I need your imput…

I received an email today…I can’t stop thinking about it…and need some advice…that is what a blog is for right? Interaction….I am in the process of switching my email messaging to Mail Chimp which will allow me to send beautiful emails with pictures and such…it is costly…about $150 per month because I have 9000 addresses on my account already -(yes I know some of you cannot sign up because I am at my limit and this is why)…and would have to enlist for 10,000+…this is a good problem right…lots of people what to know what is happening at PG….then I get this today…

Just got off the phone with you(meaning the store-she did not talk to me) and will now write to get me unsubscribed.  I have made several failed attempts the last week to unsubscribe from all 3 websites:  Lisa’s blog, Primitive Gatherings, and the store.  I’ve not had any problem with any other website and I know I’m doing it right.  I have loved the store, products, and everything Lisa has done.  There are way too many postings and it’s starting to feel like when we have a famous speaker at our guild and she spends too much time pushing her products.  I don’t think Lisa is in this just for the money, but trust me, it’s starting to look like that and turning me off from the store.  So many more stores in SoCal where I live now sell wool and stuff to go with it, we now have several local choices plus many other websites.  Many of my friends are now feeling the same way and from being your biggest supporters we sometimes look elsewhere.  Please just get me off of these 3 sites and consider sending less for those who still are on them.


Now here is the issue…I sent out 1 email this month..which was yesterday…3 in May and 1 in April and so on…I have blogged 4 times this month so far…2 have been about our family wedding…that everyone at the last two shows and classes have been asking me if I was going to post about the wedding… now the shop sends out little blog posts about shop stuff…there is a lot going on right now and we want to treat our web customers just as well as our walk-in customers……before today I was thinking I was not posting/emailing enough…then that email showed up…
Please tell my your honest opinions….before I spend 1000’s of dollars a year to send out emails……should I schedule emails and blogs… like once a week?  We are starting to work on my new studio where we will be able to do YouTube videos…is this not necessary either?  Is it all too much? I was thinking I was slacking compared to some quilt shop that I am subscribed to….
well… maybe now I will be able to sleep a little better now that I shared this and will get your info…Please be honest…I know I cannot please everyone all the time but need to know if more of you feel this way.  LB


505 responses to “I need your imput…”

  1. Paula Avatar

    I personally enjoy the amount of blog notices. I’m an online customer only as I live in Texas. These help me keep up to date on your products. I will continue to subscribe. Demo videos – wonderful! Thank you!

    1. Julie Avatar

      I enjoy hearing from you about everything (life, projects) ! Would love for you to post more often. It would be cool for you to do the you tube videos ! Keep up the great work ! Wedding pics are great- thanks for sharing !

  2. Vickie Avatar

    Lisa, I personally look forward to each and every email and would really miss them. I say keep them coming please!

  3. Patty Avatar

    Lisa, I do not think you are posting too much! I don’t understand what that person is talking about! I live in SO Cal and in my area we do not have a shop I like. Now if I drive south, to the San Diego area, that means a lot of traffic, then I can get some nice things. I do shop on line too. I LOVED seeing your wedding pictures as well as the posts you send out, though I am not interested in the warehouse sale things. I am usually on a mission when I shop on line. I would love to see the you tube pieces!!
    Maybe you should make sure this person can get unsubscribed!! Loved speaking with you at Long Beach. The shop was much easier to get around in too!

  4. Julie - Me & My Stitches Avatar

    You and I have talked about this before…do not let one take the wind out of your sails. I honestly feel that you do not post too much. And really would like it if you posted more often. I like the quick notes from the girls at the shop, and love the updates from you. So glad that you are posting pictures of the wedding, and always look forward to your posts to see what you are up to. Love to see the new things you are working on, etc. You are doing everything right – don’t change a thing, unless it is to post more often. Some people just have to hate. I mean really…if you don’t want to read it, delete the e-mail…it’s not that hard.

  5. Penny Valentine Avatar
    Penny Valentine

    I enjoy your emails and blogs. Looking at new products and “stuff” and loved the pictures of the wedding!

  6. Becky M Avatar
    Becky M

    Lisa, I love reading your blog posts and the shop posts as well. I am waiting for your tutorials. Please do them. You are running a business and should be pushing your products. I wouldn’t think of unsubscribing. In fact, I would be happy if you posted more often.

  7. Kathy Winkler Avatar
    Kathy Winkler

    I think that woman needs to get a life!!! If she doesn’t want to read, that is what the delete button is for

  8. Karen V Avatar
    Karen V

    I’m shocked by the email you received. I’ve never felt that you or the shop send excessive emails! If anything, I’ve anxiously waited for updates/information that I knew would have to be coming shortly (like for an upcoming event or a new project coming out).
    Please don’t feel that you/the shop email or blog too frequently! I receive much more chatter from other shops and especially from other online companies.
    Hope this helps!

  9. Carolyn Hechel Avatar
    Carolyn Hechel

    I don’t think you post very much and look forward to each post.

  10. Rosemary Redhead Avatar
    Rosemary Redhead

    You can’t please everyone so I think sending this request out is a good idea before you spend your hard earned money. You do not blog too much, you are not pushy, you are a very generous owner and share all your good ideas. Your staff is exceptional, friendly and personable. I am very pleased with your emails/blogging and I very much look forward to hearing from you and/or Jessica at the shop. It is a good way to keep us in the loop. Your blogging/emails are not too frequent and when I don’t hear from you, I know that you are busy creating new ideas for us or you are traveling. I don’t know how you do all that you do … please don’t let one person spoil it for the rest of us!!!!!

    Looking forward to seeing you in Grand Rapids!!

  11. Sharon Heirholzer Avatar
    Sharon Heirholzer

    Personally I love receiving all your emails. I don’t think you (your shop included) send out any more than a lot of shops. I feel it lets us know you a little bit better. I’m just amazed you can find the time to do it all.


  12. Rebecca Avatar

    I like the post frequency. More would be fine. It’s unfortunate the unsubscribe didn’t go smoothly for this gal. I also like the thought process of you just can’t please all.
    Glad to hear of the new ventures. Hugs!

  13. Cathy J Avatar

    I think she was just having a grumpy day. I think the way you are doing things are just fine and I for one enjoy the postings and I don’t think they are overdone or too much in anyway. I’d just file the email away and keep on the track you’re on. You’re doing great! 🙂

    Cathy ♥

    1. Kathy Dinsley Avatar
      Kathy Dinsley

      My thoughts exactly!

  14. Joni Black Avatar

    I certainly don;t mind the e-mails I get or the blog postings. I like to see them so that I know what is out there. I don’t have retail stores around me so I do depend upon the newsletters etc that I get from PG and other places. You know what – you can’t please everyone and if she does not want your e-mails etc – then she has the option to unsubscribe, but she does not speak for me. You are a business and your 9000 sign ups speak for themselves. I think the You Tube videos are a great idea! Go for it.. thanks for sharing.. sometimes it is hard to know what the right thing is…joni

  15. mtneedle Avatar

    Lisa, I wouldn’t let one person’s opinion change what you have planned. I, personally, don’t think you post too much. I love to see what you’re working on, your tips and techniques and to hear about your family. We all know that family and life outside of quilting plays an integral part of who we are. I love getting to know you and your family. Please don’t change what you are doing or are planning to do. Unsubscribe that one person….. People forget there is always the delete button on their keyboard if they don’t want to read a message. Why ruin it for everyone…… Thank you for all that you and your shop does!

  16. Julie Goedeke Avatar
    Julie Goedeke

    I have no problem with the amount of e- mails and posts. I enjoy seeing your things. I certainly don’t feel like you are pushing your products. I wouldn’t have signed up if I didn’t want to see them. Julie Goedeke

    Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 02:36:25 +0000 To: julgoedeke@hotmail.com

  17. Darlene Avatar

    I like your updates and everything you send out. Please keeping doing everything you do !!!!!! Thank you for everything you do !!!!!!

  18. Sandy Kipphut Avatar
    Sandy Kipphut

    I was shocked by this email. I don’t feel that you post too much. I enjoy receiving everything and love seeing the photos of your family time. Keep up the good work. You are so talented, please don’t let one person spoil what you have.

  19. Twink Avatar

    Your email and blogs are interesting and informative. I’m actually amazed that you have the time to send so much information to us. Hope you are not discouraged because what you do is inspiring .


  20. Kay Naugle Avatar
    Kay Naugle

    I think you are doing great Lisa! I enjoy your blogs and everything you share is up to you to decide if you want to post. You probably will like mail chimp more and it will benefit your business too. I appreciate all of your hard work and creative sharing you do. You and your creative inspiration have made a positive difference in my life and the quilting community as a whole. Rock on sister! (By the way very beautiful wedding photos!)

  21. Judy W. Avatar
    Judy W.

    I always enjoy hearing from you. I love seeing the new projects and anything else you send.

  22. Nancysue Avatar

    Share away 🙂 The more (subscribers) and the more (posts) the merrier. Life is about sharing. Blogging and the internet is about sharing. This is one person, even though she has mentioned that her friends feel the same way, (apparently she has sent out survey monkey to them on the topic?). Let her friends also unsubscribe if they are not happy. Don’t hold her opinion to be anyone’s but hers. One person. Share away my friend!!

  23. Dee Hanson Avatar
    Dee Hanson

    I absolutely LOVE getting emails from the store, from your blog, about whatever is going on with the store, with your family, it’s always fun and interesting. I get lots and lots of emails from companies on line … sometimes more than 1 a DAY (now THAT’s annoying) … please do NOT stop blogging or sending emails. If someone doesn’t want to read it, they have a delete key. That’s what it’s for.

  24. Molly Case Avatar
    Molly Case

    I love you just the way you are.  Thank you for giving me so many hours of pleasure!  I am a little old lady with not much money but still dreaming of those quilts everyday from morning to night and you fulfill lots of creativity in me!  Thank you With Love  Miz Molly

  25. Jane Laureys Avatar
    Jane Laureys

    Love your emails and blogs. I feel that the personalization of what you do only adds to my relationship with your online “shop”. We see you at shows but your emails keep us in touch with YOU. Keep up the wonderful work.

  26. Theresa Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I love receiving your emails and blog posts. I do not feel that you send too much. My personal opinion is you cannot please everyone and no matter how hurt we feel, we just have to let it roll off our shoulders and keep our heads held high. Keep up the good work and thank you for asking for how we feel.

  27. Linda Avatar

    Lisa-don’t you dare change a thing! I so love your posts on your blog and announcements from the store. I also appreciate how you always encourage your followers to support their local quilt stores. You make me feel like I am your friend and love the sisterhood we share in the love of quilting. Also love seeing your dogs and Nick fishing on the lake.I’m always excited to open your email and see what’s new. Unsubscribe that cranky customer and make room for someone who appreciates you as much as I do. Linda

  28. De De Avatar
    De De

    Lisa, I do not k.ow what this person is talking about. You are very talented and have many irons in the fire, so to speak. That is what I like about you. I can read a little about you, making you feel real, you design fabric, write books, all inspiring us. Please do not tress over this message, you cannot make everyone happy all the time, but I believe most of your followers choose to be on your lists.

  29. Lola Underdahl Avatar
    Lola Underdahl

    I love getting your emails. They are certainly not too often. I don’t really understand what that person was
    talking about. I have never tried to unsubscribe from anyone. If I am not interested, I just delete.

    Lola in Minnesota

  30. Nancy D. Avatar
    Nancy D.

    That person is being rediculous!! Please don’t stop anything you are doing…we will all miss it. Most of us sign up because we want to know what is going on and enjoy reading the posts.

    1. Sue Eriksen Avatar
      Sue Eriksen

      I love your emails, blog store blog. I read everyone. I have never met you because of where we live, but I feel like you are a friend I could talk to every day. Keep up the good work.

  31. Serena Creach Clark Avatar

    too love receiving your email – I like to stay up to date with what is going on. If I’m busy, or the post doesn’t interest me, I have no problem hitting the delete button and moving on. I live in Washington and would not be able to stay up-to-day without the blogs, email and Facebook. Please don’t stop – many of us appreciate what you do and how you do it. And please don’t let one unhappy person spoil It for all of us.

    Looking forward to seeing much more of you 🙂

  32. Laura Benthien Avatar
    Laura Benthien

    Geez, I think everyone had a bad week, just like I did! Lisa, I look forward to each and every email, blog post there is. I have pretty much stopped going to quilt shops and shows (I just dont take the time any ore) so when I receive updates I love it! Dont let one dufus concern you, she is only one fish in the sea! You have done a wonderful inspiring job of making yourself lnown and admired, keep up the good work!, and email and blog on!

  33. Cheryl Monroe Avatar
    Cheryl Monroe

    Lisa, please don’t let one unhappy person change who you are and how you do business. Remember for every bad comment there are probably hundreds of unspoken positive customers Unfortunately, we are the quiet majority. I love hearing ALL the news from your blogs and love seeing the personal pictures. You are in no way posting too often. I would love to see more posts and LOVE being on all yours lists. : ) I would love to see some tutorial videos. Hope to hear from you soon! Cheryl

  34. nancy lightfield Avatar
    nancy lightfield

    I love your postings…keep them coming!

  35. Sandy Kent Avatar

    Consider doing what other artist do. They put all their info on Facebook, including the blog posts. Then people have a choice of whether to keep you in their newsfeed or not.
    I would not spend the money on the new thing. I don’t believe it would benefit you enough. You have made a living on primitive not flashy. Lol.
    Most of the other people I subscribe email to, only do monthly letters.
    Good luck with whatever you decide.
    Just keep me in!

  36. Sally Hurst Avatar
    Sally Hurst

    I look forward to your blog posts and love reading them. Don’t change a thing! You tube videos are a great idea too. The person that wrote that is essay off base!

    Sent from my iPhone

  37. Debbie St.Germain Avatar

    I have no problem with your emails or blog postings. I like getting things in the mail, if it is something that doesn’t interest me, I just delete it. I like keeping up to date with news and new patterns and things. I am working on the flower garden piece, now. That seems way too much for a service, you should be able to do the same thing with your own providers service without paying extra.


  38. Tish Rodrigue Avatar
    Tish Rodrigue

    I enjoy your posts and always read them right away. I am subscribed to your blog via bloglovin, also get them in my email plus the store blog posts about the products . I will honestly say it is not too much for me. I live in Oregon and we have great stores with wool products and notions but I usually go through your website to compare prices and products. I find that a lot of the patterns I want to do are usually produced by you and you are very competitive in prices. Trust me – you are doing it right! Do not let one persons negative remark question your success. My only problem is that I can not go to your shop or warehouse sales for wool!!! 🙁

  39. Sydney Holmwood Avatar
    Sydney Holmwood

    Lisa, don’t change a thing! You have a wonderful store, great blog and so on! That person is nuts! I love every bit of mail I get from you, the store or the blog! Thanks for being you! Sleep tight!

  40. Rebecca H Avatar
    Rebecca H

    I am happy with the number of emails and blog post that you make. I wouldn’t even mind a few more blog postings. Most of the other quilt stores that I subscribe to send out 1 or 2 emails a week. I don’t see a problem with yours– that person and anyone else who doesn’t like it has a delete button and a block email button- they have a choice to use them or keep their mouth shut!

  41. Mary Ann Owens Avatar
    Mary Ann Owens

    Lisa, go for it!!!! I love everything you send out and I was so excited to learn about you doing videos! The woman who wrote that nasty e-mail has too much time on her hands; I wondered if she had ever heard of the delete button if she didn’t want to read your e-mails, etc. I am from California and there is NOTHING out there that compares to what you sell! I now live in the Dallas area and we have awesome quilt stores but NONE compare to what you produce. Keep on, keeping on!!!!!

    Mary Ann

  42. Nancy Pleimann Avatar
    Nancy Pleimann

    Keep them coming. When I see one from you I go there first.

  43. Linda Avatar

    I do not think that you post too much at all. Because I am not local I like that everyone is kept apprised of what is happening. I look forward to each post.

  44. Joyce Beenes Avatar
    Joyce Beenes

    Lisa, I have been a customer for about one year. I enjoy your posts. If I don’t have time one day that something comes in my in box, I have the option to save it for another day.

    I hope that someday I can visit your shop in person, and please don’t give up the 12 days of Christmas, I totally enjoyed it and I finished the table topper from last year and have received many compliments.


    Joyce Beenes stampingjoy.ctmh.com

  45. Marilyn Avatar

    Please don’t let one person spoil what you were planning. I really enjoy the e-mails from you and Jessica. There isn’t a place by me that sells wool or Valdani threads, so I have been buying on line from you for several years now. I loved seeing the pictures of the wedding, and I like the way that you make the on-line shoppers feel that they are part of what goes on in the shop and in your life. Thank you for that.

  46. Brenda Hanes Avatar
    Brenda Hanes

    Lisa, Keep sending all you want. That is why we sign up! People can choose whether or not to read all of them. I love the new products and the wedding pics are great.

  47. val Avatar

    Lisa, your last sentence said it perfectly. .. you can’t please everyone all the time. She was a customer (and maybe a good one) and will probably still be in the future. Remove her from the list and move on. You have inspired loads of people and I would be willing to bet that some of those people are the very shop owners she is talking about. Keep doing what you love and you can’t go wrong.

  48. Lori Avatar

    I love seeing everything and being able to share. LOVED the wedding pics…& today I got my copy of Flannel Gatherings. Look forward to everything from PG……keep it coming. You inspire us all.

  49. Leanne Avatar

    Hi Lisa,

    I enjoy your blog posts and the shops blog posts (I’m not on your email list but would like to be on that too). You are always showing pictures of something I would love to make or giving a helpful hint or talking about a new tool or new pattern or where you’re traveling or something that you enjoy. I think your blogs are a great way to let us know what’s going on at the shop. I have never felt you were pushing your products on me. I really look forward to all your posts and I don’t feel it’s too much. Please keep the posts coming…don’t let one email spoil it for the rest of us.

    Enjoy your weekend,

  50. Stacey larson Avatar
    Stacey larson

    If anything I think your emails have been less than before and what you send is No Way pushing products. Some of he blogs I follow send emails daily Moda being one of them. It appears to me this person has chosen you as her person to pick on for no valid reason. I’ve enjoyed seeing the family stuff all the fun and in good taste and the wedding has been amazing to view. Emails like that in my opinion you just take in you know to be fact and the rest you find a way to let go. You have soooooo many of us who love and appreciate all you do. Don’t let one bad apple take that away. For heavens sake I had anywhere I could have gone for my 50th and I’m coming to the gathering!!!! I can’t wait. I know when I have a lot on my plate I take things now to heart than I normally would but I think if you search within yourself you know this person is speaking untruths. I hope many of your followers reassure you of how much you bring to us that is positive. Brush it off and keep up the amazing work you do. Some people you just can’t make happy.

  51. Jackie Duerden Avatar
    Jackie Duerden

    Lisa, I look forward to all your blog posts. You are such a great and creative person, and I can’t wait until you come out with new patterns. You will never please everyone. Keep it up and remember there are many of us that love what you do.

  52. Rhonda McCray Avatar
    Rhonda McCray

    You can’t please everyone. Your loyal followers want to hear from you as much as you want to talk to them. I say do what you want and if a few people don’t like it – oh well. Sounds like this woman just wanted to bitch about something. It is pretty easy to hit the delete key when you don’t want to read something!

  53. Carolyn Maynard Avatar
    Carolyn Maynard

    Lisa, please don’t let one individual’s personal opinion get you down! Your communications are enjoyable, educational, and are not excessive! I particularly enjoyed the Days of Christmas! My only lighthearted complaint is that when I am fortunate enough to be in your area, you are rarely there, in your shop 😎 ! I love to shop there anyway, and find your staff to be exceptional! You are one busy family, and we look forward to seeing you at AQS Grand Rapids! Keep up the outstanding talent, work ethic, and communication style!

  54. Marsha Gardner Avatar
    Marsha Gardner

    I really don’t think you post too much! I enjoy all your posts and they keep me in touch with what is going on. You can’t make everyone happy.

  55. Brenda Avatar

    I enjoy reading your posts and seeing pictures that are posted or of family things. I love that you are willing to share the wedding with us and others things about your family. It makes you a real person and not just a shop. Even though I don’t have money now to spend on projects, I love being inspired by the projects you post and to know what new things are coming.

  56. Juleee Avatar

    Just read all the above comments and I agree with them….keep the blogs and emails coming and if you want to do more that would be okay with me…I always read your blog first, anxious to see what you have come up with new. Don’t let one person change it for all the rest of us, see that she gets unsubcribed to your emails and blog….

  57. Jane Zagrodnik Avatar
    Jane Zagrodnik

    I love love your blogs emails. I do not think they are too much. I want useful tips, new project insights etc!

