Eight is Great!

Hey everyone! Are you ready for a fun weekend? You can really tell that summer is in full-swing with all the festivals, fairs, markets, live music, and other events happening around the area. Between the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) AirVenture events in Oshkosh last week, and the Mile of Music Festival which is happening in downtown Appleton this weekend, there has been plenty to do and see in just the last week alone. Unfortunately, with everything going on at PG and The Gathering I wasn’t able to find the time to explore EAA this year, but I’m going to do my best to get over to Mile of Music at some point this weekend if I can. We’ll see what happens!

Since I wasn’t able to sneak away long enough to enjoy EAA last weekend , I made sure to take some time out during the week to have a bit of fun and adventure with the girls. You might have seen me LIVE on Facebook the other night during a little impromptu mid-week excursion I organized for Jess, Kali, Heidi, and myself. I’ve been hearing a lot about “Night-Glow” kayaking and have wanted to give it a try for a while now (click HERE to watch!). I figured with the heatwave we’ve been having it was the perfect time to take the plunge – and I was right! After a scorching hot day Wednesday, we had the perfect night for it. Temps hovered right around 78° with a slight breeze to keep the bugs at bay (then again, Heidi had so much bug spray on I don’t think anyone within a 25 foot radius of us was going to have any issues – LOL!).

We set sail right at dusk in a group of around 15 – two to a kayak, plus one guide who had his own clear Night-Glow paddle board (shout-out to our guide, Justin – great job, and thanks again!). The boats are called kayaks but they’re not exactly like most people would picture a kayak… They’re more like a wider, more open version of one – made from completely clear plastic so you’re able to see through the sides and underneath you. Then they add an LED light strip on each side of the boat so the water lights up around you, making it possible to see fish and other wildlife.

As you can see, we were a bit “extra” with our glow-stick bracelets and necklaces. There was no way our group was going to lose us… Even if they tried!

If you’re local and curious about where you can do this, the place who puts on the tours is called Adventure Outfitters – Lakeside. They are located on Taylor Lake, which is part of the famous Waupaca Chain O’ Lakes in King, WI. The water on this chain of lakes is crystal clear and looks just like something out of the Caribbean, which is why these boats work so well there. The clear water combined with the reflection of natural materials found at the bottom of the lakes including limestone, clay, and alkaline, create different tints of green on the surface, which result in a beautiful deep turquoise blue green hue that’s hard to describe. Photos simply don’t do it justice.

There are 22 total lakes on this particular chain, but the tour only explores a couple including Taylor, Otter, Rainbow, and a handful of others. Needless to say it was not only fun but beautiful as well. We were even treated to a brief appearance of the full moon as it peeked out from behind the clouds for just a minute…

We had a great time and I’d recommend the trip to anyone looking for something fun and unique to do around WI. And it didn’t take all night either – around an hour and a half – so we had plenty of time for galavanting around town afterwards if we had wanted to. Personally, I was pretty tired and was glad to galavant straight home to bed. There will be plenty of time for that over the weekend.

Speaking of the weekend, as you know Friday means the next round in the Twilight Stars Quilt-Along! I know many of you are anxiously waiting so let’s get to it! This week’s block release numbers are five and seven.

If you’re new to the Twilight Stars Quilt-Along and are wondering where to find the patterns for these blocks, they can be found in my book Triangle Gatherings, which is required to participate in the QAL (along with a few other items that can be purchased on our website by clicking HERE). A blog post I did explaining the full details on Twilight Stars can be found by clicking HERE. The full list of details and required supplies can be found at the Twilight Stars Info Page by hitting the button below!

I’m so excited to see all the different varieties of this quilt once we’re all done! That being said, I hope you’ve been remembering to post photos of your progress for a chance to win one of Heidi’s famous prizes! All you have to do is post a photo of your completed blocks each week before the release of the next batch, including the required book Triangle Gatherings and Primitive Gatherings Triangle Paper in the picture. Please also include the hashtag #TwilightStarsQAL in your post! Heidi will choose a weekly random winner until the end of the QAL. I announce the winner each week during my LIVE show every Thursday, so make sure you post before noon central standard time that day. Congratulations to this week’s lucky winner, Karen Frey Stephens!

Not participating in the Twilight Stars Quilt-Along but still want to get in on the prize game? We love getting comments here on the blog as well as on our Facebook pages, and my YouTube channel STITCH with Lisa Bongean! I’m serious when I say let me know what’s on your mind… I love to hear about what you’re working on and what you’d like to see more of here at PG. Tell me all about it! There might even be a prize in it for you… Special thanks goes out to this week’s comment prize winners Deborah K. and Brenda F. for their comments last week! Congratulations (remember, I do not post last names or email addresses for your privacy, so if you think you’re one of the lucky winners this week please be sure to check your email. You can also contact Heidi at heidin@primitivegatherings.us if you have not already received a prize confirmation letter from her.)!

Alright you guys, I officially release you! Go forth and STITCH every day this weekend! And remember, if you need some quality entertainment while you work, you can always catch the replay of my LIVE shows on my YouTube channel STITCH with Lisa Bongean by clicking the button below! This week we talked with Jen Kingwell who is here all the way from Australia teaching a retreat at The Gathering. If you’re not familiar with Jen and her work, trust me – you want to be… Give it a watch! See you next week! ~Lisa

25 responses to “Eight is Great!”

