11 days until Christmas!!!

12-days-of-xmas-ornaments-11Still lots of time left…no worries…right?

Day 11 is Triangle Papers…with so many people who do not know the value of triangle paper…this post is for you…img_9904-copy

There are two types of quilters…those who know about triangle papers and use them and then those who don’t know how much better their quilting lives would be if they knew about and used triangle paper…

First off using triangle paper is NOT paper piecing…I do not care to make a whole block and then rip the paper off the whole block…I get that this is an accurate way to do very complicated blocks sometimes…but I do not care to do it..

Triangle papers aide you in making perfect HSTs and then the paper comes off and you stitch your triangles into blocks, borders and so on…

Slowly.. I have been turning quilters “on” to using triangle papers…how many of you never used them before the Magic of Christmas blocks?

Its real simple- watch……you need a light & dark fabric- I’m using 2 light and 2 dark charm squares to make a 4″ finished block using 1″ HST papers…I can make the same block using only one light and dark charm if I use the 1/2″ and 3/4″ HST papers…and yes…thats a mini charm next to the 2″ finished block.lisa-bongean-triangle-blocks


Starch both your fabrics completely wet-let them dry naturally-I hang them so they dry faster…img_9101

Lay them right sides together- light fabric on top.

Trim and lay triangle paper on top of light fabricimg_9102

img_9106Shorten your stitch length on your machine…I usually stitch at 2…I’m moving to 1img_9104

Stitch all the dashed lines.img_9107

Cut apart on all the solid lines.img_9108

Lay the triangles on the ironing board with the dark triangle up…press all the triangles to the dark fabric.img_9109

img_9110Grab the short side of the triangle paper with your left thumb and then push up and rip the triangle paper grabbing from the middle of the paper triangle close to the seam and pull.  This is if your right handed.img_9111img_9112img_9113img_9114img_9115



Now you can cut the dog ears off…but look how little they are (on 1/2″ and 3/4″shown below in brown) they are not 1/4″ dog ear…more like an 1/8″…I usually leave them on…when they are this smallfullsizerender-5…in the bigger size triangle paper they are larger and I will cut them off, as shown here

Now they are ready… I stitch them into a block!img_9119

img_9120It really doesn’t get easier…This method is so much more accurate/faster than any of the traditional methods of making HSTs if you have to make lots of them.  When doing the MOC blocks I tried one block with and one without…it was so much nicer and my blocks were so much more accurate this way…This blocks comes out to a perfect 4 1/2″…unfinished.img_9124

Now the Triangle papers come…two ways…

In sheets…1/2-hst-paperyou can stitch the whole sheet OR you can cut a strip or however many you need for your project. We have them from in 1/4″ increments ranging from 1/2″ all the way up to 2 1/2″ and also two VARIETY packs…one with the smaller sizes and one with the larger sizes.

I will list a few of the details…from the sheetsimg_9902-copy

A sheet of the 1/2″ makes 84 HSTs and 1 strips makes 14

A sheet of the 3/4″ makes 60 and 1 strip makes 12

A sheet of the 1″ makes 40 and 1 strip makes 10

A sheet of 1 1/4″ makes 56…they come on full size 11×17 sheets, once you get over an inch.

A sheet of 2″ makes 30 per sheet…

They also come in CHARM configurations in 5 sizes…1/2″ 3/4″ 1″ and 1 1/2″.  You would use two charm square and place the paper on the light…stitch all the dashes and cut apart on all the solids…The Charms also come in a  Variety pack as the 5th size.img_9905-copy

The 1/2″  and 3/4″ make 18  HSTs per sheet using 2-charms squares

The 1″ and 1 1/2″ make 8 HSTs per sheet using 2- charm squares

Just to give you some info…

The only thing you cannot do with the triangle papers is to COPY them..they must be a first generation print from a printer and NOT a COPY…trust me they will not be correct…some will be small… some will be big…some say well if they are big I can cut them down? Really? that’s wasting so much time is unreal….You don’t want to trim your HST ever!!! Such a waste of time…make them the right size from the start…There are a couple of other Triangle Papers out there on the market…I do not like any of the ones for tiny triangles 1″and smaller…ours are perfected and that is why I designed them…

Again… the possibilities are limitless…here is a 2″, 3″ and 4″ block all made fast & easy from triangle papers.

Here is the link to our website…to see all the Triangle Paper Options They are on sale…reg $7 & $8.00 for the Charms….sale $5.60 & $6.40…Sheets are $7-$10 reg…sale$5.60 and $8

Day 12 WINNERS!!! CONGRATULATIONS…PLEASE EMAIL AMY @ ahoefler.new.rr.com to claim your prize you have until 12-31-16

If you do not see your comment right away it because its in moderation…I have to approve some comments…but please be aware that I approve them all and then pick the winners…315 comments…not too bad…I think you can do better…

Barb Onken- Mini Wonder Clips
December 13, 2016 at 10:04 pm
I have most of my gifts wrapped and only need some stocking staffers to buy. Highly unlike me. Wondering if I am forgetting something but enjoying being ahead for a change.

carol shannon-Regular Wonder Clip
December 13, 2016 at 1:12 pm
My shopping is all done for this year. I have one present left to wrap then I can begin my other projects. Merry Christmas everyone.

Diane-Jumbo Wonder Clips
December 13, 2016 at 2:15 pm
My daughter told me this week that “I’m kinda getting bad at the Santa thing”. She knows she’s getting a smart TV for Christmas but she was home from college and saw it in my bedroom unwrapped. I didn’t make it a point to hide it. I gave her a look as if to ask “problem?” then she said “I really like it though!” It’s not what I thought I was getting. The kids (3 of them) have gotten older and it’s hard to surprise them with things they’ll like. They tend to like the bigger gifts and when you’re spending that much it’s important to get the right model etc. With that said I only have a few more things to get. All gifts still need to be wrapped and some decorating still needs to be done. In my defense we just got a new puppy 3 weeks ago. He’s a Pomeranian and weighed just 1.6 lbs when we got him November 23rd. He’s taken a lot of my time! Not to mention I’m pretty sure he’ll unwrap any gifts I put under the tree. I haven’t even put the tree skirt under the tree yet for fear he’ll potty on it or chew on it.

I’m sorry this post is so late in the day…but it was a long over due hair appointment…and Jace was over until late afternoon…I want to post a pic of some of my decorating…but I am missing some things…like the curly willow I wanted to fill up these buckets..spray painted red?…It’s way too cold to make Nick go outside and cut some off our tree!lisa-bongean

To win a whole set of triangle paper charms  or triangle paper sheets…2 winners, …please comment if you have used the Triangle papers yet or not… or if you have a question regarding them that I did not answer in the post please comment!…winners will be picked tomorrow!!!

Baby… it’s cold outside here…time to snuggle in for the night!…LB

353 responses to “11 days until Christmas!!!”

  1. Carol Avatar

    I have not used triangle papers, but I know they came in with the freebies from your November special weekend. I also see they are needed for the MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS, which I probably won’t start until the spring. Sooooo…. I should go to each pattern page and find out what’s needed and order them! Unless someone out there already knows and could save a busy Christmas Elf a little time? Ho, ho, ho!

  2. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    I have never used triangle papers but they look like they would make life a whole lot easier!!! I’d LOVE to give them a try!

  3. Rebecca Avatar

    Triangle papers are a great way o sew! I use them whenever I can.

  4. Julie Letvin Avatar
    Julie Letvin

    I have used other brands for years, but have not tried yours. BUT…I have some here all ready to be stitched for the MOC blocks! Only a couple blocks til I’m finished! Woo hoo!!!

  5. timbersmith63 Avatar

    I have never used triangle papers but they look like they would make life much easier! I’d love to try them!!

  6. Nancy Pleimann Avatar
    Nancy Pleimann

    I would love to win this set. I have never tried these. You make it look so easy. I say away from small sizes because they don’t come out right. Thanks, Nancy P.

  7. Lynne Sowerby Avatar

    I really like using the triangle papers. They are fun to use and they are so accurate, I have been using them for about 5 years now, love em.

  8. June S Avatar
    June S

    I would love to try your triangle papers for small blocks!

  9. Robin McGuire Avatar
    Robin McGuire

    I haven’t tried the triangle papers yet but would love to give them a try!

  10. Jackie Avatar

    I sure would like to try these papers! I have never used them and the idea of trying something so small is very intriguing to me!! Merry Christmas!!

  11. Patricia Moore Avatar
    Patricia Moore

    I have been hoarding triangle papers for a long time. I get them out and look at them occasionally, kind of pet them and admire them. Then I put them away. I’m going to use them soon. I’m sure of it.

  12. Diane Ziegler Avatar
    Diane Ziegler

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Triangle paper! It’s SOOOOOOO EASY!!!!!!!!!

  13. Joni Avatar

    Yes! They do make life much easier!!
    I did not know about copying them!!

