Moda Block Heads 2 Finishing…

Today Corey’s block 52 will post!!It is the final block to the here to go and print your block 52!  We are all amazed at how fast these weeks fly by…kind of scary???

I have been thinking hard about this quilt and how I wanted to finish it…so I have come up with a little tiny twist that I will be sharing the directions (measurements) for while I am putting mine together, but most of you can probably figure it out…for those of you who cannot, I will get to it…I promise…I will be posting my blocks that I have not yet completed here and promise to finish this quilt…but my schedule is (still) crazy the first half of the year…after Quilt Market it will be much more relaxed than it is now…but here is a peek at what I have come up with for the finishing…I will be plugging my colored blocks into it, but as you can see I just used the blocks moda supplied to see how it will work…and this gives you the idea of how we separated them…it will finish 80″x 86″ as is…if you need it bigger you can add a border…6″ border will give you 92″x 98 so adjust as needed as well…just keep following my blog to not miss anything!!!!

LisaBongean/PrimitiveGatherings BH2 Finishing
Primitive Gatherings Finishing Layout/Lisa Bongean

I want to THANK everyone who supported us during this SAL especially those of you who now FOLLOW US on our social media platforms, who BUY from us directly or
LOOK  and ASK for our products in your local quilt shops…OR even TALKING  and spreading the word about us is supporting us…as you know all you have to do is be EXCITED about what you are doing and share it and that someone has to be in on it too!

If you want to continue to see these great projects…you have to be a part of it too!  

To celebrate the reveal of the last block I am going to do a give-away!!!! Please comment and tell me how many blocks you have completed so far and something you have learned during Block Heads or if you already know everything tell me something funny or why stitching is so important to you…I will pick a couple of winners, and promise some fun prizes!!!

Bye… for now from the sunny port of Valencia Spain!!!  I have been gone two weeks now…is if kind of funny that I miss my sewing studio the most????? …LB





109 responses to “Moda Block Heads 2 Finishing…”

  1. Jonnie Nottingham Avatar
    Jonnie Nottingham

    Hi, Lisa. Unfortunately, life is keeping me from spending much time with needle and thread right now. I follow your blog and love your posts. I now have more Primitive Gatherings kits, fabric, wool and patterns in my stash than anything else. I absolutely LOVE your work. I’ve also spent some time talking with you at Festival in Houston. I enjoy your down-to-earth approach to everything and that you always think about us as quilters and how you can make things easier and work better for us. Thank you for what you do!


    I have 4 blocks to go (a 3 week trip to Texas stopped my progress); I realized my least favorite sizes are the 6 1/2″ blocks with tiny pieces….they were a challenge.

  3. Linda Andrews Avatar
    Linda Andrews

    Points, points, points..always good to have more practice in my world, so getting them right is very satisfying. Also working with applique is always calming. Hope your cruise is wonderful.

  4. Leigh Ann Avatar
    Leigh Ann

    I only have 4 done!!😩😩😩 I work full time & had projects for customers to get done but going on a retreat & hope to get a Bunch done!!

  5. Lynn Helmke Avatar
    Lynn Helmke

    Good Morning from cold Wisconsin! You’re lucky you’re missing out on this new system! I’ve finished 50 blocks, still working on #51 with its 5000 pieces. 🙂 I’ve learned that I CAN do teeny, futzy blocks, but I’ve also learned that I need to retire before I can do them well. I used your fat quarter kit for my quilt and I love it! Thanks for your participation, so much fun each week!

  6. marie Beers Avatar
    marie Beers

    I kept up til January then my time became busy with making Quilt of Valor quilts to be displayed in a dinner in the orchard fund raiser for our local vets museum. Hopefully when it’s over in May I can get back to make the rest of the blocks. Stitching daily is part of my life and it would be empty without it. Most of my patterns belong to you and meeting you at Quilt Con in Nashville was a thrill, it’s amazing one person has so much talent. Keep up the good work.

  7. Sandra McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra McDaniel

    I have every block finished that you have shown because I bought your fabric and love the colors….can’t wait to finish! That color combination will look fabulous in my house.

