

After so many have asked if we had more pin bowls….we decided we would do another round of them…Here are your five color choices (I see there are more color shown on the website, but these 5 colors here are your choices)…I think Jake has about 200 of them done…but hopefully you ALL won’t order the same color!…But we will get them done and out to you asap…now why do we need a magnetic pin bowl?

Many many reasons….one they are so stinking cute…and two they are not just for pins…They can hold binding clips, metal bobbins…they stick to the frame of a long arm…here is a pic of the three I have in my sewing room at home…I think I need the aqua one to put my machine tools/feet in so I’m not co-mingling…I separate my pins..I have my fine quilting pins by my machine..that’s why my tools/feet end up in this bowl and then I have larger quilting pins…for pinning up my blocks on the design wall, pinning my sleeves on while I’m stitching the binding on my machine..and then the flat head pins that I use to decorate my pincushion with…see the wool circle on one?

img_0169So the wait is over…you can order your pin bowl here for $15 each  PIN BOWL
I loved reading your comments yesterday…And we are all alike…yes..we truly miss our loved ones who have passed on and would give just about anything to see them again…I am with many of you with a heavy heart at this time…It will soon be 3 years since Lance left us, and I too have lost a father…Even though our hearts hurt we go on…you make sure to  fill your life with love, laughter and fun…because life IS really short.  I believe even if you live to be 100 it’s still short…the years fly by…we all have things that have broken our hearts…that’s what makes us stronger…but OVERCOME and choose to be HAPPY! I believe it a choice…

Lance and I dancing at Jake & Lauren’s wedding Summer 2013img_2455

So let’s see who the ruler box winner are…I admit on this one…I picked a few that made me laugh…the others were random numbers picked….

Laura baumgardner
December 23, 2016 at 7:42 am
I would love this spend the time locked up in your shop or home . (LOL…me too Laura)

Deborah from H Town (Houston)
December 22, 2016 at 10:42 pm
Lisa, what a cute, unique way to display your mini quilts. You give us some much inspiration. I am lucky I can spend this Christmas with most of my wonderful family, I thankful for each and everyday now after having a health scare a few months ago. Merry Christmas to you and your family

Judith Dietrich
December 22, 2016 at 6:56 pm
I would love to spend Christmas with Elton John!! I love his music & have never gotten to see a concert in person. I would just think it would be incredible to learn about him. To think of all the people he has met, and maybe hear a favorite song. Can’t happen, but you did say wish…….Judy..first one to pick a STAR!

Marilyn Hopkins
December 22, 2016 at 7:27 pm
Of course I would want to spend it with my family, but that would include my Dad who passed when I was 18. Oh, what a fun time that would be!!

WINNERS please contact AMY at with your name and address to claim your prize!!!

Someone asked about the metal clips for hanging my mini quilts…you can get them from Amazon below are the details…img_9203-2

Product Details
QTMY Stainless Steel Clips with Hook for Curtain, Photos, Home Decoration Pack of 30
$ 6 89 Prime
Get it by Tomorrow, Dec 24
4.5 out of 5 stars 2
Product Features
Package Content : 30pcs x Curtain Clips
Home & Kitchen:See all 1,318 items

Do you want to win a pin bowl?  Tell me one of your Christmas Traditions…do you play games? Do you go to the movies…do you just hang out?  Do you have a great idea for group exchanging gifts?  Do you drink too much Slush?  Hey I have a GREAT recipe for SLUSH click to print…christmas-slush by lisa bongean  It is also great without the alcohol….I usually make one with and one without…As a kid….I just wanted to drink the slush like everyone else!!! but NOooooooooo…so I make sure the kids can have slush

116 responses to “DAY 2…NEEDFUL THINGS…”

  1. aquiltinglady Avatar

    Beautiful uplifting post ♥

  2. Mary Anne Avatar
    Mary Anne

    I’m sure I’m going to catch a lot of flack for this Christmas tradition but here goes….we have a very small house and as much as I absolutely love the Christmas tree, it’s always in the way. So, come Christmas Day, I’m anxious to get the gifts open and the tree gone. For every gift that is opened, that person has to take an ornament of their choosing off the tree and tell everyone why they chose that one, wrap it up and put in in the box. They try to make up stories about why they chose what they did and it’s usually quite a hoot, We don’t usually get them all off that way but it sure helps me later in the day when I take the rest off and put the tree away,

  3. Deborah K Avatar
    Deborah K

    Wow – I’m the first to leave a comment and this one is not a tradition I’m proud of, but here goes, my friends and I go to a neighborhood bar on Christmas Eve afternoon (think Cheers type) and we drink pitchers of beer and then go our separate ways to our families. As the tradition continues, more friends join us as some of us have left us permanently which makes this tradition bittersweet, but we carry on. We all look forward to it.

  4. jrp53 Avatar

    Our traditions have recently changed due to the passing of my mother and the kids all have families of their own. We don’t have a “normal” Christmas at all any more. Sometimes we go to one of our daughters’ homes but they have never come to us for Christmas since they’ve been married. One of my daughters is deployed to Turkey and she is truly missed the whole year, but especially at Christmas. Our only constant has been midnight mass whether its just me and my husband or with one of the daughter’s families. Merry Christmas, Lisa, and I hope you have many more wonderful Christmases in the future.