  14. Lisa Lehmann Avatar
    Lisa Lehmann

    I purchased the triangle papers at the International show last spring from Nick. I thought I would experiment and see if it would be a time saver. LOVE them for all the itty bitty HSTs. Waiting to see what necessities are in the other remaining 10 days before I stock up for this winter.

    1. Judith Dietrich Avatar
      Judith Dietrich

      Hi Lisa, thanks for all the photos on how to sew these up. I have collected quite a few packs of your triangle papers, but have not gotten to sit and sew. Hopefully, the New Year will allow more sewing time for me!! I am a visual person, so the photos really help, and know I can do it now!!

  15. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    I have used another brand but I like the way yours are laid out on the paper to use as whole sheet or cut apart. These would be wonderful if having to make lots so hst’s. Would love to try these.

  16. Wanda Avatar

    I love triangle papers ! What a time saver and perfect HST s every time

  17. Ann Wissbaum Avatar
    Ann Wissbaum

    I have used the triangle papers before. They work wonderfully!

  18. Diann Selke Avatar
    Diann Selke

    I love, love, love Triangle Papers….Lisa introduced me to them several years ago at the National Quilt Show in Lakeland, Florida when I purchased a quilt kit at your booth. I have used them ever since for every quilt I make. The 1 inch is the smallest I have tried. I want to make some miniature quilts so have to order some of the 1/2 inch and 3/4 inch size. By the way, I really miss your booth at the Lakeland Show every year. I haven’t been the last two years because you weren’t there. Boo Hoo!

  19. Sally King Avatar
    Sally King

    I haven’t tried them yet but sure would like to! After this Christmas I’m going to need some “easy accuracy”!

  20. Carolyn Boutilier Avatar
    Carolyn Boutilier

    Would love to try these Triangle papers. I am a new quilter and this seems it would be so helpful and time saving. I love small quilt pieces and these triangle papers would be more accurate squares. Thanks for the pictures showing how to use these papers.

  21. laura Avatar

    I have used them periodically but only when it is suggested. I usually make big and trim down or do what the directions say…cut 1 7/8 in half. I don’t like working with triangles and would use paper more if I knew what size I needed to use to substitute them for what size of triangle cut in half. Also never now what size to cut strips…I.e. size of paper or a bit smaller.

  22. rosecameron Avatar

    The first time I used them (and starch for that matter) was at the retreat in November! What an eye opening experience and my blocks were near perfect!

    For you Monkees fans: …and I used this technique….now I’m a believer. 🎤🎧

  23. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    I love triangle papers. I’ve been using them for several years. They are accurate, fast and fun to use. Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed explanation with photos!!

  24. bobbinsnthreads Avatar

    I have used triangle papers once and loved the method. Looking forward to using them again.

  25. Vickie Avatar

    These papers are the best!!! Been using them for about a year and could not have made the Magic of Christmas blocks without them! My blocks are all done but can’t decide what setting to finish with!!! Thank you for all you do Lisa!!

  26. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    I haven’t tried the triangle papers. I don’t do a lot of quilts that require HST’s because they don’t turn out very well. So, maybe if I tried the papers, I will do more quilts with HST’s.

  27. Sharon H Avatar
    Sharon H

    Yes I have used them & love them especially if I’m making several 1/2 squares the same color!

  28. Tina Avatar

    I’ve never used them but your tutorial sure makes me want to give it a go. I’ve tried your method of starching fabric before cutting and wow! does it ever make a difference when piecing!!

  29. Bev Avatar

    I love triangle papers. I’ve been using them for several years. They are accurate, fast and fun to use. Thank you for taking the time to give such a detailed explanation with photos!!

  30. Dawn Avatar

    I’ve never used them but I need to. I have the magic of Christmas but haven’t started it because I know it won’t turn out right without them. Winning them would be cool!

  31. Marian Allen Avatar
    Marian Allen

    I have never used them, but are placing an order right now!

  32. Barbara G. Avatar
    Barbara G.

    I have used triangle papers but not your brand. Actually, I need some now so if I don’t win, I will be buying some of your papers..1

  33. Sue knill Avatar
    Sue knill

    I love the triangle paper have used the 1/2″ hard to find a quilt shop that carries them

  34. Karen Lyon Avatar

    I’m using them now as I am finishing Words To Live By.

  35. Chris Avatar

    I use them all of the time and LOVE them too. Accuracy doesn’t get any better than these!

  36. Mary Jean Price Avatar
    Mary Jean Price

    I ordered the triangle papers for MOC but have skipped those blocks until I have more time. Thanks for the instructions that answered some of my questions. I am saving this tutorial!

  37. Linda Mueller Avatar
    Linda Mueller

    Love using them, but would be head over heels smitten to have the whole set!

  38. Connie Morgan Avatar
    Connie Morgan

    I haven’t used triangle papers. I tend to make half square triangles bigger, then cut them down to size. Would like to try the triangle paper though!

  39. Patti pitzer Avatar
    Patti pitzer

    I ordered them for the MOC blocks when you showed the before and after…wonderful….would love to have all sizes

  40. Leanne Mal Avatar
    Leanne Mal

    Yes I have used your triangle papers and love them❣️ We were just talking about the preciseness of your triangle papers in quilt class and I was surprised how many quilters have not tried them. I’m sure we will have some converts in our class now :-).

  41. Betsy Avatar

    I’ve used other triangle papers but not these that you have designed. I am especially interested in the charm size….what a great way to use some of the charm packs that I have collected. The cold air arrives here tonight. I just built a fire, the tree is decorated, now to get the presents wrapped!

  42. Laura Wohlfarth Avatar
    Laura Wohlfarth

    I have not used triangle papers. In fact, I was just reseaching this very topic in one of my Facebook Group I belong to. I mentioned PG papers, and got various responses. One member said your papers were very good and recommended them. I had made my decision to purchase my first papers from you. Today’s post was very timely for me. Thank You for all your instructions! It is greatly appreciated,

  43. Marsha Gardner Avatar
    Marsha Gardner

    Yes! I have used them many times! A whole set would be a wonderful gift!

  44. Judith Diani Avatar
    Judith Diani

    I would love to try the papers. This might motivate me to make the harder quilts with lots of triangle detail. They have been scary before! Thanks for the chance to win.

  45. Karen Guimon Avatar
    Karen Guimon

    I used to oversize HST’s and then cut them down, but you’re right, it seems like a waste of time when you can make them once with the triangle paper. I use them now all the time. Especially love and use your charm square size!

    1. Tammy Berry Avatar
      Tammy Berry

      I see you press your triangles before you tear the papers off. I always tear my papers off before I press the triangles, and then I use steam. Do you use steam since the papers are on them?

  46. Carol joswick Avatar
    Carol joswick

    I’ve used them before and absolutely love them. I am a perfectionist….and want the triangles to be all the same size….Merry Christmas,

  47. Fran B Avatar
    Fran B

    I have used HST papers for the Rocky Mountain Puzzle SBOW 2012. I couldn’t believe
    how easy they were to use and how perfect my HST,s turned out. These papers are my go to method now and I will never go back to piecing without them.

  48. Janice Kohnke Avatar
    Janice Kohnke

    I have used them before and love them, need to get more sizes!!! Merry Christmas

  49. jules1957 Avatar

    I have two packages at home that I haven’t opened yet!

  50. Juel Avatar

    Love the accuracy of using the triangle papers. I just need to have a better stock of sizes!

  51. shirley Avatar

    I have used them and everything you say is true, a really great product.

  52. Wanda Hall Avatar
    Wanda Hall

    I LOVE these triangle sheets and would love to try them! I need to learn how to select the correct triangle sizes for the patterns. I have never starched my fabrics before sewing… great tip! Does the starch need to be washed out at any point? Thanks for the 12 Days!!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I’m making a chart for you…and the starch can be washed out if/when using the quilt, but no it doesn’t have to be…starch is not made from cornstarch anymore…therefore this old issues we had with cornstarch are gone…

  53. Betty Putzka Avatar
    Betty Putzka

    I have used the really old method of drawing my lines to make the half square triangles…. the papers look much more accurate😀😀

  54. Lorrie Runnals Avatar
    Lorrie Runnals

    Hi Lisa,
    I have used the triangle paper on a roll. I don’t remember where I bought them but I agree they make it sooo easy. I definitely need to try yours next time. And will!

  55. Julie Deering Avatar
    Julie Deering

    I have used the HST papers and love them. Have never used the charm square size. Merry Christmas!

  56. Carol Garner Avatar

    Yes, love the triangle papers. Still working on Among Friends, the papers make those blocks so easy and accurate. Lisa’s stuff ALWAYS rocks!

  57. Barbara Post Avatar
    Barbara Post

    I was first introduced to the triangle strips when I purchased your wool flower wall hanging years ago. It has a border of tiny half square triangles and those strips made making them a breeze. I learned something new from your post though, they now come ready made for charm packs, how cool is that?

  58. Terri Avatar

    Wow, I never really thought about using, but very interesting to say the least. Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. Jan B Avatar
    Jan B

    I have not used your triangle papers. They look intriguing tho. My question is do you pin them to your fabric so they won’t shift like you do with others? Thanks!

