Block 2…Triangle Gatherings & starch tutorial


There are some questions on starching…here is how I do it…

I lay them flat on my ironing board on a towel…


I starch them completely wet…saturated…I use a Faultless Heavy Starch( inexpensive) in a can and add a spray paint handle for easier spraying…


I then move them to the drying rack to dry completely…do not iron them with the iron to dry…they will be stiffer and shrink less if you let them air dry..

I have several of these portable drying racks at home in my sewing room.

If you have yardage to starch I layout the 45″ across this ironing surface…I starch what is on the surface…I then pull up and lay the next section on the already wet fabric…I starch again…and continue to starch and pile until it is starched completely wet…hand and let dry on the rack folded or full out on a clothesline.

Once they are dry I pair them up light/dark and iron them together.  I then put the paper on the light side and start stitching the triangle paper.

Thank you to those of you who the ordered/purchased Triangle Papers from me…I really appreciate it!!! I don’t know why some people think it’s cool to tell me they are going to use they Triangles on a Roll, hurts that one feeling I still have left…….and then a bunch of you also ordered fabric Charms squares from our site as well…again much appreciated.


Amy has let me know that the remainder of the giveaways have been sent out today…we were waiting for ruler boxes…so you should all have your prizes before the end of the week….

We are getting the second shipment of Juki’s tomorrow so those will go out as soon as they come in…I’m hoping  this is the remainder of them…I placed three separate orders, but hoping the last two will be coming together.  Will keep you updated…



44 responses to “Block 2…Triangle Gatherings & starch tutorial”

  1. Linda Ellioty Avatar
    Linda Ellioty

    Thank you Lisa and staff for all you do for us crazy quilters. You are the very Best! ❤

  2. Janice Joyner Avatar
    Janice Joyner

    Thanks so much for the starch tutorial. I was so excited to be able to use the triangle paper that I purchased from you during last year’s 12 Days of Christmas. I’ve told my stitching group about the triangle papers and I think they’ll be ordering some soon — they loved the 5″ square concept.

  3. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    My Juki came today… There was so much stuff in the box, the table …such a nice size, and the bag of goodies (tools), knee lift, cover, pedal and plug. The gift that kept on giving!

    I’m so glad I ordered right after your posting so I was part of the first wave! Question… just how many lucky new Juki owners are there?! Lucky us!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I think 74!

  4. Sandra bessingpas Avatar
    Sandra bessingpas

    Sue might also need a sub for Friday jamathon..would you be available

    Sent from my iPad


    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hmmm I might be … where’s the Jamathon?
      Lisa B

  5. Helen LeBrett Avatar
    Helen LeBrett

    thanks for the tutorial on starching. Oh to have extra room to lay them out to dry! 🙂 And why would someone tell you they are using their triangles on a roll? Some people don’t seem to know what will hurt others!! Sorry they hurt the one feeling that you have left! 😉 But I’m glad I ordered some of your papers durring the Christmas sale: glad to have a reason to use them now!! 🙂 Hugs, H in Healdsburg

  6. Marsha Gardner Avatar
    Marsha Gardner

    Thank you for being so generous! SMH at some people but I know you have developed some ‘thick skin’.
    Bless your heart.❤️

  7. aquiltinglady Avatar

    Thank YOU for making them available to us! ♥ plus all the many beautiful things..

  8. Diane Avatar

    Thank you so much, Lisa!!!! Your unselfishness lets us play with you!!!

  9. Audrey Bretz Avatar
    Audrey Bretz

    I ordered your triangles a while back and now I have the perfect chance to use them – (although I might need some more!). I also have a bundle of Lakeside Gatherings that I’m going to be using to make these. Still finishing up the Magic of Christmas blocks. The starching thing works so very well!!

  10. carol Avatar

    Thank you for the prize of Wonder Clips.Also ordered the triangle papers, you make it look simple.

  11. David Schulz Avatar
    David Schulz

    Thank you for doing this. I’m sorry some people are choosing to ignore the rules you’ve set and have hurt you by doing so.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I know people will ” use what they have” but they don’t have to run it in id what I’m saying…

      1. David Schulz Avatar
        David Schulz

        As someone who dyes spinning fibre for a living, I completely understand. I wish I could say I’ve seen it all, but I still shake my head with dismay after over a decade as a small business owner. Thankfully the good people will always outweigh the bad, but you are right… it doesn’t stop it hurting when you’ve put so much effort into making something fun for your customers.

  12. kshackabq Avatar

    Thank you, Lisa, for showing your starch process. It was feeling a bit overwhelming, but this looks quite doable. I even have a clothes drying rack. woo hoo!!

  13. Karen Qualls Avatar

    Lisa, Do you also starch your flannels?
    Thanks, Karen

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Def yes!!!

  14. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    Most everything I’ve learned about quilting has come your generous sharing of your knowledge. Buying through your store is the least I can do to show my appreciation. I have other triangle papers that I could use, but they aren’t suited to the charms. Thank you for all your kindness and encouragement to all of us learning!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Thank you Joan!!!

