12 Days of Christmas…Needful Things…Day 5 & Anchor Point decorated for Christmas…


imageDAY 5-STASH & STORE Store&Stash

I just love this…everything at my finger tips…not constantly looking for my ripper, or my tweezers…Stash & Store...reg. $11 Sale $8.80..choose your color, grey red, navy and aqua. (I picked the grey…but I’m thinking I need the navy too! I know you Bernina Babes will want the red one!)

Pocket Power Snips…this is a slick gadget…all compact and who doesn’t need a snips

Mini Seam Ripper…I love these little rubber ended rippers…

Martelli Tweezers– best tool for peeling fusible and placing the shapes…you know if you have ever taken a class from me…I start using this and they start running to the notion table to get theirs…it is super sharp…you don’t really have to pinch…you just touch it and it grabs into the fibers…

White Clover Marking Pen…the best marking pen for wool…needs to used with a light touch and a back and forth movement and it rolls on and never brushes away…will remove with steam.

Green Fixion Pen- This is the color fixion pen I use the most…awesome for marking stems and tracing…will iron away with heat…will come back with cold.

Our Primitive Gathering Promo Ruler…my favorite size for cutting triangle papers!!  Easy to move around and cut with.

PACKAGE DEAL…everything shown here for one great price!!!Reg. $44.15 now $32. Does not include the Sharpie…do not know why that is there…but this is what I use to trace on my fusible web…so they must have thought that was on sale too!! LOL!!!

Click HERE to go to site to order Today’s Needful Things…

Since I had the party the other day today I will show you all the decorating we did at Anchor Point this year…in case you don’t know what Anchor Point its…it’s the name of our house…you gotta be a little eccentric…right?

as you walk in the front door this galvanized bench greets you….

then this is the view into the living room..

then as you walk around…

IMG_9509IMG_9849IMG_9151 2

I love the red/black buffalo check…but who says you can’t have both?IMG_6535

the photo bomber…he loves getting his picture taken….IMG_8411

I am working on new stockings…so I did not hang the old ones this year…I liked with cleaner mantle…IMG_5090IMG_9368IMG_8917 2

These are more of Sweetwater’s INK printables… and then close-ups of the shelves…somethings I leave out all year..others I put away…



Little Man and Baby O’s table…that Tree is Rosemary…I just hope I can keep it alive!IMG_1862

I love these letter boards…I think we may be carrying them in the shop soon!!!IMG_5148IMG_2852 2IMG_5185IMG_1104IMG_4808

Here is our how our (mine/fisherman & Jeter) bed is decorated for Christmas…AfterlightImage

Jeter is very happy to model another quilt again…His modeling services are really good but he might be a little on the pricey side…IMG_6327IMG_6335

So I hope you enjoyed this post and all of the decorating…

To comment for today prizes…tell me what your favorite item is in these posts…the antique quilt hanging in the LR…the quilted Santa?  What do you like best?  I get lots of requests to show what our home looks like and such…and I do not want to seem like the” Oh look what I got type”… I know we’ve worked hard and saved for what we now built as our forever home…so please take this for what it is…a labor of love and I’m willing to share it…many quilters have visited here as well.

So what’s on your to do list…I have cookies to bake and some presents to send out…Merry    Preparations!

304 responses to “12 Days of Christmas…Needful Things…Day 5 & Anchor Point decorated for Christmas…”

  1. Kim Quinter Avatar
    Kim Quinter

    Your home is so beautiful…I love Jeter the best! 😉

  2. MaryAnn Jalbert Avatar
    MaryAnn Jalbert

    It is all lovely! The little bag with the truck on the quilted window bench is sooooo very sweet !
    Merry Christmas! Best Wishes for a Happy and Healthy 2019!
    – MaryAnn Jalbert
    Eagle River, Alaska

  3. Caren Avatar

    Thanks for the tour. Favorite is letterboard (Im a teacher). Hope you do sell these.
    Merry Christmas to the Bongean Family

  4. Marcia Connor Avatar
    Marcia Connor

    Having a relatively quiet Christmas. Need to deliver some wrapped presents and enjoying a beautiful holiday at our home in Jackson Hole. Haven’t spent Christmas here in a few years –great fun seeing the mountains all snowy and bright.

  5. Reese Avatar

    Everything is special–I expect you are thankful for your loyal customers.

  6. Paula Philpot Avatar
    Paula Philpot

    Our Farmhouse Christmas Party (Friday Sewing Girls at the fabric shop) is today! and what do I love the most in the pics. No question…..red/white quilts!!!!! Love your whole house and glad you worked hard to be able to build it! Paula in KY

  7. Dawn B Avatar
    Dawn B

    I love the old trucks, Jeter, the red heart pillow and the letter board. Please carry them and let us know when you get them. Have a Merry Christmas!!

  8. Sandy Avatar

    Beautiful decorations. My favorite is Little Man and Baby O’s table. And the Rosemary, let’s see what it looks like next year!!! I’ll be waiting for the photo!!

  9. Sharon Avatar

    I did my family room in buffalo check. Love it.

  10. Kris Avatar

    I love everything about your house tour pictures. Love the tree on your table and all the beautiful quilts. I also love your fireplace and all your built in cabinets. What a beautifully thought out and decorated home. Merry Christmas!

  11. Deanna Avatar

    Wonderful home. Good for you getting things that you have worked hard for !! I love the whole house, but really love the red & white quilt on the bed ( Jeter too). Have a few gifts to purchase & goodies to
    make yet. Happy Holidays !!

  12. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I love the bench in the entryway! You have a gorgeous home and should be very proud of all your accomplishments ❤️

  13. Laure Avatar

    I love the quilt on your dining room table and the tinsel tree on top of it! Thanks for sharing pictures.

  14. Cindy Hansen Avatar

    Jeter. The best part of my holiday is my family. As an animal lover, seeing people treating their pets like family makes my heart so happy.
    Merry Christmas.

  15. Linda Avatar

    My favorite item is the galvanized bench. Wherever did you find it? Decorationwise, I love all your bottlebrush trees. I enjoy seeing your home in every season. Thank you so much for sharing. Also love the comment that Jeter is her favorite!

  16. Patty Lewallen Avatar
    Patty Lewallen

    I love the Letter Board,☺️🎄🎅🏻

  17. Nancy Knight Avatar
    Nancy Knight

    That quilted Santa of yours is my favorite every year! We have a lot of the same decorations and I absolutely treasure every red and white quilt I have! Your home is beautiful – I wish you more time at home to enjoy it – you have such a hectic travel schedule! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  18. Karen Jordan Avatar
    Karen Jordan

    Your home is so beautifully decorated! It is hard to pick a favorite-I love so many displays. I am partial to the trees in the basket in front of the fireplace-it made me smile,(tugging on an old memory). Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  19. Judy Avatar

    Thanks for sharing, Lisa. Everything is just beautiful,

  20. Nancy Koch Avatar

    Did you choose your decorating colors around Jeter because he goes perfectly in every room. Merry Christmas

  21. Robin T Avatar
    Robin T

    I’m loving the shelves and storage on each side of the fireplace. So many Christmas display pieces! I love it all !!! Your home is beautiful. Thank you for sharing it!

  22. Mary Avatar

    Oh Lisa, it’s so very hard to pick one thing I like the best. Your home is absolutely beautiful! I love all the different types of pine trees that you have. Our “forever home” in progress is in the woods so I love trees! Have a very, very Merry Christmas with love of well deserved relaxing!

  23. Rebecca Kohn Avatar
    Rebecca Kohn

    I love the red and white star quilt on the bench with all the snowmen. Now I am going to have to make a quilt like that! Everything was just beautiful and so homey.

  24. Riita Hill Avatar
    Riita Hill

    I love your home all decked out for the holidays but especially like the quilt hangar in the corner with one post to hang the quilt over long and narrow. Where did you find that one? I’ve been looking for a red truck to add to my decorations on my bookshelf but waited too long to start looking. Maybe next year.

    1. Maureen Myers Avatar
      Maureen Myers

      I also love the one post quilt hanger, where can I get one?

