Triangle Gatherings Block 61 & 62


I realize some of these posts are not coming as fast and as consistent as some of you would like…lol…but I reminded everyone in the beginning that I lead a very busy life…and life sometimes throws things at you that you have to deal with and things get put on the back burner….we all have this happen to us, I am not immune from it…I will be sharing what has happened in a post when I have a little more time…but its something major and we are going to need your prayers…  I am asking that you do not send me comments like this…

Is 60 the end of the blocks? 8-16-2017 no posting?

I have removed this from the comment section, but it does still hurt that one feeling I still have left…

We have 4 1/2 months left and 30 blocks…we can and will get them in…here are two more…



I am in Dallas…at Moda working with a bunch of wonderful designers…OK… we are having fun too!!!!But I want to share with you some of the photos from the classes/sit and sew’s we have had…

Kathy…made Penny Path from the American Patchwork & Quilting issue I am featured in ……Look how BIG she made it!!!  So Awesome!!!
These are antique dresdens….look at that quilting!!! OMG!!! Roxy’s hexi project…Her and her husband just arrived home from a 4000 mile motorcycle trip!!! I wonder if you can do hexies while riding on the bike? lol…

Another wool project…we helped get that edge finished!!!


Terry had two projects…one hand pieced another kit from PG- Small Treasures Book…she added a fab border… This was a bag…. Then we all stared in amazement at Lori’s hexi project…look at this organization…so impressive…Makes me want a hex project!!!!

I will share more…with some more blocks soon…take care my friends…and let get some stitching done!!!LB



84 responses to “Triangle Gatherings Block 61 & 62”

  1. Audrey Avatar

    Without a doubt prayers are being sent your way. This show and tell is fabulous. The talent and creativity is amazing! I know many of them have been inspired by you. Thanks for your new blocks. I’m a bit behind but I’ll catch up soon.

  2. Susan B Avatar
    Susan B

    Let’s face it — there are way too many rude and obnoxious people in the world today!!! This is a FREE project, so no one should be complaining!!! And there shouldn’t be any complaints even if you don’t get all the promised blocks out until 2018 – it’s a FREE project.

  3. Linda B Avatar
    Linda B

    Take your time, Lisa. The blocks and ALL of your patterns/projects are lovely! I, myself, could use some extra time on this triangles thing (LOL)..but, really, does it matter how fast we do this? I would think not! I so wish I lived closer to your shop, I would love a class/sew along. That hexi quilt makes me want to start back on mine! Take care of you and yours!

  4. Sharon Z. Avatar
    Sharon Z.

    Lisa, knowing how busy you are and how much time spent away, you & your family remain in my prayers. Stay strong, my friend!

  5. Gloria G Avatar
    Gloria G

    Prayers for you and your family. We are a quilting community that should support each have other. You and everyone else have a life outside of quilting and should not be so self-centered. Do what you can, when you can!

  6. Sarah Francis Avatar
    Sarah Francis

    Your block 62 is sewn together wrong, the left side needs to be frog stitched. But I am loving TG even though I only have them done through 51. I look forward to each new one released. Thank you.

  7. Dixie M Avatar
    Dixie M

    Absolutely agree with Susan – some people have forgotten simple RESPECT in many aspects of their lives these days!!!! Life happens, go with the flow! One never knows what may come up, nor when. Please & thanks go a lot further than rudeness. Our thoughts as well as prayers as with you & yours. Take one step at a time, one foot in front of the other; remember to laugh a little at the good things & smile whenever you can. Love the pace of the project – I am saving the instructions, so whenever the blocks arrive. Thanks for your creativity!

  8. serenawelker Avatar

    I am so grateful for the free projects and the time you put into your work! I have learned so much from you. Paying for you and your family!

  9. kathyreeves Avatar

    Sending prayers your way Lisa. Though I am not doing the triangle QAL(it’s been HARD to resist) I have appreciated your generous spirit to share your talent freely! I have a bag of HST left over from a previous quilt, and I am going to use your posts for inspiration. I just couldn’t bear dumping all those triangle scraps in the trash, so I sewed them together and will cut them down, all because of your inspiration with this QAL. Blessings to you and your family.

