12 Days of Christmas…Needful Things… Day 12




Here we are…another year of things we cannot live without!!!!  I love compliling these “needful” things for you…whether you are new to this or you are a veteran…I hope you have a great time with this event…


Were would be we without our Books? I know I am a book-a-holic…I collect quilting books…I listen to audio books while I stitch, (my fav is historical fiction), and I read downloaded books on my ipad to fall asleep at night…I cannot find any other way to shut it off (that would be my brain) other than to read a book…So my life is surrounded by books, books, books..my home sewing studio is filled with books..these cabinets house my 1/2 yard fabric collection but my book collection is piled on top of the four cabinets…Notice the nine-patch layout of my cabinets…lol…IMG_8192IMG_2104 2IMG_4380IMG_2452

One thing on the list this year is to publish a tour of my home sewing studio…but you get a little peek here…

One of the questions I get is…How do you come up with your designs? Do you ever run out of ideas…well…see those colorful binders…they are full of ideas…so many I have even divided them up in categories…IMG_3819

But back to those books… Primitive Gatherings just so happens to design, publish and print our own books.   We are in the process of printing our book that is scheduled to release in January…called Star & Stripe Gatherings along with it’s fabric collection sidekick which just happens to have the same name from Moda Fabrics…(Look for this book to be in another deal later on!)

Today being our first day of 12 days until Christmas…we are going to run an AWESOME book special just for you our loyal followers…We are running the these books at $10!  So If you are missing any of them from your Primitive Gatherings Collection NOW is the time to complete it…Six different ones…

A brief description of each book…

Flannel Gatherings– a book of 12 nice and easy, but still cool quilts to make without feeling like you are giving your right-hand away….now these quilts do not have to be made from flannel…but you are smart enought to know that already…

Primitive Christmas-Our first Christmas pattern book featuring 27 different projects from quilts to hooked rugs…fortunately Christmas comes every year so you never have enough Christmas projects for presents or decorating your home…

Quilter’s Journal– My journal collaboration with Martingale Publishers that is a fun place to keep track of your quilt stuff and everyday life…it is not dated…and has lots of inspiraton in it to make you get those stitches or patchwork finished. Photograph in our beautiful new home…

Nine- Patch Gatherings– a book with a cool fun method of making perfect nine-patches from 2 squares 5″ or 3 1/2″…results in 2-3″ or 2- 1 1/2″ finished Nine-patch blocks.  The book then features a bunch of ways to put those Nine-patches together into fun little quilts!  I noticed Nine-Patch Gatherings does not really show up in our photo above so I tried to take one with each book shown full out…IMG_7529

Christmas Gatherings– is a fairly new book featuring 28 designs all revolving around the Christmas Holiday…Incudles quilts, mini quilts, table runners, wool mats, ornaments and lots of other projects.

Little Gatherings-Do you like Mini quilts?  This is the book for you then!! You will not be disappointed. Everything you need to know about stiching little…We will sell out of this book as this is the last book printed we did not print ourselves…

Now you may be pondering if you really need this or that book…but for $10 there should be no debate…


Each day you get a chance to win prizes…leave your comment after this post…Here is our first question…I can’t wait to hear from you…WINNERS will announced on New Years Day…

Do you buy books or just like to buy the pattern? This is an ongoing stuggle for us…Do we put 20 projects in a book for $20-some dollars or do we print individual patterns from 9$-15$ each?  Which do you prefer? Because If I had a dollar for everytime I heard…”I don’t want to spend that much on a book…I just want the pattern!”  I could retire retroactive 5 years ago…so leave us your thoughts in our comment section here on the blog…I’d also like to know if any of you currently own all 6 of these books?

I vote for books…Lisa


358 responses to “12 Days of Christmas…Needful Things… Day 12”

  1. auntiepatch69 Avatar

    Books please!

  2. sherrillash Avatar

    I like to buy books that have multiple projects I’m likely to make. They are definitely a better value than single patterns.

  3. Muriel Carroll Avatar
    Muriel Carroll

    My voteis for books.. gives me the option of several patterns at once

  4. Camille Venners Avatar
    Camille Venners

    I like books.. Patterns become lost in stacks. I do no town any of your books… YET.

  5. Nina Christman Avatar
    Nina Christman

    From you, I buy the book. Sometimes I just like one design from someone so I want the pattern. I had all but one of the books and ordered it. Can they stay in the cart since I will probably “need” something else. In the past you could do that, but I didn’t see anything about it.

    1. lisabongean Avatar


  6. Chris Avatar

    I vote for a book. I don’t always do a project from the book I buy, but I can spend hours looking at them!

  7. Leanne Mal Avatar
    Leanne Mal

    My choice is always Books! Even if I buy a book for just one pattern they are full of inspiration! Who doesn’t like paging through a quilting book with all the wonderful pictures of quilts! I look for ideas on color combinations, blocks, borders and ways to display quilts.
    I currently have 5 out of the 6 books! I haven’t purchased the Quilters Journal yet.
    I always enjoy your 12 Days of Christmas Needful Things! I hope you have a Wonderful Holiday Season🎄

  8. Janet O. Avatar

    Like the previous commenter, I prefer books, if I think I will make more than one project. They are a better value, and have more inspiration. But if I don’t want to make more than one thing in a book, then I wish I could just buy the pattern. They take up less space, and my bookshelf is too crowded already! How is that for not being very helpful? 🙂
    I only have two of these books, but Nine-Patch Gatherings is on my wish list.

  9. Paula Andrews Avatar
    Paula Andrews

    If a book has at least three project I would like to make, I buy the book. If not then I will go for the pattern.

  10. Deanna G Avatar
    Deanna G

    I like books better personally they are a better value than individual patterns but, if there are only one or two patterns that I want from the book the ability to purchase them individually is always nice.

  11. Mary Pasewark Avatar
    Mary Pasewark

    There are certain designers (including yourself!) that I like to buy books from. I find that with these designers, I always have several designs from these books that jump out at me, just insisting to be made– lots of bang for the buck! I also enjoy compilation books including patterns from several designers, like the MODA Allstar Row Books.

  12. Jackie Avatar

    Books if there is more than one pattern I’d like to make otherwise a pattern. Unfortunately I don’t own any of the 6 books, I’ll have to make a bit more of an effort in that regard I think.

  13. Brenda J. Avatar
    Brenda J.

    I vote for books! I own 5 of the 6 books. I’ve ordered the 6th today. Merry Chet!

  14. Maga Avatar

    I don’t think there is a one-size-fits-all when it comes to book/patterns. When I first started patchwork I bought books – then I bought patterns and these days I draw my own patterns out to use my scraps. When I returned to dressmaking I bought pattern magazines then patterns and now I pattern-hack 😉 SO I doubt you will ever please everybody. I am sorry living in Europe makes it too expensive to buy books from US so I don’t own any of your books. I found you through the Block Heads 2017. I thoroughly enjoy your blog postings so Thank You very much for taking time out to write here.

  15. Teri Avatar

    I vote for books since I like to look through them over and over.

  16. Mary Avatar

    I vote for books but I’d rather buy two $20 books than one $40 book. I know I’m getting more patterns in the more expensive book but that means there have to be more patterns that I like in the book.

  17. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    I love books. Seems like I can never have enough. It is so inspiring just to thumb thru a book and look at the wonderful quilts. You can look at the same book many times and something different catches your eye.

  18. Connie Schofield Avatar
    Connie Schofield

    I vote for books. You get so much more from books for the value. I actually put tab stickers on the top of pages in a book that I want to make the quilt. Some books have many stickers and are just waiting for me to get to making them. I love to go back through books to look also for inspiration.

  19. Denise Cabral Avatar
    Denise Cabral

    If the book has several patterns that I like I’ll buy the book. Or if I love the designer I buy her books! Like you!!

  20. Rita Hill Avatar
    Rita Hill

    Your storage cabinets are great and are so organized! Love my books too! I’ve run out of bookshelf space so I’m “trying” to curtail my purchases.😟

  21. Wendy P Avatar
    Wendy P

    I like books – they give you so much more info and tips than just the pattern. Also, sometimes you learn more about how the design came to be.

  22. Jen Cole Avatar
    Jen Cole

    I love books, my thoughts are if you like a pattern by a designer you love then if you buy the book you get lots of other patterns too as a bonus, win/win!

  23. Anita Tuttle Avatar
    Anita Tuttle

    I like pattern books. I have a lot of single patterns but books keep forever.

  24. Heather Avatar

    I like books as well. I like having the selection of patterns for reference. I don’t own any of those books..yet 🙂

  25. Tammy Davis Avatar
    Tammy Davis

    I strongly vote for Books! Thank You for keeping me Busy!

  26. Judy Waters Avatar
    Judy Waters

    I buy both. If I happen to come across a pattern that I have to have, I buy it. But, books offer many patterns with lots of color fabrics.

  27. debby Avatar

    I’m voting for books because I love to look through them, and I get more patterns for the money. I don’t buy patterns very often, but I buy a LOT of books.

  28. Maribeth Avatar

    I buy books mostly but do buy patterns too. Love your books and patterns!