  25. Cathy Hawkins Avatar

    I love your home, and the aluminum tree on your dining table. I have my husband’s grandmother’s tree, and it is a very fond memory every year! Merry Christmas!

  26. Loris Mills Avatar

    Your home is beautiful and yes, Jeter is my favorite too 🙂 Have a wonderful Christmas!

  27. Joni Avatar

    I so love the Quilted Santa… I’d love to have one. Your board is awesome… Love your house & you decorate Sew tastefully!
    Unless you own your own business NO one can even begin to believe the blood sweat & tears that are put into making everything run smoothly!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours🎄

  28. Jane K Avatar
    Jane K

    I just love the quilted Santa (I believe it was from last year find)- but really enjoy seeing all of the Santa’s around your place. Thanks for sharing – Merry Christmas

  29. Karen Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your house, it’s absolutely beautiful! If I had to choose, it would be the letter board! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  30. debbie haggard Avatar
    debbie haggard

    I love the simplicity of your decorating. everything appears and feels very festive and Christmasy but without a mass of clutter. i think it is an art to be able to achieve that effect (an art which i dont have- LOL).

  31. Karen S Avatar
    Karen S

    I love seeing your decorations–it’s so inspiring. Besides all your red/white beautiful quilts, your buffalo check pillows on your sofa are wonderful! Thanks for sharing, Lisa. You rock!

  32. Kathy Avatar

    The table you have for Little Man and Baby O! I have a similar set that was my grandma’s; I set it with a tablecloth that has mine and my sibling’s hand prints embroidered on it.
    Merry Christmas : )

  33. Maggie Hagman Avatar
    Maggie Hagman

    I love how inviting your home is. I feel like I could walk in and be very comfortable and has a nice chat while stitching. I am partial these days to the plaid. We just had a new grandson named Jack. His nursery is decorated in these plaids because it’s lumberJACK themed! I wish you and you family a very Merry Christmas!!

  34. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    You’re home is beautiful, I love everabout it, but my favorite thing is the red and white antique quilt. Thank you for sharing photos of your home. I’ve been following you for a long time and watched the progress of your home being built.

  35. Anne Thate Avatar
    Anne Thate

    I love the antique wall quilt and all the trucks!

  36. Linda Garcia Avatar
    Linda Garcia

    The thing that intrigued me most were the black swing away hangers on either side of the living room opening. Different from most quilt hangers and very versatile. Your house is amazing.

  37. Libby Blaha Avatar
    Libby Blaha

    Thank you so much for sharing your home; and there is not just one photo to love; I love them all…..My favorites are the quilted Santa, the silver tinsel tree with red balls on the quilt top table with the small vintage table on the side; the Santa with the bottle brush trees and of course, Jeter on the bed with the Merry Christmas sign.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family !!!

  38. Jackie Moore Avatar
    Jackie Moore

    Your home is so lovely!!! Hard to choose a favorite but I think it’s little man and baby O’s table….and that rosemary tree❤️🎄

  39. Sandi Marks Avatar
    Sandi Marks

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home. Your red and white quilts are so inspiring. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  40. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    It’s all so lovely but since I collect Santas it has to be your quilted Santa! HOHOHO! 🙂

  41. Harriett murray Avatar
    Harriett murray

    I love the grey quilted bench seat!!!! Also really like your quilted Santa. You’ve done such a beautiful job designing & decorating your forever home. And worked/working really hard too!👏 you rock!🎄💕

  42. Susan Stanton Avatar
    Susan Stanton

    It was a joy to see photos of your lovely home. It’s beautifully decorated! I love the bottle brush Christmas Trees all around. They seem to be making a come back lately, and I sure do relish seeing them. Merry Christmas!!!

  43. Kelly Avatar

    I love all the photos! You have a beautiful home, I love your decor. The galvanized bench in your entry with the quilt and snowmen is my favorite.

  44. Shannon Nadeau Avatar
    Shannon Nadeau

    Lisa, I love both but what I really love is your window seat! Your house is beautiful! Merry Christmas from a fan 😊

  45. Marty Toale Avatar
    Marty Toale

    Absolutely stunning home! Love all of it but especially the way you decorated your bedroom. Red and white quilt my favorite. Also like the buffalo check. Decorated 2 of my rooms in that for Christmas and my tree is Red buffalo check and snowmen! Thanks for sharing Lisa!

  46. Laura B Avatar
    Laura B

    First and foremost , Jeter. Then your quilts in entryway and ion your bed (of course Jeter here too) love your kitchen, especially sink area. I see your Kerry pillow peeking in a chair. I made 11 of them for friends this year. What a quick and easy projects and everyone loved them I have mine in my mantel with your red Sweetwater cans

  47. Judy Greco Avatar
    Judy Greco

    Love the red truck with Christmas trees! It inspired me to find an old metal truck that is the same green color that my first car was; a 1970 Ford Torino. My grandson always rearranges the trees!

  48. Marilyn Moody Hopkins Avatar
    Marilyn Moody Hopkins

    I love Little Man’s and Baby O’s table. Your home is beautiful!

  49. Barb Avatar

    I want to know how you store ALL those decorations!!! The place looks beautiful – right out of a magazine.

  50. Colleen Koski Avatar
    Colleen Koski

    Your home is beautifully decorated! I love your style. The entry way bench is my favorite with the sled skate and beautiful red and white quilt. The dog pictures both run a second though. Very fun! Thank you for sharing.

  51. Jill McCaughey Avatar
    Jill McCaughey

    Lisa, my favourite thins is the lights above your kitchen island, as I just put the same one in our remodeled place! AND the red and white feathered star quilt is lovely, on my “ to make in the near future” list. Thanks for sharing with us, and happy holidays. Jill in Phoenix/Calgary

  52. Kathy Holmertz Avatar
    Kathy Holmertz

    Lisa, your home is beautiful!! It shows your labor of love, very well thought out and built! Thanks for sharing pictures of it with us! I love the red/white star quilt in the living room!

  53. Kathy Avatar

    Beautiful home. I like that even Jeter matches your decor!

  54. Linda Avatar

    So much eye candy, love all of your decorating but my absolute favorite is the letter board.

  55. Donna Sproston Avatar
    Donna Sproston

    That big red heart propped against the little tree on the grandchildren’s table is what this season is all about! Beautiful home!

  56. Kyra Franz Avatar
    Kyra Franz

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful home, Lisa. I love seeing your amazing quilts, the view from the windows, the vintage children’s table and chairs, and of course, your wonderful Jeter.

  57. Sheila Avatar

    Your home is amazing and thanks for sharing. What a beautiful decorating job. The red velvet heart on the table caught my eye right away. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  58. Leanne Mal Avatar
    Leanne Mal

    Your home is beautiful! I love it when you show how it’s decorated. My favorite is the red and white quilt in the foyer. Your foyer looks so inviting with that quilt and those adorable snowmen. For me today is present wrapping day! Merry Christmas

  59. Jean H. Avatar
    Jean H.

    The color themes in your home is what struck me. They are so clean and simple with such a calming effect. And so easily added to because of its basic quality.

  60. Nancy Mastrianni Avatar
    Nancy Mastrianni

    I love the letter board and the Durkee pepper tin.

    Your home is so inviting, thank you for sharing.

    Merry Christmas 🎄

  61. Sandi Avatar

    Your home is beautiful, thanks for sharing. I love that you let your dog on your bed, so do we. Quilts can be washed. I have lots of Lasagna to make today for a family party here at the lake on Saturday at noon.
    Merry Christmas Lisatoyou and your family.

  62. Ruth Wilfong Avatar
    Ruth Wilfong

    My favorite is your red and white quilts. And your home is beautiful. Merry Christmas.

  63. Jan Avatar

    I love all of what you have done. Your home is so inviting and comfortable. It makes me want to emulate you and yours and have my home look like yours!
    Hope you enjoy every moment of your holidays with your family. Your hard work shows everywhere.

  64. Sarah Avatar

    I love your quilt hangers, with the quilts draped over them. It is such a soothing home!

