2017 Needful Things…Day 9

Day 9- Needles

Today we have all of our Primitive Gatherings Needles…

This is a time to stock up we are offering 4 packs of needles for $20

You have a couple of choices…all the same kind of needles in the 4 pack or all assorted…so whether you go through needles like I do or you want to buddy up with someone,  this is a nice offer…

Here’s what we have if you are not familiar…First of all I want to point out that our needles state what they are used for right on the packaging…most needles do not give you this info…they are labeled betweens, sharps, milliners, and so on…and let’s face it sometimes it will be years before we might do some things and then it’s like ok?? what needle am I supposed to be using?

#24 Chenille Needle…the one that started it all…our #24 Chenille Needles are perfect for wool appliqué…which we tend to do a lot of  wool here…Our #24 is shorter and sharper than the other #24’s on the market…again…perfect for our wool appliqués using #12 wt. threads…

Then there is the #22 Chenille Needle…some of you just prefer a bigger needle…I love the #22 especially for stem- stitching…it seems to make a bigger hole to stitch back into….I use it with #8 or # 5 wt. threads…for blanket stitching and other embroidery stitches…

Next up is the Big-Stitch Needle...I can’t wait to get a quilt on my frame for 2018 to hand quilt..2017 was a super busy year and I did not hand quilt one quilt…which is sad because I love doing it…The big- stitch means we are hand quilting with #12 perle cotton thread and making big even stitches…this is the perfect needle…big eye for threading the thicker threads and it a very sturdy somewhat shorter needle for needling between those layers…Big stitch quilting goes fast and is much easier on the wallet than getting every quilt you do machine quilted by our lovely most awesome-est machine quilters….

Last but not least is our Binding needles…I can’t say how many great responses I have received from these needles?  I bet most of you bind your quilts (those of you who do) with whatever needle is in your pincushion…well you will love binding with the right needle and this is it!!  Our needle is long, thin but will not bend like a straw needle and it sports a nice big eye to thread a heavier quilting thread that you should be using for binding your quilts that will be used and washed.This is a great time if you have never used our needles to try them…here is the variety pack…You will be getting a $1 off each tube for this promotion!!

Click HERE to order yours today!!!  If you want to win please comment on this post…your question is…Do you love to bind?  Do you hate it but do it?….Do you bind your finished quilts right away or are they stacked up waiting for you to stitch those bindings…Do you happily pay someone to put your binding on?

How is your Christmas prep going?  I am fitting things in between Nick’s Dr’s Appts, work and watching Jace here and there while his Momma works the busy holiday season!!!

Today it was candy making day….My “little man” is a big helper…

and he has his MiMi’s love of dark chocolate!!!PS…I am so happy…I just got my new iPhone…(I still had a 6, which is ancient if you use your phone for work as much as I do-I can be stubborn sometimes and not want to pay for a new phone every time  a new one comes out…)  it takes such wonderful photos!!!!  It has portrait mode…see the background blur…and look how clear they are!!!  I suppose it helps that this kid is soooo adorable too!





236 responses to “2017 Needful Things…Day 9”

  1. Carmen Montmarquet Avatar
    Carmen Montmarquet

    Binding is not one of my favorite things, but perhaps using your needles i may change my mind?
    Thanks for your free BOW’s, love those. You put so much into everything you do and i want to thank you for that and for a chance to win!!

  2. Cathy Avatar

    I love to bind my quilts…its almost finished and I get to admire, critic, and feel the warmth as I sew on the binding. I did not know I should use quilting thread to sew it on! I will from now on. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Sharon Heirholzer Avatar
    Sharon Heirholzer

    I do like to bind because then I know my project is completed & usually do it right away. I do have a stack that needs quilting though. I always bind by hand & have to say I used your binding needles on the last quilt I put binding on & love them.

  4. sewspecialladylorri Avatar

    I enjoy binding quilts- Love everything about quilting really!!

  5. Edie Frasier Avatar
    Edie Frasier

    Hi Lisa, I love to bind quilts. I bind my quilts as soon as I finished quilting them on my longarm. It is almost as much fun as piecing the blocks. Enjoy your grandson this Christmas!

  6. Diane Avatar

    I love to bind – it is so relaxing and a signal to my brain that this particular quilt is about finished! Time to veg out in front of TV and relax at the end of a busy day is what I love! I also bought Lisa’s new binding needles and they are FANTASTIC and actually make a difference as to how smooth and quickly the biding gets hand sewn down!
    And the dark chocolate making with Little Man is an added bonus!!!!

  7. Jean Hoerr Avatar
    Jean Hoerr

    I absolutely love to bind my quilts by hand. It calms my body and my mind. And it’s so rewarding to put in that last stitch and know the quilt if finished. I’ve been looking for a good binding needle. I know with yours I will end my search. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Merry Christmas!

  8. Linda Witherow Avatar
    Linda Witherow

    I bind as soon as I get quilt back from quilter. I have the binding ready

  9. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    I find it very comforting and relaxing binding a quilt , for me it’s one of my favorite parts !!! And yes, that little man is adorable, but then so are my grandkids !!!!!!!!

  10. Debbie T Avatar
    Debbie T

    I Love to bind. Love to sit with the quilt in my lap it’s so relaxing.

  11. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    Yes, I bind my quilts right away. It’s the getting them quilted that may take awhile! Love your needles, by the way. I just gave a tube in my exchange gift at our guild Christmas party last week!

  12. Liz Kodner Avatar
    Liz Kodner

    I LOVE to bind! It gives me a chance to sit and focus on the project and relax. I machine bind front and back for others and occasionally do so on my utility quilts, but hand-sewing binding is like a bonding experience between me and my quilt – I think about what happened in my life when I was working on the quilt, what we’ve been through together, etc.

  13. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I love to snuggle up with a quilt and spend some time binding. Thanks so much for sharing

  14. Ruth Avatar

    I don’t mind binding, but I am always so anxious to have it finished that it seems every quilt has eight sides! My fingers get so sore – perhaps your needles would help!

  15. Lou Avatar

    I love to bind my quilts. It is relaxing to curl up in a chair and work on finishing a quilt. It feels good to have that quilt draped over my lap and adding the final stitches to a quilt . This also the time I attach my quilt label to the quilt stitching 2 sides into a corner and then sewing the other sides of the label onto the quilt back.

  16. Kristi Avatar

    I don’t mind binding because the quilt is almost finished! I don’t have a stack of quilts to bind but I have a huge stack that need to be quilted (by someone else). Merry Christmas

    1. Gail Rowland Avatar
      Gail Rowland

      Kristi…. I’ll quilt your stack!!

  17. Sharon Avatar

    I love to bind and bind my quilts straight-away. I love all hand sewing but have never hand quilted a quilt and would love to. I would really love to see one of your quilts you mentioned in your blog that you hand quilted with the pearle cotton. Please, please, please post a picture. Thank you.