  29. Christina Altelaar Avatar
    Christina Altelaar

    I to love my books.

  30. Eileen Avatar

    I vote for books, lovely to treasure and full of ideas!

  31. Lynne Hoefer Avatar
    Lynne Hoefer

    I don’t have a “sewing” room, just the dining room table . Space is limited. I usually buy only what is needed to get the pattern. Most of the patterns I buy are downloadable so I just store them on the computer. Takes up no space then.

  32. Darlene Koenig Avatar
    Darlene Koenig

    Books or patterns? Why decide?
    I buy them all! I too have books across the top of book shelves that house some of my yardage and they spill over to an adjoining bookcase of their own. My patterns are housed in an old dresser that belonged to my mother. I’m a collector of it all!

  33. Bev Avatar

    I would rather have a book as evidence of the several book shelves full of books, with books you have more options thsn eith a pattern. Thanks for the great giveaway and Merry Christmas to sll.

  34. Peggy Iversen Avatar
    Peggy Iversen


  35. Sandi Avatar

    I love to buy books! I have quite a few patterns but books are full of ideas. Hugs,

  36. masonmarlene Avatar

    I buy books because I love books. Grew up using the public library and yearning to own my own books. I have all but one of your books and I have only made 3 items out of the books .. but, I have had hours and hours of enjoyment searching through them and reading your comments and recipes. As for patterns. I admit to having purchased patterns from designers for 20.00 to 40.00. I am no longer able to do that as they are getting so pricey I can’t justify spending that much on one pattern plus the materials to make the project. So I guess I like both patterns and books but books are more budget friendly.

  37. Maryella Avatar

    I buy both books and individual patterns. It really does not matter to me. However, I love, love, love your kits that include the pattern with your wonderful fabrics.

  38. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    Your books are always full of lots of patterns I intend to use so they are a good value.

  39. PJ Avatar

    I much prefer a book to a single pattern. I can cozy up with a book, but not a pattern.

  40. Marsha Avatar

    I love books but storage is becoming an issue. Need to weed out older books and make room for the newer ones. I still love my patterns also. I don’t have any of those books.

  41. Donna Frazier Avatar
    Donna Frazier

    I love books! I have a ton of them and cant seem to part with any of them. I keep telling myself I’m going to go thru them 1 at a time and do the projects I like then get rid of the book. NEVER HAPPENS. lol.

  42. Sarah Avatar

    I think I own more books than individual patterns, so books must be the answer. When I am sick, I take a stack of quilt books and flip through them. I don’t do that with my patterns. I own 3 of your books and they all have multiple projects I hope to make.

  43. Carol Nelms Avatar
    Carol Nelms

    It varies, sometimes just the pattern. But, if it is a book but a favorite quilter, or a book with varied authors, designers I will buy the book.

  44. Sharon Ray Avatar
    Sharon Ray

    Sometimes I want to make every quilt in a specific book, but most of the time it’s just that one quilt pattern I’d like. I have the top three books, really “need” to get a Christmas one!! Happy holidays to you and yours.

  45. Lewcrese Shields Avatar
    Lewcrese Shields

    I like to buy just the pattern most of the time. I don’t have a problem buying books when they are from one of my favorite designers such as yourself because I like usually everything or almost everything in the book. So in that case it is more cost effective to buy the book than to pay individually for each pattern. Some designers do publish the patterns individually after a year or so selling the book too. So in conclusion, I am not sure how you would win this one.

  46. Bonnie Bennett Avatar
    Bonnie Bennett

    I like to buy books! Merry Christmas, Lisa!

  47. Karen in Ohio Avatar
    Karen in Ohio

    I buy books and patterns. I especially like to buy books for my quilting friends. If I had to choose, it would be books. Books give inspiration and ideas and enhance my desire to craft, create and give to others.
    Thank you for this opportunity to share.

  48. Diane Yager Avatar
    Diane Yager

    I prefer to purchase books. I enjoy looking through them for ideas. Even though I might only be I interested in one pattern now, who knows what I might want to make down the road from the book. I have three of the six books.

  49. Cathy Avatar

    I like books best!

  50. Joan Avatar


  51. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    I do like books best. I may not want all the patterns at once, but I probably will want some of them some day.

  52. Mary Nielsen Avatar
    Mary Nielsen

    I like to have a book, if there’s at least 2 things I want to make. Bonus – if it has pretty pictures!

  53. quiltermary Avatar

    Books! Usually I want to lpve/make (?) At least 2 things from the book. Bonus points if there are pretty pictures.

  54. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    No, I do not have all 6 books. Only two. 🙁 If a book has at least 2 patterns in it that I like, I prefer the whole book. Otherwise, just the pattern. But if a book has stories and/or recipes along with patterns, I’m ALL in!

  55. Jayne Avatar

    Oh my yes, I’m a book buyer – sometimes the same one twice.

  56. Julie Kennedy Avatar
    Julie Kennedy

    Definitely books! I have way too many of them, but can’t seem to get rid of any.

  57. Lisa J Avatar
    Lisa J

    I buy both! I love books and one pattern might draw you in to buy the book and then next time you look at the book you realize there are other amazing patterns that would work with the tin of fabric you just brought home from a shop hop!😊

  58. Judy Larson Avatar
    Judy Larson

    I love books! I look at them over and over! I used to buy cookbooks and do the same thing!

  59. Linda Pickenpaugh Avatar
    Linda Pickenpaugh

    I vote for books. I love books and my 5 grandsons know their “mama” has a “book room”. To be banished to the book room for a “quiet time” is really a treat. So, while I love books, I also buy patterns. Some patterns I just don’t have time to wait for “the book”. Such as “Warm Winter Blessings” and “Snow Friends” and the one with “little houses” I’m almost finished with. Or were they in a book and I just didn’t know it? While I have several of the books listed, I don’t have the Christmas ones. Oh my!

  60. Roxanne Avatar

    I buy both. It really depends on what patterns are in the book. If there is more than one pattern that I like, then the book, otherwise just the pattern. I have two of your books, one of which is the Quilters Journal. Actually I bought about seven of them and gave them to friends because I loved it so much. Thanks so much for all you and your company do for quilters!

  61. Connie Hoffmeyer Avatar
    Connie Hoffmeyer

    I also love books!

  62. Nancy Sabella Avatar
    Nancy Sabella

    I buy quilt books because, I love most patterns in that book, if i’m Not crazy about the colors I know it will look different when I change them, but I love to see a quilt come to life from beginning to the end, and enjoy it for a lifetime ❤️ Nancy Sabella

  63. Toni Avatar

    Book are great but more bulky to carry around with you if you have a project you’re taking on the road. Spiral bound books are better – you can flip the pages without breaking the binding or bending the pages.

  64. Robin Turner Avatar

    yep, I’m a book buyer. On tape, on kindle, in bookstore, online. Quilt books? ALL DAY LONG! I love to browse them. Thank you for this lovely gift, I have a few of them, but will fill in my collection of your books right now. The price is untouchable!!

  65. Deborah k Avatar
    Deborah k

    I like books but hate to buy them if I already have most of the patterns in them. I have 3 of the books showcased and love them

  66. Jill Davies Avatar
    Jill Davies

    I love books and purchase them for a) making all or some or none of the patterns and b)looking through again and again and just to make life interesting, I buy patterns that are of particular interest. I literally have walls of books, craft and other interests.

  67. Barb Avatar

    I buy books and I buy patterns. I have more patterns than books. I will buy a book if there is more than one pattern I may make. Many of my quilt pattern books I think of as “coffee table books” as I just love to look at the photography and get ideas for decorating from them as well.

  68. Laurel Avatar

    I buy both… but mostly books because of the variety you receive. Plus you get something pretty to look at over and over again. I do not have the all of them, but am adding the quilters journal to my collection.

  69. Linda Blodgett Avatar
    Linda Blodgett

    Books! A book becomes my own personal reference library that I can explore at any time for ideas and color inspiration.

  70. Colleen Avatar

    I also prefer books- I love books! I enjoy having multiple choices when looking for a new project and I love just sitting looking through my books, exploring, finding inspiration whenever I have time

  71. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    I love books and patterns, but I definitely have more books — love ’em. I do not have all six books, but I do own some of them. 🙂

  72. Joan R Avatar
    Joan R

    I find complaining isn’t really productive so I try my best to not complain about the truly insignificant things. If you wish to sell books or to sell patterns, either way is fine with me and I have plenty of both. I have three of the six books above and now am completing the collection! Thanks for the terrific pricing!

  73. Deb G. in VA Avatar
    Deb G. in VA

    I tend to buy more books than individual patterns. Books usually have more than 1 pattern that I like. I have Nine-Patch Gatherings, but I think I “need” Little Gatherings!

  74. Tammy Maki Avatar
    Tammy Maki

    I love single patterns more so just because of the limited space I have for storing books. But when push comes to shove, I want them all!!

  75. Karen Baldauf Avatar
    Karen Baldauf

    I prefer books but also buy patterns! I own 5 of the 6 books and love making your designs!