  65. Terry R. Avatar
    Terry R.

    I love the quilt covered cushion in your window seat!

  66. Judy Avatar

    Just one thing? I will take your kitchen! Ha… so happy to see you livin’ the dream. Everything looks like a magazine. I do love those red and white quilts. I have one in the works and that has inspired me to get it on the list of things to finish this year! Merry Christmas.

  67. Kelly Riesterer Avatar
    Kelly Riesterer

    Beautuful home. I love the joy blocks with treesand the xmas board above headboard in bedroom. I badically love it all.
    Merry Cristmas!

  68. Renee M. Avatar
    Renee M.

    Love, love, love the red feathered star quilt!

  69. Judy Hunsberger Avatar
    Judy Hunsberger

    I absolutely love how you have decorated your home. My two favorite decorations are the red and white quilts on display (red is my favorite color) and the quilted Santa. Too bad there is not a pattern to make one of these for myself. It would be a great addition to my personal Santa collection.

  70. sunporchquilts Avatar

    I love the entire house! It’s just gorgeous! Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!!


    Thank you for sharing your beautiful home and Christmas decorations! I love the serene picture of your beautiful dog on the bed but my favorite picture is with your snowmen on the bench below the stairs! Just beautiful! Thank you for all you do and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  72. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    I love you Santa from Oma Mae. I saw it last year and contacted her and now I have one too. It sits in my dining room. Your decorating is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  73. Cindy Avatar

    First of all, I love, love, love your overall decorating theme. Your use of red and white quilts throughout your house – quilt on your table, the quilt on the bench, and the quilt on a hangar behind the sofa, the quilt above the dog bed , etc – is striking in its simplicity.

  74. Pat McMullin Avatar
    Pat McMullin

    All of your quilts are a given favorite but I also love all the collections of things you love, from Santas to mini trees to red trucks, they all add to the lived in and loved look.

  75. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    Thank you for sharing your home with us! It’s lovely. I love how the red and white quilts pop out at you. My favorite decorations (I can’t pick one) are the red and white quilts, the tinsel tree, and the velvet heart on Little Man’s table.

  76. Sandra McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra McDaniel

    My favorite is the bench display at the front door.
    Everything looks welcoming.

  77. Nancy Tubb Avatar
    Nancy Tubb

    I love everything about your home, the decorations are all wonderful. If I had to pick a favorite it would be all the red and white quilts, so warm. Today I am making crock pot fudge to take to relatives later this week. Merry Christmas!

  78. Roxie Ahlbrecht Avatar
    Roxie Ahlbrecht

    I so enjoyed seeing your home all decked out for the season. What I loved most of all was Little Man and Baby O’s table and chairs. I love the well-worn look and the homey feeling it gives the rest of the house. Your home just shouts “Welcome”!

  79. Carol Gouveia Avatar
    Carol Gouveia

    This is hard to choose but I like the wall mounted quilt arm that you hang quilts on. I remember some time ago you told us about them. I am headed over to you website to see if you carry them. Your home is beautiful. Love the red and white quilts. Thank you for sharing the photos.

  80. Elizabeth Avatar

    I love everything (!!!) but I’m fascinated with the swing arm quilt holders.

  81. Susan Jensen Spanish Fork Utah Avatar
    Susan Jensen Spanish Fork Utah

    Lisa, your home is absolutely beautiful. I appreciate it because we know what hard work accomplishes. I love, love all the red and white quilts and also the simplicity of your decorating. You see it, enjoy and let it bring you the peace of the season. Have a joyous Christmas 🎄

  82. Lori Albrechtsen Avatar
    Lori Albrechtsen

    I think my favorite thing in your post is Jeter. What a cutie! Don’t get me wrong, your house is beautiful but 🤷🏻‍♀️ that dog is precious!! ❤️ Merry Christmas!

  83. Stephanie Meeks Avatar
    Stephanie Meeks

    Your Wisconsin home is beautiful! One of my dear friends just moved to DePere and I’m hoping to visit your beautiful state soon! Merry Christmas from Texas! 🎄

  84. Lynn Barrett Avatar
    Lynn Barrett

    I love the red and white quilt on your bed…and that you are not afraid to use such a treasure! Even sharing it with Jeter!

  85. Debby Avatar

    I love that bench covered with the red/white star quilt…..with the snowmen on top with the sled and ice skate to the side. So inviting. This just struck something in me. An old-timey Christmas….simply beautiful.

  86. Sandy G. Avatar
    Sandy G.

    What a beautiful home! I love all the red and white quilts and the sign above your bed. All your little touches make it so spectacular. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  87. Kris Sage Avatar
    Kris Sage

    So honored to see your wonderful home ! I love the red and white quilts . I really love Jeter on them !!!!
    Today bake and wrap – bake and wrap ……
    wishing all comfort and joy

  88. Marge Berg Avatar
    Marge Berg

    Love the cover you have on the window seat and all your Christmas decorations ( not overwhelming) Thanks for sharing your space

  89. Dawn Schoening Avatar
    Dawn Schoening

    Love! What a beautiful home and decor!

  90. Holly h Avatar
    Holly h

    Your home is beautiful, and beautifully decorated. Thank you for sharing

  91. Karen Lenczowski Avatar
    Karen Lenczowski

    Love the letter board! Your home is awesome.

  92. Bonnie Larson Avatar

    I love the red and white quilt on your bed. Thanks so much for sharing your forever home.

  93. Amy Collins Avatar
    Amy Collins

    I love the quilted window seat cushion and all the red and white quilts!

  94. Carmen Montmarquet Avatar
    Carmen Montmarquet

    I love everything about your house. If i had to pick one well i love all your different trees in your home, i do the same thing put a tree in every room. But the one that stands out is your silver tree with the red balls. When i was young we came home to a large version of this tree and we all burst out laughing as it looked like an apple tree to us? We were kids, five of us, and well we were uspet for not having a real tree?? Needless to say my mother took it right down and a real tree we got, I feel bad about that now but seeing it in your home it is a real good memory for me of my mom trying to be part of the times, and coming out from the the depression that was very hard to do. It really has become a special memory for me, Thank You for that!!

  95. Jacque Broadfoot Avatar
    Jacque Broadfoot

    I love it all, as I see things, like the primitive Santa’s, that I have in my home. Of course I would love your home! I’m also an antique lover and quilting grandma.

  96. Donna Oelfke Avatar
    Donna Oelfke

    I love all of your decorations and your lovely home. I hope you get to spend more time enjoying it with your family!
    I guess my favorite is the quilted Santa!
    And Jeter looks especially fine on the red and white quilt!

  97. Carline Anthony Avatar
    Carline Anthony

    Everything is so beautiful. I love the quilts but my favorite is the buffalo plaid pillows. Thanks so much for sharing. At the moment I have a monumental cooking making mess and I just want to move to your house and leave it for the elves to clean up.

  98. Becci Avatar

    My fav is the quilted Santa!

  99. Sharon Browne Avatar
    Sharon Browne

    I love everything in these photos! You are the best decorator, but I especially love the bench with the red and white Ohio star quilt and the snowmen on it…the whole vignette. I also love the jars with the old aluminum cookie cutters and the ‘have yourself a merry little christmas’ sign, and of course Jeter. He’s very photogenic.

  100. penny Boser Avatar
    penny Boser

    Thank you for sharing your home. My favorite is the little truck embroidered bag with the truck. What is it with little red trucks?

  101. Donna Schalge Avatar
    Donna Schalge

    I love all the vintage Santa’s and the different kinds of trees. Both are items I have in my decorations for Christmas. I also collect little houses.

  102. Heather Avatar

    Your home is beautiful! My favorite decoration is your collection of patriotic Santas with flags. I just adore them.

  103. marie Avatar

    All of your red and white quilts

  104. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    All of it is pretty special Lisa and you should be proud of what you created.. my favorite is the table for the kids with the rosemary tree. I would feel pretty special having my own little table. Gorgeous home! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  105. carol Avatar

    I liked Merry Christmas letters over the fireplace mantel. It was a hard choice as I loved Santas, trees, pillows, quilts and especially how clean your home is.

