New for 2021- Stitch Along! Read all about it!

UPDATES.. forgot yardages for finishing….and fixed a broken link…thanks for letting me know….


Hey Everyone!

I am going to be talking about my new fabric, American Gatherings, (that releases out in January 2021), in the next couple of weeks, yes it’s that time again for more fabric!   But the very first thing I wish you all to know is I am going to be holding a Stitch Along featuring these 36 irresistible prints!  Please read the whole post to the end as there is some VERY important information all the way through…

 (Also…you do not have to be an American Quilter to make this quilt…if you wish to make it go right on ahead! Maybe you love American quilters, quilts or American designers…or for what ever reason you wish to make it you are welcome!!)

As a proud American Quilter I can’t think of a better way to show off my loyalty to you and my country.  The quilt will feature 15 blocks (finish about 70″x 80″) and we will release one block a week starting soon after the fabric ships for 16 weeks (3 months), the last week being finishing options….  Don’t miss out this fun event…be the first to order your Fat Quarter bundle HERE  so… you will be the first to receive it when it arrives!  Also this will start when Moda Block Heads 3 will be wrapping up…and our quilt can be finished in plenty of time for Spring/Summer!

The line features crisp reds, whites and blues, in true American colors…

Also take your pick between a navy or white setting/ borders & binding…You will need 4 yards…the choices I picked for us  are our Primitive Gatherings navy primitive muslin  which is not our darkest navy but more medium navy that will match these blues in the line for a darker quilt…the other option is an eggshell Moda grunge with white stars for a lighter finish to the quilt…I think both will be fantastic!

You can also pick out your backing  ahead as well. You will need 4 yards as well… I’d order 6 if you have any plans on making it bigger.

 Click HERE to see all the American Gatherings prints, to maybe pick your backing or order more for another project.

All the blue links will take you to the products that are mentioned just click them.  All items are pre-orders to ensure there is enough product available for our project come January 2021!

Because this will be a FREE pattern I will not be offering any of the products on sale. I am counting on you to participate and this line to be sold as fast as it comes in (like, Liberty Gatherings, the last one).   Primitive Gatherings will be taking this opportunity to donate $10 for every Fat Quarter bundle WE sell to Hogs for Heros…I will talk more about this organization and why I picked them.   Also, I personally am planning to donate a large portion of MY royalties from this fabric to Hogs for Heros as well, so by hosting this Stitch Along I am planning on this fabric line to be a HUGE success, but as always I cannot do it by myself…I will need you all to help make this happen!

You will be so happy you joined in!!!!

So lets kick of 2021 with giving in mind….We will have give-ways, and special prizes, and so much more for everyone!

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel….Stitch with Lisa Bongean

Join our Facebook group STITCH with Lisa

Visit our Website: Primitive Gatherings

And have a GREAT day…Be AWESOME today…

Let’s kick this off by leaving me a comment…I have a few pre cuts to randomly give-away…what’s on your mind today…do you have any questions about this Stitch
Along?  I am looking forward to reading your comments about this exciting event!
my best…Lisa,

235 responses to “New for 2021- Stitch Along! Read all about it!”

  1. Judyk Avatar

    Thanks so much for your post. It came at just the right time to boost my spirits. I’ll be checking out all the links ASAP. Another fabric line I can’t resist. You have me pegged.

  2. marilynn crelier Avatar
    marilynn crelier

    This is a great cause ” Hogs for Heroes”! Hero Happy Days!

  3. JennyM Avatar

    I like the theme of this sew a long, I love the fabrics too!

    1. Pam Kosirog Avatar
      Pam Kosirog

      The fabric collection is beautiful! I have never made an America quilt but always wanted to. Thanks!

    2. kellykago Avatar

      how do i sign up for the quilt along?

  4. Blaquilts Avatar

    This is very exciting, and timely. I placed my order!

  5. Donna Wingo Avatar
    Donna Wingo

    Love your fabrics and patterns. Excited to start this one too.

  6. Pam Hadfield Avatar
    Pam Hadfield

    It’s beautiful. I’m in.

  7. Linda S Avatar

    This looks like it will be a great quilt-along!

  8. Nan Avatar

    Hi there. I am a better than beginner quilter but not a confident quilter. I love this quilt- however I don’t think I can do all the blocks. Do you feel this is an advance beginner quilt pattern? Will I be able to use papers to make the crisp lines? Welcome thoughts! Thanks

  9. Sharon Robinson Avatar
    Sharon Robinson

    I love flag quilts! Looking forward to this one and your (always) beautiful fabrics!

  10. Carole P Avatar
    Carole P

    It’s a beautiful line, Lisa! I love that you are offering two different options for the quilt, one darker, one light. It’s a terrific way to start 2021!

  11. Terri Goyins Avatar
    Terri Goyins

    I love this line of fabric and the pattern. What a great way to bring us all together and stitch for America.

  12. Wanda Thornton Avatar
    Wanda Thornton

    Great timing for a patriotic stitch along. Count me in!

  13. Carrie Avatar

    This is gorgeous. I’m a veteran and am so happy to support other veterans. I will be participating. Thank you for your generosity.

  14. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I love the quilt!! Another great job as always Lisa 😊

  15. Jane Frost Avatar
    Jane Frost

    Love this fabric! I may need to join along with this one 🙂

  16. Peggy S. Avatar
    Peggy S.

    This line would make a wonderful Quilt of Valor quilt. Great fabrics.

  17. Donna Kooistra Avatar
    Donna Kooistra

    Loving this quilt and all the giving that goes with it! That IS the American Way! Thanks Lisa!

