covered zipper pillow tutorial

Hey Everyone!!!  I am not going to have a pillow and quilt combo for May, but instead I did a great tutorial for making an easy covered zipper for all the pillows you are going to make in the future…(Quilt Market is next week (no…it is going on right now!)…and it aint pretty here…at the moment at least.)

I decided to do a blog tutorial for a covered zipper instead of a video…because I think it is hard to go back and forth on a video…and I think you could print this tutorial…If you have a phone or iPad you can have it next to your sewing machine and scroll… other than starting and stopping and rewinding a video…but if you think a video is easier we can do one as well…

img_1472Supplies Needed:

Finished Pillow front (example-18″x 18″)

Pillow backing…4″ longer than (example 18″x 22″) Cut in half in the center. 2-11″x 18″ pieces.

Zipper foot- not necessary but it makes it easier.

Matching thread

Zipper- longer than pillow width- we used 24″ for this pillow

We have a bunch of colored long zippers on our site for VERY reasonable prices. See below for more info on long zippers.

Purple thang- or something to poke out corners of pillows

Pillow form…Use a bigger form than the pillow when you can…example…put a 20″ pillow form in an 18″ pillow

I suggest reading the whole tutorial first before you start…then go for it!

Finished pillow top, backing pieces and coordinating zipper.

On wrong side of backing fold under 1/2″ and press on one piece

On the remaining piece fold and press 1″ and then fold again another 1″

Now we are ready to stitch to the zipper.

Attach your zipper foot to your machine…and line up the hole on the right side of the foot…The zipper will hang over as shown….place the backing piece with the 1/2″ on top of the zipper with the fold next to the zipper teeth.


Here it is shown all stitched…

Now unfold the other backing piece to only 1- 1inch

Place it right sides together on the other edge of the zipper and it will cover the first sewn side, lining up the widths exactly, like shown.

Move the zipper foot to the other side and stitch right up against the teeth of the zipper.  as shown in photo.

Now flip back the sewn side.


Push the fold forward so it covers the zipper. This is too far…if you see the zipper.

Sorry I had to insert a new photo here as we missed this shot…

IMG_2727IMG_2728Open the zipper a couple of inches and then push the zipper together as if it were closed.


Like this and stitch over the edges of each side to lock the fold as it covers the zipper in place.

Then the other side…


Move your zipper foot so the needle is on the right edge of the foot.



Top Stitch the fold down on the outside, running the foot as close as you can next to the zipper.26-1


Close the zipper and press the newly stitched fold.

Now Trim off excess zipper. I used plastic zippers so I can cut them with my rotary cutter.




Back is done…Time to stitch the pillow together…Make sure you keep the zipper open.


Now lay the right side of the front of the pillow to the right side of the pillow back…I like to match of any kind of stripes or plaids if I can…but I do not stress out if they do not line up…sometimes one side of the zipper does and then the other doesn’t…



Trim the back the same size as the front.





Place pins in the corners and in the middles…I admit I use pins very sparingly.


Now stitch pillow edges using a 1/2″ seam allowance…do opposing sides first…sew edge to edge.



Then stitch the remaining opposing sides. I find this eliminates getting tucks, or unevenness that happens sometimes.

Clip all four corners.

Now open up your zipper a little farther and turn the pillow right side out.


Push the corners out with some kind of tool.


Now stuff your pillow insert in…I use a bigger pillow form than my pillow…example…if my pillow is 18″ I will put a 20″ pillow form in it.




Close your zipper and fluff your pillow…Don’t you just love the finished edge this makes…and I love that I do not have to store a bunch of pillows…I can just store the pillow covering and if it would ever need to be washed it is much easier to do so.



I hope you love making these covered zippered pillows as much as I do…we have lots of designs for you to customize for your home…instead of just buying what the stores have available for us to purchase…

I have a new book coming out soon featuring a bunch of pillows including the one here….Click HERE to order the book .

I used flannel instead of wool on these pillows…they turned out beautiful!IMG_2440

I stitched words on the pillows using a #5 Valdani Thread…

If you need anything you see listed in this tutorial, we would very much appreciate you buying/supporting us for offering this great tutorial.  

We have long zippers-click HERE,  

in lots of colors for $2.50 each.  The following set goes with Farmhouse Gatherings  Flannels.