  76. Lois Wilhelm Avatar
    Lois Wilhelm

    BOOKS! Love Books! I have two bookcases filled with books, hundreds and hundreds. Certain authors I buy whatever they write, book wise. Lisa you are one of those authors! Love your work!

  77. Cindy B Avatar
    Cindy B

    I like books, also. However, I still have to figure out the way to store, display and have them easily available. Love your pictures showing some ideas. Maybe sometime you can also delve into your system of the notebooks on your bottom shelf (categories) that you collect your ideas.

  78. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    Looking forward to starting my shopping for Needful Things. I’m a librarian so it’s books, books, books for me. Patterns are nice, but you never know when another design in a book will be just the thing you need and by far – the best value for the money.

  79. bookangel18 Avatar

    I love books but I have lots of patterns too. I usually head to my quilt books first. I am running out of storage for both!!

  80. Nancy Avatar

    Pattern because I get exactly what I need

  81. Kathy Avatar

    I would much rather own a book, you never know when something else included is exactly what you didn’t know you needed!

  82. Patty Avatar

    I buy both …

  83. Allison Evrard Avatar
    Allison Evrard

    I own a lot of patterns but I much prefer to sit with a book and admire the beautiful quilts.

  84. Sheila Avatar

    I don’t own all of these books. If there is a pattern in a book that I can’t live without I will buy the book and like to look through a book to get other inspiration too so guess I would have to say book over pattern.

  85. Mady Z Avatar
    Mady Z

    Books are fun to buy because they offer several options for one price. I generally buy books if I see more than one project in it that I might be interested in making.

  86. Susan Castillo Avatar
    Susan Castillo

    Books Books Books! There’s always the chance you’ll find another “must do” project👏🏼

  87. Elaine Morgan Avatar
    Elaine Morgan

    I buy both depends on how bad I want the book or the pattern! I don’t have any of your books but I’m going to look!!

  88. Kay S Avatar
    Kay S

    Can we order each day but have the orders accumulated so that they’ll all ship at once, so as to pay less shipping? I’m not inclined to pay the minimum $3.99 shipping fee x 12 days. Today I would like to order one book. $10 is a good deal. But not so much if I have to pay $3.99 for shipping. Thanks!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Then save your order until you have $100 then it’s free shipping.

  89. Dawn Avatar

    I love looking at pictures of quilts made so I have piles of books. What is really helpful is to see the same pattern with different materials. I’ve made patterns with a different color scheme and didn’t really like how it came out. If I see a pattern I like though, doesn’t mean I didn’t buy it.
    Happy Holidays!

  90. Barbara Guarniere Avatar
    Barbara Guarniere

    I like the books! I enjoy reading through them, and often there are extra helpful hints. Also, for me, i don’t lose the book but I lose or misplace the pattern and end up having to buy it again. And the books have nice color photos of everything.

  91. Linda G Jarnecke Avatar
    Linda G Jarnecke

    I buy whichever way I want to find the pattern I want to make. Price usually doesn’t matter. A single pattern is great, but many times I purchase a book only to find yet another pattern or two in it that I want also. sometimes after a couple years I’ll sell my patterns and books, others I keep forever and ever. Both ways are well worth the investment that is put into them.

  92. Nancy Zimmerman Avatar
    Nancy Zimmerman

    I love a quilt book! Not only di do you get the pattern, but the is usually multiple pics of how the quilt was used in decorating.

  93. Kyra Franz Avatar
    Kyra Franz

    I buy both books and single patterns. I LOVE quilt books because they are full of beautiful quilts, quilt décor and always have lots of helpful tips. I read every book from cover to cover. Since I only have one of your books, I am taking advantage of your sale!

  94. Paula Van Cuyk Avatar
    Paula Van Cuyk

    Books. I will find 2 or 3 other patterns that I use from a book.

  95. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    I prefer to buy books. There’s so much inspiration! Love this annual needful things event!

  96. Paula W Avatar
    Paula W

    I purchase patterns either individually or in books. I don’t currently have any of your books but today may be my day to change that! Have a Merry Christmas.

  97. Chris Zimmerman Avatar
    Chris Zimmerman

    So my response is mixed. Sometimes I do just want a pattern for a single project but other times, the book is so filled with projects “I simply must do” I need to purchase the entire book. As you would suspect, I also have a book collection.

  98. Sandy G. Avatar
    Sandy G.

    I like books because you get so many more quilts to dream about, but then I’ll fall in love with individual patterns too. It’s like fabric, you can’t have too much! I have several of your books and love them all.

  99. Susan Polk Avatar
    Susan Polk

    I also buy both. I love books for all the eye candy and stories, but I love a good pattern too! Alot of patterns I buy are pdf downloads. You know that old “gotta have it now” attitude! Lol

  100. Elizabeth Avatar

    I’m probably in the minority here but I like individual patterns. I don’t quilt but I do wool appliqué, hand embroidery, hand sewing, etc. so the books are usually full of projects that I won’t make (even though I think they are Beautiful) and therefore the price is too much for the one project I might make in the book.
    Also, I wish you would bring back some patterns that are out of print. There is a wool appliqué candle mat/ tree skirt pattern with snowman heads that I would love to buy. Every time someone posts a picture of it online people want it and it is out of print. It is on my bucket list to find that pattern somewhere, somehow! 😂
    Just my two cents worth🙂
    Merry Christmas!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Send me more info on them and we can release a pattern

      1. Elizabeth Avatar

        Oh dear…my apologies…..now I’m not 100% sure if it is your pattern after all.
        It’s an oldie but a goody and I can’t even find it after doing a search.
        But I truly appreciate that you took the time to reach out.
        If I ever find a photo again, and it’s one of yours, I’ll let you know.
        I love your work and your shop!
        Merry Christmas to you!

  101. Renee Stapleton Avatar
    Renee Stapleton

    I like both books and patterns. I love looking through my quilt books and dreaming about my next project! Single patterns are nice when I want to make my own quilt kit for a project that I am not quite ready to start but have found the perfect fabric for.

  102. Daryl Begley Avatar
    Daryl Begley

    50-50, sometimes books, sometimes patterns.

  103. carol Avatar

    Like you, I vote for books. And I like “hard copy books” instead of ebooks.

  104. paulette Avatar

    I vote for books as individual patterns have a tendency to get lost on my shelves between material & notions for sewing/quilting. I also ten to forget which individual patterns I have & will purchase it again:)

  105. Gina Froment Avatar

    If I like more than one pattern in a book, then I buy the book. Thanks for this deal. Ordered three of them.

  106. Donna Sproston Avatar
    Donna Sproston

    I love books. Thank you for offering these books today! I feel like a kid in a candy store trying to decide.

  107. Becki Avatar

    Depends on the designer. I would collect all of the books/patterns if I really like the designers style. I have almost all of your books as I like the look /style of the designs you come out with.

  108. Robin elliott Avatar
    Robin elliott

    I love books! Generally if I see a quilt I like it’s in a book and usually there are other guilts in the book that spark my interest. I have a stack of books by my chair that I drool over while I watch TV at night.

  109. Geri Sherwood Avatar
    Geri Sherwood

    You are the best Lisa. So generous always
    Merry Christmas and many Blessings in the New Year
    Geri Sherwood

  110. Jenny M Avatar
    Jenny M

    I buy both but prefer books. I like looking through them again and again as I search for the next project.

  111. Lynda Malloy Avatar
    Lynda Malloy

    It’s always books for me. I am a passionate reader. And I have a collection of quilting books that I love to look at. I need your 9 patch and your latest Christmas ,but but they will stay in the cart because I am certain I will need something else in the next 11 days.😊

  112. lBarbara Ahlf Avatar
    lBarbara Ahlf

    I love books. I buy more books than patterns. Just got “A Quilters Journal”. I love all the pictures, etc. I was disappointed that it wasn’t wire bound for easier writing in it. I had a wire binding put on. I will use it to keep track of my quilting and projects in 2019.

  113. Virginia Marshall Avatar
    Virginia Marshall

    Books it is! Quilt books, cook books, novels, mysteries, old books, new books! Love them all! Look forward to adding 3 more to my collection! Thanks.

  114. Sue knill Avatar
    Sue knill

    I buy both books and single patterns if a book has two or more patterns I like it is a better deal.

  115. Natalie Rogers Avatar
    Natalie Rogers

    I like books better, but for some silly reason I have a bunch of your patterns and not the books.

  116. Rita Manetta Avatar
    Rita Manetta

    I love books! I, too have a collection of them! If there are enough patterns I like in the book, I will buy it. However, sometimes I just want the one pattern. So, I guess I like both!

  117. Gwen Wehner Avatar
    Gwen Wehner

    I like books. Even if I’m not crazy about all of the patterns sometimes the color schemes and border/setting ideas are inspirational.

  118. Sheryll Biles Avatar
    Sheryll Biles

    I am a book fan as well. But I love a pattern as well. What about a spiral bound book that lays for easier tracing.

  119. Vikki W Avatar
    Vikki W

    I like books, especially those that show the quilts/projects in actual room or vignette settings. I know what a 90×90 size quilt is, but to actually see it photographed on a bed gives me a much better perspective of the quilt design. I own 5 of the 6 books (don’t own Christmas Gatherings) and a whole lot of your individual patterns!