  18. Jan Avatar

    Yum, dark chocolate. I have tops done that need to be quilted & bound. Thanks for the info on binding as I have not heard what thread or needle to use in any of my classes.

  19. Joan Avatar

    I love binding quilts and I bind them as soon as I finish a quilt! I can’t wait to try these binding needles!

  20. needleminder Avatar

    Once I get my quilts to the binding stage, I try to do them right away. I’ve been working on them so long by that point that I need them DONE! (I’m a multi project, long term type piecer.)

  21. Lissa Rogers Avatar
    Lissa Rogers

    The best needles ever! I love hand binding my quilts. One thing I love about it is as I bind, I get to see the little details from the quilter, or blocks and details of the quilt. I call it a simple pleasure! I have 3 quilts ready to big stitch quilt next year!

  22. Betsy Avatar

    I bind my own quilts! The last step in the process and it feels so good to take that last stitch! Would love to try your binding needles!

  23. Elaine Morgan Avatar
    Elaine Morgan

    I get my binding ready before I finish quilting so I have it ready to go!!!

  24. Janet Avatar

    This assortment of needles is awesome. Love to put binding on but also helps to have the correct needle, if you bind each quilt as ready for binding makes life fer much happier,

  25. Marie McDonald Avatar
    Marie McDonald

    So glad you are having so much precious time with your grandson! That is what is most important. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I so enjoy your posts.

  26. Joan R Avatar
    Joan R

    I would love to try your needles! It is one of those things I don’t give much thought to and it would probably make the work much easier if I was using the correct needle. I will be ordering a variety pack.

  27. Yvonne Craig Avatar
    Yvonne Craig

    I do use whatever needle is on hand. I truly hate binding so of course they do stack up. I won’t pay anyone because I’m stubborn and make myself do them ha! Ha! Have a Merry Christmas!!🎄

  28. Birdlooker Avatar

    Hand stitching the binding is one of my favorite things. It’s relaxing and it means you are near a big finish. I’d like to try the binding needles. As it is, I just grab the closest needle and start sewing.

  29. Michelle Flores Avatar
    Michelle Flores

    I am going to be binding my first wool wall hanging. Very nervous and will see how it goes. Great giveaway. Blessings to you and yours and hoping Nick gets better soon.

  30. Rebecca Avatar

    Our big Christmas is today…then I can coast through the holidays.
    Your binding needles help me like binding a bit more… just saying

  31. Renee M. Avatar
    Renee M.

    I love hand binding my quilts (I love traditional hand quilting too). I bind right away to consider my quilt finished which is a great thing. I would love to try big stitch which would be a new skill for me. I also would love to try more wool projects so for a “beginner” to some of these skills a needle collection like this would be great. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  32. Sharon Bochmann Avatar
    Sharon Bochmann

    I love any kind of handwork so binding is relaxing to me if I’m not pressured by a deadline. Baking, cards and wrapping are still calling me!! Have a wonderful week, Lisa!!

  33. Rebecca Kohn Avatar
    Rebecca Kohn

    I just sewed a binding on for a Christmas gift quilt. I don’t like this part of quilt making but it always gives me a good feeling because I know the quilt will be completed when I am done!

  34. Denise W Avatar
    Denise W

    I love to bind a quilt! I never liked sewing my binding on until i saw your video on sewing the binding on your small snowman quilt! Lisa you had posted how to make your candy at on time, do you still have that posted from a long time ago?

  35. Jan Sopa Avatar
    Jan Sopa

    I love these needles, they are the only ones I use for all my hand stitching. Working with wool is one of my favorite things to do as I love the hand stitching. So to answer your question…. Yes, I love sewing on binding!

  36. Nancy Zimmerman Avatar
    Nancy Zimmerman

    Binding is relaxing and satisfying that the quilt is almost done! And I love your binding needles. Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. The Meaning of Courage Avatar

    Hate is an awfully strong word, but I don’t like to bind. That being said, if I have a quilt that’s ready to bind, I do it right away. I want it to be finished!

  38. Laura baumgardner Avatar
    Laura baumgardner

    I don’t enjoy binding , which makes no sense since love hand applique and wool work. I let them stack up and then take to retreats where I can listen to conversations and not get bored or get that nails in a chalk board feeling while binding If people say they would like to do my binding I sometimes take them up on that but then feel guilty

  39. Loretta Pederson Avatar
    Loretta Pederson

    I sew my own binding on, normally as soon as the quilting is done, as I’m anxious to see the finished project. I enjoy cuddling under it and stitching the binding while watching a good movie.
    Great information on the needles. I have not tried the binding needle, anxious to give them a try.

  40. Sue Arndt Avatar
    Sue Arndt

    I used to dread hand sewing the binding and tried every way to machine sew it, but, alas, no more. Hand sewing a binding is the most satisfying way to finish a quilt, sitting in m easy chair, with the quilt draped on my lap. Um, heaven!

  41. mary h Avatar
    mary h

    I don’t mind it and do it right away. It’s best to do it watching a movie or @ quilt group when visiting passes the time

  42. Sue Schultz Avatar
    Sue Schultz

    Little man is adorable. Awesome that you have some time at home. Hope Nick is feeling 100% soon.
    I have the #22 and #24 needles and love them. Will have to try the big stitch and binding needles. Love big stitch quilting!!!

  43. Lisa Benson Avatar
    Lisa Benson

    I don’t see a choice for the variety pack?

  44. Anne Thate Avatar
    Anne Thate

    I bind mine right away as it is the final step and I want to see the finished product😀 I enjoy the hand sewing part. Not to fond of the machine part especially if it is big.

  45. Marie Beers Avatar
    Marie Beers

    I find binding relaxing, a no thinking job.

  46. Philip Heidemann Avatar
    Philip Heidemann

    I love to bind my quilts. Then I can say “it is finished” and use it. I love your Binding needles… sturdy, large eye, easy to handle and very sharp. Makes sewing on the binding enjoyable.

    Mary Heidemann 56555 Hwy 4 Daykin, NE 68338 pandmheidemann@diodecom.net

  47. Roxanne Avatar

    I love to do binding. I don’t even charge for sewing on binding as Laura B. knows. I’ve done some for her in the past. I bought some of your binding needles and find them easy to use.

  48. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    I handbind all my quilts and while it takes forever, it is an excuse to sit! Which is rare around here. I have been using silk to bind, so I guess that wasn’t right? They seem to be holding up though, through multiple washings. I like using silk because you can exactly match your backing and no stitches show. Big stitch needles…. oooh I might like to try that!

  49. Linda Pickenpaugh Avatar
    Linda Pickenpaugh

    I love the #22 and #24 for wool appliqué. When binding, it depends on if I have a deadline how soon I bind. Lately I have quilts that needed binding right away, like I make baby quilts for my daughter to give as gifts at the school where she teaches and this year there are 4 babies so far. And then I just finished two t-shirt quilts for my neighbor to give to her daughters as memory quilts of their dad for Christmas. Other years, well they stack up and I have 5 or 6 at a time I save for the winter when I’m inside more. Right now I’m caught up. Yeah!

