Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12

Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Hey Everyone!!! Glad you stopped by my blog today for the Moda Block Heads 2…Today is MY day and I am super excited that you are here…I am one of the original 6 Blockheads!  I am glad we added a few more designers to the party this year…after all the more the merrier!!! My name is Lisa Bongean and  I am Primitive Gatherings!  I have been a Moda Fabric Designer for 8 years already…whoa time flies when your having a blast!!!  Click HERE and you will see an upclose look at my next fabric line that is coming in October!!! I can’t wait…Hopefully you will see a fabric or two that you will need to add to your personal collection…But in the meantime while I wait for Flower Garden Gatherings to arrive I am working on designs for our state’s shop hop fabric line for Wisconsin…I know probably not that thilling if you have nothing to do with Wisconsin…but it is REALLY exciting for us…in lots of ways.Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean Then my designer yardage for my Quilt Market line has come in and we are frantically starching and plotting all the quilts…here is a peek at that line…which we will have a book coming out with the same name…Star & Stripe Gatherings…..the book will include 10 quilts and a bunch of other things like pillows, wool mats, punchneedle and so on…Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

This is one of the stitchery projects too…Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa BongeanNow back to the MBH2-Block 12 is called Jace’s Star named after my only Grandson at least for only a couple of months…when we will be welcoming ‘little man 2″.  We are so pumped about this…Big Brother Jace will be amost 4 when 2 comes along at Christmas time….here is Jace…aka “little man” painting his MiMi a masterpiece…Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa BongeanModa Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Click HERE to print the pattern

Here are all my blocks…(except 10)  I just did not find the time to get it done…see it’s ok to be behind…they are all piled up here … 6’s 12’s and a 24″er…I love these blocks…I love that there some easy one that only take a very short time to complete…because I know I am not the only one who has lots to stitch and am not just waiting for the the next BH to come out on Wedenesday…I am currently hand stitching these wool appliques for our summer project called Twilight Garden…which will be a Block of the Month soon…Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

AND…I am at the machine piecing 240 of these blocks call Star Studded Event which will also be another Block of the month..I am at 180 so I have ONLY…(lol) 60 more to go…Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa BongeanSo those of you who know me know I “sometimes” do things just a little more challenging then most… when you see my block next to the others here  you will see is it 6″…but just take your time…starch your fabrics first and then cut and piece as accurate as you can…and you will have a beautiful block!!!  Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Thank You for hanging around here this long listening to me ramble about what is going on around here so let’s do a give-away to celebrate my 1st block for MBH2 …If you are new to the blog…please leave a comment/ or subscribe to my blog and say HI! and where your are from…and anything you want to share with the group….if you are already signed up please still comment  and I will pick a winner for these two charms packs of my next line that you cannot buy yet!!!  The rainbow colors (all shown in the header on the top of the blog) and the backgrounds!!!  Good LuckModa Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12 featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Make sure you visit all the designers and see their version of Jace’s Star…

Now get started on the block…who will be the first one done?  Go to the FaceBook group and see!!

bye for now…LB

331 responses to “Moda Blockheads 2 Quilt Along Project: Block 12”

  1. Lenore J Williams Avatar
    Lenore J Williams

    Love what you do! Your block is fabulous!

  2. Daniela F Durham Avatar
    Daniela F Durham

    Oh sooo pretty! You make the prettiest babies and by that I mean fabric, and they all grow up to be fabulous quilts!
    Love your Blog.

  3. Donna Avatar

    Your next line of fabrics look like they will be perfect for quilts of valor. I plan on making a few of those in the future.

  4. Nancy Avatar

    Congratulations on grandson #2 Lisa and hope hubby is doing well after all he has been through. Your Twilight Garden is just beautiful…you are so talented! We met in Maine, I took one of your classes and enjoyed it very much. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. Sally Christiansen Avatar
    Sally Christiansen

    Love your new fabric line and am going to tryout small star block!

  6. Kristin S. Avatar
    Kristin S.

    I love the block! Thanks for the chance to win!

  7. Judy Zei Avatar
    Judy Zei

    Lisa Twilight Garden is stunning! What a tease with those charm squares!!! I want to see them all. Loving the new line and everything you do!!! Inspiration overload!

  8. Pat Spurgeon Avatar
    Pat Spurgeon

    Love your Blockhead block – always a challenge with those small pieces.

  9. wantstoberetired Avatar

    What’s not to love about Flower Garden Gatherings? Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  10. Pat E Avatar
    Pat E

    Hi from NY. I love your block and am anxious to get back to piecing Blockheads 2. I am a little behind but will catch up. Summer is fast coming to an end which is sad, but then I can have some more quilting time.

  11. Caryl Avatar

    So glad all is well with your family! You’ve had quite a year! Love this block! It reminds me of your winter star, which is my husband’s favorite!

  12. Jan Avatar

    Excitement all around. Baby boy #2 on the way. A new red, white & blue line on the way. Looking forward to baby pics & looking forward to using the new R-W-B fabrics. Thanks for the give away.

  13. Judy Zei Avatar
    Judy Zei

    Just saw the link to Flower Garden Gatherings, LOL. Awesome! I’m working on that little Jacob’s Ladder quilt I bought as a kit at your store the last time I was there. Love those mini’s. I’m from the UP of Michigan where it’s starting to feel like fall. If it gets too hot down there come on up!

  14. Sharon Browne Avatar
    Sharon Browne

    I’ve been following you for sometime now, though I don’t always comment. Love your fabric and patterns!

  15. Kris S Avatar
    Kris S

    Everytime I see your newest fabric line, I think it is my favorite. Now the Stars and Stripes are going to be my new favorite. Can’t wait to see the book that goes with. I live in Green Bay, so the Wisconsin Shop Hop fabric will be a treat too. Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

  16. Sue Hilton Avatar
    Sue Hilton

    Hi from Laurel, Maryland. I LOVE your new line!

  17. Sheri Bing Avatar
    Sheri Bing

    Love the block!!! I am behind as well, very behind, but planning to play a lot of catch up starting this weekend!! Hope all is well with the family and I love the new line!

  18. Barbara Tuman Avatar
    Barbara Tuman

    Love your new lines. Cannot wait to see them. Great colors. Barb

  19. Kyra Franz Avatar
    Kyra Franz

    Your new line looks wonderful, Lisa! And I LOVE the greys, blacks, and creams you’re using for your Blockhead 2 quilt. You always inspire us to make better and smaller blocks! 🙂

  20. Deborah S Avatar
    Deborah S

    I too have a grandson named Jace. Love the Flower Garden Gatherings, as well as all of your other fabrics.

  21. Vicki DuBose Avatar
    Vicki DuBose

    Thanks for the continued inspiration! I live in San Antonio, Texas so I only get a chance to see you and your family at the Houston Quilt Festival. Can’t wait until November!

  22. Carrolyn v Avatar
    Carrolyn v

    Lisa, you blow me away! I have trouble even READING about all you do and get done! Do you find more than 24 hours in a day? Your new fabricline is GORGEOUS! I also am a SBOW Twilight member and was thrilled to see the center. Breathless in the NW!

  23. Virginia Marshall Avatar
    Virginia Marshall

    I’m really enjoying the Block Heads–1 and 2! Your blocks are challenging, but that is how we learn! Congratulations on the new addition, will be twice the fun!

  24. Linda Crumpton Avatar
    Linda Crumpton

    Lisa, I love your new line of fabric, it’s beautiful. Can’t wait to purchase.
    I’m so happy for you. Little Man will always be number one, but you will
    love number two as much. Thank you Lisa for all that you do. Happiness and
    best wishes.

  25. Suz Kuhns Avatar
    Suz Kuhns

    I love everything you do…I have been a follower of your Summer BOWs for a few years now – I am far behind on completing any of them, but I retire in 15 months…and then I can devote some serious time to them. I love the details in all your patterns and am always looking forward to what you come up with next. Thank you for sharing your talents with us!

  26. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    Congrats on the new grandchild! Grew up in Kenosha, Wisconsin but moved to Ontario, Canada as a young woman and never left!

  27. Judy D Avatar
    Judy D

    Your new line is gorgeous!

  28. Carla Crowther Avatar
    Carla Crowther

    always a great little read to catch a glimpse of your days thx

  29. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    Love the new fabric line! I’d love to win those two bundles!

  30. Peg Heideman Avatar
    Peg Heideman

    You are amazing.Just what I need to challenge myself to a small quilt.

