Avatar
    Deb clark

    Well said Lisa!!

  11. Barbara Avatar

    Great blog post. I understand about the building a house thing. You gotta have someplace to live and you do what you can with what you have. Love your blog. It inspires me. I capture your pictures and ideas often. Thanks so much.

  12. Deborah Kuchta Avatar
    Deborah Kuchta

    Love the scissors and seam ripper – congrats on the new home. You both work hard – enjoy the fruits of your labor.

  13. aquiltinglady Avatar

    Loved your blog today! Congratulations on your new forever home. Your story is an inspiration to many of us…especially me.

  14. Dana Foster Avatar
    Dana Foster

    The house looks and sounds wonderful! The success you have, you have earned through hard work and sacrifice. Shut those horrible people out- there’s no time for them in your life. Everyone has a story and if they’ve been sailing along peacefully they should be counting their blessings not judging others. I come from a long line of Italians who would say- “wear a red bow, put a red bow on the house…”, it’s to keep away the evil eye of jealously and evil wishers. You radiate beauty and happiness through your art and so many are grateful for you and your products!

  15. Linda Davis Avatar
    Linda Davis

    Congratulations for your having a home that suits both you and Nick. Many folks are jealous of others success so they have to ” throw stones”. That is their problem. I discovered that contractors have no idea about quilters needs and wants but it is lovely results when you keep your congenial foot planted. A very merry Christmas season to you and the whole family.

  16. Jan Avatar

    Lisa, you are one in a million. I can’t wait to see your new studio. Whatever it is, you deserve it.

  17. Theresa Avatar

    God bless

  18. Janice Avatar

    Love, love, love that you are getting your forever house and that you will be by the anchor daily. I love that you share so much with us as it makes you seem more like us (but with cranked up talent and creativity)! hehe

  19. Heather Kosbab Avatar
    Heather Kosbab

    I love hearing about your new house and can’t wait to see more.

  20. Delores Avatar

    Love the scissors. I love to see people succeed in getting what they want when they work for it. And you sure have worked hard to get there LIsa. I wish more people were like you and Nick. I wish you and Nick many many happy years in your new home. The ones that are not happy for you, well they know where they can go. The best to you and Nick and keep up the good work on all the wool and quilting stuff. Merry Christmas and may the new year bring you both much happiness and more success in everything you do.

  21. Traci Rickert Avatar
    Traci Rickert

    Great little gadgets!!

  22. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    Love the mini scissors! Going on my list along with another ripper! I’m glad you are enjoying the building process. Tom and I have been talking about this for 6 years and just moved into our dream/forever house last Thursday!! You work hard just like we do and we deserve to finally have the home we’ve always wanted!! You go girl!!love you, Stacy

  23. Edie Frasier Avatar
    Edie Frasier

    Congratulations on your new home! So exciting to be able to choose all the colors, tiles, floors etc. May you and your family enjoy many happy years in this new home.

  24. Cheryl Avatar

    What an exciting time in your lives – congratulations! I’m very happy for you and I know your new home will be just as cozy as your old home – just in a different way!! Love notions, notions, notions. Thank you for sharing.

  25. susanboakes Avatar

    I have been gifted with those little scissors, and they are awesome! Congratulations on building your new house. My husband and I are building our forever home, too. May yours be a special blessing to you and Nick — thank you for sharing your talents with fellow quilters. Merry Christmas!

  26. Susan Edwards Avatar
    Susan Edwards

    Your designs give so much pleasure to so many stitchers! In turn, we should all be happy for your success and excitement with your new house. Merry Christmas!!

  27. Cheryl Morschauser Avatar
    Cheryl Morschauser

    Lisa, if someone is being ugly just consider the source and that she is having a bad day. I love reading what you share with us and that is an important word. You SHARE your wonderful ideas and colors and fabrics and patterns with all of us out here, making us happy and our lives so much better. So thanks for all you do for all of us. I know your new home will be beautiful and you deserve to enjoy it all. Can’t wait for the new house photos and your next book, pattern, fabric line. See you in Houston!!! 😀

  28. Carolyn Sands Avatar
    Carolyn Sands

    Congratulations to you and Nick!! Hope your new home turns out just perfect. All the best.

  29. halejm Avatar

    Lovely post! Merry Christmas….

  30. LeAnn Keenan Avatar

    Congratulations on your new home!! I’m happy that you are getting your dream house. You work hard and deserve it. I have had similar negative comments, and I’ve come to learn that it’s their issue, and it’s definitely none of their business! Enjoy!!

  31. Kathy Avatar

    Don’t let anyone steal your thunder! I was lucky enough to take a class from you and met Nick at the same time. You are a terrific couple and deserve all of your success. I look forward to this list every year. The scissors ate darling.

  32. Paula Avatar

    Cute, cute scissors. They are little like me. Need to have some of those. Thank you for sharing about your new house. You and Nick deserve this. It is not like this if being handed to you. You don’t have a successful business like you do by sitting on your laurels. I often wonder if you ever sleep! There will always be negative people. Enjoy your new home and thank you for sharing.

  33. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    Those little scissors are going to be a great gift for my friends. I hope you are going to share photos of your new home with us. I always like when you show us your home at Christmas. My home is decorated in a primitive style.

  34. Cindy Wheeler Avatar
    Cindy Wheeler

    Very proud for you! I understand the work hard and time for you and yours! My best to you.

  35. carol g Avatar
    carol g

    I have a tiny command hook on my mid-arm machine with those tiny scissors hanging on it. Just perfect! Much happiness to you in your new home, Lisa. I think people often see the end product and not the years of work that went into it. Your designs have brought me so much pleasure. I really hope to visit your shop one day!