  5. amy Avatar

    When the kids were young we’d bundle them up and take a drive to see al the neighborhood lights.

  6. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    I have lots of traditions, all probably corny and old fashioned. But I guess the one I cling to the most is baking cookies – lots and lots of cookies (to share, of course). It is super fun to take them to elderly friends who can no longer bake for themselves.

  7. Ginger Jackson Avatar
    Ginger Jackson

    Merry Christmas, Lisa, and to your family too! After my husband passed away, we needed to switch our activities around a bit. We live in Texas, Gruene, the home of the famous Gruene Hall. I live about 3 miles from Gruene, so we go to Gruene Hall around noon and enjoy a pool tournament. Afterward we walk down the walkway to Gristmill Restaurant for a lovely late lunch. That night, we attend a Christmas Eve service at my church, Gruene United Methodist Church.

  8. Maryann Sandore Avatar
    Maryann Sandore

    In 1980 my family and I moved to Mission Viejo, CA. Every year at Christmas, the city puts out a Santa house. So, since 1980, I have made my family go to the Santa house to get they pictures taken. My family have grown over the years, from 5 to 18. My kids and grandkids all dress up in funny outfits to get they picture taken.

  9. Laurie McNamara Avatar
    Laurie McNamara

    My Christmas tradition is baking cookies, first with my Mom, then with my daughters and now with my granddaughters. When I was growing up, the plates of cookies were our gifts to my uncles and their families, when my daughters were growing up, they were gifts to co-workers, coaches and friends, as we did not live close to our extended families. Now I am lucky enough to live close to both of my daughters and my two granddaughters and I am passing on the tradition to them. Trays ALWAYS have cut out sugar cookies and then the current family favorites, Grumpy(that’s why the granddaughters call him) like dark chocolate chip with pecans, their Dad likes snickerdoodles, the girls want peanut butter blossoms, I want Russian tea cakes and we try one new one each year.

    I am also teaching my daughters to quilt, so a pin bowl would be wonderful so I can share! Merry Christmas!

  10. Deanna Bowman Avatar
    Deanna Bowman

    I would love one of the bowls–that would help keep my cats from knocking them off my machine. As for traditions–we lost my brother suddenly at the age of 46 a few years ago, then my dad suddenly a few years ago, and my father-in-law the same year as my dad. That was a rough go for a while–but we still carry on and have Christmas brunch, then open gifts—then on to the card playing (pitch), we have a great time just enjoying each others company. Merry Christmas.

  11. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    I always let my kids pick out a new ornament every year for the tree. Now that they are grown they have these for their own tree. I now buy a really nice ornament for each grandchild every year.

  12. Carol Avatar

    Many traditions at Christmas — our foods served are from family meals shared together with loved ones no longer here, the music we grew up with, ornaments on the tree from past, but the one tradition that means Christmas to me is Christmas Eve Midnight Mass. This is my past, my family, my love for Christmas, and the future I hope I am passing on to my children and grandchildren. Merry Christmas.

  13. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    When I was growing up we would go to my aunts house and decorated her tree. The next week we would go
    back and spend Christmas with her. We haven’t done it years, but it’s still a fond memory.

  14. becky moyer Avatar

    One of our traditions is making the kids wait at the top of the stairs while the parents make sure Santa is gone on Christmas morning. My kids are early risers and have been known to get up in the middle of the night. This was our way of making sure they didn’t come down while we were setting things up! And we can get the video camera and capture their excitement as they come down!

  15. Amy McCaulley Avatar
    Amy McCaulley

    I have heard great things about the bowls.

    We play games and just spend time together on Christmas. 🎄

  16. Becky M Avatar
    Becky M

    When our children were older and there were no little ones in the house on Christmas, my husband decided to put a little more fun in the celebration. Each year he picks a theme and keeps it a secret until Christmas Eve or Day. Most famous was the medieval theme. He sent us each to our rooms to dress for dinner. On our bed was a costume. We had knights, fair maidens and even a friar. Our dinner was pheasant, dove and venison. Other themes were Hawaiian, Leave It to Beaver, Star Wars (costumes again), Cowboy, had horse back riding lesson, Giving Back ( kids each picked a charity to donate their money to). They could have kept some or all of it but they chose to give it all away. Yay! I know the secret for this year. Music, they will have to sing for dinner. Sorry for the length of post. Have a very Merry Christmas Everyone.

  17. Michele Avatar

    We hang out and just catch up over coffee, tea, meals…and later in the evening we watch movies and have a little Christmas cheer!!

  18. Pam Knight Avatar
    Pam Knight

    In our house it’s a tradition to wrap the gifts on Christmas eve. This started when our kids were very young. After all, had to wait until they were in bed…lol . Your pin bowl would be an asset to my sewing table. At least the pins would stay put! Thanks for making such great things. Hope I get a PG gift card for Christmas so I can order all my needful things. 🙂

  19. Marie Jenkins Avatar
    Marie Jenkins

    OH MY Gosh so many traditions we share each year, and now that our children are married and we have
    our peeps (grand babies!) we are making new traditions every year!! An old one: Granma (that’s me) reads the story of Christmas to the grand babies on Christmas eve before the opening of one special present ! (I still remember my gramma Gypsy reading the story to my brothers and sisters and me) And a new one: walking around the neighborhood with the peeps to enjoy all the Christmas lights!! ****Our new “Sparkle” a shot of Jack Daniels Cider whiskey over ice and top with Martinellis sparkling cider!! Merry merry everyone!!

