the magic of christmas-block 7

I hope you all are doing well…I’m trying to get back in the swing of things here after being gone over 10 days!!! Caught up on Laundry, house stuff, organize work stuff, Dr’s appointments..and deadlines…yes I seem to live by the deadline…I am currently working on patterns and stitching quilts for our upcoming Fall Market and Festival in Houston…I need to start making a our Primitive Christmas event will have to be done before I leave for Houston too!!! It will get done…but I thought I should post one of these babies because we are going to see a lot of them in a row…because I am home now until Oct 27th..thats a whole month!!! Also got my “little man” fix today…just what MeMe needed! Yes…thats what he calls me and it soooo sweet coming out of his mouth the way He says it..

Happy Friday Night…remember to post on Instagram and FB #themagicofchristmasquiltfullsizerender-3 img_8073magic-of-christmas-block-7-bw


Leanne…I found your pic on instagram…email me your address…I’m sending you a present for your hard work and for spreading the love!   email me at:   lisa.bongean@yahoo.comimg_8153

16 responses to “the magic of christmas-block 7”

  1. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    Another beauty thanks Lisa

  2. masonmarlene Avatar

    Thanks again .. Can’t wait to get caught up. Getting ready for a craft show so everything else is on hold. I don’t know how you do it. Cudo’s to you!!

  3. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    Thank you, was thinking it was time for another block as I was playing catch up here too. Off of work for a week and two short up north fixes for me last week. Home, work, clean along with laundry and let the guys repack for their trip to the UP. Cutting block 6 to stitch tomorrow at my lqs Soup&Sew day. Hope to have all of my blocks finished by tomorrow night. Playing around with settings and layouts. Enjoy your home time and looking forward to seeing what is next.

  4. onecreativefamily Avatar

    This will be so pretty when you are finished.

  5. Janet O. Avatar

    You are coming up with some great block designs!
    Love your “grandma” name. : )
    Don’t know how you keep up that pace!

  6. Diana Avatar

    Thank you for all of these these extra projects that you do! So amazing & happy fall!! Love these blocks.

  7. gingerfolkdesigns Avatar

    Hi Lisa. Wondering if you could share a couple of tips how you keep points matched up when sewing pieces together I try hard with all these triangles, pinning,etc. thank you Wendy Hembree

    Sent from Wendy Hembree’s IPad


  8. Robin Schlager Avatar
    Robin Schlager

    I love the cranberry red, great choice. On my to do list, for next Christmas!

  9. Marci Avatar

    Lisa, or anyone, what is your philosophy about using steam?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I use it all the time…with heavily starched fabrics

      1. Marci Avatar

        Thanks, Lisa. I’m having a little trouble with wavy fabric–especially in the larger pieces. Not so much in the small pieces of fabric sewn together. I’ll bet heavily starching is the key. I starch with Best Press prior to cutting–but it must not be enough. Thanks again for responding. I’m so enjoying this stitch a-long. I’m learning so much!

  10. Rose Avatar

    I am so addicted to these sampler blocks! Just love the reds it is going to be beautiful!

  11. eileenkny Avatar

    Lisa, these blocks are over the top great!! My “little man” is 7 1/2 and still calls me Mim. That’s what came out first, so that’s what I am and I love it.

  12. Lynda Holden Avatar
    Lynda Holden

    Hey, cant find blocks 5 & 6, Help


  13. nancy goggin Avatar
    nancy goggin

    Hi I have never received block 6. Just come back from holiday and have found all other up to 13 but no 6 please help.

    1. Carla J Avatar
      Carla J

      Nancy, here is the link: Theses little blocks are fun aren’t they.

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