  36. Therese Hoehn Avatar
    Therese Hoehn

    The mini shears are super cute and who doesn’t need a new seam ripper. I am excited for you in planning for a new house.

  37. Arlene Clark Avatar
    Arlene Clark

    The notions are useful items for sure! Thanks for sharing about your new house,..its wonderful you are able to build your “forever” home!

  38. Dee Avatar

    Lisa, you rock and you deserve to enjoy the fruit of you hard labors. Congratulations on you new home. Eliminate any negativity.

  39. gaillacey Avatar

    I’ll be ordering the little scissors after I write my comment. I have never been through the process of building a house. But from everything I’ve heard, you both are VERY brave in doing so. Lots of details. But I am so glad for you both that you want and are able to do this. Sharing personal things, as you have done, is also very brave. I apologize for the people who feel a need to write nasties and who are so jealous that they can’t be happy for someone else. Anyone who has followed your blog/activities knows you run at full throttle 20+ hours a day. Good for you for making your dreams come true. I think it’s awesome. You have no need to apologize to anyone who has made negative comments. Ignore them. Just smile and read on. As they say … haters will hate. And we that love your work will continue to love!!!! Merry Christmas, Lisa (and the shop gang)!

  40. Linda Avatar

    I love these little scissors and I definitely need the seam rippers. I love hearing about your new home and I am so excited for you. You deserve it!!

  41. timbersmith63 Avatar

    So excited for you and your house!!!! You work so hard—you deserve it!
    I’ve been eyeing that seam ripper for a while. I’d love to give it a try. And we can never have too many little scissors around. Thanks for sharing these needsome things!

  42. Lisa Roskam Avatar
    Lisa Roskam

    Good for you!!!! It’s going to be a beautiful house and I, for one, can’t wait to see more pics!

  43. Sherrell Avatar

    You go girl, well deserved. I think people under estimate what it takes to be in business for yourself. You are living the American Dream. This is what America is about, work hard and enjoy the benefits. Anyone complaining are probably those that want everything handed to them. 😀

  44. Janet Avatar

    Those scissors are cute. I enjoy hearing about your new house and seeing the photos. Would love to see the finished product, especially the kitchen and sewing room. Even though I am not in the market for a house I do the Parade of Homes every year because I enjoy looking at houses. I also don’t understand all the negativity today. Do we like everyone’s hairstyle or clothing they wear? Of course not. But why would you tell someone that? Negative comments about your house is just jealousy. You obviously have worked hard so enjoy your success.

  45. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    Think of all the jobs you create..not just in your business but at the seam ripper company etc. I see a book and a movie about your life in the future Lisa! Thank you for the fun you create.

  46. suejean1 Avatar

    Love you Lisa. You and Nick are crazy hard workers and so deserve a beautiful house to enjoy together. So happy for you. Love that tile. You have such great design style I can’t even imagine how amazing this house will be. Would love to see it some day. Those scissors look great for airplane trips. I don’t take my dovos with me on the plane because I have had scissors taken from me twice while flying international and just don’t want to risk losing my dovos.

  47. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    Those scissors are so cute. I see my grandkids walking off with them.

  48. Claire Avatar

    Perfect junk drawer scissors…safe covered point and bright enough to see. Great price, too!

  49. mynewjourney20152016 Avatar

    Wow Lisa I would hope no one has been crashing your party. YOU and Nick have worked so hard and have been through so much. You both deserve the peace and serenity this home will give you both. My husband and I came from having nothing to owning our own business. As business owners you’re never off. Many think it’s so easy it’s not and it is only what you give to it that you get out of it. I wish you both all the best you soooo of well deserve it. I’m so happy to see the progress of your new home
    Anchored at the lake. Wishing you both all the best.

  50. Roxie Avatar

    The little scissors are adorable. I loved hearing about your new home.

  51. SAndy K Avatar
    SAndy K

    I need those seam rippers everywhere too. Congrats on your new home.

  52. Barbara F. Avatar
    Barbara F.

    Such cute little scissors, and Seam Fix is the BEST seam ripper I’ve ever used! So happy for you and Nick and your new home building project. Hope you both enjoy every moment of the process and your finished home for many years to come.

  53. Marilyn Hopkins Avatar
    Marilyn Hopkins

    Scissors are a great idea! They will jump off the shelves if they can keep family members from using our sewing scissors!!!
    I admire you for all the hard work and dedication it takes to be the owner of a successful business. You go girl!!

  54. Marilyn Avatar

    You deserve that, plus more. Don’t let anyone ever ruin your dream. I can’t think of anyone who works as hard as you (especially a lady). You go girl, and Nick. Have a great holiday

  55. SuzKuhns Avatar

    I’m sure your new home is going to be lovely and it will be in your favorite spot. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says or feels. You and your husband obviously work very hard, so good for you!

  56. Sharon Avatar

    Can always use an extra pair of scissors and seam ripper. Thanks.

  57. Mary Avatar

    I love scissors and have collected way more than I need. I got the pink pair of these at a local quilt show and they are so cute and fun to use!
    Hooray for you and your new house!

  58. Kary Avatar

    I find it truly sad that people would say bad thing about your success and about you finally getting to build your dream home. For the most part I find quilters to be generous in their time and talent and giving people, at least the people I have in my life are. Anyone who follows you know how hard your whole family works to produce such a great company . No need to apoligize about your success, I like to think that I have helped make you successful by buying your products and telling my friends about you. I say good for you in treating yourself and having the house of your dreams, you have earned it!

  59. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I’m so excited for you and Nick to get your forever home! For all you do for all of us, your grateful customers, you deserve it! I hope you have many many happy years in your new home!!