  50. Sally Matoushek Avatar
    Sally Matoushek

    I love binding my own quilts and I like to get them done right away. I bind them at night while watching TV. Haven’t tried the binding needles so hope to order some. Merry Christmas

  51. Karen Herrick Avatar
    Karen Herrick

    I do bind my quilts, I wait and do them when the weather cools off. Love love your needles, I have used your chenille needles, I am excited to get the binding needles. Merry Christmas!

  52. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    I enjoy binding my quilts and do it right away. It’s relaxing. I wasn’t aware that I should be using quilting thread and am curious about the special binding needles.

  53. Donna Avatar

    I sew my own binding, but I don’t like to bind at all. I bind right away before I can talk myself out of it. I bind with straw needles. Love them.

  54. Pam Avatar

    Love binding….no thinking…very relaxing. Would love to try your binding needles!

  55. Kim F Avatar
    Kim F

    I don’t live binding and admit that sometimes I do it totally by machine. Would love to try the binding needles. I love the 24 chenille ones.

  56. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    I like to bind. It’s relaxing to put the finishing touches on a quilt while slowing down and enjoying some handwork. I usually bind my quilts soon after they are ready, but I picked a quilt up from my quilter about 4 weeks ago, and it is still sitting in the bag where I put it when I got home. It’s the time of year — too busy with holiday events and prep.

  57. MAry Sue Kraft Avatar
    MAry Sue Kraft

    After piecing, binding is my favorite thing! I love the beginning and end, and thoroughly enjoy the middle of the whole quilting process! Binding is relaxing for me. I love the feel of my new quilt on my lap, and remembering the challenges and triumphs of getting to this point. When the binding is finally finished, I immediately spread the quilt out on the floor so my husband can “ooh and aah” over it. Then, with much enthusiasm, I’m ready to start the process all over again. I don’t have your needles but definitely will put them on my want list. Love that they are labeled for different applications.

  58. Alice Avatar

    I do not like to bind but of course I do it anyway! I prepare the binding when I finish the quilt top so that is ready after the quilt is quilted. I do the hand binding at Bees so it makes it more pleasant and not boring.

  59. Denise Gosselin Avatar
    Denise Gosselin

    I Hate to do bindings and when I do – I do it when I finish quilting the quilt. I don’t think I could stack them and do them all at once. I machine quilt comfort quilts for our guild. I partner with my friend Barbara as she likes to do the bindings. Once the quilt is quilted I hand it off to her. That way we are both helping the cause.

  60. Kay U McAllister Avatar
    Kay U McAllister

    I am a binding procrastinator! I usually have quite a few that need bindings!

  61. Joanne Avatar

    I HATE doing the binding … so much so I have about 4 quilts that need binding on them right now (and have needed them for a few years). If the quilt is a gift it will get binding on right away, otherwise it might sit, and sit … and sit. 🙁

  62. Susan Koscielak Avatar
    Susan Koscielak

    There was not an option for an assortment of needles. There were two options for binding needles.

  63. wantstoberetired Avatar

    I love hand stitching the binding! Wool appliqué is my favorite and then finishing with binding is right up there with what I enjoy stitching. Is that weird?? I even offer to do it for friends. Lol. I would love to win your needle selection. Merry Christmas, everyone!

  64. Donna Schalge Avatar
    Donna Schalge

    I love to bind. It gives me the satisfaction of completing a project I have have lovingly sewn. I find it very relaxing.

  65. Rebecca Hoffmann Avatar
    Rebecca Hoffmann

    I don’t mind binding a quilt when I can sit and relax and watch a wonderful movie. I haven’t tried your binding needles, would like to though.

  66. candee Avatar

    I love to bind. So relaxing & it’s rewarding to have my almost finished quilt on my lap.

  67. Sandi Avatar

    I do bind my quilts right away. I always start about 12″ from an end, that way when I’m coming around that last corner, I know I’m on the home stretch , I love to hand bind.

  68. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    Don’t mind binding. At least I know the end is sight

  69. Deidre McGee Avatar
    Deidre McGee

    I love to bind, which was not always the case. I make my binding as the last step before I send my quilt off. That way its ready to be put on as soon as I get my quilt back. For some reason I hate making the binding later. I find that sewing on the binding is relaxing to me now. Several months ago I bought some of Lisa’s binding needles and they are absolutely fantastic. The size of them is just right and makes the process much easier. I used to end up with sore fingers from using a too small needle, but no more. If you haven’t tried them…you should…you will not be disappointed.

  70. lynn jarzombeck Avatar
    lynn jarzombeck

    Binding to me means approaching the finishing line. Yahoo! Almost a finished project. I enjoy hand binding but just recently did machine binding on a baby quilt. Definitely would appreciate winning your needle pack!

  71. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    I have my quilter sew the binding on but then I do the hand stitching. I don’t mind sewing it on in small bits of time but it’s too boring to do it for hours at a time. I am so close to having a finished quilt that it keeps me motivated to get it done.

  72. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    I do not like to bind. I have one quilt that I got back from the long arm quilter about 5 years ago still waiting for the binding. I know, that is terrible. I will make that my New Year’s resolution, to finish the binding on that quilt.

  73. Karen W Avatar
    Karen W

    I LOVE to sew on bindings!!!
    It means my quilt is finished!!!
    I sew my label and sleeve on first and then I sew on the binding and the quit is finished! ❤️
    P.S. Your binding needles are the best… Maybe that’s another reason I like to do then so much! 😇

  74. Nyla Dominguez Avatar
    Nyla Dominguez

    I am somewhere in between love and hate on bindings. Don’t hate but it’s not my favorite thing either! I usually get the binding on pretty quickly, can’t stand putting it away that close to being completed. Some bindings get sewn on the machine, some by hand, depends on the project.

  75. Marsha Avatar

    I absolutely hate to do binding so I tend to do it immediately. If I put it aside to do later it just never seems to get done.

  76. Grams Avatar

    Next to making the top is binding…I know the end is near and I can give it away or snuggle under it.

  77. Judy Donovan Avatar
    Judy Donovan

    I love to bind, by hand. It is one of my favorite parts of the quilting process. I bind my quilts as soon as they are quilted, usually. Would love to win these needles!

  78. June Avatar

    I hate to bind. Love to finish!

  79. Felice Gokey Avatar
    Felice Gokey

    “Little Man” is adorable:) And those peanut candies are delicious! While binding is my least favorite part of quilt-making, I find it relaxing to hand sew them. It also means a project is almost complete! I do them as they are ready. Often I will make a binding before the quilt is complete or quilted. That way, I don’t use that fabric for something else…..plus it’s ready to go on once quilting is finished. Love all the listed needles. I have used them all but big stitch needles but will be trying them shortly:) Hope Nick’s recovery is going well.