  106. Charlotte Schindler Avatar
    Charlotte Schindler

    Sew much eye candy. Difficult to choose just one thing that is my favorite. I love, love, love the red and white quilts. The Santas ( since I too am a collector of Santas ) and red trucks (only have one of those) come in 2nd and 3rd. Everything looks wonderful, warm and inviting. Beautiful home.

  107. Marsha Bohling Avatar
    Marsha Bohling

    I love the red & white quilt with the snowmen. Great display! I really enjoy all the pictures you post of your home. Always great ideas for displaying quilts. I really like your tinsel tree too! We had an aluminum one when I was growing up! Thanks for sharing!

  108. Alice Johnson Avatar
    Alice Johnson

    Beautiful home and decorations. Happy holidays to you and yours.

  109. jrp53 Avatar

    I love the white and red quilted Santa on the table top behind the sofa. It looks like an heirloom and so comforting. The close second is the shelf with the silver Santa/tree collection in front of the mirror. You have decorated beautifully for the holiday! Thanks so much for sharing.

  110. Sharon Ray Avatar
    Sharon Ray

    Are you kidding me?? a favorite? I love it all! The red and white quilts (all) are splendid. I was wondering about the one on back of the chair by the big tree. It looks like a New York Beauty/drunkard’s path variation? Is this one of your designs? Cheers to you.

  111. Sherrie Davis Avatar
    Sherrie Davis

    Love the letter board. Something to use all year round. With a small house it’s nice to use things that can be decorated for all the seasons.

  112. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    My favorite was your entryway…the total scene. Thank you for the decorating inspiration!

  113. Teri Avatar

    Everything is so lovely. The letter board is one of my favorites and al the wonderful pillows. Thank you for letting us see your space.

  114. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful home Lisa. I can see that it’s a labor of love and one to be proud of, it means so much when you’ve worked so hard to have it. What’s not to love? It’s all my favorite! I love anything red and white and the quilts are fabulous!

  115. Rosemary Duke Avatar
    Rosemary Duke

    My favorite isJeter on the bed which shows everyone that quilts are to be loved and used by all members of the family. Enjoy!

  116. Jancarpenter Claremont NC Avatar
    Jancarpenter Claremont NC

    I always like peaking inside your beautiful home any season, you deserve it all. Would love to spend a week with you. My favorites are the foyer, the tinsel tree, quilt at the cabinet, and Jeter on the bed. He is beyond adorable, needs his own modeling career. Would love to see more quilts in the cabinet. Forgot to mention the food press by the sink. Wishing you and your family (and extended family) a beautiful, safe, Merry Christmas, and wonderful Holiday Season. We all love you very much.

  117. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    Wow/ hard to pick a favorite! But if I must, the Santa and trees by the fireplace, and the Santa and trees on the cabinet. And I love the live plants with your decorating. You deserve all that you have because I know you work your butt off!! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours!🌲

  118. Karen Tyler Avatar
    Karen Tyler

    Your home is beautiful! You give me inspiration! I haven’t been able to decorate much this year since we just moved into our new home in Sisters, Oregon. I’m almost at a point where I will be able to sew again!! Your red and white quilts are stunning! Thanks for sharing.

  119. kathleen King Avatar
    kathleen King

    Oh my gosh, I just love how you decorated the bench with that beautiful red and white quilt and all those snowmen! The sled with a skate hanging on it fits perfectly tucked into the corner too. As for your needful things for today, I really need to get several of the stash n’ stores. I picked up the tweezers several years ago, and they’re amazing!

  120. Mary Kolb Avatar
    Mary Kolb

    Love all the quilts!!

  121. kathleen King Avatar
    kathleen King

    I forgot to mention that I LOVE that Durkee’s black pepper container on the window sill, it’s fabulous!

  122. Donna Watson Avatar
    Donna Watson

    Your home is beautifully decorated! I love that how you decorate doesn’t make it seem cluttered up….very tastefully done. My favorite(s) decoration is your foyer bench w/ the quilt & snowmen! Coming up 2nd is the tinsel tree.

  123. Hilaryrfield Avatar

    I like the Santa on the wall . But then your House always look Wonderful , Hilary Merry Christmas

  124. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    Love overall appeal of your home. My eye is drawn to the red and white quilts and quilted Santa but the red makes everything POP!

  125. Chrs Avatar

    My favorites are the little things throughout the kitchen and the fact that you can put them in places and still have space to work without them being in your way! What a treat to have that! We all know how hard you work to get what you have, you deserve it!

  126. Julie Stroh Avatar
    Julie Stroh

    Thanks for the tour! I love the quilt on the window bench and the little table for grandkids.

  127. Barb Avatar

    Love your window seat cushion – something you made I”ll bet. I see you, too, are a collector of trees – especially bottle brush – and santas. Your quilt hangers are great for big quilts and big rooms. I’m afraid they may be too big for my rooms.

  128. Deb Graber Avatar
    Deb Graber

    Thank you for sharing pictures of your beautiful home! I look forward to it every year-you have amazing decorating skills! My favorite thing (besides Jeter!) is your quilted cover on your window seat bench.
    Have a Merry Christmas Lisa, hope you get some down time & “catch your breath ” time.

  129. Cathleen Avatar

    Jeter is my favorite!!

  130. Maureen Avatar

    I love the quilt on your bed! So pretty! That’s my favorite! I am just baking cookies now. The gifts are wrapped. Can’t wait to get back to quilting!

  131. Donna Lee Lurker Avatar
    Donna Lee Lurker

    I love your window seat with the quilted cushion–and amazing view! And your entryway is very inviting. I always enjoy your list of needful things! Have a wonderful Christmas, and a happy and healthy 2019!

  132. Sharon Snoddy Avatar

    Love , love , love the quilted cushion on the window seat. How I wish I could figure out how to make one for mine.

  133. Cindi P Avatar
    Cindi P

    Well Jeter, of course! But then the kid’s table and the Merry Christmas bag on the window seat…and Merry Christmas to you.

  134. Gretchen Greiner Avatar
    Gretchen Greiner

    Your home is absolutely gorgeous! Jeter is a sweetheart! If I had to pick a favorite, it would be the Santa in the living room dressed in a robe made from a red and white quilt. But there were so many fun Christmas touches everywhere! Thanks for sharing!

  135. Kimberly Avatar

    My favorite is your dog. I love how he is allowed on the quilts. Pets are family too.

  136. Laura Benthien Avatar
    Laura Benthien

    Lisa, it’s all gorgeous! But what jumped out at me were a couple things.
    1st the little wool sheep on the shelf next to the Santa’s, love him/her!
    2nd the black quilt hanger on the wall holding the red and white quilt.
    3rd, the galvanized bench. I love all things galvanized and the corner of the bench jumped right out at me!

  137. Albeerta Bailie Avatar
    Albeerta Bailie

    I love the wall and the May your days be merry and bright. I am in love with your floors. The decorations are just perfect. Love the way you did the bookcase shelves. So many cute things!! Your home is fabulous. Who is Baby O?

  138. Tere Brown Avatar
    Tere Brown

    I LOVE everything!!!! But if i had to pick one, it would be ALL your red and white quilts!!! And i have to add the Santa collection on the shelf. Love, love, love your home!!! Beautiful job decorating.

  139. Joanne Avatar

    Your home is beautiful, thank you for sharing. It is hard to pick out one thing but what stands out to me are the red and white quilts. They are perfect and bring the rooms together. I also love the letter board, I hope you do carry them in your shop someday. Have a very a Merry Christmas.

  140. Betty Lockhart Avatar
    Betty Lockhart

    This is your toughest question yet. But if I have to pick ONE, I’ll pick the red and white quilt on the bed, with Jeeter! Spoiled baby.

  141. Brook Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful home! You should feel proud! My favorite thing wasn’t really shown much and I don’t think it was Christmas necessarily, but I love, love, love, love your quilted bench seat cover in the bay window in the kitchen. SWOON! What a fabulous idea. I may have to copy it, but first I need a house like yours to display it. Fabulous quilts and decor!