  10. Linda Elliott Avatar
    Linda Elliott

    Prayers for you and you family, Lisa. God knows your needs! Please know how much I appreciate and love all you do for QuilterNation. Hugs💕

  11. Kathie Gore Avatar
    Kathie Gore

    So many rude people in the world! Hugs from San Antonio!!

  12. Carol joswick Avatar
    Carol joswick

    Xoxo Lisa… and your family are in my thoughts! I alwayys enjoy your posts with all your pics. Just know you are well loved by us quilters for your generosity. I am amazed at all that you accomplish! Take care and have a great day!

  13. Diann Selke Avatar
    Diann Selke

    Thank you for all the FREE patterns and inspiration you share with us. I have been collecting the Triangle Gatherings blocks and hope to use up the 2000 HST I received in a national exchange 2 years ago. It has to wait until the Christmas gifts are completed and in the mail. Prayers being sent……take time out for the more important things in life..that’s family and take care of yourself. Hugs

  14. Deborah K. Avatar
    Deborah K.

    I think you and Jessica have so much patience when I see some of the comments. It actually made me giggle when I saw the new blocks because I just caught up to 60 and now I’m behind on the SBOW! I was trying to figure out should I catch up on the triangles or should I keep sewing on the SBOW, but decided it was good to switch it around a bit. BTW, that is not a complaint – you have just been so generous with the Triangles, the ModaBlock heads (which I’m only 20 blocks behind on that one) and the SBOW with the freebie – I just don’t understand why people are rude when your talent is a gift that you share with the rest of us for FREE. Plus, I’ve learned so much – stitching 3 inch blocks with fabric that has been thoroughly starched is so much easier and pleasant and smells nice too if you use the lavender scent. You have from the beginning told us that there would be approximately 90 blocks, and they would come when they come. If they all come January 1, 2018 so be it! Thanks for all you do and special prayers for your unspoken needs! Bless you.

  15. Cathy Clark Avatar
    Cathy Clark

    Holy smokes! These lady’s have some fabulous quilts. Thanks for sharing the great posting. It is inspiring. And…I’m going to say it again… take time to breath. You’re not letting us down. When you get to it… it will be.

  16. Janet maly Avatar
    Janet maly

    Prayers on the way !! Thank- you for sharing your talent !! God Bless !!!

  17. Marci Rae Avatar
    Marci Rae

    Lisa, dear, you are amazing to me. I want to grow up to be just like you–but I’m much older already! So that’s not going to happen! Please know that we ALL love to stitch along with your creations–whenever they arrive. And you are absolutely right . . . we ALL have things unexpectedly thrown at us. Life has its challenges, large and small, for everyone. We need to remember that our Super Hero Lisa is human, too. It’s hard to imagine it when you are so special. Love you! And sending loads and loads of prayers for you and your family. And lastly, there are many devotees in your many groups who would do anything to help you. Count me among them. Just reach out to us, and we’ll be there. Hugs and more hugs!

  18. suejean1 Avatar

    Lifting you up in prayer Lisa. Thank you for all that you do. I’m afraid I am behind on the triangle gatherings and have fallen behind on my SBOW. As hard as I try to keep up, I am afraid I commit to more than I can keep up with.

  19. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    Lisa, I think you know how much I love you and all that you do; but if not I LOVE YOU! Your an amazing woman who I’m proud to know, your heart is generous and loving and you do so much for everyone of us stitchers. I don’t think you realize just how much you give to some of us and I’m not talking projects. Oh btw, I’m officially retired now if you need someone to come help out I’m willing just call… Also to answer your question YES you could probably do hexies on the back of the bike but my question is WHY? Enjoy the ride and stitch when you stop… and if that’s not enough to convince you imagine how you’d feel if you dropped just one at 60mph lol imagine finding that! As always you and yours are in my prayers, and I mean it just call Hugs Liz

  20. Diane Ziegler Avatar
    Diane Ziegler

    Prayers Lisa!