  60. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Congratulations on building your new home! It has to be very exciting to envision ideas and then see them come to life in your home. I hear you on the upkeep of two places! My husband and I have a home in one town and an apartment 3.5 hrs across the state of OH while he works a job of 15months.

    Happy holidays to you and your family!

  61. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I am excited for you and nick, your new home sounds perfect for you both. I don’t know why people have to put negative comments out. I am happy to see the progress on your home and look forward (as I am sure you are too) to seeing the finished look! Merry Christmas.

  62. Paula in KY Avatar
    Paula in KY

    Thanks for posting the Panto name Lisa. This is one reason you are such a good business woman and so successful. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  63. Peg Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I do not usually leave comments, but love reading your blog. As a small Quilt Shop owner I know how hard that you work and that this must be a difficult time of year for you personally. Its sad that some people have to rain on your parade but most are happy for you. Wishing you and your Family a Merry Christmas !

  64. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    Congrats on your new home. Everyone should be happy that you get your dream home after working so hard. The scissors are so cute too.

  65. Joan Avatar

    Keep the photos coming. I have been in a class with you and you are one of the most down to earth “famous” people I know. Enjoy your success and what it is able to afford you. You work hard for what you have.

  66. Quilter Kim Avatar
    Quilter Kim

    Love the scissors and have added them to my list of items to order. (at the end of your Needful Things promotion) Kudos to you and Nick on your new house, you both have worked very hard and deserve it.

  67. Janet O. Avatar

    You are so very real, Lisa. That is one of the things I love most about you–aside from your talent. : )
    Building a house can be a full time job in and of itself. I can’t believe how many things you are juggling at once! But I am thrilled for you to be getting your one dream home.
    Love the little scissors. I can see how it would be so handy to have some of those tucked in a variety of places.

  68. MaryMarge Avatar

    Lisa – When the rest of us are asleep in our beds, or drinking coffee with friends, you are designing, sewing, traveling, teaching and running your business. You’ve made sacrifices beyond what anyone knows and still manage to put one foot in front of the other to be an awesome wife, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, daughter, cousin and friend. I’m sorry that some feel the need to intimate that you have not earned what you have or that anything – and I mean anything – has come easy to you. You are the most dedicated and hard-working person I know and everything you touch shows that. I am proud to know you and wish you and Nick all the best. Hug the boys for me.

  69. sandy Lowery Avatar
    sandy Lowery

    Lisa, congratulations on the new house, it is a very stressful thing to do. I have been following “your life” for three years now and have come to know you and Nick as a very hard working couple so enjoy the fruits of your labour as you deserve it. Please keep the photos of the new house coming.

  70. Catherine Spanish Avatar
    Catherine Spanish

    Lisa, anyone who really follows you knows what a kind and giving person you are. And, a brilliant business women who accomplishes more than I can imagine. You have worked hard to come to this next chapter in your life. Congratulations!

  71. Paula Ostby Avatar
    Paula Ostby

    You go girl! Life is short so you gotta enjoy it! And especially when you work your whole life to get to this point. And not to mention that you are still working hard – now at something you love but work nonetheless.

  72. Yvonne Avatar

    Those scissors are adorable – I think I’m going to need some of the them! 🙂 And congrats on the house! I hope we get to see more pictures and the building progresses! You deserve a wonderful “forever” home – you have certainly earned it!

  73. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    Thank you for sharing news about your house-to-be. How exciting! I love both of the notions you shared today. I just got some of the mini snips, and you’re right, I need more — one for each sewing bag and bin. My one complaint about them — they need to come in blue and red and white! Next year, maybe…

  74. Patti Avatar

    Lisa, Love the scissors. Congratulations on your home, and your success. You and your family and your team have worked hard. Happy holidays.

  75. Carole Avatar

    So…so….so….happy for you and Nick. You both have traveled a long and tangled path to come to this spot. You are Blessed to have each other to share your forever home. Just as you treat the quilting community with love and a giving heart, I can only imagine what you do for family. Sounds like it will be on the lake?

  76. Bonnie Novak Avatar
    Bonnie Novak

    Good for you and your well deserved success. You have earned all of it and more. I wish you nothing but the best with your new home . Don’t let anyone get you down with their jealous comments. They should work as hard as you and husband. Best of luck.

  77. Diane Wingo Avatar

    I have built 2 homes. Our dream log home we did everything but lay the logs, plumbing and HVAC. Believe me staining a ceiling 30ft off of the ground is not fun. It was a fun process. I didn’t have to explain to anyone the cost or ask for anyone’s opinion, so neither should you. When my husband got sick we had to sell our dream home and move back to the city, close to family and friends so I could have help with him and our special needs son. Your business did not start overnight and if you were not such a wonderful designer you would not have the followings and the customers. I have met you and Nick on several occasions and you’re as down to earth as anyone else. God bless you and your family and He is placing you where you belong. You and your family spend a lot of time on the road vending at shows, which has to be hard, to bring your products to us. I personally thank you for this. You go girl and delete those negative Nellies.

  78. Jane harig Avatar
    Jane harig

    I only want to know if you are having heard floors in the bath it hit being so cold up there. Go for what ever you want!

  79. Jane harig Avatar
    Jane harig

    I me anted heated

  80. Marlene Avatar

    Your house sounds lovely. The color scheme sounds bright and warm….nice. That seam ripper sounds perfect. I had to buy four so I could have one in many areas….and maybe, just maybe, give one away. 🙂

  81. Robin Lynn Avatar
    Robin Lynn

    Hi Lisa, So very happy for you and Nick to finally be able to live in your forever home where your heart truly is. You both work so hard, sacrificing so much time away from home, so you can travel around the country to meet us and bring us all your wonderful designs. I live in Long Beach, CA and am so lucky I am close enough to your California store (love the staff). Please continue sharing news on your new house. Merry Christmas!!! p.s. I saw that same hgtv episode and no way can you remodel a kitchen in CA for $8000.00, except maybe with Popsicle sticks….LOL

  82. Pam Miller Avatar
    Pam Miller

    Congratulations on your new home Lisa and Nick. You deserve it. I loved seeing the pictures-keep them coming. Also love the little scissors and seam ripper.