  31. Jan Scherbinski Avatar
    Jan Scherbinski

    I love reading your blogs . I have learned a lot from you! I am working on Moon Garden and love it. I love all your postings with Jace . Grandkids are the best ! Treasure those moments.

  32. marie Avatar

    You must be the busiest person on earth with all that you do. Congrats on the new grandchild on the way. I can’t imagine how you’d react when a girl comes along. Love your new fabric line. Your talent is amazing and thank you for share it with the world.

  33. Sharon Ray Avatar
    Sharon Ray

    OOH, love the new line of fabric and can’t wait for the new book. I have 2 grandsons and they are the best!!!

  34. jrp53 Avatar

    Lisa, I have been subscribed for quite some time and I am in awe of all you manage to get finished! I feel such a strong pull from your fabrics as they are the colors and style I really love to see in quilts.I can hardly wait to get some of the new line in my stash! Best wishes for you and your (growing) family and what a GREAT Christmas present. Hope you are on the other side of Nick’s troubles and he continues to be ok.

  35. Karen Baldauf Avatar
    Karen Baldauf

    LOVE LOVE LOVE your patterns, fabric, blogs, videos, Facebook groups, and sew alongs! I can not get enough! You have also inspired me to give appliqué a try! Looking forward to seeing you at the Houston Quilt show! Maybe I will get to WI and visit your shop! Hope so!!

  36. Cheryl Miles Avatar
    Cheryl Miles

    Wow! Love the next fabric line. They’ll look great a quilt of valor. Will need to watch impatiently at my favorite quilt shop in Indianapolis for them to arrive:)

  37. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    Hi! I’m in central Illinois, about 30 miles from what they call the center of U.S. I’m working on that lovely Twilight Garden, they are all prepped but only #1 is finished. I think I’ll start the center as soon as the kit arrives. Grandkids are the best, I also have 2 grandsons.

  38. lewisnancy54 Avatar

    I signed up to follow your site. I love your Block Head block. Your blocks are so sharp and crisp. I’m from MO. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Julie Kennedy Avatar
    Julie Kennedy

    So many beautiful projects and fabrics! I love your Blockheads block designs.

  40. azblodgett Avatar

    Love your fabric lines! I struggle with all of the small pieces but “done” is better than perfect. I’m getting a lot of practice. Thanks for the challenge! Also, as an ex-Wisconsinite I will have to have some of the 2019 Shop Hop fabric that you are designing. Planning my summer trip early!

  41. Kim Friesen Avatar
    Kim Friesen

    Love the colors in the new line. I am from Michigan-the middle of the Mitten.

  42. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    I tried to sign up to get your posts but it says you are already signed up. I was signed up and looked forward to receiving them but they suddenly stopped and I can’t seem to get them back. Probably been more than a year now. I hate to miss anything from you, love what you do, thanks for sharing your talent with the world! Maybe you could have someone look into why I don’t get your blogs anymore?

  43. Lynn Helmke Avatar
    Lynn Helmke

    Hi Lisa! I’m doing BH 2 with the same fabrics that you’re using and I LOVE it! Also from Wisconsin and looking forward to your Shop Hop fabs coming out. Got a sneak peak on the WI Shop Hop facebook page and they’re beautiful. Thanks for all you do . . .

  44. Nancy ashbaugh Avatar
    Nancy ashbaugh

    Looking forward to my time with you at the Black Stallion? Wouldn’t I be the hit of the party if I had the new line,

  45. CAROL S NELMS Avatar

    I love your fabric, can’t wait to get my hands on the next line.

  46. conniejo1423 Avatar

    Love new fabrics! From Normal IL and I’m still working on my 4 inch Triangle Gatherings blocks. Truly enjoy tiny piecing!!

  47. Kathy Avatar

    I’m from SW Iowa. It feels like fall here. Love the fall season. I really enjoyed your post this morning. Your primitive heart speaks to my primitive heart. Thanks for the giveaway. Have a great Wed.

  48. Mary Ellen Sanderson Avatar
    Mary Ellen Sanderson

    Another great line coming, can’t wait! Congratulations on #2. If I had known grandkids were this much fun, I would have had them first!

  49. Jeanie Larsen Avatar
    Jeanie Larsen

    Hi, I’m from Lake County, CA. I went to Quiltstock in Dallas and learned so much from you. I’m now not afraid to starch my fabric. I love your fabric and patterns.

  50. Joan PennerHahn Avatar
    Joan PennerHahn

    I’m so excited for flower garden gatherings. I hav been admiring you blog header and wondering about those fabrics. Now I know! Can’t wait

  51. Sheila Munro Avatar

    Love the new block ! Hi from Nova Scotia, Canada, I am already a follower , love your work ♥️

  52. Debra Grove Avatar
    Debra Grove

    Lisa you continue to wow me beyond words! How you accomplish even 1% of what you do amazes me… your designing, perfect piecing, cooking, canning, gardening… when I “grow up” (my next life???) I want to be just like you!!! I love love love your new line! It’s so exciting to see such wonderful background fabrics again and the rich colors! Can’t wait to get my hands on some!!! Congrats and thank you for all you do for the quilting world! You still have the best wool out there!!! I’m happy to see Nick doing better too!

  53. Barb Avatar

    Working with a navy/grey/cream color theme from your fabrics. I am not using the EXACT fabrics in the same places, but I do love seeing your blocks for inspiration! Thanks for all your efforts.

  54. sunporchquilts Avatar

    Twilight Garden is just beautiful!! And I am loving the colours in Flower Garden Gatherings!!

  55. Teresa McGough Avatar
    Teresa McGough

    Hi! From Acworth, Georgia! I love your colors for BH2!

  56. Marian Roeseler Avatar
    Marian Roeseler

    Love the new line! Can’t wait to get me some!

  57. lana1b Avatar

    OH WOW!! Lisa, your new line, Flower Garden Gathering is just breath takingly beatiful!!!! 😍
    Thank you for offering the opportunity to win not one but TWO CHARM PACKS from your newest line. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  58. A M Avatar
    A M

    Congrats on new lines of fabric, new grandbaby, blockheads blocks, SBOWs! I enjoy your patterns, fabrics and tips 👍😁

  59. Bonnie Avatar

    Lisa, you are so talented. You inspire me. Love the new line!!

  60. Connie Thompson Avatar
    Connie Thompson

    I’m in Wisconsin…and doing both MBH2 and your awesomely beautiful wool SBOW. Want you to know I bypassed traveling with my husband to Alaska and compensated by treating myself to your wool SBOW.

  61. Kaylene Nelson Avatar
    Kaylene Nelson

    Your blocks are wonderful. I love your new line of fabric too. Thanks for giving us a chance to win some. Grandbabies are just wonderful. Enjoy them to the fullest, lots of hugs and rocking time. They grow up way to fast. Our youngest grandbaby is in college and we have 13 great grandchildren!!

  62. Stephanie Woodward Avatar
    Stephanie Woodward

    Love the block, and so glad that you will soon have little man #2. I see that Jace is a budding artist, just like his grandmother.

  63. Michelle H Avatar
    Michelle H

    So pretty and I love your colour choice. I keep looking at the Block heads blocks that pop into my mailbox each week and then look at my “need to finish” pile …but your block has got me and well….the “need to finish” pile can wait a day. I need to make this block lol.

  64. Marsha Avatar

    Love your fabrics and seeing what all you are working on. Thanks for sharing.

  65. Karen Keeler Avatar
    Karen Keeler

    Great block design. I love to sew the little piecings.

  66. Whitney Kay Avatar
    Whitney Kay

    These fabrics are beautiful! Thanks for introducing me to them! I used to live in Hudson, WI, so I understand your WI excitement! I live in Mooresville, NC–not far from Charlotte!

  67. Shirley Avatar

    Beautiful fabric line. This block will be a challenge, but i am up to it.

  68. Terri Mulinix Avatar
    Terri Mulinix

    Terri Oklahoma I’m doing the SBOW and yes I’m behind but loving the pattern thinking winter might not be long enough to get this all done. LOL

  69. Wanda Wolfe Avatar
    Wanda Wolfe

    Love the new fabric line! Of course ,you haven’t had a line i didn’t love 😊

  70. needleminder Avatar

    You already know what a PG fabrics zealot I am, lol! All that badgering I did to find out when the new line is being released… the closer it gets, the more I think I NEED! 🤣

  71. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    Great block this week! Also am loving the Twilight Garden, it’s absolutely gorgeous!! I’m doing Moon Garden now and I’m keeping up!