  18. Sarah A. Avatar
    Sarah A.

    Love this classic, timeless fabric line! Can’t wait for the Stitch Along… think I’m going with the navy muslin. Reminds me of my favorite jeans. Thank you for all the wonderful projects. I would love to know your tips for being so productive.

  19. Michelle Hild Avatar
    Michelle Hild

    I was so excited to see this. Love your enthusiasm and spirit. What a way to bring in a new year and I have never taken the time to make a red, white and blue quilt so I am thrilled. Thank you for giving me a reason to do another one of your projects. 😉

  20. Dawn Avatar

    Love this idea! I can’t wait to see what is in store for us!

  21. Vicki A Avatar
    Vicki A

    Love the theme and of. course this new fabric line looks awesome. I’m hooked already.

  22. kmsclev Avatar

    Love all your fabric choices and patterns . Keep up the great work you are doing.

  23. Dana Doerfler Avatar
    Dana Doerfler

    I’m so excited to see that you are hosting another stitch along! The fabric is beautiful – I can’t wait to get my hands on it (and Redwork Gatherings too)!!

  24. Diane Poirier Avatar
    Diane Poirier

    How awesome that you are donating some of your royalties to Hogs for Heroes! That is so generous!

  25. Kim P Avatar
    Kim P

    So excited for your new fabric line. Love the red, white & blue and anything patriotic. & love the giving theme. Here’s to 2021!!

  26. Carol O. Avatar
    Carol O.

    Loving this new fabric line. I can’t wait. I also work with Quilts of Valor so am SO thankful for another lovely line to make beautiful quilts with. Thank you, thank you!!!

  27. Nina Christman Avatar
    Nina Christman

    Ordered bundle and background. Sounds like fun during the cold winter. January is usually a somewhat sad month. All the decorations are down and family has returned to their home. What a treat to start a new project together.

  28. Judy Clark Avatar
    Judy Clark

    You are a hero to all quilters for organizing this and being so generous in your donations. Great way to kick off 2021.

  29. Deb Hull Avatar
    Deb Hull

    ❤️ Patriotic ❤️ American Pride ❤️ Our Veterans. I’m in! ….and a great charity to boot!👍🏻. Another gorgeous fabric line.

  30. Karen S Avatar
    Karen S

    Wonderful fabric and quilt! I’m in. So good to learn about Hogs for Heros. Thank you, Lisa, for all you’re doing to support them. And those little hexies look like fun!!

  31. Maria L Zook Avatar
    Maria L Zook

    Your fabrics are timeless and I am really looking forward to this stitch- along. I think it is great that you are supporting a favorite charity as well.

  32. Jeanne Antha Avatar
    Jeanne Antha

    I especially love the small patterns on the white fabric, perfect for backgrounds!

  33. karenk195164 Avatar

    Very exciting!! I don’t need another project to start but I love, love red, white and blue! I will definitely order the FQs!!!

  34. Mary Jane Ciaravino Avatar
    Mary Jane Ciaravino

    Thank you for adding a quilt along . This is something to look forward to 2021.

  35. Karen S. Avatar
    Karen S.

    Wonderful fabric and quilt. Those little hexies look like fun too. I’m in! Good to learn about Hogs for Heros. Thank you, Lisa, for all you’re doing to support them.

  36. Joanne E. Rodriguez Avatar
    Joanne E. Rodriguez

    How great we will finally have good fabric well designed by you for quilts of velour.
    When I don’t have time to help out with sewing I donate fabric to the ladies who do.
    Thank you again for your great designs.

  37. Kristen Avatar

    I love anything patriotic so I’m in!

  38. Lois W. Avatar
    Lois W.

    This American Quilter is SO in on this stitch along. 🇺🇸 I absolutely love our country and I love that some of the proceeds will go to the heros that help keep us safe!! Thanks Lisa! 🇺🇸❤

  39. Nancy Thone Avatar

    During this crazy year I have started and finished more quilts than ever! It seems I want to do ALL the QALs that come down the pike, but I know that is not physically possible. This one, however, I will do. What better combination than American red, white and blue! See you in January for the start of the QAL!

  40. quilterka Avatar

    What a wonderful line of fabrics. Thank you, Lisa, for creating such a nice quilt along.

  41. Bobbie Z. Avatar
    Bobbie Z.

    Thanks for offering a wonderful Stitch Along and fabric line. I think it is kind of you to do the project to help a charity. I find that many in the quilting world are very giving. Sharing ideas, giving their time and finished projects to others, etc.. I will look forward to your quilt project for us in the months ahead. We can never go wrong with more red, white and blue especially right now in the U.S.A…..thanks for the boost.

  42. Mary Kolb Avatar
    Mary Kolb

    Can’t wait to see the new fabric in real life!!

  43. Carolyn V Avatar
    Carolyn V

    Love your new line & your charitable giving!

  44. Sarah P Avatar
    Sarah P

    I love that you are blessing others with this fabric line. You are such a generous person. When you came to my guild in Huntsville, AL you went above and beyond with your generosity. And now, in this crazy weird time, you are still finding ways to give. I love that! When my kids have a bad day, I tell them to do something nice for someone else, so it is not a waste. You inspire me. I don’t need free fabric. I am not going to run out. But, I truly want you to know, when you do good it reminds others to do good.

  45. donnalevesque Avatar

    Awesome! Can’t wait. I am going to make an extra and donate to Quilts of Valor..

  46. Pam Hintze Avatar
    Pam Hintze

    Looks like just the right project to get through a Wisconsin winter!