Then look at all the other colors they come in!!! …and pillow forms in bunches of sizes, beautiful flannels, wools, fusibles and kits for lots of pillow projects…on our WEBSITE.  I will let you know when the pillow kits will be ready to order…Fabric comes in July!

Leave a comment on here and I will pick a winner for a pillow kit with zipper and an advance pattern for the pillow!

…keep stitching everyday!     Lisa



94 responses to “covered zipper pillow tutorial”

  1. Mary Aman Avatar
    Mary Aman

    Great tutorial! Thanks

  2. Marsha Swift Avatar
    Marsha Swift

    Great tutorial and pictures Lisa! Love how you did the placket for the zipper…even a beginning sewist/quilter can make a beautiful pillow!

    And may I say that window seat cover is just amazing! Love, love these home dec ideas!


  3. anjiechapman Avatar

    This is wonderful. Printing out as I have several pillow covers I want to make. Thank you!

  4. Crystal Avatar

    Thanks Lisa for all the tips, tricks and tutorials you share with our sewing world. You deserve a metal for all your hard work! Love the all the pillows.

  5. Lorelei Stinson Avatar
    Lorelei Stinson

    The best pillow tutorial ever for a folded zipper cover. Loved it! And I think it is jist fine without a video. Great post.

  6. Karen Seitz Avatar

    Thank you for this tutorial. I have made several pillows, but I’ve never put a zipper in the cover. Now it’s time to try!

  7. Susan Avatar

    Woohoo! I’m making a pillow.

  8. Tammy maki Avatar
    Tammy maki

    Seriously Lisa!! Is there anything you are mediocre at???

  9. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    Thank you for the stepped out tutorial. Zippers scare me but this makes it seem very doable. Wonderful selection of zippers and great price point! Thank you!

  10. Debra Hull Avatar
    Debra Hull

    Love the tutorial—very easy to follow. Thanks so much 😊

  11. Paula Philpot Avatar
    Paula Philpot

    Lisa, I love your pillows! I have a thought for a May pillow…..KY Derby Horse….how cool would that be! Thanks for all you do. Paula in KY

  12. Caryl Brix Avatar
    Caryl Brix

    Thanks for the great tutorial ! I usually just do an overlap on the back, but this is so much neater and more professional! Thank you!

  13. Jan Avatar

    A game changer. I admit I’m not a fan of decorative pillows due to storing them. But having zippered covers to store may have me making a few, especially the Naps pillow. I know there are other instructions out there somewhere but having an easy to understand tutorial appear on my phone with pics is an incentive. Thanks Lisa.

  14. Linda E Avatar
    Linda E

    Thx, love the tutorial idea vs a video!
    Can’t wait to see your Farmhouse collection!

  15. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    Great tutorial, love hiding the zipper!! Can’t wait to see your new line of fabric.

  16. Donna Faris Avatar
    Donna Faris

    Great info – pillows are beautiful.

  17. Shirley mord Avatar

    Great tutorial, I hate doing zippers so will try this method. Thanks.

  18. Sandra McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra McDaniel

    Beautiful pillows! And thank you for the lesson, like it better than a video.

  19. Sally Avatar

    Thanks for this great tutorial! I’ll be keeping it in my files.

  20. Karen H Avatar
    Karen H

    Lisa you’re an inspiration!!!!
    I am currently a subscriber to your wool box that I Love!! 💕 Last months box had a pillow form in it and it is amazing. Very firm n holds it shape. You cannot buy a pillow like that at a box store. Well worth the cost.
    Thank you Lisa for the tutorial. Can’t wait for the book!!!!

  21. Karen Fuller Avatar

    You are so talented. Love your pillows. Thanks for all the great info! Karen F

  22. Daniela F Durham Avatar

    Thank you Lisa, will be putting this to good use!

  23. Susan Gray Avatar
    Susan Gray

    Thank you for the great tutorial. I have some pillow forms in my closet that should come out and be used- maybe I can use some of those mini quilts that never got finished……I’m glad that you posted your zippers, wouldn’t have occurred to me that you would carry such a great collection.

  24. Lisa Avatar

    I always have such trouble putting zippers in pillows. I think this tutorial will help me a lot! Thank you so much, Lisa!