  20. Mary Smith Avatar
    Mary Smith

    Christmas will be quiet for us this year. Two of my children live out of town and will be home with their families. My son who lives with me has to work the day before and after, so no traveling for us. We will stay home and finish up our holiday decorating and wrapping before we can visit everyone in mid-January. If we finish early, maybe a Christmas puzzle will be completed in the evening! Merry Christmas to you all!

  21. Jacqueline morris Avatar

    Your pin bowls are really cute, love the colours… ‘Hello’ nice to see the person behind the posts! My family is rather strange!there is not a lot of us, five if you include me! As for traditions….hmmmm we don’t really have one, seriously we don’t! Ha ha apart from every year we try to do something different. This could be from what or where we eat to everyone just buying socks for each other! We are all for the fun element, there are no little children about its just adults so we have to create our own magic! This year instead of buying boring presents for each other we decided to have a budget £5 ($7) to buy fun things for each other! Anything goes!! It’s going to be fun! I am sure we will laugh a lot. Wonder what we will do next year!? Ha ha
    Merry Christmas, wishing you plenty of smiles and laughter too 🙂

  22. Kris Dauth Avatar
    Kris Dauth

    Christmas Eve church services are always a must! This year we will be having our family Christmas celebration after church service. I think of you often during this time and remember how traumatic your Christmas season was like we years ago. Blessings to you and family as you share memories of Lance this year.

  23. Sheila Avatar

    We go to early Christmas Eve mass, come home to a great dinner and then some evening drinks, this year, gingerbread martinis while we watch National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. Can recite the dialogue word for word after so many years. Then before bed we are each allowed to select one gift to open before bed. Of course the kiddies get a non-alcoholic version of this year’ drink. All is merry!

  24. Debby Hillstead Avatar
    Debby Hillstead

    Our newest and best tradition is going to church together. I love that!!

  25. marie Avatar


  26. Robin Avatar

    One of my favorite traditions in my family was when everyone was gathered around fixing to open gifts at my grandma’s we would always first read Luke 2 as a reminder of the first gift of Christmas and the reason we give each other gifts.

  27. Janet O. Avatar

    Our Christmas is so steeped in tradition I don’t even know which one to choose, but they evolve as the family dynamics change. I don’t continue to do what doesn’t work anymore just because “it’s tradition”.
    I guess my favorite was as we were raising our family. Every year for over 20 years we would get a hotel room in Salt Lake City across from Temple Square, which is a magical fairyland of lights during the holidays. We would visit the Square, go shopping in the nearby malls, visit the candy window displays of a local department store, eat out (which we rarely did when our kids were little), and enjoy a new experience each year–from a trolley ride, to a carriage ride, a planetarium display or a children’s museum. Always something different. It wasn’t always easy to come up with the funds for these excursions, but what memories we made!
    This was a touching post, Lisa, and I loved what you said about choosing to be happy. A friend whose beloved Grandma passed on Christmas years ago has never loved Christmas since. But her grandma loved Christmas, and I think she would be sad to see her granddaughter mope through this special season because of her passing.

  28. Liz Horgan Avatar
    Liz Horgan

    We hang out, Santa comes, football pools, grab bag–fun!

  29. laddnlori Avatar

    For Christmas, our family has another Thanksgiving meal and we open presents, hang out, play games, watch movies, go places, and just enjoy our time with each other. Merry Christmas!

  30. Mary C Avatar
    Mary C

    We usually attend Mass as a family. What better way to celebrate than with family in a place of reverence and awe.

  31. Cecilia Avatar

    We have a family Christmas puzzle that we put together each year. We have been doing this for 27 years now and miraculously we still have all the pieces. There are different size pieces so the children can participate too!

  32. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    Ok here’s a tradition that has been in place but has evolved over time…we hide the traditional glass pickle (Gernan tradition) in the tree. The person who finds the pickle gets an extra little present. Well, two boys means a nose out of joint when the oldest, always, would sneak down at night or very early in the am, search until he found it, sleep on the sofa so that when everyone came down he could run to the tree to grab the pickle and then, the prize. So we changed it up. We have an old green Ohio glassworks jar we call the pickle jar. Periodically we empty our purses/pockets/random coin drop spots and put the change in the “pickle jar.” The person who finds the pickle has to make a choice: take the contents of the jar, amount unknown, or the contents of an envelop, contents unknown! What a dilemma …. Which will turn out to be the most cash? Our kids are 28 and 30, and they still look for that pickle like they were hoping to get a million dollars (which they are not!). Merry Christmas, and please, oh please, make tomorrow’s must have be the Juki!