  83. Shirley Mord Avatar
    Shirley Mord

    Your new home sounds lovely, I bet you can’t wait to move in. Love the small scissors, you can never have enough.

  84. Harriett murray Avatar
    Harriett murray

    What a blessing. My hubby & I grew up same way only in big town Houston! Lol. Couldn’t be happier for yall. Life is short so you need to enjoy those special moments & praise God for all his blessings! Enjoy the whole process🎉

  85. Linda Avatar

    I love hearing about all your projects. Anyone who knows you or your history would not begrudge you a single luxury in your current life. You are one of the hardest working designers and shop owners that I know of and as a customer, I am thankful that we have had you to inspire us and provide us with the tools to create the things we love. Please don’t ever stop sharing with us.

  86. Sheila Avatar

    Geez, I can’t even believe that you have to worry about negative comments…that is a sad state of affairs and we are talking about quilters here too..so sorry! You deserve everything you have worked so hard for and wish you and your family the Merriest Christmas and a Happy 2016.

  87. Sharon Philippe Avatar
    Sharon Philippe

    I am so excited for you and Nick! Building a new home is a wonderful (and sometimes daunting) experience. We use a lot of tile in California, mostly to keep the house cooler in the summer…I am curious to know if you are heating these tile floors or covering them with area rugs…it is COLD where you are sometimes! Hugs to all of you for the holidays…I am inspired by your strength and spirit!

  88. Carol Avatar

    I hope you have the ability to delete the comments of those mean spirited grinches who would choose to rain on your parade! How jealousy can eat at the hearts of those who pretend to be celebrating a season of love and gratitude is beyond me. Those people are not worth the time it takes for us to leave comments!

    On another note, thank you for the generosity you exhibit in taking the time to share your hopes, dreams and “deals of the day” with us these 12 days, as well as year ’round. Those little scissors/snippers will be fun to share with my sisters, but they will have to borrow my seam ripper, or get their own!

  89. me2scat Avatar

    There will always be jealous people out there who need to make nasty comments when someone else achieves their goals. I’m glad that you are sharing the progress on your house with us, you worked for it and you definitely deserve it. Hearing about it almost gives me a little ambition.

  90. Mary Jane Avatar
    Mary Jane

    When will we ever get over being jealous of what someone else has. Enjoy the happiness it will bring you for I know through your blog the heart ache you have been through. I rejoice that you will find your peace and happiness in your new home. Merry Christmas!

  91. Jean Pope Avatar
    Jean Pope

    I love the floor. The seem ripper is great.

  92. Rachel Childress Avatar
    Rachel Childress

    Lisa, Congratulations on your new house! I am so excited for you all! I do hope you will post pictures when it is all done and decorated. I hope you all have a Merry Christmas! Fondly, Rachel

  93. susan Bailey Avatar
    susan Bailey

    You and Nick have obviously been smart savers and are extremely hard working people, so you can build a new home, just the way you want it. I have a feeling you’re not building a mansion, but a comfortable and loving home to share with family and friends. Thanks for building the new store in California, that I can drop in on whenever I like. Enjoy a Merry Christmas and this summer you’ll be at the Lake full time

  94. Lori Albrechtsen Avatar
    Lori Albrechtsen

    I love love love what you said at the end of this post Lisa! Don’t let anyone crash your party. You and Nick work hard and deserve the success you have. You are humble and grateful. I’m excited to see he finished product of your new home and although it’s stressful, I hope you enjoy watching it all come together. Love you friend!

  95. MaryAnn Avatar

    Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a long and happy life on your new home!

  96. Karen Gibson Avatar
    Karen Gibson

    I for one, believe that if your readers can’t choose to be happy for your success that you work everyday to EARN then he/she should not make negative comments. There are choices that can be made if he/she is envious….stop reading and if those individuals feel that talking about your new home seems like gloating, then perhaps they should find an alternate source to find incredible fabrics and patterns and notions. I for one, am very grateful that we quilters have you in our lives, Lisa. I have taken one of your workshops (in Pinconning MI) and found you to be an incredible person who clearly loves her craft and sharing it with all who will listen and learn. I see your sharing as a way of also saying ‘thank you’ to us…many blessings to you & continued success!
    Karen Gibson

  97. Kit Tillotson Avatar
    Kit Tillotson

    Those cute scissors caught my attention today. My granddaughter 8 and I were sewing and she used my good small scissors and was AMAZED how well they could cut. I made her a sewing basket and one will have to be included. The rest of your blog caught my eye and have to say how happy I am for you and Nick. What a dream house and that anchor will signify the love and hope you give to others.

  98. Joni Everson Avatar
    Joni Everson

    It’s wonderful that you are building your dream home! I know it’s been a hard year! You deserve it!! Anyone who is not in business for themselves have absolutely NO idea what it takes to keep a business running on a day to day basis! It’s always great looking in from the outside ( they should try the inside)!
    Merry Christmas & enjoy your new house!!

  99. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    So happy for you and looking forward to seeing the final pictures!! Shame on anyone who feels the need to criticize what you have chosen to do for yourselves; they need to be prayed for, because if they were happy souls they wouldn’t be able to do such things and feel good about themselves. I somehow missed the story about the anchor along the way; maybe caught up in my life that gets a little crazy at times. Am praying that I get the opportunity to be in one of your classes at the Maine Quilt Show this summer! I want to give you a hug for what you did for me a couple years back when my husband had his kidney cancer. Merry Christmas and keep telling us all about what is happening in your life. Those who aren’t interested don’t have to read it.