  120. judy sims Avatar
    judy sims

    buy the pattern. love primitive gatherings and of course Lisa

  121. Donna Watson Avatar
    Donna Watson

    I buy a mix of books and patterns! For me it just depends….but over all I love books…quilt books, cookbooks, mysteries, classics. Having a collection of quilt books is great inspiration for me.

  122. Sandra McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra McDaniel

    Definitely patterns! That way I can buy just what I want. I have the first Christmas book though, and love to look through it. Thank you for everything!

  123. Lana Avatar

    Lol…I already own all of these! Love books and patterns! The books inspire me and I can dream about making many quilts. The rule I follow …I will spend the money for a book first only of it has at least 2 patterns I will make or a lot of “eye candy”…with your books it’s a great deal because I want to make them all!

  124. Donna Nelson Avatar
    Donna Nelson

    I also love books. They tend to give more information about the projects included. I love seeing the beautiful pictures that are usually in the books.

  125. Ethelann Wood Avatar
    Ethelann Wood

    I like both, Sometimes I just need the pattern for a particular project but sometimes I NEED the book so I can drool over everything, strive for my work to look as good as the original, and learn and relearn the tips and hints!

  126. Kathy Eberwein Avatar
    Kathy Eberwein

    I love books and patterns. Books are great to have and to go back and look at them time after time. But if I see a pattern of a project that I just have to have then I will buy it.

  127. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
    Tammy Marquardt

    I love books too. Does the primitive Christmas have many hooked rug patterns or mostly quilt patterns? Would you ever do a rug hook book?

  128. Jean H. Avatar
    Jean H.

    I love both but tend to purchase more books than patterns. I love to take them out and leaf through them to get ideas or just relax after a day of quilting.

  129. Anne Thate Avatar
    Anne Thate

    I love books! You can look through them over and over! But I am not opposed to buying a pattern here and there… I only own about 200 of them:)

  130. Lynn Kaczmarek Avatar
    Lynn Kaczmarek

    I like both. If it’s a designer I like, I buy the book. If it’s just a specific quilt or project I like, I buy the pattern.

  131. Lyn Avatar

    I also love books!! Same as you audio, on my device but most of all books that you can feel and touch. I’m not going to be any help because I buy both books and patterns. Merry Christmas

  132. Deb Colson Avatar
    Deb Colson

    I too love books and especially if they featured a favorite designer such as yourself. Love your designs and so enjoy paging through them!❤️

  133. Sherri Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I usually like to purchase patterns individually but in some cases I will purchase a book if I find enough creations in the book to spark my interest. Like others have said, I do like see see items displayed in a home setting as well. I do have two of these books, maybe 3. I can’t remember. 🙂

  134. Kelly Avatar

    I buy books for both patterns (sometimes just 1 or 2) and for inspiration and for learning different ways to use color, plaids, etc. Love books!

  135. Brigid Smith Avatar
    Brigid Smith

    Primarily books, unless the pattern jumps into my hands!

  136. Rachel Childress Avatar
    Rachel Childress

    I love books!! I will buy separate patterns as well. 😊

  137. Barbara Avatar

    I buy both, about half and half. Books certainly have more inspiration.

  138. Cheryl MIles Avatar

    I love books and patterns, so therefore I buy both. Sometimes, a book just for a pattern or two. I definitely have way!! more books and patterns than I will ever in my lifetime have time to complete the quilts that I would like to do. Sometimes, I’ll take several patterns and combine, utilizing a book. I have three of your six. The other three have been on my wish list. Maybe one or all this year…. Merry Christmas, all 🙂

  139. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I love books!! I need to get some cabinets like yours so I can keep buying more 😜

  140. Cheryl Adam Avatar

    Books- It’s always nice to have lots of choices.

  141. Sandi Avatar

    I buy mostly books, I have maybe a bit too many books but I probably can tell you wher I was when I bought that book or why ai bought that book, it a history collection of someone’s talent as well as being an inspiration for me.

  142. Carol Gouveia Avatar
    Carol Gouveia

    I would say I have about equal books and patterns. As a rule a book I purchase has more than one pattern I like in it. When you like a designer you like almost everything they do. I would say a nice mix of books and patterns is a good choice.

  143. Janet Avatar

    Mostly books-I have yours because always have more than one pattern I like!

  144. Amy Collins Avatar
    Amy Collins

    Definitely books! I love the details, the pictures, and the feel of books! I, too, love to feature them in my sewing room!

  145. Sandi S Avatar
    Sandi S

    I love books! I have all of your books – just love them. I feel that I might like only a few designs in a book but as time goes on, and I take a second and third look, my tastes change and I like other designs. I love to just sit in the chair and look through the books, without having to make something. They are always just as exciting as the first time I looked at them.

  146. Nancy Avatar

    I love books.

  147. Sharon Avatar

    I love books. I don’t always find the time to make anything from the book, but I love to look at the project pictures and drool.

  148. PK Binns Avatar
    PK Binns

    I buy both. I love my quilting books for the inspiration, but sometimes I just want a pattern. I keep thinking I need to downsize my quilting books, but like old friends, I can’t let go of them.

  149. bowtiesnstars Avatar

    I know I own the Little Gatherings book (not at home to check on the flannel). I love buying books, if I have the opportunity to actually look at the quilts in the book, because there are typically more than one projects I want to make. Lately it seems I have bought individual patterns from stores that have a sample made and are selling individual patterns. Love your work! Thank-you for sharing your talent with us!

  150. mary h Avatar
    mary h

    I buy both but if I am searching for a new project or inspiration-i get out the books. And they are prettier to display.

  151. Kathleen Terek Avatar
    Kathleen Terek

    Looked forward to the “Twelve Days of Christmas”. I point out my wish list to people as gift ideas for me and other quilters and stitchers that they need to buy gifts for.

  152. carolyn Avatar

    Books…I love to sit with a cup of tea and look at the pictures and dream of making the quilts. It’s just not the same with patterns!

  153. Carol Garner Avatar
    Carol Garner

    I love books the most! Usually there are at least a couple of quilts in each book that catch my eye at the time, as time goes on, the others usually speak tome as well.

  154. candee Avatar

    Books! I’m also a collector. I love to get out a stack of books and flip through for inspiration. I don’t mind if I never make something from a book, paging through is another hobby in itself. I especially love quilt books that show the quilts decorating a home and recipes included is a fun bonus.

  155. Nancy Avatar

    I enjoy books. Not only for the patterns, but for the beautiful photos of how quilts are used. Always full of great ideas.

  156. Teri Pierce Avatar
    Teri Pierce

    Hi Lisa, this probably doesn’t help much but it depends on the book! Usually I will just purchase a pattern because I know I will never make all the projects a book has to offer. That being said I do buy books because the are so beautifully illustrated and just a pleasure to look at over and over again! Happy Holidays to all at Primative Gatherings🎄

  157. Mary Colley Avatar
    Mary Colley

    I prefer books. I think in the long run they are a better buy. I love and have all your books.

  158. Sandra Hansen Avatar
    Sandra Hansen

    I buy both books and patterns. It depends on whether I think I’ll do more of the projects than the one I have in mind. There are always more projects than time.

  159. De De Benson Avatar
    De De Benson

    I prefer books, although i have contributed to your retirement a few times, when i only like 1 pattern in the book. I have many quilting books, i love to page thru looking for ideas, keep em coming

  160. Laura B Avatar
    Laura B

    For me it depends on how many quilts I feel I would like to make out of a book. If it is just one or two then I would prefer the pattern. Either way , I keep buying either one and have yet to make most of them.

  161. Jean Gerretsen Avatar
    Jean Gerretsen

    I used to only buy patterns, then a lightbulb went off in my head and I did the calculations and found out what a deal a book is with so many patterns plus a lot of tips, etc. I only own Nine Patch Gatherings which I love, love, love!!!

  162. Melanie eiswerth Avatar
    Melanie eiswerth

    I love books too! With this deal I am getting them all!

  163. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    I prefer books, but I do think twice if it is over $25. Books are much easier to keep to me.

  164. Bev Avatar

    Hi, I would say 80% of the time I just want to buy the pattern. If there is a sale on the book I would pick the book. Love to look thru my collection of books.

  165. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I vote Books! Love them too, hate digging thru patterns. Love your 9 patch cabinets!! Just ckd & am missing your Flannels book, thought I had it, lol. So ordering it & the Little Gatherings. The price is Fantastic!!! Getting some gifts for friends too!! Thank you!! Hugs, Jakey

  166. Kelly Avatar

    I love quilting books! I love all of your patterns, my kids like your recipes-the macand cheese is their favorite!

  167. Lynn Avatar

    Great book prices. Thanks

  168. Dora Goodfellow Avatar
    Dora Goodfellow

    I love both, but I would probably choose a pattern as so many books, I forget which pattern I want to do first

  169. Trudy Walker Avatar
    Trudy Walker

    I must admit to having a good collection of both books and patterns. The books give hours of enjoyment so if I must pick, I’ll choose a book.