  8. Glenna C Denman Avatar
    Glenna C Denman

    I do love the symmetry of your setting, thank you for sharing it. I have only made a few blocks so far. I have too many irons in the fire right now, but I have saved them all and plan to continue working on it, and especially now that you have shown your setting.

  9. Susan Smith Avatar
    Susan Smith

    I love your layout, gives a bit of a calming effect! are the spacers 2.5 in strips?

  10. Quilter 501 Avatar
    Quilter 501

    I’ve finished only 20 blocks but am sure I’ll finish them all ….love them!

  11. Digitabulist Avatar

    Loved BH1 and BH2. In fact, I bought your fabrics for BH@ and just love them. I am about a third done as caring for Mom has become time consuming, so not much time for sewing right now. However, I’ve printed out all the directions and the blocks that you have finished to give me a starting point for my fabric choices. Looking forward to seeing the rest of your completed blocks, too. Really like your layout, so will be paying close attention! Thank you for all the time and effort you have devoted to this project.

  12. Linda Munn Avatar
    Linda Munn

    Love your layout !

  13. Dottie Jackson Avatar
    Dottie Jackson

    I have about 40 of the blocks done but I am working on catching up and rather than going in numerical order, I’m working on completing what I need to complete a section so I can now see it coming together and I just love it. Moda Blockheads 1 and 2 have been so much fun and I learn something with each and every block that I do. A huge thank you to you and all the Blockheads for their designs and all they do!

  14. Chris Day Avatar
    Chris Day

    I have 20 blocks done. I think the most important thing I learned is that quilting is not a race. Take your time. Your work will reflect your patience.

  15. jeanneray86 Avatar

    I have all 52 blocks finished as well as some of the alternate blocks which I will use on the back of my quilt.
    I love the variety of simple and challenging blocks.
    Thanks for all you do!

  16. Jean Avatar

    Having just built a home and moved in last fall, I just got back to quilting a month ago after not sewing for a year. So, I have not sewn any blocks, but plan to start pulling fabrics for my Blockhead blocks. Thank you for bringing us another amazing quilt. Looking forward to seeing new things in the months ahead.

  17. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I’ve made exactly zero blocks, but I have learned how to make good use of my printer! Your trip sounds awesome–so envious!

  18. carol Avatar

    I have five blocks completed. Other blocks are cut ready to start. There are so many blocks and so much work to do in my life. Out of balanced. I need a smaller project. Beautiful quilt though.

  19. Paula Appelt Avatar
    Paula Appelt

    We are fast approaching another winter storm here as we are located at the “intersection” of Iowa, South Dakota, and Nebraska. Winter snow days are always good to sit and sew all day long while the wind and snow blow around outside. I have made many of the blocks and will finish all of them. I love the projects you put out for us to do. I always learn something new with each one.

  20. Kathy J Avatar
    Kathy J

    I have not made a single block but I do try to do something quilty every day. Some days the only time I have for stitching is in the car line at school pickup time. Wool projects are the best for that – lots of your patterns & wools have been there with me!

  21. Kim Friesen Avatar
    Kim Friesen

    I have yet to start any blocks, but plan to make this quilt when time allows. I love the different sizes of blocks that are included. It is different than anything else I have ever thought of doing.

  22. Deborah Thomas Avatar
    Deborah Thomas

    I have no blocks completed but I’ve printed out them all. Twilight Garden consumed all of my time but that is finished now and I can move on

  23. elizabeth a hinze Avatar
    elizabeth a hinze

    zero : (
    But I printed them all off…
    does that count

  24. Kay Ahr Avatar
    Kay Ahr

    I think I have 20 of the blocks done. I make lap quilts to give away. The biggest thing I have gotten from BH2 is my weekly access to Electric Quilt. I wanted to make the foundation paper-piecing sheets so that I would be forced to (or have a good excuse to) put in time learning more about my software every week. And I’ve learned a lot about choosing sections of a block for paper piecing. Now I want to learn how to design those quilts that do not have regular grids — like the ones y’all have come up with including all 52 blocks. You have inspired me! And somehow I am going to design a row-by-row quilt using some blocks from BH1 and BH2.