  60. Rose Bullen Avatar
    Rose Bullen

    Triangle papers are the best! They make me feel good because that little 1/2″ square is going to be PERFECT!

  61. Diane Avatar

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE triangle papers! I love them especially for tiny half square triangles – but even for 2″- 4″ ones they are so accurate and easy —- I find I can make a ton in a short time — as I said, I LOVE them!!!

  62. Janice King Avatar
    Janice King

    So far, I have not tried the triangle papers but have been so tempted! Didn’t realize all the sizes they came in. I have been making them the old way and trimming them to size. I can see where the triangle paper would save a great deal of time and be much more accurate. Will put them on my list for Santa!!

  63. Janet Dickson Avatar
    Janet Dickson

    I have used them and they’re the best way for these cute little HST. Wonderful instructions you’ve provided here too.

  64. Bernadette Bird Avatar
    Bernadette Bird

    Use then love them, Makes perfect half square triangles without trimming. A quilters dream!

  65. Patty Avatar

    Thank you for sharing a great triangle paper tutorial. I’ve used them many times but never on charm squares. I need to try them! Thanks for designing them for charm squares. Are there any that work with the 10″ squares?

  66. Deborah K Avatar
    Deborah K

    I have used the triangle papers for many PG projects. I love them. They are so easy to use and make the blocks perfect!

  67. Sarah Paladino Avatar
    Sarah Paladino

    I have used triangle papers in larger sizes. I’m anxious to get some 1/2″ and 3/4″. I want to make some of your mini quilts from Little Gatherings.

  68. Katherine Avatar

    Lisa –
    Haven’t used your triangle papers. Have tried the method in which I drew all the dash and solid lines on the lighter fabric– worked OK but took so much time to do the drawing, I wondered hoe much time I really saved

  69. Kathy Vetter Avatar
    Kathy Vetter

    I used these triangle papers with this year’s SBOW and they really do work ! Lisa what presser foot are you using to assemble the block? Is it the Compensating foot?

  70. Michele Erker Avatar
    Michele Erker

    I’ve never used triangle papers, but would love to give them a try! BTW – is that a special spray handle on your starch can?!

  71. Linda B Avatar
    Linda B

    Yes! I used the papers for the first time last week! Love them. “charm” size looks fun! Just want to say, I love all of your designs! I first saw/heard about your shop at the quilt show in Cleveland several years ago. Fell in love with the wool on flannel “grandmothers garden”. Made it and have been hooked ever since! I have been known to pay admission to the show, go to your booth and then go home! Lol. You are such a talent and a good and lovely person!

  72. Donna Avatar

    I have not used triangle papers very much, but I’m thinking it would be the way to go, the next time I need half square triangles. Hope I get lucky.

  73. Gail turcotte Avatar
    Gail turcotte

    I have never used any triangle papers, I am looking forward to trying them!!! Can’t wait for 1/2″squares to go together slicker than a trout.

  74. Lynn Zane Avatar
    Lynn Zane

    I have never used the triangle papers but would love to try them. I am new to quilting, have finished a quilt that I did in my beginners class. I am anxious to do more, and your triangle papers seem that they are a more accurate way. I know accuracy is important in quilting. I would love to try them

  75. City Chick Quilts Avatar

    I haven’t used these or any papers for HSTs. Would love to give them a try!

  76. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    I have not tried the triangle papers but after seeing your cute tiny blocks I think I might have to try them.

  77. Barbara Willems Avatar
    Barbara Willems

    I have tried the strips but I must say that I had a time with them. I guess I just didn’t quite understand them. This was quite a few years ago. If I do try them again I would try the sheets. I just can’t get over how talented you are.

  78. Jean Pope Avatar
    Jean Pope

    I have used the sheets with the Among friends quilts and I love them. They are easy to use and save a ton on paper…

  79. Cecilia Avatar

    I have used triangle papers before and I love them!

  80. Jean Pope Avatar
    Jean Pope

    I have not tried the triangle papers yet but would love to try them.

  81. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    Love using your papers! And the ones sized for charm paks, they make scrap quilts so much easier! I’ll have to check what sizes I’m low on. Bought lots of sizes when you had them in your Christmas sale before.

  82. Annie Collett Avatar
    Annie Collett

    I really enjoy triangle papers and am excited to see the charm size! Thank you!

  83. Mary schreiner Avatar
    Mary schreiner

    I’ve not tried these but they look interesting. I’d like to make some mini quilts and I’m thinking these would be ideal for those,

  84. Natalie Rogers Avatar
    Natalie Rogers

    Wow, your collection of red and white quilts is amazing. Just love them. I have used your papers in a kit I bought over the summer from your wonderful husband. Then I bought some more for some of these small stars you are doing. I am not used to using them, so they are new to me, and don’t love taking papers off, but for the accuracy of them, I will do it. I enjoy your patterns and kits, and seeing all your wonderful quilts. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  85. Kathy Avatar

    I have used these before and love them for minis!

  86. DEBRA S GOAD Avatar

    I have used them and a couple of different brands. Recently used yours (ordered from your online site) for the mini tree of life. I had never starched before either but what a difference that makes. Love the accuracy from using the papers and searching. I would use yours again in a heartbeat. They are great!

    1. DEBRA S GOAD Avatar

      That should have read certainly, not searching! Ugh.

  87. Cindy S Avatar
    Cindy S

    I have used triangle papers to make the quilt Tree 🌲 Farm. They really are a great way to make HST. I’ve been busy making a tree skirt for my oldest Granddaughter. I got a late start as I made 27 stockings with embroidered names for my daughters second grade class. We do this every year and in the past her mother in law helped, but she passed away this fall. Most of my decorating is done except for my kitchen tree, lighting issues! This tree has all the ornaments that play music or have some movement. My six year old granddaughter loves it. I have 8 of your Christmas quilt blocks done and am hoping to do the rest after Christmas. I love red and think it will be a wonderful quilt when done. Thank you for the patterns and the great fabrics.

  88. Susan J Avatar
    Susan J

    Won’t dream of doing HST without the papers-so exact and quick, really makes your sewing much more enjoyable”

  89. Babs Williams Avatar
    Babs Williams

    The triangle papers are great!!

  90. Deb Colson Avatar
    Deb Colson

    I love triangle papers! And now that I have a cheat sheet to ensure I’m using the right size I will be using the papers a lot more! Thank you Lisa for posting that helpful guide!

    Merry 11th day before Christmas everyone!

  91. Joan Blum Avatar
    Joan Blum

    I have not used the triangle papers, but I need to learn how to use them. Every time I have to work with small half square triangles, I don’t like how they turn out. I’m a bit of a perfectionist and I’ve given up on several projects just because the triangles didn’t look right. And used a few choice words in the process!!!

  92. mary Cortez Avatar
    mary Cortez

    I think this will be a new experience in 2017; thanks for the encouragement!

  93. Stephanie Kluk Avatar
    Stephanie Kluk

    I love your triangle papers! Just the right size!

  94. Brenda Hodge Avatar
    Brenda Hodge

    I have used triangle papers before and love the results. I’ve never seen such small sizes before though. Something to add to Santa’s list

  95. Kris Dauth Avatar
    Kris Dauth

    Yes, I have used a couple different brands of triangle papers, on wife them being Primitive Gatherings. I used yours to make Summer Love. Your trial Glenn papers made the project quick, easy and accurate. Thank you for all you do for your woolie customers!

  96. Kim Mueller Avatar
    Kim Mueller

    I have never used the triangle papers….I first heard of them on your site. Have not done a lot of quilting as of late. Your photos make it look so easy . I will definitely be getting some.

  97. donnalevesque Avatar

    I bought some in Houston, but haven’t played with them yet.

  98. Roxie Ahlbrecht Avatar
    Roxie Ahlbrecht

    I have used the triangles once and I loved them. I don’t think I could have made the very, very small finished triangle squares any other way. One question…unrelated…what do you have on the top of your spray starch?

  99. Sarah Dostal Avatar
    Sarah Dostal

    I have used your triangle papers with a “Song Bird” Frivol that I purchased. It made sewing my HST easy!

  100. Lori Thomas Avatar
    Lori Thomas

    I have used triangle paper before, but I like Lisa’s better because the seam allowance is thinner on the small ones. This means less bulk when working with small blocks. I had never used the starch until this summer when I did the summer block of the week among friends. This quilt would have been a nightmare without them. Thanks Lisa!

    1. DebrafromMD Avatar

      I love triangle papers!

  101. Kathy Decker Avatar
    Kathy Decker

    I haven’t used them yet, but will use them when I finish the summer freebie. I’m going to try starching then, too.

  102. usairdoll Avatar

    Your blocks do look great! Yes I have used triangle paper before but I don’t always get a great HST. I’m going to try and starch mine. Maybe that is what I’m missing.

    Thanks for a chance to win. Happy Holidays!


  103. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    I have not used triangle paper yet but want to try it because my pieces never come out right! So, it’s time for me to go for it!!