  100. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    I have tears in my eyes after reading your post. You are a good person. You are loved. I know if I showed up at your door you would invite me in to share all you have. I know what it is like when someone is jealous of you and they get mean and spiteful. It’s a heavy load to carry. Your spirit will shine through, and it does everyday of the year. I am so greatful to be a part of the Primitive Gatherings Family, because there I can shine too. I’m a good person too, and I am loved too. And you are a part of my family too. So show up at my door and you will be invited in to share all I have. Nick should come too as he would be impressed with the ten pt buck I got this deer season! So stay “anchored”. I am so grateful there is a you. Enough said.

  101. Julie Logosz Avatar
    Julie Logosz

    So happy for you to have a new house. Life is good.

  102. Lola Z Avatar
    Lola Z

    The wood floor you are putting in your kitchen sounds incredible. People thought I was nuts when I put a wood floor in my kitchen 35 years ago, still the best decision. Enjoy the building process and do what you want and it will be your forever refuge.

  103. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    Okay, now I have the “goosies”!! Thanks for sharing. You both deserve what you have. You’ve worked very hard. Success just doesn’t fall in your lap. You have to work to make it happen! Can’t wait to see more of the new house. Oh, love the little scissors.

  104. Andrea Parks Avatar
    Andrea Parks

    Lisa, don’t let the b…..ds get you down.

  105. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Congratulations on your your new home. Thanks for sharing it with us. Enjoy hearing about the progress and seeing pictures.

  106. Kim Fernald Avatar
    Kim Fernald

    Thank you for sharing your story. I’m shocked that people would say mean things like that! Your new house sounds awesome ( especially since those are the same colors that I have in my house 😊). I hope it is finished soon!
    It’s funny I had to laugh when you said an HGTV show did a kitchen in California for $8000… I’m guessing that was on Flip or Flop? I live in Southern California and there is NO possible way they did a kitchen for that cheap (even with using cabinets made in China). My husband is an appraiser and he can’t stand watching that show because of the unrealistic prices they say they do renovations for!

  107. Linda Hartsock Avatar
    Linda Hartsock

    Lisa you are a dear, but you have to remember that is what is on the inside that counts. You and Nick have worked hard to build the wonderful business and have sharedbyourbsuccess along the way(iowa tornado friend)). Building a new home is wonderful and a blessing for you and your family and friends. Smile at the nay sayers and never let them ruin your day. Love and Happy Holidays. Linda

  108. Linda A. Avatar
    Linda A.

    I am happy for you and your success! I wish you many years of happiness in your new home! You deserve it.
    Loving the 12 Days of Christmas! Thank you!

  109. Sandy Bryson Avatar
    Sandy Bryson

    We- your loyal customers- celebrate your success!!! That is the beauty of America!! Hard work pays off!! Good for you!! xxoo

  110. Sandy Avatar

    Lisa you deserve your forever home. Built mine 2 years ago. Love your needful things. Always nice to see new things and add them to my list of things I want and need!!! As I’m writing this the mailman came to the door and it was my mug….awesome…just love it. Can’t wait for next years!!! Merry Christmas!!!!

  111. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    So fun to hear about your new house! It sounds like a house I would love! I live in the country & don’t have fancy stuff either. Love your idea about using reclaimed wood for floors, wish I had thought of that many years ago when we built! I have some hardwood floors & the dogs have done a number on them! Your story brought back many memories of when we built, we did a lot of the work ourselves to save money- Boy, do I have some stories!!! Enjoy building your house & especially your craft room!!

  112. Denise Avatar

    Congratulation on your success and your new home. A lot of people don’t realize how much work goes into being successful and can’t find joy in other people’s happiness. I’m sure your new home will be beautiful and filled with lots of quilts, right?? Love all your 12 days of Christmas posts and your new book is a must have! What a great idea.

  113. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    So…SO happy for you!! As a “single”I’m glad you found your ‘forever’. Scissors look fun!

  114. Ann Wissbaum Avatar
    Ann Wissbaum

    My Dad always said “if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!” I know you worked your tail off to get where you are today. Keep up the great work and designing. I love your stuff! There will always be haters in this world…unfortunately!

  115. Kay Brand Avatar
    Kay Brand

    A very deserved new home for a very hard working GENEROUS woman. I own both of the featured notions and highly recommend them.

  116. Patty Avatar

    Thank you Lisa, so happy for you and Nick. Life is never easy but together we trudge through and do our best. Merry christmad

  117. Tammy Avatar

    I love hearing all about your house updates! Keep them coming and more pics too! Thanks for a peek into your personal life.

  118. Jane Hansen Avatar
    Jane Hansen

    Looks like great stocking stuffers. So happy for the success that you have worked so hard for. Without it I wouldn’t enjoy my stitching projects as much as I have. Always look forward to your next creation. You deserve to reap the rewards of your hard work. Love to see the progress on your home.

  119. Rebecca H Avatar
    Rebecca H

    A hardworking couple like you and Nick, deserve to have your dreams come true.

  120. Jane Avatar

    I wish the best for you and your family. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  121. Chris Avatar

    I was so touched by your story. You certainly deserve your forever home and to feel close to Lance. Good luck in getting things finished and hopefully it won’t be too long before you’re settled in. Take care.

  122. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    I agree with you Lisa. My husband and I built a few homes ourselves. It was time working together and learning some skills as we went that made us grow together. After living in a community without family near was not always fun. Being back in the Valley (and near your store) with family is a dream come true. Life is too short and we must enjoy it and do what makes us happy. Quilting is my therapy! The thought of these multiple scissors and rippers being handy is a great idea. Enjoy your new home!