  25. Vicki A Avatar
    Vicki A

    A big thank you for the time you and the others have spent in contributing to this project. I have all the blocks completed with the exception being the last and final block! I used your liberty gathering fat quarter collection. I think my accuracy has vastly improved and I feel a whole lot more proficient on those smaller pieces and actually enjoy them far more than the larger blocks.

  26. Mary Durham Avatar
    Mary Durham

    I have made about a dozen blocks, but hope to catch up this summer. I have learned, once again, that there just isn’t enough time in the day for everything I’d like to do!

  27. Becci Avatar

    I am slow. Life is the way. I’ve made 3 blocks. But I will finish! Love the blockheads . Enjoy seeing, doing and the inspiration! Just finished The Magic of Christmas pattern. Love it. Some very hard blocks!

  28. Mary Colley Avatar
    Mary Colley

    I am up to date on the blocks and am looking forward to putting it together

  29. Terri W Avatar
    Terri W

    None! 😣Still working on Blockheads 1, plus a dozen or so other ufo’s. I think I have A.D.D!
    Hope your having a wonderful trip!

  30. Susan Salo Avatar
    Susan Salo

    I’ve really enjoyed the tips given by some of the designers along the way. I still have far to go but am so inspired by the layouts and looking forward to finishing.

  31. Kathy R Avatar
    Kathy R

    I skipped around a bit to do the blocks you posted as I ordered the kit from PG. I loved the gray focus fabric although I normally am not a gray person. I’m a little over half way done I think. Can’t wait to see your finish and have really enjoyed following along. It’s always fun to see everyone’s color choices too!

  32. Clara Avatar

    Opening the Blockhead 2 blog posts has been an activity I’ve looked forward to each Wednesday. I love to see the variety of color used by each designer. Sewing the 6″ finished blocks has been a challenge but I’m learning that starch can a key to accuracy. Thanks to you for the inspiration!!

  33. Janet Avatar

    Thank you for sharing all your talent with us !! I always follow you and your fabric line with my credit card !! Can’t wait to see how you finish this quilt !

  34. Nancy Daly Avatar

    Hi Lisa!
    I’ve learned to do applique by turning the edges under! I Blockheads 1, this was so challenging, but this time, I decided to just push through and I love the way this technique provides definition and a gentler edge to the appliqued pieces. I also like your layout – it’s organized and showcases each of the blocks so they stand apart and therefore fit together so well!.

  35. Judi Smith Avatar
    Judi Smith

    Thank you so much for your wonderful designs!! I did BH1 and Magic of Christmas, but along came life….so I picked out the 6” blocks from BH2 to make a throw quilt. Those little blocks are my addiction! Can’t wait to see what comes next!

  36. Beth Avatar

    2 to go and I’m hoping to do them today. I learned that a quieter background is better in the smaller blocks…some of mine are crazy! Enjoy Valencia..they have the best paella!

  37. Belinda Avatar

    I have completed 51 of the 52 blocks and can’t wait to do the last one! I have loved having this weekly challenge and am pleased with the quilt’s design. I learned to be very careful in sewing blocks together–too large or too small of a seam will make a difference in the block size! I also learned to use Lisa’s trick of starching those small pieces for a much better result! Thank you for your contributions to this endeavor. Oh what fun!!

  38. Shirley Avatar

    51 finished doing 52 today. Learned alot especially picking fabrics and color. Enjoyed this project very much.

  39. Laurel Huyvaert Avatar
    Laurel Huyvaert

    Have not started. But bought your fabric collection and have all the instructions printed out… making it my summer project and looking forward to seeing how you set it….

  40. Cynthia Avatar

    Just finished reading your blog – haven’t looked at the last block yet. Just this last one to do. Sadly I thought you weren’t doing a finish for Round 2 and continued with the original setting. I did do your finish for Round 1 and love it. Can’t wait to see this one.

  41. Sandy Thornock Avatar
    Sandy Thornock

    Lisa, love BH’s! I have learned how to think outside the box in colors and putting the blocks together. Love Wednesday and look forward to what is coming. And like your layout with the smashing in it. Gives the eyes a rest. Thanks for all the designers who have done this. I Have All 52 Blocks Done!