  72. Ginger Adams Avatar
    Ginger Adams

    Just joined your blog. I am from Conroe, TX. Love your new fabric line

  73. Cheryl Gaines Avatar
    Cheryl Gaines

    OMG. I love the center block of Twilight Garden. I’ve even been keeping up for the first time. I must say, I can’t say that about some of my other SBOW .

  74. Deb Moser Avatar
    Deb Moser

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your new fabric line…..would love to win!!!! Can’t wait for it to hit our local quilt store!!!!

  75. sewinglikemygrandmotherdid Avatar

    I always love reading your blog and look forward each week for your blocks you’re either doing for your own BOWs or Blockhead or blog hops.
    Looking forward to seeing 16 triangles as a finished top.

  76. Carmen Montmarquet Avatar
    Carmen Montmarquet

    I love your fabric, can’t get enough! I especially love the new line Flower Garden Gatherings, can’t wait till it comes out!! Thanks for all the BOM’S you do for us, and for a chance to win charm packs from your new line. Congratulations on Grandson #2 and a Christmas baby at that, Too Wonderful!!!

  77. Harriett Murray Avatar
    Harriett Murray

    Love it😍. Can’t wait for your new lines

  78. Angela Brady Avatar
    Angela Brady

    Oh I will be looking forward to the new line. I’m so enjoying the sbow but I can’t stay caught up.
    Too many projects going on at one time and also doing blockheads too. Keep up great work, you are amazing!

  79. Camilla L Barringer Avatar
    Camilla L Barringer

    I love your blog and your fabrics! I always seek you out the first day of the Paducah quilt show, and spend an hour or more browsing in your booth. Thank you for designing fabric we all love!

  80. Clara Avatar

    Hello, Lisa. I’ve been an admirer of your fabric and patterns for many years. My current project is Moon Garden and I’m enjoying the patterns. It’s my first wool to cotton applique project. Thanks for the peek at your new fabric lines. Flower Garden Gatherings colors are stunning.

  81. Jo Moore Avatar
    Jo Moore

    Love seeing and reading about everything you do. Glad nick is better. Enjoy your grandkids. Just finished 2 of last years SBWs on to something new.

  82. fatrabbitcottage Avatar

    I love chance to see what you have in the works! Thanks for a chance to win!

  83. Linda Zeider Avatar
    Linda Zeider

    Don’t know how you can keep up with all the activities and taking care of Hubby. BTW how is he doing? Love your new line of fabric. Take care.

  84. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    Congratulations on the new grandbaby! Grandchildren are so much fun. LOVE both the Stars and Stripes Gatherings and Flower Garden Gathering fabric lines. Twilight Garden is definitely a show stopper.

  85. Robyn Avatar

    New to your blog, but have loved your fabric lines for years! Never fails to inspire me…

  86. Quilting Tangent Avatar
    Quilting Tangent

    Hi from NY. Congratulations on grandson #2 being on the way. It is interesting seeing what you are up to, what projects your working on. Beautiful rainbow fabrics. Nice pinwheel star for blockheads 2.

  87. Susie Q Avatar
    Susie Q

    Love the colors of the Oct line….. and then the red white and blue caught my eye as well. Where to find these lines in the metroplex? So many shops have cut back on inventory. I guess it is time to go get some starch……. count me in on the charm packs please.

  88. Valerie Avatar

    Love the new line. Enjoy participating in the second blockheads adventure. Thanks Lisa

  89. Mary Kolb Avatar
    Mary Kolb

    I!m from Minnesota. Your tiny blocks inspire me.

  90. Mary Lynn Parson Avatar
    Mary Lynn Parson

    I can’t wait to do your block! Your new fabrics look beautiful, they will make perfect quilts! Thank you for all your hard work!

  91. Mindy Peterson Avatar
    Mindy Peterson

    Hi! Mindy here from Spring Hill, Kansas. Love your fabrics but even more, I love your wool applique projects. Can’t wait to see the new book!

  92. Geri Hildreth Avatar
    Geri Hildreth

    Just one question: How do you do it all and be such a great grandmother at the same time?

  93. Carol in Texas Avatar
    Carol in Texas

    Jace’s Star is a beautiful block. I am so impressed with all you are working on and completing. Prayers for you and Nick.

    P.S. How can painter Jace stay so clean without an apron!

  94. Lana Avatar

    I don’t know how you do all that you do—- but I’m so happy that you do!! Love all your designs and your energy!

  95. Jan Avatar

    Love your new fabric line and the SBOW blocks are amazing!! Thank you for all you do!!

  96. Beccic Avatar

    I love everything you do! Wish I had more time!

  97. Julie Avatar

    If being behind on the blocks is okay then I’m alright because I am far behind. Love your block this week.

  98. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    Hi from Nevada. I am always so glad when I check my email early in the morning, and there is a blog post from you. It’s so great that we can all be a part of a group, no matter where we live, across our great country and world. Keep up the great quilting.

  99. Marge Berg Avatar
    Marge Berg

    Thanks for sharing your talent with us!! Love your quilts

  100. Deb G. in VA Avatar
    Deb G. in VA

    Congrats on grandbaby #2! Love your patterns and fabrics! Thanks for a chance to win some of your latest fabric!

  101. Vicki Samsel Avatar
    Vicki Samsel

    Love the new line

  102. Sheila Avatar

    I love your fabrics, patterns and newsy blog!

  103. Raquel Garcia Avatar
    Raquel Garcia

    Can’t wait for Star and Stripe Gatherings! I love your fabric choices for BH2.

  104. lvtoqlt Avatar

    Hi Lisa! Love your block – thank you! I moved from Murrieta to Colorado Springs in 2015. I miss my quilting friends and the outdoor quilt show, but I remain active with quilting here. Looking forward to your new fabric line and hearing about your grandsons!

  105. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    Lisa, you are truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing your God-given gifts with the rest of the world. I am continuing to pray for your husband and that new grandson! Congratulations!

  106. Dawn Weaver Avatar
    Dawn Weaver

    Hi! I’m from southern Pennsylvania and I have been following your blog now for awhile. I love all the eye candy, projects, and news/pics about you and your family. Thank you!

  107. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    Lisa you are one busy lady! Oh the beauty of everything you have a hand in! I am so excited for the WI fabric, I will surely plan for the shop hop next year. I am very excited about the red, white and blue fabrics coming. I have a couple of grandsons I’m looking to make quilts for and that’s just what I’ve been looking for.

  108. Patty Archuleta Avatar
    Patty Archuleta

    Hi from New Mexico. I see a new fat quarter bundle in my future.

  109. Robin Avatar

    Hi Lisa! Robin from Pittsburgh here. The new line looks like a winner (And I feel another big addition to my ‘collection’ of Primitive Gatherings fabrics and patterns…..)

  110. Sandra McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra McDaniel

    Hi Lisa! Love all your fabrics and patterns, my home is filled with them!
    I am from Groveland, Florida.

  111. Debbie Bryant Avatar
    Debbie Bryant

    Hey y’all… Debbie here from Defiance OH. Fairly new to quilting and I’m having a ball running across and meeting a class of people I never knew existed. I’m so glad to be a part. Sign me up for this giveaway!

  112. Skeeter Avatar

    Anxiously waiting for your new patriot fabric line. Till then, loving BH2.

  113. Mary L Avatar

    Love your colors for the Moda Blockheads 2. Thank you for sharing your talents.

  114. Sue Arndt Avatar
    Sue Arndt

    I LOVE the colors in this line!

  115. Pam Hintze Avatar
    Pam Hintze

    Thank you for all of your inspiration. Love the new Star and Stripe Gatherings.

  116. lola negrete Avatar
    lola negrete

    Love the Star and Stripe Line – Patriotic is always a favorite of mine. Twilight is my all time favorite right now. Keep up doing the great things you do!

  117. lola negrete Avatar
    lola negrete

    Love the Star and Stripe Line – Patriotic is always a favorite of mine. Twilight is my all time favorite right now. Keep up doing the great things you do!

  118. Sherry Jagels Avatar
    Sherry Jagels

    Thanks for the cute block. Can’t wait to get it done!