  123. Lana Avatar

    Love the scissors! My favorites are the Dovo– totally your fault– but l love the inexpensive, cute ones to take to sewing outings- just incase I misplace them or forget them. I’m so happy you are willing to share your life with us. I’ve only met you and Nick when you are vending– but it shows you are truly people from the heart!! I’m very happy for you and your new home– I know you will fill it with love!

  124. Gloria Galiana Avatar
    Gloria Galiana

    I definitely need those scissors. I have the seam ripper and use it all the time!!! Love hearing about your new home….you so deserve it.

  125. Connie R. Spalding Avatar

    Love the little scissors. Also, love the sharing you did about your new house. I am so happy for you two being able to be in one place and especially there by your “anchor.” It is definitely where you need to be when you are not traveling. The house sounds like it’s going to be awesome. I hope things move quickly for you to get into it sooner than you think.

  126. Angelia L. Avatar
    Angelia L.

    The little scissors are adorable and I can’t believe I haven’t got a Seam Fix yet. Congratulations on your new forever home…can’t wait to see more pictures!

  127. jackie Avatar

    What cute scissors, will be getting those. I love your new house ideas, can’t wait to see the finished photos. You both deserve it.

  128. Cecilia Avatar

    Cute scissors! I love the pretty colors. Congratulations on your new home. I hope you will share pictures of your sewing room when it is finished.

  129. DeDe Avatar

    Lisa keep all the information coming, personal and otherwise. Shame on the party crashers! Congrats on new house, home should be where one feels at peace

  130. Robbi Buckles Avatar
    Robbi Buckles

    Lisa, You owe no one any explanation or apologies. There are many jealous people in this world. I guess it makes them feel better to criticize than to applaud anothers accomplishments.
    You have worked hard and now is the time to reap your harvest!!!

  131. Sue Knill Avatar
    Sue Knill

    When you work hard and care for others the way you and your husband do God blesses so thank Him and enjoy.

  132. risanotlisa Avatar

    I loved this post! I love houses, new and old, vintage and brand spanking new. I’m so glad you’re getting to build the house of your dreams! I hope all progresses well as more severe weather sets in up north (we don’t worry about that much down here in Alabama)! We bought what I’m calling Russet Cottage this year for our retirement plans. It is around the corner from our daughter and SIL and three wonderful grands. We are renting it out until we can get there, but I have 6 more years to work. Right now we live 1.5 hours away. Sooo, it’s going to be a long 6 years (we will actually move up in four years when my husband retires and I’ll commute some), but I have a lot of downsizing and things to do to keep me busy in the meantime. It’s not fancy, but neither are we. I have all my remodeling plans in my head and hope to do extensive remodeling to make it “ours” when time draws near. Yes, it has a sewing room, two actually. Just haven’t figured out where I can put a longarm yet, but maybe I can build a little bungalow in the backyard for that. I’ve always wanted one. Anyway, I’m very excited for you and hope to hear lots more about it in the future!

  133. Susan Bratcher Avatar
    Susan Bratcher

    The two of you absolutely deserve a new home – Bahahaha in re parade of homes guy blowing you off cuz you were in a sweat shirt and jeans – reminds me of Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts first tries to buy a dress from snobby sales lady – next day she comes back all decked out carrying several boxes and bags and asks the same sales lady “Remember me? You wouldn’t sell me a dress? Big mistake . . . HUGE. Well, gotta go shopping.” You and Nick work so very hard, I have no idea how you do it. I just hope at some point you two are actually able to spend time at home IN your new house, actually relaxing!!!!! Many hugs, best wishes and most of all, Merry Christmas!!!!

  134. Nicole Avatar

    Loved reading about your house. Enjoy! The scissors are very cute; gonna have to get some. Thanks.

  135. Kathy Piper Avatar
    Kathy Piper

    Hi Lisa, These little scissors are easy to keep in your purse. They are light in weight, the bright color makes them easy to find and they have a cap so you don’t poke your fingers or the lining of your purse. I bought a pair for my daughter, she uses them to cut straws down to the right height for my 19 month old granddaughter. Makes drinking from the straw much easier for her and her Mom. I’m going to pick up another pair for myself just because.

    Merry Christmas,

    Kathy Piper

    Sent from my iPad


  136. Katherine Avatar

    Your new house sounds wonderful! Enjoy it! These little scissors look so fun!❤️❤️

  137. Rose Burkett Avatar
    Rose Burkett

    So happy about your new house. You work hard and deserve it. Have a great holiday and give that grandson some extra hugs and kisses.

  138. Lynda Avatar

    Great! I’ll be able to find these little scissors!

  139. Geri Sherwood Avatar
    Geri Sherwood

    Congratulations on your new home. Can’t wait to see it finished. You have worked hard and long for what you have. I know ur did not come easy. Thank you for all the goodies at Christmas and love all your designs. See you soon.

  140. Sue Dollhopf Avatar
    Sue Dollhopf

    Congrats on the new house. I don’t know any one that works harder than you and Nick. You deserve to have some of your wishes come true!

  141. Rebecca Avatar

    continue to be you and enjoy life..you’ve earned it

  142. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    I love both these little ditties and put them in my shopping cart. Thanks for sharing a little about your new home. How wonderful and exciting for you both. May it be filled with warmth and love and God’s blessings.😊

  143. Mary Sue Avatar
    Mary Sue

    Love the scissors! Guess I’ll need those too.. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing your new house adventure with us. And from personal experience I fully understand your need for your home to be where the anchor is. Blessings to you and your family this Cheistmas Season.