  21. Suzy Mortimer Avatar
    Suzy Mortimer

    It is hard to believe anyone is that inconsiderate. I’m so sorry someone posted that. Makes me ashamed. I so much appreciate the Triangle Gatherings blocks. Thank you very much. >

  22. Fran Avatar

    I’m so so sorry for whatever you are going through in your life right now. Sending good thoughts and hugs your way. You are an amazingly strong woman and I have faith in you to get through it and come out stronger in the the end.

  23. Barb Reininger Avatar
    Barb Reininger

    What is the thread that Lori is using on her hexi project? They are so awesome. And her project cases so organized.

    Thank you.
    And prayers with you….

  24. Lissa Rogers Avatar
    Lissa Rogers

    I am always grateful when there are a few extra days in between these blocks! You are amazing! I’m bringing them all to show you in St. George next week. Thanks for all you do😍😍😍Sending hugs and prayers❤Safe travels!

  25. Suzy Mortimer Avatar
    Suzy Mortimer


  26. Diane Avatar

    No worries on the TG. Loving them and take your time! You are the best!!!!

  27. B. Avatar

    We love you Lisa. You are the best.

  28. Edie Frasier Avatar
    Edie Frasier

    Lisa, Thanks for the two blocks. I am stunned someone would complain about not getting this pages. My goodness, I have no idea how you get done what you do. I am very thankful and grateful to you for giving me these patterns. It is way above the call of duty. My prayers are with you and your family. (No idea why yet the Lord knows so that is all that counts.) Hope your little man is ok.  Looks like everyone had fun in Dallas.  Take care, Edie From: Lisa Bongean’s Weblog To: Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2017 1:48 PM Subject: [New post] Triangle Gatherings Block 61 & 62 #yiv4085265733 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4085265733 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4085265733 a.yiv4085265733primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4085265733 a.yiv4085265733primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4085265733 a.yiv4085265733primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4085265733 a.yiv4085265733primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4085265733 | lisabongean posted: “I realize some of these posts are not coming as fast and as consistent as some of you would like…lol…but I reminded everyone in the beginning that I lead a very busy life…and life sometimes throws things at you that you have to deal with and things ” | |

  29. Dawn Goodspeed Avatar
    Dawn Goodspeed

    Oppps! Lol

    Dawn Goodspeed


  30. Glenna D. Avatar
    Glenna D.

    Prayers to you and your family. I am sorry you are ever subjected to rudeness. You are so giving and caring to be posting these free blocks. They are amazing and you are amazing. Take your time, take care of family, these will always be there, no matter how long it takes.

  31. Ann Avatar

    Thanks for all that you do for us quilters. Family first! Saying prayers for you and your family.

  32. Deb Gepfer Avatar
    Deb Gepfer

    Praying for you and your family, Lisa 🙏🏻❤️ So sorry there are so many rude people in this world. Your designs are awesome and your gifts of time and talent to all of us are amazing and much appreciated on my end.

  33. Jean Avatar

    Your postings and projects, both free and purchased, bring such joy to my life. It is an insult to all when snide remarks are made. I am actively working on 4 of your patterns at this time and have great appreciation of your talent and respect for what you do. I shall keep you in my prayers.

  34. Laura Avatar

    Beautiful work by everyone! Praying for you and yours.

  35. Suzy Mortimer Avatar
    Suzy Mortimer

    It’s hard to believe anyone would be so inconsiderate and rude to you. I’m certain the rest of us appreciate the time and energy you spend to send us these free beautiful projects. I for one am very grateful to you. Thank you.