  42. Mindy Avatar

    I haven’t made any of the blocks, yet. I haven’t taken the time to sit down and decide on what fabrics I want to use. I am leaning repro. I have LOVED reading the designer’s blogs, their color choices and methods and familiarizing myself with fabric lines and patterns they create. Moda’s sew alongs are well done and sew much fun. Thanks to all of the designers!!!!

  43. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    I see that there are others like me, that have not made the blocks. But, they are on my to-do list.

  44. Margie F. Avatar
    Margie F.

    I have made every block, just need to make the final one released today, then put it all together. Yay! This has been so much fun. I’ve learned that I really like scrappy, sampler quilts with different sized blocks!

  45. Angela Avatar

    I’ve printed all the BH1 & BH2 patterns, put them in clear sheet protectors and into a binder … and I haven’t made a single block! 😳
    I have so many patterns in my to-do list; unfortunately, I’m adding to the list faster than I am completing quilts on the list. 🤨
    Spain is an amazing place as I’m sure all your ports have been spectacular. I so wanted to join you on your cruise … maybe next time.

  46. usairdoll Avatar

    Love your setting! I don’t have very many blocks done but it’s slow and steady right? My son is transferring back to Camp Pendleton in a few months and buying a house in the Temecula area. I’m super excited as I’ll be able to visit your store in Murrieta this summer! Woot! Woot!

    Safe travels! Love that you share your life with us! Take care!

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  47. SANDY G Avatar

    Sadly I haven’t made any of the blocks yet, but I’ve saved all the patterns and plan on getting started soon. I love seeing all the different fabric choices and I’ve been so inspired by everyone’s great work, but I’ve also changed my mind about 50 times on how I want mine to look. I love your layout Lisa, I think it will help the blocks stand out. Can’t wait to see the finished quilt. Enjoy the rest of your vacation, don’t hurry back they’re predicting snow!

  48. Kathy H Avatar
    Kathy H

    I love your finishing of the blocks! I have learned that I have too many projects going to keep up with all of it. Guess I need to quit working 🙂 I have collected all of these, but have not started yet. I will be doing it soon.
    Thank you for all that you share with us and all the work that goes into that. Love, love, love your designs!!

  49. Rhonda Colton Avatar
    Rhonda Colton

    I am moving slowly-I have only finished half the blocks.

  50. Alycia Maurer Avatar
    Alycia Maurer

    Hi there! I finished block 51 on Monday. I’ve stayed caught up with BH2! Something new I learned how to do during BH2 is using triangle papers! They’ve made my HSTs so much more accurate and quick to do. More accurate HSTs means more accurate blocks. I can see improvement throughout the progression of the blocks. I love your layout alternative.

  51. Roxie Simonton Avatar
    Roxie Simonton

    I have 20 blocks done. Have cut several more. Just not enough time in a day. I am retired and still can’t keep up. But it will get done. I love the projects each week. Thank you and all the other designers.

  52. Janet O. Avatar

    Not following along, actually–though I follow your blog without fail. Senior parent care severely restricts sewing time for now, but it is what matters most. I just wanted to say that your layout is beautiful–can’t wait to see it in your colors!

  53. kade Avatar

    I have 48 of them done. Hope to get the rest finished this week. I have really enjoyed this project because I have learned not to stress if I fall behind, it will eventually get done.

  54. Kathy Gilman Avatar
    Kathy Gilman

    Lisa, thank you so much for your contributions to the stitch a long. This is the FIRST stitch a long that I have participated in AND kept up to date (generally). I loved every block, and I stretched my skills by making pieced replacement blocks for the applique blocks. I used Primitive Gatherings fabrics and will set the blocks using your alternate layout. Can’t wait to complete the quilt! Thanks again!

  55. bobbie rumler Avatar
    bobbie rumler

    enjoy reading your site, you can do anything, and still have energy for more (travel) I’m not doing the BlockHeads but really in aw of you all thanks for an enjoyable computer time…..

  56. Ramona Johnson Avatar
    Ramona Johnson

    I have completed 50 of the blocks. A road trip has kept me out of my sewing room. What I’ve learned?? That I make progress with other projects when I have weekly deadlines. I’m in the sewing mojo anyhow, so might as well work on other things. This has been a wonderful experience and I’m looking forward to BH3.