  144. herkyhawk Avatar

    Gosh, Lisa, I can’t believe folks leave you mean comments. When my friend Nancy and I were lucky enough to stay at your retreat house, you were nothing buy gracious and sharing, as well as a wonderful teacher. I always think shop owners and designers must have an extra dose of energy to keep all the balls in the air. Please know that most of us know what hard work it is, and the rest of us get to enjoy the fruits of your labors. I hope you will love your forever house.

  145. JoyceLM Avatar

    Congratulations on your new house. We’re hoping to get some renovations started on our house in 2016.

  146. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    Love those scissors. I also need to order the seam fixer ripper. Probably need a couple of those since ‘mistakes’ happen. My favorite word when building was ‘upcharge’. It seemed everything I did or selected had an upcharge. Enjoy your new home when you get in it.

  147. Linda Smith Avatar
    Linda Smith

    Lisa, I love your blog and I love all the updates on the lake house and your new home. You work harder than anyone I know and your success keeps a bunch of families fed. Know that the majority of us have you right up in the Superwoman category!! I love your focus and your honesty! Throw all that in with your talent and creativity – …. Merry Christmas!!!

  148. Laura Williams Avatar
    Laura Williams

    I keep seeing the seam rippers . Guess I’m going to have to try one. Congrats on the new house. Your entrepreneurial skills always amaze me. You’re an inspiration.

  149. Rose Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your new home plans with all of us. It sounds like it is going to be beautiful and I am happy for you. I have met you and Nick at various quilt shows and I know you have worked hard for all that you have. I will be meeting you again in February and looking forward to taking a class from you. We are both members of a club no one would ever want to join. Remember, you don’t need anyone’s approval – do what makes you happy.

  150. Kim F Avatar
    Kim F

    Love the seam rippers unfortunately I do have to use one often. I used to have a house on a lake. It was heaven. I know you will enjoy yours. My sewing room looked out on the lake. Seemed like life was slower there.

  151. Dora Avatar

    Love to hear about your home plans and it is no one’s business what you do with the money you worked very hard to earn, if you are at a point in your life where you are able to spoil yourselves Go for it Girl!! You earned it!

  152. usairdoll Avatar

    Congratulations on building your forever home! How exciting! Those small scissors are cute!

    Thank you for all the amazing giveaways! You Rock! Have a Happy Holiday!!


  153. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    Congratulations on your new home. Enjoy! Cute little scissors.

  154. Kathryn Casavant Avatar
    Kathryn Casavant

    I would like the scissors in my hold cart and the seam rippers. Hope this is the way to order my things! Happy for you to have one of your dreams come true with your new home!

  155. Cheryl Avatar

    May your new home hold joy. Every room hold laughter. Every window open to great possibilities. Congrats, so happy for you!

  156. Peggy Avatar

    So happy for you all and your new lakehouse.
    You both have worked hard and it is your
    Happy place.

    As far as nasty people saying things, it is
    Their loss as sooner or later it will come
    back to bite them.

    Merry Christmas and God bless both of you.

  157. Rosemary Redhead Avatar
    Rosemary Redhead

    Soooooo….did you leave work early and get to see your home in day light???
    Cute, Cute, Cute scissors.

  158. Steph M. Avatar
    Steph M.

    Great ‘Needful things’ today. This is the first time I’ve seen the anchor…..what a beautiful monument!!

  159. Karren M Avatar
    Karren M

    Way too cute — I think I need these.

  160. Alberta Bailie Avatar
    Alberta Bailie

    You have nothing to worry about. You have worked hard and should have time to enjoy some perks of your labors. I always enjoy seeing you both at the Houston Quilt Show. Everyone is always so friendly and helpful. Yours is always the first booth our group goes to!! We just can’t miss anything new.

    God bless you and keep his love in your heart always! Merry Christmas!!

  161. Trisha Balding Avatar
    Trisha Balding

    Cute little scissors, just the thing for my sewing travel kit. Thanks!

  162. kelly Avatar

    Lwe received a pair of these scissors from a gal in iut Quilted Hearts group and they work out great when travelling. I do agree with you that you need more thsn one pair. One can never have too many scissirs. And seam rippers too!

  163. annita Avatar

    Every new quilter needs some fun and colorful notions. My 9 and 14 year old daughters are active in 4H, My 14 year old went to the state fair this past August with a cross-body purse she made. Now, my 9 year old wants to start sewing/quilting. Yes, I know about ripping out and out and out…….. Both the scissors and seam ripper will be super items to put in their sewing kits. Social media is great when used with integrity, but unfortunately it also gives some the courage to say/write things they would never say or do face to face. God is good and He blesses us with good things. ENJOY His blessing!

  164. Karen Avatar

    I love your blog and your pictures. It is great to see people who work hard and make it, that is the American Dream. Awesome for you! Enjoy

  165. Rose Jeter Avatar
    Rose Jeter

    Okay, going to say it again, I would love to be your needful thing , your life sounds so busy and if you ever feel like you need more time to share with your family or just time in general, I would love to be one of your ‘stitchers’. I love reading your posts and am always amazed at how generous of your time you are, I am equally amazed that there are people out there that would say anything negative about the life choices you make, isn’t that why we all live in this great country, so we can live the ‘American Dream’, you and Nick are perfect examples of that, you have worked hard all your life’s and now it is your time to enjoy the benefits of your hard work. Scissors are too cute, love the colors.

  166. Judy Zoll Avatar
    Judy Zoll

    We as quilters should know how much time and energy you have to put forth to design new fabrics, patterns, and keep 2 shops running. Add to that the quilt show vending and it makes my head spin. But I sure am glad you do it! Hard work should be rewarded, it’s nobody’s business what you do with what you’ve earned. Keep sharing your successes with us.