  33. Barb Bee Avatar
    Barb Bee

    Movie night on Christmas! After all of the love and detail of getting it all together, it is great to unwind.
    Love your posts~Barb Bee

  34. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    Every year I buy an ornament for each of the 5 grand kids. That ornament usually represents something they have accomplished during the year or it might be related to a gift they received for Christmas. All the ornaments are hung on a lighted tree with nothing else on the tree but their ornaments. The grand kids gravitate to that tree to find their ornament for the year. I always write a note on the ornament box usually telling them how much I love them and how proud of them I am. My plan is to give them all their ornaments on their first Christmas after they get married.

  35. Kristy Avatar

    We have an angel candle tree. It is made of wood, like a feather tree, and has a candle on each branch tip. We hang antique angel ornaments on it and tag ornaments with the names of all the family that has passed. Then on Christmas eve when we are all together we light up the candles and remember the wonderful memories we shared with our angels. On a side note, my daughter had this tree at the front of the church and lit during her wedding ceremony. It was unbelievably touching as well as beautiful. Lisa thank you for helping us all think of all the blessings we have in our lives! Merry Christmas!

  36. DuAnn Wright Avatar
    DuAnn Wright

    Our family Christmas tradition is to play cards -Shanghai – started by my grandmother “Mommer” over 60 years ago
    Children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren all enjoy playing this rummy game together – it brings back so many cherished memories!
    I still have the rules sheet laminated handwritten by Mommer.

  37. Sandra Miller Pitts Avatar
    Sandra Miller Pitts

    Christmas traditions … this year my youngest daughter and the grandkids and great grandkids will all be here with us. Presents, deep fried turkey, ham and all the trimmings. Christmas Day we relax after dinner, remember those who are now gone from us and talk about Christmas days of the past. Lots of laughter and threats to write that book about all of the antics. Truely a day of family focus with visits and phone calls!

  38. Jean Pope Avatar
    Jean Pope

    One of my kids favorite Christmas traditions that started many years ago was to go bowling on Christmas Eve day. It was a great thing to get antsy kids out of the house and as they have grown into adults they still live it.. Who knew… 😉

  39. Kathy Avatar

    Our tradition is Christmas Eve Mass and then a special dinner before heading to bed to await Santa’s arrival Love the little bowls!

  40. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    We still wait for Santa on Christmas Eve..seriously Santa lands on the roof. As he gets older we help him out with a ladder.

    My grandfather and uncle started the tradition and hearing boots on the roof takes me right back to being a kid.

    Merry Christmas to all!

  41. birdlooker Avatar

    One year a couple who are our birdwatching and camping friends wrapped up two cans of potted meat (which everybody hates) and gave it to us as a joke Christmas gift. By the next Christmas, the potted meat was totally forgotten. EXCEPT that I wrapped the potted meat in a beautiful box with bows and sparkly decorations and gave it back to them. The potted meat gift has been around for about 20 years with the disguises getting more and more elaborate. Last year we used a paper towel cardboard roll and the potted meat and when it was wrapped it looked exactly like the outline of a small lamp. It’s hard to say which is more fun-being the giver or the receiver of this “special” gift.

  42. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    Christmas is family time! On Christmas morning, once the little ones are allowed in the room, we all open our stockings. Then it’s time for a breakfast of coffee cake, cheese and grapefruit. Then everyone waits while the turkey goes into the oven. Finally it’s gift time!

  43. Caryn Bravos Avatar
    Caryn Bravos

    Our family has a lovely Christmas Eve dinner, my husband makes his famous twice baked potatoes, we linger at the dinner table and enjoy each other’s company. Christmas morning we gather around the tree and open gifts. I make a large brunch, then we hang out all day and play eating leftovers when we are hungry. It’s my favorite day all year!! 🎄🎅🏼☃

  44. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Our extended family just gets together for a meal and some reconnecting time. These bowls are fantastic.

  45. Marian Mapes Avatar
    Marian Mapes

    Food is always the treat at the end of the crazy day. I smoke a turkey. It makes it a lot easier to maneuver in a small kitchen when the bird is outside!

  46. Lesa Avatar

    Church and crab legs on Christmas Eve. And smoked oysters. Gifts & playing on Christmas Day. Sometimes we snow shoe or just games.

  47. Kim Avatar

    After my father passed away 9 years ago, my brother’s family and mine started a new tradition of making your own pizza for Christmas dinner. We all gather around the kitchen island, where there is every pizza topping known to mankind. I make all the pizza dough, and everyone makes their own pizza! We laugh and have so much fun seeing each creation.

  48. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    Traditions have changed over the years for sure. But my family is big into playing games, so we usually that. But we also have a traditional “junk food dinner.” My brother calls this the best meal of the year. It mostly consists of cheese dip, shrimp, hotdogs rolled in crescent rolls, bacon wrapped water chestnuts, dip, chips, maybe shrimp, and lots of cookies and candy. Oh and we always have a lovely punch. We eat on trays in the living room and open gifts together.

  49. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    Our Christmas gathering is fairly traditional! This year we started off the season with a “silly” gift exchange on Thanksgiving evening! Yesterday a quilting friend introduced me to boiled custard with a little ” Christmas Spirit” so I will be adding that to our family traditions on Christmas Eve!