  170. Gail D Avatar
    Gail D

    I like books, you get more patterns for the buck!

  171. Wynona Drolet Avatar
    Wynona Drolet

    Ditto above -depends how much I have already spent on fabric that month! The books are so nice to look at year after year and I often combine ideas. I have a small collection compared to you & share/trade with my quilting friends!

  172. Sandy Avatar

    Guilty of loving both!

  173. Cathy Pharr Avatar
    Cathy Pharr

    Usually I feel like a book is the better deal, especially if there are several things in it that I like. I also like to look at the pictures! lol

  174. Annette Moore Avatar
    Annette Moore

    That’s a hard one to answer. I like both I don’t mind paying for a book if it has more than one project I like but sometimes there’s only one thing in a book I want then I wish there was a single pattern. If I had to choose I’d say book

  175. Lynnette Kleinau Avatar
    Lynnette Kleinau

    I prefer books. Looking through them gives you additional ideas and instructions for making the pattern. But if it is something I really need to make, I’ll buy the pattern. Whatever gets the job done!

  176. debbie haggard Avatar
    debbie haggard

    I vote for books! But they need to contain at least two projects I can see myself making. I currently own both of the Christmas books in today’s post (and LOVE them both!)

  177. Christine W Avatar
    Christine W

    I prefer purchasing quilt books as there are more choices and I feel I get more for my money, but am more likely to purchase it if it is less than $25. I love looking through books for inspiration, and will mark patterns I want to make.

  178. Bonnie Avatar

    I vote for patterns, but I have bought a lot of books over the years. Wow, that answer wasn’t helpful at all

  179. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    I buy books if they have at least 2 patterns i want to make and/or teaches a technique I want to learn or if the cover is pretty. All of your books would qualify! Thanks for the giveaway!

  180. Jane harig Avatar
    Jane harig

    Many books are great for research and enjoyment. Appliqué is best in patterns for me.

  181. Lori Thomas Avatar
    Lori Thomas

    I usually would prefer a book. Most times there is more the one project that catches my eye, but in Lisa’s books there is always many projects that I’m interested in. There has been a time or two where I only wanted a pattern, but books look so much nicer on a shelf. That means books have two advantages, one for the patterns and the other for decoration. I have most of these books, so buy one at least one and have some fun.

  182. Glenda Summerlin Avatar
    Glenda Summerlin

    I love books, I buy patterns also but would have a bunch of patterns for less.

  183. Judy Snider Avatar
    Judy Snider

    I love books when they suit my style and your books are definitely my style. Love your quilts!!

  184. Patti Feuerhelm Avatar

    I like both books and patterns. Patterns let me finish the individual project but books also give different color inspiration and more helpful hints.

  185. Terri Mulinix Avatar
    Terri Mulinix

    Books it is….. It a peaceful time for me to seat and look at a book. Doesn’t matter what kind. Love Books and taught my kids to love books. They will take you far in life.

  186. Marcia Connor Avatar
    Marcia Connor

    I love books, books, books–just wish I could also order bookcases to store them!

  187. Karen Avatar

    I prefer books. There are so many options with multiple patterns in a book. And I love to see the completed quilts/projects used in a setting that the book author/publisher provides. I do purchase patterns that are unique or that use specialty papers or rulers exclusively. Fingers crossed here as I do not have any of those books. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  188. Marie Jenkins Avatar
    Marie Jenkins

    YEAH to BOOKS! I love books too!! Just having them always makes me feel like I “have” all the quilts inside them!! Silly I know, but it does!! But honestly I have just as many patterns! And your “idea binders” are wonderful!! I only have 7 binders but they are busting out with great pictures and drawings!! So for me it’s both, books and patterns, when you love a design, YOU LOVE IT!! Thanks for the peeks at your Happy Place too, it’s so inspiring!!!
    Merry Christmas!!

  189. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I think I am a book addict–love them! I have half of the books shown–guess I’m slacking on my collection!

  190. Karrie Dominguez Avatar
    Karrie Dominguez

    I love to get a good book, I love that price of $10. I have three on my Christmas list. So gonna buy some books today. Thanks!!

  191. Glenna C Denman Avatar
    Glenna C Denman

    I love books. Sometimes I do not buy the book because there is only one pattern I really covet, but I so enjoy looking at all the designs and colors, and it so fun to see the settings for the different quilts.

  192. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    I vote for books. I can usually find at least 2 projects in a book that I want to make. If not all of them! And I enjoy looking at the projects just for fun.

  193. LynneSowerby Avatar

    I have to go with I Love Books, my husband says you must have every book ever printed on Quilting. I have all of the Primitive Gatherings books and I love to read them as well as enjoying all the pictures. I would much rather have books than patterns as I get so much pleasure reading them. What’s not to love with a book!

  194. Edie Frasier Avatar
    Edie Frasier

    I love to get the books since they have so many patterns and pictures. I have been know to buy a pattern if I see a quilt I like.

  195. Theresa Kotsmith Avatar
    Theresa Kotsmith

    I have always liked books better, there is more ‘bang for your buck’ as my grandpa would say! I can usually find 2-4 projects in every book I buy that I want to make.

  196. Janie Morris Avatar
    Janie Morris

    I like the books, easy to store and you never know what else you might find in the book.

  197. Rebecca Kohn Avatar
    Rebecca Kohn

    I usually buy books but buy patterns occasionally.

  198. Carol Joswick Avatar
    Carol Joswick

    I vote for books…I cannot have enough of them. Even if it is just one pattern I want I love to look through them all for inspiration.

  199. Carol Joswick Avatar
    Carol Joswick

    PS…I have all 6 books…
    Love them all. Can’t wait to see the next one!

  200. annawinnie12 Avatar

    I totally agree with you, I LOVE BOOKS! I have to read every night before I go to bed so I can just shut down my brain. If I see a pattern I like in a book I will buy the book. I have no problem spending the money on a good quilting book. I also love to see different color patterns in books to help with my planning

  201. Kathy Martin Avatar
    Kathy Martin

    I generally want books–and I have many. The thing that is most disappointing to me is to really want a pattern in a book and that is the only thing that I like. It has happened, though rarely, and that’s when I wish I could buy a single pattern. That is NOT the case with Primitive Gatherings and I probably won’t live long enough to make the ones that are already in my stash. In addition to that, there are other authors that I love also, so………….. What’s a girl to do, especially when she still works fulltime, gardens, churches, and is raising a 4 year old grandchild. Sometimes, she just needs to be able to sit down and browse thru a wonderful book–and dream.

  202. amyrochelle944 Avatar

    I buy books. Especially yours. There will always be more than one pattern in the book I’d have an interest in making. I love looking through books at night before falling asleep. I don’t peruse my patterns the same way.

  203. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    I do have all your books. Because they are your books. However I like regular patterns , they are easier to work with. Waiting for your seventh.

  204. Nancy Skinner Avatar
    Nancy Skinner

    Defiantly books! What I want to make changes from project to project and I love to curl up with a few of my books and a cup of tea and plan my next project!

  205. Sandra Weimer Avatar
    Sandra Weimer

    It depends! If there is a favorite author, I will buy the book, especially if there are several designs I like. Otherwise, I look for a pattern.

  206. Debby Avatar

    I vote for books. And with the order I just placed, I will have all six of the books offered. Thanks so much for the great deal on the ones I didn’t already have. 😊

  207. Diane Larsen Avatar
    Diane Larsen

    If I like more than one pattern, I will happily buy the book – I really don’t think you have a problem fulfilling that stipulation! So the book is a definite money saver. Thank you!

  208. jrp53 Avatar

    I really love the books, but they are getting pretty pricey!. I totally understand why but that doesn’t make it any easier. I prefer real paper books because I love the feel of real books and the scrumptious pictures. I love that each time I look through a book, I am attracted to different projects and I see more details. I do not own any of your books yet, but I would love to!

  209. Jane Kelley Avatar
    Jane Kelley

    I really only buy the books from my favorite designers and patterns from everyone else. Love all yours designs. Only if there were more time in the day for me. lol

  210. Felice Gokey Avatar
    Felice Gokey

    I vote for books…..and I have all of yours:) I buy the book because if I love one pattern chances are there’s another one in the book I’ll love too…..or part of it like templates or a block design.

  211. Jeanie Larsen Avatar
    Jeanie Larsen

    I love sitting and just looking thru a book. It’s gives me inspiration. I have loads of patterns and books. I have to say I vote for books. I have 3 of your books and just purchased the rest.

  212. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    I buy way MORE BOOKS than patterns. So books it is for me!! I have most of your books too 🙂

  213. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    Sometimes I buy the whole book, sometimes just an individual pattern. I do love studying the whole book, tho!

  214. Jackie Avatar

    Books and patterns!! Can there ever be too many of either one??

  215. Pam Hintze Avatar
    Pam Hintze

    I buy more books than single patterns. I have several of the books shown.

  216. Skeeter Avatar

    Books for sure. They inspire me to try new things and i love seeing the fabrics and fabric combinations. Perhaps I’ll find a couple of your books in my Christmas stocking😉.