  167. DianeWyte Avatar

    Good for you on your new home, Lisa and Nick — you deserve it all with all the hard work you do!!! I am happy for you! I love hearing about it!

  168. Karen Carr Avatar
    Karen Carr

    That was the nicest post – really reminded me of how I was raised in a small town in Central Texas!!! Thank you so much – was so kind of you to share that info!!! I hope to have time to make your cookie recipe. Can’t wait to try it!!! Again was so kind of you to share!!! Merry Christmas!!! Or politically correct – Happy Holidays!!!

    Sent from my iPhone


  169. Elizabeth Jonas Avatar
    Elizabeth Jonas

    Hi Lisa, I love hearing about your new home and cant wait to see more pictures especially of your sewing room! Dont let the ugly words bother you. You deserve a beautiful home and we know that you treat your employees well and give to others. You and Nick are normal midwestern people and after meeting you both, I wish we could be neighbors! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Love seeing pics of your grandson too!

  170. Marsha Avatar

    It breaks my heart that anyone could even try to criticize your success or personal life. You have worked hard for what you have and it is not anyone’s business what you do! I’m sorry you have to deal with the haters. I’m so very happy for you!

  171. Cherie Avatar

    Love those little scissors! Your new home is beautiful and thanks for sharing pictures.

  172. Karen in Breezy Point Avatar
    Karen in Breezy Point

    Sweet little scissors–I love that the sheath is attached–that’s the part I always lose!

  173. Joan Carmody Avatar
    Joan Carmody

    Love the little scissors! Not sure why people have to post awful comments! Good things come to people who work hard!

  174. Joleen Avatar

    I am a few days behind in the 12 Needful things. Catching up today….. I love the idea of these mini scissors! I am a gadget person, my sister always makes fun because I just can’t leave them alone…..HA! Now who’s gonna be jealous of these little beauties? 🙂

  175. Robin T Avatar

    I wish I had these scissors when my boys were young (they’re 32 & 30 now). They learned early on not to mess with mom’s scissors ! I really need the ripper for the times I need to unsew!

  176. Brenda Avatar

    Love this items today. Love the way your new home is coming together.

  177. Alisa Avatar

    These scissors are the perfect size for travel.

  178. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I’m a little behind and just finished reading yesterday’s post. Your last paragraph is very touching. I am so happy for you and Nick building your forever house. I think it’s extremely generous of you to share with us and grateful that you feel comfortable doing so. You inspire me. Hugs, Jakey

  179. Janan Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your heartfelt comments about your home. You and your hubby deserve to have your dream home, and enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. Please do keep sharing the photos!
    Love the curls quilting designs sheets!

  180. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I’m so excited to see more of the new house… everything you have posted so far is stunning!

  181. Barb Avatar

    Not sure if I left a comment on this or not already. The scissors are so cute! I love hearing about your new house and seeing pictures.

  182. DaisyS Avatar

    What you have accomplished is amazing! You continue to come up with astounding new ideas, patterns, designs, and fabrics! I have read most all of your blogs since you started writing and purchased many items including SBOWs and BOMs. I love your detailed blogs and all the tips, tricks, and tutorials. I have learned so many things from you. I cried through your hard times because you feel like family with all your writings to the quilting community. I would love to meet you and take a class from you some day! I am trying to coordinate a trip with somewhere you will be teaching or vending! I love your needful things and the Twelve Days of Christmas. You and your family deserve the best! God Bless You!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Daisy…my teaching schedule for next year will be going up soon…it will have WI and CA dates and classes as well.Thanks for being “with” me along the way…LB

      1. Barb Avatar

        Watching for the teaching schedule as well. Now that I’m REALLY into wool, I’d like to take a class with you and learn in person. Thanks!

  183. Mary lou Avatar
    Mary lou

    You go girl!!!!!’
    You deserve everything you got. Hard work never hurt anybody. You are shining example of that.
    You are greatly admired in the quilting community and you should be proud .
    can’t wait to next retreat in in California

  184. Patti Rosenbaum Avatar
    Patti Rosenbaum

    So happy for you and Nick, Lisa! You both deserve the very best! Love watching the new home come together. I’m glad you vpcan feel comfortable sharing it with us. Love following you and all the things you ar doing! Wishing you success and prosperity in 2016!

  185. Diana Metz Avatar
    Diana Metz

    Anyone who thinks you don’t deserve to build the home of your dreams is too petty to waste one second on. It’s great to know you’re doing well and we cheer your success! Of course we’re a little selfish about your success, it means you can keep designing and sewing and patterning and bringing great beauty to the world.

    I discovered a great use for the The Seam Fix ripper, the rubber end is wonderful for removing the bits of batting fluff that gets caught in cutting mats.

  186. Julie Letvin Avatar

    I bought that seam ripper awhile back, but have not had good luck with it – I need to try it again. Cute little scissors! Your house is going to be awesome and everyone just needs to mind their business. It’s really easier to be happy than it is to hate – and it feels better too!

  187. Jo Anne Hawks Avatar
    Jo Anne Hawks

    I like the swirly panto you used. The seam ripper is intriguing. I have seem them, but never tried them out.

  188. Barb Avatar

    Thanks for sharing the progress….it’s exciting for us as well. Scissors…can never have too many!

  189. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    Love the scissor. Thanks for sharing the great deals

  190. JudyBL Avatar

    Those little scissors look like a need to have and I love using the seam ripper. Your new house looks wonderful!

  191. Darlene Avatar

    These are cute little scissors that I plan to give to my sewing friends and family next year.

  192. Betty Forester Avatar
    Betty Forester

    can’t wait to get these scissors. I order several sets for friends. Just love all the needful things and I do need them!!!!

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