  142. Peg / Springstead Avatar
    Peg / Springstead

    Hi Lisa….Your home is absolutely beautiful and those floors are GORGEOUS! I could look at the pics of your home all day long. Every time I see Jeter he makes me smile and I love that you let him lay on your bed with a quilt on it. Also when I saw that little antique table and chairs my heart went pitter patter….so precious! Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  143. Ann Weaver Avatar
    Ann Weaver

    My favorite is the quilt on the chair beside the large Christmas tree. It is a drunkard’s path with a section of triangles, very similar to a New York Beauty. I would love for you to recreate it in pattern form, in your spare time, of course. Thank you for all that you do for the quilting community. Your forever home is truly a home.

  144. Angelia L. Avatar
    Angelia L.

    Your home is beautiful! I love how you decorated your shelves. My favorites are the groupings of the primitive Santa’s and the old red farm trucks! The red trucks are everywhere this year and I love them.

  145. Patricia Avatar

    Of course I love all the quilts, but I thought the black pepper box by the sink was really sweet! A great idea for those cute little tins. Thanks for sharing your lovely home!

  146. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    Beautiful. Thank you for the tour. I love the letter board. But I really love the black pepper tin with decorations in it.

  147. kiddangel Avatar

    My favorite thing is seeing Jeter on the bed. As beautiful as your home is, it wouldn’t be home if you couldn’t relax and enjoy sharing the quilts with the furry family members too. Simply gorgeous! Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing. 🎄

  148. masonmarlene Avatar

    Besides Jeters I LOVE the antique quilt in the living room. Your house is wonderful. Very inviting and full of things to chat about. It’s so nice to have the things you enjoy in your home, especially after you have worked so hard for them. I bet it’s hard to leave home to go to work!

    I’m baking cookies today. Had breakfast with my sister and 3 wonderful friends this morning and I’m ready to take on the world! It’s all about the love!!!

  149. Becki Avatar

    Hi Lisa. Your metal bench, quilt and snowmen looks so inviting🎄. You have a gorgeous home. Merry Christmas

  150. Linda Pickenpaugh Avatar
    Linda Pickenpaugh

    Oh my! Well I’m looking to redo my kitchen a, so I keep looking at the wonderful spaces. And then the hanger that’s in the corner I have been eyeing for awhile and thinking about where it would work in my house and what color i want. I do love the bench by the stairs with the sled and snowmen, because snowmen are my favorite.

  151. shirleymurch Avatar

    Lisa you’re home looks beautiful! I love every thing! But I collect Santas and antique bottle brush trees, so I have to go with those as my favorite. Also your Sweetwater pillows turned out beautiful, you were working on those at the retreat.
    Have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family and looking forward to seeing you in the New Year. Shirley

  152. Julee Prose Avatar
    Julee Prose

    Love your home…I could just move in !!!! Favorite things will be the children’s table and chairs along with the quilted santa. Love how Jeter matches the furniture, did you decorate around him?

  153. Jodee Avatar

    Very beautiful home. Love all your decorations 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

  154. ChrisThorpe Avatar

    Love your home & your decorations!! Love small trees in canvas totes!!
    Merry Christmas!!!

  155. Denise Cabral Avatar
    Denise Cabral

    I love your house! I especially love your entryway bench with the quilt, your shelving cabinet in the living room with the black bead board back and the hanging lights over your kitchen island!

  156. Nancy Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing pics of your house. It is just so tastefully decorated …. love it!!! It is difficult to just pick one thing I like best. Guess I have to pick the entry with the galvanized bench and sled with an ice skate.

  157. Cathy Cavagnaro Avatar
    Cathy Cavagnaro

    Your house is beautiful. And wonderfully decorated for the season. Thank you for sharing.
    I particularly like the red and white quilts and the fresh greenery. Your collection of Santa’s with unique expressions made me smile.

  158. Kathryn Lee Bandstra Avatar

    You and your family have a beautiful home. I know that you have worked hard for many years to have it.
    I love the bench next to your stairs that has the cream and red quilt and antique muslin Santa’s. Love the sled and ice skates too! Merry Holidays

  159. Machelle Avatar

    I love it all! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your beautiful home.
    I do have making a red/white quilt on my ‘someday’ list.
    Wishing you a Happy Healthy New Year!

  160. Sandra Goddard Avatar
    Sandra Goddard

    Your home is beautiful. My best part? Your sharing it with all of us. Thank you. Merry Christmas.

  161. jeaner0910 Avatar

    Love the letter board but you knew this already!

  162. Bernice Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your home with us.
    Hard to pick a favorite but I really like the red and white star quilt on the bench with all the decorations and the sleigh which I remember and also the girls skates. Brings back happy times.

  163. Karrin Hurd Avatar
    Karrin Hurd

    Beautiful home and decorations! I like the red and white feathered star quilt

  164. Sue Schultz Avatar
    Sue Schultz

    Lisa, anchor point is beautiful. You have made it such a wonderful retreat for you and Nick to enjoy when you return from working so hard. I absolutely love the red and white quilts sprinkled throughout the house, especially on the master bed. I also really like the plaid pillows on the couch and the Merry pillow. Thank you for sharing your home with us!!!

  165. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    Your home is beautiful! It is hard is pick just one favorite. I really love the red and white quilts and your collections of Santa’s especially the quilted Santa. Merry Christmas!

  166. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    I love your built in shelves on the sides of your fireplace. We are in remodel mode and considering something similar. You’re a marvelous decorator, Lisa. Its something I have a hard time with 😊 thanks for the tour and all the great ideas!

  167. Patsy McNew Avatar
    Patsy McNew

    Beautiful! Thank you for sharing your home!

  168. Debby Avatar

    The whole house is beautiful!!! I love the red and white star quilt on the bench in the first photo. Thank you so much for sharing and for the inspiration. Merry Christmas!!!

  169. Saundra jones Avatar
    Saundra jones

    Everything is beautiful. Love the red and white quilts. I know this isn’t what you meant for favorite, but my favorite is Jeter. I know how important dogs are to a family and he seems to know he’s special.

  170. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    My favorite is the little arrangement in the pepper box. It looks like a fun piece. Everything looks wonderful. Merry Christmas.

  171. Kristy A Soard Avatar
    Kristy A Soard

    Everything is divine! My favorite item would actually be a feeling…a feeling of knowing Jesus resides and love grows in this home! You have created a home where beauty abides and others feel welcomed. I know given a chance I could move right in here and live happily ever after!
    I made a goal at the beginning of the year that each member of the family would find a quilt under the tree this year that I made especially for them, with a letter of provenance attached that explains all the hidden meaning found within the quilt. They were completed yesterday, so today they need wrapped for presentation! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  172. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    You have a gorgeous home! I loved everything, but seeing how you decorate the shelves was really special… you gave me some ideas! Thank you! Oh! and the red/white quilts~ I am going to sew faster! LOL Today I am mailing the last of the cards and then cleaning up the mess that seems inevitable when I sew. 😮 Merry Christmas!

  173. Patricia D Roberts Avatar
    Patricia D Roberts

    Dear LISA, I love seeing your house. But most of all I love to see pictures of Jeter. He is a beautiful fur baby. Thanks for sharing. Pat

  174. Cathy Brodniak Avatar
    Cathy Brodniak

    Love your home. Besides Jeter, the red and white quilts, your greenery, and sense of humor.

  175. Jo Anne Hawks Avatar

    Everything looks beautiful. I have to say, my favorites are the red and white quilts.

  176. Cheryl Adam Avatar

    The puppy on the Christmas quilt is my favorite.
    I have to sort through the gifts to separate what goes with us to WI and what stays here for when we get home.

  177. Katy Greenfield Avatar
    Katy Greenfield

    Your home looks beautiful and festive. Love the black and grey quilt and your stairway. Love the stars out of rulers! Your dog is great too. Have a wonderful Christmas. I am having my big dinner Saturday so potatoes are on the stove, bread to bake, and all the regular things. Kids fly in tomorrow with my new grandson. 😁

  178. Brenda Hayes Avatar
    Brenda Hayes

    It is beautiful – thanks for sharing!