  57. Wynona Avatar

    I look forward every week to the mystery blocks and each designers surprising interpretations, I incorporate many of the blocks in my charity quilts for the children hospital and learn new techniques every time. Thnx for all the inspiration you all bring! Know that you touch many people!

  58. J Whitney Avatar
    J Whitney

    I have 50 blocks completed and 3 sections sewn together. Just waiting on those last 2 blocks. I have learned that I do not like basket blocks turned on their sides. OCD

  59. Hildy Avatar

    I was really good with starting my blocks but back in September I fell of the train. What was really hard for me was not knowing the layout because of the different block sizes and I came up with my own for the first blocks. I still need to sew them together but after doing this I already have enough blocks for two samll quilts. I’ll download all the blocks and setting instructions and perhaps somedayI’ll make this quilt.
    What I learned from this sew-along i that I really need to stay on track otherwise I’m lost;-)

  60. Judy Zei Avatar
    Judy Zei

    44 Done! The last one looks pretty quick so that will help. I have a quilt retreat to attend in a couple weeks and hope to have all the blocks done before I go. If the weather stays as crappy as they are predicting it should be a “no brainer”! Snow again. It’s really getting old. This was a really good way to keep us focused on precision. I love being challenged. What I learned is DO NOT use a directional background! It’s way more work. (But again, a challenge!) Enjoy your trip. Sounds amazing!

  61. Lillie Guitreau Avatar
    Lillie Guitreau

    This is a first for me to work with such small pieces and detail. I tried block one just to see if I could do it. I did and decided to continue. I have 43 blocks completed. I can’t wait to see it all together. It has been fun!

  62. Katherine Avatar

    well, no blocks done although fabric choices have been made. Too many things happening (LIFE!) that demand 1st priority but hoping there will be a bit of a slow down at some point that will mean time for my blocks. Love your layout – so very original and interesting and SO you!
    Sure don’t know everything so here’s your “something funny” – my youngest (the smart aleck!) says he’s glad I quilt because it keeps me out of the bars at night!

  63. Sharon Henson Avatar
    Sharon Henson

    I have finished 50 blocks, my full time job gets in the way of full time sewing. I have enjoyed this QAL just as much as I did Blockheads 1. Many thanks to all the designers for giving of their time and talents.

  64. Pat Spurgeon Avatar
    Pat Spurgeon

    I’ve completed 44 blocks and plan to sew this weekend to complete some more. During Blockheads 1, I kept caught up every week. With Blockheads 2 what I’ve learned is that “it’s not brain surgery” and I’ll get the blocks done when they get done. Am enjoying seeing everyone’s color choices and am looking forward to seeing completed quilt tops.

  65. Terry Richardson Avatar
    Terry Richardson

    I have all the blocks done! It was hard to choose colors every week not knowing what the finial layout would be.
    I really like your layout much better and I plan to use yours – can’t wait to see your finished quilt!

  66. Teressa Avatar

    The alternate layout is tempting!!! I have made 51 blocks and am about to work on # 52! Doing some piecing and/or a little applique EVERY WEEK is making me a better quilter. Seeing the incredible variety of interpretations for each new block has me thinking about using colors and combinations that so far I’ve avoided. Many, many thanks to Moda and all the designers.

  67. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    Hello from sunny Arizona! I have really enjoyed the Moda Blockheads 2 quilt-a-long. It’s the first time I have participated in something like this. I loved learning new techniques and seeing other quilter’s blocks. I have been stalled at Block 26 (life keeps happening) but am working on finishing the whole quilt! I love your block with all the little half square triangles-my favorites! Making those with foundation paper piecing is surely the best way to do them!!

  68. Barbara Alenci Avatar
    Barbara Alenci

    So excited to have kept up with the blocks, just have this block to finish. Really enjoyed the entire process. Making only one block (sometimes it was 3) blocks a week let me have the luxury of time to do some great piecing! Hope that there will be another coming up!. I am presently working on my Blockhead 1 from last year. I am making it like yours and it is taking quite a bit of time to piece all of those triangles, but I am loving it!!!! Thanks for all your inspiration.