  119. Jonnie Nottingham Avatar
    Jonnie Nottingham

    Love your blocks. I’ve learned a lot about piercing from them. Also love your fabric lines! Would love to have these little stacks!

  120. Karen Wood Avatar
    Karen Wood

    I am from Texas! Love your new fabrics! Your work is so inspiring.
    Karen W.

  121. Chris Thorpe Avatar
    Chris Thorpe

    Love your work & your patterns. This new line is awesome! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!

  122. timbersmith63 Avatar

    I loved your Floral Gatherings so I’m sure I’ll love this new line as well!

  123. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    I am a better quilter due to you as you challenge me to try more difficult things all the time. I think these 2 little charm packs would be perfect with some of your triangle papers!

  124. Julie in WA Avatar
    Julie in WA

    Perfect piecing and pressing make an accurate bock! Looks great!

  125. Susan Avatar

    You are so creative and motivating! And always ready to share instructions and tips with us. Thank you!

  126. othelloquilter Avatar

    Those are some beautiful new fabrics in your new line. Georgeous block too!

  127. Mildred Yost Avatar

    Hello Lisa, Love your new fabric lines

  128. Kris Avatar

    Congratulations on little man #2! Beautiful block- can’t wait to tackle it!

  129. Holly Wagner Avatar
    Holly Wagner

    Looking forward to all you have in store for us (especially Twilight Garden!). Blessings to you and your family from your friends in Iowa!

  130. Nyla Dominguez Avatar
    Nyla Dominguez

    So much beautiful fabric and patterns! They are all gorgeous! I am really looking forward to seeing the Star Studded Event BOM, it looks wonderful!

  131. Athena Butler Avatar
    Athena Butler

    I aspire to piece the way you do! I’m pulling out the spray starch and trying it your way!! Thanks a bunch for all you do!

  132. Pam Knight Avatar
    Pam Knight

    Lisa, your work is amazing. I love everything you do. I will see you next month in NC at your retreat with the ladies from Olde Green Cupboard. Thanks for the chance to win. Congrats on your 2nd grand baby. Hope Nick continues to heal.

  133. Jane Taylor Avatar
    Jane Taylor

    Lisa, your star block looks like a challenge but I love it and can see it in my future quilts, as well as, Blockheads 2.
    My husband, Jim, is retired military and a member of a veterans group here in Southeast Texas, that does military funerals. It is their priviledge to do nearly 300 funerals a year honoring their fellow veterans.
    Our church’s Ladies Aid group makes honor quilts for our members who are veterans. Your new fabric line will be ideal for them. I can’t wait umtil we can get our hands on some!
    Thank you for your designs and input.

  134. Kristie Michalowski Avatar
    Kristie Michalowski

    Love your fabric lines and patterns ;o) I’m doing the Star Studded BOW and love it. People think I’m crazy for doing it but they love it too. Starch is the key with this quilt ;o)

  135. Jackie Avatar

    Lisa, you are a very busy, busy girl!

  136. Willa Avatar

    Love the new line! Believe it or not, I’m actually caught up on my mbh2’s! (Except for today’s block, that is!)😉 Looking forward to see how it all goes together. Have a blessed day!

  137. Happy Avatar

    I’m new to your blog, reading from the UK, but I’ll definitely follow from now on. I love your block, and I’m sure Jace is thrilled to have his own star.

  138. Sheri Lesh Avatar
    Sheri Lesh

    Congratulations on the soon arrival of Grand #2…..they are wonderful! I have 15 and LOVE each and everyone of them! I love your fabrics and designs… very beautiful and they just speak to me.

  139. Maria L Zook Avatar
    Maria L Zook

    I love your fabrics since they work so well for small pieces. I look forward to your SBOW each year and have a few iI am working on and one I have completed. They are always wonderful.

  140. Rilla Burnham Avatar
    Rilla Burnham

    Always look forward to your blog. Love trying out the challenging blocks you come up with!! Also love your new fabric line. I look forward to the time it is available.
    Melba Burnham

  141. Mary Avatar

    I love those little pieces!

  142. Camie Corliss Avatar
    Camie Corliss

    Congratulations on your next grandson. Can’t wait for your next line of fabric to come out, I want to make a picnic quilt I decorate Americana all year.

  143. Karen Avatar

    Hello from California!! Flower Garden Gatherings is beautiful. Star and Stripe Gatherings looks amazing too!! Always love your patriotic collections!!

  144. Mary Avatar

    Oh, your block is wonderful,as always! I love all the little pieces! I made all the blocks from Blockheads 1 in both the 6 inch and a 3 inch size. They are adorable!

  145. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    I ❤️ reading your blog posts and hearing about everything going on. I almost feel like part of the family ;). Love the new line of fabric, so excited about #2, and love your block. Greetings from California.

  146. Cynthia Wood Avatar

    What beautiful fabric. I am obsessed with your patriotic designs.

  147. sherrill Avatar

    You have inspired me to try tinier and tinier piecing. I love complex blocks.

  148. Cindy Avatar

    Love your new colours. How much for a bolt of each??? LOL.

  149. Cecilia Avatar

    Hi Lisa,
    Congratulations for the second grandson! Everything so beautiful as always.

  150. Jean Avatar

    Love the new fabrics coming out. Can’t wait to buy some! Now, which ones do I want? ALL OF THEM!! Love your blog and blocks.

  151. Pam P Avatar
    Pam P

    So excited, so excited, so excited!! I’m so happy that you’ll be doing these quilts as BOM’s – I missed out on them this summer and I’ve been regretting it ever since! And a new book???? and two new fabric lines???? Yes, please 😀 They look wonderful and I can’t wait to dive in – LOL

  152. Barbara Dillingham Moore Avatar
    Barbara Dillingham Moore

    Love your new RWB line – just the thing for Honor Flight quilts!
    Barb in Tucson

  153. Sue Schultz Avatar
    Sue Schultz

    Little man is so cute, hard to believe how fast they grow. I love all your fabric lines, can’t wait for Stars and Stripes to come out. I am also in love with those flower garden backgrounds. I will have to look into when the Wisconsin shop hop is and get some of that Wisconsin fabric for a quilt I am planning for a nephew.

  154. Connie Anderson Avatar
    Connie Anderson

    What wonderful news of the upcoming little brother to Jace! Congrats to all! I hope that Nick is also doing well. I love the Stars & Stripes Gatherings and look forward to seeing it soon!

  155. Shannon Hansell Avatar
    Shannon Hansell

    Can’t wait for the Stars and Stripe! I come from a very patriotic family and excited to the projects in the new book🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸
    Thanks for all you do.
    Shannon from Echo Oregon

  156. Cathy Cavagnaro Avatar
    Cathy Cavagnaro

    Hello from a long time follower in California.
    Great block! Can’t wait to see this quilt. You all are so creative.
    I am busy working on your SBOW, one of many that I have purchased. Always wonderful. Thank you for those.
    Now looking forward to the new fabric line.

  157. Connie Schofield Avatar
    Connie Schofield

    I’m a BIG fan! I stay busy with PG and would love to have this also for my projects.

  158. 4dapples Avatar

    Wow that flower garden quilt is stunning and congratulations on a baby to come! Your square made me do a double take-oh this is going to be a challenge! Thank you for that!

  159. Glyn Avatar

    Your work is just beautiful. Likewise, the fabric is equally lovely!

  160. Karren Avatar

    Love reading your blog. As always, you inspire me to try more challenging projects.

  161. Debbie Magerkurth Avatar
    Debbie Magerkurth

    Can’t wait for your new line, BEAUTIFUL! Thank you for challenging us, you help inspire our creativity!

  162. jaybirdinohio Avatar

    Hi from Ohio, where we recently moved from SoCal — Primitive Gatherings/CA was my local quilt shop!

  163. Maribeth Cleveland Avatar
    Maribeth Cleveland

    Flower Garden Gatherings is beautiful. I can’t wait for Star and Stripe Gatherings and love the stitchery project. Thanks for sharing your life with us. You are a very talented and inspiring lady!

  164. Gloria Galiana Avatar
    Gloria Galiana

    Congrats on Little Man 2! I am in love with Flower Garden Gatherings! Those colors are absolutely gorgeous. Everything you do is spot on!!!

