The magic of Christmas…Stitch Along Block 1

Ahh…theres nothing like a red and white quilt…img_5445After seeing this photograph taken of my guest bedroom from the American Patchwork & Quilting photoshoot, I want to make my own red/white sampler quilt.  To make sure I really do it I decided to do it as a Stitch Along…I am calling it “The Magic of Christmas”…and I want to do it two ways…City and Country versions….or Modern and Primitive  or Traditional and Vintage….all of these names would all work…but we are going with City and Country versions.

What I know for sure about the SAL (Stitch Along)…25 blocks..6” blocks…before Christmas…instead of doing them the 25 days to Christmas Dec.1 -25…. I decided to spread it out a bit so we ALL can get it done by Christmas!!!

The patterns will be a Free downloadable until Christmas here on my blog.

If you appreciate our time and effort of maintaining this SAL you can reward us by purchasing your fabrics from us. Here are our offerings for fabric kits.  City version, bella solids…you can order the 3 yds of red and 3 yds of white as a special price kit for only $35 for both fabrics  OR  you can order them separately for $21 with no discount.  Order HereCity/Lisa Bongean

Country version…will be 12 FQs of reds and one 3yd light tan country background as shown here in the block. Country/LisaBongean The kit will be $55 for the kit…You can also order just the red FQs for $33 and the tan background for $33.  There is also a discounted backing option too.  Order Here

I am not totally sure about the setting yet…but for what I do have in mind there may be a possibility we can get the whole quilt out of these fabrics… you never know….but I promise to try and get it out of the fabrics here…I love a challenge.

We have some of this fabric in our warehouse…however, we do not know if we are going to have 5 or 500 people sign up…kits are first come until we run out…the city version we will not run out of…we can reorder that…but the country version will be limited if you want these exact fabrics.   I will NOT send out a 2nd block until all of the kits have been shipped…the block took me less than an hour from starch to finish…ha..did you get that?  So you will not be several blocks behind if you order our kits…we will not get another block for almost 2 weeks.

I have to get 24 blocks in in less than 15 weeks so some weeks there will be 2 or 3 who knows…my postings will be random…like my life…It will be fun and we can also have that red/white quilt of our own just like my cupboard of antique red/white…. This quilt cupboard photo was used with permission form American Patchwork & Quilting. If you want to see more photos from the photo shoot not in the magazine click HERE…like this closeup of the quilt on the bed…img_5446-1

Again Thank You for following me on this blog and I hope you join us for the SAL!!! We appreciate your continued support!!!

Click HERE for a printable PDF of block 1 of “The Magic of Christmas”.  We will probably make this into a pattern so be sure to print them right away as they will not be on the blog forever!!!  If you have trouble printing the PDF. I have tested it and it is working…So please update or find a young person to help you figure out why you cannot print the PDF.  Here is a picture of the pattern, in case you are having difficulty, but will to do this for all the blocks…

For those of you who love to go above and beyond…maybe we can publish a few different finishing options for these blocks, and publish your quilts along with ours.  So lets see what develops here! I’m also thinking we should do some giveaway at Christmas time ,for those of you who finish their quilt tops can enter into…so it doesn’t have to be quilted, yet.


Copyirght 2016 Lisa Bongean/Primitive Gatherings/The Magic of Christmas-Block 1

This pattern is only for personal use.

Quilt shops cannot print and use this in their shops. HOWEVER!!!!… If you want to sell Primitive Gatherings fabrics (like the above red FQ bundle and a light print) and guide them to sign up for our blog to get the FREE patterns THAT the right thing to do AND is much appreciated.  We please ask that you do not abuse our FREE pattern intended for our loyal customers and that your fabric bundles be only PG fabrics.  I am sure you can understand our reasons and support our hard work by honoring it.

Now after all that…whew..

Today I am going on a Pub crawl/scavenger hunt/on a bicycle to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes…should make for an interesting day!  But for now I must stitch on my BOW Among Friends…I may be a little behind…need to catch up!!!

Happy Saturday!!!






83 responses to “The magic of Christmas…Stitch Along Block 1”

  1. Texas Quilting Avatar

    I love it! Do you know the name of the one with the feathered star (or is that the name in and of itself)? Red and white quilts have to be my favorite of all.

  2. Beckie Binder Avatar
    Beckie Binder

    I have always loved you and your beautiful work but I LOVE you MORE with the mention of Juvenile Diabetes!!! My son fights daily!!
    Thank you for helping find a cure!!

  3. Kathy Piper Avatar
    Kathy Piper

    Do you know what the finished size will be?

    Sent from my iPad


  4. Suzanne Kuhns Avatar
    Suzanne Kuhns

    I’m really excited about this. I was drooling over your cabinet of red and white quilts and have wanted to make one (or more) myself for quite awhile. I’ve ordered the fabric and can’t wait to get going! Thank you for taking the time to do this, it’s going to be fun.