  69. Carol C Avatar
    Carol C

    I have printed out all the block patterns and I dutifully check all the maker’s blogs each week. I really look forward to Wednesday mornings so I can see the new block. I’m really really going to miss that. Since I haven’t started making blocks for this quilt yet, maybe I’ll start next Wednesday and make my first bunch of blocks. I think I could be finished by the end of June but we’ll see. Something else may interrupt my plan.

  70. Diane W Avatar
    Diane W

    I have 3 more to go. So, 49 done. I loved this and hope to do it again. Learned alot of different block styles and techniques.

  71. Lorraine Hofmann Avatar
    Lorraine Hofmann

    Not a one! I did make AND finish Blockheads 1 and it will be in the Vermont Quilt Festival this year! If you plan on going, make sure you look for it. 😉

  72. Diane Jacob Avatar
    Diane Jacob

    Lisa – thank you for your design work on this awesome BH2 project! I’ve completed all 52 blocks, including #31 – my first curved piecing ever. Overall, I’ve gained so much skill with accuracy – love the tiny pieces. Looking forward to BH3, and hope you’re one of the designers. Next time I promise to do ALL the appliqué versions.

  73. Polly Perkins Avatar
    Polly Perkins

    I have only the last 2 blocks to finish and have parts 1 and 3 together. Wish I would have waited as I like your setting better, Oh well, the first setting will be just fine. Love doing Moda Blockheads 1 and 2. Hope for 3 to come in the near future. Makes Wednesdays so much better.

  74. Judy Snider Avatar
    Judy Snider

    I’m very good at collecting the patterns. I’ve learned from looking at all the wonderful blocks from MB2 that you need a color or fabric plan. This keeps all the different blocks looking great together. Thanks to all the designers!

  75. Janet Avatar

    I loved your blocks. You’re not afraid of teeny tiny pieces and those blocks are the most fun to make. I can’t wait to see your setting!!

  76. Linda Avatar

    I only have 8 completed but have faithfully printed them and follow the FB Moda Blockheads page, I get lots of inspiration from the page and want to thank all of the designers this year. Hoping for. BH3!

  77. Kari Stutzman Avatar
    Kari Stutzman

    I have done 40 blocks so far . I had a car accident in August that slowed me down. I am catching up though. I have learned so much and have been kind to myself by letting there be mistakes. I laid them all out the other day and they are really busy. I am not sure how to calm the quilt down. Maybe your layout will help. I have learned that i love this creative art and it helps my brain to calm itself. Thank you to all the designers for their wonderful patterns. I have totally enjoyed the journey.

  78. Dawn Haas Avatar
    Dawn Haas

    I am beyond excited to have 50 blocks done — woohoo!!! This was a huge stretch for me to choose “random” block colors without knowing how they will all come together … Thank you and the other designers for the challenge =) This will be a treasure and a story to share one day as many prayers, for my beautiful adult girls, are wrapped in these blocks as I cut & sewed each week! Love It!!!

  79. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    I’ve only had time to make a few, but have saved every one. I can also see using isolated blocks for smaller projects or as fillers where needed. Perhaps the best thing I’ve learned is to pace myself and not beat myself up when life gets in the way! Loving your layout!

  80. Sandy Davis Avatar
    Sandy Davis

    I’m a little over half done. I have definitely learned to measure 3 times, cut once! Lol

  81. Patricia Avatar

    I have loved participating in Blockheads 2. My piecing skills have improved so much and I have learned to challenge myself more in trying new things. I have all the blocks completed except for block 52 – which posted today. I was also introduced to new designers I hadn’t seen before – so much fun! Thank you to all the designers for a great Sew along!!

  82. Brandy Lynn Gilea Avatar
    Brandy Lynn Gilea

    Lisa, I’ve learned sooooon much. Color placement and selection, curved seams, tiny pieces, mirror images, pattern reading, attention to detail, persistence and most of all, I learned to let go of my strive for perfection and enjoy the process. I was late to join but have completed 45. The larger ones are my last. Thank you for your time, expertise, creativity and dedication.