  179. Brenda Hayes Avatar
    Brenda Hayes

    It is beautiful – thanks for sharing!

  180. Nancy Lyman Avatar
    Nancy Lyman

    My favorite is the window seat. Something so simple can make such a difference. Th cushion cover is beautiful!

  181. Lori Karnick Avatar
    Lori Karnick

    Lisa – I think your house is just lovely. I really love the red and white quilts hanging on the wall in the living room. I will have to incorporate that into my home. Thank you for sharing.

  182. Janet Avatar

    Your house is beautiful. I love the built-ins in the family room. I really enjoy looking at houses and seeing how people every day decorate. But I also love seeing Christmas decorations. Thanks for sharing with us.

  183. Gloria Y Avatar
    Gloria Y

    Thank you for sharing your home and gorgeous decorations. I am having a difficult time choosing a favorite…really enjoyed seeing the old (and new) Santas on display but found the children’s table and chairs so appealing. Of course, since RED is my favorite color, I liked all the red and white quilts.

  184. Shirley Avatar

    I love your collection of Santa’s and the decorating using them.

  185. Becky Stevens Avatar
    Becky Stevens

    I absolutely love it all. Thak you for sharing. I feel inspired by it all. Merry Christmas Lisa and Nick

  186. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    Your home is so lovely. I love the star quilt on the ‘galvanized’ bench when you first walk in. I’m a sucker for stars and I like those. But of course all the quilts and characters are special and so charming. Thanks for sharing!

  187. Deborah Avatar

    What a beautiful home!!! Thanks so much for sharing, you can tell that it was a labor of love. Everything was so thoughtfully done. My favorite has to be the quilted Santa and all the red and white quilts (clearly I need to get busy). But my most favorite is the quilted window bench!! Window benches are so wonderful and yours is the best. What a great place to read to the kiddos! Thanks again for sharing!

  188. Tracey Zigo Avatar
    Tracey Zigo

    My favorite – the three fabric “tubs” with small fir trees in them. Great house.

  189. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    Your house is beautiful! I love the quilt and pillows on your bed most!

  190. Barb Avatar

    Love the silver Santa and the bottlebrush trees. Lovely home.

  191. Donna N Avatar
    Donna N

    I really like the bench display at the stairs because I’m a snowman person. It all looks great and cheerful and Jeter just is the best of all!

  192. Sharon Nejedlo Avatar
    Sharon Nejedlo

    Well, it has to be the table and chairs especially for the grandchildren! ❤️💙

  193. Barbara Guarniere Avatar
    Barbara Guarniere

    I love everything about your home! But my favorite is the red and white quilt on the metal bench in the entrance. I “need” one in my house so it is now on my to do list. Love it!

  194. Cathy Dill Avatar
    Cathy Dill

    Thanks for sharing-my favorite is the quilt on your bed! I bought one of the quilt racks but was not sure where to hang it-now I know!

  195. Geri Gieseke Avatar
    Geri Gieseke

    I love the way you decorated your shelves, all the Christmas things on them! And I love the Merry Christmas red truck sack with Christmas greens etc in it. I have a sack like that, now I know what I will do with it. I especially like the pepper tin in your kitchen window with greens and a Santa tucked in! You have a beautiful home! Merry Christmas!

  196. Cheryl Avatar

    My favorite is the white tree on the dining table. It looks very nice against the red quilt. My second favorite is, of course, Jeter. Looks as if the bed quilt is “his” 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  197. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    Thanks for sharing! Beautiful home/beautiful decorations. I love the red and white quilts throughout and how you decorated the shelves around the fireplace.

  198. Carol joswick Avatar
    Carol joswick

    Love, love your home..very pretty. I woukd have to say my favorite photo is of Jeter laying on the bed!

  199. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I love it all, your house has a sense of welcome and peace throughout that comes across in your pictures. I especially love your kitchen sink, I know I’m crazy! I’m not the greatest cook and I normally volunteer to wash the dishes when visiting people so having a view as lovely as yours is a treat. I also love the jars of antique cookie cutters (I’m stealing that display idea) and jello molds made into Christmas decorations (getting my glue gun ready to try to make some of my own). By the way where is the window of pictures? Did you decorate it for Christmas? Thank you for sharing more of your lovely home with us, it’s always an inspiration. Merry Christmas!

  200. Pattie Davidson Avatar

    Thanks for sharing your beautiful home. My favorite would have to be the antique quilts! We too built our dream home about 2 years ago and just love it. Many of your things look like my things. Your floors and colors are like mine also! Love it! Thanks for the inspirations and Have a Merry Christmas!

  201. Janet Avatar

    I really like the bed pillows!!! Jmh

  202. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    Always a treat to see pic’s of your home! I really like the figurine of the little girl angel on the sled on one of the shelves. And of course the lovely Santa made out of a quilt sitting on the sofa table.! Enjoy your Holiday!

  203. Karen Harbaugh Avatar
    Karen Harbaugh

    Love your grey-backed shelving. Great display space. And all your windows!

  204. Pamela D Miller Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us! Everything is so beautiful. My favorite picture is of Jeter lying on the quilt-so precious! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Pam

  205. Trish Avatar

    Oh my, I don’t think I have a favorite other than to say your home is my favorite, love the space you have and all holiday decorations are wonderful. I love the trees in the Sweetwater fabi tubs, the antique living room quilt, as well as the beauty on your bed quilt and Jeter! Have a very Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  206. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    Of course the quilts are beautiful but I’m really liking the store sofa a buffalo plaid pillows, that’s so in style right now.

  207. Mary Avatar

    I love it all! The little table and chairs with the Rosemary tree- so precious. I can just see some excited little ones seated there!

  208. Felice Gokey Avatar
    Felice Gokey

    Pick just one?? Besides Jeter??? I love the red metal pick-up trucks on the shelves. My husband, son and I have a great history with red pick-ups, so we’re always drawn to them. For all the antiquing we do, they are hard to come by…….. Appreciate your sharing. Your house looks Merry Bright:)

  209. Barb K Avatar
    Barb K

    I love the red and white quilt with Jeter on it–also your wood floors are lovely!

  210. Marie Jenkins Avatar
    Marie Jenkins

    Well if I must pick one…….the kids table!! We have a similar one here in our home for our grandchildren (Autumn 6 and Andrew 4) and just seeing it makes me smile!! Such fun times!!

  211. Kari Stutzman Avatar

    I love how there is dark wood in the back of the living room cabinets. What a fun idea. I think i need to add the idea to my ” Dream about building a house ” pinterest board… we hope to build a forever home too. I am so glad you got to do so. It is lovely. I also loved the grey paint on the walls.

  212. Kim Wolter Avatar
    Kim Wolter

    It’s all beautiful and hard to pick a favorite but I do love the letter board and will probably NEED one if you decide to carry them.

  213. mary h Avatar
    mary h

    I like the red and white quilt and simple tree on your table. Your home looks so nice and cozy.
    My to do list is squeezing on my new grandbaby!

  214. moosebaymusings Avatar

    Lisa, your home is absolutely stunning! I think I kind of hate you a little—lol! My favorite photo is of your welcoming entry area–so fun!

  215. Carolyn Meadows Avatar
    Carolyn Meadows

    All of the quilts are wonderful but hte red and white one on the left as you enter the kitchen is my favorite.

  216. Lisa kishman Avatar
    Lisa kishman

    Thank you for sharing, I get a lot of inspiration from you and your home. It’s all so beautiful, but I had to zoom in on those little vintage jello molds topped with those adorable vintage Christmas doo-dads. I just might copy that idea!

  217. Pam Avatar

    Feathered Star Quilt, Kid’s table and window seat!!! Can’t pick just one. You can see the love you put into your home.

  218. Linda Kittle Avatar
    Linda Kittle

    Your home is gorgeous! I love everything about it. It’s just my style. I especially love all the red and white quilts and the buffalo plaid pillows.

  219. Sharon Simmons Avatar
    Sharon Simmons

    Thank you for sharing your home. It is beautiful and you should be very proud of what you’ve earned! You have such a talent for decorating – I wish I did. I especially love the red and white quilts and also the letter board – so special.