  47. Lynelle Ussery Avatar
    Lynelle Ussery

    What an awesome line of fabrics! And a great cause, too! Can’t wait for 2021!

  48. Connie Schofield Avatar
    Connie Schofield

    Love the American Quilter theme. Looking forward to seeing this fabric. I love red, white and blue.

  49. Sue Sharp Avatar
    Sue Sharp

    Awesome way to let our American spirit shine! Thank you, Lisa, for all you do to keep us involved and lift our spirits!

  50. Kamaile Avatar

    I love this fabric line and theme! Let’s be real, I love all things Primitive Gatherings!!!

  51. Elaine Morgan Avatar
    Elaine Morgan

    love this quilt!!!

  52. Michelle Hardey Avatar
    Michelle Hardey

    Oh this looks great!!! Someone mentioned that there are so many QALs popping up, and they are lovely, but THIS is awesome!!! I LOVE the new line (of course) and cannot wait to start this!!!

  53. Phyllis Beneditz Avatar
    Phyllis Beneditz

    I love patriotic quilts! I’ve never heard of Hogs for Heroes. Looking forward to learning about them!!

  54. Mary Kastner Avatar
    Mary Kastner

    THat is an awesome patriotic quilt! I would love to make it.!

  55. Janet Olson Avatar
    Janet Olson

    Blessed and grateful. My 11 month old granddaughter walked yesterday! Her daddy is deployed to the Middle East and missed it. But he saw it in the message my daughter sent him after it happened.
    This new quilt will be a perfect Quilt of Valor!
    Thank you for the design and beautiful fabric!

  56. Kathy Hatz Avatar
    Kathy Hatz

    QAL are so much fun! This quilt is a beauty and I love the patriotic theme!

  57. Darlynn Venne Avatar
    Darlynn Venne

    Have not done a stitch along for a while. This looks like a great one to break the dry spell! Love the new line❤️

  58. Wynona Avatar

    I’m feeling like we need more patriotism in our country right now! Sewing RWB will inspire me so much thank you for getting us all started together!

  59. Debby Hillstead Avatar
    Debby Hillstead

    This is a beautiful project. I also love that you are donating to Hogs for Heroes. I’m excited to learn about them.

  60. Jeanne Vaughan Avatar

    Beautiful fabric, beautiful quilt, worthy cause – I’m in.

    1. Marie Avatar

      So looking forward to this. A beautiful one to make in memory of my Dad, a 30 Army vet. Thinking there might be a vet out there who could use a nice warm quilt hug.

  61. Sandra Myrand Avatar
    Sandra Myrand

    How do you do it ALL? You stitch book is great and so help. American Gatherings seems
    Like a great way to kick off a New administration that is truly patriotic.

  62. Jill McCaughey Avatar
    Jill McCaughey

    A great boost for the winter months! Love the fabrics and the blocks look do-able for even confident beginners.

  63. Jody Carter Avatar
    Jody Carter

    Fun, Fun, Fun! Love these fabrics and your blog… thank you for all you do for us!

  64. Carole Oriorden Avatar
    Carole Oriorden

    I think it’s wonderful what you’re doing for hogs for heroes

  65. Nan Hohenstein Avatar
    Nan Hohenstein

    This would make a fabulous Quilt of Valor quilt. I am a member of a QOV group and am always looking for an appropriate pattern.

  66. Sharon Avatar

    Love, love the sounds of this Stitch Along! I love Patriotic fabrics and I too love America!

  67. Sally Parrish Avatar
    Sally Parrish

    Lisa it sounds and looks like you’ve got another great quilt project coming our way. Thank you for all the inspiration and tools to create wonderful quilts. 💕

  68. Liz Avatar

    Awesome new fabrics. I can see making a QOV with this new pattern. So excited.

  69. Karla Avatar

    Awwhh Lisa,when do you ever sleep?
    It is Just beautiful, and such an awesome cause!! I’m thinking I’d like to make this for my Dad, I always love listening to all of his “Soldier” days❤️
    He LOVES his flag🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  70. Esther G Avatar
    Esther G

    This is beautiful! I’m excited to participate and thank you for your generosity!

  71. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I am always excited to see your new offerings and this one is beautiful. Thank you for the stitch along, it’s going to be fun.

  72. Pam Jordan Avatar
    Pam Jordan

    Love the pattern and the fabric. Cant wait to start@

  73. Stacy Avatar

    Lisa, you’ve done it again! Another beautiful line.😍. I have not yet made a red, white and blue quilt and I’ve always wanted to. This is my inspiration!!

  74. Quilting in Maine Avatar

    Great charity to benefit from your generosity! Looking forward to seeing the patterns.

  75. Lorraine Gaffney Avatar
    Lorraine Gaffney

    Love patriotic everything! This will be fun.

  76. Debbie Magerkurth Avatar
    Debbie Magerkurth

    So looking forward to using these beautiful fabrics and proclaim my great love for our country. looking forward to seeing what 2021 will bring, Praying for a new beginning of great health and happiness for all in this great USA. Your challenge gives me more to look forward to. Thank you!!

  77. Sandi Swindle Avatar
    Sandi Swindle

    Love your fabrics!!

  78. Judy Monaghan Avatar
    Judy Monaghan

    I love this patriotic palate. I periodically make a patriotic quilt to donate to the military. Love your shop in Temecula.

  79. Joyce Meinhardt Avatar
    Joyce Meinhardt

    Thank you for creating such a beautiful line of fabrics… true reds, whites & blues! After a not very good Monday (health wise), I’m grateful to be feeling a bit better today. I hope and pray that 2021 will be a year of peace, healing and camaraderie in our nation.

