Better Late than Never!

Hey everyone! Sorry for the late post. I had every intention of hopping on first thing this morning to share today’s FLASH Sale post but things didn’t exactly happen the way I planned. In fact, I’m not really sure how it’s just about 4:00 already… But better late than never I suppose, so here we go (remember – FLASH Sale details are posted daily by 6:30 a.m. on both the PG Facebook page and my STITCH group. You can also find them by visiting our website. Click “NEW ITEMS” and then “Flash Sale” to see the daily deal)!!!

Do you like FREE fabric? TODAY ONLY! Get a FREE 5″ Red & White Gatherings Charm Pack with the purchase of a Creative Grids 8″ x 24″ or 15″ X 15″ Itty-Bitty Eights Ruler!

If you’ve never owned a Creative Grids ruler, you’re really missing out! I designed these rulers to make easy to read 1/8″ markings. They feature black and white dashed 1/8″ markings that are easily visible on both light and dark fabrics. Dashed 1″ grid lines ensure accuracy when cutting pieces for miniature quilts, along with black diamonds for cutting 1/8″ strips, and white diamonds for cutting 1/4″ increments. Forty-five degree angles are marked from corner to corner making these nifty rulers the perfect tools for squaring up blocks. They also slide easily over fabric until pressure is applied. The exclusive gripper holds the fabric in place while cutting, eliminating slips and miss-cuts. They are definitely must-haves in my sewing room. You can add them to your stitching tool box by hitting the link above!

Things feel a little off around here today for some reason – there is strange kind of energy in the air. As many of you know, WI is currently in the pathway of a rather larger winter storm that should be arriving in full force sometime this evening. So large in fact, that The National Weather Service has given it a name – Winter Storm Axel. Obviously we get winter storms up here all season long so to us it’s not usually that much of a big whoop. On the other hand, since this one seems completely unpredictable and promises to bring a little bit of everything, I think it’s causing a bit of nervous tension. After a bunch of rain tonight it’s supposed to get a lot colder, gradually turn over to ice, and then (hopefully) dump some major snow on most of the state. Depending on which map you look at, our snow potential in this area is anywhere from 3 – 9 inches, give or take. I say bring it on! My tires are good and I’m ready to ski! Snow is great if you know how to make the best of it – especially when there is a lot of it.

Needless to say, the anticipation of Axel’s arrival has a lot of people here on edge – especially a few of my staff who aren’t WI natives, and not accustomed to winter driving. Either way, no matter where you’re from it’s best to stay home during a storm like this unless you absolutely have to travel, which is why we’ve decided to go ahead and make the difficult decision to cancel our events scheduled for tonight, tomorrow, and Friday. Those events include Kid’s Camp tonight (Wednesday, Dec 14), and Sit & Stitch tomorrow and Friday (Thursday, December 15th and Friday, December 16th). Unfortunately this also includes our Fish Fry scheduled for this Friday, December 16th (major bummer… Believe me – we know)!!! Stay tuned to the blog and other social media outlets for updated flyers for future Kids’ Camp, Sit & Stitch, Fish Fry, and all other clubs and events, coming soon!As long as we’re on the topic of of dates and times, I’m going to take this opportunity to remind you all that our hours will be different over the holidays! I know a lot of people visit the shop and retreat house from a long distance away, so PLEASE! If you’re planning a trip to PG be sure to pay attention to our modified hours so that you don’t end up here with your nose pressed up against the door, and nobody to let you in. Trust me, that is NOT what we want! Our modified holiday hours are as follows:We will not only be off for the holidays, but also for some additional time to take inventory before we launch our new POS system and website on January 6th, 2023 – which is also the day we reopen for business during our normal winter hours. Speaking of our regular business hours, you should also know that our winter hours are now in effect, and will be until April 2nd, 2023. Our regular winter hours are as follows:Alright friends, I think I’m going to head out of here. It’s not even 4:00 yet and it looks like late evening outside. I keep hearing different forms of precipitation hitting the steel roof outside and it doesn’t sound friendly. Batten down the hatches Nick! I’m on my way home… Before I go I do want to give out a quick prize or two for comments made on the blog last week! I’m always saying that I love reading your comments and hearing about what’s going on in your world… and I really mean it! I consider you all friends and appreciate you letting me be a part of your lives. Sending out fun feel-good prizes is about the least I can do to show my gratitude. With that being said, Diane M. and Mary Ann S. – you are the lucky winners this week! Thank you SO much for your comments. You really made my day. 🙂

Now, as usual I did not post last names or email addresses for your privacy, so if you think you’re one of the lucky winners this week please be sure to check your email. You can also contact Heidi at if you have not already received a prize confirmation letter from her. She will use your email address to confirm that you are in fact the winner (if you think you are a winner but have not received a prize confirmation email, please be sure to check your spam folder – it’s not often but our emails occasionally will end up there)! Want to be considered for a prize? Simply leave me a comment! Tell me what ol’ Winter Storm Axel is doing where you live. It’s an interesting system that seems to be spinning in a giant spiral of sorts, yet not really moving much at all. All I know is that it’s affecting a lot of states and only just getting started at this point. Check out this radar image of WI from earlier. Apparently my Christmas tree isn’t the only thing lit up right now!