  58. Sharon Nejedlo Avatar
    Sharon Nejedlo

    Lisa, I love your posts…please don’t send less!!

  59. Kathy Covert Avatar

    Lisa, I enjoy your blog and the other emails. I do not think that you send out too many emails. They don’t even compare to some of the ones I get from Macy’s (daily) -too many- same with chain stores. I do admit that if I think an email is too lazy to send me a photo of what they are selling and just send me a 30% off notice, I just garbage it. I really feel that there is something else going on with the person that wrote you the email. She seems upset. Maybe it wasn’t her at all, maybe her husband ? Upset with her spending. Just saying, it’s only one person. She has the ability to hit the delete button. I for one, enjoy all of your communications with me. I look forward to the sale notices and the blog.


  60. Kathy Costello Avatar
    Kathy Costello

    I get more posts on Facebook from people playing Candy Crush then I do from you. I live in Tennessee and I only know of only one shop here that sells wools, many of your products. I really like the updates so I know what is new out there.

  61. geos301 Avatar

    Someone show this person the delete button! Omg!

  62. Linda Ray Avatar
    Linda Ray

    I like getting your emails and don’t think you are overdoing it. Maybe the person who complained should find the delete button on her computer. It is just that simple if you don’t like some emails.

  63. Tammy Penley Avatar

    You don’t post too much! I really like the pics. of quilts & such that you share. That person must have one thread too tight! lol Don’t let it worry you. 1 out of 9000 isn’t to bad…

  64. Laura Strawn Avatar
    Laura Strawn

    Hmmmmm, I was thinking like you that you were not posting enough! 🙂 Please keep them coming!!

  65. Sandy Forbes Avatar
    Sandy Forbes

    Don’t think you need to spend the large amount of money ,I am happy with the emails. Plus we know how else to find you:)

  66. Karen G. Avatar
    Karen G.

    Lisa, Keep the post ‘s coming, I look forward to them!! Wedding pics are great ! Always read your blogs, we are well informed. Keep up the great work!!!

  67. debby Avatar

    I’d ignore that gal…she has issues that have nothing to do with you. Just love your blog, website, wedding pics, etc. Keep them coming:)

  68. Sandy D Avatar
    Sandy D

    I am quite satisfied with your blogging and seeing pictures of different things that are happening.I do not feel I am getting too many.

  69. Sharon Avatar

    I always love your blogs about new projects you are developing and what’s new online and in shop but I must agree that lately feel too many emails lately. I loved wedding pics and appreciated your willingness to share with us, by the way you looked lovely too. I have received several emails or blogs weekly sometimes daily. I would scale back. I don’t think I need to see what you are doing at other guilds or shops so maybe save for them only. Starting to feel Lille a travel log blogger. Save your money and do only your blog once per week cause then shop can have one per wk too.

    1. Kathie Avatar

      I respectfully disagree. I loved the pics you showed of another guilds show & tell and found them inspiring. Keep on doing what you’re doing. I can’t wait for the u-tube videos. Hopefully there will be some wool & stitching tutorials included.

  70. Karen Avatar

    Don’t stop! It is not too much. This is your business. Of course you are going to write about it, plus other cool stuff like family, garden, shows, home. I subscribed because I love your designs and products. How silly would it be if you and the shop staff didn’t tell us about them? You all also provide fantastic expertise in the posts. I will welcome all that you want to share.

  71. Shelly Avatar

    Keep them coming!

  72. Susan Gray Avatar
    Susan Gray

    I do not feel that there are two many emails or postings at all. I do not subscribe to blogs anymore, I use Feedly. I add blogs to my list. When I open Feedly, I see all the new postings since I last visited. I can look at a quick post and then go to website for more info. I do this on my Ipad. I don’t know if using something like Feedly could help with the expenses you discussed-not my area of expertise, I think it is similar to google reader…..don’t let one bad apple spoil things for everyone else!

  73. Karen Avatar

    P.S. I have to go shop now at a great warehouse sale that i found out is available to me online because I saw a post about it!

  74. LO Avatar

    Don’t stop… I is not too much (I AGREE). If we don’t want to open it and read it, nothing is forcing us to. I get BOMBARDED from other businesses… and I just delete them if I don’t want to look at them.

  75. Pat Avatar

    I like the way you do things now. Enjoy what you post and do not think you over do it! Please don’t let one grumpy person spoil this for everyone else. I look forward to what you send.

  76. Mary Jean P Avatar
    Mary Jean P

    I enjoy your posts and don’t feel there are too many. I’m always interested in what might be new. The complainer can always hit the delete button!

  77. Vicki Yanda Avatar
    Vicki Yanda

    I think your postings are very informative and appropriate! If you don’t post, I don’t know what’s new, exciting at your shop, etc. I also don’t understand how anyone can feel compelled to read an email they’re not interested in. If someone thinks there are too many, let them filter them in whatever way works for them….but not by depriving those of us who enjoy your “news”. Just my thoughts! Keep up the good work…obviously you’re doing something right!!

  78. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    Lisa I can’t get enough! I wish I lived close enough to be a regular at the store but the next best thing is to feel like I’m included in what’s new and happening via your posts. My goodness at the Duluth Show your booth was a very dangerous place for my wallet! It ranked right up there with the chocolate isle at Target! I totally enjoy your posts!!!

  79. Skye Avatar

    I like your posts, Lisa. They do not seem like too many or too self promoting at all.
    You’re good, girl. Do what you do so well.

  80. Pame Avatar

    I hope after reading all the above comments in this short of time you realize you need to ignore the grumpy lady and keep up the good work you are doing. I check the blog sometimes 3 times in a day just to see if anything is new or pics that you post. We all enjoy being part of your circle of friends and seeing about all your family and new products and what you are up to. Love the pics!! keep the blogs and emails coming!!

  81. Alicia Key Avatar

    I’m hungry for all news! Don’t stop! Silly lady- if she didn’t want to see it or read it, just delete it! Some people are never happy and the rest of us all love it! Keep up the good work!….now, I’ve got to go find out how to get to the warehouse sale “online” like Karen above mentioned!

  82. Jane Avatar

    No, you do not post too much. I do have (or had) some that post daily and I do think that is way too much. You must be doing something right. Every time I go to your booth at one of the quilt shows your booth is crammed full of customers and they aren’t walking out empty handed. 🙂

  83. sally peters Avatar
    sally peters

    Love the emails and the blog and love the idea of you tube videos!  Love seeing and hearing about new products and if some people think that is a sales pitch, so be it.  I signed up for emails because I want to be informed.  You are doing a terrific job!  Keep it up!


  84. Zane Jacks Avatar
    Zane Jacks

    Please don’t stop the emails, blog post, etc. I am always excited to hear from you. your newsy posts make me feel like you consider us more than customers, but also friends. And, I would love to see youtube videos, as well. Although I really can’t imagine why they would want to, can you make it easy to unsubscribe for those few who don’t want to hear. Then you truly can please almost everyone.

  85. Jane O'Neal Avatar
    Jane O’Neal

    Lisa, one of the things I love about you and your blog is your generosity In sharing, not just the business stuff, but your personal life with us… Weddings, lake houses, the boys… But more importantly your advocating for us all to use our local quilt shops whenever possible. You share the process of your ever expanding business, and we are thrilled for you because you inspire us!

    I am one of your group of Colorado fans that makes your booth our first stop on Wednesday nights in Houston (and blow half our budget) and we love briefly chatting with you (and flirting with Nick!). Keep up the great work! See you in Houston!

  86. JoAnn W. Avatar
    JoAnn W.

    I want to continue all your posts! I get lots of email, and you DO NOT send out too many posts/emails, believe me! Sorry this one person was unhappy, but you know how that goes. Just continue to show up the newest stuff, cute ideas and even wedding photos. If I’m not interested I can go on to the next email, what’s the big deal!!!???


  87. Renee Avatar

    I really enjoy your e-mails and when I don’t get one for a while I go to your website to make sure I didn’t miss anything. Please don’t stop.


    Love the emails. I get ones from other places that I don’t want, but anything from PG I look forward to. I enjoy information about new things in the shop as well as home/family photos from you. I also hope you will do some You-Tube videos with some tutorials. Love you Lisa. There’s always (at least) one in every crowd. And your crowd loves you!

  89. carolsteffensenol Avatar

    Personally, I would help her get unsubscribed as quickly as possible, and then go ahead and send out as many blog posts, newsletters, emails as much as you want and when you want, i enjoy getting them from the ones I have subscribed to, and when the time comes that their posts no longer interest me, I kindly unsubscribe myself and keep my mouth shut! This is your business, and you have every right to handle it as you please. That is the only way to effectively run an online business. You have to communicate with your customers because you don’t have the advantage of people just strolling in like you do in brick and mortar stores. Keep em coming!!

  90. Sandy Avatar

    I enjoy receiving your emails and blogs. You keep us informed on the latest quilt items. You even introduced me to a new shop, Tumecula Quilts which I really appreciate. The family wedding pictures were a joy and you looked fabulous. So needless to say, keep the emails and blogs coming. Sandy

  91. Linda Frihart Avatar
    Linda Frihart

    Lisa, the mailings from you and the store are truly appreciated by me. You all keep me up to date with the loveliest, well written reports on what is new and where to find it on your website. Hope you will continue to contact me whenever your heart desires. Fun to receive personal reports from time to time. Reminds me that we are all humans in this electronic world. That old story about the delete button stands. Too much mail can be eliminated painlessly.

  92. wendy Avatar

    I totally agree with everything that Cheryl above said!!!! Don’t worry about the grumpy old ladies that complain!!!

  93. lyonsden@cabletv.on.ca Avatar

    Lisa, keep on doing what you are doing. I love to hear from you and becase our lives are so busy, it reminds me to keep up with the new stuff coming out. Thank you. Wish I could retreat at your place again. My husband and I are coming from Ontario in September. Can’t wait. Jane Lyon

  94. Audrey Avatar

    Um, someone forgot her little pink pill…for days!
    She seems to be speaking for all of SoCal as well…Fix her unsubscribe, wash your hands and take care of your staff and us customers. We support your business, enjoy your work, and chose to be on your list. 9000, really? I think she is the minority here.
    Don’t ever sweat the small stuff. Customers Adore the personal connection with your family too. It sure brings a human side to such a busy shop.
    The only thing I ever hope for is more computer stuff from your store staff! The staff at your store is the heartbeat of your business and you run one my favorite shops!

  95. Elizabeth New Zealand Avatar
    Elizabeth New Zealand

    I love your emails and blogs, so pease keep them coming. I could not beleve what I was reading , that lady is the looser

  96. Kathy A. Avatar
    Kathy A.

    I enjoy all the postings and check out the “new” tab on your website quite often. You are a very talented lady. Don’t let the comments of that person cloud your day. You have many followers and supporters who if not for you, give us inspiration to create and sew many beautiful things for our homes. Keep the postings, pictures and tutorials coming and thank you Lisa for all you do!

  97. Charmaine Avatar

    I love everything you post and everything you sell and everything you so generously do for your customers! I live in So Cal too and I am grateful for your shop, website,blog, etc. So just get that complainers address off your list and keep doing what you,re doing because you have a huge fan club out here in quilterland and we want you to keep doing what you do! When I bought stuff at your booth in Long Beach I asked Nick if you are going to be at Road to California…he said yes so I can,t wait to buy more PG things there! Keep up the good work, Lisa! You are amazingly talented!

  98. Pati Beck Avatar
    Pati Beck

    Some of us do not have other shops near us nor can we get to classes or shows and we look forward to your blogs. We learn from them and also enjoying hearing about your family. For those who do not want to read your posts can skip over them. Nothing says we have to read them just because they are there.

  99. Pat Wright Avatar
    Pat Wright

    Take heart. You are doing great. Keep moving forward and ignore the negative comment. I am in So Cal and we need you . Assume she was having a bad day.

  100. Jackie Avatar

    I’m a newer subscriber and I don’t feel I’m getting over loaded with communications from you. I enjoy seeing what’s new and what you are working on. I wouldn’t let that one response stop you from doing what you love. Everyone at times receive too many emails and some days you just have to pick and choose which ones you will read. I would rather hear from you as often as I do or more, you’ve introduced me to many wonderful things. Keep up the good work.

  101. quiltingwitho Avatar

    Absolutly NO, your are not posting too much, you are doing just great!! I look forward to reading them and the u2 videos, please dooo!!!

  102. Mary Jane Avatar
    Mary Jane

    Guess there is one in every crowd (unfortunately). I enjoy your emails. There are times I don’t feel like reading, so I just delete. I have only been on your list for a short time. Bt keep up the good work.

  103. Nina Christman Avatar
    Nina Christman

    I don’t get emails from the store, just your blog. I love the blog. I like seeing what is coming out and your new kits and fabric. I certainly don’t feel you send too much. I get many more from other quilt bloggers. I would like more things from you. I have never felt you pushed your things too much, but, of course, you talk about your products that is why I read them. I was very excited to see your new line of fabrics and the patterns and I’m sure I will get them. If my local quilt shop carries the fabrics, I will get them there; if not, I am happy to know I can get them from you.

  104. LONA Avatar

    Lisa, Wow- what an E-mail- sounds like unloading is a symptom of a bigger problem and you are getting the blame. I look so forward to your posts and I check your website and blogs daily for updates. I live in Nebraska, so am an internet customer only. Please don’t decrease the amount of communication. Visiting your store is on my quilting “bucket list”. You and your staff are doing a great job and I look forward to continued high quality service and products.
    Keep up the good work

  105. Sheri Dixon Avatar
    Sheri Dixon

    That lady was pretty harsh — like she had some kind of other problem as opposed to offering positive input as to what would be better for her. So she’s probably an outlier (statistically speaking). I happened upon your blog and loved your stuff but haven’t been a customer (just a window shopper) so probably shouldn’t give any input either and I’m going to unlink myself because that will leave room for others and I can still stop by. Hopefully you’ll get a consensus of opinions that will help you decide the right thing for you and your shop! Best wishes to you!

  106. Chris Avatar

    Well, I love the emails and blog posts. I want to know what is new, what is coming and love what you share (beautiful wedding pics). I would love to see you tube videos. Sometimes I need motivation and the posts/emails get me there, as far as product pushing well that is not the way I see it. I live in Michigan so I am unable to come into the store, if I lived close I would probably be in all the time, and you are a store and you make your living selling your goods so letting us know is wonderful. Things sell out fast so when you let us (out of towners) know we can order.

    I say keep up the good work and keep us up to date. 🙂
    Thank you for all you do.

  107. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    Hi, I live at Primitive Gatherings vicariously thru your blogs, website and emails. I LOVE everything your shop carries, I loved the 12 days of Christmas which was, let’s face it, both informational and sales driven …. but some of the items you favored were items some of us didn’t know about and were glad to consider buying. If I could have afforded the Juki I would have ordered it for sure!

    The woman who is tired of your info … nice she has several places in SoCal to buy WOOL … I live in the northeast and don’t have a shop within 30 miles for wool so ordering is great … your company is the best in terms of quality and price.

    So …. if you keep things as they are, great. If it’s worth the money to go with the new concept, fine. If you take the one lady’s suggestion and use Facebook and save your money, fine! Just don’t stop posting even when some posts are about selling stuff!

    Delete, people! A handy button for grumpy people!

    Finally, I have been waiting for your YouTube videos so PLEASE do not abandon your plans! There is not one shop in my area that does wool classes so I am teaching myself. I’d love any input you post!

  108. karriesmith Avatar

    Wow. I get over a hundred emails a day bc I subscribe to a lot of quilting blogs and sewing blogs AND fabric stores bc I don’t want to miss anything. I feel bad bc I had NO idea that you had to pay for mail chimp!!! You DO NOT post too much and please don’t take that crabby lady’s email to heart. I don’t receive many emails from you and sometimes I get 2-3 emails per week from shops. I’ve heard that there has been weird problems with Chimp Monkey this week. Two people-who prob don’t know each other- had their accounts banned bc people complained thAt they sent out too many emails!!! I am NEVER mad at someone who sends out 20 yummy dessert recipes every week! It was rediculous to complain when that person could have unsubscribed.

    So- in my honest opinion, you do NOT send out too many emails. And I don’t understand that lady bc you have a brand that you are SELLING. Of course you are promoting it!!! The only suggestion I can think of, is have a separate MONTHLY newsletter for people that only want a monthly thing. But I really hope that you don’t have to pay for this. But I like what you are doing and keep up the great work!!

  109. Bonnie Avatar

    Lisa, Don’t let her change the way you have been doing things, if anything I would like to see more updates on your blog. I like to know what the new things are so when I come to your store(I live in southern Wisconsin) I kind of know what I want or what will be coming in next.
    Like they say everyone is either a Tigger or an Eeyore. You are a Tigger and she obviously is an Eeyore!!!!!!
    Like someone in an earlier comment said, she can always delete it.
    Keep up the wonderful work

  110. Patti Wiggs Avatar
    Patti Wiggs

    I love opening my email and having a mailing from you and/or Primitive Gatherings and love being kept current with all that you do – only frustration is that I would also like to do all that you offer – if only you could sell time. I have unsubscribed from a few sites as what was offered was going in another direction which is NOT the case with Primitive Gatherings. Please do not scale down your postings and I think it is also great sharing some of your personal life as well. Thank you for all that you do.

  111. Glenie Marie Byrd Avatar
    Glenie Marie Byrd

    I don’t know what this person is talking about either! I live in Florida and my husband has been sick for the last nine months. The blog has been a lifesaver. As far as You Tube is concerned. . . the faster the better! Can’t wait.
    GB Hollywood, FL

  112. Lorraine Clarke Avatar
    Lorraine Clarke

    No,do not listen to her, you keep on doing as you are doing and how you want to do it , if she doesn’t like it anymore there is always a delete button on here keypad, I live in Australia and don’t get to access stores like yours, I look forward to seeing what you are up too,by the way the wedding was just stunning. So keep to the positive not the negative , you go girl!

  113. karriesmith Avatar

    PS. It takes up to 10 days to be unsubscribed. I was getting SPAM from an old account and I unsubscribed and all of a sudden I kept getting a few emails a day when I haven’t for a few months. I pressed unsubscribe and then sent an email on the third day that said “unsubscribed please” and someone wrote back and said it takes up to 10 days. If it was me, I’d post dailyfor the next few weeks, teehee.

  114. Doris R Avatar
    Doris R

    Lisa, it never ceases to amaze me how some people think that they get to speak for everyone. Just because she has issues, doesn’t mean that the rest of us feel the same way! I enjoy your emails, and your blog and shop. I think that videos would be great, because some people are visual learners. Continue to grow your business and don’t worry about a few people who are not happy with the way you are doing things. There is ALWAYS the option to not read and not to buy.

    Oh, I LOVED the wedding pictures!

  115. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    Keep the blog posts and emails coming. In fact, I would like to receive more of them. I am not able to make it to your shop as often as I would like so this keeps me in the loop on what is happening. I would love to see some U-tube videos. Do you ever do any retreats? I was fortunate enough to stay at The Gathering once.

  116. SueAnn Wirick Avatar
    SueAnn Wirick

    I’ve always liked hearing from you…..blogs, blurbs ,skywriting. If what you post in addition to the shop is too much for this lady and some of her friends then she can remove herself from your mailings…..leaving more openings for other lovers of all things primitive. I personally love seeing your posts in my in box! Keep at it lady.

  117. Yvonne Avatar

    She thinks you send too many e-mails? She certainly does not speak for me. I say MORE MORE MORE!!! I love reading about what’s going on at your shop, your travels, your shows, your family, etc. I live in Georgia and there are no shops that carry all the great products your shop has. You are so creative and inspiring – thanks for sharing with those of us that aren’t able to visit the shop in person. And I look forward to the You Tube videos – I would really enjoy learning from you! Also, as some others have mentioned, I can’t wait for the Twelve Days of Christmas/Your Favorite Things – I really enjoyed that last year!

    Now I think I’ll go re-read an e-mail I’ve saved – the unveiling of Floral Gatherings! I love looking at the pictures of your new fabric line – I can’t wait to get my hands on this in November! 😉

  118. Kathleen OGrady Avatar
    Kathleen OGrady

    I don’t think you post to often. I enjoy everyone of your posts. Please keep doing what you have been doing!

  119. Mary Pasewark Avatar
    Mary Pasewark

    I love getting your emails and blog posts! It is not too much. Please keep doing what you are doing! It’s great!

  120. Caren B. Avatar
    Caren B.

    Lisa, How sad that there’s always that one that just can’t help being pathetic. It wouldn’t matter what you tried to do, those are the ones you can never please. Keep up everything the way you have been. I’ve always wondered how much do you sleep as you are so busy.

