Introducing Comment SOLD at Primitive Gatherings!

Hey stitchers! Last week I promised that I would post a little something explaining our latest selling platform at Primitive Gatherings, so here it is. If you’re never heard of Comment SOLD,” get ready to have some fun! As you know, social media continues to transform the way consumers shop online every day. Businesses everywhere are using social media channels to connect with, and sell merchandise in new and unique ways, including what is referred to as “comment selling.”

“What is comment selling!?” I hear you cry… Comment selling works by combining social media and online shopping, allowing people buy right from comments on Facebook or Instagram, without ever leaving their newsfeed. Simply put, Comment SOLD  is an easy, secure, and frictionless way of shopping that makes it dangerously easy to make a purchase. Pretty neat, right?!

The way we plan to utilize this unique way of selling at Primitive Gatherings is by designating specific dates and times when our sales will go on LIVE, which will be announced ahead of time via Facebook, here on the blog, during LIVE shows, and in the STITCH with Lisa Bongean Facebook group (if you’re not already in this group, click HERE to join – please be sure to answer ALL admin questions to be considered for membership!). Products up for sale will be shown and talked about during the broadcast where you will be able to see them ahead of time so you know exactly what you’re buying. Products featured could include sale items, things we just have a few of, or be seasonal merchandise for example. “Silver” was the theme of our first sale for instance – everything up for grabs was either gray or sliver. There was fabric, quilting books, notions, and more, all up on the auction block.

Here’s how it works. All online LIVE sales will be featured in my STITCH Facebook group. In order to participate in the online sale you will need to become a member of the group, which you can do by clicking HERE. Please answer ALL the admin questions that you will be asked in order to be considered for membership. I know it’s kind of a pain, but this is our way of filtering out individuals who are trying to join the group to solicit and scam the other members. As you know, it is a daily fight to keep these people from posting in groups like ours all over the internet and we want to protect you! The questions are there to help filter these people out when they are using stolen accounts, profile pictures, etc. that would otherwise disguise them. If you do not answer all the questions you will not be allowed to join the group. Thank you for understanding! Fending them off really is a lot of work and this helps us tremendously.

After joining the STITCH Facebook group registering for Comment SOLD is easy! First and foremost, if you’re already registered for Comment SOLD for another store, you still need to register under the Primitive Gatherings shop in order to participate in our sales. Once you’ve done that simply tune into our LIVE broadcasts to shop! Much like a traditional auction, items up for sale will be shown with a number. To purchase the item, simply type the word “SOLD” along with the correlating number in the comments. The system will automatically generate an invoice which will be sent to you. You then have three hours to submit your payment and complete your purchase. It’s that easy! Ready to sign up? Click the link below to get started!I know many of you do not have Facebook and believe me, I understand why. Unfortunately, in order to utilize this platform a Facebook account is required. My advice is to create an account and use it only for this purpose. You don’t need to post anything or even use a photo if you don’t want to. It can simply be used to join groups and register for things like this.

If you’re still not sure whether or not you want to participate, no pressure. I would suggest tuning into watch one of these sales as it’s happening to get a feel for how it works. If you then decide it’s something that works for you, simply type the word “register” in the comment section of the broadcast and it will begin the process. Just follow the prompts!

Curious yet? Our next Comment SOLD sale will be tomorrow, Tuesday April 4th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. CST. It will be featured in the STITCH Facebook group which you can join by clicking HEREPlease make sure that if you signed up for Comment SOLDhat you CONFIRMED your account. I see that many of you did not last time around, so if you were having problems that could be why. We have also fixed the quantity problem from last week. Sorry about that!!! We’re still kind of new at this and didn’t get all the correct boxes checked to allow you to do that… Oops! Our bad.

I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about this! We really had a lot of fun doing our first sale last week despite a few snafus here and there. I mean… We’re still learning and figuring a few things out, but that’s the only way to improve! Things may not have gone 100% perfectly but overall it was a huge success. We can’t wait to do it again! I hope you plan to join us tomorrow – even if only for a few laughs to brighten your day. Again, our next Comment SOLD sale will be featured in the STITCH with Lisa Bongean Facebook group tomorrow, Tuesday April 4th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. CST. If you’d like to hear me talk more about Comment SOLD you can always watch the replay of STITCH with Lisa Bongean from last Thursday by clicking the link below for more details. I showed off my current works in progress and then we discussed Comment SOLD at length with Jess and Gloria answering questions. Click below to watch!

Alright gang, that’s all I have for you today! Take care and enjoy your evening. I will see you all soon! ~Lisa

21 responses to “Introducing Comment SOLD at Primitive Gatherings!”