  50. Elizabeth Dickey Avatar
    Elizabeth Dickey

    Christmas Eve it’s a fish fry & split pea soup ♡Christmas Day our huge family (mama Marie had 8 kiddos )we go to local ski lodge & have a warm wonderful wiener roast with lots of food & most importantly Lots of family (they are multiplying quickly!!!) I think it would be cool to have a magnetic bowl for my longarm ♡ Take care 🙂

  51. Dee Johnson Avatar
    Dee Johnson

    We have kids and grandkids, and my sister who has passed children and grandchildren, and my single brother over Christmas Eve for Supper of prime rib, crab, and all the fixings. After dinner we play games – so much fun, and what a blessing. Christmas morning our children and grandchildren come to see what Santa has bought the and have coffee cake. I tried one year to say, do we need the coffee cake – well, I was told it’s tradition Grandma! So it shall be. Loving the teal an the red pin dishes! All are beautiful.

  52. moosebaymusings Avatar

    The slush recipe reminds me of when I had made a large container of frozen margaritas and after serving them up in glasses went back into the kitchen for just a minute–when I came back one glass was empty and my three-year-old was looking very guilty. That was 40 years ago, and I still have to keep an eye on him. Even though both of my sons are over 40, Santa still fills their stockings hanging from the mantle. Merry Christmas!

  53. Monica R. Avatar
    Monica R.

    Since before I had children and even after. I would go over my sister’s house on Christmas eve (stopped after I had kids) and then we would wake up in the morning, open presents and have Christmas breakfast together (still do this now). Then we would play games. Start all over again with dinner when we invite extended family to come join us.

  54. Katherine S Avatar
    Katherine S

    We used to do a puzzle every year but somehow that stopped. I just bought one to do this year, though, so we can start it up again!!

  55. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    New tradition in our family is I am now the host for the holidays. It is too much for my mom who is 87. She still gets assigned a “job”, because we still want her to be involved. And because my dad says so, we shake dice for grab bag gifts. For us, hanging all day with foamy is the most important thing.

    1. Debbie G Avatar
      Debbie G

      An d that should be family. Hanging all day with foamy sounds like we drink beer all day!!!

  56. Wanda Hall Avatar
    Wanda Hall

    We have lots of traditions for Christmas and here are a few… family recipe gingerbread cookies, peanut butter balls… I’m still making both because they are flying out the door! We love to see a movie at the theatre and it just so happens for Christmas Eve Regal is playing It’s a Wonderful Life and we are going! We also have to see Little Women (well, that’s my favorite w Susan Serandon version) and every Christmas movie favorite we can cram in! On Christmas Eve we have a huge family gathering and one of the games we play is everyone brings a wrapped giant candy bar. We sit in a big circle and someone reads Twas the Night Before Christmas. Everytime you say “the” everyone passes the candy bars… you get the one you have once the story is over. Bel;ieve me, everyone eyes out what they think is going to be the one they want and it’s a fun game! We always read the Christmas story from the family Bible and we have a big dinner… open exchanged gifts and play games! Cocoa peppermint… everything yummy! Last but not least we always have a big puzzle on a table and everyone helps put it together. When it is done, we write inside the box the date and everyone’s name who participated!! Merry Christmas!

  57. Quilting In The Country Avatar

    what fabulous pin bowls, I think I need a red one. Or aqua, aqua is the next best thing to red. LOL Our only family tradition is just getting together for dinner with family. We used to all go to my mother in laws, and now we all seem to go to my niece in laws (personally I would rather stay home with my kids) I have not gotten to have Christmas with my family in 30 years. We ranch so feeding cattle gets in the way of holiday travel. May you have a blessed Christmas. Your 12 days of needful things have been really great to see.

  58. Charmaine Avatar

    We alternate Christmas–one year it’s at our house, the next it’s at my sister’s house 450 miles away. We always have split pea soup and crab at my sister’s house and we always have prime rib on Christmas Day at our house. I still fill my kids’ stockings even though they are 29 and 32 now! That will stop once we have some grandchildren 🙂 Then some new traditions will be born!

  59. Angelia L. Avatar
    Angelia L.

    We love to play board and card games into the wee hours of the morning. Other than that we just like to hang out and enjoy each others company….it’s one of the few times during the year that we are all together.

  60. Lynn in Madison Avatar
    Lynn in Madison

    Hi Lisa! Traditions, traditions, traditions, we love them. The kids look forward to the repeats, in food and decorations. We love to play games, like Ticket to Ride, Agricola, strategy games, and then some easy ones like Farkle. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  61. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    I got the magnetic pin bowls for myself and one for my sewing buddies last year. We all loved them . If you don’t have one yet buy one you’ll love it to. We get together for chili Xmas eve and the come back together for prime rib Xmas day. I still fill everyone’s sock. I love find unique and silly things for each of their socks. I have thirteen this year and the fourteenth is on the way for next year.