  121. Susan P Avatar
    Susan P

    Someone must have gotten out of the wrong side of the bed, as my mother would often say when we were crabby. I say, don’t change a thing. I’m a recent subscriber and love reading your updates and hearing what’s going on. As a matter of fact, sometimes I think you’re postings are too short and would like to see more.

  122. Sandy Avatar

    Keep the emails and posts coming. I look forward to them. I can read them another day if I am too busy to open them ….. but that has not happened. Don’t make any changes. Just keep doing what you are doing. It is fun for us to get to know the quilters we buy from better and to see the new goodies you are working on. Thanks.

  123. Patty Avatar

    Love the blog, love your work, love hearing about the projects and your life. I’d like more PG…

  124. Jan W. Avatar
    Jan W.

    I’d like to see “teaching” u tube videos. Think in some ways there may be just a few too many postings from P.G. Love your vision and offerings but I do get overwhelmed by all the offerings.

  125. Linda Caldwell Avatar
    Linda Caldwell

    I don’t think you send out too many e-mails. Maybe the lady is having a bad day (or two). Loved the wedding posts by the way.
    Linda C

  126. Meme Avatar

    One out of 9000 plus, really? You cannot please everyone, but I think your track record is over the top. Keep doing what you are doing and add more. Your emails are a big hilite of my day. Send the lady a little wool packet and wish her a sunshine day, to include deleting her address. There is someone else that would love to get on your email list. This TX girl loves Primitive Gatherings

  127. Kathryn Casavant Avatar
    Kathryn Casavant

    I like all the things you send! Please keep them coming! You can’t please everyone. She should have called you so you could have fixed it for her. When I had a problem you called me and it was fixed right away with no problem. You were so nice to work with thank you! KLC

  128. Mary Samaniego Avatar
    Mary Samaniego

    Lisa – I look forward to your blogs, emails, shop blogs, all information pertaining to Primitive Gatherings. In fact you could send out more. I’m really looking forward to the classes that you are getting ready to start on you-tube. You are a very genuine person. Don’t change anything you are currently doing. One person who seems to have had a bad day isn’t a reason to stop anything. And she certainly isn’t talking for this So Cal girl. Can’t wait for your new fabric line to come out!

  129. Mary Ellen Avatar
    Mary Ellen

    I certainly look forward to your posts and enjoyed seeing the wedding photos also. I have unsubscribed from other shop’s emails before because I lost interest in what they are doing! However I feel that is a reflection of my changing tastes and certainly no fault of the shop owner or designer. Please keep on doing what you do because the majority enjoys your designs and products. As the expression goes “Some people would bitch if you hung them with a new rope”!

  130. Marian Avatar

    If someone isn’t happy, unsubscribe or delete. Personally, I love the info and would like more pictures. With the hundreds of BOWs that you do, you’re doing something right. Blog on! Sell more! You’ve always encouraged supporting local quilt stores first. Videos? Woohoo!

  131. Gretchen Bolar Avatar
    Gretchen Bolar


    I get a lot of “junk” email messagesmore than those I want to readeach dayI seem to get about 100 emails a day. It is simple to delete them. I delete some of yours and read others you have sent. Have no idea why I decide to read some and not to read others on any particular day I have enjoyed the wedding onesalthough the only person I recognized was your husband. I treat Sue Spargo the same way. You are not forcing us to read yours. Freedom of the press!!!!!

    Do not spend any money you do not have to.

    Saw you at Long Beachalways enjoy your booth. Looking forward to seeing you at Road.


  132. Sharon phillips Avatar
    Sharon phillips

    Lisa, we enjoy seeing all of your posts. Do not let one person be your gauge. Your patterns are inspirations for all of us. P.s. I live in So. Ca. Also and there isn’t that great of wool selection. Sharon

  133. Lana Cadwallader Avatar
    Lana Cadwallader

    You don’t post enough. I want more. I order on line and love the post from the store. I like knowing about your studio, house, projects and life. How would I know about the new stuff if you didn’t post. I live too far away to visit the store. You creative talents and energy are amazing. It’s because of your posts that I got involved with working with wool and now it’s one of my passion. Keep on posting—–more please. Yes for tutorials!

  134. GB Avatar

    BTW. What is wrong with making money? This is how jobs are created!

  135. Judith Avatar

    Lisa: Don’t you dare stop sending emails!! She apparently has nothing better to do but pick on others. I like the emails and all of your information. No one forces her to read them and I’m sure she is one of a very few. Ignore it!

  136. Teri LaVoy Avatar
    Teri LaVoy

    Hi Lisa: I look forward to your blog. It is the one that I follow the most. I love the wool pics, the updates on family, class pics…just about everything. Looking forward to the tutorials. Keep those creative juices flowing and send them our way. Hugs and thanks

  137. Karen M Avatar
    Karen M

    I check everyday to see if you or the shop have posted anything new. I love the pictures and recipes shared. I live too far away to see the shop so I think the more the better. It makes a girl dream. Please keep it coming.
    I’m always excited to see the new posts and newsletters. Thanks, Karen M

  138. Pat Doyle Avatar
    Pat Doyle

    You definitely don’t post too much … I surely enjoy your posts! Is there a way you could make it easier for people to unsubscribe? Sometimes people’s lives get busy and they have to drop out of a few things. Maybe that’s it for that lady. Don’t let it bother you!

  139. GB Avatar

    What is this woman talking about? Your blog has been a life saver for me as my husband has been sick for nine months and it has been impossible for me to even think about getting out to a shop. If it wasn’t for your blog, I would not have become the wool junkie that I am. As far as You Tube is concerned, I can’t wait. BTW. What is wrong with making money? That’s how jobs are created! Keep the blog coming, only MORE OFTEN! Hopefully, you will be blessed with even more success than you have already experienced.

  140. Lesa Avatar

    No problems. Enjoying the posts and there are not too many. Just let her unsubscribe and don’t fret about it

  141. Mary D Avatar
    Mary D

    Lisa, I love your blog posts, e-mails and the store posts. It keeps me current and if I don’t have time to read it that’s my problem, not yours! Keep posting, it always feels like a message from my friend Lisa :0)mcdqui

  142. Janet Avatar

    I love hearing from you and thank you for including real life interests. I have a delete button and know how to use it if I receive mail I can’t use. I enjoy the newsletters, your posts and new projects, it keeps me excited! Keep up the great communication. I live in a small community so don’t get to see all the neat new things often, our local quilt shop doesn’t carry primitive anything.

  143. Gail D. Avatar
    Gail D.

    I don’t think you post to much, sometimes not enough😊. I like the store’s post because they let me know or remind me of what is going on. Don’t stop blogging because of one person opinion. Let her unsubscribe and forget about it.

  144. Linda Schaefer Avatar
    Linda Schaefer

    LOVE IT just the way it is, but more would be better (for me anyways). especially pics of “the boys” 🙂

  145. Maggie Avatar

    I love your posts so I can see new projects and I also like seeing your family photos too! Without it I wouldn’t know what’s new that I could sign up for! Keep the posts coming 🙂 and by the way….aren’t you in business to make money? I don’t get that point of that email….you are trying to run a business and to do that you need to pitch us new projects so we can buy them if we want to!!

  146. PK Avatar

    If I think I’ve received too many emails, well I just delete them. I don’t read every post, but enjoy the ones I do read, and it keeps me connected to my favorite medium, wool. Your down to earth way of writing is easy and pleasant to read. I hope you continue posting.

  147. Karen Carr Avatar
    Karen Carr

    I don’t usually respond to anything, but I like what you do – I purchased summer block of week last summer & finishing kit.  I loved all the info. (especially info at Christmas time) about how to do it as I am new to this.  I read info that is interesting to me & delete the rest (like I think you do a civil war quilt & sales/classses at the shop – I will never get to shop so I delete that).  Everyone has been very nice to me when I have done phone orders – THANKS so much for what you do!!!

  148. Sheila Plock Avatar
    Sheila Plock

    Lisa, have loved your designs and own many of them. I live in PA so if I couldn’t take advantage of your shop online, would be lost. Took your class at Hershey on the Christmas mat and learned so much. I wasnt new to wool applique either but your tips made everything so much easier and professional for me. Love getting your emails and miss them when they aren’t popping up so keep them coming. Dont know why someone has to be so negative about something like this!

  149. Yvonne . Avatar
    Yvonne .

    Dear Lisa. Maybey it is a good thing that all of this is happening. Now you have the chance to shift all your enthusiastic readers from…….let’s say it in a decent way……..the others !
    Anyway, I always read your posts with pleasure so please do not stop and keep your enthusiasm and spontaneity……I love all your stories and I will stay a real Dutch follower !

  150. Karen Avatar

    Don’t let one crabby Maxine ruin a good thing for the rest of us. People like this don’t deserve to be a part of our quilting community! Keep up what you’re doing — I’d much rather find a posting from you in my mailbox than the 100+ crap e-mails I get everyday. By the way, I’m from So. California and I can’t figure out where these “wonderful shops” are that this grouch is referring to. We’ve had so many shops close in the past couple of years, quilt shops are getting far and few between out here. Love seeing the wedding pictures, the mother of the groom is gorgeous!

  151. mary b Avatar
    mary b

    I love your posts too! They have good pix and i like to be informed, at once, if there is something new that i may want to order or get right away! Keep on posting, i like to subscribe to active blogs, not ones that never have anything new! (love your show booths too and how you are so accomodating and helpful!)

  152. Rosemary Avatar

    Don’t know why she is being so negative – I too enjoy the emails and blogs – Seems like she is upset about something and this is her was to lash out – sorry you have to be at the receiving end – love what you so – please keep up the good work – If I was closer I would be there lots – Idaho is a little jont down the road – keep your chin up – we love what you do

  153. Barbara Thomas Avatar

    Well I am from Schuylkill County PA and would LOVE to have you pick-up your shop and come on here…I love seeing your name in my e-mails and what you have to offer, I always look at it this way..just like on FB lots of friends and relatives and vendors post and if I or anyone else does not like it or is not interested in what is posted well they do not read it delete it or pass it by for that day no biggie…One day I or you might come across one you might be happy to read and be interested in…but if you totally sign off who knows what you will miss, Its that 1 opportunity in a lifetime but in reality thats everyones choice I wouldn’t be so quick to cut myself off in the process and count myself out of that opportunity…Life is full of too much negativity, anger, frustration..take a deep breath enjoy the variety, life its too short to worry about something like this have you read the newspaper lately now there is something to worry about talk about deleting… .Thank You for your creativity and all that you do Lisa keep me signed on!! Barbara

  154. heartsease57 Avatar

    As was said in another post-that is what the delete button is for. I love reading your blog (loved the wedding pics) and don’t think you post or email excessively. There are lots that I get in my inbox every day and if I don’t feel like reading them, I delete them. Some things are just too simple and people have to complicate it so they have something to complain about.

  155. Rebecca Bridges Avatar
    Rebecca Bridges

    I very much enjoy your post.. I love all your patterns and your blog. The first time we saw your booth in Puduka, we were hooked. It is a long way from Texas and we don’t have many wool shops in our state. Please continue doing all the things you do. Don’t let anyone put a damper on your projects. Continue to grow your business the way you planed. Good luck from the warm and humid state of Texas.

  156. Tana Avatar

    Personally, I love anything I receive from PG. There is nothing like it in my area that i am aware of. Trust me, I keep looking! Finally, there are a couple of shops within a 100 mile radius that have started carrying a few of your patterns, but I can see how investing in a wool inventory might be risky for them, so as an earlier commenter said, I live vicariously through your shop and its website, blogs, and emails. I would love to see you tube videos as well! I think you keep a great balance of personal and product related posts. The wedding pictures are beautiful and I have appreciated that you have been so willing to share them with us!

  157. Kathy Vetter Avatar
    Kathy Vetter

    Please, please. please do not stop sending emails!! I anxiously look for your posts everyday and it’s such a treat when you send them. I am new to wool applique and was fortunate to be able to take a class with you at Hershey for your Pumpkin table mat. You are a wonderful teacher!! Do not let one angry person spoil it for the rest of us. A daily post is totally fine with me, the more the better. I appreciate all you have done, keep up the wonderful work.

  158. Julie A. Avatar
    Julie A.

    Please do not stop sending posts!!! I would even love it if you sent more 🙂

  159. Barbara Avatar

    I love getting your emails. I have never been able to go to your shop so by your emails it gives me a small opportunity to see what your shop is like. If someone is unhappy they can just use the delete button! Keep those emails coming!!!

  160. cherylsstitchingsCheryl Avatar

    I don’t know what planet that woman is on, but it’s not this one. I am flabbergasted she thinks there are way too many – I think to the contrary, that I would love more but understand how busy life gets, not to mention running a business, designing, etc.

  161. kaholly Avatar

    Lisa, I’m a relatively new subscriber, so my two cents isn’t worth much. That said, so far, so good! Some people are only happy if they are miserable. If there is a lull in their own personal misery, they fill that space by trying to make others miserable. Just do your thing, honey, you do it well.

  162. Amy Avatar

    Please keep them coming. Just moved from IL to GA. Now I have to depend on the Internet where I used to be able to drive 4 hours to shop at your store. Love you and your

  163. gretchen Avatar

    Love you blog & emails. Keep doing what your doing!

  164. Lesa Matthes Avatar
    Lesa Matthes

    Personally, I don’t get the complaint. I get more frequent communications from lots of other businesses and blogs. If it seems too much, or I’m just not that interested, I just unsubscribe. I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sent from my iPad

  165. sherynlewisSheryn Lewis Avatar

    That lady may be able to buy wool other places, but no one does it like you! I wish we got more. Obviously from the comments you already got, people want more! They find the information helpful. I would like more shop pictures to see what you have that isn’t online. Really, I just with I lived close by. Keep doing what you are doing and everyone but 1 person will be happy. Glad you are coming to Pittsburgh. I’ll be there!

  166. Rose Avatar

    Maybe she was being ignored at home and decided to share her displeasure with life via the internet.
    Some people just like to bitch! Lisa, you keep on doing what you have always been doing and don’t change a thing.

  167. Cathy Avatar

    Seriously? I don’t know what this woman is talking about!! I love your posts and your blog!! Keep them coming! The more the better….and U Tube posts?? Heaven!!!! Turn a deaf ear to the crazy talk about too many emails!

  168. Karen Avatar

    I am looking forward to your you tube videos. Some of us aren’t able to visit your store or travel to your classes. I enjoy seeing different techniques. I’m not bothered by the number or frequency of your emails. If I don’t have time there is always a delete button.

  169. Lynn Avatar

    Ignore that insulting person and let the rest of us enjoy your shop through your email and blogs.

  170. Carol Sullivan Avatar
    Carol Sullivan

    Lisa, I have been a serious quilter for many years. What I appreciate the very most from your blog are all of the things that I continue to learn. Last December was above and beyond – what a gift to us with the daily blog of all the needful things. I think of you every time I use one of the items I chose to purchase. I trust your advice. I look forward to getting you advice. I do not think that you blog enough. That would have been my answer prior to even knowing that you received the phone call, I understand the time limitations that everyone has every day so blogging regularly becomes a challenge. Here is the deal, you are a great quilt mentor and teacher but you also own a great business. Those two things intersect and there are times that some people might question your motives or get frustrated. I’m going to say that they are the minority. Thank you. With regards. Carol from Dunkerton, Iowa. P.S. Love, Love, Loved the wedding photos. I am telling non quilters to visit the site just to see them.

  171. Terry Avatar

    I think I have to agree with everyone else here…keep up the good work, and don’t let one rotten apple spoil the whole bunch. :0)

  172. SuzK Avatar

    I’m pretty surprised at this woman’s attitude. Sometimes a company’s software doesn’t eliminate a subscription immediately. Apparently she’s decided she doesn’t want to get a lot of other emails as well, which is fine. Personally, I look forward to your posts. I subscribe to blogs and, if they have them, Facebook, for several designers and companies. It’s how I keep up with what’s happening. I have a lovely local shop, but they can’t possibly carry everything. I have found your staff to be delightful and I love your designs (working on my BOW right now!) She obviously has a deeper issue if she’s deleting several email subscriptions and apparently needed to vent. There will always be one or two like her – she reminds me of friends who don’t check their emails at home because they have been on a computer at work all day. I immediately look at my computer when I get home from work (and I’m on a computer all day too) ’cause that’s where all the fun (i.e. quilt and stitchery and blog) stuff is! Please don’t let her get you down and thank you for everything you share with us. BTW, the wedding looked lovely!

  173. Karen Avatar

    I love to read your posts. I enjoy knowing what new products you have and and what projects you are working on. She is in the minority because the rest of us look forward to your emails. I hope you don’t cut back.

  174. JANET Avatar

    I absolutely love hearing from you. Please don’t let one person deter you from your course. I also would love to see you tube videos. That is a wonderful idea. As far as I’m concerned ther isn’t enough primitive out there. Sometimes it can be hard to find. Especially here in NJ. Keep up the great work.

  175. Laurie Mosley Avatar
    Laurie Mosley

    I signed on mainly to get your personal quilting blog. I don’t mind the store posts but would rather not get them. I’m sorry that customer was so negative!

  176. Dawn Avatar

    I enjoy your posts and those from the store. I seldom get to your store and this is a great way to see the new things without spending a lot of time searching. If I don’t have time to look at every post, I just delete it and go to your blog and look at it later. Thank you for the time you spend keeping all of us up to date on what is happening.

    1. Barb Avatar

      I have enjoyed your posts and inspiring info.

  177. sharon Avatar

    leave this woman in the cyber dust! I thoroughly enjoy your blogs, emails posts and heck wish I was your neighbor to talk to you more! You are in business to make money, who isn’t, but put such a personal touch on everything you send. I love when you share info on your shop, products you like and your personal life. Keep it up!

  178. Cheryl Avatar

    You will never please everyone no matter what you do or which direction you take. Follow your heart and do what you believe is best. She’s entitled to her opinion, but it’s hers, not the masses. I remember reading or hearing that this year you would be making some videos and I’ve been anxiously watching and waiting for them. Since I don’t live close enough to take your classes, I’m really hoping the videos will provide an opportunity to learn from you. So, please don’t drop that idea.

  179. Célia Avatar

    Lisa, I enjoy your posts and appreciate what you do for us…and want to be tempted by your products, so keep up all you do.
    Regards fro Australia

  180. Debra Wilbourn Avatar
    Debra Wilbourn

    Love hearing from you!! Keep the post coming!!!

  181. Kay B Avatar
    Kay B

    I always look forward to post from your store and you, and read them immediately. I get lots of email, many that I’ve signed up to get. If I don’t want to read them, I delete. I learned a long time ago that when someone says they have people who agree with them it is probably no more than two. Don’t give people like her a voice for all the rest. My favorite post were the ones you did last December sharing your favorite things. I’m looking forward to Floral Gatherings this fall. You do a nice balance of sharing great idea’s and new products. Thanks for all you do.

  182. Paula Avatar

    Don’t make your decisions on one grumpy woman’s opinion. I personally think you need to blog MORE! I enjoy everything you write and am interested in what you say. You have a wonderful business and you have worked hard for what you have. Keep doing what you are planning since that is what got you where you are today.
    If the lady wants to unsubscribe, I am sure there are more that will subscribe in her place.
    Paula in KY

  183. cyorks@embarqmail.com Avatar

    Lisa, No you can’t please everyone! My vote is to keep up the good work and continue with your plan! I took your Christmas table mat class in Hershey and loved you and the class! That experience made me want to hear more and more from you!! Christie Yorks

    Sent from my iPhone

  184. Mary Ann Avatar

    When I turn on the computer in the morning, I am always happy to see something from you and the gals in your shop. Please do not let one person’s comments discourage you. For those of us who do not have a bounty of quilt shops near us, your connecting with us means a lot. Your ideas are refreshing and innovative Thank you for sharing your shop and your family with us, loved the wedding pictures so far.

  185. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    Lisa, You have 9000 customers signed up, your account is “maxed out,” have a waiting list of customers who want to sign up, and you are worried about 1 complaint? I LOVE all of your postings (including the wedding pictures), and I live close enough to your store that I can come in whenever I want to see your stuff for real! Let her unsubscribe and shop in her locale. They probably got their ideas from you anyway.