  220. KdBrown Avatar

    I really like Jeter the best!

  221. Jan Avatar

    It’s hard to pick out 1 item but my 1st pick would be your Santas as I’m a Santa collector at craft shows & flea markets. Mine usually line the mantel with red & white poinsettia lights woven among them. Then I would chose the red & white quilts. Your home is a beautiful picture but those who know or follow you can attest to the fact it’s used & shared with love. Merry Christmas.

  222. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    My favorite thing has to be all the red and white quilts on display throughout your home. It is so helpful to see new ways to display quilts, your ideas are always wonderful! I have more of my quilts on display this year than ever before–thank you!

  223. Pat Clark Avatar

    Love your colors within your home. Loved the children’s table and chairs too!

  224. Sheila S Avatar
    Sheila S

    Favorite-that’s easy! I really liked that (I think green) plaid pillow with your last name Bongean Family – Joy Peace Love on it. That says it all. I can see it becoming a family heirloom and being passed down from generation to generation.

  225. Gale W.S. Avatar
    Gale W.S.

    Love the red and white antique quilts!

  226. Michelle Condon Avatar
    Michelle Condon

    Your questions aren’t easily answered with just one thing!! 😉 I like your letterboard…been thinking about getting one and that one looks pretty versatile.

  227. Donna Schulz Avatar
    Donna Schulz

    Love all the red & white quilts throughout your home. So festive!

  228. Katherine orvay Avatar
    Katherine orvay

    I like how you display your Santa collection with the little trees. I was also delighted to see your chinois strainer all decorated for Christmas. I have my grandmother’s from the early 1900’s above a cabinet in our kitchen; now I know what I will have to do with it for next year. Thank you.

  229. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    I love the red and white quilts and the quilted Santa. Your home is beautful. I want to thank you for sharing your home with us. I still need to bake some cookies and make candy. The kids are arriving saturday evening.

  230. Tami Ellis Avatar
    Tami Ellis

    Love love love your couch and all of the pillows on it! I also love your built in bookshelves. I already showed my husband and told him to put them on the list for our forever home. <3

  231. angela0401 Avatar

    Lisa, your home is beautiful!
    My favorite home decor in your photos are the wooden wall-mounted quilt holders and the quilts that are displayed on them!!!
    I want/need to have at least a dozen of these to hang next to my windows … one day soon I will buy them.
    It’s fun seeing these pictures because I’ve been to your home and experienced seeing your beautiful decor in person. 😊

  232. Judy Vaughn Avatar
    Judy Vaughn

    My favorite is the quilt on the bed. Love your house. I still have to wrap everything.

  233. Jennifer Kralik Avatar
    Jennifer Kralik

    I likw how Jester matches your decor, the red and white quilt is my favorite choice.
    Still have to bake, little more cleaning and cook. Merry Christmas!

  234. Robin elliott Avatar
    Robin elliott

    I love seeing your house all decorated! Where do you find the time? I love the buffalo check as well!

  235. Nancy Avatar

    For some reason I’m not sure of, that Durkee black pepper can full of Christmas decs really caught my eye. Maybe because I’m the sentimental type who wishes we could go back in time for certain things. Merry Christmas to you and your family Lisa. Your home is beautiful!

  236. Jane Lamborn Avatar
    Jane Lamborn

    Love, love your home. Especially loved the metal bench, red Ohio star quilt n all the snow men. Can’t forget the sled and ice skates! Thanks so much for sharing!

  237. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    Your home is decorated beautifully. My favourites are the old trucks and the Buffalo check pillows.

  238. Susan P Avatar
    Susan P

    Your house is beautiful! My favorite thing(s) are your red and white quilts throughout the house. Merry Christmas!

  239. Diedre Rahn Avatar
    Diedre Rahn

    I love the Sweetwater’s INK printables. I love the littles trees in the bags. You house is beautiful, and so nicely decorated. Thanks for sharing it with us. Merry Christmas.

  240. Donna Brooks Avatar
    Donna Brooks

    The best thing that is in your home is the love you share with your family and your friends!!!

  241. Judy Snider Avatar
    Judy Snider

    I soooo love the red and white quilt in the last picture!!! Red and white, my favorite combination!! Have a wonderful Christmas!!

  242. Cheryl Baunoch Avatar
    Cheryl Baunoch

    Love your decorating style! One of my favorite things is the red and white quilt on the dining table topped with the silver tree. Beautiful!

  243. Terri S. Avatar
    Terri S.

    Beautiful home! I love Jeter!!!

  244. Sue N Avatar
    Sue N

    Thanks for the tour,such a pleasure to see it decorated for Christmas. It is all so charming I love all of the quilts, it adds such a comfy welcome. So beautiful!

  245. Christina Altelaar Avatar
    Christina Altelaar

    Love the bench with the red and white quilt. Absolutely love the snowman.

  246. Cindy G. Avatar
    Cindy G.

    I always enjoy seeing your lovely home not matter the season. My favorit thing is the triangle quilt on the window sea. It is so beautiful. Can you tell me more about it? Pattern? Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Loved meeting and learning from you on the March 2018 Cruise!

  247. Ginabeth Young Avatar
    Ginabeth Young

    I have enjoyed the pictures of your Red & White quilts. They are simple and clean looking but I know they were a lot of work. Thank you for sharing❣️

  248. Katherine Avatar

    Lisa –
    your home looks so wonderful – LOVE the red quilts throughout but I am IN LUST with that red Feathered star handing in your living room!

  249. Nancy Avatar

    I have to say, the red and white quilts you have throughout the house are my favorites. The decor is amazing throughout every room. Your house is so beautiful and your decorating skills are also. The gifts are all wrapped, but lots of cooking to do here. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  250. Jan B. Avatar
    Jan B.

    Absolutely love seeing your home! It’s so beautifully decorated & you have such great views! So peaceful looking! Not sure I could choose a favorite thing but I do love all your pillows on the couch & on the bed & your kitchen is amazing! Love the little table & chairs for “little man”, I presume! Cute! Merry Christmas & Happy, Healthy New Year to you & your family!

  251. Kim Mueller Avatar
    Kim Mueller

    I love, love, love the feathered star quilt in your LR. All of your other quilts I love also. Your home is beautiful, thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas and Happy, Healthy New Year to you,your family and your employees!

  252. Donna Nelson Avatar

    I love your collection of bottle brush trees. MIght have to start my own collection.

  253. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    Merry Preparations! Love that. Sometimes it is hard to remember to enjoy all the preparation! Your home is so lovely. You are a wonderful decorator. I love the pops of red in every room, especially the red and white quilts. I think my favorite is what I’m calling the snowflake quilt hanging over the dog bed? I also love the distressed wood – Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas sign hanging in your bedroom.

  254. Patricia Ludwiczak Avatar

    I love all of your red and white quilts, but the one I like best is in the photo looking into the living room. All those tiny triangles!! I love to see your decorations. Thank you for letting us peek into your Christmas!

  255. Pat Briggeman Avatar
    Pat Briggeman

    I love any and all of your red/ white quilts. Would love to make one Maybe 2019🙄 Your home is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas!!

  256. Stephanie Avatar

    I love the foyer bench and sled but the best is the Photo Bomber!

  257. Diane Avatar

    I love the arrangement in the callonder on the island . Reminds me of Mom using it to make canned tomatoe juice.
    And the little green bottle by the sink , much prettier then a bottle of dish soap

  258. Judyk Avatar

    I love your red and white quilts the best, but a close second is the spice can with the Christmas decorations in it. Beautiful home–no need to justify it. Anyone should be able to tell how hard you work because of all the lovelies you create for us. Thank you and keep up the good work.

  259. Sandy Davis Avatar
    Sandy Davis

    Your home is stunning! My favorite piece is the Have yourself a merry little Christmas” over Jeter’s bed. (Lol)

  260. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    My favorite “thing” shown is Jeter! After that it has to be all the red and white quilts. I don’t know if I can pick a fave from those, but if pressed I would say the Ohio Star (since I am from Ohio). Your house is so lovely, and even more so at Christmastime. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  261. Sharon Ulrich Avatar
    Sharon Ulrich

    I love all the red and white quilts but especially love your Candy Cane sign.