  25. Kimberly Lusin Avatar
    Kimberly Lusin

    I’ve always been afraid of zippers, but I’m ready to face the challenge now because of your very clear step by step instructions. Can’t wait to make a pillow! Thank you for taking the time to do this. You are so thoughtful and generous!

  26. Barb Nelson Avatar
    Barb Nelson

    Thx thx thx for doing the pillow blog. This is a great way for me to keep directions by sewing machine. Awesome. Barb

  27. Kathleen Avatar

    Nice tutorial, thanks!

  28. Lynn Jarzombeck Avatar
    Lynn Jarzombeck

    Thanks, Lisa, for a very complete tute. Love your stitched word pillows! There are so many possibilities and you’re right. Pick up one pillow and make a few covers for it. They make great gifts. And thank you for a chance to win a pillow kit!

  29. Smelly Boehnlein Avatar
    Smelly Boehnlein

    Thank -you Lisa for the fantastic tutorial Lisa if only I had half your talent!!!

  30. Lisa Benson Avatar
    Lisa Benson

    Love the idea of a hidden zippered pillow, how cool.

  31. Harriett Murray Avatar
    Harriett Murray

    Fantastic tutorial 👏. You always make it look so easy!!!! Thanks for all the work. Can’t wait for your new flannel & book.

  32. Terri Mulinix Avatar
    Terri Mulinix

    Thanks so much for taking the time to show how to do this zipper. Love your designs. Keep up the good work. T

  33. Marie Avatar

    Exceedingly helpful and surpasses a video. Thank you

  34. Kathleen King Avatar
    Kathleen King

    This is a great tutorial! I often struggle when it comes to sewing a hidden zipper on pillows. Now I can refer back to your tutorial for my next project that needs a hidden zipper. I never thought of stuffing a pillow with a larger insert before, what a great idea. I love all those pillows lined up on the window seat not to mention the wonderful seat cover/quilt on it. I can’t wait for your new book to come out.

  35. Alice Avatar

    What a greaat tutorial! Thank you! Have a fabulous market!!! Please post pictures of your booth. I am sure it is gorgeous!!!

  36. Karen Avatar

    Love these pillows, can hardly wait for the book. Thank you for the tutorial on the zipper, I will be trying it out this weekend!

  37. Lori L Avatar
    Lori L

    So glad to see you posting again, I’ve missed you. Love all the pillows. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial on the zipper installation. Going to have to try it, as you make it look so easy.

  38. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
    Tammy Marquardt

    I’ve made pillows similar to this method but not with a zipper. After watching this great tutorial I will have to try adding a zipper to my pillows. Thanks Lisa!

  39. Carolyn V Avatar
    Carolyn V

    Thank you for zipper instructions. So easy to print or scroll & follow!

  40. Jolin Barilla Avatar
    Jolin Barilla

    Great tutorial, thank you. I hope Market is good to you 😚

  41. Melissa Emery Avatar
    Melissa Emery

    See excited to make some of these to change up my loving room. Thank you for the great tutorial.

  42. Brenda Schmitt Avatar
    Brenda Schmitt

    Wonderful tutorial. Easy to follow step by step pictures. I’m excited to make a pillow with zipper. Zippers were never easy for me but think I will give it another try with your easy to follow directions. Thank you.

  43. Fran Noyes Avatar
    Fran Noyes

    Thanks Lisa, this is sooo helpful! Now I’ll make some pillows

  44. Melinda Rathmell Avatar
    Melinda Rathmell

    Thank you so much Lisa! This tutorial was incredibly helpful!!!! Going To order your book and zippers! love Love LOVE the pillows!!!!

  45. COLLEEN KOSKI Avatar

    Thanks for the great tutorial!! I will be making more of my own pillows. Love your new pillows and will be checking for the kits!!

  46. Diana Fisher Avatar

    Thanks for the great tutorial !!! I will definitely be making more pillows …. LOVE all your pillow designs and will be looking at your new book!

  47. Karen Hacking Avatar
    Karen Hacking

    Absolutely love these pillows, I have been checking yours out for months, Terrific gifts also! Great ideas!!

  48. Kathy Wolff Avatar
    Kathy Wolff

    Enjoyed the pillow talk! 🧡

  49. Deb G in VA Avatar
    Deb G in VA

    Great tutorial! I prefer the pictures instead of a video.