  186. Jan Tracy Avatar
    Jan Tracy

    I enjoy your blogs and emails….always get excited when I see one in my inbox. Let those who are no longer interested opt out!! Jan

  187. Melanie Avatar

    I’ll go the “flip-side” I love the communication. I love developing that ‘ friendship’ with my favorite quilt designers. I like the encouragement on the quilt side. Seeing photos of fabric , quilt blocks, places to use them. I like knowing you are a real person – and that sometimes things don’t turn out the way you planned. I’ve been tickled that you been placing more effort into your blogs, your store correspondence and your personal weblog. Pretend you never received the email. Be thankful there are tons of places to buy wool (that means there is an investment into it and it’s not going anywhere). Feel sorry for someone so cranky that they voice such a thing and are not constructive. Remove them- pray for them. let it go….Can’t wait to see photos of the warehouse sale… I went once and loved it….

  188. Diane Faery Avatar
    Diane Faery

    I, for one, wait for your blog posts or shop news! I live in western New York State and although there are local shops carrying wool, it’s not as nice as your product. I recently returned from the Hershey Quilt show where I took a class from you which was wonderful and I returned home and finished backing a wool mat with your no-knot method.

    I do receive emails from other sources which become annoying and then difficult to unsubscribe from, so maybe a faster, easier way to unsubscribe is the answer.

    Sent from my iPad

  189. Rachel Childress Avatar
    Rachel Childress

    Lisa, I so enjoy ALL of your posts! I love them….please don’t stop! Thank you for sharing not just your quilting expertise and shop things, but glimpses of your home life as well! It helps us to get to know you better and for us who live far away, a way to feel like we are a part! I love the wedding photos! Beautiful! I look forward to EVERY post! :-). Fondly, Rachel

  190. sherynlewis Avatar

    Well she may be able to get wool somewhere else, but nobody does it like you! I wish you had more posts and look forward to your videos. I don’t think you put out too many emails, but then I may be a stalker. Can’t get enough. So glad you are coming to Pittsburgh soon. See you there.

  191. Marsha Swift Avatar
    Marsha Swift

    Keep it all coming. Your blogs are very much enjoyed.
    A general comment regarding quilt industry frustrations….seasonal patterns and fabric are late in getting to folks and shops, there IS a lot of over marketing and pressure to buy, buy, buy which frankly can take some if the joy out of quilting. Personally, I don’t appreciate holiday related patterns getting into the mainstream late. Find I am buying a pattern this year that won’t be ready until the next holiday season. Remember, it’s not how much one does, but doing what one does well.

  192. Krislovesfabric Avatar

    I love your emails, please don’t stop sending them! I am too far to visit the shop and love getting notices of what’s “up”…it lets me know what I “need”,lol!

  193. Susan Bratcher Avatar
    Susan Bratcher

    I love all your emails, posts, blogs, whatever! I don’t have a problem tapping the little trashcan icon when I’m finished reading. The more information the better. Please don’t stop, but also, please don’t become overwhelmed and want to quit. I love reading all your posts and emails. Keep up the good work!!!!!

  194. Susan Avatar

    She has got to be kidding, you post too much!! Me thinks not. I feel maybe a wit bit more posting might be good. I too don’t like to be slammed with loads of emails from companies but DO NOT feel you are one of them. Plus really that is what unsubscribe is for. I think she was just having a bad day and we should bless her on her way. Keep up the good work. And can hardly wait for the you tube videos. Woohoo!

  195. Kathy B. Avatar
    Kathy B.

    Keep the posts coming! I subscribe to the newsletter, and as you said, they aren’t very often. I usually check your blog several times a week so as not to miss out on anything new and upcoming. I live in NY State, and haven’t found many shops who sell wool, let alone offer the wonderful designs that you create and carry through your website. Looking forward to more views of your studio and excited about videos!

  196. Sue Avatar

    Some people don’t have anything in the world to do but to complain. Love what you do. Keep them coming.

  197. Ann Kessel Avatar
    Ann Kessel

    Keep them coming. I get lots of blogs from lots of sites. If you don’t want to read then just delete. Don’t let her comment get you. You and your staff do a great job. Thanks

  198. Joan B Avatar
    Joan B

    You are right – you can’t please everyone all the time. Keep them coming for those of us that appreciate them.

    By the way, the wedding was beautiful.

  199. Carolyn Avatar

    personally I enjoy the posts–I choose to read what I want–you can’t please everyone all of the time –but there are those of us that appreciate being kept up to date and informed as we are online customers only as we live to far a way to visit–so keep it up –and thank yo for doing it as I know it takes time to craft these!!

  200. Krisma Avatar

    Lisa, I live in another state which sadly is seeing quilt shop after quilt shop close. Online is an important way for me to find out what is out there. I am fortunate enough to make it to your shop once a year and truly enjoy keeping informed of what is new. Don’t let one person’s dissatisfaction let you lose sight of all the customers who anxiously await your posts.

  201. Sylvia Avatar

    Dear Lisa,

    I don’t feel you should let the feelings and or comments of the few who complain, when you know you will never please everyone, all of the time. When the majority of your followers start sending you negative comments, then it may be time to re-evaluate the frequency of your messages. For now, I would chalk it up to PMS on the part of the few who are not happy, or, maybe even, the dreaded COL (change of life), that makes us women turn into impossible to please and cranky demons. I am speaking from experience here, so know whereof I speak.

    The majority of us are happy as clams to receive and enjoy whatever you send, and if, at the time, don’t care to read another e-mail on that particular day, there’s always the delete button.

    You go ahead and do whatever you think will please will make the majority of us happy and be confident you are doing the right thing.

    Can’t wait to see today’s collection of wedding photos!!!!!


  202. Kim McCann Avatar
    Kim McCann

    I feel that your postings are just right. If I don’t have time to read it when it arrives, I’ll catch up at a later date. I choose to subscribe. If a reader things it is too much email, then she did the right thing, by unsubscribing. Don’t let the vocal minority, affect the majority.

  203. Maria Lisa Zook Avatar
    Maria Lisa Zook

    I do not think that you post too frequently. I look forward to being updated on what is happening in your world. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have chosen to sign up for your info to be sent to me. Please don’t let the voice of one spoil things for all.

  204. Tina Avatar

    Lisa, Keep doing what you’re doing. If someone doesn’t want to read an email, they can simply hit the delete button. You can’t please everyone!

  205. fmielcarek Avatar

    I do not feel this way at all. Frankly I don’t understand what she is talking about. I enjoy the posts when they come. And don’t feel they are pushy or too frequent. My honest opinion.  Flo

    Sent from my Galaxy S®III

  206. Lynne Mills Avatar
    Lynne Mills

    As a gal from Oz, I can’t get to see you or your store, so I look forward to your postings, and check to see what’s new in store. And sometimes I have to wait AGES for an update on where you’ve been and what’s been happening…..I love you sharing your life journey with me (us) around the world. Please don’t stop!

  207. Joyce Fratini Avatar
    Joyce Fratini

    I love getting the e-mails and reading your blogs!! Keep up the good work!

  208. Leanne Avatar

    Lisa I subscribe to your posts as I receive valuable information on new products as well as all of your snippets on life, travels and happenings at PG.

    From where I sit in Australia I would welcome even more postings. They are informative and refreshing.

    Keep up the good work on every level. 9000 subscribers says it all!

  209. Patti O'Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    Lisa I enjoy your emails and postings, don’t stop. But I would talk with the folks at the shop who answer the phone. I too called this week since your new book was out and was asking about kits. She wouldn’t listen to what I was saying. I tried to explain that my husband saw the book and wanted a quilt in flannel for Christmas. Unfortunately, she didnt understand I wanted her to select the fabric for one of the quilts for me and I would purchase that and the new book. She lost the sale because she wouldn’t listen. I hoped it was because you were all getting ready for your big sale. Maybe another day but for now I had to go somewhere else for my husband’s Christmas gift. PattiO

  210. Patricia Hallock Avatar
    Patricia Hallock

    I have no problem with your postings. I enjoyed seeing the wedding pictures and of your travels and whatever new products you come up with. You go girl….. Sent from my iPad

  211. beverly gilson Avatar
    beverly gilson

    I love everything you put on the internet esp the pictures. Don’t know what this persons problem is but I very much enjoy this site and I know alto of my friends do also.Keep up the good work.Beverly G

  212. Cathy Avatar

    That was just one person’s opinion. I’ve never been bothered by your emails. If it’s something I’m not interested in I hit the delete button…isn’t that what its there for. I enjoyed the wedding pictures. They were beautiful. Hugs

  213. Betty Forester Avatar
    Betty Forester

    I LOVE your e-mails and comments and your store. I tell every one Primitive Gatherings is my FAVORITE store. DO not stop sending messages. I love them. The wedding was beautiful. I did not get to oshkosh this year so was very sad I did not get to the store. Maybe next year.

  214. Kathy Roloff Avatar
    Kathy Roloff

    I receive all three and don’t feel there are too many. Don’t let one persons opinion keep you from growing. I will love to see the tutorials…what a great idea! I would like to see more of your style. I loved the pictures of your lake home. Kathy

  215. Marcy Avatar

    I love the posts and wish there were more. I live in CO and am 65 miles from the nearest shop, so your emails keep me in touch with the latest happenings. Please keep the emails coming, and thank you for all the past emails.

  216. Bernadette Bird Avatar
    Bernadette Bird

    It is not too much, I subscribe because I love hearing what you are creating and what you are up to. Keep up the good work. I think you will find those that love your work will love your posts..

  217. Marsha B. in Kansas, WI native! Avatar
    Marsha B. in Kansas, WI native!

    I think this individual must have been having a bad day….and is also probably jealous. It’s hard to let it roll off your back. Gladly help them unsubscribe, their loss! I just love your blog, products, store, etc. It’s amazing to read about all the places you travel and experience. When I first came across your blog it’s one of a few that I took the time to read every post from it’s start. I don’t subscribe to your store post, choice I make.
    You always put a disclaimer that we shouldn’t feel obligated to purchase from PG, i.e. your 12 favorite tools last December.
    Keep up the great work, I applaud your success, am so happy for you!

  218. Kathy Czuprynski Avatar
    Kathy Czuprynski

    All you do is try to sell your items? Isn’t that what your job/passion is? Imagine my surprise when I scrolled down last week and saw myself and my quilt shown on your site! Keep doing what you’re doing! And thanks!

  219. Roxanne Kelly Avatar
    Roxanne Kelly

    Don’t change a thing! I embrace all things ‘Primitive Gatherings’ and look forward to all your emails, blogs, postings and best of all, the pictures! Roxanne Kelly

    Sent from my iPhone

  220. Lynn Avatar

    I don’t think you post too often at all. I’m sure there will always be someone who doesn’t like what you’re doing, but all the rest of us, as you can see from the comments above, are happy with what you’re doing — keep up the good work!

  221. Karen herrick Avatar
    Karen herrick

    I like your blog, and your emails. Keep doing what you are doing.

  222. Rose F. White Avatar

    Lisa, As others have said – don’t let one rotten apple spoil the bunch. Obviousy, this person has nothing better to do tha complain. She appears to just be a very negative person.

    Keep the posts coming, and I look forward to your videos.

  223. Donna Avatar

    What they said. Do not let someone steal your passion and happiness. Just let them go and forget it. I have (had) friends and acquaintances over the years like that who cannot be happy unless someone around them is unhappy. Keep on keepin’ on and we will keep on supporting you.

  224. Bonnie Coon Avatar
    Bonnie Coon

    I live in central Illinois and look forward to anything you send, post, or share. I can’t say YouTube would be beneficial, but keeping connected with the latest is beneficial. Trust your instincts.

    Expanding your email would be good for business.

    Bonnie – Illinois

  225. Sarah Avatar

    I check every day to see if there is a new blog post because I love seeing what you have that’s new. Don’t let the cranks get you down. A blog and an email newsletter are supposed to tell us what that person is doing. Your store and blog both talk about products from other designers, not just Primitive Gatherings, so I think your complainer is just way off base.

  226. Maggie Avatar

    You should never have to apologize for your enthusiasm for your shop, goods you sell, and most of all your family and your life! Sometimes people may see your posts and successes thru jealousy. Instead of having enthusiasm for their life, they have to nitpick someone else’s so they aren’t so jealous. Be loud and proud of yourself! I agree with other comments, if they don’t like the postings, that’s what the unsubscribe and delete buttons are for! I for one, enjoy each and every one of them!

  227. Roberta Avatar

    It sounds like this lady got a little snarky when the unsubscribe process didn’t go smoothly. And I’d take her comment about how her friends feel with a grain of salt. I think your designs are unique and I’m always inspired by your work ethic. I think people want to know what you do at workshops and see photos from quilt market. This is your business and how you spend the majority of your time so I expect your postings to reflect that.


  228. Donna Avatar

    I enjoy reading your emails and postings. Don’t stop!

  229. Evelyn Avatar

    Lisa, I am new to your lists, 1 year I think. Here is what I have observed. Your blog postings about you and what you are up to is sparse. Usually a personal blogger posts once a day.
    your store blog is very busy but I like knowing about the deals. I can delete or jump in my choice. I can also remove myself from this list if it gets to be too much. Other store lists I am on post once or twice a week.
    I do not belong to your third list. Bottom line I like your postings and I do not belong so many lists that I see your postings as excessive. Hope this helps.et

  230. Sandra Avatar

    I totally disagree with the comment you received. For the internet customer, your blogs are the only way to keep up with what’s going on in the store. My favorite post was your Christmas count down with your favorite notions. You gave us great recommendations and I appreciated the information. Your blog is inspiring and informative. I look forward to your emails and always excited to see what you’ll do next. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  231. Sara Avatar

    I love seeing your posts. I don’t think you post that often compared to others. If you don’t post new things, how are online only people supposed to find out about your new projects? Keep it coming!

  232. Beth Avatar

    Please don’t change anything, I love reading your blogs and posts! YouTube sounds really cool, maybe you could do some classes on wool! The pictures of the wedding were beautiful.

  233. Arlene Tribble Avatar
    Arlene Tribble

    I do not agree either! It is so easy to hit the “Delete” key if my box is too full. Your emails don’t fill it up, it is a culmination of all the emails I have signed up for. Please leave well enough alone and don’t let one customer dictate for all of us who
    are happy.

  234. pam Avatar

    I don’t think you post too much. I love seeing what you’re doing and posts about your business. That is your life that you graciously share with us. Don’t know why people get upset, every computer has a delete button or unsubscribe. Don’t change a thing.

  235. Janet Houge Avatar
    Janet Houge

    Lisa, Since I’ve been to your shop with husband , once with a friend (that loved your shop and can’t wait to go back), and plan a trip in Nov. with a couple of friends that have never been to your shop, have talked to you at the Des Moines show. You, Nick, and those you employ have all been awesome. Love your email showing quilts and what is new and sales and family pics ( Presley and Jeter!!!!!). Please do not change!!

  236. Peggy Dalberto Avatar
    Peggy Dalberto

    Lisa, It is hard to please everyone, and it seems many women are less happy in their personal & public lives now than ever before. And I don’t know why. Too many distractions? Too much money? No quiet time? However, I enjoy seeing the personal blogs as well as the design/shop blogs. I have been to Terry’s retreat home, taken a class with you and broken bread with you and her. I live in Saint Germain, with very little in quilt shops, certainly not close. Plus during summer, it’s the shop and craft shows.
    It takes alot of time to keep us updated, and I hate to see you paying so much for that. Many folks will never be pleased no matter how hard you try. I enjoy seeing your successes cause Amanda & I know how hard you work. Don’t be bullied by some “diva”, do what you do and we are blessed by getting our online snippets of your story!
    When you posted the “things quilters need” I cut and pasted each into a word document and printed it out for us to keep as hard copy. I forward to Amanda the busy mom the postings I know she would want to read. We admire you the woman, the mom and the talented designer!

  237. Dia Avatar

    Seriously? This person has GOT to get a life. I love getting the updates- and you always post so many tips. You guys just feel like family- and I always look forward to reading your posts. Keep up the great work.

  238. Robyn Avatar

    I love all your posts and will never unsubscribe!! Definately not too many posts!!

  239. janet chrzanowski Avatar
    janet chrzanowski

    I personally look forward to every post. I would rather see more posts than less. It keeps me engaged and I am sure buying more. No change in how you do things is what I recommend. We love you just the way you are, a lot of business and a little personal, it is a nice mix that makes you human.

  240. Claudette Robichaud Avatar
    Claudette Robichaud

    I would not change anything. i enjoy your blogs and post. My passion is quilting and applique. I’m in a wheelchair and my best contacts to know whats available is online. Also availability is a problem for some people, That’s your customers problem and not yours. Keep posting. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

  241. Susan Avatar

    I do not feel that you post to often and I enjoy your blog. Everyone is entitled to an opinion though…. even one that we may not like…. I feel it comes down to choice. If I do not want to read your email or any email for that matter I can delete them and then empty my trash can and spam can (I just go ahead and empty both I’m not calling you SPAM) A limit though might be easier FOR YOU while you are setting up the new studio. I think how to videos would be great.
    Thank you for being Lisa!

  242. Janice Avatar

    Is this woman nuts or bipolar?!! Love your posts and videos would be awesome!

  243. Susan Avatar

    ONE MORE THING – sometimes when I have had a rough day at work your blog has been a pick me up. (-:
    I especially enjoy your “boys” they are such beautiful dogs. I have pit mix that I adopted from the animal shelter and he is a delightful boy. He sleeps under my sewing machine while I sew.

  244. Mary Colley Avatar
    Mary Colley

    I don’t think you post too often. Actually, I’m always excited when you name pops up in my e-mail and often go to it first before open my other e-mails.

    Maybe if you check with your current provider you will discover the problem with this person not being unable to unsubscribe. I have had this problem with other web sites also. Anyway if you can get her off you will have at least one open spot.

    I hope you do continue planning you tube videos because many of us do not live close or have the opportunity to take classes from you.


  245. Sandy Avatar

    Some days there are just too many messages to read them all carefully. I don’t have an easy supply for wools and ideas so really like to see what’s going on elsewhere. I’ve learned how to use the delete button. I love reading your blogs and seeing the new projects and look for your booth at any quilt shows I am able to attend. On the days that everyone seems to have their messages out there I just select those that seem appealing. I do appreciate it when there is a short title telling me what the message is all about, making my choices easier. Do what you feel is right, I think the rest of us can do the same. Thank you for all of your sharing.

  246. Barbara Black Avatar

    No complaints from me on the frequency of posts. When I get busy I just skip or quickly read the blogs/emails I get. Enjoyed meeting you at Long Beach, in Cindy’s Antique quilts booth.

  247. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    I read a lot of your comments. I am in agreement, I love getting your posts, and they are some of the ones I read first. Never delete them, cause they are always fun. So looking forward to the you tube videos. Please keep it up, the way it has been. There are too many of us who enjoy it.

  248. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    Please don’t stop because of one negative person!! I look forward to your posts and find I sometimes am disappointed when there isn’t one. You are such an inspiration to me and my interest in working with wool. Such a helpful and giving person you are. I will support you in whatever your decision is but hope that you continue to do what you do. Maybe check to be sure that if someone wants to unsubscibe they can. I will not be one of those people!!! Thanks for everything you do.

  249. Suzanne Avatar

    I could live without the wedding and personal stuff that goes on in your life, but as far as the quilting stuff goes, I don’t think you post too much Personally I am feeling that you are walking away from what you are known for…PRIMITIVE! For example, the quilts you have been putting out recently are way too machine quilted. They are quilted beautifully, however, this certainly isn’t “primitive” quilting. It is more show-type quilting. I would not even consider snuggling in one of those quilts. Your newest fabric line feels like it is going off track too. We all have our reasons for following different quilters. I started following you because all you did made my heart sing. I wanted to snuggle up to every quilt you ever designed, but I’m not feeling that any more. Sort of like Jan Patek. Her original style and fabrics have gotten away from primitive. Just my .02.

    I think people (and fabric companies) try to talk the designers into going in directions that we “followers” would not want them to go. I, too, am starting to look for wool/primitive designers that fit the primitive style more the PG seems to be going lately. My hope is that you stay rooted in your original style (like Edyta Sitar!).

  250. Patrocoa Streeter Avatar
    Patrocoa Streeter

    I love your communications! Please don’t reduce them! It sounds like her life should move in other directions – so that is what she should do. But one person does not a community make. Keep it coming – more would be fine. Busy day – throw it in a folder. Thanks for sharing your inspiration, talent and life.

  251. Robin Haught Avatar
    Robin Haught

    I check for your e-mails and shop blog everyday. Although the lady appears to be saturated with these types of products and designs with wool, I and many others are not. I understand where she is coming from because we do get overwhelmed with information and presentations of ideas and products BUT we do have the ability to quickly delete e-mails without reading which I do. It’s all apart of having access to so much info. As for me and many others we find them helpful and interesting. Not everyone can get to your shows or classes so Youtube is a great idea. Can’t tell you how many times I wish that I could watch you demonstrate how you do certain stitches etc. Many of us don’t have access to wool quilt shops with your type of designs and skills. I personally would love to receive e-mails with bigger and better pictures of what you do. I appreciate the fact that you make great efforts to get it out there. I love the process and finished products. Keep it up.