  80. Mary Colley Avatar
    Mary Colley

    This looks exciting. I really like the fabrics. Have you priced the bundle as yet. I am interested to know more about the group you have chosen to support. Thanks for all you do.

  81. Nicole Avatar

    This looks like it will be a beautiful quilt and so much fun to make. Can you reveal the size of the star blocks?

  82. EllenB Avatar

    Love the beautiful prints and patriotic is just what we need now. Support for any veterans group is okay with me!

  83. Donna Bacon Avatar
    Donna Bacon

    Lisa, this is an exciting event! So glad you are supporting our Heroes in a time when it seems to be cool to be unAmerican! I look forward to joining.

  84. Lyn Avatar

    Another great program Lisa – putting in my order now! Thank you for doing all that you do for us!

  85. Angela Avatar

    Thank you for donating to Hogs for Hero’s.
    Hogs for Hero’s is a wonderful organization! Our veterans deserve to be recognized and honored for their service to our great country.
    I will be joining your American Quilters Stitch Along in 2021; the quilt is perfect for proud American quilters! 🇺🇸

  86. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    You always come up with an idea when we quilters need it. I have a feeling we will be in for a different kind of winter and your quilt along will be just what we need to get us through! Another great fabric line I just have to have!

  87. Tammy Whaley Avatar
    Tammy Whaley

    I love love love this fabric line!!!!! Proud to be an American !!!! I will be making quilts from this line for Quilts of Valor.

  88. Julie Huffman Avatar
    Julie Huffman

    Perfect timing for the stitch along!! Love the new line of fabric looking forward to stitching up a beautiful quilt 🥰

  89. Christina Mueller Avatar
    Christina Mueller

    Beautiful fabrics, this will be my first stitch along, love the charity!

  90. bobbie rumler Avatar
    bobbie rumler

    I love the American fabric colors and your fabric all ways hits the mark….thanks for a chance to enter

  91. Cindy Dickinson Avatar
    Cindy Dickinson

    I love this line. I’m such a lover of anything red, white, and blue!

  92. Karen Wolfgram Avatar
    Karen Wolfgram

    It sounds like a fun quilt with more great fabrics!

  93. Jackie Hicks Avatar
    Jackie Hicks

    Love it all – the fabric, the planned SAL, the giving to the Hogs for Heroes, and the American Prides that all of this will ignite!

  94. Marylou Crawford Avatar
    Marylou Crawford

    I am so excited about this patriotic collection in your classic country style!! Now is the perfect moment to help us all focus on our wonderful country, by stitching a quilt that unites us from coast to coast. Ty for once again bringing us a beautiful fabric line, an exciting sew a long, and your personal commitment to charitable purposes. We need a unifying project to heal America, I think this is a damn good start!

  95. Jennifer Daniel-Johnson Avatar
    Jennifer Daniel-Johnson

    I’m SEW EXCITED that you are doing this QAL with such a beautiful design and fabrics.

    I LOVE all of your Americana fabric and quilt patterns, and as an Australian-US “transplant” have always been drawn to these quintessential American Quilt Designs. I recognize some of my favorite prints from Star and Stripe and Liberty gatherings in the new collection, so am excited that the new collection can also be added to my Primitive Gatherings Patriotic Stash.

    The quilt looks absolutely stunningI I love the design simplicity, color contrast with the navy background and the unique flags that make up the cohesive whole quilt. I also appreciate that that the QAL will also bring awareness to and support of US Veterans through Hogs for Heros!

  96. Becki Avatar

    Your new line is very nice. This is a good time to show our pride in America with the election year. Looking forward to this sew along

  97. Kimberly Springer Avatar
    Kimberly Springer

    You ALWAYS have the best SAL patterns and fabric!! Can’t wait to start the American Quilters! 🧵❤️✂️

  98. Deb B Avatar
    Deb B

    Lisa, let’s hear it for the Red, White & Blue! Bring it on & I’m in!

  99. Alberta Bailie Avatar
    Alberta Bailie

    What an awesome patriotic line. Can’t wait ! Thank you for being so generous with your donations! Have really enjoyed your u tube sessions!!

  100. Ann Post Avatar
    Ann Post

    You’ve done it again Lisa! Beautiful fabric. This touches my heart, coming from a family with lots of vets. You are so generous.

  101. Avatar

    Your new fabric line is gorgeous, as always! I’m looking forward to joining the sew-along!

  102. Melanie C Avatar
    Melanie C

    Gorgeous quilt and fabrics!!!! Is the navy muslin similar weight/weave as a Bella Solid????

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      It’s the same al my fabrics that will be in the FQ tower…it is not really muslin

  103. Karen N. Avatar
    Karen N.

    So excited!! Will there be 16 flag blocks, similar to the quilt shown in your post? Also, when we order the backing, will it be a fabric from the collection or a fabric that will coordinate with the quilt? Thanks for all your hard work to keep us busy!! =:)

  104. Angela Walters Avatar
    Angela Walters

    This is a beautiful quilt! I would love to participate in January!

  105. Kim Radzienda Avatar
    Kim Radzienda

    Placed order. My husband was a captain in the Army and spent time in Vietnam and has PTSD and has managed it and we have a couple of horses the 4 legged kind not the 2 wheel and that has been his therapy. I encourage you quilter’s out there to do the stitch along.The men and women who have served this country deserve our respect and support.