  62. Angie Bowling Avatar
    Angie Bowling

    for many years we had a traditional Victorian Christmas dinner, roast goose, plum pudding that was doused in alcohol and lit, etc. Now that the children are grown and out on their own, we usually spend Christmas with our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, along with our son. This year it will just be the two of us on Christmas day, so we are going out and visiting friends, brunch at one friend’s annual open house and to another’s to exchange presents and probably eat some more, and then back home for a quiet evening. Probably a light dinner and maybe a couple of movies. I think “the Snowman” will be a good choice. It is my favorite Christmas movie.

  63. Liz Kisielewski Avatar
    Liz Kisielewski

    One of our traditions is to have cinnamon buns while opening presents. Most of our traditions seem to involve food.

  64. Nancy Avatar

    The last one to bed puts the CHRISTMAS ORNAMENT PICKLE. On the tree. The first child to find it on the tree in the morning, well hidden deep in the tree branches you can be sure, gets extra luck for the coming year. Merry Christmas.

  65. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    We go to church in the morning to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus! After that, we eat a lot and enjoy each others company, happy to be together!

  66. Donna Watson Avatar
    Donna Watson

    We have a big Christmas exchange with my sisters & their children. Before Christmas someone decides on a dollar amount & price level. We then will draw a name. This year it is the color red & has to be no more than $15. Then on Christmas Day we go around the room and one by one open the gifts. It’s a lot of fun. It is also my one sister’s birthday so we also celebrate her birthday!

  67. Mary Avatar

    We love watching all the great old movies- The Bishop’s Wife, A Christmas Carol (but it has to be the one with Alistair Sim), It’s a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story. Love them all!

  68. Jean Bray Avatar
    Jean Bray

    Pins, Pins, Pins. Always pins everywhere. Great idea for corralling them like wild horses. LOL.

  69. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    We have the family over on Christmas Eve and have our favorite meal of all appetizers.
    Then we open gifts. On Christmas Day we go to church and usually play board games all afternoon.
    Love your cute pin bowls! Thanks for a chance to win.

  70. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    A few years ago we started doing a $20 exchange gift with our grown kids and their spouses. Last year the theme for gifts was made in Wiscinsin. This year it’s something bought on a TV ad! Lol! Love the little pin bowls! Aqua is my color!

  71. Pattie Davidson Avatar
    Pattie Davidson

    We always begin our with our Christmas Eve Service at our church. Then we wait until Christmas Night to have all of our family together, children, grandchildren, my 92 year old dad , my sister and niece and a friend. We open gifts and all eat together. I love Christmas. Love the pin bowls.

  72. Sharon Avatar

    We usually had 7 kinds of seafood for dinner and then open all the gifts.

  73. PK Binns Avatar
    PK Binns

    I think the tradition I’ve loved the most was watching my children’s (now 27 & 31) slowly open their gifts. They always took it slow and seemed to enjoy each one. I loved watching their pleasure .

  74. Amanda G Avatar

    Christmas traditions: we never spend it at home now, but many many years ago I used to go to a movie with my parents on Christmas eve and wake them up with blairing Christmas music as early as I could wake up on Christmas morning. This never happened before 5am. (I was under strict rules.)

  75. Mary Zimmerman Avatar
    Mary Zimmerman

    We start out the festivities with Christmas Eve candlelight services followed by a lovely meal and gift opening! I also do lots of Christmas baking which I love to share with friends! Merry Christmas!

  76. eileenkny Avatar

    We open gifts Christmas morning, then go to my brother-in-law’s to spend the afternoon and evening with the rest of the family. We play board games, sing Christmas carols, and eat. Boy, do we eat!! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  77. Maria R Avatar
    Maria R

    I love to spend time with my family on Christmas. When I was a kid, making cookies was the best day of the year. Always looked forward to that. Now I don’t need to eat the cookies, but still fun to decorate.

  78. Linda M Avatar
    Linda M

    We have a funny Christmas tradition that started with my grandchildren. My husband and I live on a golf course and my little ones are fascinated but are to,d they cannot run out there because of the golfers. But at Christmas time there are no golfers so after dinner and when it’s dark the four little ones and I bundle up and walk on the golf course. There is a large pine tree all lit up for the holidays and that has been our destination for the last yew years. When they were very little I was afraid of losing one of them in the dark so I bought head lamps for all of them. So much fun.

  79. Judith K Coleman Avatar
    Judith K Coleman

    After the gifts are opened and the meal is over we play gift card bingo. I started out buying all of the gift cards and in later years everyone contributes a few as well. Cards are from all different kind of places and vary from $5.00 to $20.00. (Starbucks, Target, Chick Fil A, QT, gas cards, restaurants anything I could think of.). I try to be generic with the cards. The cards are put in white envelopes and if you “bingo” you pick an envelope. It has been fun over the years.

  80. Eleanor K Hunzinger Avatar
    Eleanor K Hunzinger

    I would love to win a red pin bowl. My family spends the day eating. We eat and eat. We start out with coffeecakes and rolls. Then early afternoon, our big meal of the day; a couple hours later dessert and coffee; a couple of hours later we have fruit and nuts; then we finish out the day with coldcut sandwiches.

  81. dquilts2 Avatar

    Tradition with my family: Christmas eve at our house for chili, but had to change that to ham, and to my sisters for Christmas where she serves prime rib–yum! Nice bowls, hope I win one. thank you.