  80. Pat Methner Avatar
    Pat Methner

    Your grandson is adorable! Grandchildren are such a blessing.

  81. Dotty Witt Avatar
    Dotty Witt

    OHHH, that candy looked delish.. I usually bind right after, for the most part . Sewing on by machine, then my Hubby hand stitches the rest. , so blessed..

  82. Gail Rowland Avatar
    Gail Rowland

    I absolutely love to bind. It means a project is done and I get to sit and stitch while watching a cool show!!

  83. Janet Sullivan Avatar
    Janet Sullivan

    OMG! I didn’t even know there were binding needles. I have never seemed to find the right needle to handle the job and always ended up with sore fingers. Can’t wait to try these needles!

  84. Sharon Avatar

    I love to bind my quilts! If it’s a gift, it’s part of the long goodbye, and getting to spend time with it before it’s departure. If it’s my own quilt, I fall deeper in love with it during the binding process.

  85. Nina Christman Avatar
    Nina Christman

    I like to bind because I know it is almost finished. I couldn’t figure out how to get assortment.

  86. Lisa Mikel Avatar
    Lisa Mikel

    I bind my own quilts. The last time I counted I had six quilts waiting for binding. I don’t mind hand stitching my bindings on and find it relaxing. I would love to try your binding needles they sound awesome. Your wool needles sound great too. Your little man looks like a good helper. My grandson is my best helper. Have a great day!

  87. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    I love to sew my binding on my quilts. It means I’m almost ready to hang or decorate with the quilt. However, I’ll have to try your needles to see how you make it easier and maybe faster to sew the binding on!

  88. Jill Defries Avatar
    Jill Defries

    Love love your binding needles…such a
    big difference. I also gave binding needles to quilting group along with a needle nest. I have a needle nest for each kind of needle, for wool,
    appliqué, & embroidery. Makes it easy to know which needle you need.

  89. Anita Tuttle Avatar
    Anita Tuttle

    I do not quilt, wool appliqué only, but love the 24 for wool appliqué & do different kinds of binding in the appliqué. Sure I can find a use for all sizes and would like to put them to the rest! Happy Holidays 🎄🎄

  90. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    Binding a quilt is my favouite part of the quilt making process and I do it right away because I love the end result. I use the #24 needle a lot for my wool applique. I didn’t know there was a binding needle, so I’ll have to give that a try.

  91. LeAnne K Avatar
    LeAnne K

    I like binding quilts because it’s fun to snuggle up with the quilt while I stitch. I’m excited to try your needles to make the job even more enjoyable!

  92. quilter44 Avatar

    I love all parts of the quilting process. Binding is something I like to do while relaxing and watching a good movie. The problem for me is actually getting the binding on the quilt. I do fall behind sometimes. Love your little man picture. He is growing up so fast.

  93. Mary Avatar

    I love to bind; it’s the quilting that’s hard to get done. I have quilted one quilt doing big stitch and enjoyed it very much. I’ll be doing more of it. Thanks for the chance to win these great needles!

  94. Sue Avatar

    I love wool applique and took hand stitch my bindings..

  95. Janice McCallum Avatar
    Janice McCallum

    I am enjoying binding so much more since a friend showed me how to join those pesky ends with a 45 degree angle seam!!! I am always excited to bind because it means a finished project is within reach!

  96. Carolyn V Avatar
    Carolyn V

    I LOVE to bind quilts. It may be my favorite part of quilting, as it is the final step before using or gifting the new quilt. I would love to try your binding needles.

  97. Cherie Reynolds Avatar
    Cherie Reynolds

    I love to bind quilts. Having s nice warm quilt in your lap while you hand stitch the binding! It’s wonderful. And your binding needles are the best!!!

  98. Penny Boser Avatar
    Penny Boser

    I love binding my quilts. I look at it like a little reward. I can sit and stitch in front of the tv. Is it a one mivie or two binding.

  99. Debbie Goad Avatar
    Debbie Goad

    I love to bind. I feel it’s that last step and love to sit with the piece on my lap and think about who it’s going to or, if it’s for me, how much I love it and where I will display it. I don’t always bind right away, it just depends. And I love these needles!! I just ordered some and included a tube of binding needles for each of my 3 best quilty friends.

  100. Dottie Alexander Avatar
    Dottie Alexander

    I love to bind because it brings me closer to the finished quilt. I always bind as soon as I get the quilt from the LAQ.

  101. Deborah Thomas Avatar
    Deborah Thomas

    I love binding the hand part. I curse like a crazed woman though when I’m putting the machine part on. I bind right when a quilt is complete or very soon after. I love to see the complete quilt coming together sprawling on the floor as I bind.

  102. Sharon Bell Avatar
    Sharon Bell

    Binding is the best part, because you are almost done,,,and on to the next. Love your tips and family news. Will have to try the other needles to see if they do make a difference…….Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  103. Roxie Ahlbrecht Avatar
    Roxie Ahlbrecht

    I actually enjoy sewing my own binding. My bindings have improved greatly this past year. A friend showed me a flawless way to join the bias cut once I’m ready to finish the machine part. I love hand-stitching it down while watching a movie. Generally, they are bound as soon as they are quilted. I love the FINISHED feeling. Little man is adorable!

  104. Ellen Reibling Avatar
    Ellen Reibling

    I love to sew on the binding…I am always grabbing those binding projects from the guild phlianthropy table..I cannot watch tv without some handwork to do. Congrats on the new phone!

  105. Leanne Mal Avatar
    Leanne Mal

    I love hand sewing the binding on and I do it right away! I want to see what the quilt looks like after all the hours I’ve put in it 🙂

    Really cute photo! Which iPhone did you get 8 or 10? To me a good camera is a must.

  106. mary h Avatar
    mary h

    binding is ok with diversion like a good movie or on a quilting friends day. I do it right away. it would drive me nuts to have a quilt laying there with binding unfinished!

  107. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I like to do my binding while watching an old movie or binge watching a series–kind of a zen experience. I would never pay someone to do it for me–too frugal!!

  108. Stephanie D Avatar
    Stephanie D

    I neither love nor hate to bind. I just do it as part of the normal process in finishing a quilt. It brings me closure and clears my mind for the next project in line. I do all my own binding.

  109. patibeck2013 Avatar

    You amaze me with all you accomplish. And with a smile. Bless you and your family this holiday season.
    I love any hand work from quilting, wool etc. that lets me curl up with fabric in my lap so yes I enjoy binding and these needles are wonderful.

  110. Barb Onnen Avatar
    Barb Onnen

    Love, Love, LOve to bind. I Find it very relaxing. Have even done binding for others!

