MBH4 – Block #25 “Heart”

Hey Folks! Welcome back to another fun-filled Moda Blockhead Wednesday. As we get ready to hit the road for The Great WI Quilt Show I had to stop for a minute to crank out this week’s beauty of a blockhead, lovingly called Heart.” This “lovely” block is brought to us by Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique – a blog and pattern company she started from home after quitting her job to go on maternity leave. Having learned to quilt as a young girl, Vanessa has turned her natural ability and love for creativity into a career she loves. Often inspired by her childhood experiences, Vanessa’s patterns are typically vibrant and playful, including a variety of stunning fabric lines designed for Moda, and two best-selling quilting books.

Much like last week, I have a lot in common with the designer of this block since we both have a bit of a love affair with stars and hearts alike. It just so happens that Hearthas one of each! This block reminds me a lot of a darling heart-themed quilt called Heartfelt I was working on a few months ago as part of a charity QAL to raise money for Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. That project certainly corrected any discrepancies I may have had in my heart stitching skills after making so many of different sizes and types throughout the piece. This block is similar with an interesting design featuring an outer star shape with a square center, including a heart smack-dab in the middle.

Heart is constructed using a combination of easy beginner techniques, however if you’re doing the smaller 4.5″ size option you’ll notice some of those pieces are pretty small and require an added level of skill and precision. The heart center of the block is done with an easy-corner triangle method, surrounded by flying geese units that create the overall “star” feel. Sounds like a fun block, doesn’t it? To get started all you need to do is visit Vanessa’s blog for your copy of the full pattern and instructions by following the link!

For my blocks, I went back to basics and used the fabric combination I originally started MBH4 with so many months ago. For the center heart and outer corner elements I chose a gray and black combo tiny print along with a white floral design on a lighter gray color for the outer flanks of the flying geese pieces. Both selections are from my Urban Farmhouse Gatherings II line. As usual I stuck with a medium orange Bella Solid called “Ochre” for my background. Looking for some dynamic grayscale fabrics for your next project? We still have Urban Farmhouse Gatherings II in stock but inventory is low. Grab it while you can by clicking the button below!

Remember, for more information on MBH4 including all the previously released MBH4 blocks that I’ve done, simply visit the Moda Blockheads 4 Archive listed in the main menu of links at the top of my blog page. You can also visit Moda’s Inspiration+Resources Center Page for additional resources and help, along with all released bonus blocks by clicking HERE! 

Well everyone, I better hang it up and get back to my quilt show preparations. If you haven’t already heard, Kali, Heidi, and I will be leaving PG tomorrow morning for The Great WI Quilt Show in Madison, where Jess, Amy, and my Bernina team are already working hard to get everything set up ahead of time for the big show. But before I go, I want to take a second to give a quick shout out to Christine D. for her awesome comment here on the blog last week. To say thanks I’ll be sending you a little something special because I really appreciate you taking the time to read and comment on my blog! Thank you! Of course, I don’t post last names or email addresses for your privacy, so if you think you’re the lucky winner this week please check your email! You can also contact Heidi at heidin@primitivegatherings.us if you have not already received a prize confirmation letter from her. She will use your email address to confirm that you are in fact the winner! That’s always fun, isn’t it? You too could be the lucky winner of a goodie or two – all you have to do is leave me a comment here on the blog for your chance to be the next winner!

…Oh! I almost forgot to tell you the GOOD NEWS! As long as the internet Gods behave, we’re going to be coming to you LIVE right from our booth at the show tomorrow – Thursday September 7th at 1:00 p.m. CST on my STITCH with Lisa Bongean YouTube channel! Join us for an exclusive view of the show plus a LIVE trunk show of my newly released Red & White Gatherings line! AND we will have actual copies on site of my new Red & White Gatherings project books for you to purchase that are not yet available anywhere else (sorry, the fabric is still not here yet, but is available to pre-order on our website by clicking the button below – and don’t forget! Pre-cuts are 20% OFF for a limited time so stock up now)! In other words, come buy a book at the booth and you might even get it signed while you’re at it.

Wow – I am super excited to do a trunk show in the middle of a huge juried event like this one. We’re hoping for a crowd! Can’t be there in person? No problemo! All you have to do to watch us live in action is click the STITCH button below! Set your reminder now so you don’t miss it.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I’m really looking forward to the show this year. COVID really threw a wrench in everyone’s gears for a couple of years there so this is really going to be something special – I can feel it! I’m especially looking forward to seeing everyone’s beautiful work – I always find so much inspiration at these events! I know I’m going to be in complete awe and be itching to get home and stitch before the event is even over. Juried shows are always so much fun – especially when you have work IN the show. Have you ever been in a juried quilt show? Have you placed? Let me know in the comments! I love to hear about your quilting accomplishments! Alright, off I go. See you at the show everyone! ~Lisa

22 responses to “MBH4 – Block #25 “Heart””

  1. Janet Knapp Avatar
    Janet Knapp

    Yes…I have entered juried shows. It is not for everyone, but a special time to share your own individual style and talent of quilting. I have won ribbons twice at the Paducah Quilt Show in Paducah. Both were garden quilts. One – a pattern of “Primitive Gatherings” – the “Primitive Garden” brought me a judges ribbon. I had redesigned a block and drew an American flag in place of the hose and bird bath. The other “Through the Garden Gate” brought me a third place. The glory of winning at Paducah are the ribbons themselves. Hand made and represent a beautiful Dog Wood flower done with beautiful cotton fabrics.

  2. Judith Stout Avatar
    Judith Stout

    Many Blessings Lisa for a safe and successful quilt show. I can’t even count the number of new things I have learned from you since discovering PG.