  165. Sarah Avatar

    Love seeing Jace creating his own masterpiece. Creativity runs in the family. I have enjoyed the MBH2, it has challenged me to step out of my comfort zone try new techniques. Reading the designer blogs with their insight is inspiring too. Looking forward to seeing all the new fabric lines this fall. Happy Wednesday MBH2 from Dublin, OH

  166. Linda Avatar

    Thanks for your participation in our enjoyable hobby, for us anyway. I look forward to the notice of presage of your new fabrics. Now that I have sorted in the fabric storage closet, there is lots of room waiting!

  167. Janet Maly Avatar
    Janet Maly

    Your colors are always yummy ! But the red is so wonderful !
    Can not wait to buy Stars and Stripes! Thank you for sharing all
    Your great talent with us !!

  168. Judy Avatar

    I am really looking forward to the unique challenge Block 12 looks to be! Thank you from Oshkosh WI!

  169. Coleen Avatar

    Stars are the best! Can’t wait for the new Star and Stripe Gathering!!!

  170. Peggy kanz Avatar
    Peggy kanz

    Love,love the flower garden line! Really like the tans ! I have lots of them from your other lines.

  171. Mimi Hall Avatar

    I LOVE your new lines, especially the Stars Stripes line! WOW! Hope all is going well with your family!!

  172. Alice Avatar

    Soooo excited about Stars and Stripes! I am currently working on Moon Garden and Twighlight on Navy. I am in love with both projects!

  173. Barb Avatar

    Hello from upstate NY! The first time I saw Flower Garden Gatherings I knew I just had to have some and I have been anxiously awaiting it’s release. I wasn’t able to join in on the Summer Block Star Quilt and I am still drooling over it. Will that pattern be released after the Summer Block of the month is over? Hoping you will say yes so I can eventually see that quilt in my own home! You are an inspiration to many and I follow your blog without fail.

  174. Katherine Avatar

    anxiously awaiting the arrival of that gogeous garden group! .. and loving those pictures of your ‘little man”!

  175. Ellen Reibling Avatar
    Ellen Reibling

    Lisa you are so generous I loved your talk at Flying Geese guild and thank you for the pattern!

  176. Theresa Waite Avatar
    Theresa Waite

    I enjoy seeing your designs and fabrics. I would enjoy working with the Flower Gathering fabrics. Thanks.

  177. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    Hello from the heart of Texas where we are still in our long streak of 100+ degrees every day. So one stays inside and does more quilting! I’ve been following your blog since before BH 1, and expect now that your blocks will have a wee bit more challenge to them which I appreciate. I have 5 grandsons with another to arrive in January (we have 4 children). They are lots of fun. Thanks for helping us improve our stash with your fabric lines and keeping us on our toes with your helpful hints!

  178. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I love your blog, love the current projects and the peek at the new projects coming up, and as always your fabric lines are gorgeous and some if not all will end up in my collection too. I want your clothes pins they are adorable, are they available for purchase?

  179. Theresa Avatar

    Many blessings to you for all that you do!!! Thanks for the sneak peak on SBOW…I joined because my hubby asked me to make it to remind us our time in New England as kids and teens…he was Rhode Island and I was Massachusetts. We now are in West Tennessee and I m currently with my brand new grandbaby many congrats to you and yours!!!! Thanks for inspiring me to work with wool in a different medium. I once heard a Priest in his homily say thay the goal was to live a life with God where youbwould use up all your talents and gifts in life that he gave you… are a living example of living that statement…thank you for being you!!!!

  180. Mary Lu Avatar
    Mary Lu

    Love the new red, white and blue…not so much the teeny, tiny pieces! XO

  181. Mary Jo Jones Avatar
    Mary Jo Jones

    You are so creative! I am drawn to all of your fabric lines..and am looking forward to your new one! Thank you for sharing your talents and bringing out the creativity in each of us❤️

  182. Sue Glorch Avatar
    Sue Glorch

    Thanks for another beautiful block Lisa!
    Sue, Marengo, IL

  183. Pat Wagle Avatar
    Pat Wagle

    Wow! I love your new fabric line. Perfect timing as I’ve been wanting to make a new quilt. Can’t wait to see you new book,

  184. Robin Crittenden Avatar
    Robin Crittenden

    I have read your blog for years, spent lots of $$$ at your booths at Hampton Va and Fredericksburg Va. Your designs speak my name. I love seeing what you do. Keep it up.

  185. Kathy Henderson Avatar
    Kathy Henderson

    Your blocks were my favorite from MB Round 1 and I started following you back then. I’ve been excited to see your first block for round 2, and it didn’t disappoint – it’s another great one!

  186. Lisa D. Avatar

    I like everything you make. You are an inspiration.

  187. Cathy W. Avatar
    Cathy W.

    I love your designs Lisa and I especially like this new one.

  188. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I’m in Minnesota and can’t wait for these fabrics! The colors and beautiful and who can’t use more fun backgrounds!

  189. Darlene Wegrynowski Avatar
    Darlene Wegrynowski

    Looking forward to your new fabric line. I am presently working on the moon garden BOM and loving it!

  190. Jill Drouillard Avatar
    Jill Drouillard

    Hi Lisa! Love your blog! I have visited your California store and was overwhelmed with all it’s goodness!! I am from Southern Ontario in Canada and would LOVE to win one of your prizes!!

  191. Lisa J. Avatar
    Lisa J.

    I’m from Nebraska and I love Jace’s Star! Congratulations on ‘Little Man 2’ – you will have double the fun!! Love the new fabric line – beautiful!! Star Studded Event sounds fun! I will watch for it. Thanks for all the wonderful designs!

  192. Colleen Koski Avatar
    Colleen Koski

    I am in Montana. Love your block. Your line of fabric is really nice. Can’t wait to see your new book! Love your site! Visit regularly!!

  193. Carole Frocillo Avatar
    Carole Frocillo

    I so enjoy your blogs and the continuing story of you and your family. I so miss my trips to Primitive Gatherings since my move to California. The store has such a wonderful welcoming energy…..and I’m a bit too far away for a visit to your California store. Thank you for sharing your creativity and your family with your fiber friends.

  194. Deb Fox Avatar
    Deb Fox

    I love everything Primitive Gatherings! I am learnng how to do nice tiny piecing!

  195. Tracey Avatar

    I’m from Pennsylvania. I love Jack’s star and can’t wait for the new fabric line.

  196. Stephanie Tabares Avatar
    Stephanie Tabares

    Love the new line, can’t wait to see it in the California store. Working on the Moon Garden BOM, loving it..Love all the videos and helpful hints. You will so enjoy your second grandchild – it just gets better and better. Thank you for all the fun things you post on your blog.

  197. Lisa P. Avatar
    Lisa P.

    Hi! I am from PA and I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do. You inspire so many of us! Love all of your fabric lines, and the new one looks fabulous! Thank you!

  198. Loretta Waterman Avatar
    Loretta Waterman

    Love the new collections!

  199. Jeanette Wertz Avatar
    Jeanette Wertz

    Flower Garden Gatherings is fabulous!! That is definitely a half yard bundle purchase. Congrats on the next grandchild, being a grandparent is the best reward we can ever receive after raising our children. I’m enjoying Moda Blockheads 2, loving the 6 1/2″ blocks. Hope to see you again at Grand Hotel Needlearts Seminars in the future, you taught me to starch my fabric before cutting and I have had great success with piecing with that little tip. Thanks!

  200. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    Love your fabric, can’t wait to see the new line. Thanks for all you do for the quilting world, I appreciate it!!! Congratulations on grandchild #2, they are a blessing!

  201. Tammy Overby Avatar
    Tammy Overby

    Lisa, I love your designs and can’t wait for the new line to come out! Thank you for sharing your experience and advice with all of us. I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you!

  202. Carol Thomas Avatar
    Carol Thomas

    Hi! So many great things coming up! I’m enjoying the SBOW “My Fussy Cut Fantasy” as well as the “Moon Garden “ BOM! Keep up the good work! Thanks for being an inspiration.

  203. Mary Greene Avatar
    Mary Greene

    I am addicted to your SBOWs. This is only my second year and keeping current is a real challenge. I just completed the 200th block and only two weeks left. I haven’t done any wool work yet so I give the freebies to a dear friend who loves them. Can’t wait for your new backgrounds to come out as well as the patriotic prints – gorgeous. I love scrappy quilts and have collected all the charm packs you have on your site so far. I hope to see more in the future.