  252. Diane Johnson Avatar
    Diane Johnson

    I love your e mails and your blog. I have never felt that you were pushing your products. And you have often shared beneficial “how to” information at no cost to any of us. It is obvious you work very hard and are committed to your business! Shame on those that feel a need to be derogatory and stir the pot. Maybe they are just jealous!

    Sent from my iPad

  253. Barb E Avatar
    Barb E

    Just the opposite from the SoCal lady’s response, I want more! I find that I miss when you aren’t writing periodically about what you are working on, trends, fun ideas and giving us a tidbit to look forward to. Email away or blog away cuz this girl likes to read your info!

  254. Diana Avatar

    I say do what makes YOU happy and don’t sweat the small stuff. After all there is an unsubscribe button.

  255. Marcia O Avatar
    Marcia O

    Lisa—I’m an online customer only so your e-mails & blog are my connection to you & your shop. PLEASE don’ t change a thing!!!!!! I love seeing a message come from you & always wait until I have some time to read & enjoy it. I really like your efforts to have a personal connection to all of us even though may never have the chance to meet you. Thank you & keep on keeping on!

  256. Barbara Avatar

    It does not seem like too much to me. She’s talking about three different blogs anyway. I enjoyed the wedding photos and I’d enjoy seeing pictures of your studio and videos of you working with wool/fabric and explaining techniques would be very cool. If I get busy, I skim and focus on the pictures.

  257. Virginia Avatar

    I have never felt you send too much. Just the right amount!

  258. Linda Vince Avatar
    Linda Vince

    Love all your blogs and emails – love knowing what you are doing and what is going on – keep it all coming! Sent from my iPad

  259. Jackie Avatar

    That is just one person that must think blogland is supposed to be tailored just for her. So she should just unsubscribe and be quite. As for me – keep it all coming. I enjoy it all and would welcome more! And thanks for including family stuff also as I enjoy the personal side.

  260. Mary Avatar

    Saw you at Quilt Odyssey! Love reading the personal stuff on the blog as well as the “work” stuff. Feels more like being quilty friends. I’ll read and follow you anywhere!

  261. Brenda Y Avatar
    Brenda Y

    Hi Lisa, In my eyes you & your shop do NOT post to much, I love keeping up to date with all that is going on, I’m a on-line shopper of your store (stop in when I’m in the area). I check about every other day for updates and enjoy them when they are posted. Keep up the great work, do what you feel is best for your business, you have a great thing going. A few unhappy customers don’t make up the feelings for the thousand of your HAPPY customers.

  262. Colleen Avatar

    Lisa, from the amount of e-mails you have received, I am sure you already reailze that the woman who wrote that letter to you is completely in the minority. From a business point of view, you want to please your vast majority of customers. Personally, I absolutely look forward to each and every piece of mail, newsletter, update, etc. You are in my toolbar on my computer, and as I work at my computer all day, I check the shop blog and your blog and the “new” button several times a day to see what is going on! (Yes I am a bit obsessed with wooly goodness!) I am a huge customer of yours, making purchases year round since the first year you opened. I always look forward to the latest and greatest and it makes me happy to think about my next visit to your shop to check out everything. Keeping us updated is what the internet is all about. Never let the naysayers get you down!

  263. Pat Avatar

    When I look at my emails each morning, if there is one from you, it’s the first one I read. Need I say more?

  264. Kitty Graves Avatar
    Kitty Graves

    Lisa, I believe the people have spoken! Don’t change a thing….. While we all admire you as a designer, I think the human interest side of you makes us feel just a little special, too. You GO, GIRL!

    Miss Kitty

  265. Carol Gouveia Avatar
    Carol Gouveia

    You must remember this is only one persons options. I look forward to your emails. I was beginning to worry that something was wrong because I hadn’t received very many from you.

    You tube would be great. I watch Missouri Star You Tube and have learned a lot.

    I would recommend getting her and her Calif. friends off the list and continue the great work. Remember there are few people who end up designing for Moda. You have even accomplished that.

    Carol Gouveia

  266. Andi Avatar

    Boy, what can I say? I’m a former shop owner, and that comment made me sad for you. How insensitive – we have supplies close by, so we don’t need you anymore? Help her off your lists, say goodby to a crabby customer and go right back to doing what you do, and so very well, I might add. LOVE your store!

  267. Denise Avatar

    Well, I think this lady may have had a bad day on Friday!! I enjoy reading the emails, blogs. I look forward to the Christmas blogs, emails and when you tell us about your favorite tools you like. Why spend money when things are going well. I think You Tube is a super idea! You will not be able to please everyone!!

    Denise W.

  268. Dawn M Avatar
    Dawn M

    I do not agree with this person. I do not receive e-mails because as you have stated I am not able to sign up for this. I follow your bog to find out what is new in the shop since I cannot be there in person since I live in Texas. I do not find the blog posts overwhelming or intrusive. Please continue with what you are doing and I would love to receive e-mails as well.


  269. Deborah K Avatar
    Deborah K

    I thought I was the only one who opens up your e-mail first in the morning when I see one! I’m always so excited to see what is new in the store or pics of inspirational projects or of your family. I had the opportunity to see you in Chicago and was so excited to see all the kits and BOM, BOW that I purchase on line displayed. You were so kind to speak to me and show me new items. If people don’t like your e-mails, they can just hit delete when they see one. Don’t let one disgruntled lady ruin it for the rest of us. I’m sure whatever she is buying from the California stores is either your creations or inspirations from your talents. I’m even embarrassed to admit that I could barely sleep the night before the holiday sale. I think it is awesome that you include your cyber friends in the celebrations.

  270. Sharon Bennett Avatar
    Sharon Bennett

    lol! Being as I’m comment 184… I’ll keep this short and hope I haven’t repeated too much from earlier comments on this post. You (and your team) have accomplished so much in the years you have been PG! You are very fortunate to be able to reap many rewards for all the hard work that is involved in creating and maintaining said successes! Doing what you love (and what is your passion) for an income is a blessing that MANY folks can only DREAM of… and yet, this is your REALITY! 🙂 Enjoy, be happy and be genuine! No one can please everyone… rest assured you have given MANY of us so much enjoyment in our hobbies… and maybe even inspiration to create our own LQS… and yes, yes, YES! Keep it coming… innovative designs, booths at trade shows & quilt expos… expand your e-mail service…. keep us informed as to when the Youtube channel is available… I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you have the drive and energy to keep us all happily stitching!!!! Hugs & Smiles, Sharon

  271. Judy Koch Avatar
    Judy Koch

    I think that comment written to you was rude. All she has to do is unsubscribe or hit her delete key. I do not think you send too many emails. I love your ideas, and I think the You Tube idea is wonderful!!!

    Judy in Michigan….Hope to see you at the GR show next week!

  272. Lori Neisler Avatar
    Lori Neisler

    You have 9000 followers so you’re bound to have diverse views and needs. So, people can either read every word and keep or delete, or if they choose, they can unsubscribe. So, don’t change a thing, people have different views and can make different choices. Personally, I’m a visual person (cause I’m a quilter) and like seeing pictures. And, I’m excited about the tutorials since I’m visual and can’t be at your shop due to distance. I love keeping in touch and keeping up with you, as old friends do !

  273. Bernadette Avatar

    Dear Lisa I’ve been a fan of yours for a very long time ..I love hearing about what you do how you do it What’s new ..what’s making you excited and I love hearing about your family and your adventures … Your posts are fun and for me not to long not too wordy and they come when they need too …I think it’s just perfect … Wouldn’t change a thing ..love it Bernadette

    Sent from my iPad

  274. lynnrodby Avatar

    Hi Lisa I like getting posts. I signed up under your blog for Primitive Gatherings. I assumed I would get info on the store, products and some about you. Perfect! Please continue. Just remember there are almost 9000 of us that didn’t complain. Unsubscribing can take a while. She should just spam you and the rest of us can continue to enjoy you!!!

    Lynn Rodby

  275. Stephanie Avatar

    I enjoy your emails and blog posts, both personal and shop! Demo Videos on some of your stitching techniques would be nice! Keep on creating!

  276. Faith A. Defour Avatar

    Keep up the great work. Love your post.

  277. Alice Avatar

    I do not feel the same as the woman who sent that email. Can’t please everyone all the time, however it did seems to be an unnecessary comment. Life is too busy and short to worry about the small stuff. I love everything that comes through and wouldn’t change a thing. And have never felt you are pushing your product. If you don’t let us know out here in cyperspace and Canada-how would we know all the beautiful items you have. The blog makes me feel connected.

  278. Judy galligan Avatar
    Judy galligan

    Lisa, I love your emails I receive all three, if I don’t have time to read I just scroll by and read later, if I accumulate to many I just delete and pick up later. You do a great job and from the many comments you have received so far this am I am not the only one who feels this way. Looking forward to u tube posting.
    Keep up the good work. You are very generous lady and I hope you continue to load us with information, ideas and many posts. A

    Judy Galligan
    Traverse City Mi

  279. Sharon Bennett Avatar
    Sharon Bennett

    One more thing… I was at a local quilt show earlier in the year… and I overheard a conversation between the booth owner and a customer… the customer commented on how much wool she was selling… and the booth owner replied” Yes, thanks to Lisa Bongean for bringing so much attention to applique and mixing wool with cotton”! 🙂

    Sooooooo, maybe… just MAYBE the reason why “So many more stores in SoCal where I live now sell wool and stuff to go with it, we now have several local choices plus many other websites.” (as that person you mentioned in the beginning of this post commented)…. is BECAUSE of you and your PG team?!?!?

    Just sayin… 😉

  280. Susan J Avatar
    Susan J

    I always look forward to your emails and posts, always anxious for what’s new, and yes, it does seem that we actually don’t hear enough from you. Please don’t let one opinion bother you-just listen to the rest of us that appreciate you sharing your talents w/us.

  281. Nancy Thomas Avatar
    Nancy Thomas

    I love to read all your e-mails and blog posts and learn so much from them. Thank you and I look forward to reading lots more!

  282. Pam in IL Avatar
    Pam in IL

    I don’t have a problem with receiving too much email from you and I enjoy reading your posts and seeing the pics. The wedding looks like it was lovely!

  283. Paulette Doyle Avatar

    You do not send out too many emails…Some shops send out DAILY emails!! This lady needs to get real!

  284. marie Avatar

    I look forward to all your emails and the shops, they aren’t too often for me. Good for that lady that she has everything available local, most of us don’t that’s why we order online. Please don’t let her opinion ruin what you think is good for your shop and all the customers you have that appreciate your talent. Your shop is on my bucket list—it’s a long way from the NW.

  285. Sandy Hinrichs Avatar

    Keep the e-mails coming and anything else you want to share, don’t let a few grumps wreck it for thousands.

  286. Diana Kiehl Avatar
    Diana Kiehl

    I love to receive all of the blogs. It makes me feel like I am included in the happenings. I’m doing 4 blocks of the month and have never been more challenged and excited about quilting -appliqué. I have a whole new confidence in my ability and love what I’ve been able to do since picking up two patterns just a year ago in LB, CA. I love your patterns and enjoy the new things you are doing. My life has been enriched….keep up the great projects, kits, BOMS and love of quilting. I love hearing from you!!!

  287. svlinder Avatar

    I love reading your e-mails and blog posts – keep them coming. Love all your fabrics and patterns and ideas!! And the personal stuff is great!!

  288. Gretchen Avatar

    I will join the chorus in saying: 1) don’t let one person dictate your business plans 2) I love getting all your emails and posts and 3) growing and updating your newsletters just make good business sense. I’m looking forward to the new look and ALL of your emails!

  289. Gloria G Avatar
    Gloria G

    More, more, more, more………..PLEASE

  290. joann Avatar

    I, too, like and really enjoy all the posts that you do. I live in PA. and I do not have a “wool” shop close to me. I love your designs and fabric choices for projects, I look forward to your postings. If others do not feel the same way then they should unsubscribe and just move on. Please continue to entertain the rest of us with all your goodies. Thank you!~

  291. Barb Jenson Avatar
    Barb Jenson

    I think once a week is good ; special you tube instruction would be great I always check that out. If it doesn’t suit someone hit delete; No Worries Life is short.

  292. LISA STACK Avatar

    Please keep them coming-I enjoy them all!

  293. Sharon Avatar

    Keep doing what you are doing. I don’t think it is too much. Always enjoy hearing about everything.

    Sent from my iPad

  294. Denise Avatar

    In my opinion……I enjoy your posts, if I am too busy or just don’t want to read them I can ignore them. We all have a choice and I enjoy your post, they inspire me. The choice to unsubscribe is hers (or his), hope we don’t all lose out because one person is not happy.

  295. bette peck Avatar
    bette peck

    once a week letter about new products and patterns thanks Bette

  296. Sandi s Avatar
    Sandi s

    You don’t post to often for me either. Just keep them coming. I look forward to tutorials. That would be great. Don’t let one persons comment get you down.

  297. Michele Klein Avatar
    Michele Klein

    I don’t think u are sending too many. I would much rather get your postings than some of the other ones I get DAILY. I can’t wait for your YouTube tutorials. Don’t let one person get to you…perhaps she was just having a bad day and you were the lucky one she took it out on. Keep up the good work!

  298. Leigh Greer Avatar
    Leigh Greer

    wow, like mom always said, don’t let one bad apple spoil the barrel. Keep your post coming, if you don’t want to read them, press delete. as a girl originally from the Midwest now living in California, it’s great to get a slice of home. Leigh G

  299. Robin Lynn Avatar
    Robin Lynn

    Hi Lisa, I wait for your posts. As a matter of fact, I am so happy when I see your name in my e-mail inbox. I would never have discovered wool if not for you. I also live in Southern California and I can tell you that brick & mortar quilt shops are a dying breed. I have to drive at least 2 hours to get to one and I just don’t have time to do that. Keep up the good work and I am definitely looking forward to more and your tutorials.

  300. Deborah Fields Avatar
    Deborah Fields

    Once a week is plenty. I think most folks get dozens of emails a day and that doesn’t leave time for sewing!

  301. Deborah Smith Avatar
    Deborah Smith

    It is fun to be a small part of your life with wedding photos, fishing shots etc. I too have felt that many of your blogs are about what you are selling. I thought blogs were more about life stuff and not necessarily about your business. Maybe find a way to do both, blog for life stuff and emails for business. It is an important for you to have an outlet to showcase your business as that is why we have all joined up to follow you…we love your designs and creativity. I appreciate your candor and desire to listen and find a balance as it can’t be easy.
    Debbie Smith in Greeley, Co but grew up in Wisconsin!!

  302. sandy Avatar

    Lisa, if anything, I would love more emails from you. I appreciated the time it took for you to include the wedding pictures for us all to see. I really look forward to the UTube videos. Don’t let some old cranky bitch get you down.

  303. Patty Fowl Avatar
    Patty Fowl

    I LOVE your posts! Don’t let one unpleasant comment cause you to question the great work that you are doing (and sharing!) I can’t wait for the You Tube videos!! And love all the wedding pics… you look fabulous and I hope there is a closeup of how you did your hair… I am intrigued!!

  304. Ginny Munson Avatar
    Ginny Munson

    Keep on doing your fantastic job! I’m new to you and your website and I enjoy learning about your craft, and I look forward to your emails.

  305. Liz Z Avatar
    Liz Z

    Lisa~thank you for sharing on your blog etc. I look forward to receiving your emails, and they are usually the first ones I read. Like those from an old friend. I look forward to seeing the new projects and fabrics and what is going on in your life. I enjoyed the wedding photos, thank you for sharing you personal life as well. Please continue to send out your blog and shop emails (I need to make sure I am signed up for the shop ones), I could enjoy your creations every day and not get tired of your post. Thank you for your art and for what you do.

  306. Susan Weldon Avatar
    Susan Weldon

    I don’t think your posts are too frequent or intrusive.  Once a week wouldn’t be excessive either, if they were informative, not just a sales pitch. 

  307. Betty Lawson Avatar
    Betty Lawson

    I live in a quilt desert–very few quilt shops and none with the primitives I love. I love your posts–esp. sale notifications, new products, etc. I also like knowing you have a real life–pics of the area, wedding, etc. Keep them coming! I would really enjoy some tutorials on embroidery stitches–

  308. LeAnn Keenan Avatar
    LeAnn Keenan

    I only get irritated if I get stuff daily. And if I don’t feel like reading something, I just don’t. I think your output is ideal. I think you can go too far the other way too and become invisible. By the way, I just put together a table runner from your scrap blocks and I loved it!! Thank you so much for those patterns.

  309. Sue M Avatar
    Sue M

    I love your blog and always read each message. Please don’t judge its popularity by the number of comments that you get from your postings. I rarely (this being an exception) respond to any blog posting. I’m certain that most of your blog readers do the same. I love hearing about what’s going on in your life, shop, and family! BTW: Thank you for posting the wedding pictures!!! Viewing YouTube videos would be the “icing on the cake.”

  310. sallyannjohnson3@gmail.com Avatar

    Post away! That is what the delete button is for those who don’t want to take the time to read it! My goodness, isn’t there bigger problems one could worry about! Thanks for your great website and blog!

    Sent from my iPhone

  311. Diane Beckler Avatar
    Diane Beckler

    I wouldn’t put too much thought into this one person’s email. As much as you want to please everyone, it’s impossible. You’ve done a great job of sharing your creativity and experience with all if us, and I’ve complimented you before for the way you encourage readers to shop for items you promote at their local shops first. I love all the emails whether they are about the shop or personal.

  312. Minda Avatar

    I love it that you send out that many posts. I live out of state and enjoy knowing what us going on with you and the shop so that I can try to be around the area if you have something I really want to do. I love see all the new pictures of projects and upcoming patterns. Keep up the good work and actually I wish you would post more often.

  313. Connie Avatar

    She is the one that signed up for the blogs, emails, etc. and apparantly her needs have changed, so you have many other people that will gladly fill her spot. Unsubscribing doesn’t always happen the same day and it’s hard to imagine why she would think she should have any say in how often you or the shop blog, email, etc. And as far as why you are doing what you do? Yes, it is a business, it is your livelyhood, you provide jobs, you have a passion and love for the business, you get to work with your family that shares in that passion, and yes you also get paid for all that!! Sounds like the kind of job everyone would love to have. She needs to just take care of her business and stop at that. The rest of us appreciate what we get!!

  314. Cindy Bigsby Avatar
    Cindy Bigsby

    I think you should go with the old addage; “If you don’t like it, you don’t have to read it!” Yes, e-mail has become a convenient way for solicitors to pester potential buyers to death. However, your communications whatever they may be;e-mail, blog postings, etc . . . are something that I look forward to and I don’t feel pestered to buy. I live far away and may never get to see your shop. I visit your booth any time I go to a quilt show you are at and can only imagine what your shop must be like – awesome!!! I find that the stores I subscribe to are my constant life line to the quilting world and I live for the new information wether it be personal or shop/quilt related. I might feel differently if I lived in southern California – they have everything out there – but I don’t. So I say to the lady who asked you not to post so much – thank you for stating your feelings in an honest and assertive polite way. If you hadn’t, I cannot imagine how Lisa might have felt because she obviously is doubting herself as a result. yes, you cannot please everyone and Lisa I say follow your heart. So e-mailer from California if you don’t like the posts, don’t read them and remember; “If you cannot say something nice, don’t say anything at all!” Tried but true.

  315. Cindy p Avatar
    Cindy p

    FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE GET RID OF “THAT PERSON ” people like that are poison and I certainly wouldn’t want her as a subscriber. Talk about a CA SNOB, there’s NO room for her in my world !! We here in NY LOVE you and the 1 Quilt Store in our area that sells wool LOVES YOU too !! Thanks LISA for all you do and keep those pictures coming,

  316. Colleen Reid Avatar
    Colleen Reid

    I don’t feel that I get too many emails from you or your shop. I wouldn’t worry about that person. I can’t believe she even sent that. She has issues I think. Anyway, I would just keep doing what your doing. I love to see your name in my email box.

  317. Brittany Voigt Avatar
    Brittany Voigt

    Lisa, you’ve heard this a few hundred times already but I’m going to say it again 🙂 Please don’t change a thing! If anything I’d like to see you blog more. I enjoy each entry from the shop and you. I often tell others it truly amazes me how giving you are as a person and that it shows through on everything your do. Please don’t let one person ruin it for us all. Some people just like to complain! I can’t wait for the videos and hope to see you blog even more with your busy schedule. I also want to personally thank you for your hard work that we all benefit from. I LOVE LOVE LOVE each design and appreciate the hours you put in. Thanks!