  36. Linda K Austin Avatar
    Linda K Austin

    Thank you so much for all you are doing for the quilting community and praying that all your needs will be answered quickly! So sorry for the rudeness but know that we all appreciate your time and efforts and no rush for this FREE project!!! This is supposed to be fun:)

  37. Margret Berg Avatar
    Margret Berg

    You and yours are in our prayers Take what time you need Thankful that you are such a sharing and caring person

  38. Bonnie Avatar

    I hope you know how much people appreciate all that you do for us. The postings are always wonderful and something I look forward to you. I have absolutely no idea how you cram so much into a day. My thoughts and prayers will be with your family

  39. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    I and so many others appreciate what you share with us. We gladly give you whatever time you need to take care of yourself and your family.

  40. Sandy Davis Avatar
    Sandy Davis

    I am grateful for Triangle Gatherings, as are most people. Thank you for taking the time to post these blocks for us! I am sending you prayers.

  41. JustGail Avatar

    I’m way late to this party, so my question is in no way intended to be rude or demanding. And if it’s been answered in another post, I apologize, I haven’t been through all the posts and comments yet. I’m curious if I’m blind, daft, if blocks 54 & 55 are elsewhere, or if the numbering might have skipped a couple?

    Thank you for taking time to post these, I look forward to the rest. And I wish you well with whatever your something major is.

    Now to go read more posts and comments and see if I can find the answer myself….

  42. Caryn Bravos Avatar
    Caryn Bravos

    I’m very sorry that you receive rude comments. Please know that not everyone feels that way. You have a wonderful business and are extremely generous with your time and talent. Thank you for all you do. 😀

  43. Mimi Hall Avatar
    Mimi Hall

    Prayers for you and your family… may you have many blessings poured out for you! Thank you for all that you do !!

  44. lorraine bujnowski Avatar
    lorraine bujnowski

    Thank you so much for this wonderful triangle project. You are one of the most generous people in the quilting community. You are always sharing patterns and projects with us . I am sorry that you have to be subjected to rudeness. May you find more time for yourself and family. My thoughts are with you.

  45. Ethelann Wood Avatar
    Ethelann Wood

    Please try not to let that rude comment dwell on your mind. An ungrateful, ungracious person doesn’t deserve your time.I hope all gets better for you soon. Remember your family is the most important, we will always be here waiting for you.

  46. Avatar

    Hi Lisa,   I’m not doing the Triangle Gatherings… but I am a “Blockhead” — and I really enjoy reading your posts!  I wanted to write a prayer for you.  Whatever you’re going through… God knows and cares.   Prayer:   Father God… You know what is going on with Lisa and those she cares about.  You know all the details… what’s happened previously, the emotions and details of what’s going on now… and You know what’s around the corner, up ahead.  You’re not limited by time and space.  And you care!  So very very much.  I ask that You wrap her and those she loves in a blanket of Your Kindness and Compassion.  Give them wisdom, peace… guidance… provision.  If healing is needed, or forgiveness… let it come in time.  But right now the hurt is acute… I “heard” that in what she wrote.  And you know all about it.  I ask that You help them.  Guide them through this season of difficulty.  And meet the need.  In Jesus’ precious name, we pray.  Amen.   Hugs from a “mama” in Idaho.   With love,   Pris Phillips (425) 466-9943 cell    

  47. Lori A Avatar
    Lori A

    Nice post Lisa. We’ll get the blocks whenever you can get them to us. Life IS busy so no worries! You are loved!!! ❤️

  48. Sandy Wilcox Avatar
    Sandy Wilcox

    Lisa, I see how hard you work, I am in awe of all the great designs you post. Triangle Gatherings is one more genierous gift you give to the quilting community regularly. You are living the greatest tragedy that can befall a parent and powering through. You are an unusually strong woman. I hope you can focus on the love and admiration we all have for you. Perhaps we need to say it more often so that unfair thoughtless comments will be pushed aside, as they should be. Meanwhile, you are in my thoughts as we await more news.

  49. Debbie Goad Avatar
    Debbie Goad

    Well I want to thank you for everything you do for us! I am “squirreling” them away so I will never run out of projects to look forward to making! Positive thoughts coming your way!!