  204. Carol beck Avatar
    Carol beck

    Hi Lisa. Congrats on grand baby #2! I love checking your blog and seeing all the fun things you do with “little man”.
    Can’t wait to see the new line.
    😊 Carol.

  205. Kristi Avatar

    I love your block! A bit challenging but doable! Congrats on the coming little man!

  206. Linda Powers Avatar
    Linda Powers

    I just love what you do! I wish I could buy one of everything!

  207. Susan Kerkendall Avatar
    Susan Kerkendall

    I was so excited to see it was your week. What a great block!

  208. Becki Avatar

    Hi Lisa from Alexandria Mn. Looking forward to our cruise in March. Really like your new line.

  209. Peggy Avatar

    Super incredible, as usual !! Lovely addition to the BH2 group. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity 🙂
    Peggy in Alaska

  210. Deb W Avatar
    Deb W

    Love the fabrics for your new line.

  211. Dawn Avatar

    Hello, I’m from Inglis Florida, you do beautiful work. Do you ever come to Florida?

  212. Daniela M. Avatar
    Daniela M.

    Star Studded Event will become a block of the month? That sounds exciting. Love your work.

  213. Dawn Avatar

    Hi from Minnesota ~ ohhhh your header with the rulers + fabric just MADE my day! 🙂 Can’t wait for your new collection to be available!

  214. quilterka Avatar

    Star Studded event will become BOM? That is very exciting. Love your work.

  215. Tracy Avatar

    I love your block this week!
    Not to make anyone “jellie” as my kids would say but I’m going to San Diego next week and talked my husband into a trip to PG in CA, so excited!!!

  216. Lillie G. Avatar
    Lillie G.

    Love the block. Hope i can do it😄

  217. Kathy Holmertz Avatar
    Kathy Holmertz

    Love love love your new line of fabrics coming out!!! Will be anxiously awaiting their arrival! Congratulations on grandbaby coming soon too! They are such a blessing 🙂

  218. Debby Krzyston Avatar
    Debby Krzyston

    Love your block and fabrics. Enjoy this beautiful day here in Wisconsin. I hope to see you at Quilt Expo in Madison this September. 🐝

  219. jmstavran55 Avatar

    Love your new fabric line coming out. Your star block is beautiful. I love the intricacy if it.

  220. Wendy Polsson Avatar
    Wendy Polsson

    Hello, Lisa

    Love the block and your fabric lines. Wish the fabric wasn’t so hard to get up here in British Columbia, Canada

  221. Gwen Avatar

    Cambridge Minnesota
    Great block, love the challenge of tiny pieces!

  222. bowtiesnstars Avatar

    I may have to do the Wisconsin Shop Hop next year! Love what you are doing!

  223. Mary Durham Avatar
    Mary Durham

    Congratulations on your new grandchild. I love your fabrics and patterns.
    I’ve tried subscribing to your blog, but my computer doesn’t allow WordPress and I don’t know how to change it.

  224. Kim Avatar

    Love all of your Little Garherings. Hope I’m the winner!

  225. Dorothy Fry Avatar
    Dorothy Fry

    Great block! You challenge our quilting skills. Love your new line. I’m from Marietta, GA. Southerner love color!

  226. Trish Weidert Avatar
    Trish Weidert

    Love seeing all the new blocks. Your new line is fabulous–already have one picked out for borders I need to finish a patriotic quilt. Thanks for all you do.
    I’m from Emporia, Kansas

  227. Jennifer Johnson Avatar
    Jennifer Johnson

    Love, love, love the colors and prints!!!

  228. Barb Onnen Avatar
    Barb Onnen

    I love hearing from you and all that is going on in your world. Love your fabrics and patterns (so much so that I have realized I have three – yes three – star penny pinkeep kits!! Discovered this while reorganizing my stash of kits!!!)

  229. Amy Avatar

    So excited, traveling from South Carolina up to visit Primitive Gathering in a week. Thanks for being a true Wisconsinite!

  230. Jen T. Avatar
    Jen T.

    Hi from Illinois! I’m loving your blocks and i am super happy to have purchased your fabric kit for this year’s Blockheads – the colors are simply gorgeous! Can’t wait to see what you have planned next!

  231. Katy Greenfield Avatar
    Katy Greenfield

    I love seeing up your blocks. I will be traveling to see new grandson over Labor Day. This makes #2 for me,too. Can’t wait to see your new fabric.

  232. Sally Matlock Avatar
    Sally Matlock

    I love the previews of your new fabric & I can’t wait to see the book to! I’m currently using the Liberty Gatherings fabric for my Blockheads II blocks. Congrats on the upcoming grandbaby – do you know if it’s a girl or boy?

  233. Linda M Avatar
    Linda M

    i love love love the new fabric lines. You always do a spectacular designing job. Thank you!

  234. Tami Ellis Avatar
    Tami Ellis

    Hi! My name is Tami and I am from NY. I love hand stitching and do a lot of work with wool and always enjoy Primitive Gathering patterns. I am starting to make quilts and use my sewing machine more. I’m still a beginner at that though. Thank you for the opportunity to win some of your beautiful fabric 🙂

  235. Candace Avatar

    Love BlockHeads!! Introduces me to new designers, and colorways. I am from the Sierra foothills in California, and I am a lurker! I am swamped with other projects. 🙂

  236. Charli Thompson Avatar
    Charli Thompson

    Starch is the best kept secret for working small. Thank you for inspiring me…

  237. Judy Avatar

    Love you blogs

    Sent from my iPhone


  238. Linda W Avatar
    Linda W

    I was new to quilting last year and learned sooo much from those 6″ blocks in Blockheads #1. Still working on the setting of that quilt. I have “cut off some points”, but guess what; “I don’t care”….I think it will be beautiful! Working on BH #2 and improving each week with every new block. Not nearly as many points cut off LOL and I’m enjoying the challenge. I enjoy reading your blog. Thank you for sharing so much with us. Best wishes to your family from Thompson, Ohio

  239. MJ Tichich Avatar
    MJ Tichich

    Thanks for the hint about using starch! I really like the look of this block…now to get my ufo done so I can get started!

  240. Syd G Avatar
    Syd G

    I love your fabrics…so beautiful

  241. Clare Avatar

    Lovely block. I was wondering if you had changed a setting as it comes up as picture rather just link to your blog on my blog cutting out some of my post. Is there some way I can correct this or do you need to do it from your blogger! I usually have to delete when happen before but don`t want to do this to your lovely blog as enjoy visiting with you.
    Thanks and happy stitching.

  242. Judi Smith Avatar
    Judi Smith

    I’m almost finished a queen size bed quilt made out of Snowmen Gathering 1 and 2!! I am soooo ready to try a mini quilt (that isn’t so blue….shhhh!) for a change of pace and Flower Garden Gathering charm packs would be a breath of fresh air! Really Lisa, thanks for designing such sweet snowmen!

  243. Juanita Olson Avatar
    Juanita Olson

    Just visited Primitive Gathering booth at AQS show in Grand Rapids. Purchases included Valdani thread, needles (including embellishment needles) wool and the new wool ironing mat. Loved the booth. Lisa you need to come and teach a class at AQS in Grand Rapids. Please come.

  244. Patti Avatar

    Looking forward to the release of you new fabric line. Also love the block – am also behind a bit with piecing them. Thanks for all you do.

  245. Jan Avatar

    I love your fabric, Lisa. I’m from Dacula, Georgia. Working fast and furious on the Wool SBOW.

  246. Kathy Timmons Avatar
    Kathy Timmons

    Congrats on the new grandson coming. I love your block and the 6″ looks great to me. I love small, too. I am retired, from Nashville,TN but now living in the mountains of central Mexico. Your new line looks beautiful. Thanks so much for all of your hard work!

  247. Paula Avatar

    Oh Lisa, when will Star and Stripe Gatherings be out? Thanks Paula in KY

  248. Terri Avatar

    LOVE this weeks block! Little is always the cutest! Just want to say THANKS for the inspiration you give us, as well as all the knowledge you share! Can’t wait for the new lines to come out and Congrats on grandbaby #2!

  249. Barbara G. Avatar
    Barbara G.

    Love the new fabric line. Thanks for all the inspirations. Just need more time!!

  250. Virginia Howell Avatar

    I look forward to ALL of your blog post and read them over and over. You are such a talented designer. I worry about you because I just don’t know HOW you get so much accomplished and still have time to SLEEP! Tell me your secret! The new lines of fabric are beautiful just like EVERYTHING at Primitive Gatherings.