  15. Katherine S Avatar
    Katherine S

    Thanks so much for this fun sew along!

  16. Carol Huelsman Avatar
    Carol Huelsman

    We’re the Jukis on sale? If so how much.
    Thanks, carol

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      They were until 12/31… $899 with free shipping

  17. Sandy Davis Avatar
    Sandy Davis

    Lisa, I was always told not to starch as bug would then eat the fabric. Your blocks always come out perfect so I will now starch my fabrics!! Thank for the Triangle Gatherings 😊😊

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Today’s starch is not made from corn do it dies not attract bugs.

      1. Lori Genther Avatar
        Lori Genther

        I didn’t know that! Thanks!

  18. jean f Avatar
    jean f

    instead of aerosol spray starch, find a jug of starch at your grocers, dilute to desired consistency, pour into a spray bottle… like a plastic plant mister bottle, and save the environment by using this very economical method instead. same kind of handle as the paint sprayer. adjust the spray width, and go at it. 😉

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I have tried it all… I prefer the can- which is recyclable by the way- why fabric is much stiffer with the can starch..I found my dark fabrics also had streaks of starch in them when I used the jug…

  19. Wanda Hall Avatar
    Wanda Hall

    Thanks for the new project and the tutorials! I have learned a lot. I have to say I have never starched fabric before as I am working with it, so this is completely new. I am going to try it now. So, it does lead me to another question though… what kind of iron do you use. I see all kinds out there, and I currently just use a regular iron. Are there better ones recommended for quilting, and does the starch gum up on it over time?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I use a Rowenta Steam Station- best iron ever!.. starch does not gum up the iron.

      1. Wanda Hall Avatar
        Wanda Hall

        Thanks! I will look for that brand. I also love your ironing board because it looks big and wide. Is it a counter top board?

  20. Jennifer Theien Avatar
    Jennifer Theien

    Lisa…Supporting your shop is the least I can do for all of the great patterns and tips you provide via your blog. Happy to do it :). Thanks

  21. Laurie Shain Avatar
    Laurie Shain

    I love piecing after starch in the fabric. Ordering your kit and doing the magic of Christmas has been wonderful. I have been quilting for more years than I want to say…just shows there are always more things to learn. I am excited to be getting a juki. I have wanted one for years….I worked in a factory many years ago so fast stitching makes my heart sing. Keep teaching…we all need you.

  22. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    My triangle papers came yesterday while I was at work !!!!!!! Woooo hoooooo, now to do the first two blocks !
    Thank you Lisa and staff !

  23. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    Thanks Lisa for another fun sew along and for all your helpful instructions. I appreciate your generosity!! Glad I ordered papers and charm packs from your Christmas sale. I’m excited to start but I won’t be home for a few weeks!
    I do have along my hand stitching and enjoying my PG projects!

  24. Carol joswick Avatar
    Carol joswick

    My Juki came today…am so excited to start sewing my triangles….

  25. Marci Avatar

    So, I’ve been thinking, Lisa . . . or anyone who reads this! Ha! If every block you design uses 16 HSTs (half-square triangles), couldn’t we just sew tons of HSTs way ahead–putting those that will make one block together, perhaps in a Ziploc bag. Then they would be all ready to sew into any block you design. I so LOVE using your triangle papers that I could see me taking charms and sewing HSTs with your paper one after another! What do you think of that? Is there a down side to my plan? I envision getting your new design and then choosing which HSTs I want to use for your block.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      This topic was going to be one of my posts and the answer is yes… stitch them ahead when you have time at the machine!

  26. rose Avatar

    Love your. hallway floor amazing. Beautiful view and home.
    Thank you for your tips. Love working smaller.
    Can not wait to see end result .

  27. Jeanne Berry Avatar
    Jeanne Berry

    Any grays coming in the new lines of fabric? I see some in the reject fabrics you’re using. I love the triangle papers and have a small collection of them that I ordered previously.

  28. Jacque Avatar

    Just finished block one and am starting on # 2… thanks sew much for doing this for us.

  29. […] I let the pieces almost get dry, then pressed to completely dry them. I usually give my fabrics a light starch for making these smaller blocks, but several of the Blockhead designers said starch, starch, starch. Lisa has a starch tutorial here. […]

  30. dianne61 Avatar

    If I only had enough room in my studio for a dryer like yours. My 12′ Innova longarm, (12) 7′ bookshelves of fabric, ironing board, cutting chest and sewing table, take all available space. I’m lucky to have a dual design wall and just enough room to get on a ladder to reach the top sections. I’m fortunate to have this much space I know, I know. I have my rulers hanging from the ceiling on a pot rack. I have ordered you triangle papers for the 1st time and look forward to your system.

  31. Susan Bankead Avatar

    Lisa. Thank you for this tutorial! It’s just what I needed. Question: Does it matter what material the drying rack is made of, i.e. hanging the starched fabric on wood or plastic or metal?

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