  217. Valerie Avatar

    I prefer books, much more value for the money spent.

  218. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    BOOKS! I love books, I stack two or three on my coffee table. I like to just take some quiet time to
    look through them and admire all the projects and get some inspiration.

  219. BarbBQue Avatar

    YES ! I love books and have an awesome collection – by designers, like yourself, and of techniques I love. I do have three of the offered books – plus the two I just ordered. Your fabric combinations are inspiring – wish I had all of them. I retired 10 years ago with plans to sew up a storm but, as you know, life gets in the way.Keep designing and publishing Lisa!!

  220. Joy Powers Avatar
    Joy Powers

    I vote (with both hands for books)
    There always is another project pattern in those books that one cannot pass on doing yourself and TONS of other ideas to awaken our senses!!
    Also, unless someone has a better filing system for patterns, they get lost in the stack.

  221. Janet Espeleta Avatar
    Janet Espeleta

    While I like both books and patterns, I do prefer books as I feel you get more bang for your buck. Plus for those times when my quilting mojo has taken a vacation I will sit and peruse quilt books until it returns.

  222. Terri Avatar

    I buy patterns and books but I would prefer the books. I like to sit down with a cup of hot chocolate or flavored coffee and read everything on the pages. I do have the Quilters Journal as I have gotten into the habit of journaling every night. I mention family life and what quilts I am working on. Books are a nice way to relax in the evenings. Thanks Lisa! Terri

  223. Cindy Avatar

    Regardless of the internet being today’s go to for information and videos – you really can’t learn the way you can from a book in hand. The older the book the better. Books, Books, Books (and patterns too). (p.s. Own Flannel Gatherings and several of your patterns. Love the Stitching Travel Pillow).

  224. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    Books are the best value I think.

  225. Nyla Avatar

    I vote for books, you get more for your money and all is housed between two covers. Easier to store a book and find the pattern you are looking for. Also, there is usually nice text, descriptions of inspiration, etc. and nice photos of whole quilt and in a room.

  226. Lori Avatar

    Patterns and books are amazing in their own way. Really enjoy sitting down in the evening with a quilt book tho 🙂

  227. Deborah Cagle Avatar
    Deborah Cagle

    I like both! Sometimes I just want the pattern, but if a book has a couple of quilts I like, I’d rather by the book. There are certain designers whose books I like to collect. Speaking of collections, I have 3, soon to be four of the six books.

  228. Jaxine Andersen Avatar
    Jaxine Andersen

    Many times I only like one pattern in a book and I won’t buy that book. Most of the time, however, I like multiple patterns in the book so I will buy the book. I also buy a lot of patterns, so I don’t have a preference, I guess!

  229. Barbara Avatar

    Books, with a stash a fabric to coordinate.

  230. Kim Kopac Avatar
    Kim Kopac

    Well for me this is a toss up. I love buying books and have sooooo many but for me to buy a book it has to have at least 3 items in it that I love. As for patterns well I have hundreds and I am a little disappointed that there does not seem to be as many like there used to be. I just love the variety that you have!

  231. Judy Hunsberger Avatar
    Judy Hunsberger

    These books are amazing! I have all of them except the journal. They are so inspiring. Lisa, I am so in love with your designs and ideas. I am addicted. I am looking forward to your new book.

  232. Martha Followill Avatar
    Martha Followill

    I love books. I like looking at the pictures and patterns in one place. I am a book person. Thanks

  233. Lori Karnick Avatar
    Lori Karnick

    I like to have both. The books can give me an idea to something that may not have been what I would have picked out as just one pattern. I also like the individual patterns. Love both methods!

  234. Barbara Nelson Avatar
    Barbara Nelson

    Books! The real thing with a cover and pages I can browse through, return to, and learn from again and again!

  235. Kristy A Soard Avatar
    Kristy A Soard

    I generally purchase books. Occasionally I will buy a stand alone pattern. I do not have the quilter’s journal yet…but I really want it, as it looks beautiful!

  236. Polly Perkins Avatar
    Polly Perkins

    I vote for books. If the book has one or two things in it I like I have paid for the patterns and have some more ideas/projects as a bonus.

  237. Ellen Peters Avatar
    Ellen Peters

    Books are my preference- especially yours! I have all of these, and they are terrific😊

  238. Sue Arndt Avatar
    Sue Arndt

    I vote for books! Just being entertained by looking through a quilting book is worth the price. I never know when I need inspiration for a new project, and my books are the first source I turn to.

  239. quiltipatti Avatar

    i prefer books but will buy a pattern. sometimes the designer will later put a lot of the patterns into a book. i have very mixed emotions about that especially if i’ve already bought the patterns. i like the different fabric combinations you usually see in books. i think books are a better value. i love, love my books. do not want ebooks from the quilt books – those are fiction or non-fiction – no photos in them. have more quilt books than i can count. thanks for your 12 days of Christmas. patti in florida

  240. Sue Schultz Avatar
    Sue Schultz

    I love quilt books! It is so enjoyable to sit and look through a new quilt book. I have 3 of the ones you have featured in this post and several of your earlier out of print books. I have Primitive Christmas, quilters Journal, and Triangle Gatherings. I love the journal, it has really helped me this year to keep track of my finishes. Now, I think I better go order a Little Gatherings before it sells out. 🙂

  241. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    I love books but sometimes I get just the pattern. I love looking at them over and over. I always could kick myself when a book goes OOP so I make sure when I want one I buy it. I don’t own all of these so I will need to order.

  242. Kathy Hanson Avatar
    Kathy Hanson

    I guess you could say I’m a book lover. I so enjoy opening a book, getting ideas for a quilt, and learning new techniques. I will have to live to 122 to create all the ideas I have found in my books and I love Lisa’s books….thank you!!!!

  243. Lisa Schmidt Avatar

    I like books! If I can get hard copy and Kindle version, even better!

  244. Michelle Denise Starr Avatar
    Michelle Denise Starr

    I love books also and own several of yours ( 9 Patch Gatherings and your Summer one — not shown). I use the same rule with buying magazines also — I justify the price by the number of projects that I am interested in. I find it hard to commit to buying a quilt book online if I do not see a sampling of the projects that are inside. It is hard to just commit by looking at a cover.

  245. Karen Keeler Avatar
    Karen Keeler

    I will purchase a book if I see at least 2 or 3 projects to make. And only purchase a pattern if I can’t live without it or figure it out myself. Will like to buy your 9 patch Gathering since 9 patch blocks are my favorite

  246. Katherine Avatar

    Definitely a book lover.

  247. Caryn Bravos Avatar
    Caryn Bravos

    I am a HUGE audiobook listener! Listening and stitching either by hand or machine is my ultimate happy place. I like to purchase quilt patterns but quilting books are like diamonds to me. I really enjoy purchasing them and seeing them all standing proudly on my bookshelves shining back at me.

  248. Sharon Simmons Avatar
    Sharon Simmons

    I much prefer books as you get many projects in a book. Thank you!

  249. Tina Witherell Avatar
    Tina Witherell

    Usually buy the book if there are at least two patterns in it that I like.

  250. Barb Avatar

    Love books, and have 2 of those pictured. Great to look through as well as make projects from.

  251. Cindy Stephenson Avatar
    Cindy Stephenson

    I love books and magazines, but it comes to a point when space becomes a problem of space. So I think individual patterns work best for me. Thank you for your creativity.

  252. Sjoukje Avatar

    I design patterns myself and hope people buy them, and buy patterns as well as books. The books are displayed in my bookcase and often looked at – the patterns not so much. My Christmas wish list has books on it but no patterns🌲🌲🌲

  253. Patti O’Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    There is not an easy answer to this question for me. There are times I love a pattern in a book but the book only has the one I want to make. If I see a pattern I love, no second thoughts, I buy it then and there. But there are books that are full of patterns I know I’ll make so will have to have it. Books are full of so much more than a pattern and I will sit and read and dream of color combinations for future projects. Those are the books I have to have. Hard to explain but your book on wool appliqué you mentioned this month will be a have to have.

  254. Judy Vaughn Avatar
    Judy Vaughn

    I too prefer books. However I have way out used my space so I have been leaning toward patterns.

    Love your stuff.

  255. Nancy Pleimann Avatar
    Nancy Pleimann

    I vote for Books. But the Little Gathering book isn’t listed so I guess I missed out.

  256. Marilyn Holder Avatar
    Marilyn Holder

    I purchase a quilt book if the pictures and projects appeal to me. Sometimes I can see the pattern/finished quilt in another color way. Of course, the designer is 99% my motivating factor. If the designer appeals to me, then the projects will also…completes the circle. Most of the time the book has much more information dealing with the project/pattern than the stand-alone pattern; and I really enjoy the details!

  257. Liz Kisielewski Avatar
    Liz Kisielewski

    Mostly I prefer to purchase books if I like more than one of the patterns in the book. Usually these purchases are for designers that I really like a lot.