  111. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    I love handwork, so to me binding is relaxing and enjoyable. I have bound many charity Quilts by hand and really love it. On my personal Quilts there are two issues….I’m good at starting new Quilts, not so good at finishing! Binding is kind of bittersweet because your project is ending, But a good thing because it’s finished.

  112. Sharon Philippe Avatar
    Sharon Philippe

    Your “Needle Options” doesn’t show the variety pack…it does
    show “binding needles” twice????

  113. SHARYN Avatar

    I love binding my quilts and do them right away. In fact, I love binding other people’s quilts, especially if I’m paid! Lol. Binding is the finishing framework to any quilt.

  114. Sue singer Avatar
    Sue singer

    Love your needles. I bumd right awayy

  115. Cheryl Avatar

    I love binding my quilts. I make my binding right away after making my top. I’m ready when it comes back from the quilter. I’ll even bind my friends quilts.

  116. BJ Avatar

    I love binding by hand, but I’ve been experiencing some hand issues lately so I’m experimenting with machine binding as well. Nothing is more enjoyable than curling up under a quilt I’m binding while watching a good movie. I’m ordering your needles – everyone seems to love them, and I think a good tool can only improve the process. “Little man” looks like he had a great time helping!

  117. donnalevesque Avatar

    LOVE to bind… I’m a little behind right now because of the love of my new HQ machine. Put a good movie on and set me in front of the tv. I’m set for the night

  118. BJ Avatar

    Hmmm. Trying to order needles, but the variety pack isn’t an option and the price doesn’t seem to reflect the discount mentioned on the blog. I’ll try again in a bit.

  119. Karen Keeler Avatar
    Karen Keeler

    I only hand bind show quilts, all others are usually done by machine. I feel they last longer and is definitely faster

  120. Charlotte Avatar

    Binding is one of my favorite parts of quilt making. Maybe because it is now almost done except that pesky label, which I am a failure at doing most of the time.

  121. Pam Avatar

    I love to bind quilts and usually do it right away after it is quilted.

  122. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Binding use to be a chore but now I don’t mind it at all. The secret for me is to make my binding as soon as the quilt top is done! That way it is ready for me to put on and I bind my quilt as soon as it is done. NO UFO’s when I’m this far along….only when I start projects!!

  123. Dede Avatar

    I live to bind in the winter. The warm blanket on my lap on the couch watching football. I have been using these needles for a few years, best part is the labeling, u have never been able to remember what needle is for what, thread either, these help me not have to worry about it.

  124. Sharon Avatar

    I love sewing the binding on my quilts. I always look forward to doing that. And in the winter, the quilt keeps me warm while i sew.

  125. Lois B Akins Avatar
    Lois B Akins

    I enjoy binding. It is a sign of completion of the quilt! Yes, I do my binding as soon as the top is completed. I look forward to having an easier time threading my needle for binding after I receive my binding needles.

  126. Denise Avatar

    I love all hand work. I sit watching tv and stitch away. I find it very relaxing!

  127. Debbie Bradley Avatar
    Debbie Bradley

    I love the final step of binding, the hand stitching. I put on my favorite movie or show and enjoy the time. Funny thing is after that I always remember the movie when I look at that quilt. During my most recent quilt I bing watched Outlander. I’ll always remember Jaime and Claire when I look at that red and gold quilt.

  128. Cindy Golding Avatar
    Cindy Golding

    I don’t mind hand binding. I feel like I don’t finish many quilts in a year but start many. Binding means the end and that is a good thing. I must try your needles. Thank you.

  129. Cheryl Gherna Avatar

    I actually enjoy binding, whether it is a big quilt or small wall hanging. It means all the effort and sometimes hard part is done and I’m on the home stretch with the finish line in sight. Sometimes it is the last look at the project most often just before giving it to someone. Oh, and that feeling when you open it up to take the last look at it with the finished edge, always puts a smile on my face to see the quilt in its “frame” (meaning the binding). Thank you for all of your wonderful inspiration!

  130. Joni Avatar

    I’m happy to pay! I love hand sewing but hate to sew binding on… I do sew my small quilts because I’m not paying for the small ones!

  131. Brenda Avatar

    I love to hand bind thru Fall and Winter. I have a rocker on the front porch where I can watch squirrels and birds compete for the feeders. Winter evenings I cover my legs and Daphne, (standard poodle) squeezes in and we’re all toasty . There’s something therapeutic about binding, and then Joy at completion.

  132. Pris Phillips Avatar
    Pris Phillips

    Hi Lisa!! I love reading your blog! To answer your question… I think binding is my favorite part of the process! I don’t mind sewing it onto the quilt (I’ve gotten pretty good at it) but the hand part is my favorite!! There’s something so soothing to my soul about the rhythm of hand sewing… not to mention it’s a great way to avoid snacking while watching TV!! (I’d probably love Big Stitch Quilting too… and if I ever finish my Gypsy Wife quilt, I plan to “big stitch” that one!!)

    My Christmas prep is going well… only the youngest, my Nick (25) will be here… but the rest of the crew are coming (from Texas and Seattle) in January for some fun in the snow! Happy Momma!!

    Merry Christmas to you all!!
    Pris in North Idaho ❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️

  133. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    Actually I don’t mind binding and I do it as soon as my quilt is finished. It’s like, this is my time to relax in the easy chair, watch a little TV, and bind away finishing my quilt. So to me it’s the last step of quilting and it’s all done in ‘relax mode’! Thanks!

  134. Kathryn L Casavant Avatar
    Kathryn L Casavant

    I love to hand bind my quilts. Never use the machine. I like to get them done right away.
    Your grandson is just so cute!

  135. Geri Sherwood Avatar
    Geri Sherwood

    Binding is not my favorite part of the quilting process but I try and do it right away. I have been trying to learn to bi d by machine. Our Christmas celebration is today so our kids don’t go crazy on Christmas and we get to spend more time with them. I ha e games planned. We do a cake walk for prizes their favorite. A new game of fine the candy cane and pin the ornament on the tree. Merry Christmas!

  136. Donna Oelfke Avatar
    Donna Oelfke

    Love wool appliqué and love binding quilts- pretty much any handwork. I have to bind my sisters quilts too if we ever want them done! Don’t you love these grandsons? So adorable

  137. Sandy G. Avatar
    Sandy G.

    I like to bind, it’s so nice to get the quilt finished and so relaxing to do some hand sewing. I’m really excited to try your binding and big stitch needles, I already love your chenille needles for working with wool. Merry Christmas!

    1. Pauline Dean Avatar

      I just got into really working with wool these last few months and I am hooked I just love it. I also love to bind my own quilts. I think it is the best part of the whole process because I know when I take that last stitch that all the hard work I did is finish and I can then use it.would love to win your needles that’s all I use any more.

  138. Marcy Avatar

    I love to bind and your binding needles make it easier, and I have used your #24 chenille needles since I started wool applique( they were provided in my kit) and I still use them every day.