  104. Pat Tiedt Avatar
    Pat Tiedt

    I stopped in the store yesterday to purchase a pack of triangle papers to help me finish the last three blocks. Headed to sewing room now. I will certainly need more papers for Setting 3!

    P.S. I will have Season 5 of “Hell on Wheels” on. Love that Cullen Bohamen!!

  105. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    I used other triangle papers with success. Then I found your papers. They are a definite step up. So many sizes of triangles! Even better you designed the papers to work with the pieces of fabric we use. You are a quilting genius.

  106. LJ Avatar

    I have never used Triangle papers. Your review and tut for using them is wonderful and makes me think I should give them a whirl.

  107. bookangel18 Avatar

    I’m a new quilter and would love to try the triangle papers but I thought they were a little intimidating but your post really helped! I think I will give them a try! I like my triangles to be accurate the first time! Thanks for the enlightening post!

  108. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    I only have one size of triangle paper and used it on one of the Magic of Christmas blocks. But I had to trim them down to the correct size. Wasted time, I know. I guess I need to get some different sizes of triangle paper. It is great at making my projects more accurate. (What type of gadget do you have on the starch can that is pictured? Looks like it might be a must have too.)

  109. lorraine bujnowski Avatar
    lorraine bujnowski

    I have not used your triangle papers and I feel it is about time that I do!!!
    Have a Happy Holiday with your family!!
    Thank you for all that you do for us.

  110. Nicole Mays Avatar
    Nicole Mays

    I’ve used triangle papers for some projects and when I do the blocks are very accurate. And I do love your papers.

  111. Brittany Voigt Avatar
    Brittany Voigt

    Thank you for posting the conversion chart, that will be very helpful in the future! I stopped at the shop last week, and the girls convinced me to try the triangle paper. So I bought a pack of each and used them over the weekend! What a big difference it makes! I will certainly keep a nice supply on hand from now on!

  112. Deb C Avatar
    Deb C

    I have not used triangle papers but would love to use PG’s! I’ve always trimmed bigger triangles down to size! Help me have more sewing time and less trimming time.

  113. MaryAnn Bernshock Jalbert Avatar
    MaryAnn Bernshock Jalbert

    LOVE your Triangle papers I go at hooked when I did Words to Live By and now use them for all projects. They are easy and make my blocks much more accurate!

  114. Dana Doerfler Avatar
    Dana Doerfler

    I used them for the first time in Among Friends this summer (which is far from finished!). They definitely make accurate little HSTs!

  115. Jill Avatar

    I saw demonstration of the triangle papers in a class but didn’t use. At the time. I would like to try them though. Thank you for the chance to win!

  116. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    Great directions on the Triangles. I’m really going to try starching my fabric. Can’t wait to make those little guys.

  117. linda melz Avatar
    linda melz

    Ive never used paper triangles They look easy and fast I sure could follow arrows

  118. Cindi P Avatar
    Cindi P

    I love triangle papers and agree with you except I truly hate paper piecing.

  119. Mary Avatar

    I have never used triangle papers before. I probably should try them 🙂

  120. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    I have used yours once. Worked pretty cool. I’d take some more. I like easy

  121. Mary lou Avatar
    Mary lou

    These papers are the best thing yet to do half square triangles. Especially with Lisa’s blocks of the weeks this past summer.
    They are neat they are precise and practical. Quilting is a hobby to be enjoyed (quit torchering yourself) use all the tools you can get a make your life easier.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      lol…Love this Mary lou…Yeah!!! quilt torchering yourself!!!

  122. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    I love your triangle paper…it’s the only way to go! I agree with you, making your HST bigger and then trimming them to the correct size seems like a huge waste of time to me…just make them the right size to begin with! And having them sized for charm packs is fantastic.

  123. Judy Avatar

    I have not had an opportunity to use triangle papers. Thank you for a chance to win some!

  124. Linda McMillan Avatar
    Linda McMillan

    I have used them. They are great for the small half square triangles.

  125. Sheila Snyder Avatar
    Sheila Snyder

    I have used triangle papers before and love them! They are real time savers. I also really enjoyed your little HST tutorial because I learnt some new ways/tips to work with them. Thank you!

  126. wantstoberetired Avatar

    I haven’t tried triangle papers yet…I never quite understood how to use them. Your post made it very clear. Thanks for sharing. Maybe now I’ll tackle some of those smaller pieced blocks. 🙂

  127. Maria Zook Avatar
    Maria Zook

    I am a fan of half square triangle papers. I love that you have designed yours to fit on 5 inch squares.

  128. Janet Avatar

    E Am sure the smaller triangle papers would make process more exact – especially with such a small pieces of fabric.

  129. Carol Avatar

    I have never used them before. Maybe with the papers, I would enjoy making a really small block!

  130. Peggy Simpson Avatar
    Peggy Simpson

    I used triangle papers once but had to make too many of the same fabrics for my purposes. I love the idea of cutting strips and making only the number of each that you want or need. I also love that you have so many sizes available. Happy holidays to everyone !

  131. Diana Lentz Avatar
    Diana Lentz

    I purchased the triangle papers but have not used them yet. I will need to purchase a few additional sizes to make my blocks. I was so thankful you sent out the email today with the explanation of what size triangle paper to use to make which size triangle. I was planning on starting my quilt after the 1st of the year since I had so many other projects to finish first. Love the fabric Lisa and your blog thank you for all your hard work putting this together!
    Merry Christmas.

  132. Cathy Cady Avatar
    Cathy Cady

    I have never tried them but would sure like to!

  133. Twyla Avatar

    I’ve used them and love them, I’m a perfectionist !!

  134. Bev Avatar

    Triangle papers are so accurate even when making very small projects. I like to do small blocks when I can be more accurate and they do that for me.

  135. Glenna D. Avatar
    Glenna D.

    I have never used triangle papers, but after reading your description, I am willing to try.

  136. Anne thate Avatar

    I love triangle papers! Use them all the time;)

  137. Karen Applegate Avatar
    Karen Applegate

    Used ’em, love’ em! Want more of ’em!

  138. Cindy kirkpatrick Avatar
    Cindy kirkpatrick

    I love triangle papers!!

  139. amy Avatar

    I’ve never tried them but I would love to! I absolutely hate trimming up HST’s! I have some here waiting patiently for me to be in the mood to do it!

    1. Chris Avatar

      I never used the triangle papers. Wish I had known about them when I made a quilt a few years back with many HST’s in it. Knowing about these papers might give me a little more courage to try one of the mini quilts I admire when I go in the shop!

  140. Kathy Avatar

    I have never used the triangle papers and I can see that I am definitely missing out. I haven’t started my Magic of Christmas yet 😳But when I do, I will for sure use them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  141. Jamie Avatar

    I have not used them. But I have some. Maybe this weekend I will try them out.

  142. Cathy Cole Avatar
    Cathy Cole

    Used triangle paper many years ago and had a bad experience. Was probably my stitching as they did not come out right. Would love to try again.

  143. Leigh Ann Avatar
    Leigh Ann

    I have not used those particular papers but am intrigued!! I do like the ones I have used but you have more sizes!! Would love to give them a try!!

  144. Elle Avatar

    I haven’t tried the triangle papers, but have heard really great things about them. So I definitely am going to order them! Love your Needful Things!

  145. Joyce Avatar

    I have tried triangle papers from other companies but haven’t tried yours-yet! Thank you for all the tips on using them! Would love to win a set!

  146. Kim Avatar

    Will need to try your triangle papers. Have not been that happy with others I have tried. So much better to not have to trim them all to the right size like I usually do.

  147. Gingerdog Avatar

    I have been using the rolls of HST’s, but the triangles look really flat and nice. I am excited to use them–and on sale!! I had to use the rolls of HST’s on the fabulous MOC blocks. Only have a few left to make!! I love them and making HST’s made them so much easier. Great instructions!

    Sometime will you tell us about the icon and if we sign up with WordPress will we be on a million lists??

  148. Kathy S Avatar
    Kathy S

    Baby it’s cold outside is right! I haven’t used the triangle paper yet because I didn’t really understand them. Seeing how it works now, I will definitely be trying. Nothing like making life easier!

  149. suejean1 Avatar

    I have not used the triangle paper yet. Currently my favorite way of making half square triangles is the Tucker trimmer ruler. I guess I should try the half square triangles to save time. So many of my projects have 1 million half square triangles.

  150. Linda M Avatar
    Linda M

    I have not used triangle papers, but after reading your post, I will have to try. Your explanation makes it seem very easy. Thanks for taking the time to do that.

  151. Ann Post Avatar
    Ann Post

    I have some of yours but need to try them. I need to buy some of the small ones. LOVE your decorating!

  152. LIsa Benson Avatar
    LIsa Benson

    I have used triangle papers and love to use them. Glad to see some full sheets for larger projects.

  153. mary h Avatar

    Yes, I use them and they work! It’s great when things fit together and are accurate.