  50. Susan Kroll Avatar
    Susan Kroll

    Great tutorial! Great pics and tricks too! Thank you!

  51. Glenna C Denman Avatar
    Glenna C Denman

    Thank you for this tutorial. This method looks cleaner than the way I was doing it. I do like to put my zipper about 1″ from the bottom rather than in the middle, but I like your visuals and will try this way. I do prefer the slide tutorial format rather than a video, so thanks for that, too.

  52. Judi Leventhal Avatar
    Judi Leventhal

    The tutorial is great. I love the covered zipper concept. I have a pillow cover that will be a perfect project to try it. Thanks for all your tips.

  53. Sarah Avatar

    Thanks for the hidden zipper tutorial! I’ve not tried that method yet but will now! Just a few May pillow ideas: Lily of the Valley, May showers, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Graduation. 😊

  54. Mary Hager Avatar
    Mary Hager

    Lisa, the tutorial is very helpful. Have not done one like this in the past but will not hesitate to try now. I love all your home dec pix also. Thanks for sharing!

  55. Kay Gentry Avatar
    Kay Gentry

    Instead of trimming the pillow back to match the front, simply pin the front on top of the larger back (with the zipper part way open), sew, then trim. Also you can top stitch edge of turned pillow for a knife edge that can mimic piping.

  56. Karen George Avatar

    I love pillows but hardly ever make them, some how they seem scary,thanks for the tutorial, I will try now.

  57. Sandy G Avatar
    Sandy G

    Thank you for the tutorial. I’ve been wanting to make some pillow and this will make it go much faster. What a great idea, pillow covers instead of storing pillows. You have such great ideas and tips.

  58. Wanda Barth-Lindblom Avatar
    Wanda Barth-Lindblom

    Thank you for showing how to do this . I love pillows

  59. Deborah Jacobs Avatar

    Once again, Lisa, I am bowled over by your willingness to share your skills and encourage us! I plan to try my hand at a pillow with a zipper. What a great idea to change the outer portion without having to store a stash of bulky pillow forms! Thank, thank you!!!

  60. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    Love the tutorial. Thank you 😊!!!

  61. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    THANK YOU, I love the tutorials… I tend to learn better from looking at pictures or watching! Have a great Market

  62. Kathy Avatar

    This is definitely getting printed out and going in my “sewing ideas” notebook. Now I can’t wait to make a pillow!

  63. Tamara Avatar

    You certainly make it look easy! Now I can’t wait to try it! Thanks for the tutorial!

  64. Catherine McMann Avatar

    Thank you for this tutorial. I’ve been wondering how to do it because I want to make some pillow shams and your instructions are very easy to follow.

  65. Caryn Bravos Avatar
    Caryn Bravos

    You rock, great tutorial!! I love all the pillow designs, awesome colors for the zippers. Looking forward to putting this tutorial to go use! 🙂

  66. Karen Carr Avatar
    Karen Carr

    Awesome!!! What a wonderful way to make a pillow. I feel very computer illiterate with videos – starting & stopping. It’s very frustrating!!! BUT, I can read this & follow directions, even on a zipper. Thank you so much for making this easy to follow. I will be making pillows!!!

  67. Tina Bellotti Avatar
    Tina Bellotti

    I just finished a pillow back just like this….this is an excellent reference. Great pillows 🙂 I always put zippers on my pillows for washing purposes but don’t like the zipper tabs sticking out when they are on the outer seams so this is a perfect way to make them.

  68. Mary Rachel Kolb Avatar
    Mary Rachel Kolb

    Love all the pillows!

  69. Martha N Campbell Avatar

    Love the pillow case with a zipper. I make mine with a flap on the back but putting in the zipper makes the pillow so much nicer! Thanks for the tutorial.

  70. Nancy Tubb Avatar
    Nancy Tubb

    Love the tutorial and love all the pillows you made, they make everything so bright and cheerful!

  71. Constance Avatar

    Thank you Lisa for all the info you have shared on making pillows!! I love all your designs but the pillows are so special. I am looking forward to your new book!!