  251. Janet Avatar

    Love love love the block. Can’t wait to little man 2! ….. jmh

  252. Cheryl Harrod Avatar
    Cheryl Harrod

    I love your new fabric lines. I have been a fan for many years and continue to participate in your programs. I love the Moon Garden and am enjoying the challenge to complete each monthly block.

    1. Connie Thompson Avatar
      Connie Thompson

      I previously emailed that i was getting multiples of Lisa’s blog….but now looking more closely, I realize I’m getting emails back from everyone who comments on Lisa’s blog. I need to change my preferences to NOT see all these as email messages.

  253. Sandy from Long Island, NY Avatar
    Sandy from Long Island, NY

    Love your newest fabric line – actually love all PG fabrics! Congratulations on the future Little Man 2 !!

  254. Linda Fleming Avatar
    Linda Fleming

    Love your Jace’s block – the colors are just perfect!
    Your new fabric line is beautiful – I look forward to it being available.

  255. Mishell Ruehs Avatar
    Mishell Ruehs

    Can’t wait till your new fabric comes out! I’m already dreaming of what I can make with it.

  256. LeAnn Goettel Avatar
    LeAnn Goettel

    Love the little half square triangles to add a punch to a basic star. I also know that starching the fabric is the key!

    1. Connie Thompson Avatar
      Connie Thompson

      Why is this email repeatedly showing up in my inbox? today I had over 50 of this same email….and now, tonight, it’s back with multiples again? Any idea? This is the first time this has happened.

      Connie Thompson

      On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 7:32 PM, Lisa Bongean’s Web Blog… wrote:

      > LeAnn Goettel commented: “Love the little half square triangles to add a > punch to a basic star. I also know that starching the fabric is the key!” >

  257. Marsha Bohannon Avatar
    Marsha Bohannon

    I love your block and can’t wait to get started!

  258. Deanna G Avatar
    Deanna G

    I love your patterns and am always waiting to see what you will come out with next.

  259. yvonne craig Avatar
    yvonne craig

    love jace star and congratulations on new line of fabric but best of all on being a GRANDMA again!

  260. Cheryl MIles Avatar

    Wow! Love the new fabric. They will make a great Quilt of Valor. Will need to watch impatiently at my favorite quilt shop in Indianapolis.

  261. Barb Gribble Avatar
    Barb Gribble

    Hi, am looking forward to the new line in October. I live in NW WI but grew up in Appleton & lived in Menasha until 5th grade. In fact, I took dance lessons down the street from your shop (like 65 years ago)! One more thing – we have spent part of our winters on Cape San Blas – love it.

  262. Rose Edwards Avatar
    Rose Edwards

    I love the block and the new line of material! would be awesome to win!

  263. trish Avatar

    Love the new fabric !! Also ma enjoying mode blockheads using the kit from Primitive Gatherings/ Thank you!!

  264. Stephanie Smith Avatar
    Stephanie Smith

    As always, a “stellar” pieced block!

  265. Michelle Avatar

    Love the new fabrics!!

  266. Judy Avatar

    Lisa, I love reading your blog and always look forward to it. I had the awesome opportunity to meet you for a few minutes at your booth last year in Houston. Please keep designing, sewing and blogging.

  267. Lona Avatar

    Love your style! I am participating in the Twilight Garden SBOW- it is so beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win the charm packs- they look like they are wonderful fabrics!

  268. Carmen Avatar

    I love your little block. We all need to challenge our sewing skills now and then. Thanks for the give away.

  269. Janan Avatar

    Thank you for having a give away. The fabrics are really nice! Congratulations on another grand coming soon!!

  270. Cathy Radcliffe Avatar
    Cathy Radcliffe

    Thanks for the block. I am still deciding on fabric but it looks like it will be a challenge!

  271. Judyk Avatar

    I have been excited for the new line of fabric to arrive in quilt shops and now there is another line to anticipate. Can’t decide which is my favorite! Keep up the good work, you are appreciated.

  272. Debbie Avatar

    Just love the new fabric. Thank you!

  273. Marcia Rocheleau Avatar
    Marcia Rocheleau

    Just joined your blog. I’ve taken a wool appliqué class from you at an annual Minnesota Quilters Show several years ago. I enjoy it but quikting is my passion. Love your patterns.
    I’m a MiMi as well and it’s the greatest gig ever!
    Eagan, MN

  274. Donna Zimmerman Avatar
    Donna Zimmerman

    I love reading about all you’re doing. Boy, you have a lot of energy. Thanks for having a give away. I don’t enjoy the cutting out part of quilting, so I am in love with precuts,

  275. Angelia Lanouette Avatar
    Angelia Lanouette

    I have been following you for awhile and don’t know how you do all that you do! I love your fabrics and can’t wait to see the new collection…love the colors!

  276. Helen LeBrett Avatar
    Helen LeBrett

    I love this new line that you have coming up: gorgeous colors!!! I’m from Healdsburg, Ca, 60 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, and have had too much of large fires in the last year. The Tubbs fire last fall was only 15 miles away, and now the Mendocino Complex fire has clouded our skies for the last week or so and made us have to take our allergy meds because of the smoke in the air. But I’m blessed that our home has always been safe, though we did pack up our irreplaceable things last fall, just in case we had to evacuate. Love your Moon Garden quilt!!! I’m still working on the SBOW from 2 years ago!! 🙂

  277. Robin Schlager Avatar
    Robin Schlager

    Your new line is beautiful. Next year- how about an Autumn Gatherings line??
    Little turkeys, acorns, leaves ( and remake those little pumpkins ). That pumpkin fabric is one of my favorites !! I backed a quilt with that fabric.

  278. Susan Denardo Avatar
    Susan Denardo

    Love all you do. Love your fabrics and quilt designs. Keep up the great work. It is an inspiration to all of us. I love in MA.

  279. Tina Bellotti Avatar
    Tina Bellotti

    I’m pretty new to quilting and loving it or obsessing iover it when I was searching for some gray, white and black prints for my next project when you started posting your blocks….they are perfect! I’m still working on the right combination but love what you are doing. I am also drawn to the primitive fabrics ( my husband likes the look too and that helps a lot 🙂 I look forward to buying so of your prints….your new line looks fantastic and I like your other lines. Thanks for your inspiration and for posting your hard work.
    Your grandson is a cutie too…couldn’t ask for a greater joy and to have a second coming is exciting!!

  280. Lisa S Avatar
    Lisa S

    Your Twilight Garden wool appliqué is a stunner. But I know to expect that from you I love everything you do!

  281. Karen Avatar

    Star n stripes gatherings looks awsome; can’t wait to feel it!! I will b a new (1st) Grammy n October 😊 We are over the moon with excitement. Continued prayers for your husband n family.

  282. JennyM Avatar

    Looking forward to your new line of fabric. I love the colors and can’t wait to sew something with them.

  283. Lori L Avatar
    Lori L

    Loving what you did with the new fabric line, the quilts are gorgeous. Enjoy all the info and patterns on your blog. Thanks for sharing.

  284. Jeanette Nichols Avatar
    Jeanette Nichols

    Anxiously awaiting your next line. Love, Love, Love all the “gatherings”. The colors are marvelous! and the quilts fabulous! Enjoy looking at all your pics. You bring us into your life. Wonderful.

  285. Sharon Pack Avatar
    Sharon Pack

    As always…you rock the blocks and quilts too! Love your wooly patterns too! Keep them coming!

  286. Lisa Botts Avatar
    Lisa Botts

    Love these new fabrics coming out!

  287. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    Hi Lisa, I’ve been following you for many years, and just love your style and your fabric lines. Looking forward to your next line and everything you do. Loving Moon Garden and Twilight Garden is just strumming. Hope Nick is doing well and congratulations on LM2.

  288. Lori Quinlan Avatar
    Lori Quinlan

    Love everything you do! Can’t wait for the next line of fabric to come out. Love reading and seeing pics of little man and what’s going in your life.

  289. Krissy Butorac Avatar
    Krissy Butorac

    I just love your new fabric line. I’ve been drooling over it every time I open your blog. I’d love to win the charm packs so I could see the colors in person. I have a large quilt in mind but hate to wait until I come to your shop in November to see the fabrics in person. This would be a win win for me. You accomplish so much in a day. I need a nap just reading this.LOL!