  154. Nancy Knight Avatar
    Nancy Knight

    Thank you so much for printing this tutorial out! I bought the triangle papers earlier this year but have been too intimidated to try them – I learn visually! So I know what I will be playing with this weekend and will definitely need more!

  155. Barbara Rodin Avatar
    Barbara Rodin

    Your HST papers are the best, you can actually see where you need to cut them apart so you get the exact
    size. I have used them many times and really like them , also your demo pictures are really good!
    What kind of handle nozzle do you have on the can of spray starch? Please share info if you can.

  156. Pam McLellan Avatar
    Pam McLellan

    I have not yet tried them but I am going to

  157. Cathy Avatar

    The magic of Christmas blocks is the first time I’ve used your triangle paper. It helped so much! Thanks again for another great give away.

  158. Oma Avatar

    I tried another brand but did’t like them because you had to stitch on the inside of the line or they would be to small. Will have to some of yours.

  159. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I haven’t tried the triangle papers yet. they look ike they could really help my HST. Thanks for sharing

  160. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    I have used triangle papers but I have not used yours.

  161. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    I have tried something similar and liked the results, but i guess I just don’t think to print any when I need triangles. Love all your red quilts!!

  162. karenj7216 Avatar

    I have not used these papers to make half square triangles but I would love to try them.

  163. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    No, I have not used your Triangle Papers yet. But if I order some like I plan to, I will definitely use them for making the Magic of Christmas blocks!

  164. Jacqui Elmore Avatar
    Jacqui Elmore

    I must say that I’ve never used them before. I’ve seen them mentioned here and there and always thought why? After ready your post I’m now thinking why haven’t I? It was great reading the how to instructions and I can see where they would be a great time saver. Thanks for sharing and creating another great product.

  165. Diane Kubicki Avatar
    Diane Kubicki

    I look forward to trying out your HST papers. They will be so helpful on the Magic of Christmas. And thank you for the cheat sheet on what size to use. Very useful.

  166. Mary Clemens Avatar
    Mary Clemens

    I’m a huge fan of Triangle Papers. I love the accuracy and how the finished block looks.

  167. Cindy Selnekovic Avatar

    I didn’t even know that you had Triangle papers until they were posted in the Magic of Christmas blocks! I hope to be giving them a try!

  168. Tammy Avatar

    These would be so useful, would love to give them a try. No have never used them

  169. amycofer Avatar

    Used them & love them. SBOW & Magic of Christmas.

  170. Pat Neyens Avatar
    Pat Neyens

    Nope-never used them-looks interesting.

  171. Juareen Castillo Avatar
    Juareen Castillo

    I definitely use triangle paper. Glad you posted about light on top. I forget but whatever way I lay it at first I lay all the rest. Shopping is almost done until I think of something else I should get. But I’m known for “oh where’s that present?” Almost every year!!!

  172. Amy M Avatar
    Amy M

    I have to say I have never tried them…not sure why. I thought they were more work. Well, you convinced me to give them a try. Never too old to learn a new trick. Thank you.

  173. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I have not used the triangle papers yet, but have them for a project in the new year.

  174. Kandy Kuhr Avatar
    Kandy Kuhr

    I have not, but might need to…i

  175. Carol gouveia Avatar
    Carol gouveia

    Only in the larger 2 inch finished size. The small 1/2 inch would be so cute! They a so difficult to make when you just sew down the middle of a square and hope for the best. Would love to give them a try.

  176. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    I haven’t used triangle papers…but it’s a but scary. If I come into the CA shop can someone show me how to use them?

  177. Mary Linderud Avatar
    Mary Linderud

    I have never ever tried them but would like to try them on the magic of Christmas blocks I’ll make in the New Year! Thanks for the explanation.

  178. Donna J Brewster Avatar
    Donna J Brewster

    I have used different brands of papers. Primitive Gatherings is the best.

  179. cjschulk Avatar

    Have used the triangle paper many times and I love them especially the charm pack ones. Your explanation how to use them was very good for anyone that has never use them thank you

  180. Rosemary Duke Avatar
    Rosemary Duke

    Triangle Papers are the next best invention after zip lock bags! What did we Quilters use before…?

  181. Sandy Avatar

    I have used different papers for HST. Would love to try these.

  182. Cathy Avatar

    I have not used the triangle papers, but must use them to finish my Christmas mystery quilt!

  183. Karen Avatar

    I just love the fact that you give such understandable & easy to follow instructions on how to do things!!!! Makes me want to get one of my UFO’s out & finish it!!!! Then try making a little quilt. Yours always look so perfect!!! Thanks

  184. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    I have used them occasionally, but would love to try yours!

  185. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    I have used thangles and your triangle papers. I like yours best! Want to try the small ones for charm packs next. Thanks for designing these!

  186. Steph M Avatar
    Steph M

    I love triangle paper….best results for perfect squares!

  187. Christy Johnson Avatar
    Christy Johnson

    I haven’t bc I’ve been intimidated by them. You make it look so easy! I think I’m ready to try. Thank you for the tutorial!!!

  188. Deborah Olson Avatar

    I have never used Triangle papers but as a newer quilter I can use all the help I can get! Would love to try them.

  189. Debra Nelson Avatar
    Debra Nelson

    Using triangle papers makes HST fast, easy and most of all perfect….it’s one thing I can say “I did that” and not have to admit I had help. hehe. My little secret! BTW: I love all of your red and white quilts! Beautiful.

    1. karen christensen Avatar
      karen christensen

      I;ve never used the HSt but can see where they would make things a lot easier.

  190. Janice Avatar

    I just made a quilt with 450+ half square triangles. I really should have invested the money to save the time and increase the accuracy. Live and learn!

  191. Darla Black Avatar
    Darla Black

    I have used the triangle papers when they were sent with a block of the month from Primitive Gatherings. They are wonderful! I have used others and was not happy with them. I appreciate the time you take for all of us. Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  192. Linda Frihart Avatar
    Linda Frihart

    Loved your demo pictures using the triangle papers. Is there anything prettier than perfect triangles? Think I am a new convert.

  193. Judy Larson Avatar
    Judy Larson

    If it hadn’t been for Lisa’s triangle paper (along with the spray starch), I’d never have been able to complete the Magic of Christmas quilt! Try them! You’ll love them!

  194. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I use them all the time and love them! Your blocks will turn out perfect!!

  195. Freda Avatar

    Have used triangle paper on several projects and get perfect results. Will be trying your sheets, it looks easier to use than the rolls. Love the picture of your red quilts.

  196. jean f Avatar
    jean f

    yes, used them in a class.

  197. Juanita Coulter Avatar
    Juanita Coulter

    I have used your triangle papers on several of your Summer Block of the Week quilts. I really like using them … but have a quick question. I have always heard not to use my good sewing scissors for paper cutting. Are the triangle papers hard on the blade of my rotary cutter … or on the needle of my sewing machine? Thanks for your insight!

  198. michele Avatar

    I have some or your 2″ triangle paper that I won from Moda . I plan to bring it out after Christmas and finally use it. I need to purchase more of it to make the whole quilt.

  199. Deborah Thomas Avatar
    Deborah Thomas

    Yes I have used the triangles. They’re perfect. The last time I bought them was for your kit, Sue’s Stars. Great tutorial you posted.

  200. Norma Applegate Avatar
    Norma Applegate

    These were a lifesaver this summer for Among Friends and the summer freebie. Make finished 1/2″ half square triangles would have turned my hair grayer than it already is. Great product.

  201. Amanda G Avatar

    I have used the 1/2 inch triangle papers and I get so many compliments on how accurate they are for the size. Mind you they are not perfect as that was a first for me to work that small, but they did look pretty darn good.

  202. Laurie Sylvester Avatar
    Laurie Sylvester

    I have never used them but I am excited to try! I got the variety pack for starters!

  203. Chris Paulin Avatar
    Chris Paulin

    I’ve just started to make smaller projects and I have had problems with accuracy and you use a lot of HST in your designs so I thought you had it down pat. Therefore I’ve just received my first order of your variety pak and I have spray starch on hand and anxious to start making perfect projects. Thank you!

  204. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    I have never used the triangle paper , but am anxious to try this helpful tool. The tutorial was clear and makes this technique look easy as pie!

  205. Sharon Philippe Avatar
    Sharon Philippe

    Hi Lisa- I have never used triangle papers. I even took a class from Lyn Masten (a California quilter) in which she used some – and I was thrilled at how well they worked…but did I form the habit? Did I remember her lesson? DID I LISTEN????? I’m ashamed of myself, because I know there has to be a better way, and this HAS to be it! I’m making a promise to re-read your newsletter and make myself use these until it becomes automatic….thanks for your patience with me…I am so grateful for your lessons. Merry Christmas!

  206. Janey B Avatar
    Janey B

    I’ve tried Thangles before, but not yours. I will need to try yours.

  207. Yvonne Rupe Avatar
    Yvonne Rupe

    I haven’t used triangle paper before but they look awesome! I am going to try them for sure! Thanks for the photos – they help me a lot!!!