Yikes, I am born and raised Wisco and even I will say that looks like a hot mess. Time to go! I will see you all back here tomorrow when I go LIVE at 1:00 p.m. CST on my STITCH with Lisa Bongean YouTube Channel. I have a few things to talk about including a revisit to one of my favorite fabric lines of 2021, Urban Farmhouse II – because as I mentioned the other day, there might just be a reason you want to stock up on this fabulous collection tomorrow. I guess you’ll have to tune in to find out what that reason could be! Just click the button below to watch, and I will see you there! Until then, stay safe and warm everyone. Take care! ~Lisa

20 responses to “Better Late than Never!”

  1. Gina Avatar

    Stay safe!

  2. Patty Jones Avatar

    Hoping you and all your family and staff stay safe during this storm. I live in South Central Missouri and it is ushering in colder air for us, waiting to see if we get much precipitation out of it. They had said we would have snow and ice possibly the beginning of the week and I think maybe now that is gone from our forecast. I am just hoping it doesn’t show back up… always means lots of downed power lines for us. I am happy to hear of those who want it for skiing and such to get all they want.

  3. Roxie Avatar

    Our South Dakota weather is heading east towards you. It is definitely stitching weather.

  4. Melanie B Avatar
    Melanie B

    Love my creative grids ruler, all the lines really help me get accurate cuts. Just used to to make the Joy holiday banner from Yuletide Gatherings!

  5. Stephanie Tabares Avatar
    Stephanie Tabares

    Stay safe. We are in California, not effective.

  6. Mary Hawk Avatar
    Mary Hawk

    Yikes, stay safe and warm. In Iowa we have been having gloomy,dark, rain and wind. It was quite warm today, so weird, but that comes to an end soon. I would like some snow.
    I put 1 of your stickers on my machine and on my laptop today, reminders to make time to stitch!
    My husband is sick and I am trying to steer clear, as I don’t want this respiratory bug. Ugh.
    It’s so nice that you give out prizes. Who doesn’t love happy mail??

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I love it! Maybe put the other sticker on your husband for good juju. Then when he gets better you can say it was all because of Primitive Gatherings. LOL!!!

  7. Beth Robinette Avatar
    Beth Robinette

    I WISH Axel was coming to my neck of the woods. I love snow and a good snow storm, but I’m in Ne. We may have a couple inches. Hunker down and enjoy!!!

  8. Kathryn Smith Avatar
    Kathryn Smith

    Eeks!! Winter storm Axel heading to Upstate NY in the Adirondacks and sadly we have decided to cancel our guild Christmas party and fabric swap! 😣😣❄️❄️❄️😢😢

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hey Kathryn! Sorry you had to cancel, but these kinds of fickle weather conditions ARE scary! Like I mentioned in my post, I’m no scardy-cat when it comes to driving in winter weather, but only fools toy with the “in-between” stuff. Stay safe!!!

  9. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    Here in Texas I was woke up just past 7am to the emergency alert going off on the phone yesterday morning it was Tornado alerts being caused by winter storm Axel… thankfully my town didn’t have any touch down but it was still a lot of pouring rain and really dark skies too! Needless to say it was a bit scary….

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Oh m’gosh, I’m so happy you are safe!!! It certainly is crazy weather out there. Things are just starting to freeze up here at 10 p.m.

  10. Karen L Avatar
    Karen L

    This storm has initially provided much needed rain in eastern Nebraska. We are expecting some flurries overnight and into Thursday. I hope you don’t get hit too hard! Happy Holidays to you and your staff!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Thank you Karen!

  11. Diane Madison Avatar
    Diane Madison

    I hope y’all don’t get a lot of ice. We had tornadoes all around my neck of the woods in Northeast Louisiana last night. Thankfully, no lives were lost. Y’all stay safe and warm!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      So happy you are safe Diane! It’s about 11:30 p.m. and just starting to snow now. The radar still has all the colors. This should be interesting!!!

  12. Judy Donovan Avatar
    Judy Donovan

    I am in upstate NY in the Hudson River valley and we are awaiting Axel who is due to arrive today ( Thursday) in the evening. We are right on the edge of 1-5” and 3-8” of snow. Not a huge amount but enough. I am planning on sewing on Bonnie Hunter’s mystery quilt and then hand stitching some candle mats I am making from a PG pattern. Enjoy your snow and stay safe❄️❄️

  13. Josephine Hudock Avatar
    Josephine Hudock

    I am in NE Pennsylvania and we are supposed to get from 5-12″ of snow/mix Thurs into Friday ! I’ll be watching your Live while it’s snowing.

  14. Jeanne Wilcox Avatar
    Jeanne Wilcox

    I do live in WI. However we’re in MA visiting family for 6 weeks. We a a dusting last week. Rain this weekend predicted 😔.

  15. JennyM Avatar

    I live in WI. Axel dropped 18″ of heavy, wet snow over the course of two days. The snow falling was magical. Everything looked liked a wonderland. Then the power went out for twelve hours, not a fan of that!

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