  83. debbbeerae Avatar

    Thank you for all your hard work! I did Moda BH2 in 2 colorways and have done over 3/4 off the blocks twice! I learned new skills and will use them over and over again

  84. Becki Avatar

    Quilting was and is very important to me as friend got me started after our son passed away . She would cut and read instructions and I would sew . This sewing helped me heal. To this day if have not sewed for some time I feel restless inside. Through quilting I have made many fantastic friends.

  85. Kris D Avatar
    Kris D

    Thank you for the giveaway. I have completed the first two blocks. I’ve learned that trying to make this solely with charm packs, collected over the years, is INSANE. Love your work.

  86. Gayle Avatar

    I have only 19 blocks done so far but have started working on them once again. I am doing it in scrappy yellow, gray and black, not sure how the appliqué will look may have to add orange. Thank you for doing this I have thoroughly enjoyed following along with everyone and seeing what is going on in the quilting world.

  87. Becky Herron Avatar
    Becky Herron

    I have only one block left to complete. I have started sewing the blocks together but I love the thought of separating the blocks with sashing to show the blocks off. When with a basic red, cream and blue color palette, the layout is very busy. I have taken the suggestion from Jo Morton of clipping the seams to be able to stagger the seams when setting the blocks together. I had a great time with this project. I watched BH1 from a distance but decided to get into BH2 and had so much fun. Thanks so much to the designers for their creativity.

  88. Becky Herron Avatar
    Becky Herron

    I have only one block left to complete. I have started sewing the blocks together but I love the thought of separating the blocks with sashing to show the blocks off. Even with a basic red, cream and blue color palette, the layout is very busy. I have taken the suggestion from Jo Morton of clipping the seams to be able to stagger the seams when setting the blocks together. I had a great time with this project. I watched BH1 from a distance but decided to get into BH2 and had so much fun. Thanks so much to the designers for their creativity.

  89. Kathy nienhuis Avatar
    Kathy nienhuis

    I’ve loved waiting for the new blocks each week and have all of blocks done, yea me! I learned to better trust myself to make small changes to the blocks/layout of the quilt, individualizing it to make it my own. I am also proud to have only used my stash, in keeping with my promise to be on a “fabric diet”.

  90. Mary Avatar

    I have none completed. I am trying to finish four entries for my guild’s quilt show. I love the variety.

  91. karlasal Avatar

    I haven’t had a chance to make any blocks, but I’ve been collecting them. Too many other projects started! I have my first grandbaby on the way, so next quilt is a baby quilt! But I’ve been loving seeing all the completed blocks!

  92. needleminder Avatar

    I’ve collected all the patterns, and pulled fabrics five or six times. Then decide I like something else better and second guess myself. So, what I’ve learned is to WAIT! Which is why I have five blocks in five totally unrelated color schemes.

  93. Kyra Franz Avatar
    Kyra Franz

    I have completed all 52 blocks and sewn each of the four quadrants together. I really like your layout, Lisa. Wish I had waited now. I already have borders and backing for its current size. What have I learned? I jumped in and learned paper piecing for some of these blocks. Most importantly from Blockheads 1, I learned to starch before cutting. Something I thought I would never do. It’s a tremendous help on small pieces.

  94. Donna Fryman Avatar
    Donna Fryman

    I have completed 51 blocks. It has been a fun year. I have learned patience and learned to take my time on each block to get the results I dream of. Thanks for sharing your time and talents with us.

  95. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    I have printed off all the patterns and have really enjoyed seeing what everyone has done with them and all the different color ways. I haven’t been able to start mine yet. I have other projects that need to get finished first.
    Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I’m excited to see what you will do with yours. Have a great trip.

  96. Caryl Brix Avatar
    Caryl Brix

    Thank you blockheads one and two! I learned that appliqué and pieced blocks go together very nicely!

  97. Carmen N Avatar
    Carmen N

    I don’t plan to start until I finish a large current project first. I have fabrics pulled and read all the post about the blocks. It’s going to be so much fun to sew. What I have learned is all about color- don’t over think it, just sew it.

  98. Kristie Michalowski Avatar
    Kristie Michalowski

    I need to do blocks 50-52. Most of it is sewn together so the last few will yield my quilt top done! I’ve learned a lot from doing the blockheads 2 qal. I’ve sewn blocks that I have not sewn before, learned some new techniques, but mostly I let myself play with the fabrics I chose and the placement of them…some worked some not so much but I left them…I found that when sewn together with the other blocks they worked just fine. Thanks all designers and Moda for this great qal.