  106. Joan Rockvoy Avatar
    Joan Rockvoy

    This will be a wonderful creative Primitive Gatherings quilt to do. I am looking forward to doing this project.

  107. Rosemary Skinner Avatar
    Rosemary Skinner

    Love Love Love Americans quilts! Beautiful flag pattern and can’t wait to get started!

  108. Diane Schwarz Avatar
    Diane Schwarz

    We love the red—the white—and especially the blue. Blue is my most favorite color on earth. Life is a struggle for the world, but let’s all work together to achieve being a winner. As a donor, we will fight for the red, white and blue!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Lisa!!

  109. Karen Ritter Avatar
    Karen Ritter

    Exciting! Ordered my bundle and backing.

  110. Sue McCullough Avatar
    Sue McCullough

    These are beautiful. I normal like a creamy white with my red and blue but this would look so crisp and clean. Looking forward to this quilt

  111. Kathy Irvine Avatar
    Kathy Irvine

    The theme is so appropriate now with the November election around the corner. Red, white and blue are so patriotic and your fabrics will make a beautiful quilt. I sure hope to see you at Road in January. Fingers crossed.

  112. Toni Avatar

    So very generous of you with your time, talent and treasures! Looking forward to all the great projects with your new line of fabrics!

  113. cherie a reynolds Avatar
    cherie a reynolds

    omg! Red, White and Blue!! I’m in!

  114. Karen Qualls Avatar
    Karen Qualls

    Camping in the Eastern Sierras right now. Very excited to hear of your new line, American Gatherings. I will be placing my order right now!! Thank you for your continued lines of beautiful fabric.

  115. Amy Pingot Avatar
    Amy Pingot

    The fabrics for this quilt are stunning! I am soooo far behind on my SBOW but just might have to find time to participate in this as well. Keep up the good work Lisa. Your patterns and fabrics are awesome!!!

  116. Caryn S Avatar
    Caryn S

    The fabrics are and the cause is good. Congratulations on your new fabric line.

  117. Jackie Papallo Avatar
    Jackie Papallo

    Hogs for Heroes…Wow! I’m seriously impressed with your chosen charity. I love that they make a huge difference to a individual local hero.

  118. Alice Avatar

    2021 can’t get here soon enough! I am so excited about this latest project and look forward to hearing about your chosen charity.

  119. COLLEEN KOSKI Avatar

    Love the fabric line!! Great charity as well. So easy to take what veterans have done for granted. Will be looking forward to your posts.

  120. othelloquilter Avatar

    Is this stitch along mostly pieced by machine or is there hand stitching involved too? I love the design and layout!

  121. Katherine Avatar

    Thanks for letting us know now so we can plan our time and be ready for the January 2021 stitch along.

  122. Sue Avatar

    Hi Lisa, Just wondering if there will be any appliqué in the quilt? I love the new collection❤️💙❤️

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      no…just pieced

  123. DebrafromMD Avatar

    Love the quilt and will be ordering as soon as I am done here. Glad that part of the money goes to a veterans organization.

  124. Larine Avatar

    Wow, the new line looks to be sensational! This will indeed be a great start to a new year and I’m getting my pre-order in for the fabrics. Also love your U-Tube videos, my now subscribed! Lots of excitement ahead – Go Lisa!!!

  125. Dottie raab Avatar
    Dottie raab

    I’m soooo proud to be an American and pleased to see that you are also

  126. Mari-ann Miller Avatar
    Mari-ann Miller

    Love, love, love the prints!! I’m a “True Blue” red, white, and blue girl!!!! I’m excited to participate in the SAL!

  127. Pam Avatar

    Looks great! Love Americana anything!. Sounds like a fun way to start a new year! Thanks for all you do!

  128. Dee Avatar

    Absolutely love this line and the quilt along, and the Hogs For Heros donation is icing on the cake! When my brother in Seattle passed the local Harley group of combat vets escorted his casket to the cemetery. They do so much to support their brother in arms from emotional support to putting wreaths on every grave at the vet cemetery. My dad was a vet, as is my husband (Vietnam), son, and three brothers.
    I will be placing an order and making the first one for my brother-in-law a two tour Vietnam Marine Sargent. I belong to QOV, and already made my husband’s and still need to make our sons. Thank you so much for this Lisa!

    Sorry if this is a duplicate, I couldn’t find where I posted earlier in the day.

  129. DEB WORTHMAN Avatar

    Love the colors. If I’m going to be sewing this quilt, I’d better get my rear in gear and get a few things finished.

  130. TJ Avatar

    Your theme is so appropriate for me right now, I think we all need some American Pride and togetherness right now. I LOVE your donation choice. I’m a fellow Wisconsinite and am so grateful for groups like “Hogs for Heroes”. Thank you!

  131. Darla Epperson Avatar
    Darla Epperson

    You make our stitch a longs so fun and easy! Thank you!

  132. Wendy Avatar

    Looking forward to this! Thank you!

  133. Donna Pace Avatar
    Donna Pace

    I love the new patriotic fabric line! My husband is a Korean veteran and I would love to make this quilt for him! This would be my first SAL but I have been involved in several Wool Blocks of the Week and Blocks of the Month projects! I have loved each and every one of them and especially all the hints, helpful videos and teaching Lisa provides for us!

  134. Laura Lee Avatar
    Laura Lee

    I’m not a beginner quilter
    But I’m rusty! Lol will this be a good
    Project for me? I love the colors and the cause!

