Day 5-Precuts & Primitive Gatherings Precuts


Today we have precuts on sale!!!! I know I do not have to go into a long explanation why we need precuts other than the fact that we can have a piece of every fabric in the line in whichever size our budget allows from 2″ charms to FQ tower…All pre-cuts and fabric bundles are 20% off please follow this link below and anything in in this category is on SALE!!!  Oh…I forgot this mean wool precuts as well…charms and bundles!!IMG_9034image.pngimage.pngimage.pngimage.pngIMG_8065

Click here to go to Precut Alley

If you wish to win a precuts…please leave a comment…I’m going with an easy one today…

Are you a dog or cat lover?……I know some of you will not be either for allergic reasons and such…but if none of that existed which would it be?

I am a dog lover…as you know…I was shopping for Christmas for Jeter yesterday in Downtown Neehah…at all the small boutique shops…..and I can’t wait to show you his presents…not until after Christmas though as I want it to be a secret!!IMG_9018

Fur babies are the best!



316 responses to “Day 5-Precuts & Primitive Gatherings Precuts”

  1. Linda M Avatar
    Linda M

    I’m definitely a dog person. Not that I dislike cats. Just their nosiness and bathroom needs.

    1. rwolden Avatar

      I am so allergic to them but my husband is constantly asking for a dog so I’ll have to choose dogs. They are so loyal & loveable.

  2. Terri Mulinix Avatar
    Terri Mulinix

    dog lover all the way

  3. Mary Jo Avatar

    I have neither a dog or cat . . . . . however, I do have 4 ‘granddogs” that I adore!

  4. ardys curl Avatar
    ardys curl

    I love the mini charm’s best! I enjoy making miniatures and get to experience many of the new fabric lines with the minis.

  5. Caryn S Avatar
    Caryn S

    I am a animal lover, but tend to lean towards cats. We have a brother-sister pair. Our son has a dog and a cat.

  6. Elizabeth Avatar

    Dog lover!

  7. wqgwebmgr Avatar

    I’m a cat lover first. And then a dog lover…

  8. Caren Avatar

    Cat I wish you could see my cat’s (Panda) face. Even my dog lover, (quilter friend) appreciates my cat’s charming appearance. Panda is a rascal.

  9. Lisa Mikel Avatar
    Lisa Mikel

    I am a dog lover. My best little fur baby ever passed away about a year ago. He was a smaller breed and lived to be about 18 years old. Dogs truly are a mans best friend.

  10. Mary Fecher Avatar
    Mary Fecher

    Cats here. The are absolutely the best. But I also like dogs. We currently have 2, Watson a 2 year old gray and white one who has finally settled in to laying on my lap while I stitch and 4 month old Nala who is a handful and a half. She has learned that she needs to just curl p on my lap and not chase the needle as I stitch

  11. Brenda Wyatt Avatar
    Brenda Wyatt

    I love all animals! Have a spoiled rotten Shih tzu

  12. Donna B Avatar
    Donna B

    Oh my! I can’t decide. I love my dogs. But I love my cats, also.

    1. Lytle Markham Avatar
      Lytle Markham

      I’m a dog lover! Cats are ok ( my husband has 3!) but dogs are my weakness. I have a little Havanese, called Scooter. He is the sweetest little boy.

  13. Ricky Avatar

    Dog lover. I work with a few rescues and wish I could take more dogs home. Cats just don’t do it for me in general although there are some cats I like—the ones that act like dogs.

  14. terifisher Avatar

    Yep – total dog/cat lover!! Well and all animals really.

  15. Maggi Avatar

    Cat lover..but my hubby is not. Cute story. We he a cat that got named Fluffy. Fluffy was determined to win my husband over. So…every time, yes, every time, he sat in his chair, she would jump up and sit on the arm until he petted her. Then she would jump down. Even after she lost her front leg, she figured out a way to jump up there. He still talks about that cat even though she has been gone many years .

  16. Harriett Murray Avatar
    Harriett Murray

    My fur baby is a golden & she’s our third one to love. She’s crazy energetic & will be 5 yrs on the 23rd. Still acts like a puppy. Loves hugs kisses & balls! She’s getting a 2 ft long chew one & a Disney bubble maker. I forgot to say, she looovves catching bubbles 😂. I love your stories about jeter

  17. Vickie Sorensen Avatar
    Vickie Sorensen

    Dog lover

  18. lbosma Avatar

    Definitely a small dog lover here! Penny our rescue Chihuahua provides daily entertainment! She love her stitching sisters, especially Ms Claudia.