  258. Sue Ahern Avatar
    Sue Ahern

    Sorry Lisa, but I buy both! If I just love one pattern and ho hum about the rest, I buy a pattern, but if I love 2 or more patterns I buy the book! Mostly these days I buy myself a book online, when it arrives in the post I give it straight to hubby to hid and it appears under the Christmas tree, Surprise! Because by time 25th rolls around I have completely forgotten what I picked a month ago! LOL!

  259. Karen H Avatar
    Karen H

    Nothing smells better than a book. One you can sit an hold n read over n over.

  260. Mary Bongers Avatar
    Mary Bongers

    I like to purchase books from the designers I love. So inspirational, just looking at the ideas is worth the price of the book.

  261. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    That is a hard question!! I am also a book lover, you could see that if you saw my sewing room!! But I also have lots of individual patterns. There are advantages & disadvantages of both! Books seem to be a better deal, more patterns & information than just a single pattern.

  262. Robin Avatar

    I love to buy books. I feel like I get more for my money. I often don’t end up making the quilt I bought the book for – I make one of the other patterns instead. I love variety.

  263. Vickie Sorensen Avatar
    Vickie Sorensen

    I love books!

  264. Karen Harbaugh Avatar
    Karen Harbaugh

    Love books!!! Get lots of ideas comparing patterns in books.

  265. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    I have all 6 books and just put the Quilter’s journal in my cart for a gift! I love books, I read them cover to cover and after that I can always go back and look at them over and over! I have just patterns too, but I seldom go back to look at them! Good seeing you at the Christmas open house. I am just now putting the finishing stitches on my free pincushion! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  266. Janet Maly Avatar
    Janet Maly

    I have all 6 books ! and I vote for books ! But I do have lots of patterns !!

  267. Kathy Avatar

    I love to buy books. I also listen to audio books when I quit. I buy both patterns and books. I am sorry to say I do not have any of your books.

  268. Karen Guimon Avatar
    Karen Guimon

    Mostly books. Depends on the designer. I have all but 2 of your books and have made several things from each. I will be ordering the rest. I too love historical fiction and at your suggestion have thoroughly enjoyed the Outlander series. If you want an excellent book, My Dear Hamilton (Dray & Kamoi). It is the story of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton starting before she met her husband, through the American Revolution and after until she was in her 80s. Probably one of the best books I have ever listen to or read. It is 18 CDs, but I did not want it to end!

  269. Lou Home Avatar
    Lou Home

    I currently own all of your books. But sometimes I buy the pattern too as I have forgotten that patten is in one of the books. Can’t wait to dig back into quilting. Love what you do Lisa. You inspire all of us to keep on quilting.

    Sent from my iPhone


  270. Pat Morrow Avatar
    Pat Morrow

    Usually I prefer to purchase a book, especially from Primitive Gatherings, as there are often several patterns that I love.

  271. Tammy Lyons Avatar
    Tammy Lyons

    I vote for books

  272. Christie Brehm Avatar
    Christie Brehm

    Books!!!! So glad to see your library of books! I too am a “book-a-holic”! I have tons of quilt books. I read and read and re-read them..

  273. Marilyn higgins Avatar
    Marilyn higgins

    I like books. More patterns for your money!!

  274. Danetta Avatar

    I love to purchase quilting books to browse through and drool over. But, when it comes to creating a quilt or wall hanging, I prefer a pattern.

  275. LYNETTE COTA Avatar

    I figure an average pattern to be $9 (give or take). If a book is $28. and I like at least 3 of the patterns, I buy the book.
    But I also enjoy looking through a book for ideas on colorways, quilting, etc.

  276. Carol Thomas Avatar
    Carol Thomas

    Books, books and more books! For me it’s almost as bad as my fabric collecting addiction!

  277. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    Definitely books! So much inspiration in a book! Gotta have ’em!

  278. Theresa Avatar

    Books always books!!! However patterns have their place as well and hold just as much significance and importance as books its just what and where your needs are for what is best for your sewing needs.

    I think its important to support all the arts but especially designers, our fiber manufactures, publishers, magazines, libraries, bookstores, and shop owners for whatever your craft and skill.

    Merry Christmas to all.

  279. Irmgard Lau Avatar
    Irmgard Lau

    I vote for books also.

  280. Robin Avatar

    I buy both books and patterns, but I love the books most of all. When I don’t have time to spend in my sewing room or I’m just too tired from work or other obligations, I pull out all my books and just look at all the pictures and daydream. I make some notes and plan a few projects. I find it very relaxing and then it gets me motivated to get back to my happy place.

  281. Gerrie Huth Avatar
    Gerrie Huth

    I like books because it helps me learn how to do the fancy stitches for the blocks I do of yours.

  282. Patricia Rosenbaum Avatar
    Patricia Rosenbaum

    Yeah! I have all your books! I enjoy all of them!

  283. Elaine Stoffel Avatar
    Elaine Stoffel

    I would have to vote for the book but there would have to be at least a couple of patterns in there that I would want to make. I do enjoy looking through them and getting inspiration from them. $20.00 is probably the most I would pay for a book as I am retired and on a fixed income.

  284. Michelle Cole Avatar
    Michelle Cole

    I love books!!

  285. Patti pitzer Avatar
    Patti pitzer

    I like books if there is more than one project in it I want to do

  286. Louise M Haddon Avatar
    Louise M Haddon

    I love books and have quite a few of them,

  287. Susan Avatar

    I DO love books but I have SO many that I haven’t even done a project from- not enough hours! I must say how envious I am of your stacks of neutrals, I was just drooling over them…..Merry Xmas from NY

  288. Martha Campbell Avatar
    Martha Campbell

    My preference has evolved. I used to love to buy and collect books. Now, my sewing room is so packed with fabric, books and antique sewing items, I tend to prefer patterns that do not take up so much room. If a book is really fabulous, then I will still buy a book on occasion but my preference is a good pattern!

  289. Debbie Avatar

    I love books!, Even if I never make a project or quilt from one, a book is full of great inspiration.

  290. Shirley Avatar

    I love patterns but prefer books. I have a quilters journey.

  291. Susan Collier Avatar
    Susan Collier

    I love to look at the books even if I never find time to make them

  292. Carol Wilkie Avatar
    Carol Wilkie

    I love to look at the books, but hate to buy them if I only want to make one or two things in the book.

  293. Susan Kerkendall Avatar
    Susan Kerkendall

    I vote for books. Much better value than individual patterns. I like to look through books over and over for inspiration.

  294. Shelby Boris Avatar
    Shelby Boris

    I love a good Quilt book. I can settle in and spend time planning my next project..

  295. Pam Avatar

    Has to be books! What else could I study at bedtime, in the car, in the waiting room or while having lunch? You get the idea….

  296. Barb Avatar

    I am a book person. There’s always something I learn in addition to the pattern(s) I bought the book for.

  297. Patricia A. Adams Avatar
    Patricia A. Adams

    I vote for books in paper back form. Thanx for 12 days in 2018!

  298. Patricia A. Adams Avatar
    Patricia A. Adams

    I have three quilt journals books….great birthday 🎂 gifts!

  299. Carol Kuse Avatar
    Carol Kuse

    I love them both, but being retired and on a fixed income and limited room I am really needing to become more judicious. We just downsized from three story to less than 1000 square feet.

  300. Louise Crowe Avatar
    Louise Crowe

    I love books

  301. Charlotte Schindler Avatar
    Charlotte Schindler

    Usually, I can find several things that I want to make in a book and that seems to be a better value then. However, that does not stop me from purchasing a single pattern. Have plenty of those too.

    But if you want a definitive answer – books.

  302. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    I vote for books because, besides many patterns, there is usually beautiful pictures just full of inspiration.

  303. Judyk Avatar

    It all depends on the book, I like to purchase books that have multiple projects that I have taken a shine to. You seem to create many things that are on my must make list. I’ll never live long enough to make them all, but I sure can have a lot of fun trying!

  304. Michelle Condon Avatar
    Michelle Condon

    I definitely prefer buying books when I know I’ll love each and every pattern in the book!

  305. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    I love books. Already have 3 of these!
    Congrats on your new grandson!!
    So happy for your family!

  306. Maria L Zook Avatar
    Maria L Zook

    I do own a lot of patterns, but I really do love to purchase quilt books. I never tire of looking through them and they are quite a better value than a single pattern. I have three of your books so far.

  307. usairdoll Avatar

    When the book is by an amazing talented quilter, like yourself, then for sure I love to buy the books. I heard one that a good rule of thumb is to buy the book, you have to love at least three patterns. With your books, not an issue, hehe. Love all that you do!!

    What an awesome deal on the first day of Needful things!!

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  308. Lisa Stack Avatar
    Lisa Stack

    I really love books the best, but I have a few patterns too.

  309. Gale P Avatar
    Gale P

    Books, Books and more books – they are in almost every room of the house quilt books, decor books, cook books (but still don’t cook much) story books and still growing. Even if I don’t make a quilt from the book I get so much enjoyment looking and imagining which fabrics I would use to create that project. Yes, I, too read every night to turn off the brain.

  310. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I love books.