  290. Charlotte Avatar

    Always enjoy reading what you are up to -makes me tired!! Love all your designs. Like the suggestion of other commenter – a fall/autumn gathering.

  291. Mary Ellen Maciejczyk Avatar
    Mary Ellen Maciejczyk

    Hi Lisa,

    Thank you so much for the fantastic “Stitch” sewing machine scissor keeper invention you gave us at Quiltstock. I tried to add a photo of it in action as I quilt my Opening Day quilt — made with Litte Gatherings 😊—so others could see it, but wasn’t able to. Maybe you can? It is so handy I know others will love it too. It is too clever to keep a secret.

    Mary Ellen

  292. Debbie H Avatar

    It is because of you that I have become a “starcher” of fabrics. After making all the blocks from the first series, I am pleased at how precise my piecing has become. Thank you, Lisa!

  293. sharon butera Avatar
    sharon butera

    Hello, Lisa! I first visited your shop in the late 1980s and fell in love! Since then I’ve delighted in your success (lots and lots of hard work!) It’s been amazing to follow you on instagram and via your blog. And to visit your always humming booth at quilt shows. Now I’m a resident of the great state of Wisconsin and was over the moon to hear that you were going to design our state wide shop hop fabrics for 2019. Can’t wait to see them. Thanks for everything.

  294. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    I am not new. But thanks for the chance to win. I like your start block very much. How exciting you have another grandson on the way. I am expecting my third baby in the middle of September so we are anticipating that soon. However, I do not have lots of time to sew right now, but I do manage to stitch a few things here and there.

  295. Glenda (Tess) McCarthy Avatar
    Glenda (Tess) McCarthy

    I am new to Blockheads, and to your blog. I am loving both the Blockheads, and following the blogs. Looking forward to more blocks!

  296. Cathy Bishop Avatar
    Cathy Bishop

    Hello from Tennessee! Loving your blocks!

  297. Catherine King Avatar
    Catherine King

    Love Primitive Gatherings and all you do. Can’t wait for your new collection

  298. Susan Stanton Avatar
    Susan Stanton

    Your block is just so darn cute! Can’t wait to start it!

  299. Teresa J Herbold Avatar
    Teresa J Herbold

    My sister and I have been working together on some of your projects for quite a while now. I love working with the wool (I am a first timer) and the stitching is a great relaxation technique after a busy day. I am also become a starcher of fabrics and have picked up a few other techniques as well. All of your patterns are quite beautiful and sometimes it is hard to choose what to start on next. I have two quilts I am working on at the moment and just finished up two small projects for my daughter-in-laws. Since working on your quilt kits I have delegated more time to quilting as I love working with colors.

  300. Maureen Livingston Avatar
    Maureen Livingston

    I am from New York. I absolutely love your fabric and designs!

  301. Susan Salo Avatar
    Susan Salo

    Hi I just discovered your blog! I am from Ann Arbor, MI and would love to win your new fabrics!

  302. Suzette Harris Avatar

    Love you’re new fabric line!

  303. Linda Bick Avatar
    Linda Bick

    I’m new to your blog, I’m from California ☀️ Your fabric is beautiful and so are your mini stars!

  304. Claire KD Avatar
    Claire KD

    Hi from a different lake in WI! I started following you on IG and I love your blog. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  305. usairdoll Avatar

    You are a busy gal! You are so talented and I love all you create. Can’t wait to see more!
    My fingers are crossed! Thanks for a chance to win. Oh, I am a follower ;-D

  306. Patricia Rosenbaum Avatar
    Patricia Rosenbaum

    Can’t wait to see both new lines! Very excited for you, but also for us as customers! Of course we will need these in our stash!

  307. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    Love, love, love the star block! Those tiny, little half square triangles are my favorite type of shape to put into a block!!

  308. Sue H Avatar

    Love your style. Your fabrics are always a must for me. I visited your WI shop while my husband & brother fished a tournament in early 2000s (’03-ish?) before I knew you but loved your shop so much!!!! Great memory!

  309. annita Avatar

    Flower Garden Gatherings is beautiful. I can’t wait. I have been admiring the fabrics on the top of your blog since they were posted. Can’t wait! (can you tell I’m excited!) Even though I don’t live in Wisconsin (use to) I’m excited to see 2019 shop hop fabric! So enjoy the BH and the creativity each of you designers put into each block!
    Thanks so much!

  310. Maureen Avatar

    Your new fabric line is yummy–and it looks so sweet hanging at the top of your blog! I would love to be locked away in my sewing studio with these charm packs!

  311. Elizabeth Avatar

    So excited! Can’t wait for your new fabric line to come out.

  312. Pam Tasker Avatar
    Pam Tasker

    Congratulations on grandbaby #2 ! I have a friend that once told me when I was expecting my first grandchild…she said once they start coming they keep coming ! I now have #5 beauties ! Awesome name for your star block !! I have been a follower / purchaser of beautiful things for a long time. Thank you !

  313. Lois Wilhelm Avatar
    Lois Wilhelm

    Love your new line of fabrics coming, white and blue are perfect! You are an inspiration my dear!!!

  314. Janet Dickson Avatar
    Janet Dickson

    Another great BH block, I’ve enjoyed them all. I’m also looking forward to your new lines, it’s fun that they’re not matchy-matchy from one to another. I just finished a quilt top with snowman gatherings, finally. Thanks for the giveaway.

  315. Kay U McAllister Avatar
    Kay U McAllister

    Love anything red, white and blue and LOVE all of your designs. Thanks for the giveaway.

  316. Pam Peterson Avatar
    Pam Peterson

    Love your fabrics! I’ve been making another designers pattern that starts with 11/2 “ squares, so this block will help tweak my little piecing of triangles!

  317. Mindy Avatar

    Hi LIsa,!!!
    I so enjoy reading your blog and creating your fabulous designs!!! I am so excited for your new line to come out and can’t wait to make the Fly Away quilt. I am just as excited for your liberty line of fabrics too!!!!! Thanks so much for the offer of the charm packs and congratulations on the news of the upcoming arrival in your family. How exciting!!!!

  318. Janet Mikes Avatar
    Janet Mikes

    Hello from Alabama. I enjoy reading your blog. Your new fabric line is fantastic.

  319. emmccorm1949 Avatar

    I am doing my Blockheads2 in black, white and grey. I love your blocks. I am behind because of health reasons but plan to be caught up soon. Thanks for telling us you are slightly behind also. It helps to know it happens. I love love love your blocks and am so glad my friend Pat Rupp Chleboski convinced me to join in the fun. Your blocks continue to inspire me.

  320. Jenell Lamb Avatar
    Jenell Lamb

    Love your fabric and your wool patterns!

  321. dq Avatar

    love the block and new line – you get so much done!

  322. Dee Johnson Avatar
    Dee Johnson

    Congratulations on your newest blessing to the family. Drooling over Twilight Garden and your new line will be perfect for our guild to start a QAV project. What fun to see the blossoms hanging on your header, yumminess!

  323. Alycia Maurer Avatar
    Alycia Maurer

    Hi Lisa! I did BH1 and now I am doing BH2. Currently working on your block, Jace’s Star. It is a challenge! But the block is so striking. I have been using Needle and Thread Gatherings in most of my blocks. I thought I bought a FQ bundle, but it was just a fat eight! So I’ve mixed in fabric from other designers working on BH2. They all go well together, especially your reds. Thank you for coming back to BH2!

  324. Andrea Parks Avatar
    Andrea Parks

    Lisa, I have been a fan of yours since I took a class from you at Gwinnett Quilters Guild a few years ago. I’m doing Twilight Garden SBOW in navy and am thrilled with it! It’s so much fun. Your new line is just beautiful. I’m thinking about how I’m going to use this beautiful fabric!

  325. hapy2create Avatar

    The little block is so SWEET! And LITTLE!!! 🙂

  326. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    Hi Lisa. Love your Stars and strips. Those are my colors

  327. Elizabeth Durig Avatar
    Elizabeth Durig

    Love the little star blocks! Such a productive quilter……..

  328. […] Designed by Lisa Bongean. Please visit Lisa and her blog for this free pattern. […]

  329. Marilyn Satterfield Avatar
    Marilyn Satterfield

    I’m from Houston
    Home of the Great Quilt Festival

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