  1. Sherilyn Wethington Avatar
    Sherilyn Wethington

    This Comment Sold could get me in trouble! 😬😂 I love all of your “stuff,” so that is not a problem for me, maybe for my checkbook and my husband! 😜 This should be fun!

  2. Pam Avatar

    Thank you Lisa! Very nicely written instructions. Look forward to your next live sale.

  3. Jeanne Vaughan Avatar

    From someone who works full-time, having to watch a facebook page to see when items are going on sale is really annoying. If a standard newsletter or blog post won’t be sent for sales, I will no longer be buying your products – which is sad as I love your material and quilts. But from what I’m reading about “comment sold” I have no idea how I would take advantage of any sales during work hours. Sorry but I’m very disappointed.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Jeanne – Sale items are only one of the types of merchandise that we will be using Comment SOLD to advertise. Not every Comment SOLD event will feature sales. We will still be having sales on our regular website as well. The blog will also continue to post sale information as usual.

  4. Tammy Whaley Avatar
    Tammy Whaley

    I keep getting a message when clicking on your tab to join the comment sold of it being an unsecured account and trying to steal my identity. I definitely will not be joining

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hey Tammy! That was actually our bad… We had an extra .us in the site address which was causing the system to flag it. Comment SOLD has been around since 2017 and is a trusted, secure site – we love it! The link is fixed and should be working perfectly now. I hope you’ll give it another chance! ~Lisa

  5. June K Avatar
    June K

    Looking forward to Comment Sold tomorrow! I watched your first one last week, so glad it was a huge success! Comment Sold is sew fun!

  6. Carolyn Cargyle Avatar
    Carolyn Cargyle

    No thanks to any part of Facebook. Missing out on sales is disgusting but it appears that’s how you wish to do business. If I wish to buy I go to your website and purchase it. Does this mean you will have sales only for those on Facebook or will you continue to have sales on line?

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Carolyn. The Comment SOLD feature is not only for sales. Sale items are only one of the types of merchandise that we’ll be using Comment SOLD to advertise for. We will still be announcing sales on the website, blog, and LIVE shows.

  7. Carolyn Cargyle Avatar
    Carolyn Cargyle

    Not on Facebook no desire to be on it. Does this mean no more sales on web site? Or are these special sales for Facebook people only.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Carolyn! There will be other sales aside from Comment SOLD. This is just an option for those who want to participate.

  8. Stephanie Tabares Avatar
    Stephanie Tabares

    Watched Comment Sold, last week. All of you did a great job

  9. Cheryl Campbell Avatar
    Cheryl Campbell

    When I click the button to sign into and join comment sold it says this may not be safe. Someone may be impersonating primitive gatherings?? I am a member of your Facebook group and received this through your email blog. Ty

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Cheryl! That was actually our bad. We had an extra .us in the URL and it was messing with the link. Try again and all should be well!

      1. Cheryl Campbell Avatar
        Cheryl Campbell


  10. Joanne Hudock Avatar
    Joanne Hudock

    I ordered on the last Comment Sold and it was very easy and I already received my order, I’ll be watching again !

  11. Brenda Avatar

    I learned that you have to access Facebook through the app in order to see the “Comment Sold” presentation. I finally figured out how to access it after it was over. If there are still items available after the sale ends, how can I buy them? The ladies did a great job, but I would suggest giving the price of the item, description, and name of the line it comes from and then giving the item number. (Which Kim Diehl collection did the fat quarter tower come from?) I hate Facebook and Comment Sold, but I also have serious FOMO and am trying to overcome that.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Brenda! I totally get what you mean about the FOMO. I kind of experienced it myself when I found out about Comment SOLD. We have so much going on around here all the time that the thought of taking on yet another new thing to learn was almost too much. BUT, knowing how popular it is and how much others love using it, I couldn’t resist at least giving it a try, and I’m glad I did. It’s really been helpful with clearing out merchandise that’s taking up space in the warehouse. I want to fill that space with new items so I’m all about it. If you’re not able to watch the event LIVE, you can always go back and watch the replay. Videos can be found on both our STITCH with Lisa Bongean page, and our Primitive Gatherings Facebook page in the “videos” area, or the “live” area under “past live videos.” To purchase all you have to do is put the word SOLD along with the correlating number of the item you’d like to buy in the comments, and the system will handle the rest!

  12. Shari Smith Avatar
    Shari Smith

    Comment Sold sounds fun. I hope I can hop on one of these days

  13. Stephanie R. Avatar
    Stephanie R.

    I am hooked on Comment Sold. I am definitely building up my fabric stash with all your deals!

  14. Donna S Avatar
    Donna S

    I won’t be doing Facebook, but will look at the store site instead. For those who are using the Facebook site, enjoy.

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