  311. Edith Gorzo Avatar
    Edith Gorzo

    I like both, but I tend to buy more books than patterns. I have loved books forever, they are in every room of the house. Lol

  312. June Avatar

    I buy both but I love books!

  313. Leigh Ann Avatar
    Leigh Ann

    I’ll buy the book but it needs to have several projects I like!! Tomorrow I believe I will have all but Flannel Gatherings!! 😉😉

  314. D Metzner Avatar
    D Metzner

    I’ll only buy the book if there are two or more projects that I like.

  315. LeAnne K Avatar
    LeAnne K

    I like to buy books that include multiple projects that I like, especially in a certain style or by a favorite designer. But I also buy single patterns, too!

  316. twyla voldseth Avatar
    twyla voldseth

    I love books, they are the best bargain!! I own all but one and am ordering it now!! I’ve made many projects from your books. Thank you for all you do, I wonder when you sleep!

  317. Laurie Shain Avatar
    Laurie Shain

    Ok…I have all of those books….and I think they are all signed BTW….AND I also sometimes get the patterns if they come with a kit that I NEED. (I always put need there….after ALL!) I love books. I look at them over and over, see different things in them according to season, fabric, etc. Sometimes when I look at a pattern I can’t get past the PATTERN. (Just me….) Thank you for all of them. I was going to tell you which one was my fav. but I gave up.

  318. Laurie Shain Avatar
    Laurie Shain

    PS….I could also listen to an audiobook of a class done by Lisa Bongean!!! ANY class…..is that idea in one of your binders? I was glad to hear you do SLEEP!!

  319. Mary Kolb Avatar
    Mary Kolb

    I love a book when I am inspired by many of the projects but will buy a pattern when I know I want to make a specific quilt.

  320. KdBrown Avatar

    I don’t own any of those 6 books, but I just won the Lori Holt spiral-bound Vintage Christmas book and am really enjoying it!

  321. wilma serrao Avatar
    wilma serrao

    I love quilt books and buy them most often. I have bought patterns from you and few others. I now have to cut down book purchasing as storage is a serious issue specially when you share your home library with the rest of them after filling your own bookcases and still want more. your books will be a delight to have for the pictures alone of your decor and project styling to top it all.

  322. donnalevesque Avatar

    I would have to say a book…. you can put it out on a shelf and see it and not thrown in a never ending drawer buried with all the other patterns.

  323. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    Books get my vote too! Even if i don’t make a single thing in it, I love the inspiration. Thanks for the fun!

  324. Sharon Browne Avatar
    Sharon Browne

    I’ve always loved books and quilting books are no exception. They are the best source of patterns, and I spend hours just looking at the pictures and getting inspired over and over again.

  325. DebrafromMD Avatar

    If there is more than one pattern in a book that I wish to make, I will buy the book. If I want only a single design, then I would rather buy a pattern. If the book has useful technique information, then I want the book, especially if it has lovely pictures.

  326. Patricia Avatar

    I will buy the book if it has a pattern (or patterns) I like. I will especially buy a book if it specifically teaches a technique I want to learn. It’s all eye candy!!!

  327. Diane Hinton Avatar

    Usually, there has to be more than one or two patterns in a book that I want to make for me to purchase the book. The flip side of that would be if there was a pattern in the book that I could not live without and it was not available as a single pattern. I have so many books with patterns that I still have not made that I have tried to stop buying more and mostly just buy individual patterns, but……new books keep showing up on the shelves all the time!!!!! I always say, “If they would just stop making new patterns and fabrics for awhile, I might be able to get caught up using what I have now…..maybe in about ten years!!!!” So many awesome projects…..so little time!!!

  328. shadesofrandom Avatar

    I would rather buy books.

  329. Barb K Avatar
    Barb K

    I love books!!

  330. Linda Avatar

    I like books, even if I have to check them out of the library. I have to really like a book to own it. I would love to own your books because I’m becoming more drawn to your quilting style, which is a good thing!!

  331. Terri U Avatar
    Terri U

    I love to buy books but have started to limit how many I buy during a year. I think that everyone should have a library that they can reference.

  332. lcdds217 Avatar

    Love to see my quilt library grow – books! I tend to not be able to find a pattern when I want it By the way I am a very dedicated PG book collector – these choices today all already have a spot in my library!

  333. needleminder Avatar


  334. Sandi S. Avatar
    Sandi S.

    Books, books books! They are just so gorgeous and are presented in such a way that make you want to read cover to cover even if you are not a quilter. But then I love almost ALL books!

  335. Dorothy Hopko Avatar

    I love books…. and I do have all 6 of these….I really do love all you create for us….the real tiny quilts….I don’t do any more…. I sew every single day… (you ask me that – and my answer is do birds fly???…
    I will be 81 in March…. and I hope to be around a long time as I have a lot of quilts I still want to do…
    Merry Christmas Lisa… and to your family…. and thank you again for everything you do for us…

  336. Julee Prose Avatar
    Julee Prose

    lost my comment. here it is again..I also have many antique quilt books that I keep for inspirations.. I had discovered that I had purchased 2 different books twice..LOL …so I made an Excel document with titles and authors. Yes I have several of your books and I do buy some books from time to time.

  337. Carole Frocillo Avatar
    Carole Frocillo

    I also LOVE books and collected them for years. When I moved from Wisconsin to California and had to pay for every pound I moved, my books went from a necessity to a luxury I could not afford. However, now I find that I scour the library for quilting books to bring home. There is just something about a book that is magical…..So, I vote for books even if they do become a luxury at some point.

  338. Kathy H Avatar
    Kathy H

    I love quilt books! They are so much fun to look at and of course, try to decide which project to make first 😉

  339. Janice Mc Laren Avatar

    I love books and rarely buy an individual pattern. I do have your Flannel Gatherings book.

  340. Marge Martin Avatar
    Marge Martin

    I like books but also buy patterns. I need more bookcases to hold them. Where did you get your bookcases? My guess is Ikea.

  341. Cheryl Keown Avatar

    I love quilt books. I enjoy the inspiration from the various patterns in a book however it is very hard sometimes to decide which project to do first.

  342. Dee Johnson Avatar
    Dee Johnson

    I buy both. Some designers have many patterns in a book that I like and I prefer if there is at least three patterns in a book that I want to do before I purchase a book. (You are one of the designers I love to have a book from). I also enjoy when more than one color way or setting is shown.

  343. Rose Jeter Avatar
    Rose Jeter

    I love to buy books, I own three of yours. We are getting ready to downsize so I have a feeling those days will soon be over!

  344. Lisa Mikel Avatar
    Lisa Mikel

    I love buying the books. They are fun to look at for inspiration and are a great deal for all the great patterns. I do buy patterns sometimes.

  345. Deborah Avatar

    I too love books. Historical fiction is my favourite to read. I buy both patterns and quilt books..

  346. Doreen Brannan Avatar
    Doreen Brannan

    My answer would be both. If there are multiple patterns that I like in a book, then I would buy the book, because as you stated, it saves me money. If I only want one pattern, then I’d like the option to buy it separately.

  347. Linda Cejnar Avatar
    Linda Cejnar

    I buy quilt books! I have a collection that would rival yours. In my perfect quilting world I would have my stash in “Billy” bookshelves with glass doors from Ikea, and a separate bookshelf for my books. I buy patterns too, but would rather buy the book, because you get more for your money! I bought the Christmas Stitchalong book from last year, but I don’t have any of these books…thanks for making it easy to buy!

  348. Cindy Siefferlen Avatar
    Cindy Siefferlen

    I have all your books .sorry i am so late my family had a health crisis . I will catch up. I love needful things too!

  349. Robin T Avatar
    Robin T

    I love books ! I try to reduce my library and give books away to make room for more books. It’s so hard to do, even though I know they will go to another quilter!

  350. usairdoll Avatar

    Oh I love having a peek into your creative space! Thanks for sharing with us ;-D
    I love books as well and have lots as well. When I was a kid I used to read several books at once. Still do and even one in the car.

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  351. Karla Pickhinke Avatar
    Karla Pickhinke

    I have quite a collection of your patterns, just wish I had them all finished, way too many started that are not finished😳, Also, a few of your books, I’m thinking I like the books, then it’s so easy to keep them organized and all together😆

  352. Bonni Brooks Avatar
    Bonni Brooks

    I have lots of books & patterns, too. Well, maybe more books, but I think I use the patterns more. Pardon me while I gripe….I am pattern dependent, not good at making up my own. The best patterns for me, whether in a book or a single pattern, are the ones that are updated and don’t require a lot of piecing together little pieces but are done the more efficient (modern) way. Even if the quilts are beautiful, I’ll just pass by books where you have to cut hundreds of little pieces and sew them together one by one. It takes forever! How will I ever use up all my fabric that way? LOL!

  353. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    I vote for books, too, more bang for the buck but also… more pretty pictures! I spend a lot of time leading through books, looking st what’s behind the quilts… a window into the soul of the quilter!
    I do not have all six of the books featured, I sure wouldn’t mind having them, though! Beautiful!

  354. Terri H Avatar
    Terri H

    I love books – so fun to page through, ooh and aah over and plan my next project.

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