  318. Pam from Canada Avatar
    Pam from Canada

    I guess you can’t please everyone. Personally I love all your emails.

  319. Mary Hawk Avatar
    Mary Hawk

    I love the posts, you are a store after all, and hello, stores sell stuff! I find them inspirational and I like pictures which are bigger than on the website. I would forget to look at your website without the emails. I also like how your personality comes through. I live too far away to get to your shop more than every couple years , so want to see what’s up. I love my juki which I purchased from you, after reading your blog about it being on sale last year.I would love videos. Keep up the good work and hit the delete button on the sour apple 🙂    Ps – you pictured one of my quilts on your blog and I am excited to know how many people might have seen my little quilt!     The wedding looked lovely, where were you?        Mary Hawk    

    Sent from Samsung tabletLisa Bongean’s Weblog wrote:

  320. Darlene & Thimbles Avatar

    I’m puzzled by that e-mail. I enjoy hearing from you directly and the store. I wouldn’t mind hearing from you more often. 🙂 I don’t think you should change a thing – why let one person influence how you run your business. And, by the way we shouldn’t forget that this is your business and while you may not be in it to get rich, you’re definitely in it for the money. This is a source of income for your family so you must do everything you can. Your hard work is obvious and appreciated. Again, I personally don’t think you should change a thing. Why do want to incur another expense?

  321. kathi schaffer Avatar
    kathi schaffer


  322. Susan Montgomery Avatar
    Susan Montgomery

    My husband and I own a retail store and one thing he told me is ” we can’t please everyone”. This is a hard thing for me because I am a pleaser. I have been shopping from your website for a long time and I love the posts and I hope you will not let one person change the was you do things. I think you are very talented with lots of wonderful ideas. Keep them coming!! I have to do all my shopping online because I live in Oregon ( I did make a trip to your store 2 years ago and loved it) but your ideas keep me excited about sewing. Keep it up!!

  323. debbie conkling Avatar
    debbie conkling

    Just keep doing exactly what your doing with a smile. You go girl!!!!!! You said it you can’t please everyone.

  324. MaryBeth G. Avatar
    MaryBeth G.

    I enjoy everything you post and think you should do MORE posts. She is rude, so please ignore her!

  325. 8machines Avatar

    I do like your emails about sewing things, your patterns, and new things coming. Your blog is about you. I would feel bad about you spending a lot of money though. Posting once a week is not too much at all. Some post every couple of days. I am sorry this has happened to you.

  326. Judy Balek Avatar
    Judy Balek

    I enjoy your emails both personal and those about products. I want to learn and that is why I subscribe. I will definitely follow you tube postings as I have found I can learn a lit from them. I don’t live near you do I am not able to take your classes. You spoke at our Quilt Guild last year and I was traveling and missed it. Please keep on posting and letting me know what is new in the shop and in your life.

  327. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    That lady does not speak for this So Cal gal either. I love your blog/shop and email posts and would welcome more. Sometimes it seems like months go by without a post, when in reality it’s probably only been a few weeks! I love the YouTube idea and would subscribe to that also. I think it would be awesome to click on a YouTube video anytime of day or night and learn some little tip or technique from you. Please don’t give up on that idea!! I love the fact that you include personal stuff in your blogs and especially have enjoyed the wedding photos. There is only one quilt shop in my area and they do not cater to the primitive style customer. So I would agree with most of the other comments above that you are doing it right. Stay true to yourself and you can never go wrong!

    PS Loved the bigger booth in Long Beach and really enjoyed the class at Stars and Scraps

  328. Ruth pals Avatar
    Ruth pals

    Ruth P
    Please do not change a thing. Every time I turn on my computer ,I hope there is something from you. I do not have a store near me that sells the things you do, or the supplies. I would be lost without your e-mails. I have met you several times , and feel that you are a very helpful, caring person. Please don,t change!

  329. rosa Avatar

    Lisa,I read all your email and love your blog-shop and more would be welcome.Your blog is about you.I love see what other ladies do and new item.In my area the nearest quilt shop is about 100km away so internet is the best way to see new quilts items.
    Don´t worry and keep making what you do enjoyinfg with it.Your job is fantastic and love your pics.

  330. Diane Hassebroek Avatar
    Diane Hassebroek

    I am a new suscriber and I enjoy your e-mails very much.

  331. Rose Degni Avatar
    Rose Degni

    I find your e-mails fine . I don’t agree with your correspondent. Keep going!

    Sent from my iPad.

  332. Connie Kelly Avatar
    Connie Kelly

    Lisa, I enjoy every email and blog you put out. In fact they are my high points of most days!! PLEASE don’t change anything. Love your shop, your designs, your pictures, and the sharing of not only what you do, but your family and life. You are an amazing woman, accomplishing everything that you do!! I am in awe. You are sending out great ideas to many women (and men) so don’t stop!! Connie

  333. Betty Liehr Avatar
    Betty Liehr

    I definitely enjoy your emails and do not feel there are too many. Some companies send an email every single day that is nothing but the same thing, encouraging you to buy their products. I feel your emails, blogs, etc are more conversations with friends, sharing your interests and expertise. Please don’t let one unhappy person change the way you are!

  334. Jane Avatar

    Lisa, its not to much. I enjoy your e-mails, photos and blog. Not sure why this woman is upset. Don’t let one person put doubt in your mind and what you are doing. I say keep up with the good work!!

  335. Ruth Avatar

    Lisa you are an inspiration both artistically and professionally. I do not understand why this woman felt compelled to make such derogatory comments when “unsubscribe” is really quite enough. This is in fact the only blog I follow – the positive energy here is very supportive.

  336. Cheryl Barkdoll Avatar
    Cheryl Barkdoll

    Hi Lisa. I agree with the comments already posted. I enjoy your emails, posts, and store news. I loved seeing the wedding pictures. I think that all of these help us connect with you on a personal basis. I agree that one angry person should not dictate what you do. Keep up the great work!

  337. cheryl unger Avatar

    I have never had a problem with your company, it is my favorite place to look. Aren’t you in this to make money? Her comments don’t seem to me like everyone else will probably say. Just keep doing the great things you have always done, she is just one speck in the ocean of people that like you.

  338. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, in my opinion you do not send too many emails. I signed up because I enjoy reading your emails and I like that you keep me informed with the latest and greatest. I appreciate your efforts and hard work involved with this mode of communication. Besides if I’m busy or the news is unrelated to me, then that is what the delete key is for. Thank you so much for always sharing not only information, but your passion, energy, and life with all of us. It is truly a gift!! Hugs and sweet dreams, Jakey (Chris J.)

  339. Lynelle Ussery Avatar
    Lynelle Ussery

    Yes, Lisa, I too agree with the majority here…..What a crabbybut she must be! With all the emails everyone gets she gets awful persnickety over your few emails and blogs posts! It’s called delete, madam. Keep up your good work – we all are inspired by it!! And I agree with one of us saying just go thru facebook and save your money for the videos, which I can’t wait to see.

  340. Renee Avatar

    You are not only a fabric artist, you are a small business owner (hopefully going to large business owner!). You have “It”. “It” is intuition as to how to create and keep the successful business new, fresh and yet familiar! I LOVE your emails and look at your blog occasionally but no one MAKES me open the emails or blogs etc. And anyone who thinks you are in business to NOT get MORE business is NUTS! Maybe most of us know that if you do not SELL your wonderful stuff it will not be part of our little worlds. I like Primitive Gatherings being part of my little world. It is called FUN! Keep up the great work! I envy you! Renee

  341. Karen Avatar

    Love your emails and can’t wait for the next one. I recently lived in the Atlanta area where I could buy anything at the dozen of quilt shops located there. I now live in a rural area where the one quilt shop is lacking in most everything and the Hancock store is horrible. So I see myselt starting to use mail order more often. So keep up the good work!!!!

  342. Julie Forslev Avatar
    Julie Forslev

    I haven’t read any responses yet, but I, for one, always look forward to updates from your shop and your personal blog, and wouldn’t mind at all if you sent them out more frequently. I love your designs, the quality of your fabric and wool, how organized you all are with the BOM’s. Please don’t let one sourpuss ruin your day.

  343. Sue in MO Avatar
    Sue in MO

    I don’t mind the emails, if I don’t have time to read them I just delete it and go on. But I wouldn’t want to miss new things you have to offer or sales, etc. Love the idea of utube learning video’s. I do think there should be an easy way to unsubscribe for those who no longer are interested. You can’t please everyone no matter what you decide to do. Plus you are in it for love and money, you and your employees have to make a living too. I longarm and do alterations, people think if I get $10 per hour it costs them too much. I say, then learn to do it yourself. You can make $2.00 an hour. 🙂

  344. Tonya Avatar

    I must have missed all those “elusive” emails and messages! I for one do not feel like you are over or under posting. The general public sometimes expects way too much and I really feel that one’s blog or info coming out should be based on that person’s time or lack thereof. Look forward to seeing your next posting!!! :O)

  345. Sue Avatar

    I can tell you that I enjoy the emails I get as it keeps me informed about what you are offering. Since I love your store, your blog, your store blog and products, I am happy as can be when I get some information from you in my mail box. It’s why I signed up for the emails in the first place…to be informed of what’s new, what’s on sale, etc. I sure hope this helps!

    Sue in Michigan

  346. Geri Avatar

    Love what you do. Don’t change a thing. Remover her and keep up the good work

  347. ASinc Avatar

    I love reading your blog posts and the shop’s posts. I live in New York and we do not have any shops that carry not only your products but the type of items that your store stocks. I am an avid blog reader and I do not feel that you post too much. I have enjoyed seeing the beautiful wedding pictures as well as the other photos that you share with us. And now to hear that you may be doing video tutorials! Oh my I’m going to be in heaven! I have not been able to take a class with you at any of the shows so videos will be the next best thing.

    Please do not let one person spoil your experience. I understand how involved running a business, family, and everything else you do is. If you enjoy what you do and you are satisfied with the amount that you do online then you should continue with what works for you. It is definitely the highlight of my day when I see a new post from you or the shop. And if I receive a package? I”m thrilled for the rest of the week!

    Keep up the awesome work and don’t let any grumps rain on your parade.

    1. pattilyden Avatar

      Enjoy your Blog and emails … you shouldn’t change a thing.

  348. Alycia Denise Avatar

    First and foremost, thank you for your beautiful designs, fabric, books, kits, wool, quilt shop and all the other wonderful services and quilting supplies you offer. You are very generous in your teaching, supplies through kits and free patterns. And many of us are very appreciative to you for keeping us quilting.

    I think posting once or twice a week is sufficient. Some quilt shops only post once per week, but sometimes there is so much new product it takes two postings so the emails are not too long.

    Thanks again for all you do for us!

    Alycia Denise

  349. Judy Avatar

    You’ve made working in wool what it is today. I enjoy all of your messages. Does the sender of that message not know how to delete messages? Anyhow, keep them coming.

  350. Angela Brady Avatar
    Angela Brady

    Lisa, I wouldn’t let this person’s email worry me too much. Please keep posting and sending your emails. I know that it’s impossible to please everyone, I deal with the public too. Keep up your good work!

  351. Sally King Avatar
    Sally King

    You will never please everyone. Put this lady in the rearview and concentrate on looking forward out of your windshield. There is a reason the rearview is small and the windshield is large. If someone isn’t interested in an e-mail it’s not that tough to hit delete, ya know? As for videos or web-cams, my friend Bonnie Hunter does them and people tune in from all over the world! Go for it, and let this lady be at peace knowing she’s done what was right for herself and you have done the same. Keep on keepin’ on Girlie!!

  352. Pamela Miller Avatar
    Pamela Miller

    Lisa, first of all, thank you for sharing the beautiful wedding pictures with us. You looked gorgeous too. I enjoy all of the communication I get from you-emails, blogs, etc. Please continue with these. I don’t think they are excessive at all. In fact, I look forward to checking my email to see if there is something new from you to read or see. I have never personally met you, but feel like I almost know you. I was first introduced to you on Quilt with the Stars and I had to find out all about your company. I’m so glad I did. I have ordered many things from you. The most fun thing was the SBOW. Every week is like Christmas when that package arrives in the mail. The blocks are beautiful and I have kept up with the prep work. My husband is very impressed with how pretty they are.
    I am looking forward to your You Tube videos. Always follow your dreams and don’t let others try to discourage you or doubt yourself. We don’t have access to wool shops in Alabama, that I know of, and I appreciate having a source for my new passion. Keep up the great work and take time for yourself too. God bless you and your family.

  353. linda munn Avatar
    linda munn

    I love that you keep me informed as well as you . Keep up the awesome posts!!!

  354. Cathie Leo Avatar
    Cathie Leo

    It is neither too much nor too little. I imagine if you get that amount of info from a variety of sources you’d never get up from the computer. Since I have NEVER been to the store, these missives make me feel a part of the Primitive Gatherings family. Loved the wedding pictures and all the blogs you send. I also want to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for the really beautiful SBOWs you manage every year. I am a long time “woolie” and you really do this the best. I think the you tube is a great idea–but you’ll have to tell me how to access. There is always someone who isn’t happy, but it isn’t me–Thanks again for all you do and share.

  355. Pam Avatar

    Lisa I wouldn’t worry about what this person posted. I look forward to all your info on your blogs and have learned so much from your posts and look forward to your new blocks of the month and upcoming material releases and anything else you have to offer. How hard is it to just delete a )Post if you do not want to read it! ) you are the best . Thanks for being such a giving person.

  356. carol l Avatar
    carol l

    Wow, I would be lost without your blog news. I look forward to every blog you send out, enjoy receiving one every week. I am an online shopper so I depend on your blog to keep up to date on what is new. Don’t care much about the video but keep the blog site running.
    Carol in NE

  357. dutch0412@aol.com Avatar

    I love getting the info from you. For those of us that don’t have the options for primitives,  wool, etc., you are just what I love to see when I get emails or go online. I don’t think you do too much at all. If that lady is so unhappy, by all means take her off!  Does she not know how to delete if she doesn’t want to look? I also want to say that I have enjoyed the wedding pics & I like reading your blog. Makes me feel like you are including ‘me’ in your life. Nice homey feeling. I love your taste in the primitives. They are just so hard to find these days. Keep up the good work! Cindy D 

  358. Terri Spencer Avatar
    Terri Spencer

    I would say no video and emails/ blogs no mre less than every 2 weeks

    Sent from my iPhone

  359. Penny Avatar

    Lisa, I love getting all of your post from all sources. I don’t have access to much in the way of wool where I live and I am primarily home bound. It connects me with the outside world, updates me on special prices etc, I love being given the same advantage as your store customers. I don’t always read your post the day they come in, in fact I use the sorting option on my email system and have them go into a separate folder not my inbox. I can see that they are there and when I am ready for some quilty, wooly yummy stuff I sit down and go thru them one at a time. I am so excited about the idea of you on youtube. I have learned so much from the internet that I would never have access to otherwise. I don’t keep a regular schedule due to an illness and being able to view the videos any time of the day or night is a great. They are there for people who do and do not buy from your stores. It is just something that you put out there and people can look or keep going and that is true for email, or videos. Please don’t stop because of one person.

  360. Krus Lindsay Avatar
    Krus Lindsay

    Hi Lisa, love receiving your emails and website to feel like I have same choices as in store customers. I can’t drive to your shop but a coupl,e times a year because you are so far away.i don’t always follow your blog if I don’t have time.please leave things the way they are .

  361. Mary Brown Avatar
    Mary Brown

    Hi Lisa,
    I live far away (in California) and so can’t come to your shop in person. Unlike the writer’s experience, here in Northern California, we don’t have any prim quilt shops. I love your blog for INSPIRATION among other things. Who can have too much inspiration??? I also enjoy the blogs and emails from other prim quilt shops. I think you are doing something right if you have only had this one disgruntled person email you (you can’t please everyone). It seems to me like you’re batting 1,000. Please don’t let one person’s opinion change how you’ve been doing business. For goodness sakes, it’s working! On another note, I am really enjoying the block of the week.

  362. J.A. Konkel Avatar
    J.A. Konkel

    I don’t feel you e-mail too often. I look forward to your posts (I wish they were more frequent) and e-mails.

  363. Sharon Avatar

    Lisa, you blog or email when you have something important to say – that’s what its all about. I look forward to reading both.

  364. Deb Gepfer Avatar
    Deb Gepfer

    I love your posts and emails and don’t think it’s too much and I’m so looking forward to the YouTube tutorials. Please don’t stop!

  365. Beth Avatar

    I look forward to your blog posts, shop blog posts, etc. I am lucky enough to live in Wisconsin so I cam visit fairly often. Personally, I feel that a “schedule” would spoil some of the spontaneity

  366. Paula Avatar

    I love to see your mails appear as well as your blog posts and honestly don’t understand the views mad by the person who sent the email. When I read you post I immediately wondered if they were somehow mixing you up with someone else. I look forward to each and every post and if there were more I would enjoy them every bit as much. Keep up the great work.

  367. Jenny Huntly Avatar
    Jenny Huntly

    I live in southern California and look out for your posts, I love your style. I shop at local businesses but also like seeing what is new. Peoples interest changes, I think that this a small minority. Keep up the good work.
    You will never please everyone, I know I am a nurse.

  368. Linda Avatar

    That person must have your blog mixed up with someone else. I cannot wait for your posts. And I loved the pictures of the wedding. You and your blogs are so friendly that I think we all feel we are personal friends of yours. You are so authentic and genuine. Please keep up the good work. Keep the posts coming.

  369. Kim Kopac Avatar
    Kim Kopac

    Hello, Please do not let one person change your mind about all the great things that you have been doing! I look forward to each and every thing you send. Thank you!

  370. Diann Selke Avatar
    Diann Selke

    Hi….Lisa…..you are doing just great!

    I meant you in Lakeland, Florida 3 years ago and look forward to your booth every year so I can actually touch and feel your products. I have been doing your block of the months and it is always nice to see the REAL quilt in person. Because you share so much of your personal life with us, I feel like family and not just a dollar bill.

    I love your posts and blogs. I can’t wait for the U-Tube videos because what I have learned about Wool applique from your books and patterns and online interviews with Fons and Porter. You have inspired me. I am a visual learner and so have signed up for all the quilting classes I can find on Quilty and love that format. I watch every u-tube video I can find when doing embroidery to find new stitches.

    As a retailer I have learned you can’t please everyone. I had a land lord one that told me “We have to smile at critical comments and are always expected act happy even when we have the weight of the world on our shoulders. There is a place in heaven just for us.” You are a wonderful person and your staff and family make us all feel important. The success of your business proves it. Just keep it coming.

  371. Kathy Avatar

    I like all your emails and posts – if I see something that doesnt interest me I don’t read it. Let her unsubscribe-then one more interested person can subscribe. We love your stuff! Keep the posts coming.

  372. Connie R. Spalding Avatar
    Connie R. Spalding

    Lisa, please keep ALL of your emails, blog posts, pictures and anything you want to write about coming our way. Anything related to Primitive Gatherings is a “first” that I look at everyday. I live in Michigan so this is the only way I know what is happening with your products and other things going on. I have never heard of “Mail-Chimp” however, so I hope it is a service that we all can receive. Please keep the positive posts for your decision and not the negative comments…the positives will out number the negatives by a very large number. Thanks for all that you do and please keep all of us updated with as many emails and blog posts that you feel are necessary.

  373. Pam McLellan Avatar

    I say keep doing what you are doing. Some people are never happy and you won’t please them no matter what you do.

  374. Marie Usher Avatar
    Marie Usher

    Lisa, You are doing just fine.  I look forward to ALL your messages.  Please keep them coming!  I would enjoy youtube videos also.  Thank you for sharing your amazing talent with us and giving us an opportunity to purchase items.  I belong to 4 of your BOM’s ,enjoy all of them, and look forward to more! Marie Usher


  375. Pam Avatar

    I enjoy all of your posts! I say keep them coming.

  376. Lisa DiIsso Avatar
    Lisa DiIsso

    Lisa, I know I for one appreciate your emails! Love your work, and love that you share with us! She needs to delete if it’s so upsetting to her! And I can’t imagine the friends she hangs out with who feel the same! Keep doing what you’re doing! Lisa

  377. Lauralee Avatar

    What a witch. Sorry, but she should consider herself extremely fortunate to have so many shopping options available to her locally. I live in Georgia and believe me, there is NOTHING here! I’m so envious of people who have shops within a 2-3 hour drive of their home! She is awfully presumptuous to deign to speak for anyone but herself.