  135. Joanne Avatar

    Love love love that a portion of the money is going to charity. I already knew I was going to participate as the fabric is amazingly beautiful. Charity is extra bonus. Very nice touch. Can’t wait to see it in person

  136. Jan A Hietpas Avatar
    Jan A Hietpas

    I was going to make a flag quilt for my bed this summer but never got around to it. Now I’m glad I didn’t. This looks beautiful and fun.

  137. see mary stamp Avatar
    see mary stamp

    Hooray for being a proud AMERICAN quilter and for supporting Hogs for Heroes through this stitch-a-long. You have a generous heart! Will the quilt be more of a sampler block style or will they be flags with unique elements? The fabrics are gorgeous and I agree I think it will look awesome in either a light or dark colorway. Thanks Lisa!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      They will be flags with a different quilt block each week in the blue field.

  138. mary stockel Avatar
    mary stockel

    Love, Love, Love the Red, White and Blue !!! Can’t wait to start this beauty! Thank you Lisa

  139. Sharan Lofgren Avatar
    Sharan Lofgren

    I love patriotic quilts and pillows. I just made my first flag pillow a few weeks ago. I am looking forward to this stitch-along!!

  140. Mardel Hammond Avatar
    Mardel Hammond

    Love the patriotic fabric. Looks like a fun project.

  141. Julia S Avatar
    Julia S

    After all that has happened this year, a year of giving seems like a great idea!

  142. Robin T Avatar
    Robin T

    A great start to a new year ! Thank you !

  143. Linda Valentino Avatar
    Linda Valentino

    This fabric collection looks amazing! I love flag quilts, signs, pillows, etc… Americana tugs at my heartstrings!

  144. Beth N in AZ Avatar
    Beth N in AZ

    So many questions! will the fat quarter bundle be all the fabric we need for the top/front? will the theme be stars? Will the blocks be primarily HSTs? Can we get at least a hint if not a full blown picture of the proposed quilt? Where do you come up with so many great ideas??

  145. Sharon Meek Avatar
    Sharon Meek

    You come up with the best sew alongs. Love the patriotic fabrics and the worthy cause.

  146. Jodee Blue Avatar
    Jodee Blue

    I love this pattern and your fabrics are amazing as usual

  147. Lisa Hartwig Avatar

    Looking forward to the stitch along and will be checking out your fabric line. I’m all for the red, white and blue theme as hubby was military for over 20 years. 🙂

  148. Diane Ziegler Avatar
    Diane Ziegler

    You’ve outdone yourself again Lisa!

  149. Donna Demby Avatar
    Donna Demby

    Excited about the Patriotic project for next year. Red/White/Blue can never be wrong.

  150. Carol Avatar

    I can’t wait to join in on the sew along! Your fabrics are beautiful! I have always loved patriotic fabric lines.

  151. Brenda G Avatar
    Brenda G

    LOVE the quilt! Can’t wait for the sew along!

  152. Sheila Plock Avatar
    Sheila Plock

    My husband is a Vietnam vet and I have helped with QOV so this sounds like a great project. Lisa, thanks for all you do!

  153. Ginger Thompson Avatar
    Ginger Thompson

    Hi Lisa. I’m very excited for this new stitch-a-long. Primitive gatherings is my favorite and especially patriotic fabrics! Could you please tell me if this will be advisable for an advanced beginner? Thank you for this opportunity! Ordering now 😁

  154. Nicole Hanson Avatar
    Nicole Hanson

    Am scratching my head! While I was reading your email , our power went out and I also lost wifi.. Was just getting ready to order the sew a long bundle for $99! This morning power and wifi are back but now the bundle is $122! Am I seeing things, or have I missed “the boat” because of the power outage? Always love your creative ideas, and having fun! Do you ever sleep? When I go to California I visit your store and I’m like a kid in a candy store! It’s amazing how much fun I can find to keep me busy! Looking forward to the January 21 EVENT!

  155. Janet F Avatar

    Well this will be fun! Love the fabric … can’t wait! Thanks, Lisa!

  156. Joanna Ziolkowski Avatar
    Joanna Ziolkowski

    I’m very new to quilting and stitching, and I’m really looking forward to starting this in the new year! As a proud wife of a veteran, it means a lot that you are supporting a worthy cause. I am excited to see what I’m able to create!

  157. DStew Avatar

    COVID has been stressful, but the silver lining is that because my travel schedule has been eliminated, I have more time for sewing and stitching! Hope you and your family are safe and well.

  158. Debi Avatar

    Is this sew along appropriate for beginners?

  159. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    What is on my mind today? I would like to thank you, Lisa, for getting me and many others through all the craziness trying to deal with COVID. I am presently doing your SBOW. It has been a blessing to unstressed and work on such a beautiful project. ❤

  160. Sharon Samuel Avatar
    Sharon Samuel

    I’m so excited for your new quilt line and I love the bright colors! They will be perfect also for the Quilts of Valor that our guild makes. God bless you, Lisa, for promoting Hogs for Heroes – such a great cause!

  161. Kirsten Bachar-Perez Avatar
    Kirsten Bachar-Perez

    ❤️ all things patriotic! Can’t wait for this quilt and fabric line! Thank you so much for supporting our veterans. ❤️🤍💙🇺🇸

  162. Eleanor K Hunzinger Avatar
    Eleanor K Hunzinger

    Ads like something we all will love – Americana!

  163. Shasta Avatar

    This is a beautiful quilt. I am excited to see it coming along.

  164. Beth Avatar

    HI Lisa – I’m in – this looks great!

  165. Anita Rohman Avatar
    Anita Rohman

    What a great idea! I love that you are donating so much for such a great cause plus provide free patterns on top of that! Thank you, looks wonderful!