  208. Sandy K Avatar
    Sandy K

    I am anxious to give the papers a try.

  209. Vicki H Avatar
    Vicki H

    I have used the 2 inch before, but would love the try the smaller sizes.

  210. Donna Wells Avatar
    Donna Wells

    Yes, I have used triangle papers, although not your’s. Would love to give them a try.

  211. Sara Velder Avatar

    I have not used your triangles papers but I will now that you just posted that conversion chart! That is wonderful because so many patterns want you to cut those small increments, it’s crazy when by just using your HST paper, it looks like it will be a breeze! Thanks!

  212. Veronica Longobardi Avatar
    Veronica Longobardi

    I love , love , your triangle paper !! But more importantly. Show us a pic of your new tiny puppy !!! I can’t wait to see him !!! What an awesome Christmas baby he must be !!! Tell us all about him !!! Merry Merry Christmas to you and your family ! Veronica

  213. Barbara P. Avatar
    Barbara P.

    I love using triangle papers. Will definitely be ordering some of the small ones. Thank you for the 12 Days of Christmas.

  214. Kris Hebbring Avatar
    Kris Hebbring

    I love triangle paper. They make sewing HST so much easier. I am trying to convince my brother-in-law’s mother, who is an avid quilter, to give triangle paper a try on a project with HST.

  215. Michelle Avatar

    I Have never used triangle papers but will on my next quilt. Thank you for the conversion chart in your next posting.

  216. Lori McCleary Avatar
    Lori McCleary

    I recently purchased the triangle papers but haven’t had a chance to use them yet. Really looking forward to them and finishing the BOM.

  217. Sharon Avatar

    I have never used triangle papers before but it looks like you can make really accurate HSTs.

  218. Marcia Connor Avatar
    Marcia Connor

    I have used your triangle papers for the summer b o m. I love how accurate the pieces are. Definitely need to shorter the stitch length, but then it’s “smoothe sailin’”. Thanks so much !

  219. Karen Isham Avatar
    Karen Isham

    I didn’t even know the triangle papers came that small!! I can see my quilt life is going to get easier! I love mini quilts but don’t sew mini pieces well! I think I would like them all, lol Merry Christmas Lisa!

  220. Carolyn Avatar

    I have not used them but I have collected several packages of them…now with this post I’m certainly going to try them. Thank you for all the info.. Merry Christmas…

    1. Stephanie Smith Avatar
      Stephanie Smith

      I just bought the half square triangle paper to make the tiny half inch blocks for your red and white 25 quilt blocks and have never used them before. I’m very excited to try them! If I can conquer half inch half square triangles, there’s no stopping me! Thank you for the great instructional post.

  221. Debby Avatar

    I have used another company’s triangle papers and I’m not totally sold yet. I would really like to try the full sheet method. That looks like it would work great and very fast. Merry Christmas!

  222. Patti Avatar

    I have not used your triangle papers and would like to try the ones for charm squares. It would make the job so much easier.

  223. Patti Snyder Avatar
    Patti Snyder

    I haven’t used your triangle papers …. YET! I’m almost ready to start working on my Magic of Christmas quilt and have a feeling I’m going to need these! Thanks for the chance to win. Merry Chritmas!

  224. Camille Avatar

    I have not used them yet but your post offered very helpful information and instructions for a newby triangle paper user. I printed the handy chart you sent out to help know what size papers are required for finished block sizes. I admire all of those red and white quilts shown in the cupboard photo… I aspire to have a similar stack someday!

  225. Katherine Avatar

    Triangle paper is awesome! I haven’t used yours yet but bought some to use for my Magic of Christmas blocks–not sure how I could do those tiny HSTs without it!

  226. Michelle Cole Avatar
    Michelle Cole

    I have not used triangle papers yet, but have wanted to. Loved the tutorial!

  227. Karen Avatar

    I used your triangles with the Little Gatherings patterns. I was skeptical, and pleasantly surprised! They are wonderful, the only way I now make my hst’s is with the triangle papers. Thanks

  228. Wink Avatar

    I love the triangle paper. It makes my bad sewing better

  229. Cindy K Avatar
    Cindy K

    I have never used the hst papers but they look like a real time saver.

  230. Marianne Christensen Avatar
    Marianne Christensen

    Have never used thangles they sound interesting I have used the HST on a roll

  231. Marsha B Avatar
    Marsha B

    I haven’t tried the triangle papers yet, but they sure look easy!

  232. Sandi Vander Molen Avatar
    Sandi Vander Molen

    Never used triangle papers! Probably should since I’m a perfectionist! Your thorough instructions and pictures inspire me to give them a try. Especially with the Magic of Christmas blocks!! Thanks, Lisa!!

  233. Carol Caraccia Avatar
    Carol Caraccia

    Thank you Lisa for the wonderful and clear how-to photos. I have not used your triangle papers yet, but look forward to trying them. What a great time saver and a tool that opens up the possibilities of charm squares! Merry Christmas to you & your family and everyone at Primitive Gatherings!

  234. Karen B Avatar
    Karen B

    I’m making your quilt Among Friends. Oh my! I started it late and I’m way behind but I’m loving the results. The half square triangles are fun to sew with make the block more accurate. I would love to try the different sizes.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  235. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I’ve used triangle papers in the past by other manufacturers ( The on the roll kind) and I had decent results but then I tried yours and I absolutely love them much more accurate and easy to use and available in the teeny tiny sizes now I only use yours. Thank you for the 12 days of Christmas things that you offer and I know I’ll be making some purchases those mini clips you featured yesterday are on my list along with a few more sizes of the HST papers

    1. gijane279-Liz Avatar

      PS I love your ice skate hanging on your quilt Cupboard

  236. Carolyn Hechel Avatar
    Carolyn Hechel

    I never tried triangles but the look is so perfect when you finish your block.

  237. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    Yes, I have used them and love love love them! Thank you so much for designing them and making it possible for all of us to make these teeny tiny quilt blocks that we would never attempt otherwise!

  238. Linda James Avatar
    Linda James

    My friend and I are making the MOC quilt and she gave me some papers to try. I will need to order some papers for myself and more for her.

  239. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    not caught up on my Magic of Christmas blocks. Am planning on buying the hst papers. of course winning would be a nice surprise. hope you have a great Christmas

  240. Marianne Snowden Avatar
    Marianne Snowden

    I have used triangle papers but have not tried yours yet. Hummm, maybe I should win a set and give them
    a go?!!!! If not, I may have to order them to give them a try. 😊 BTW, LOVE the red quilts in your cabinet!!! (And it was 75 here today! ☀️

  241. Wendy Avatar

    I love the triangle papers and use them often. Thanks for a great Christmas pattern. I’m not caught up but that’s okay with me.

  242. Cathy Drahos Avatar
    Cathy Drahos

    Don’t always use triangle paper unless I am making small hst’s. The paper definitely makes them perfect.

  243. Kathy Johnson Avatar
    Kathy Johnson

    Love the triangle papers but didn’t realize they come in charm size. That would be amazing! I would love to try them. Thanks!

  244. Regina Herbster Avatar
    Regina Herbster

    I’ve only used yours and I love them!

  245. Patsy Weber Avatar
    Patsy Weber

    I have used another brand but not yours Yet! I would
    love to try some of yours! 😊

  246. Kathryn Casavant Avatar
    Kathryn Casavant

    I have used them. Have not used your brand yet. But I will have to try them. What do you have on your spray can? I also starch all my fabric before I cut it. Kathy

  247. Angelia Lanouettte Avatar
    Angelia Lanouettte

    I have not used triangle papers yet and would definitely love to give them a try. Thank you for the wonderful tutorial!

  248. flyawayjil Avatar

    I have a very accurate method for making HSTs, but would lobe to try these!

  249. Jacqueline morris Avatar

    Wow! I have never seen or even heard of these triangle papers…. I must say your photos and explanation of them was very good indeed. I do a lot of hand stitching and to be honest I would love to work more with my sewing machine. I think it’s because triangles intimidate me! Ha ha I think I am in a little shock after reading this post as stitching triangles on a sewing machine looks so simple now! Rather, you make it look really simple! I would love to give this a go! I love your posts, great inspiration to try, thank you 🙂

  250. Diana Kiehl Avatar
    Diana Kiehl

    I love there triangle papers – especially the charm packs I used on my summer block of the week churn dash that is done and on my bed. It turned out so amazing!!!!

  251. Judy Brown Avatar
    Judy Brown

    Thank you for going into such detail in showing how to use the papers. I am now a believer! I have one of your patterns that came with the papers. Now I am excited to get started on it. If anyone doubts you about making copies, she is RIGHT! Don’t copy them because they will be different and you will only be frustrated.

  252. Diane Mehring Avatar
    Diane Mehring

    No, I have not used your triangle papers yet. You have sold me on them. Thanks for the step by step pictures and info.

  253. Sharon Avatar

    I have used your triangle papers and love them! Thanks, Lisa!