  378. Karen Avatar

    You already have lots and lots of comments…..so I’ll make this short…..WE LOVE IT!! Yes, I am one of those people who want more and more!! I think it’s great you are share so much – I would love to learn from you, but don’t live close enough, so seeing you on You Tube would be the next best thing and I would be the first to sign up!! I love that you blog about new designs, products you use, sales (even reminding us of coupons!!), etc. So thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do…there are a lot of us out here who would really enjoy more not less…

  379. Michelle Starr Avatar
    Michelle Starr

    Well, all I can say is she is a very grumpy person. I love your postings and really wished you posted more — family, products, techniques, etc. I don’t live somewhere that I have a lot of options for buying wool and have been a fan of yours since 2006. I try to pick up new tricks online. I dream of taking a class from you. I am So excited that you are going to have a both at the Fort Worth show and will get to shop in person.

    Don’t let one person get you down. It is not worth the energy. You will never please everyone but I think the majority of us love what you are doing and where you have taken quilting.

    Just my thoughts — hope they help. Michelle Starr Flower Mound, TX

  380. Bonnie Novak Avatar
    Bonnie Novak

    I am truly amazed at some people!! First of all, you are the lifeline to all of us who really love quilting. Without your input, patterns, fabric, notions etc., All of it!! … us quilters would be lost. I love all you do and your staff is exceptional. Whenever I have called, they have been extremely helpful and professional. By the way, I just received your new book..LOVE IT!! Please, Please, do NOT let this ONE woman influence you. Take it with a grain of salt. WE LOVE ALL YOU DO!! And hope you keep on doing it. You are terrific.

  381. carol l Avatar
    carol l

    Keep blogging, maybe even more!!!!!!

  382. Julies Avatar

    354 to 1!!!!! End if story

  383. Mary C. Avatar
    Mary C.

    Lisa, don’t change a thing! Primitive Gatherings is my favorite shop, but I only get to visit about once a year. The blog posts and emails keep those of us who can’t be there in person feeling like a part of what’s going on and frankly are responsible for a lot of my on-line shopping(in addition to that dangerous little ‘What’s New button!) Maybe that customer was just having a bad day in general…..don’t take that one opinion to heart. I think You tube videos sound great and would watch every one! You’re doing a wonderful job and inspiring us all to create beautiful things. Thank you!

  384. Fay Avatar

    Pleas know that I think you are an amazing person to be able to do all the things you do and do them all so well. I don’t have excess to the products I am able to get from you, so I am pleased with you providing this opportunity to get them. I met you this summer in GA and was so impressed with all your work and your work ethic. Keep up the good work and don’t let one unhappy person bring you down.

  385. Cindy Avatar

    Lisa, YOU GO GIRL!! You’re doing everything right!

    Don’t let one bad apple spoil the whole bunch…lol

    We love seeing your posts about family, the store, sales oh my & the dogs!

    You got it together…beautiful mother of the groom!

  386. joannborges Avatar

    The wedding is very special, indeed. I do not know you or your family personally, so I have viewed what I wanted to of the wedding, and if I didn’t want to continue looking at the pictures, I just left the site. I think it is more of interest to those who do know you on a more personal level, but no one is forced to looked at anything. I can certainly appreciate your wanting to share your joy of the wedding, and I think you should be free to do this without any criticism. It’s a shame you have been criticized about sharing such a momentous, happy time. Post on and enjoy the positive feedback, ignore the negative. The wedding was beautiful. JoAnn 😉

  387. Sandie Mackintosh Avatar
    Sandie Mackintosh

    I do not think you are sending things out too often, BUT I have had an issue lately… every time I fire up the laptop, your pages are both coming up as new posts and flagged to be read, even though they are previously read posts. Thought it was just an annoying bug in my system, but might be that your unhappy emailer had the same issue, and just didn’t realize it.

  388. Maddy McCaslin Avatar
    Maddy McCaslin

    Please DO NOT change how you do your blog or e-mails from the shop. I look forward to getting them and if a person does have certain opinions, then just unsubscribe, no need to be so negative.
    I love what you do , keep on keeping on

  389. Jean Avatar

    I love getting your e-mails and I check your blog daily. Your designs are among my favorites. Adding videos will be super cool. Keep up everything you are doing. Your customers love everything you do!!!!

  390. Norma S. Avatar
    Norma S.

    Lisa, I enjoy everything you & PG write about – I read your postings first. Please keep on doing what you’re doing! I appreciate you and your staff.

  391. Elaine S. Avatar
    Elaine S.

    Sad that some people have to share their unhappiness on email or social media. You do a wonderful job and do so much for so many people. Please continue all that you can do. You are my only source for these kinds of products and primitives. Thank you for being there for us and sharing your talent and life with us. Hugs.

  392. Janet Avatar

    That person’s note sounded way too irritated to have just this subscription glitch in her craw. Suspect she was venting and you were the unfortunate target…maybe the last straw to a really bad day…who knows why. Shame on them. Use this same freedom of speech to do what suits you and your fans best. You know what your instincts tell you to do. Keep on shinning, pay no attention to a few bad apples and put out those u tube videos… its the next step! 🙂

  393. Liz Avatar

    Lisa love your blog and emails too bad some people aren’t happy with it , sometimes I wish you posted more, I’m a longarm quilter here in Ohio and can’t get enough info, so I say Keep up the good work, LOVE love your stuff!!!!!!

  394. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    I love to read everything that comes my way from you. Keep on doing what you are planning to do and dont listen to the negative comments. The video will be a nice addtional touch. Heaven forbid please dont lose any sleep over those comments.

  395. Norma Avatar

    I love reading your blog! So glad you’re willing to share with us.
    Your ideas on decorating, gardening, cooking …not just quilting. I love your take on things! Don’t let one complainer squelch your sharing.

  396. Kim Avatar

    Follow your own dreams and do what your heart tells you, you can’t go wrong that way.
    Good luck and Happy Sewing

  397. Robyn Larkham Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I live in Australia and there are not a lot of primitive shops over here (not near me anyway). I love your fabrics and patterns so always enjoy seeing what you are working on. I do not think you blog too much. I follow a few USA stores and I would say you blog less than all of them. Do not listen to your critic, I love your blogs (shop & wedding) you give me a little bit of the primitive world of quilting that Aussies miss out on. Also, I find your blogs more personal and not just from a shop employee, which is great. Keep up the great work and ideas! Regards Robyn

  398. Trish Avatar

    Someone was having a bad day and took it out on you. Your posts are very enjoyable!

  399. Nancy Avatar

    Well Lisa, there is a good side to that email from someone who seems to delight in complaining AND speaking for her friends. (Frankly, I believe she embellished the friends’ comment.) It resulted in an opportunity for 395+ people to write and tell you how much you are appreciated. Secondly, I don’t know how that cranky one can say you post too often. When customers are involved with a business, especially a top-notch one such as yours, we want to know and enjoy knowing what’s going on. Your posts are a wonderful mix of work, family and play and I would look forward to any tutorials you would want to share via YouTube. I also want to add that I don’t know of ANY other shop that is as generous with BOM or BOW materials as you are. … and the freebies that are as fun as the BOW’s themselves!! Thank you for all you do for your readers and customers and may the future be even brighter.

  400. katie Avatar

    I love reading your Blog and have learned so much from your quilt information that you post!! Keep on sharing with us please!

  401. Debbie Gallett Avatar
    Debbie Gallett

    I think you are just fine. You tube videos – Yeah!. I live in the middle of nowhere and don’t have access to a bunch of local shops. I like your info.

  402. susan Avatar

    i say go with your heart. if you love what you are doing and there are us out here that want to hear what is going on, then i say go for it! there are a few people that just arent into it. you know what i mean? you cant let naysayers dictate how you run your business. if she thinks that way, shes going to think that way, no matter what. sounds like her and her friends have nothing better to do. and if she lives in cali, and there are local shops she can support, then i say let her! haha poor local shops…..

  403. Diane Avatar

    I look forward to your emails so, don’t stop. This women is just venting guess she isn’t capable of using the delete button. Hopefully you were able to get her off the mailings today. Don’t give her another thought she isn’t worth loosing sleep.

  404. Thrity Avatar

    From all the way from Oz, I say thanks for all you give.

  405. Carrie Avatar

    Really….Love your creativity Lisa, you always amaze me with your new patterns. Actually, you only post when there is something good happening and I look forward to your emails and posts.
    I would have a techy look into the issue and really just be the person you are, make yourself happy and keep creating your great quilts.

  406. Carmen Avatar

    I love your website, love your blog, love your store blog, love your products, love your designs, love your tips, would love to see YouTube videos (could we all be so lucky), would love to receive store emails, love that there are people like you working to keep the world of quilting alive. This lady must have absolutely nothing going on her life to be such a nitpicker – I’m shocked. I agree with one of your other commenters – out of this all you’ve received hundreds of emails from people who appreciate you so much. Please don’t stop growing and creating….I’d really miss what you do.

  407. Janet Glover Avatar
    Janet Glover

    I love reading all your emails and blogs. YouTube videos would be GREAT!!!! I have learned so much from the information you post especially the ones last Christmas. A big Thank You to you and all your wonderful staff at PG for all you do to keep us informed and inspired and for including us in your everyday life. Do what you feel in your heart is right and you can’t go wrong. Loved all the beautiful photos of the wedding.

  408. kelly R Avatar
    kelly R

    As many others have already said – no you don’t post too much nor do i feel that product is being pushed to excess. I subscribed to your blog to hear about goings on in the store and would love youtube videos. PS I live in NorCAl and we def. don’t have tons of wool out here – that’s why I love Primitive Gatheirngs

  409. Joanne Avatar

    I think there may be a sour grape in the bunch pick it out and work with the rest of the bunch. Work with your gut feeling and don’t let one person put you off.

  410. Darlene Avatar

    Hello Lisa,
    How smart to ask a question like this! I think it’s more of a personal choice as to whether email postings are “too often” for a each of us. I enjoy your style and creativity, but I may unsubscribe, and just bookmark your blog to follow when I have more time and on my schedule, but not yet.

    Please keep in mind that we sign up to those we admire, or share interests with. I think that if your numbers are growing consistently, they will continue to grow. You will also have some who will unsubscribe for a variety of reasons. If you can look at both of those numbers, over time, you should have a good indication of future growth. Regards.

  411. Robin Crittenden Avatar
    Robin Crittenden

    Lisa, I do not have any quilt shop close to me in Richmond Va that offers any thing like your shop. I am looking forward to the shows this fall inChantilly and Fredericksburg so that I can finally get to see your store. Don’t let one nasty person ruin it for everyone else. I look forward to your emails and seeing what you design. Please let it roll.

  412. Gina Avatar

    I personally enjoy reading your emails and your posts. The only thing that comes to my email address is your monthly update. I read everything else at your website. You are not sending out too much info or overwhelming me in anyway. I enjoy seeing what is going on at the store and in your life. I love seeing your new projects and products. Working with wool is not as popular where I am and your work inspires me! The old adage is you can’t please everyone all the time is most appropriate in this instance! Keep doing what you are doing!

  413. Rose Avatar

    I have been a fan of yours for three years or more, love your stuff, love reading about your life(makes you seem more real), and would love it if you actually posted more. Here in central Texas there is no one that offers the same type of products you do, so opening up a blog from you is like opening a present at Christmas,. by the way i loved your blog last year about your favorite sewing items. Why is it that it only takes one person to ruin it for everyone? It is a personal choice we have rather to open an email and read it…… I say keep them coming. See ya in Houston…..

  414. trish Heming Avatar
    trish Heming

    Lisa , there are always complainers no matter who you are or what you sell. I love your emails and look forward to them. I also work in a Quilt store (in Canada) trust me you cant please all the people all the time. You are absolutley right in saying customers who dont live in your area like to feel like part of the store. That is me. As mentioned I live in Ontario Canada, one day I plan on visiting your store ,but for now ,your e mails and web site are my connection. I have participated in BOM and purchased other items from your web site. Keep up the great work, lose the complainers and carry on. I also am extremley excited to see some you tube videos and enjoy all your personal life input. I hope to meet you in person at one of the shows soon.
    Keep up the Awesome work you do. Im a huge fan.

  415. Louise Avatar

    I look forward to each and every one of your emails and I would miss them if you stopped. I have learned so much from you.

  416. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    Hi Lisa, My comments are much the same as most other people; send away! I’m completely capable of pressing the delete button if I feel it’s getting to be too much, which I will say, I haven’t felt at all. I love seeing what you are creating, so that when I do get a chance to buy, I have already started to figure out what I’d like most. It was also fun to see the wedding pics! Just to see you outside of your shop environment. I’m looking forward to seeing you Grand Rapids too! Keep on creating and sending out your joys…I’ll keep looking forward to each of them 🙂

  417. Julie Gibson Avatar
    Julie Gibson

    You are fine and she sounds like one of those MEAN girls.  Julie


  418. kathelmn Avatar

    Hi Lisa, Love getting your posts and pics — even your furry friends. Please just be YOU! That is what we love. And it is great seeing a successful quilter who loves sharing her passion. Continue on!

  419. Jodi Miller Avatar
    Jodi Miller

    Just delete her and block her from ever signing up again. Then say “good riddance”. What is wrong with people? If you don’t want to read it, hit the delete button, that’s what it is for. She could also block your emails if it’s that annoying to her. Personally, I say keep sending the emails and blogging. Would love to see some tutorials on Youtube too.

  420. CJ Avatar

    Okay one more opinion from one of you loyal followers. Yes, I love reading your blog and emails. Yes, I look forward to seeing a youtube instructional video. However, I do feel that social media is creating a problem of redundancy when we have the same (email, blog, etc.) postings on facebook, emails, and blogs. I feel I am often reading the same information up to 3 or 4 times by trying to stay up with someone’s designs I love. Please find one source and tell us all to get our information there are have different information in each location (blog, email, etc.). Thanks for asking our opinion. Loving all your work !

  421. Judy Brennand Avatar
    Judy Brennand

    Seriously????????—-Doesn’t she have a delete button on her computer——You have worked sooooo hard to get where you are and have helped sooooo many people who LOVE the journey of quilting—-she is not a ” normal ” quiilter because if she was she couldn’t ever get enough information!!!!!!–Chalk it up to someone who just doesn’t “get It”—–she does have a choice—–obviously she would rather complain–I love all the info you put out there and enjoy your family blogs—–if I have one complaint—–you make my head spin because I cannot keep up with you!!!!!!! —-and the good news is—you totally enjoy exactly what youre a doing and if you stop I will seriously hurt you!@!!!!!

  422. Princess Stash-a-Lot Avatar
    Princess Stash-a-Lot

    Hey Lisa! Love your stuff…just took your Christmas mat class at Hershey with my 2 woolie friends…we get together once a year to travel and meet ( one from Fl, one from NY and I from SC). We first met you and your art at the mall in Paducah and just kept coming back for more. You have been on the top of our list and your blog and emails keep us up to date with what is going on and even your family happenings make us feel like you are one of us and our friend! Ignore the girl for CA, apparently she had a bad day and couldn’t find the delete key and lashed out at you…such a pity! Since we are not local these blogs keep us current with what is new etc. We love you Girl and want you to stay in touch!

  423. Francine Johnson Avatar
    Francine Johnson

    I don’t have the blogs emailed to me. I log onto the website about twice a week and read the blogs.It si nice to see new items and find out what you are doing. I think posting once a week is fine. You have many things that you are trying to do and you can’t please everyone. I get insspriration from you which I need to finish my projects.

  424. Jody Avatar

    Keep up the good work Lisa! I have been to your booth at shows several times and I do enjoy your blogs. I don’t think you blog too much and I have enjoyed all the photos of the wedding.

  425. Liz Carter Avatar
    Liz Carter

    Lisa, KEEP SENDING EMAIL!!!!!!! 🙂 I live in southern california and travel to several of the shops (from Orange county to San Diego County) that are now selling wool and supplies. While it is nice to see feel and touch those items and personally interact with some of the shop staff I still look to you for my kind of inspiration…. I look forward to your emails, and while some of them might not personally interest me I wouldn’t want you to stop sending them because I like 98% of them. I understand that some people don’t have time to read/act upon their email, but how long does it take to scan down your list of emails and mark the ones you don’t want for deletion then hit the delete key??? YouTube Video’s from you that I can watch anytime day or night (even in my jammies), what could be better??? Ok, maybe having you sitting next to me assisting me and chatting away…. I’ve always enjoyed seeing you at the road to california quilt show and loved the way even though you were busier than a one armed paper hanger in a wind storm you still took the time to speak to me as if I was your only customer on a slow day!

    I say anything that enhances your business then go for it! Electronically reach those of us who want to receive your inspiration and products.

  426. Laura Avatar

    Lisa, I enjoy your emails. I bet this person will still be buying your pattern, kits, etc. Don’t think there’s too many.

  427. Lou DeGraaf Avatar
    Lou DeGraaf

    Lisa – I love getting your emails and love your web site. Your postings are very inspiring and I would miss hearing from you if you stopped emailing, etc. I’m looking forward to visiting your booth in a few days in Grand Rapids. Blessings!

  428. Lynne Avatar

    Your doing a great job she has the problem not you,

  429. Linda Surmacewicz Avatar
    Linda Surmacewicz

    Lisa, I have been a subscriber of yours for a long time, I have done many of your wonderful projects, and I love the creative energy that you bring to us.

    We are all at different points in our quilting journeys. We all have the power of the delete key for messages that we don’t want and can unsubscribe as we feel the need to.

    I wouldn’t worry about one who is not content, she may be at a point in her quilting journey to move on to something else. Besides, she might see one of your future projects that will dazzle her and she will regret that she missed out. I for one, do not want to miss out. Thank you for all you do for us following behind you, Linda Surmacewicz

  430. Randy Avatar

    I love your blog and email. I look forward to them, don’t stop, the person that sent that to you has a problem with herself. What you are doing is right. Don’t let someone burst your bubble. Keep flying high you deserve it. God bless you, your family and business. Randy

  431. Joan Avatar

    Honestly, I am one of those people who are considered stalkers because I don’t sign up in e-mail form but keep blog pages in my favorites that way I can look at them when ever I want. However, your blog is in my e-mail and I enjoy it and look forward to it very much. I like your product , I like your style, your pictures and stories, they are an inspiration. So thank you . No need to slow down just figure out how to get this person “unsubscribed” and carry on. Thanks again.

  432. Katie Avatar

    I enjoy reading what you send and if I don’t have time to read it I have a delete button! If I were you, I would help people unsubscribe when they request it and not worry about the rest of us. We are very happy. 🙂 Of course if your unsubscribe buttons/services don’t function properly then you can work to fix that. Sometimes the subscriber just needs to show some patience. It can be frustrating.

    There are a few quilters/fiber artists that have spoken at our quilt guild and their lectures are nothing but a 45 minute commercial for their products, which they unfortunately continue at the workshops. They don’t get asked back. And most of us avoid taking classes or lectures from them again at quilt shows and symposiums. It’s as simple as that. The majority though, are entertaining, interesting and inspiring.

    It seemed like your booth was smaller this year at the Raleigh Sewing and Quilt Expo which was a tiny bit disappointing, but I wouldn’t presume to be critical as it’s your business and you do what suits you best. Primitive isn’t generally my thing but I have been so impressed and inspired by your work, especially the fine quilting….which I was told you do on your Juki! In 2012 after the Expo, I came right home and started playing with small scale quilting on a table runner and was overjoyed with the result. I was with a group of bee members that day and I can’t tell you how many times we were drawn back to your booth. We just couldn’t keep away! 🙂

  433. Kandy Kuhr Avatar
    Kandy Kuhr

    I quilted with Lisa before she ever started her business and I was with her as she launched her pattern company and I can tell you that she has a passion for quilting and loves to teach. Those are her true loves and anything else is secondary. She tries to inspire others and likes to share with others what works for her, so some may think of it as a big commercial, but her main reasons are to get others to have as much success and enjoyment of quilting as she has. Keep going Lisa…. you can’t please everyone and if someone isn’t interested in something, they can easily delete it…..

  434. Carol Avatar

    I love your emails and posts! Helps us all feel connected. Also, loved the wedding photos! Thank you for sharing! Keep doing exactly what you are doing Lisa. Don’t let one ‘bad apple’ spoil the rest.

  435. Linda Avatar

    I don’t get your emails but I get your blogs in my reader…I enjoy every one and would not complain if there was one every day, from both you and the store. I think this woman lives on another planet. Don’t even give her complaint another thought. Your fans have spoken!