  139. Eileen Moss Avatar
    Eileen Moss

    I don’t mind binding at all. It gives me time to catch up on shows I’ve recorded on tv and it also makes me feel my quilts have that extra special personal touch.

  140. Donna Widerquist Avatar
    Donna Widerquist

    I kind of like binding. Sitting in front of the TV and watching a good movie. So, my bindings get done right away.

  141. sandy Lowery Avatar
    sandy Lowery

    That kid is too cute!! I love to sit in the evenings and hand sew the binding down.

  142. Kristy Avatar

    I am not a fan of putting on my own bindings, but I do it! I paid once to have it done and it was not to the degree of perfection I am used to. The good thing about putting on those bindings is you know you will soon get to wash the quilt and give it that cuddly antique feeling!

  143. carol Avatar

    I can do the corner miter but I get uptight on joining the final ends. Sure have viewed enough videos. Hand stitching the binding is fine.

  144. Robin Schlager Avatar
    Robin Schlager

    I LOVE to bind. It’s mindless , I can watch TV while doing it, I often call a cousin or two in the speaker and catch up with them and bind , I do it at our guild meetings , it’s great. And it feels wonderful when your done , a great sense of accomplishment.

  145. Doreen Borck Avatar
    Doreen Borck

    I do the binding right after it’s been quilted. Sometimes it takes years to get quilted, so once that’s done the binding takes no time. Those binding needles sound great!

  146. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    I quite enjoy sewing on bindings: it means the quilt is almost finished! I also find it a relaxing thing to do in the evening by the fire!

  147. Sandra Avatar

    The binding is the finishing touch, so I enjoy the process. I bind each quilt when I get it back from the quilter. I love seeing it all done.

  148. Cheryl Harrod Avatar
    Cheryl Harrod

    I find that I have always completed binding my quilts right after I finished quilting them. It is like completing the meal with the dessert. Knowing the finished quilt is very near spurs me to getting it done. I find it tedious but not as bad as other sewing jobs.

  149. liz n. Avatar
    liz n.

    I’m working on a quilt binding right now, and you’d think that after (mumbles number) years, I’d’ve heard of binding needles! I’ve always used betweens needles because they’re nice and sturdy, even if a bit short.

    I actually enjoy sewing the binding, even on giganto-sized quilts. It’s the last step before washing and sending the quilt on to whomever it’s been made for, and I get to put the quilting hoop away! 😉

  150. Sally Hurst Avatar
    Sally Hurst

    What a great selection of needles. I love that you put the description of the needles on the tube. So many times I’ve been given a pack of various types and sizes of needles, and I have no idea what they are for! As to the binding question, I don’t bind as much as I used to as my hands get tired (I have RA), but lately I’ve been doing a lot of small quilts and I do bind them. Thanks for all you do to make our lives easier!

  151. Mary Lou Ripper Avatar
    Mary Lou Ripper

    My gosh….Little Man is growing up so fast right before our eyes. Thank you for sharing. Mine are all adults now and miss the adorable age. Now they are just handsome and beautiful.
    I do love your needles and use them all the time now that I am hooked on wool. I threw out all the others I have bought threw the years.
    I love to bind quilts. I look forward to this step in my quilting as this is the next to final step to having another beautiful quilt finished. (final is the label) I even bind for my friend that is very ill. She is trying to get all her project done for her family before she dies. Give me great pleasure to spent time with her as she works her way threw this terrible process. That is what a friend does for her friend in need.

  152. Wendy Polsson Avatar
    Wendy Polsson

    I love binding quilts – it’s just about finished – such a great feeling. They don’t not wait – they are finished right away. Also, love that the needle tubes state what the needle should be used for.

  153. Ina Hacker Avatar
    Ina Hacker

    Binding is my down time activity. I bind as a passenger in a car and during TV time. Love it.

  154. Gale P. Avatar
    Gale P.

    Binding is one those handwork projects that you can do when your brain is not able to handle complicated thinking. It is relaxing and a stress reliever.

  155. Denise Davis Avatar
    Denise Davis

    I LOVE to bind!!!!!!

  156. Michelle Kupreisis Avatar
    Michelle Kupreisis

    I love hand stitching the binding because the quilt is almost done! Then on too another project.

  157. Bernice Avatar

    Binding my quilts is like putting the icing on the cake. Would like to try your needles.

  158. Deborah K. Avatar
    Deborah K.

    I hate to bind – absolutely hate it…..I have stacks of quilts that need to be bound. It is so embarrassing that my quilting friends have offered to bind them for me – I do not let them. However, once I actually bind one – I’m so pleased that I have completed an actual quilt! I will put it off – I have them from 10 years ago sitting in a pile!

  159. Donna Avatar

    I do like to bind my own quilts. These needles sound wonderful.

  160. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    I like to bind in the evening when watching a little TV~ I think it is really relaxing.

  161. wilma Avatar

    First of all awesome info on your needles. I love handwork so love my needles. Binding means finishing a quilt and those last stitches seal the love by hand in my books. Love binding, embroidery, wool work and embroidery. Merry Christmas ….

  162. Katherine Avatar

    enjoy binding my quilts — love having it draped on my lap while I stitch away

  163. Debby Avatar

    Binding is very relaxing and I can only imagine how nice it would be to use your needles.

    1. Susan Kerkendall Avatar
      Susan Kerkendall

      I don’t like to bind at all. I have a little baby quilt that has been waiting for 9 years to get a binding put on it. It is my least favorite part of quilting.

  164. Rose Offerdahl Avatar
    Rose Offerdahl

    I do love to do my own binding. The last finishing touch. For me it is soooo relaxing to just sit and bind watching a good movie, the grandchildren sitting next to me, just quiet time. I am excited to try these needles.

  165. Maryella Rawnsley Avatar
    Maryella Rawnsley

    Although I love every aspect of the making of my quilts, binding would be my most favoite part. To be able to sit back and hand sew the binding and peeking around each corner to see how beautiful it is turning out makes me smile. It’s a ‘feel good’ moment. So yes, I get to it right away.
    Your little man is adorable. Hoping your husband is gaining each day.
    Happy holidays.

  166. usairdoll Avatar

    Yes! Your little guy is a cutie! Great photo of him. I love binding. I love hand sewing so for me, it’s a joy and it’s the last step to being done, hehe.

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  167. Jan Smith Avatar
    Jan Smith

    I do like to bind quilts-that means I have completed one more! I don’t mind doing it because I like hand work. The only problem is the cat can’t find a good place to burrow up in for a while.

  168. Jo Anne G Hawks Avatar
    Jo Anne G Hawks

    I love to bind. I do it as soon as the quilting is done. Anxious to try your binding needle since I usually use one of my straw needles.