  254. Diane Martin Avatar
    Diane Martin

    I bought a package but have not used them. I was not clear on how to best use them. Your entry clarified their use for me so thank you. Now I cannot wait to try them on a project. I will order some variety packs and practice some.

  255. Vickie Olsen Avatar
    Vickie Olsen

    Love them. Saves time and accurate.

  256. Bobbie Avatar

    Yes, I have used them and I love them, they are wonderful. It is so easy to use them and the blocks come out perfect. I have yet to try these tiny ones, but I think I will have to get some from you and give it a go. Have a Blessed Holiday Season.

  257. Ann Avatar

    These triangle papers seem like a great idea. Haven’t used any as yet but I plan on trying them so I can finish the beautiful Magic of Christmas blocks! Thanks

  258. Christy Johnson Avatar
    Christy Johnson

    I have not used them before but it seems so much easier using the papers as opposed to the more traditional ways. I’m definitely going to get some.

  259. catskillquilter Avatar

    I have tried to carefully follow directions for drawing lines on the fabric, right sides together, sewing them, and then cutting them apart — what a disaster! The results were all different sizes! Thanks for the chance to try yours. I love the tiny pieced square you showed and I would be so happy to get the same results. Merry Christmas!

  260. Alice Avatar

    I adore triangle papers but haven’t yet tried less than 1 inch hsts. Thanks for being so smart!

  261. Mary Avatar

    I have used your papers and I really like them. A group of 12 used them when we each made 200 half square triangles and then swapped. Perfect!

  262. Marthe Avatar

    When I read all those awsome tips I sometimes regret I don’t live in US!! How I would love to try this!! Can you tell meif they sell this somewhere in Europe?

  263. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I have purchased several of the triangle papers but have yet to use them. Thank you for your detailed blog instructions. I love your Christmas decorations!! Hugs, Jakey

  264. Paulette Avatar

    I have not used your triangle papers yet, but think they would be wonderful, especially with smaller hst’s. I will be checking out your website soon.

  265. Christine S. Avatar
    Christine S.

    Thank you Lisa for your info! I’d love to try this paper for the smallest size hsq triangles!!

  266. Brenda Peplinskie Avatar
    Brenda Peplinskie

    Hi Lisa! I sure have used triangle papers and they are awesome!! I love, love, love quilts made with half square triangles and just finished a little feathered star wallhanging in red and white for Christmas. Looking forward to seeing your booth in Houston this year – I hope you remember the sisters from Ontario, Canada lol!!

  267. Emily Avatar

    Thank you for the detailed instructions. I have not used triangle papers for many blocks, but am certainly interested in doing so on the next project with triangles.

  268. Marsha Avatar

    I have not tried them yet, I must do it, looks so easy. Love your designs and colors. Merry Christmas

  269. Jacqueline Isler Avatar
    Jacqueline Isler

    I have never used triangle papers, but would love to try

  270. Peggy Avatar

    I have used them and them are very easy to use.

  271. Jane Smith Avatar
    Jane Smith

    I have not used the triangle papers yet but would love to give them a try.

  272. Judyk Avatar

    Yes I have used trriangle papers. I have even taught a class in different ways to make HSTs and you are correct–all triangle papers are not created equally! The only PG papers I have used were in my PG frivol. Thanks for the giveaway.

  273. Gina Avatar

    Yes! Triangle papers are a great help. Love them….

  274. Sue Bennett Avatar
    Sue Bennett

    I have got to try these. I love half square triangle quilts….

  275. Jean Avatar

    I have never tried the triangle papers. I DO have some of another brand, but was never really sure how to use them! Your directions, above, were helpful. I definitely need to learn how to use them because the accuracy of my blocks would improve…I am one of those people having problems getting everything to match up correctly sometimes! I do have 10 of the blocks finished…but may be re-doing some of them!!

  276. Joan Carmody Avatar
    Joan Carmody

    I have used them before and love them!

  277. candee Avatar

    I haven’t tried them. Sounds like I need too!

  278. Joan Thelen Avatar
    Joan Thelen

    Yes I have used these and what a TIME SAVER. and a easy way to get perfect points

  279. Vicki Gray Avatar
    Vicki Gray

    Lisa, you are always such an inspiration!! Your tips and ideas have helped me so many times when working on projects. I’ve always done the Magic 8 method for HST, but really like the charm pack papers! And for a quilt with a quadrillion (is that a word?), those big sheets would be awesome!! I’ve used the triangles on a roll before, but your sheets look like they’d be a bit easier to manage.

  280. Barbara Ahlf Avatar
    Barbara Ahlf

    Have not used them because I didn’t know they existed. I want to try them.

  281. Pat judd Avatar
    Pat judd

    Teaching a class in January. I will be doing a day on HST aids. I will have to try these and include them. Thanks for the tutorial.

  282. Liz Horgan Avatar
    Liz Horgan

    I’ve never used them, but we willing to give them a try! Merry Christmas!

  283. Jackie Avatar

    I love your triangle paper, and I do use it. But have a question, I am working on the MOC quilt, do we use the paper for all the block pieces, or just the parts you have said to use the paper on? Thank you so much for all your hard work, I love all your designs and use your shop all the time. Merry Christmas!

  284. Sharon Avatar

    I have bought some, for the magic of Christmas, but have yet to find the time to use them

  285. Kathy Teske Avatar
    Kathy Teske

    Love triangle papers!

  286. piecrust Avatar

    You can never have too much of a good thing and that is especially true with triangle papers. I have just about every size imaginable, (however the 2 1/2″ size is getting low) sorted into ziplock bags and hanging on a hook for easy access.

  287. annita Avatar

    I haven’t used the triangle papers. I have the MOC all printed out and waiting as a New Year project. The papers would be very useful and make the project more accurate. The red and white are stunning. Merry Christmas.

  288. Diane Duff Avatar
    Diane Duff

    I have have never used the paper to sew on,for sure I will get some right after Christmas.Thank you for the great instructions.

  289. Felice Gokey Avatar
    Felice Gokey

    Merry Christmas:) I was a thangle user for a long time. Then this summer I did Among Friends summer block of the week. This was my first time using your papers……and I LOVE THEM!!!! They are super user-friendly and I love the smaller seam allowance. Plus 100% accuracy with every seam is awesome! As always, thanks for sharing your time and amazing talents:) …….from a warm and sunny Florida!

  290. VickiT Avatar

    I may be too late for the giveaway, but still wanted to comment. I have not tried your Triangle Papers yet, although I did buy a bunch of the charm sizes last year, and possible a few of the larger ones as well. I’ve been in the process of moving my entire sewing room and attempting to organize all my fabric around since I’d become buried in my sewing room after my son and his family moved in a few years back, but moved out so I can have my storage room back again. I am now in the camp of “YES, you CAN have too much fabric” LOL

    Anyway, I did want to comment to thank you for the awesome quick tutorial on how to use your Triangle Papers. I’m also very happy to read you now have the full size sheets as I’d love to try them so I’ll cross my fingers you haven’t chosen a winner yet. (I still don’t know why so many of my emails come after midnight, but that’s the case with this one sadly, so as I said, I may be too late for this giveaway but I still wanted to say thank you for the tutorial on how to use these)

  291. Sally MB Avatar
    Sally MB

    I haven’t used them. Love the winter vignette. Make me want to buy more red!

  292. Katherine K Morvay Avatar
    Katherine K Morvay

    I have never used triangle papers but now that I have read your very detailed explanation, I would like to try them out.

  293. Maureen Mullarkey Avatar
    Maureen Mullarkey

    I have not used these papers yet, but you do make it look so easy! I might have to give them a try.

  294. Marcia Olson Avatar
    Marcia Olson

    I have never used triangle papers–was resistant to the idea & didn’t understand at all how to use them. But my little blocks are almost always wonky looking! I just read Lisa’s instructions & can totally see how helpful they can be! Wow! I’m going to order some & give them a try. Thanks Lisa!

  295. Diane Rose Avatar
    Diane Rose

    I have never tried them but love the results, so I think I will have to order some and give them a try!

  296. Deanna Bowman Avatar
    Deanna Bowman

    I love triangle paper pieces. I have used them for a long time. I do a lot of hand applique, but for any hst borders the triangle papers work great. Happy Holidays to you and yours. Thanks for the giveaways.

  297. Martha Guyer Avatar
    Martha Guyer

    Memaw quilter, about fourteen years ago I used a roll of printed triangle paper. I did not like the funny shaped triangles plus the paper was hard to rip off. I am anxious to try your new papers. They should be fantastic to use making grand babies quilts. Have a great Holiday . Martha

  298. Diane Avatar

    Baby it’s cold outside here too in Ont. Canada. Perfect time for stitching. Would love to try your triangles, I have used others and they’d were slick for larger triangles but I believe your would be the ones to use for small HST,s
    Love your decorating. I’m in a new house this year too it’s fun to start fresh and change things up. Your red and white quilts are the best.

  299. Annie B Avatar
    Annie B

    I used HST papers for the first time doing Summer Block of the Week. I would have NEVER been able to make all those friendship stars without the papers! LOVE THOSE PAPERS!👍Merry Christmas=:)

  300. JennyM Avatar

    Great tutorial on how to use the triangle papers. I picked up several tips as I read through.