  166. Bonni Brooks Avatar
    Bonni Brooks

    You have the nicest fabrics!

  167. Jennifer Avatar

    Love this fabric line and cannot wait to see this come along. We are a Navy family!

  168. Donna Merrifield Avatar
    Donna Merrifield

    Is there enough fabric in a fat quarter bundle to make the flags in the quilt?

  169. Amy Petiprin Avatar
    Amy Petiprin

    Love america and love your cause Have made a quilt for my very best friend who is a Vietnam veteran. I will love to sew long with you in January thank you very much. Will be making my order for the background soon

  170. Dawn L Lee Avatar
    Dawn L Lee

    I LOVE this fabric line, just order my FQbundle. Looking forward to the sew along. When will we be able to purchase the backing fabric?

  171. Norma Snow Avatar
    Norma Snow

    I especially love red, white and blue since my birthday is at the beginning of July. I can’t wait to see this.

  172. Theresa Avatar

    Oh Lisa, this is a beautiful quilt and also a great cause. I’m looking forward to sewing along with everyone. I’m going to make this quilt for my husband. His man cave is very patriotic and this would be a beautiful addition to his room.

  173. Rachelle M. Avatar
    Rachelle M.

    Is this sew along appropriate for fairly new quilters?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Yes…I will be teaching each block!

  174. Charlotte Keene Avatar
    Charlotte Keene

    Being a Marine mom, I love this patriotic quilt! Will be checking out all the links ASAP.

  175. Sandy Tunnicliff Avatar
    Sandy Tunnicliff

    I LOVE RWB quilts! I help make several Quilts of Valor each year with my small quilt group. This looks like a great QOV quilt to donate!

  176. Sandra Lanter Avatar

    I love your fabric and the blocks….I hope to join. Thank you.

  177. Carrie Hemsath Avatar
    Carrie Hemsath

    This is a stunning quilt, fabric line, and idea. Thank you so much for doing this!

  178. JaneK Avatar

    Love the fabric line and what a good looking quilt….can’t wait. Thanks

  179. Nancy Trullinger Avatar

    Really looking forward to this. Thank you for organizing the stitch along, so excited to shop!

  180. Gail S Avatar
    Gail S

    This sounds like a lot of fun and I hope to sew along!


    I just did my pre-order!! The navy muslin and fat quarter bunch!! Can’t wait!!

  182. debbiebrugman Avatar

    Thank you. I am looking forward to participating in this quilt along. I’ve never made an American quilt and am excited for this one.

  183. Laurie Parsons Avatar
    Laurie Parsons

    Love the Red, White and Blue fabrics! Go AMERICA!!!

  184. Audrea Constancio Avatar
    Audrea Constancio

    I can not wait for another of your great fabric collections. I love all you do for the cross stitch community as well as for the HOG community. I am a HOG owner as well as an American Quilter. I will be joining this QAL.

  185. Chiko Bain Avatar
    Chiko Bain

    Hello Lisa, thank you for what you’re doing.
    From a QOV volunteer quilter in Colorado

  186. Linda Kilgore Avatar
    Linda Kilgore

    I have 2 grandsons that are Marines. I definitely would like to make this quilt. It’s beautiful.

  187. Carla J Avatar
    Carla J

    I am looking forward to making this quilt.
    Thank you!

  188. Kris Busch Avatar
    Kris Busch

    Looking forward to sewing 🧵 along on this quilt. It’s gorgeous!

  189. Chandra Kirts Avatar
    Chandra Kirts

    Looks like fun. And so beautiful. My husband is a veteran, he’ll love this quilt.

  190. Rowena Avatar

    I have been wanting to do an American quilt and now the perfect pattern has come along. This quilt is going to be beautiful. Can’t wait to start!

  191. Martha C Avatar
    Martha C

    What a wonderful cause you are highlighting and supporting! Can’t wait to start.

  192. Jenny Brooks Avatar
    Jenny Brooks

    I can’t wait for this quilt! I’m going to order the fabric now!

  193. Rebecca Welsh Avatar
    Rebecca Welsh

    Fabric ordered and anxiously awaiting this quilt along…love the pattern

  194. Carol Avatar

    Hi Everyone ! I am so excited about this stitch along ! This will be my first one so I’m more than ready to get stitching . Thanks to Lisa for organizing this quilt a long. Sew, lets get this party started !

  195. Gena Watters Avatar
    Gena Watters

    Love the pattern and the charity!

  196. Hazel Walker Avatar
    Hazel Walker

    Wonderful patriotic philanthropy.

  197. Hazel Walker Avatar
    Hazel Walker

    How do we sign up for American Quikters stitch along. Late hearing about it. Due to Covid w family members.

  198. Sharon Treece Avatar
    Sharon Treece

    This is the inspiration I needed for making some quilts for our local Veterans. The fabrics are so patriotic. Love, Love, Love it.

  199. Donna N Avatar
    Donna N

    This perfect! I’m in a no weight cast for 2 broken bones in my heel so this gives me something to look forward to. Love the fabrics and the pattern is awesome! I like anything patriotic.

  200. B Timmerman Avatar
    B Timmerman

    Looking forward to this quilt along. Saw Kimberly Jolly’s first block! Loved it!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Here company is called Count your stitches designs…

  201. Jan H Avatar
    Jan H

    Where can I find the blue/white cross stitch pattern quilt shown on YouTube? Designer name Katie?