  169. Jan calvert Avatar
    Jan calvert

    I love to make binding and to sew on binding. I find hand sewing so relaxing! Precious little helper!,

  170. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    I enjoy binding because it finishes the quilt and now it’s ready to be used!! Would love to try your needles. I’ve used your other needles for years and they are great to work with.

  171. Linda B Avatar
    Linda B

    I don’t like to sew the binding, however, since I do not do my own quilting, I feel like I should have the last bit of sewing to ” finish” the quilt. And, it forces me to sit still and stitch for a day. And, such a good feeling when it is complete! Actually just finished sewing the binding on the Majic of Christmas quilt!

  172. Sharron Avatar

    I don’t mind binding at all. I do keep it for evening TV watching and when the quilt is done, the binding gets put on at once. Would love to try your needles.
    Your little man will make Christmas so much fun for you – I’m jealous!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours and all the best in 2018.

  173. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    Binding does not bother me. I like finishing projects.

  174. Debby Avatar

    I enjoy binding – any handwork actually. I do all my daughter-in-law’s bindings as well as my own. She’s a long-armed and we trade tasks. Love it. I definitely want to try some of your binding needles.

  175. Jeanne Humphrey Avatar
    Jeanne Humphrey

    Stitched on binding is going to be a new experience for me. I have always just cut backing bigger and turned under to the front and stitched by machine. I’m making a wall hanging of a Paris street scene for my granddaughter for Christmas and am going to try astitched on binding for it. Wish me luck!

  176. Mary Colley Avatar
    Mary Colley

    I love all your needles. They are all I use and I could never have enough.

  177. Pattie Davidson Avatar
    Pattie Davidson

    I Love to bind a quilt. The handsewing is so relaxing to me. I also know that this will finish my quilt! I always do the binding when I get my quilt back from the quilter. Thanks for the giveaway, I always Love needles.

  178. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I love to put binding on while watching tv! I have several quilts that need binding but I haven’t had time to make the binding! After Christmas I’ll have to put that on my to do list!!

  179. Barbara S Snyder Avatar
    Barbara S Snyder

    I don’t mind doing the binding. To me, it is the last lovely part of finishing a quilt and a time for reflection–what I could have done better, what I learned, what I need to learn, what do I need to focus on to make this kind of quilt better next time, etc.
    And that is one cute kid.

  180. Tami Avatar

    Binding is very difficult for me for some reason. I never learned to properly do it. Many people say it’s super easy. I have binding rulers and try my best at it, but it just doesn’t look crisp like other people’s binding. The corners are especially difficult. It is something that I would like to learn how to do better in the year to come.

  181. Bonita Zobl Avatar
    Bonita Zobl

    Binding is not a favorite of mine… But because of your comments on needles,I am ordering some binding needles and hopefully my attitude will improve . Lol

  182. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    I love to bind my quilts and am so excited you carry a needle good for this purpose. Love that you state what to use the needles for on the packaging. I have a bunch of needles and can never remember which one I’m supposed to use for a particular type of project. Baking with grandsons is the best. I have four of them (ages 5, almost 4, 2 and 6 months) and we made cookies last weekend.

  183. Debbie Miller Meyer Avatar

    Did you get an iphone 8 or 10? Hubby wants to buy me a new one because I have an iphone 5 for Christmas and my son got a 10 and he likes it, but I’m curious what others are getting or have already gotten. Thanks, Lisa and Merry Christmas !

  184. Melodee Avatar

    I like sewing the bindings on, once I get to that poin, I am anxious for the quilt to be done.

    1. Shirley Avatar

      Love the needles especially the binding needle. Bind my quilts, love that process.

  185. Jaye Avatar

    I do enjoy binding, it’s satisfying to have my project done and spend that last bit with it really habits chance to look it over. I’ll be placing an order for new needles for sure.

  186. Nan Avatar

    I love binding!! Also you never have enough needles!

  187. Nettie Avatar

    I don’t mind binding but I play it as a mind game as in, I complete all four corners first then as I stitch and end each length of thread on the needle I turn the quilt and start the next length of thread where I left off from the corner. Then when I get to the end of one side its not long before the next side is done and so on. Like I said, it’s a mind game..HAHAH

  188. Lois Oberg Avatar
    Lois Oberg

    I love to sit and bind a quilt and watch a movie or something I have DVR”d. I find handwork of any kind very relaxing. I usually try to get the binding done as soon after the quilting is done. I really like the word “DONE”!!!!

  189. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    I like binding, hand appliqué, knitting……anything that lets me sit, relax, and keep one eye on TV.

  190. Judy Davis Avatar
    Judy Davis

    I do not mind binding at all. I always make my binding when I finish my quilt top and label and put in a container until it is quilted. That way I do not use up the fabric for anything else. Love your all your needles, must try them all.

  191. Judyk Avatar

    I’m not sure I love to bind, but I’m always eager to get it done as it means I am finished with the project. My stack of quilts are waiting for quilting–not binding. I have great plans for the new year, let’s see if they pan out. Your chenille 24’s are my favorite.

  192. Tracy O’Briant Avatar
    Tracy O’Briant

    Binding – the perfect ending…❤️ To bind my quilts. I have never paid to have a quilt binded, didn’t know one could! Only have one on a pile to bind, although it’s been there for 15 years. Umm…maybe something else is holding it up!

  193. Patti Avatar

    I enjoy binding a quilt, and enjoy all parts of making a quilt. I also put the binding on right away, so no quilts are waiting for their binding to be stitched down. This is probably because I am up against a deadline for the quilt and need to get it done. Am going to check out your binding needles.

  194. Beverly Sensabaugh Avatar
    Beverly Sensabaugh

    I love binding. I enjoy sewing by hand.

  195. Cindy Schuberg Avatar
    Cindy Schuberg

    I just got a new phone too my 6 was losing battery all the time. I used your new binding needles for my last two quilts. Really like them. We stopped at your shop in September on our Anniversary Trip. Loved it!!!❤️

  196. Cindy L Stephenson Avatar
    Cindy L Stephenson

    hello, you are having the most fun 12 days of… I love doing binding it tells me that all my hard work is coming to an end and its time to think about the next project. I like it because it’s some I can do in my lap in our den watching some thing with Mike. Of course the last 3 years I have had my wool applique to work on too. since you gave us needles in our summer block of the week, I am not in need to buy any at this time, I know it’s a good deal but will have to save the money for another day. my Christmas prep is going ok, I was supposed to put the last gifts in the mail Friday but just finished putting the final touches on the (9 great nieces and nephews) wool ornaments complete. Monday for sure. I just started working on a couple quilted table mats for coworkers. I better get back at it or someone’s gifts will be late.

  197. Martha Campbell Avatar
    Martha Campbell

    First, Jace is precious! I HATE to put binding on my quilt. I love making the continuous bias binding and machine stitching it on but the hand stitching is way too slow for me. My unbound quilts stack up unfortunately!