  3. Peggy Nelson Avatar
    Peggy Nelson

    The Urban Farmhouse Gatherings looks very intriguing, coming from a farming background!

  4. Helen Lineham Avatar
    Helen Lineham

    Looking forward to seeing you live tomorrow from the quilt show. Can’t wait to see your trunk show. Have pre-ordered my copy of Red and White Gatherings and a fat quarter bundle, October will be a fun month.

  5. Amy D Avatar
    Amy D

    I have never been in a Juried Quilt Show but I did win ribbons with my Heirloom Rose from PG in my County Fair and the Nebraska State Fair this year. It is always exciting to be acknowledged for a hobby you enjoy. Thank you Lisa for such AWESOME quilts and projects. Heirloom Rose was my first wool project and completely hooked me on hand applique and embroidery!

  6. Shari Smith Avatar
    Shari Smith

    Have a wonderful time at the quilt show!!! I enjoy your blogs and this heart block is awesome.Thank you for ALL you do!!

  7. Linda Click Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I can’t wait to see you tomorrow at the quilt show. I am torn between watching your live trunk show at 1 pm and going to my favorite author’s (Jennifer Chiavernini) lecture at 1 pm. I’m so glad you will be at the quilt show tomorrow – can’t wait to see all the wonderful things your bring from PG. I watched your YouTube show on your booth set up – thank you for sharing that! Me and 3 others will be headed to The Gathering tomorrow afternoon for the weekend – are we excite – Yes We Are!! I didn’t receive clue 6 Monday but I do have a friend that forwarded the clue to me. I will be bringing O Say Can You Sew with me to the retreat. Thanks so much for all you do for your customers – you are so very generous! See you tomorrow!!!

  8. Barb Schneider Avatar
    Barb Schneider

    I am a member of the Venice Area Quilt Guild in Venice, FL (my winter home location) and have received ribbons in all places including two blue. Although this is only a local show I have learned so much by watching the various accredited judges use their talents in evaluating all types of quilts. I’ve improved my skills and am able to apply them to my quilt making. But I most enjoy trying new techniques and enjoying all my quilts – perfect and not so perfect.

  9. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    I ❤️ This block! ❤️❤️

  10. Germaine Dolata Avatar
    Germaine Dolata

    Love that block!

  11. Jeanne Giebe Avatar
    Jeanne Giebe

    Thank you Lisa for keeping us up to date on MB4! Have a great time in Madison!

  12. Janice Schwausch Avatar
    Janice Schwausch

    I worked on my blue & white paper pieced quilt for2-3 years & resewed it many times. Friends encouraged me to enter it in the Houston IQF’s Sapphire (45 years)Celebration show in 2019 and It was such an honor to have it exhibited in such a
    Prestigious quilt show.

  13. Val Avatar

    Can’t wait until tomorrow’s live!

  14. Janice Schwausch Avatar
    Janice Schwausch

    Hi, Lisa!
    I love your blogs and fantastic patterns.
    I worked on my blue & white paper pieced quilt and resewed it 4 times. After encouragement from friends I entered it in the Houston IQF’s Sapphire (45 years) Show and it was accepted. it was an honor to have it exhibited in the show!

  15. June K Avatar
    June K

    Wow- can’t wait to see your Red & White Gatherings trunk show live from the quilt show! I have been in juried quilt shows and placed with my miniature quilts many years ago. It is always exciting and fun to share the love of quilting with others! Thanks so much for the inspiration and all you do!

  16. Barbara Avatar

    Have a wonderful time at the quilt show. I will be there in spirit this year.

    Yes I’ve had quilts in multiple shows. I was just chuckling that the last few times I submitted at the Madison show, my quilt always hung next to Carol Fallert, a professional quilter! We’ll talk about a tough spot to be!!!! But still a good experience.

    Yes I have placed in a juried show. I just hung up my Bittersweet Vine that I got second place and viewers choice at manitowoc show 2009. It’s my favorite fall wool project on silk.

    My favorite show was a year long traveling show in different art galleries in the state. I had three pieces that traveled. That was in the 90’s! Long time ago.

    And I belonged to a group on the lakeshore that had art quilt focus and I was honored to have a quilt and beaded crazy quilt purse displayed at the Neville art gallery. It was an honor to be there with plenty of excellent artists.

    Well enough about me. Enjoy the show and thanks for sharing all your great ideas and projects for us to make.

  17. Clara Chandler Avatar
    Clara Chandler

    Thank you for the information about your booth at the Quilt show this weekend. I can’t be there but will certainly look for your videos. My quilts have never been entered in a juried show but have been in our local quilt group shows. What inspiration occurs at a quilt show!! Thank you for all the ideas you share, Lisa.

  18. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    Have lots of fun at the show. I miss the shows, but thankfully my area of Texas has a few that I should be able to go to in the near future!

  19. Carol Keith Avatar
    Carol Keith

    The Red and White Gatherings quilts you showed on your YouTube today from the Wisconsin quilt show were absolutely awesome. Thanks so much for sharing your skills with everyone.

  20. Lisa P. Avatar
    Lisa P.

    I have never been in a Juried Quilt Show but I have entered quilts, wall hangings, table runners, and stitchery items in my County Fair here in PA many times over the years. This year, among other items, I entered my Building Blocks quilt from PG and won a ribbon. Thank you Lisa for bringing us such WONDERFUL projects!

  21. Donna Faris Avatar
    Donna Faris

    Did you sew mbh4 block 20? I can’t find your color selection.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Donna! Yes, I sure did do Block 20. Here is a link to my blog post on that one. Hope this helps – happy stitching! https://wp.me/pfeKV-7mB

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