  82. MS Barb Avatar
    MS Barb

    We open gifts on Christmas Eve day–because I remember waking up in the middle of the night, & sneaking downstairs to open presents–I want to be able to “sleep in” on Christmas day! And, I enjoy watching my family opening gifts!

  83. Deborah Thomas Avatar
    Deborah Thomas

    Love seeing the photo of you and Lance. Hard to believe it has been almost 3 years. I know you have wonderful memories. I’m going to try your slush with alcohol. Sounds tasty and It could become a new tradition!

  84. Pat McMullin Avatar
    Pat McMullin

    When my sisters and I were teenagers and Christmas got a little boring – you don’t get as many presents as they get more expensive – my Dad started the tradition of having a “money hunt”. We would go downstairs while he hid money, usually quarters and ones but an occasional silver dollar or two dollar bill thrown in if we were really lucky. When we were given the word we came upstairs and searched the living room. It added a little additional excitement to the day.

  85. Katherine K Morvay Avatar
    Katherine K Morvay

    My husband and I are always alone on Christmas Eve, so we make a special dinner and just enjoy each other’s company. We call his favorite aunt, who is 96 and the only aunt still here. Your questions have brought back some very pleasant Christmas memories for me. Thank you…

  86. Cherie Avatar

    Thank you for offering the magnetic pin bowls again! I personally made the request to you at the Houston Quilt Show. Our Christmas tradition is just my husband and I spending the day together. Family is scattered all over the country and it’s too difficult to get together.

  87. Michelle Mitchell Avatar
    Michelle Mitchell

    Church as a family on Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Day we as a family start with breakfast, presents, lunch and then games all afternoon. Maybe a movie later on as the crowd thins out.

  88. Michelle Avatar

    Merry Christmas! We open gifts on Christmas morning have breakfast hang out then go to the movies and have dinner together later in the day. Great day.

  89. Lisa Avatar

    We bake together. When the children were young we would spend days making all kinds of Christmas cookies. Now I make cookies and invite everyone over for a cookie decorating party, had to teach the additions to the family the proper way to decorate…they are getting the hang of it. This year I made gingerbread houses and everyone got to decorate their own plus take it home! I usually know someone who needs a little cheering up with a random act of kindness and make them something special to make them feel loved. Secretly, of course, because the reason I do it is to make them feel special not me for doing it. Merry Christmas one and all!

  90. Dede Avatar

    We have no traditions, just hang out, depending on weather, we skate & sled

  91. Joni Avatar

    Love the little bowls!
    We order food from a great chicken place & my husbands parents & his sister join our family kids & grandkids!
    We sit around and do nothing (look stupid)!

  92. Camille Avatar

    We started a new tradition after our children were old enough to know that the magic of Christmas was in your heart, not Santa’s sack. We all shop for an under $3 gift for each family member, wrap it and put it into their stockings on Christmas eve. Christmas stockings now contain unique and surprising stuff. One year I received band aids, lip gloss, a tiny flashlight, and stickers. There also is a lump of coal that circulates. The person who gets it has the honor (?) of choosing who will get it the next year. We always laugh when we see who gets it each year.

  93. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    A Christmas tradition for me is baking cookies and then giving them away to friends and family.

  94. Lola Avatar

    Our Father owned a bowling center and we still go bowling every Christmas afternoon.

  95. linda melz Avatar
    linda melz

    I have a tree in the bedroom the grands use I fill it with gifts from the dollar isle like boxes of funny bandaids erasers pencils matchbox cars Barbie dresses bracelets hair bows etc its my giving tree
    giving to the special grands I love

    linda m

  96. Kathy Casavant Avatar
    Kathy Casavant

    We have a very quiet Christmas. Just watch Christmas movies on Christmas. Thanks for the slush recipe.

  97. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    Merry Christmas. As our boys grew up we always allowed them to open a package on Christmas Eve. They did wise up after a few years, as it was always our choice as to which present it could be and it was a new pair of pajamas! They always looked great the next morning in the pictures. We also ate homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast after presents were opened. The dough is sitting in the fridge tonight and will be baked tomorrow after the last of the cookies are baked.

  98. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, That picture of you and Lance is just lovely. I agree with you, 100 is too short too, my Grandma was 102 and full of the Irish. Traditions…I love watching all the Christmas movies, and my crude sense of humor cracks up watching “Mr Hankey’s Christmas Special” with my son. Hidee Ho! Jakey

  99. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    There are many traditions but the one that never changes occurs on Christmas Eve. After the young ones have gone to bed, the adults watch A Christmas Carol, the George C Scott version, or should I say we recite the lines. My adult children have memorized the lines. No chance of dozing through the evening. And we share the Christmas Bowl that is mentioned in the movie. Also called Smoking Bishop in the book. It is warmed spiced red wine and port with citrus.

  100. Karolyn Heck Avatar
    Karolyn Heck

    Our traditions are church, special food that we make for the holidays and always, always make sugar cookies cut out into christmas things – such as snowmen, santa hat, etc and me and my 2 “grown children” age 23 and 25 decorate them and put them on a special plate for santa.