  301. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    One year during a shop hop in the UP of MI, I saw at one of the quilt shops they had the papers and you could join a friendship HST exchange. You made so many using a light and dark batik and then kept some and exchanged some. It really intrigued me, but at that time I wasn’t ready to get involved in the exchange. I would love to try using papers to make more perfect blocks. It would be great to have the exchange idea active again.

  302. Kimberly Dow Avatar
    Kimberly Dow

    I love the triangle papers! I wouldn’t want to do HST any other way now!

  303. Judy Chastain Avatar
    Judy Chastain

    I have never used triangle papers, but it’s something I am strongly considering. I’ve struggled with perfect points and HSTs for a long time!

  304. Teresa Avatar

    Yes, I have used Thangles in the past, but I seem to forget about them and also have trouble figuring out which size to use. I know, that’s probably a mental block thing. The ‘finished’ and ‘unfinished’ confuses me.

  305. Joanna Avatar

    Triangle papers take the headache out of small HST. Love them.

  306. Linda Cejnar Avatar
    Linda Cejnar

    I think triangle papers are great! It is so much easier to get accurate triangles with them! Thank you for this opportunity to win some triangle papers! ljbisme at msn dot com

  307. Cheryl Juedes Avatar
    Cheryl Juedes

    No I haven’t use email them yet but after seeing your posts I am willing to try them!

  308. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    I have not, but intend to when I get to start on my Red and White Christmas quilt ! Been to busy finishing up my shopping and now have started baking and finishing the christmas gifts I’ve made for my sisters and daughter ! Look forward to using them in the quilt ,yes, I’ll post pictures as I’m working on it after the Christmas season 🙂

  309. kathyreeves Avatar

    I have never used these…didn’t know there was such a thing until Lisa’s Christmas blocks! If they work half as well as everyone says they will be a great addition to my quilting tool box!

  310. sharon Avatar

    I’ve used various triangle papers for years…first Triangles on a Roll and then Thangles. Started using Primitive Gatherings triangle papers a couple years ago, and they are absolutely THE best. Used the tiny 1/2 inch papers for the first time when finishing up the summer freebie. I was doubtful about how these teensy hst would work. No problem….they are the cutest things ever. Used Lisa’s papers in about every block of the MOC.

  311. Nancy Zimmerman Avatar
    Nancy Zimmerman

    I have not used many triangle papers, but am anxious to try yours. I am still working on my Magic of Christmas blocks. It will be done definitely for Christmas 2017!

  312. Cheryl Baker Avatar
    Cheryl Baker

    I love, love, love your triangle papers! It’s the only way to make HST and I always know they will be perfect! Thank you for helping to make accuracy in small blocks so easy!

  313. treadlemusic Avatar

    I’ve not used YOURS and look forward to ordering some soon. Blessings…………….

  314. Betty Skillett Avatar
    Betty Skillett

    I have not used them but it sounds like a wonderful way to do HST.

  315. Janet Avatar

    I have never used triangle papers, but would love to give it a go. Thank you for the chance to win.

  316. Monika Avatar

    I’ve never used triangle papers but I can see how it would make things a lot easier.

  317. Claire Avatar

    Yes, I have certainly used the triangle papers and would not be without them. So accurate and I have to say yours do come off easily which is so important especially on tiny pieces. I noticed the foot on your Juki…is that a special guide piece on the edge and does this foot come with the machine. Looks great!

  318. Susan Puente Avatar
    Susan Puente

    Show them and they will use them !! Ordering me some of these…I would like to know what that thingy is on your starch can!!!! I break my tip off way to often. That looks like something I need also..

  319. Sharon Brewer Avatar
    Sharon Brewer

    I LOVE triangle papers. Need more sizes though. Love the accuracy it gives me.

  320. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    I have to come in to the store and buy a stash of these papers…………. I still make triangles the “old fashioned” way. 🙁

  321. Kathy Bradbury Avatar
    Kathy Bradbury

    I love these variety packages of triangle papers and how they fit perfectly with charm packs, etc!! I want them all! 😉

    1. sharon butera Avatar

      I recently bought some of your triangle papers while visiting the Quilting Nook in Osseo, WI. I’ve never used them and was happy to see this post on just how to do it. I certainly would love to win some, but if not I’ve already won by having your beautiful tutorial.

  322. dianeves Avatar

    I love using triangle papers. Your demo/explanation makes using them so much easier! Thank you. BTW, advent calendars count down the same way as you.

  323. Bridget Reimets Avatar
    Bridget Reimets

    I’ve used Thangles years ago as a BOM. Still have some but never think to use them. I guess I need a chart or something to help me know which size to use. They do work great.

  324. Terri Avatar

    I have used triangle papers before, and am currently using them for a HST border. I’ve never tried the charm pack papers, but will be looking for them.

  325. moosebaymusings Avatar

    Whoa–I don’t think I’ve ever set my Juki on 1 for the stitch length–I’m sure it helps perforate the paper a lot! I notice you have a foot on your machine that I didn’t get with mine. I am almost losing my mind trying to maintain an accurate quarter inch seam on the Juki, so I am very curious to know what foot you are using!!

  326. Janice Joyner Avatar
    Janice Joyner

    Amen Sister! I am old and have been quilting for 24 years. I am grateful that somewhere way back there someone introduced me to triangle paper. I am constantly converting regular patterns asking me to cut enormous amounts of squares in half and sewing them back together — NOT. I teach beginning quilting at my local quilt shop and the students always get a demo on how to use triangle paper. I have some of the charm size papers, but am anxious to try the ones you so cleverly designed to be used with strips! Genius!

  327. Angela Bowling Avatar
    Angela Bowling

    This looks like something that would be mighty handy to use. I would like to try them.

  328. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    I have used another triangle paper system, but never yours. I would however love to try them, especially the smaller sized ones! Thanks!

  329. Lorraine Avatar

    j’habite dans le sud de la France, je fais du patchwork depuis environ 20 ans, je suis abonnée à votre blog depuis quelques temps.Je ne connais pas le papier triangle , mais en lisant vos commentaires je m’aperçois que cela facile bien le travail pour faire des triangles.
    Pouvez-vous m’indique si je peux trouver ces papiers triangles en France.
    Merci d’avance

  330. Margaret Mossing Avatar
    Margaret Mossing

    I have not used the triangle paper, but if this makes my quilting easier and more accurate, I am all for it. I make small wall hangings and these papers would be perfect. Also appreciate the tip about starching the fabric. Thank you.

  331. Cathy Avatar

    Wow, Lisa, Thanks for all the info regarding the HST papers. I am sure I have been told this before, but then where did I put it… ? This time I saved the info and no, I have not used them yet. I certainly should be and I have the quilt kit (Words to Live By) to use them in (yes I’m still working on it).

  332. Mary Smith Avatar
    Mary Smith

    What a lifesaver! Boy could I use these to make sewing these 6″ blocks easier.

  333. Deb Worthman Avatar
    Deb Worthman

    I haven’t used triangle papers in such a long time…I bought three charm packs recently and am thinking they’re going to be part of a half triangle quilt.

  334. Judi Smith Avatar
    Judi Smith

    I haven’t used triangle paper, but it looks like a great way to make small blocks. I want to try a mini quilt this year ant this looks like way to get inspired to start.

  335. Deb FitzGerald Avatar
    Deb FitzGerald

    I’ve used triangle paper and they are wonderful. Whoever thought of these is a star sparkling at the top of my Christmas tree. Merry Christmas!

  336. Joyce Creaden Avatar
    Joyce Creaden

    I have used triangle papers and you are absolutely brilliant in saying they make pricing easier and more exact especially in block swaps. I have yet to try yours but would love to! Merry Christmas!

  337. Linda Hartsock Avatar
    Linda Hartsock

    I have not used these papers because I was afraid to try them, but your instructions are great so I use them to do my Christmas quilt(in Jan) that I ordered from you. Thanks for the instructions from your tornado friend in Iowa. Happy Holidays😍

  338. Mary Avatar

    I would love to try hst using the papers!!!

  339. Susan Puente Avatar
    Susan Puente

    I’ve got Thangles!!

  340. Kathleen Coleman Avatar
    Kathleen Coleman

    What is that contraption on your spray starch can?

    I am waiting the arrival of my new Juki. Supposed to be delivered before the end of the day. Hoping the weather doesn’t stop the UPS man.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      spray paint nozzel for starching my fabrics

  341. Jaxine Andersen Avatar

    Yes, I have been using your 1″ finished triangle paper for awhile. I was just in Plover, WI in January visiting a friend to attend her daughter’s wedding. Of course, we made a trip to Menasha! Bought three more packages of the Triangle Papers when we were talking to the sales girls about the Triangle Gatherings you were doing. I have printed all of them but have only sewn about 10. I’m doing Moda Blockheads, too. Thanks for all your creative talents that you share with us!

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