  198. Sherrie Davis Avatar
    Sherrie Davis

    I don’t mind the binding at all. I bind the quilts right qway so I can get on to the next project.

  199. Charmaine Avatar

    I love that you print what the needles are for right on the package. That is just brilliant! You are so smart, Lisa!

  200. Michelle Avatar

    For me, doing the binding can be a necessary evil or a great sense of accomplishment depending on the project. I would say it’s about 50/50 on if I bind right away or put it off until later. Can’t wait to try the “binding” needles.

  201. Bernice Avatar

    I look forward to hand stitching my bindings. I always make my bindings while making the quilt top, so I’m ready to go once the quilting it done. I want to try Big Stitch hand quilting–just need to find some more hours in my week! Merry Christmas!

  202. Brenda Avatar

    I’m not a fan of sewing the binding on, however I don’t mind hand stitching it on I have never tried the binding needles.

  203. Karen Avatar

    I always bind my own quilts…I’d like to say I bind them right away, but I do have a few waiting in line!! Hope Nick is recovering well!! So much fun to bake with grandkids!! Had our annual cookie baking day with our daughter and granddaughter today!! Loved it!!

  204. Charmaine Avatar

    I bind all my own quilts and enjoy doing it! Looking forward to trying all your needles😊

  205. Liz Zaysoff Avatar
    Liz Zaysoff

    I love binding my quilts, I don’t do my own quilting, so its like the last finishing touch I get to put on them…I had no idea there were binding needles!!

  206. Suelynn Williams Avatar
    Suelynn Williams

    I do both – bind right away (I’m working on two at the moment), and I have two that have binding sewn on and need to be finished, UFO’s at this point. I like to bind. Finding time is the hard part unless I do it first thing in the morning!

  207. Lisa Aubrey Avatar
    Lisa Aubrey

    I enjoy binding. I know I am almost done and ready for the next project!

    1. Linda Cejnar Avatar
      Linda Cejnar

      I pay someone else to do my binding…I’m chicken to try it and don’t like hand-stitching too much. Although I did do a little EPP this year, and that wasn’t sooo bad.

  208. Dee Johnson Avatar
    Dee Johnson

    Gotta say, don’t love binding a large quilt, but love having the quilt finished. However, I can mull what’s next on my ufo list as I’m binding. Perhaps I need to try the binding needles. I love my wool needles. And yes Lisa your grandson is adorable!

  209. Kimberly Anne Brandt Avatar

    Love to hand bind….I find it very Zen….I get in my zone and stitch away happily :0) Thanks for the chance to win and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  210. Paula Avatar

    It’s very probable that I have never used the correct needle for anything (sigh). I bet I would love handwork even more if I won these! I’ve only made one quilt and I did hand bind it. I loved it! It was relaxing

  211. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I love to bind, I find the hand stitching calming. Though I forget how long it can take sometimes and have one pending that’s half finished. I still have lots of Christmas prep to do yet! Hoping to kick it in high gear tomorrow lol. Your grandson is adorable!! Hugs, Jakey

  212. Alberta Bailie Avatar
    Alberta Bailie

    I enjoy binding my quilts. I always use a double fold bias binding. I like to do my own stitching and am really particular about the corners. I have a BOW quilt ready to be bound. It is gorgeous- the one with words. My hand quilter said it took alot of thread!! Love sharing – a show and tell with my quilting group – when a quilt gets back from the quilter. I enjoy hand quilting but don’t get alot of that done – applique gets done eve’s. Thanks for asking.

  213. Christina Altelaar Avatar
    Christina Altelaar

    Jace is so cute. I do love to bind.

  214. Beverly Avatar

    Binding is my favorite part of quilting. Just waiting for the return of my long armed quilt to return so i can bind it. I currently use a millners needle but the eye is so darn small. Would love to order yours and still may but shipping costs are so steep over borders. Hope you have a great holiday and get to do some hand quilting in 2018.

  215. Lauren Devantier Avatar
    Lauren Devantier

    Binding is my go to project while watching hockey with my husband. If only I had more finished quilts to bind….!

  216. Laura Williams Avatar
    Laura Williams

    Binding is the best part. Love snuggling under a big quilt, feeling the quilted lines and admiring the colors. It’s like rereading a favorite book. You know the characters and get to visit with them again.

  217. JennyM Avatar

    I bind my quilts right away. I don’t look forward to doing it but love having the finished quilt.

  218. Anne Avatar

    I am not a fan of binding…fortunately I have friends who love to do it!

  219. Linda Osgood Avatar
    Linda Osgood

    I bind my quilts when I finish them. But I have a sister who has 2 beautiful quilts she made about 25 years that are still not bound. She has had many offers by friends and myself to bind them. Maybe a new tube of needles will inspire her.

  220. Carol Nelms Avatar
    Carol Nelms

    I do not like binding but do it….
    I have been meaning to try your binding needles.

  221. Karen Avatar

    I happen to love hand sewing my quilt binding. I find it very therapeutic. 98% of my quilts are given away so I get a few hours to enjoy them before they go live elsewhere.

  222. Lj Avatar

    I do not mind binding at all. Either hand or machine depending on timeframe. Thanks!

  223. Margaret Mossing Avatar
    Margaret Mossing

    Wow, I think it is great that your packages of needles are labeled for what theycan be used for. I love doing binding on my quilts as it is a calming relaxing time for me.

    1. Annette F. Avatar
      Annette F.

      I don’t really mind binding, although I usually do save it while mindlessly watching TV and/or when my husband is driving and we are doing errands or on road trips. It is almost therapeutic !

  224. Carmen N. Avatar
    Carmen N.

    Binding my quilts is the best part! So relaxing! I always cut my binding as soon as the quilt is finished so when it comes back from the quilter it is ready to be stitched on. Then it’s on to the next project.

  225. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I love sewing the binding on my quilts while watching tv. I have some of your needles and love them.

  226. Kathy Decker Avatar
    Kathy Decker

    I don’t mind binding – don’t love or hate it. It is nice to be completely done with a quilt once the binding is on! I like your new binding needles. I always used a short needle, but these new long ones are great.

  227. Patricia Anderson Avatar
    Patricia Anderson

    Not so crazy about the machine sewing part of binding but love the hand sewing part–very relaxing and feels so good to be near completion of the quilt! Thanks for the giveaway! I am curious about your binding needles!

  228. Steph M Avatar
    Steph M

    I love that you have them labeled what they are used for! Brilliant! Nothing worse than pulling out needles that don’t work for what you need. These are on my needful things list!

  229. Gloria Avatar

    I don’t like to see the binding to the quilt because I can’t remember how to join the two ends and always need to look up a video but I enjoy finishing the binding by hand. I do believe the quilt grows in size as I bind!

  230. Katherine S Avatar
    Katherine S

    I love binding by hand! Looking forward to trying your binding needles as I have a hard time finding the right needle

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