  5. Judy D, Avatar
    Judy D,

    BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for your stitch along!

  6. Sharon Ernst Avatar
    Sharon Ernst

    YES!! Who wouldn’t want to make another one of your glorious quilts?!! I’ll be ordering my fabrics from your shop, of course! Thank you, Lisa! This will be VERY fun!!

  7. Trudi Avatar

    Oh my, what fun! You read my mind on wanting to add a red and white quilt to our home. Thank you. Hope you and Nick arrived home safely from Maine. We loved having you both at our show. Trudi

  8. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    Since I can’t decide, is there any chance we could get a Country/City girl version, with a fat quarter bundle and solid white background? Thanks, as always for your beautiful designs and inspiration.

    1. Michelle Hardey Avatar
      Michelle Hardey

      Oh my…Fran, you and I are thinking a lot alike….I hemmed and hawed and went back and forth and decided that I am going to have to do exactly that! I almost fell out of my chair when I read your comment!! Heheheh–great minds?? I love it. I am going to love this quilt!!

  9. Donna Avatar

    Hi. Looks like fun. Can I assume that if using the country FQ bundle that I can prewash/shrink and have enough fabric?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Donna…I just wet/soak my fabric with starch…so I am assuming that washing it would be the same.

  10. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    Excited! This sounds fun! Love red & white quilts! Choices, choices!

  11. Denise G Avatar
    Denise G

    Love red and white quilts. Thank you for doing this as a stitch along. Maybe I can keep up! 😄

  12. Cheryl Avatar

    Thank you for a fun project! Can’t wait to get started.

  13. Amanda G Avatar

    I tried clicking the “Here” button for more quilt pictures, but it didn’t work. Maybe it is user error?

    BEAUTIFUL PROJECT! I won’t be quilting along, but I’m saving these for my arsenal later. (Too many quilt alongs right now). But I do love your fabric. I was trying to see what the backing fabric looks like. Is it possible to know which fabric is picked out for the backing?

  14. Barb Fowler Avatar
    Barb Fowler

    Oh my word ~ thank you, thank you, thank you! I just printed off the pattern and will go take a look at my PG red Fat Quarters. If I don’t have enough, I’ll be making a trip to PG~CA this week to round out my collection. Can’t wait to hear how the Pub Crawl, etc goes. I love the idea of doing that on a bike and all for a good cause. You rock, Lisa!

  15. donnalevesque Avatar

    Absolutely LOVE this Lisa! Can’t wait. Will kits be available in CA store?

  16. Mary Andra Holmes Avatar

    I’m in love with both versions and will be doing both. Congratulations on a fabulous quilt Stitch Along.

  17. Pat DuBois Avatar
    Pat DuBois

    Thank you! What a neat idea and a great way to use all those small left over pieces that I just can’t seem to throw away! I just may do two of these and use up some of my 30’s too.

    Sent from my iPad


  18. Sandy Avatar

    Lisa, I didn’t see a kit option for the country version on the order page.

  19. Loris Mills Avatar

    Thank you for the beautiful inspiration! The fabrics are beautiful. I’d love to see more pics of the magazine shoot as well but the “here” button isn’t working.

  20. Lana Avatar

    Love! I ordered my fabric from the store yesterday— thank you. I’m excited to make a red and white quilt. Your magazine pictures inspired me.

  21. masonmarlene Avatar

    Thanks Lisa. Just ordered the country fabric! Can’t wait. Just printed the pattern….Yahoo! I love, love, love that you do such nice things for us. You are one of a kind!

  22. Janet O. Avatar

    So generous of you, Lisa. This is the year I am not doing any SAL’s, but this is so tempting!!

  23. treadlemusic Avatar

    “City kit” ordered!!!!! Never can have too many red/white quilts!!!!!!

  24. Patricia Ann Sparks Avatar

    I love this… Ordered my kit. Thanks for doing this.

  25. Carol Avatar

    Great idea to start early, I never finish samplers in time for whichever season….life happens! I also could not get the “here” button to work for more pictures, I kept getting the image of the bed quilt enlarged, an no, I was not touching the photo, I tried several times. Thanks if it can be fixed, and thanks for the pattern!

  26. Stephanie Kluk Avatar
    Stephanie Kluk

    The extra photo link does not work. Love the Stitch a Long!

  27. gayleburton Avatar

    What a great gift you’re giving us Lisa – can’t wait to see all the different versions that start showing up as people begin their sewing. One suggestion – – – – your PDF pattern is adorable to look at, but gobbles up ink when it’s printed – any way you could do it in just black & white?

  28. Anne Bryson Avatar

    “find a young person to help you” HAHAHAHA!!!!