  262. Cathi Meverden Avatar
    Cathi Meverden

    I thought the little Durkees Black Pepper tin above the sink was super cute.

  263. quilting538 Avatar

    I love the the little childrens table and the red and white quilts! I have such an obsession for. them

  264. Marlene Kurtz Avatar
    Marlene Kurtz

    My favorite design detail is the many large windows in your home. You have a great kitchen too.

  265. Mary Salmon Avatar
    Mary Salmon

    Your home is so “homey.” The love and warmth is obvious in your sweet designs.
    My favorite place is the kitchen…the heart of the home. The lighted cupboards showing your cookbooks is lovely. I’m glad you keep your mixer out on the counter. And I adore the vent over your stove! Heaven! Merry Christmas!! Love, Mary

  266. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    I love, love, love all of your red and white quilts!

  267. Eileen Avatar

    What a peaceful home you have, I love the quilt on the window seat. Thank you for sharing.

  268. Christi Avatar

    I am in love with the red and white quilts. They are outstanding. The feather quilt is wonderful.

  269. Wanda Hall Avatar
    Wanda Hall

    I LOVE your beautiful home! I love the white cabinets and wood floors! Our house is also done in the white! I LOVE the red and white quilts and all of the pillows, but especially the plaid ones! The buffalo plaid has been my new favorite this year! The little table is especially adorable and the rosemary, I never thought of that! By the way, add a sprig to your roast when baking and it is incredible! My other favorite is the ink labels… how did you do that?? I obviously have a hard time picking just one favorite… I just love it all!! Merry Christmas!!

  270. Ann Rennier Avatar
    Ann Rennier

    Your home is wonderful and inviting! Thank you so much for sharing and inspiring us with your creativity! I just love your quilted cushion in the window seat. I know that it was custom and it stays all year round. It is just a perfect for your home. Merry Christmas!

  271. Janet T Avatar
    Janet T

    I noticed all the beautiful red and white quilts hanging everywhere. Also love your doggie!

  272. Pam Benson Avatar

    Love the variety of small trees throughout the house

  273. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, my favorite item was the 3 old fashioned, bristle brush, cone shaped, flocked Christmas trees with small round red bulbs all over them, nestled together on the shelf. They remind me of my grandma. Tho, it’s all beautiful… the mini trucks with trees, the skate and sled at the entry, and all the gorgeous red & white quilts. I love that you share it with us… and it is wonderful to see you reap the rewards of all that you do… You go girl!!! Hugs, Jakey

  274. Stephanie Hanson Avatar
    Stephanie Hanson

    Thanks for the Christmas tour. I love the red and white star quilt on your bed. Yummy!

  275. Cary Alexander Avatar
    Cary Alexander

    I love all your red & white quilts. I have one on my to do list. They remind me of my mother’s red work. Merry Christmas!

  276. Brenda Avatar

    Your home is beautiful, I love it all however I really like your sign.

  277. Barb Gibney Avatar
    Barb Gibney

    Merry merry Christmas to you and your family….of course I love everything about your home but…

    Ilove love love your little rosemary Christmas tree

    Barb in Saskatchewan

  278. Judy in MO Avatar
    Judy in MO

    I love all of your decorating but especially the red and white quilts. Thanks for sharing.

  279. Jenny M Avatar
    Jenny M

    How wonderful to be living in your dream house! So many special touches throughout, it is difficult to pick just one. I would go with the red/white quilts, letter board and word signs, snowmen…it is all beautiful!

  280. Pamela Stroud Avatar

    I love seeing the scattering of red and white quilts throughout your house. Absolutely beautiful home – peaceful and inviting! Thanks for sharing!

  281. Pamela Webb Avatar
    Pamela Webb

    Your kitchen! The 3 trees with Joy, the decorated Durkee’s can, and your beautiful view outside. I cannot finish our Christmas prep as we are spending our time in the hospital with my terminal mother in law.

  282. carolyn Avatar

    Your home looks so welcoming and comfortable, thanks for sharing it with us. I do love your Santas, I have a small collection of Santa figurines as well but I love yours!

  283. Deb G. in VA Avatar
    Deb G. in VA

    Beautiful! I love the sled/ice skates and the little red trucks! Where do you store all your Christmas decorations!?

  284. Linda Avatar

    I love that you share your home. It is very welcoming and inspiring. It’s hard to choose…but I’m really liking your quilt hangers in the living room photos and that you used a quilt to make a cover for your window seat. I need a cushion for my mudroom and I think you have just inspired the answer for that. Please know that you are quite humble and kind.

  285. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    Your house is beautiful & you should be proud of all the hard work that went into it! My favorite is the letter board & Jeter on the quilt!

  286. Julie Green Avatar
    Julie Green

    All of your trees you’ve collected over the years, love the trees !!!

  287. Susan Gray Avatar
    Susan Gray

    I love,love,love the quilts but there is something so simple and sweet about the sack with the truck embroidered/ printed and the greens and balls. I just love those kinds of things. Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing your home.

  288. Carol Kuse Avatar
    Carol Kuse

    I love how you use such a variety of greenery: from bottle brush trees to real greenery in so many different ways.

  289. Martha C Avatar
    Martha C

    My favorite has to be the silver tree in the middle of your table! Great idea for decorating your Christmas table.

  290. Ranae Avatar

    I love seeing your house! Your decorating is beautiful!!

  291. Toni Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your home with us – it looks like a lovely place to live – best wishes to you during this festive holiday season!

  292. shadesofrandom Avatar

    It all looks so nice. I really like the bench in the entry way.

  293. Kristi Avatar

    I love your Christmas home tour! So inspiring. My favorite(s) have to be all of your beautiful red and white quilts.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  294. Maria L Zook Avatar
    Maria L Zook

    Your home is very inviting. I really love your white shelves in the living room. So many fun things to look at.

  295. Karla Pickhinke Avatar
    Karla Pickhinke

    Lisa, LOVE your beautiful home, my favorite is your red and white quilt on the bed, and the pillows, I got into making several pillows the last couple of years, they are fun & easy!
    Thanks for sharing your home, you have worked hard for it, & you deserve it❤️

  296. connandvansmom Avatar

    Love the vintage looking santa’s and bottle brush type trees.. Your home is amazing . So beautiful…And gorgeous Christmas decorations everywhere.

  297. Martha Followill Avatar
    Martha Followill

    Love you home. It is so beautiful. Love all the vintage decorations and the black and red checked pillows. Your bathroom decorations were beautiful. You have such beautiful talent.

  298. Teresa Avatar

    Thanks! I always enjoy seeing Christmas decor it’s part of the magic of the season to me! I vote to definitely carry that WORD Board, it is a favorite vote for me!

  299. Valerie Avatar

    Your home is beautiful, thanks for sharing! I love the red and white quilts, and the “Have yourself a merry little Christmas “ sign above the bed.

  300. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    I love all your cabinetry, to the point of envy! I love how cohesive your home is, I’ve become a grand fan of white and grey and light taupe colors. The reds and blacks really pop. The galvanized bench… ooh la la! And the quilts, oh the quilts!
    You really want us to pick one? Ok, here’s my take away: I love the inspiration I get from these photos. I have an old pair of ice skates I usually hang outside, next year they’re coming in and getting stuffed with greens and ribbons! Thank you for the tour. I’m inspired.

  301. Lynn jarzombeck Avatar

    Happy Holidays to you and your family, Lisa! Love your quilted bench cushion the best! Thanks for sharing pics of your home – it is wonderful. I love your soft gray wall color – what paint is it?

  302. Judy Avatar

    Lisa, you have a beautiful home and family. Thank you for sharing.

  303. Beth Talmage Avatar
    Beth Talmage

    Your tree in the center of your kitchen table was the thing that made me happiest to see; it reminded me of something my mom used to do. Thanks for sharing and sparking a happy memory.

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