  1. Lori Quinlan Avatar
    Lori Quinlan

    Lisa, I love your impromptu of doing live videos on the spur of the moment.
    It’s good to see you having fun outside instead of always creating your beautiful projects for us to enjoy. I’m trying to plan a trip to the gathering and would most definitely love the kayak adventure. Thank you for sharing your fun evening with the girls.

  2. Brenda Avatar

    The kayak tour sounds amazing, but the only time I have tried to paddle any kind of boat, my ex and I had rented a canoe on a lake. We spent two hours going in circles because neither one of us knew what we were doing! We laughed about it and had a good time anyway. I caught your live on Facebook—thanks for taking us with you.

  3. Lisa J Avatar
    Lisa J

    The glow kayaking looks super fun. Thank you for the wonderful blocks – I’m having so much fun making these blocks. And I’m actually keeping up! 🙂

  4. Patti O'Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    Your kayak trip looked amazing. What a great idea for seeing wild life. We are in Colorado for the summer ATVing. This week we had lunch with a moose (not really but he was taking a nap in the trees while we ate) watched 4 elk and several deer. Loving summer and the nature around us. Stitching as much as possible of course.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      That sounds like a dream come true Patti! Take lots of pictures!

  5. Sharlene Andoe Avatar

    That looks like you had a great time on the kayaks The last time I was in A canoe has been well over 20 years now! The Neon lights were so cute that worn in the pictures! Glad you took a bit of time to enjoy some quality time with the girls! Love the quilt along photos and how they SPARKLE! Thank you, Lisa for all you do for us quilter’s!

  6. Renee Brooks Avatar
    Renee Brooks

    Lisa, your girls night out sounds exciting yet exasperating!
    Just want you to know that all your staff I’ve communicated with have been excellent people. But KUDOS to HEIDI for going not one but many extra miles to help me with my request.
    Thank you for all you do and the special way you do it. 😊🐑

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Heidi is pretty great! Thanks for the kudos. I love my team and feel so lucky to have every single one of them! <3

  7. Marianne Post Avatar
    Marianne Post

    I was able to visit your shop for the first time on Wednesday this week and had a wonderful time. Vicky, Gloria and Sherry were all so helpful. Wished we could have stayed longer. You were obviously having fun kayaking and having fun with the girls which I’m sure was needed. Loved the shop!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Marianne! Sorry I missed you. I was around during the day but took off a bit earlier than usual.

  8. Sharon Avatar

    That nighttime kayaking sure looks fun!

  9. Christine Avatar

    Next year EAA 2024, where my son will fly in from Texas via northern Minnesota (our home) to Oshkosh with his family to have his plane judged. Then I am coming to shop in person at PG. My husband and I have been going since 1981, missed four different years.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      That will be awesome Christine! See you then!

  10. Charlene Morris Avatar
    Charlene Morris

    Boy lots of info today. Hope you get to play this weekend. Your girls night out was fun- thank you for sharing. The lake was super clear.
    Had to let you know when I was at my local quilt store(I live in Georgia) I was talking to somebody picking up a quilt and it was “Oh Say Can You Sew” could not believe it- decided I need to put my borders on and get it to quilter. She said she would never do itty bitty triangles ever again but glad she completed the project. She did a great job and Thank you for the time you spent sharing and creating the pattern. You and your unique team are awesome.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Thank you Charlene!

  11. Pam Avatar

    Last year I visited PG from mich. I wish I had known about the night time kayaking. What a blast! Ps I’m making the twilight blocks in batik, but jumping around in the book gave me anxiety . So sewing blocks in book order

  12. Phyllis Kundrick Avatar
    Phyllis Kundrick

    Well….you guys had fun!! I did some retail healing this week. I bought a wool kit from……”Backyard Quilts”. I didn’t know you had two companies. I bought “Snowman Gatherings” wool kit. I can’t wait to get started!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Phyllis! That was my business name way back in the day when I first started!

  13. Sharon S Avatar
    Sharon S

    I’ll have to wait until Monday to complete my blocks. I have my granddaughters this weekend, McKenzie, 3 years old and Madison, 5 years old. Needless to say, they keep me on my toes, and I enjoy spending time with them so much!

  14. Robin Avatar

    Isn’t Jen Kingwell there ??

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Hi Robin! Yes, Jen is here.

  15. Joanna Shoemaker Avatar
    Joanna Shoemaker

    What a fun activity & way of getting out & enjoying nature! Thanks for the great QAL, although the blocks are kicking my back side, I look forward to finding our what blocks will be next with each weeks post. Thanks for all you do & got the heart staff!!!

  16. Ruth Tacoma Avatar
    Ruth Tacoma

    Thanks for sharing about your excursion. Looks like a blast! Definitely something fun to add to my list of things to do.

    Having fun with the Twilight Stars blocks too!

  17. Barb Haakonson Avatar

    Hi, Right now I’m working on a few PG pin cushions that I am going to make one into a little pillow. Also working on some cosmetic or what not bags for Christmas gifts, don’t want to be caught in December’s scramble.

  18. Barb Schneider Avatar
    Barb Schneider

    Just got back from vacation and read about your adventure on the Chain O’ Lakes. What a fantastic treat for your employees (and yourself)! I’ve lived in WI my entire life and this is the first I’ve heard of night-glow kayaking. No wonder your employees are the best. You reward them with so much fun! I so much enjoy hearing about your adventures.

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