  101. Deb Neal Avatar
    Deb Neal

    At our house we have started having Christmas Brunch. This gives our children the chance to have the excitement of Christmas morning with their children at their house. Since we are all within 20 miles of each other this works great. Then we do up the dishes before opening gifts which gets the grandchildren excitement up again over what will be under the tree for them. Now that our parents are all gone we are the oldest and miss the old traditions some but now know how our parents felt after we had left home.

  102. ChrisI Avatar

    Our Christmas is spent with our two daughters, our sons- in law and our 5 grandchildren. It’s a very relaxed day and a wonderful time!

  103. Steph M Avatar
    Steph M

    Getting together with our daughter, SIL, and grandchildren on Christmas Day to celebrate. We open up gifts, and my tradition since I was a child is to open up gifts one at a time to see what everyone gets. It is such a great day!! Happy Holidays! BTW – I love the pin bowls….and would love some of my own.

  104. usairdoll Avatar

    Our family opens our gifts Christmas morning. Pretty traditional huh? When our kids were little my husband’s side of the family exchanged gifts Christmas Eve. We’d party and have fun and then head home. Of course Santa would come that night and we would get to see our kids with their bright shining faces Christmas morning. It was the best of both worlds. So, the kids come home and we do our gifts still Christmas morning. Although now we have one young grandson to share it all with.

    Thanks for a chance to win.


  105. Cathy Rasmussen Avatar
    Cathy Rasmussen

    Four years ago I started a $5.00 grab bag with the family. We still get all the traditional gifts but these are ones that no one knows what they are!!! My grandchildren were getting older and missing the joy of Christmas and I needed to add it back in. I think they are enjoying playing the game, stealing gifts and wrapping the presents to disguise what is inside most of all. Hope your Chirstmas is filled with all the joy of friends and family. Cathy

  106. Christi Pike Avatar
    Christi Pike

    We play Dirty Santa with my adult kids and then the “hat game” – which is a fun version of charades! My kids really look forward to it!

  107. Judyk Avatar

    We just hang out and visit but I can see as the grands get older that we will be changing our traditions to accommodate their schedules. Would love to win a pin bowl to dress up my sewing area. It would look much better than the pin tin I am using.

  108. Kathleen Brown Avatar
    Kathleen Brown

    We pretty much stay at home, call the kids & g-kids, and watch football. Close to being done with many weeks of chemo so resting and looking forward to 2017. Merry Christmas once again. Still trying to win goodies.

  109. Nami ll Avatar
    Nami ll

    Traditions abound for everyone at Christmas. One that we started for our grandchildren is giving them a ” “Christmas” book each Thanksgiving for them to read and enjoy during the Christmas season. It is harder as they get older to find age appropriate books for them. But the tradition continues. We also give them a “Fontanini” Christmas piece in their Christmas stocking so that when they graduate from high school, they will all have a Nativity set from us!

  110. Robin Schlager Avatar
    Robin Schlager

    Regarding your ruler boxes, which I would have loved to win, but, I have a similar one! The wood shop teacher at our high school here in NJ makes the same ones. They have hundreds of old wooden rulers they found in the basement of the school and made them & sell them for $10 at the school craft fair. Maybe I’ll win a pin bowl, don’t have I ever if those. This year , a new tradition , we celebrate Christmas tonight and Hanukkah tomorrow! Best of both worlds.

  111. laurel huyvaert Avatar
    laurel huyvaert

    We have a special family dinner, everyone gets their favorite steak and/or seafood. But now having children in different states, Colorado and arizonza, we try to rotate a destination. This year we are home in Illinois celebrating with our son’s family. The family dinner is planned and the granddaughters are trying to convince us they need to open a present. What fun…. merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks forgiving so much….

  112. Mary D. Avatar
    Mary D.

    Every year at Thanksgiving I give each of my kids and their spouses their Christmas money and matching wrapping paper. They go buy whatever they want and must spend the entire amount. They come on Christmas with their gifts all wrapped in matching paper. The little grandkids randomly hand out the gifts and one by one they are opened and we play a guessing game to figure out who the gift belongs to. I also give out prizes for fun categories like biggest gift, most practical, etc. Afterwards I tape gift cards from some of their favorite places on my storm door and they take turns shooting a toy gun with suction end bullets to see which gift card they get. We also play some minute to win it games. They really like doing it this way and I have a lot less stress as now I only have to shop for things for their stockings and things for the grandkids, but we all know shopping for them is fun!

    1. Julie Hardgrave Avatar
      Julie Hardgrave

      Great ideas!!! I think I will borrow a few!! Happy new year!

  113. Julie Hardgrave Avatar
    Julie Hardgrave

    Your decorations are beautiful!! We have red slush every holiday too! My mother-in-law started it and it wouldn’t be the holidays without it! We do no alcohol and the adults add their choice to it!! I agree with you, Lisa, it is a choice to be happy every day! My mom always said that! Even though she has been gone 15 years, her influence on all of our lives keeps her with us! I hope 2017 is a joy filled year! And, that you get to spend a little more time at your home with your loved ones!! Happy happy new year!

  114. ordinary

    DAY 2…NEEDFUL THINGS… | Lisa Bongean's Weblog

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