  436. Janet Avatar

    Don’t stop what you’re doing or how you’re doing it! I immensely look forward to ALL your postings quilting and personal because your creativity spills over into all you touch. Whether it’s how you plant your flowers, decorate your living room, or design your quilts – what you do inspires me. You have always stressed how important it is for us quilters to support our local shops first, which make me respect you even more. You’re the best!

  437. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    I don’t have to read everything that you send. There is a delete button. If you know this client personally, I would give her a call and ask her to comment about her posting and listen to what she has to sa.y. Maybe that would give you more insight on what would best for you to do. Unfortunately, we can’t please everyone. If I don’t want to read it, I delete it. I don’t have an issue with anything that you’re doing.

  438. Monica Avatar

    I just think that the person was more mad about the fact that she couldn’t get OFF the mailing lists than the actual amount of them. I don’t think it would have been much of an issue had she been able to unsubscribe. Anyway, if someone doesn’t like all the emails, then they should be able to unsubscribe and thats it…over…done. I personally subscribe to them all and yes, sometimes if I haven’t been at my computer for a couple days, then, yes, there seem to be a lot, but they are wonderfully short, with great pictures that inspire me and keep me up to date on the new patterns, BOM, items, etc. I love it! That’s my take on the whole issue.

  439. Cathy Tuttle Avatar
    Cathy Tuttle

    Lisa, I too really enjoy your blog posts. look forward to reading them as soon as I see it in my In box! I wouldn’t change a thing.

  440. Debbie Avatar

    Lisa ~ you do an AWESOME job at keeping us up on the latest news, both in the shop & occasionally with your family news! The wedding pics were beautiful, BTW! Would love to see you tube video tutorials! I had the pleasure of meeting you a few yrs ago at Prims of the Midwest , which I had traveled to all alone. You , Stacy & Sue all so kindly asked me to join you for dinner & not too many people would go out of their way to do that, esp since you all dont get to see each other that often! I am always thrilled to hear of new plans & know that you will continue to grow & succeed, which you deserve! I, too, as manybothers have mentioned, open your emails as soon as I get them! Don’t pay any attention to the B’s out there! Blessings! Debbie 🙂

  441. Janet Avatar

    I’ve been swamped and am a few days behind on my blogs. I was in a workshop today and this specific issue came up – I made it a point to catch up (almost) so I’d know what’s what. I did not read all 400+ replies to your question, but read enough to see that most agree -keep on doing what you’re doing. I love your blog posts (great wedding pics, by the way), and really, if you are posting about anything I’m not interested in (unlikely), I won’t read it … I think you’re just fine (altho I could stand seeing more of the dogs and the new place!!).

  442. Kathy B. Avatar
    Kathy B.

    Hi Lisa, Your emails, your blog to me are like a letter from home. I love hearing what you’re up to as well as
    your family pix and stories. I’m thrilled that you are considering expanding upon what you have so you will be
    able to share with even more of us.
    I know criticism cuts deeply and this woman’s email has hurt you. Please don’t let her comment affect how sharing you are with the rest of your customers and email friends!! You make our long, dark, cold winters so
    much more bearable when you share your enthusiasm with us by sharing your latest new ideas and projects!
    Keep up the wonderful things you do!

  443. Diane Wingo Avatar

    I don’t like everything you design but I thought that was normal. I enjoyed meeting you in Paducah and even though you were very busy you made time to put together a thread collection for my snowman quilt. You are the reason I started wool projects. You have wonderful quilters and I love seeing the quilting designs they come up with. I enjoy all of your postings, sometimes I am disappointed that there are not more postings. Can’t wait for YouTube. Keep posting please.

  444. Becki Pender Avatar
    Becki Pender

    Lisa, I look forward to your blog up dates! I did not think you are sending too many updates. Just let the comment on too many updates role. Do not take this issue seriously. can’t wait to see your YouTube sessions. Take care. Bp

  445. Nancy Avatar

    Lisa – I love your blog and the updates. I was so happy to visit your booth at the Lancaster PA and Hershey PA shows. I was going to make a comment last week about your sweet son who was sharing his Twizzlers at Quilt Odyssey. It was Sunday and near the end of the day…..he was so pleasant. You’re lucky to have such a wonderful family and I for one want to see more pictures. The wedding pics are beautiful. You have blogged about some good tips and I have made changes in my piecing and quilting because of it. Keep up the good work!
    When the complainer gets a life, she can make someone else’s miserable.

  446. Laura Kissel Avatar
    Laura Kissel

    Here’s the thing – we are all inundated with info. My feeling is – if I don’t have time or patience or whatever to read something that particular day, I don’t! It’s pretty easy to delete or ignore. But – I LOVE the blogs/emails/ etc. from PG. I’m so busy, I don’t have time to sew right now, so at least I can read about sewing! I love your designs, and have made many of your patterns. I love seeing pix of the wedding, etc. And judging from the posts that have come before mine, most folks think the same. So – in my humble opinion, keep doing what you’re doing. 🙂 Have a great week.

  447. Felice G. Avatar
    Felice G.

    Keep doing what you’re doing – I love it all. Dont let one person spoil your plans. If I dont have time to read a particular email or blog, then I dont. I appreciate your taking the time to do all you do to make those of us ‘out of state’ feel included. A million thanks……keep doing it!!!!!

  448. Deb W. Avatar
    Deb W.

    As a person who writes a weekly email for a quilt store, I know how much time it takes to get everything together and then to coordinate the timing with the store personnel and the person who puts it on the internet. If that person doesn’t want the emails, so be it…there will be others who will appreciate it and sign up for new information. If I don’t have time that day to read your email in its entirety I will save it and read through it when I have time. I do this not only for ideas for my future projects, but I also get ideas on what to write when I am promoting their products in our weekly e-letter. Growth can be difficult and one customer shouldn’t have you rethinking your business plan. Have a great week.

  449. Lula Avatar

    Statistically speaking, with 9000 on the list, there are going to be a few. Just keep doing what you are doing. Quilting is an art and each artist is unique. Let your creative juices flow and we will keep following.

  450. sandra Buvala Avatar
    sandra Buvala

    Ive enjoyed your emails and info. Could I do w/o it , probably. Do I want to. NO please continue as you have and if you do youtube I’ll love that also.. Sandy

  451. Jan HARRITT Avatar

    You have a fabulous business! As an Internet customer, I have been able to tell by their tone of voice, the ladies are busy with store customers when I have called. I understand that. One of my favorite quilting online stores is Cotton Club and that is all they do. It’s a different focus.
    Everyone gets too much email. If I’m not interested in the post, I delete without reading. My reply is : do what is best for what is making your business succeed. That’s what you ultimately want and will serve the largest number of quilters! God bless you . Jan Harritt

  452. Barbara F. Avatar
    Barbara F.

    Love reading your blogs. Your summer BOW has inspired me to try wool, and I love it! Those that do not want the updates can simply unsubscribe. Please keep doing what you love and doing it your way! :o)

  453. DebiM Avatar

    If they don’t want your subscriptions they should go to preferences and unsubscribe from whatever it is that they no longer wish to receive. Sometimes in life we subscribe to what we think we will be interested in and then find out later that we no longer have the time to read what we subscribe to or the topic turns out to not be as important as we thought. I have unsubscribed from some blogs because I just dont have the time to read as many as I once did. It’s not the bloggers fault, IMHO.

  454. DebiM Avatar

    BTW I love the wedding photos!

  455. Marlene T. Avatar
    Marlene T.

    So sorry you let someone so negative upset you. You should never doubt your gut feelings. I live in NY and I wish you had a branch store near me. I do belong to a few guilds within a 25 mile radius and am lucky that I have a very nice shop in that area-they also sell your products-thank goodness. I look forward to your messages and you are absolutely not sending too many. Sometimes at night I sit with the laptop in my recliner and can easily spend an hour just looking over your website and blogs. I get several emails a week from many sites and some send between 1 and 4 per week-all ads and offer nothing like you do. I would love to see some You Tube demo’s. Missouri Star Quilt Co has a section on You Tube-what fun! You should go for it. Let Miss Nellie Negative use her delete button if she’s not in the mood. That will give her more time to chase a few sheep to get her wool-LOL Good luck and God Bless. Great wedding photos and love the dogs!!

  456. Julie Avatar

    I generally don’t want to see the personal stuff, like the wedding. I want to see quilts 🙂 But if I don’t want to read something, I just skip it, and it’s no big deal. But I am just one person, and it is obvious from your responses that many like your personal stuff, so just keep doing it, and I will just keep passing by postings I’m not interested in. No big deal. BTW, you are one of my favorite blogs to follow.

  457. Betty C. Avatar

    Dear Lisa,
    I like your blog very much and I don’t think that you post too frequently. I know that some blogs are used as means to encourage readers to buy the owner’s book, fabric, patterns, etc. or whatever they are selling. It does annoy me when I see a pattern, fabric (or whatever) and then find out it is not available to the public for several months. I would rather not know about it until it is available for purchase. I like seeing pictures of quilts, tips for quilters, tutorials, etc. Some sites make it difficult to leave a comment or download something – go through Facebook, Craftsy, or other websites, for example. I have no idea what these sites do with the information they collect. I get e-mails almost daily from Craftsy asking me to buy something or take a course (for a price).

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Betty I agree with you…I don’t like to post things that aren’t available for a while…but here is the problem…other shops will have my patterns and fabrics on their sites with preorders … So I almost HAVE to post them and if I am to sell MY own patterns and Fabrics and I look like a bad business person to have someone else have then ON before me…

  458. Jane Arthur Avatar
    Jane Arthur

    I love your blog and all the info I receive. I agree we all get too much stuff by email sometimes but I do feel that is something I can control. If I don’t have time I just save it for later or skip it all together because that is my choice.
    Needless to say, I personally am loving it and want you to continue. Also, I do enjoy some of the YouTube videos because I usually learn at least a little something and sometimes a lot of something.
    Keep on doing what you are doing!!!

  459. Holly H Avatar
    Holly H

    I think that your posts are just right. Keep up the great work. I love seeing your name in my in box!

  460. Donna Nelson Avatar
    Donna Nelson

    I enjoy your blog posts, and don’t feel as though they are too frequent. I love to see the new ideas, patterns, and in general what’sup stuff.

  461. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    Lisa, keep doing what you want to do and not what others expect or would like you to do ! This is your business and you should keep that front and foremost. If you like to blog, blog, if you like doing the e-mails, then e-mail, but do not let someone else run your life or the way you run your business. I like seeing all the new stuff you post and if I don’t have the time I wait until I do to browse through it. If this other person doesn’t care to receive
    your information she is just that ONE person. Keep on as you are and you will make many people happy I know this for sure !!! Take care and keep up the good work.

  462. Abby VanRooy Avatar
    Abby VanRooy

    One can never please everyone….. fulfill the request of wanting to be removed, but allow the “waiting list” of those wanting to get the updates but can’t, speak for itself. I, personally am fortunate enough to live locally and stop in frequently to see the new items coming to the shop firsthand; however, I STILL look forward to checking your blog and the shop’s blog a couple of times a week like a kid at Christmas or as if I lived a million miles away. Keep the updates coming and don’t let one bad apple ruin it for the masses. I think if you take her email to heart, you’d have a TON of disappointed fans, me included, and would be in a situation of the opposite problem! Keep up with the updates, we all want to read about them!

  463. Linda Brandau Avatar
    Linda Brandau

    Lisa, I look forward to your posts. I check almost every day to see what is on your blog or the shop blog. Also drove 5 hours to take one of your classes. You are a fantastic teacher..taking time for everyone in the class. Please keep up the good work. Do not let one opinion make your decision!

  464. patsye knight Avatar
    patsye knight

    Lisa, I always enjoy your blog re up-coming projects, patterns & kits because I consider your
    designs joyful…..particularly the finishing of the new 4 1/2″ freebies!
    Please keep them coming.
    Sincerely, Patsye Knight
    ps: all the disgruntled woman has to do is punch the delete button

  465. Marjan Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I Always look forward to your posts. I live and the Netherlands and for me it’s the best way to find out what’s new! You should be glad the woman desided to unsupscribe.
    Keep on the good work. And very nice sharing the wedding pictures.

  466. Susan Avatar

    Not everyone can be pleased. With that said, always enjoy your posts. Keep it up as it is not too much or too little. Onenegative comment can ruin a day of joys so don’t question too much what you are to doing as it is working, is it not?

  467. Bonnie lindsey Avatar
    Bonnie lindsey

    I enjoy everything you send! Can’t wait for more! You are an icon in the industry!

  468. Sharon Avatar

    Keep them coming, I love your posts.

  469. susan jankowski Avatar
    susan jankowski

    I think your blogs are great! Either about the store and your great products and the personal posts. I am a hugh fan of yours and support you. Thank for doing all you do.
    I think it great that you share all this great info with us.

  470. LeAnn Rodmyre Avatar
    LeAnn Rodmyre

    I love getting your posts. I just think she was frustrated that she couldn’t unsubscribe. One thing led to another of her frustration. From the other comments, I think she is one in 10 million. Keep them coming. We can turn them off whenever we want.

  471. Karen Avatar

    As I write this, I am the 433rd comment and read enough of them to know that your subscribers overwhelmingly agree that you should continue to send as many emails/blogs/store blogs as you care to write. I enjoy them all and love when there is a new one. Look forward to the upcoming tutorials. How mean spirited it was of that person to say such negative comments! Keep them coming!

  472. ronda926 Avatar

    it is unfortunate that she felt that way. i’m not sure why she could not unsubscribe by herself. i say keep up the good work – it is hard to please everyone!

  473. Carrie Avatar

    Lisa, you really can’t please everyone, and the reader always has the option to hit delete. I know, I sometimes take it personally when I recognize the name of someone who has unsubscribed from my newsletter, and it would probably make me crazy if I tried to figure out what I said to make them not like me anymore. I think we are all just one mental step away from Junior High (what a horrible time!). You will always be one of the “popular girls,” in my book! Carrie

  474. marlene Avatar

    Lisa, I look forward to getting your emails, blogs, and love to stay connected to your products, patterns, and your family life. I think its wonderful. Please don’t change anything. I never did see anyone twisting my arm to buy anything from your emails or blogs – and love the tips and patterns and photos you send….please don’t change anything…Thanks for keeping us in your “cyber family”. Marlene

  475. Kelle Avatar

    I really enjoy your posts, lessons, ideas, products, and pics. Doing just fine by me! 🙂

  476. Kathy Avatar

    I’m not signed up to receive emails. I prefer not to do that with any blog, not just yours, because it tends to be too much in my inbox. But I haunt your website & blog for updates, at least once a day or more if it’s close to when you will be posting info. about the SBOW or anything that was mentioned will be coming soon. I also DO NOT feel like you are pushing your products!! I enjoy the posts & do wish you would post more often not less.

    Also, I loved seeing the pics from the wedding. Everyone looked beautiful and it looked like you had a ton of fun!!

  477. Sinta Renee Avatar

    I love your blog and everything you do. I never write a comment. Just because you don’t know me, I guess. But that is why I want to write now… so you know that there are a lot of us out there that you don’t hear from that think you are a brilliantly creative and a wonderful person. I go into your booth at shows and enjoy every bit of what you are doing… in person and on your site. I especially love the wedding photos and that you are sharing a special day with us… who wouldn’t love wedding photos? I personally don’t think you post as often as I would like.

  478. nikki scott Avatar
    nikki scott

    I find the fact that she sent this to you puzzling, if Im not in the mood to read anything I have signed up for I just delete it, its not hard, I for one would love you tube videos, I have trouble visualising instructions and a video to go with the pattern would save me having to keep emailing you for advice!!! I think she just had a bad day and decided you should be the one to take the brunt, dont let it worry you.

  479. Elaine Leko Avatar
    Elaine Leko

    Lisa – I feel sad reading this. From one shop owner to another, take a deep breath and focus on why you have CHOSEN this for your profession. The love of wool/fabric/quilting, the love of customers – the customers who are now FAMILY and friends. We love what you do – and we love hearing from you! Elaine and Doug

  480. Debby Krzyston Avatar
    Debby Krzyston

    #437 that’s me! Don’t change a thing! Primitive Gatherings is a success because of your talents. Poo on this lady! I look forward to your emails and blog. You Tube…, I can’t wait. See you all in Madison, WI in Sept.
    The wedding looked like a fairy tale, beautiful. <3

  481. Danette Knoth Avatar
    Danette Knoth

    I wouldn’t change a thing! I love reading your blogs and love getting emails about what’s going on at the shop! I will continue to be a subscriber and customer! Your the best!

  482. Mary Avatar

    I look forward to reading/seeing all your blogs and receiving your ideas. I’m not sure how you have time to do it all. I seek out your emails and read yours first. I hope you don’t lose any more sleep on the person having her hissy-fit. I do not believe she is your typical customer. I’d say good riddance to her. Keep your great ideas flowing!

  483. Manon Avatar

    Love your stuff, love your blog, love your emails etc… It’s not too much. If that other lady doesn’t like it then she can get off.. no one is forcing her to stay or buy…. PLEASE don’t let one person ruin it for the rest of us!! You’re doing a great thing for our industry and for women and/or all people who enjoy the art!!
    Thank you and keep up the great work!!
    Manon 🙂

  484. sunporchquilts Avatar

    You are not posting too much! Just disregard her. Some people just like to make others feel unhappy, as if it lifts them up somehow (really, it does the opposite.) I love seeing all the pictures, very inspiring!

  485. Tammy Maki Avatar
    Tammy Maki

    Don’t change a thing Lisa!! My job is working with people, and no matter what you do and how good of a job that you do, you will always get someone like this out there. Keep up the great work! You are the best!!

  486. jean westfall Avatar
    jean westfall

    I wouldn’t let one rotten email destroy all the good you provide. I enjoy all the contacts and really liked all the wedding pics!

  487. bevi/So Cal Avatar
    bevi/So Cal

    Hi Lisa, Keep the posts coming I love them all! Yes to Youtube tutorials also! I agree with all the previous (Nice & Appreciative quilters) don’t let one ungrateful person (quilter ?? Hmmm?) stop progress! This person had better learn to use her Delete button on her computer. Lisa make sure you unsubscribe this person!….p.s. Thanks for sharing the wedding pics and keep up the wonderful work.

  488. Nancy Avatar

    I strongly disagree with that email!!!!! I love getting your posts and keeping up with the new products. Do not listen to that email! You are wonderful!

  489. Sandy Avatar


    I look forward to ALL your posts!! What better way to be in touch with you customers that are not able to always stop in your store! It’s wonderful that you care enough about your customers to treat them as if they are family and letting them know what is going on!! Keep up the great job of informing ALL of us!!!


  490. Mary Avatar

    Lisa, I loved the wedding pictures, I felt like I was there and the thought of a YouTube video sends me over the moon, YES!

  491. Jill Fischer Avatar
    Jill Fischer

    Keep them coming! Please!, I love them! All of them!

  492. Janan Avatar

    I love getting your emails. newsletters, and sale notifications. You can send them out to me all that you want you! I love your website and Jessica is absolutely the “Greatest”. In this fast paced world of technology, you must do whatever you have to just to keep up. We all know that you truly “love” what you do, but of course you have to make a living too. I think you should upgrade to whatever is needed, if someone does not want to be on your list, they can asked to be removed.

  493. Tricia Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I usually check out your blog and website often, you are such an inspiration, I wish I had your energy. I wish more designers would follow suit, but I know how life can throw curves in your plans. You are such a talented and caring person, guess that’s why I’m here so much even if I don’t comment. You have a business to run and a family to take care of and obviously you are doing a great job of both. Keep following your heart and do what you think you need to do, you have alot of happy followers. Your hard work is so appreciated.

  494. terry Avatar

    Just got back from a mini-vacation and read ms nasty’s e-mail. Believe me she does not speak for all So. Calif. Sorry to say there’s always one who is going to complain. Enough said – love the pics of the wedding – what a lovely bride and groom. Look forward to the videos. Wow 499 replies who all love you and your blog/e-mails just the way they are. Terry in So. Calif.

  495. Jo's Country Junction Avatar

    I am guessing this lady was feeling overwhelmed in her life. She just needed on less thing and picked you as the target. Don’t worry, she’s just one fish..there are lots of other fish in the ocean that don’t feel the same way.

  496. Peter Avatar

    Hi! I know this is kind of offf topic but I was wondering which blog platform are
    you using for this website? I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers
    and I’m looking at alternatives for another platform.

    I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

  497. Christopher Avatar

    Awesome post.

  498. Beste Smartphone Tarife Avatar

    Good day! I know this is kind of off topic but I was wondering which blog platform are you using for this site?
    I’m getting fed up of WordPress because I’ve had issues with hackers and I’m looking at options for another platform.
    I would be awesome if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

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