  72. Karen Hickman Avatar
    Karen Hickman

    Lisa- thank you for the great tutorial!!
    New to making pillows so this is just what I needed especially since I saw some pillows from your new book that I want to make!!!

  73. Karin Avatar

    I pre-ordered the book…excited to get it! Love the pillows! Zippers scare me a bit…but I think I might try this on my Wool Box “Spring” pillow. You make it look easy. Wish me luck!

  74. connie wolfe Avatar

    I use my embroidery machine to make seasonal and holiday pillows and even bring these along with RV trips. Neither my confidence nor my patience has reached the level of inserting zippers. Your tutorial is very tempting. I will keep it in mind for the next time. Thanks for sharing it.

  75. Rita Avatar

    This pillow tutorial is so helpful and I am loving your new fabric line! Pillows are in my plans. Been using the farmhouse decorating scheme and will certainly add some of your designs to my new room. The quilt you have hanging as a curtain at market with the “Live, Love…..” pillow squares really took my eye! You are so creative and what I saw of your booth was wonderful. I hope the wooden quilt puzzle will be for sale. My sister has one of these in another color and I have been envious but could never find one.

  76. Tana Riffel Avatar

    Thank you for taking the time to put together such a great tutorial! This is a great resource for all of us! This line is just stunning!

  77. Lin Avatar

    Love the pillows! Great tutorial! Will order the book. Thank you.

  78. Wanda Hall Avatar

    I LOVE ALL of the new pillows! These have grown on me really quick and I am ready to start making pillows! Great tutorial and I love that as soon as I was thinking, I can never find pillow forms, there was the part with the links to buy on your website! You thought of everything! I need to watch one of my favorite movies with Doris Day…. Pillow Talk… and start some pillows! Lots to look forward to! Thank you!

  79. Pam Suther Avatar
    Pam Suther

    Thanks for the great tutorial-love your pillows and the new fabric line!!

  80. Fay Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your great technique. Your pillows are wonderful.

  81. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    Thank you for the tutorial. Love all your pillows.

  82. Lisa Mikel Avatar
    Lisa Mikel

    Great tutorial! I love making pillows! Yours are awesome!

  83. Athena Butler Avatar

    HI Lisa, I love the the zipper is covered–such a professional finish!! I’ll conquer my fear of zippers after this tutorial!! Much appreciated!

  84. Holly Straub Avatar

    Hi Lisa, Love all of the pillow ideas and the zipper tutorial!!! I have always used velcro but now I am ready to move on to zippers!!!!!! I will be in the shop soon to check out the zippers. Looking forward for the June and July pillows!

  85. knitnonpareil Avatar

    I LOVE these pillows!! Can’t wait to order the book.

  86. Margie F. Avatar
    Margie F.

    I really enjoy making pillows & love all of your tips & tricks. Great tutorial!

  87. Kat Avatar

    I love the tutorial and will be making some of the pillows for my house. The colors are perfect. I still struggle with stitching the lettering though. Maybe you can do a tutorial for the letters using the #5 threads? That would be really helpful.

  88. Patricia Mevis Avatar
    Patricia Mevis

    Thank you so much! I am going to use this on my Spring Pillow. Working on it right now!

  89. Barbara Guarniere Avatar
    Barbara Guarniere

    Thank you for the tutorial for the zipper. I love the pillows and want to make the COFFEE pillow for a couple of friends for gifts. And some of the other pillows would also make nice gifts for Christmas. They are different and would look great in any ones home.

  90. Rita Gillis Avatar
    Rita Gillis

    Thank you for the excellent tutorial! I just used it to finish my Like Mother Like Daughter pillow. Well done like everything you do!

  91. Dee Avatar

    Awesome tutorial, and now I need this book and some zippers. Thank you so much for all you take the time to teach! You are appreciated!!

  92. Beth Fruit Avatar
    Beth Fruit

    Awesome! Can’t wait to try this on my next pillow.

  93. Joanne Rodriguez Avatar
    Joanne Rodriguez

    I love pillows too. Believe me I have only three throw pillows right now and none of them match my furniture.
    I would love to have your pillow!!

  94. Joanne Rodriguez Avatar
    Joanne Rodriguez

    I love this pillow and the tutorial is a great idea. So many ladies cannot put in a zipper.
    Thank you Lisa! I would love on this pillow!!

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