  202. Terry Z Avatar
    Terry Z

    I really want to do this, but am having a tough time figuring out where I register. Also, I don’t see a link to the lighter eggshell fabric. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  203. Chris Gardner Avatar
    Chris Gardner

    Excited for this “stitch-along”….can’t wait to get started!

  204. Judy Krolski Avatar
    Judy Krolski

    I am very excited about this quilt along and a little hesitant. The information sheet you posted listed a number of items that would make this project simpler to construct. You did not mention HST paper. Can you suggest the sizes needed for this project? I would feel more confident making smaller HST if I could use the paper templet.

  205. Kathy A. Avatar
    Kathy A.

    Looking forward to this quilt-along! Love anything patriotic!

  206. Pam Shallenberger Avatar
    Pam Shallenberger

    I am very excited about this SAL. But I am very confused as to when this starts & how it works.

  207. Terry Z Avatar
    Terry Z

    Pam, me too. I commented that I couldn’t figure out how to register. 🤷‍♀️

  208. Teresa Avatar

    Just found you on YouTube! And watching video #1im very excited to do this stitch along as I know so many veterans! This is truly going to be a great sew along! THANK YOU !

  209. cheri maytjaszek Avatar
    cheri maytjaszek

    Thank you so much for all do. I have a Grandson, in Japan, but he is recovering from a fall down some steps. And a Great nephew in the Army. My Grandson is a Marine. It is God’s Miracle he is alive. You are new to me so I will check out your store. Do you also sell on Amazon?

  210. Stephanie Peterson Avatar
    Stephanie Peterson

    I am so excited for this sew along!!!

  211. Joyce G Staley Avatar
    Joyce G Staley

    I want to join the American Stitchers Stitch-a-Long but can’t find the pattern. I have lots and lots of fabric in ted, white and blue colors. Please help me find the pattern. Thank you!

    1. Beth in AZ Avatar
      Beth in AZ

      She is waiting for precuts to ship so noone is left behind.

  212. Christine Dent Avatar
    Christine Dent

    Has the American Quilters Stitch along started?

    1. Beth in AZ Avatar
      Beth in AZ

      they are waiting for precuts to arrive… shipping delay-imagine that!

  213. Kelly Gerlach Avatar
    Kelly Gerlach

    I stumbled across this while looking for backing for my Our Flag quilt and I’m so glad I did! Love all things Americana🇺🇸

    1. Lori Avatar

      You have a beautiful style. I hope to be able to fit this into my life right now. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  214. Barbara Barnett Avatar

    I have ordered the Fat Quarter bundle but the web site didn’t have the background Navy fabric will they get more in? I also couldn’t find the Itty Bitty Rulers and the 12.5×12.5 ruler also the Simple folded ruler I did find but didn’t order until I find the rest of them and my thread. I’m looking forward to this sew along its a very good cause I think. Please advise Thank You Barb

  215. Kelly Pilkinton Avatar
    Kelly Pilkinton

    I love the whole idea of this quilt project! My dad was a 21-year navy vet. I lost him many years ago; at which time, he had lost faith in our government which had let him fall through the cracks when he needed medical care for lung injuries he sustained while overseas. He waited on a long list to receive medical attention as a retired vet. Six years after he passed, I finally received a phone call that, “Good news”, my father had finally reached the top of the waiting list to be allowed to recieve medical attention. My response was, “Wow! It took six years after his death to receive this call. He was promised medical care for life; and yet he didn’t receive it. You don’t even know he’s dead. This system is broken. I grew up as a military brat. We lived in Hawaii during the Vietnam war. We spent our weekends attending military parades and funerals, and at the airport, waving flags and greeting injured warriors returning from overseas to receive much needed medical attention. Our luckiest service men would eventually return home to anti-war protesters and less friendly welcomes. But their first stop was a positive and supportive group of fellow service members and their families who honored and respected their sacrifice to our nation. As a military “brat”, I was raised to always honor the commitment and sacrifice of our military. Those days seem so far removed from this current generation, who mostly seem to just ignore and disassociate themselves from the code of honor that we once felt as a nation. It is so heartwarming to see that some people still believe in and support our vets. God bless your work and spirit of service. Thank you for caring for our vets. They deserve to be honored and remembered.

  216. Regina Hedgecock Avatar
    Regina Hedgecock

    I am very excited to do this quilt with you. I may be late to this blog, but I ordered the fat quarter tower today! Thanks for the beautiful pattern. The charity is an amazing idea! Love, love, love it!


  217. leahbear28 Avatar

    I am looking for the sign up information. I am excited about doing this one.

  218. lynberroadrunnercom Avatar

    Love the quilt and all your work…thanks for doing a Quilt a Long with a great purpose…

  219. Colleen Hicks Avatar
    Colleen Hicks

    Where is Block 1 and cutting instructions?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

  220. Candace Payne Avatar
    Candace Payne

    Pretty excited to be part of the SAL. I have already made a jelly roll quilt and will make the flag quilt too. We love the patriotic theme this summer above all others!

  221. Deborah Huffman Avatar
    Deborah Huffman

    Lisa what are the the sizes of the blue blocks finished . Mine is 6×6. Is that correct? The complete flag block is 12 1/2 × 12 1/2.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      5 3/4″

  222. […] Lisa Bongean at Primitive Gatherings has a current American Quilters Quilt Along that involves 20 flags with small blocks for the star area. It began June 10, 2021 and is very patriotic! She shares good tips on starching fabric before cutting for these small blocks and strip sets. Free patterns on her blog, videos on YouTube and a FaceBook group if desired. Donations for the free blocks go toward a project for veterans in her area.American Quilter’s Stitch Along […]

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