  50. Sally Wilmoth Avatar
    Sally Wilmoth

    Prayers for you and your family. God is always available to help through difficult times and your quilting family understands that it’s important you take the time you need to care for yourself and those you love. You are an inspiration for so many. Blessing to you and yours.

  51. Bear Creek Quilting Company Avatar

    Sending prayers and let the bad stuff slide off. Keep up the great job Lisa!

  52. Debbie Magerkurth Avatar
    Debbie Magerkurth

    Lisa, prayers coming your way! Stay strong!

  53. Sally Parrish Avatar
    Sally Parrish

    Lisa, I am very happy that you are dishing these blocks out a couple at a time, once, maybe twice a week. I’m busy too, but I’ll use these blocks (ok, probably not all) and I love your newsy notes with the blocks.

  54. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    Lisa, was so good to chat with you a little bit at your wonderful warehouse sale! All the goodies are out of the bags and tonight, I start finding a home for them in the lab….Or that was the plan, till I saw the new blocks! Woohoo! the prefect excuse to sew before we’re all settled after our 25 day trip. Have been praying and will definitely continue to do just that. You guys can just count on that for as long as you need it. Thanks again for this great project…it’s sew much fun! PS….remember to breathe!

  55. Charmaine Avatar

    I will be praying for you and your family that whatever challenge your family is facing, God will help you through it to complete and total healing/relief/positive resolution. Please know that all of us fans of yours LOVE you and care about you and your precious family. Sending hugs❤️❤️❤️

  56. Marty T. Avatar
    Marty T.

    Prayers for whatever is troubling you and your family. Remember if God brought you to it, he will bring you through ot🙏🙏. Don’t waste your time on rude selfish people. Spend it with your family and do what is right for you!

  57. S. Hopkins Avatar
    S. Hopkins

    You do great. I wish I was as creative as you are. Prayers are with you!🙏/sally hopkins

  58. Gloria Avatar

    I am sorry that you are facing difficulties or painful times/family challenges, Focus on what needs to be done with personal issues and don’t worry about us! Prayers for you.

  59. Cathy Rasmussen Avatar
    Cathy Rasmussen

    Lisa I think you are amazing and the amount that you accomplished is more than I can comprehend for just one person. My prayers are with you for whatever challenges are ahead for you but I do know that you will handle it with love and grace as you have other things in your life. God bless Cathy

  60. karlasal Avatar

    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  61. Nancy Avatar

    I’m so sad to hear that your life apparently has taken another challenging twist. I’ve been following you for many years and I know that there has been more than one sad thing that life has thrown at you AND Nick and I’ve always been excited when I see the good things like your trail of success in your business. I still have one of your old… was it Backyard Quilts patterns? Whatever the challenge is, you have my prayers Lisa.

  62. Janet O. Avatar

    I have only been saving the TG patterns for when my life slows down a little. The timing is not an issue for me–and shouldn’t be for anyone, considering this is a gift from you.
    Don’t know what your needs are currently, but God does, so I will just raise your family to Him in prayer.

  63. Alice Avatar

    Thank you for the blocks and for all you do.

  64. cherylsstitchings Avatar

    We love what you do Lisa and are so thankful for your generosity always, nor do most of us take for granted what you do for us. Unfortunately there us always someone who can’t help themselves but to whinge or complain. Luckily that is the minority but hurtful nonetheless.

  65. Hildy Avatar

    I’m sorry to hear that some peopleare not nice to you. I appriciate the time you take to make these free projects for us:-) Sending you love.

  66. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    You are in my thoughts and I’m sending you some positive energy to help you through your struggle !

    1. Diana Avatar

      Sending you warm thoughts with whatever you are dealing with. Sorry that someone made negative comments. People need to remember that we could all use a little more kindness in this world.

  67. Mary Avatar

    thank you

  68. masonmarlene Avatar

    Here’s my take on the remark you removed!!! You are giving us REE block patterns. I, and I’m sure, 99.99 percent of us appreciate that. I can’t imagine, as busy as you are, and as generous as you have been about freebies – that anyone would have the guts to make that sort of comment. You’re at the top of my list and I truly appreciate you and love your store and website. Thanks for all you do.