  29. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    Lisa, LOL from Starch to Finish 🙂 <3 I'm glad you were inspired to write the patterns since I've been drooling over that photo on the bed since I first started seeing posts about you being the cover girl. Thank you so much for all of your time and generosity… you know I'll be making a special visit to see Dru and the PG CA staff for fabrics!

  30. Rose Bullen Avatar
    Rose Bullen

    Whew! I’m out of breath reading all that! Great idea though and I’m excited, this is going to be FUN!! Red prims look fabulous.

    On Sat, Aug 6, 2016 at 6:18 AM, Lisa Bongeans Weblog wrote:

    > lisabongean posted: “Ahh…theres nothing like a red and white > quilt…After seeing this photograph taken of my guest bedroom from the > American Patchwork & Quilting photoshoot, I want to make my own red/white > sampler quilt. To make sure I really do it I decided to do it ” >

  31. barb gibney Avatar
    barb gibney

    This looks awesome and i think a must for me!

  32. Veronica Avatar

    Yeah! I am in. Can’t wait to begin.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  33. Phyllis Limiero Avatar
    Phyllis Limiero

    Ordered the kit and can’t wait to start. Love a red and white quilt. Thank you.

  34. Denise Avatar

    Thank You Very Much!!!

  35. Debbie-do Avatar

    I need another project like a hole in the head but can’t resist. Having just paid for a week of classes and hotel in Houston I would like to sew from my stash if possible. I am 2″ shy of 3 yards of red fabric… do I dare!? There’s no hope of getting more of the same.

  36. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    Thank you for this awesome pattern!! Love red and white/tan/cream quilts too!!

  37. LJ Avatar

    I’ve always wanted a red and white quilt but haven’t gotten to that point. I’m going to follow along and save the pattern so that I can/will make my red and white quilt. Thank you for your generous nature.

  38. J Hayes Avatar
    J Hayes

    Just downloaded the pdf correctly and it went right into ibooks. Thanks for getting me on the right path….

    Sent from my iPad


  39. Claire Avatar

    Sounds like fun. Thank you! And red just happens to be my favourite colour!

  40. Vikki Leigh Hancock Avatar

    I’ve never done this before, so do I just cut the fabrics and wait for further instructions on sewing them together or do I try to put them together myself?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Vikki…you just follow the diagram…starting with stitching B to E and then BE to D then stitch to yield 4 units…then stitich two units to C then stitch stitch 2
      A’s to the remaining two units. Thats it! Heres a couple of tips…starch all the fabric wet and then let them dry…before cutting…then open a lot of the seams for the block to lie flat.

  41. Linda Barnes Avatar
    Linda Barnes

    I saw that photo in the magazine – I get that one also LOL I love the red and white. So fresh and bright just right for the holidays – and all year round. Can’t wait for the next blocks. Thank you

  42. decalion nathalie Avatar
    decalion nathalie

    I am happy to follow you in this adventure and share the joy of Christmas
    I hope that my school will be good enough English to understand everything
    shame to be so far away and not being able to buy your kit, but I will respect your colors
    Belgian friendships

  43. Angela M. TRENCHIK Avatar
    Angela M. TRENCHIK

    I have been trying to follow your blog, but when I click on the confirmation link in the email. it takes me to a page that is requiring me to set up a WordPress web page. This doesn’t seem right. Is there another way to follow your blog?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Angela….I signed one of the warehouse girls up today and it worked just fine…it does say something at the top about wordpress, but it has a yellow bar that says confirmed…so it worked

  44. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    Thanks for this cute little quilt a long. I’m sure I can do this!

  45. Nancy Stone Avatar

    Ordered my kit and printed off the pattern and I am ready to go. This is going to be fun.

  46. Ann W Harrison Avatar
    Ann W Harrison

    I am looking forward to this!

  47. Michelle Hardey Avatar
    Michelle Hardey

    Thanks so much, Lisa! I loved seeing you on the cover…and then I spotted this and I am just so tickled!!! I made a comment above in response to Fran–same idea of using the solid white background and using the gorgeous PG fat quarter bundle–and I just cannot wait to get going. I LOVE red and white together and seriously don’t need another project, but yours is simply irresistible!!! Thank you for your wonderful projects, gorgeous fabrics, and generous heart!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Michelle…Yes you can stir it up any way you want!!!

  48. […] of red and white, Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings is starting up a new sew-along of just that, red and white! I’m going to need to play with this; […]

  49. Sonya Avatar

    I love red and white quilts and will do my best to keep up! How do we know how many of each block we will need?

  50. Sharon Sabins Avatar
    Sharon Sabins

    My friend and I have been trying to contact you via the phone without success. Four of us purchased the BOM Vases of Flowers and are very unhappy with it. We did not all receive the same wool and the border kits lacked full instructions with the comment that she was very busy. We got a pic of only part of the border not even completed and absolutely no hints on how to tackle these huge wool borders. A lot of the wools were terrible and did nothing but fray. We all felt like she lost interest and just wanted to be done with it. All of us have always loved your kits but after this experience, all of us have concluded, we will never order another BOM from Primitive Gatherings. We also were planning on attending your class at Cousins and it was cancelled…not happy about that either.