  99. Julie Avatar

    So far I have made around 25 blocks using Halloween fabrics. Still plugging away at it and hope to eventually finish all the blocks. One thing I’ve learned or already knew but have been reminded of is color/fabric placement. When you make a teeny tiny star and surround it with a busy fabric it gets lost. So – oh happy day – you get to make it again. Live (sew) and learn. Thanks so much for being a part of the SAL. I’ve enjoyed seeing everyone’s blocks come together.

  100. Cathy Clark Avatar
    Cathy Clark

    Lisa I sure hope you get to enjoy some of Spain. I’ll be looking for your photos in up coming Blogs as I travel through the eyes of others. I’m afraid I’ve only gotten to block 30. I use your 6 inch square ruler(with 1/8″ markings) a lot, for all blocks and have appreciated how accurate it is! I have learned how to press open seams so they lay better then ever before. I can’t wait to see your finished BH2. I am betting it will be nothing short of gorgeous. Have Fun!!

  101. Shannon Avatar

    I still have about a dozen to go. I stopped counting, but now that I see and LOVE your lay out, I am going to lay all my squares out. I was waiting until I saw a final design , so that I could choose my fabric wisely to create a nice layout and a quilt I would enjoy. I have learned that too many prints in a 6” block doesn’t work. I started using more solid colors and repeating one printed fabric for continuity. After quilting for the last 15 years, I love that every quilt I make teaches me something new!

  102. Lynne Peck Avatar
    Lynne Peck

    I can’t believe it, but I finished all 52 blocks! My skills have definitely improved during the process and I’ve challenged myself to work with the seams to get the blocks to lay flat. I did finally learn to snip & twist when seams cross each other, took me forever to figure it out but came in handy on block 52! Thank you to all you designers for giving your time. I like the smashing idea you’ve presented, may try it myself!

  103. Donna Sproston Avatar
    Donna Sproston

    I have five blocks left to make, but the fabric is selected and the pieces cut which for me is the biggest challenge.I do have a large pile of whoops-wrong-choice-what-was-I-thinking squares and rectangle of assorted sizes. The first few blocks were such a shot in the dark. Next time I plan to stock up on your tiny triangles papers and maintain my sanity. Thanks for the layout too. The symmetry pleases my ocd and the sashing is definitely a plus.

  104. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    I already know that your finished quilt will be spectacular! Unfortunately I have not completed one block as of today.

  105. Tina B Avatar
    Tina B

    I’ve finished half of the blocks. Just finished up my first sampler quilt which slowed me down so things should go faster now. I always try to learn something new when I do a new quilt. I try a new technique or new way of piecing blocks or resizing blocks to build new skills. I learned your technique for starching fabrics for piecing small blocks accurately….came in very handy so thank you so much. I had been a little intimidated to try a mystery quilt, but after seeing how beautiful blockheads one turned out I thought I would give the second quilt along a try. I think the most difficult part is deciding a colorway. It’s hard not to get hung up on if everything will come together. I really like how you placed the sashing; it helps to give the blocks some breathing room and shows them off nicely. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent. Have a relaxing trip…you deserve it!!

  106. Irene Avatar

    Love all your patterns… Havent done any Block Heads yet, busy finishing off my triangle gatherings… Hoping to start soon… Enjoy your time in Spain….. Irene, from a sunny Cyprus…

  107. Quilter Kathy Avatar

    I have loved the Blockheads adventures! I have finished 26 blocks which I guess is exactly half.
    I can’t wait to see your layout!

  108. Linda Avatar

    I have saved all 52 blocks for MBH2, and the MBH1 files as well. I’m working on a quilt for my soon to be born granddaughter, Ericca. I hope I’m not too late for the contest. Someday I will do these blocks, more than likely when I’m retired.

  109. Debra Miller Avatar
    Debra Miller

    Life is crazy…so I have no blocks made, zero-zilch. They all are printed and resting peacefully in a notebook-ready for when things slow down just a little. Loved following along and seeing all the color and fabric choices.

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