  69. Jan LaBeause Avatar
    Jan LaBeause

    Please don’t let the words of one get you down. There are too many of us enjoying and appreciating that you share your talent with us for FREE! I always love your posts whether they include a new block or not. I am sorry for whatever is troubling you and your family and hate that this incident added to your worries. Sending you prayers, support, love and hugs. A quilty fan in rural Georgia oxoxo

  70. Lou Ann Johnston Avatar
    Lou Ann Johnston

    Thank you for sharing your talent and time with us. Prayers for you and your family.lou

  71. JustGail Avatar

    I found the answer to my question about blocks 54-55 – apparently with all you have going on, the tag for triangle gatherings didn’t get added to that post and I didn’t think of that possibility. Even though I often have to go back and add tags to my own rare blog posts. As I said, I really hope my question didn’t come across as rude or demanding or…. I’m off now to go write 100 times “google is my friend”.

    And again, thank you for posting these and I hope all goes well with whatever has been heaped upon your already busy life.

  72. Maureen Avatar

    I have another take on the comment asking if 60 was the end. I don’t know who wrote it, but when I read (and re-read) it, I don’t think the writer was intending to be rude. I think that perhaps she was simply asking if 60 was the last block. Perhaps we need to extend some grace and patience to one another. Whatever is going on in Lisa’s life is clearly stressful, and perhaps this was an innocent question that just tipped the scale. And that’s understandable. I do wish that many of those who left a comment had not been so quick to call the writer rude so quickly. We all appreciate Lisa’s blocks, and I am sure we can all appreciate that something more important is going on in her life.

    1. Cathy Clark Avatar
      Cathy Clark

      Great point. I agree.

  73. Anne Thate Avatar
    Anne Thate

    Lisa We love you! Most of us know that you juggle so many things… you do so much for us and sometimes life gets in the way! You need to do what you need to do… and shame anybody for saying otherwise. I personally am happy it gives me time to catch up after enjoying the summer. Maybe some of you people need to get a life! Even the loneliest people need to find friends…. we can not live by quilting alone💕

    Sent from my iPhone


  74. Jan Avatar

    Thank you, Lisa, for these free blocks. I haven’t touched my sewing machine for awhile as gardens, canning, & summer activities have taken over. But looking forward to them this winter & that’s how my life is busy. So I know how your life is even more so as you’re also running a business, teaching, & looking forward to new projects. Then a curve ball is thrown at you. May the knowledge of the thoughts & prayers by your many quilting friends lift you & yours.

  75. kshackabq Avatar

    Thank you, Lisa, for all you do for us quilters. Your generosity is so great. I’m so sorry some are impatient and unkind in their comments. We appreciate you and your family, who allow you to give so much of yourself to we who quilt and stitch. Praying for you and your family.

  76. Bridget R Avatar
    Bridget R

    May I ask please, how to get on (if there is one) an email list for when these blocks come out? I am SO sure it’s posted somewhere, but I haven’t quite found it yet. I’m happy to come back to check from time to time, but I thought I’d ask.

  77. Susan Beck Avatar
    Susan Beck

    Like wow! So many talented quilters, designers, and creative ladies! Thank you for sharing your photos. And prayers for your family. Every time I read your posts, it is a delight. Blessings

  78. Rose Dillon Avatar
    Rose Dillon

    Sorry for whatever is going on in your life! Love and prayers to you!

  79. Dee Avatar

    Prayers and hugs from MN, thank goodness you don’t throw everything at us at once, this way we can keep up. I do so appreciate how busy you are and surely would not want you to burn out. I am currently working on the geranium basket. Love you works of art, and we should all be grateful that you take the time to do a free project for us!!!

  80. Pamela Mickey Avatar
    Pamela Mickey

    Sending Prayers!

  81. Kim Avatar

    You are an awesome woman and human being never doubt that. My prayers are with you and yours. Love scarf lady.

  82. rising stocks

    Triangle Gatherings Block 61

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