  51. amber Avatar

    This looks like a fun to do–trying to decide whether to do the red and white (which I love) or my stash (which is too big and needs to be used). Both? Hmmmmm…….

  52. Sandrine Patch Avatar

    Me encanta!!!
    Muchas gracias !!!

  53. anne Avatar

    Love the red and cream, my favorite for the holidays. Order the kit very excited. Also went shopping in the grocery store and as I was checking out looked down and saw the quilt magazine with your picture on the cover. Purchased the magazine right away. It was funny had just finishing reading your blog that morning and then to see the magazine in the store. Made my day. Wish you were near so I could get a signed copy. Have a great day.

  54. B. Avatar

    Lisa can you give me an idea of the finished size of the quilt?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      50×50?ish if I had to make a guess right now

  55. Cheryl Mather Avatar
    Cheryl Mather

    Thanks Lisa from Australia have printed the pattern and will use fabric purchase on a trip to Housten in 2014 where I think I purchased from your stall keep them coming Cheryl

  56. Lindi Schneck Avatar

    So are we making 25 of the same block or will the blocks be different? I am well on my way to finishing the 25th one.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I’m doing 25 different ones… Sampler quilt

  57. Carol Trankle Avatar
    Carol Trankle

    Hi , I have ordered the kit for the Christmas quilt along and wonder if we are supposed to starch these fabrics as we are doing for the SBOW ? I’m doing among friends. Thanks for answering! Carol

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Yes Carole starch everything from now on

  58. Diana M. Avatar
    Diana M.

    First block finished! I’m going to love this quilt. Thank you Lisa!
    Starch….gotcha. I wonder how this would look as a 3″-block miniature?

  59. wendy Brooks Avatar
    wendy Brooks

    When will the next block be released?

  60. eileenkny Avatar

    Thank youfor doing this, Lisa.
    I was in Menasha last month, visiting family. I found your shop online after I took a wool applique class and fell in love. I bought a kit for the Summer Crazy Tablemat. I am thrilled you’re doing this SAL.

  61. […] quilting????!!!!! ***sigh*** Yup, I succumbed to the temptation put forth on Lisa Bongean’s Primitive Gatherings blog post of a few days ago. Go ahead……hop over there and take a peek……….I’ll warn you, if you […]

  62. JoAnn Avatar


  63. Susan Linder Avatar
    Susan Linder

    Received my fabric for the Magic of Christmas quilt – love the fabrics…..are you sure it is a 6″ block when completed? I might be wrong, but looking at the calculations I think it would be a 7″ block.

  64. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    I can only find the first block. Sorry to be such a pain but I seem to have missed where we locate each new block.

    1. Michelle Hardey Avatar
      Michelle Hardey

      You are in the right place! Lisa will post the next block pretty soon…she was wanting everyone to have their fabric delivered so that no one is really behind and she doesn’t have a strict schedule of release–sort of a Christmas surprise to watch for!!! So, you haven’t missed anything! 🙂

  65. Nancy grostick Avatar
    Nancy grostick


  66. Sarah Pate Daniell Avatar
    Sarah Pate Daniell

    I’m all in for this one Lisa. I simply love 2 color quilts!

  67. Linda Schluchter Avatar
    Linda Schluchter

    Hello – I have my fabric for the Christmas Stitch Along and my first block has been done for quite sometime now. Have I missed getting the next block? Since it has been a while I’m a bit concerned. Thanks! Linda


  68. Karen Avatar

    I received my fabric and can’t wait to get started. When will you be releasing the pattern for each block?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Karen…two blocks are out…go back a bit in the blog

  69. Becky Hrabik Avatar
    Becky Hrabik

    Is it a finished 6 inch block?

  70. Liz Speirs Avatar
    Liz Speirs

    Question. Once the blocks are sewn together do you trim them to 6″ or 6 1/2″?


    Sent from my iPad


  71. Pamela Rodie Avatar
    Pamela Rodie

    Hi Lisa,
    I just found out about the Magic of Christmas quilt yesterday and wondered if it is too late to order country kit. Also, are the first two blocks still available for download? Thanks for your help.

  72. Karen Ducharme Avatar
    Karen Ducharme

    Hi Lisa. I ordered the kit for the Magic of Christmas and never finished printing my block patterns due to some unforeseen health issues. I’m hoping I’ll somehow be able to get everything from #14 and up.

  73. bodybalancemassage Avatar

    I am WAY behind the 8-ball. A year at least. I just found this beautiful SAL and am too late. Any chance of a pattern or book coming out that I could buy?

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