Sewcialites 2 – Block 10 “Flourish”

Good morning, and welcome back to another exciting episode of “Sewcialites 2 Friday!” Today we celebrate Block #10 – “Fourish” by Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet Company. Lori grew up as a farm girl in a small town and remembers her childhood as being, “happily immersed in all things domestic” – including stitching! As a child, she spent many hours designing clothes for her dolls, sewing them together, crocheting, and doing embroidery. These days, you’ll find Lori putting her creative foundation to work as a fabric and quilting notions designer for Riley Blake Designs. She also teaches, is the author/designer of several successful quilting books and patterns, and has developed her own yarn collection. Cool!

Lori’s style is inspired by the beauty of the earth, family memories, and the love of God. She finds joy in things like stacks of colorful fabrics, pretty papers, aprons, buttons, embroidery, old dishes, gingham and calico, sprinkles, glitter, and all things vintage (can you relate? I know I sure can). If I had to describe her block Flourish I would say it’s an excellent representation of all of those things because when you look at it, it seems like it has a lot going on! This block is a combination of eight half-square triangles, eight flying geese, and one square in a square. Even though it’s rated as “experienced” on the skills requirement scale, Kim Jolly deemed it, “totally doable.” In other words, don’t panic. It’s not as complicated as it looks, it just has a lot of units. Nothing a little triangle paper won’t fix! Oh, and remember if you need to stock up on triangle paper I have a full selection available in the shop! Click HERE to shop my exclusive Primitive Gatherings Triangle Papers!Busy yet beautiful, Flourishleaves the door open for an infinite number of design, color, and fabric combinations. How are you going to handle this one? I’m anxious to see what you come up with for your version of this energetic design, so let’s get at it! You can find everything you need to get started on “Flourish” including the pattern, project instructions, sewing techniques, tips, and advice from Lori Holt on her blog by clicking the button below! 

How are your blocks coming so far? Are you on track or have you fallen behind a little after the holidays? Maybe you haven’t even started at all… Let me know how you’re doing in the comments! If you’ve been following along with my progress so far, you know that I’ve decided to use my Garden Gatherings fabric line for this quilt-along, leaving out the five tans. What do you think so far? Personally, I’m loving it.

For the background I’m using a selection from the Garden Gathering Shirtings Collection, #49176 15 – a cream fabric with an adorable tiny mustard/orange floral print. If you like what you see and need it in your life A.S.A.P. click the button avove to order!

I know some of you are still trying to decide whether or not to participate in Sewcialites 2, and I really think you should. Don’t worry about being behind. One of the best parts of this quilt-along is that you can do it on your time, however your schedule allows – you can join us at any time! Previously released blocks are posted on the Sewcialites 2 Landing Page along with my blog in the Sewcialites 2 Block Archive, which is listed in the main menu of links at the top of the page.

Newly released blocks can always be found on Kim’s blog The Jolly Jabber, along with a video tutorial on her YouTube Livestream the same day. Each designer will also post their own block to either their blog or their website on that day as well. I will also be posting each block release here on MY blog every Friday for your convenience. Fabric requirements and all block patterns will be posted on the Sewcialites 2 Landing Page, which you can access by clicking the link below. If you’d like to get automatic updates on Sewcialites 2 you can subscribe to the blog by signing up in the Email subscription box by visiting the Landing Page, or by subscribing to the YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

I hope you all enjoy keeping up with these quilt-alongs as much as I do. If you haven’t noticed, I don’t like to sit still very often. I love quilt-alongs because they’re fun, supportive, and tend to keep me on track – even if I’m in the middle of 15 other projects! It’s way too easy to start a project with good intentions only to set it aside for another one shortly after. At least with a quilt-along you have your very cheer team encouraging you make progress each week. I love it!

Alright everyone, that’s it for now! I may pop on again later today to talk about a few items we’ve recently added to the website that I’m really excited about – especially since I know a lot of you have been waiting ever so patiently for them. If you’re super curious and haven’t yet seen STITCH with Lisa Bongean this week, you can always catch the replay by hitting the link below. Have a great day and do your best to get some stitching therapy in. Catch you later! ~Lisa

7 responses to “Sewcialites 2 – Block 10 “Flourish””

  1. Tammy Avatar

    Busy here working on some wooly projects for a few gifts in the new year. I love wool projects!

  2. sonshinepam5308Pam Avatar

    Love your fabric selections and your blocks are so pretty!

  3. Barb Rohloff Avatar
    Barb Rohloff

    I started out the same way as Lori. Had the best dressed trolls and Barbie dolls in the neighborhood. Hopefully I can get just as good at quilting. Practice, practice, practice and use the triangle papers!

  4. Jennifer Nail Avatar
    Jennifer Nail

    I love the garden gatherings line for this QAL. It is my most favorite line yet. I want to make something with starlight and red and white together. So many possibilities!

  5. Sherilyn Wethington Avatar
    Sherilyn Wethington

    Love everything about Lori Holt and PG! My top two! You are both amazing designers and business women!!!

  6. Kristina Wilkinson Avatar
    Kristina Wilkinson

    Lisa- What a pretty block you made! I love your colors! It is busy but like you Lori likes to have fun with lots of pieces. 🙂 So fun to see everyone’s different fabrics with the Sewcialites blocks. Hope you have a great weekend getting all ready for skiing. K-

  7. Brook Avatar

    I’m loving your blocks in the Garden Gathering fabrics so far! I think this has been my favorite block from Sewcialites to date. Thanks for all you do on this blog and on your YouTube channel. You are such a great source of information AND inspiration! Take care!!!

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