  19. sewkat17 Avatar

    Dog lover for sure! ❤️

  20. Laurie Parsons Avatar
    Laurie Parsons

    Dog lover for sure! Merry Christmas to Jeter! 🙂

  21. Tish Avatar

    Love dogs and cats…although for years thought cats were not for me but then a ginger homeless cat came along and I am hooked. Solomon was accepted right into our dog family and now runs the household. He doesn’t do walks with me but when I am sick, or hurting he always knows and snuggles up to me and comforts me.

  22. Denise Gosselin Avatar
    Denise Gosselin

    I am definitely a dog person. My fur baby is a five year old yellow lab named Riley. He’s such a goof! And yes I do Christmas shop for him. I have yet to find an indestructible store bought toy. His favorite toy is a Honda mini Trail tire that he rolls around the yard.

  23. Cindy Erickson Avatar
    Cindy Erickson

    I love them both but I prefer cats. They have the best personality and attitude

  24. Mary Durham Avatar

    I have both, so it’s hard to choose. I do know I get mad at my dog for the stupid things he does a lot more than I do the cats.

  25. Deanna Bowman Avatar

    I love both cat & dog fur babies. All of ours are rescues or we got for free. Never a dull moment
    with any of them. Happy Holidays to you and yours !!

    1. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
      Tammy Marquardt

      A dog lover through and through. Rescued ones are even better! I can’t imagine my home without a dog. Jake is an Australian shepherd mix and has blue eyes!

  26. Carol Avatar

    I am more of a dog person. I have 2 one female Dixie(14 yrs old) a Tibetan spanie/Lhasa also mix. I have one male Ozzie(3 yes old) a mini schnauzer. I love cats, too but hate litter boxes. I especially love Siamese. I use to have two.

  27. Donna Schulz Avatar
    Donna Schulz

    I have been both, but lost our dog to old age. Same with my cat. I did get another cat. Love the purring sounds & softness of fur. mine likes to help me quilt. I can’t sit to work on hand or sewing machine stitching without her joining me on my lap.Lots of comfort.

  28. Lynn Avatar

    Love dogs, especially Boston Terriers. We had one named Lily and she is 2 years old. She has to lay with me at night with her head on my chest. She is friendly and love people. I do shop for her at Christmas. But I have to find indestructible toys for her as she will destroy and toy with stuffing in it in less than a minute. But I still love her. Merry Christmas to all pet owners.

  29. Debbie B. Avatar
    Debbie B.

    Dogs! I have a 15 month old akita goofball. Love seeing Jeeter pictures, thank you for sharing him.

  30. SARA Snelling Avatar
    SARA Snelling

    I am as dog lover. I like cats too, but dogs love you unconditionally and are always are excited to see you no matter if you have been gone 10 minutes or all day at work. ♥️ Dog Lover♥️

  31. Melanie B Avatar
    Melanie B

    Cats!!! We have two fur babies we have had with us for 18 and 14 years.

  32. Becky Eller Avatar

    Cats, cats, cats, but not in an over the top manner! Have two right now that is plenty. Merry Christmas!

  33. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    I don’t like cats but they will seek me out every time. Although I am not really an animal lover at all we have had a dog for 43 of our 45+ years of marriage so I guess I’m dog liker. Don’t tell my family though. Love all you material, wool and cottons

  34. Pamela D Miller Avatar

    Cats and Dogs! We have a cat named Lily and a black lab named Jenny. Merry Christmas! Pam Miller

  35. Cindy Shope Avatar
    Cindy Shope

    I am a dog lover all the way. I really like all animals, but dogs are my favorite. I got my first dog when I was 2 years old and have had at least one ever since.

  36. Jan Avatar

    Dog Lover. When I was young the postman in our town always left the strays or those who had followed him at our house. Married, we have had an Irish Setter & a retired racing Greyhound. After my Mom passed a feral cat she fed for 10 years made it thru the woods to our house. We were watching football when Hubby said look who’s on the deck looking in. The man who claimed to not like cats made her a house on the front porch to keep warm & safe. I named her Kit Kat & eventually we were able to pet her & hold her on our laps while sitting on the porch. She lived another 2.5 years.

  37. Karalee Morris Avatar
    Karalee Morris

    I think dogs are angels without wings…..LOVE THEM !!

  38. azblodgett Avatar

    Definitely a cat lover! And they love to help me with quilting!

  39. LeAnne K Avatar
    LeAnne K

    We have a little dog, Sophie, who we love best!

  40. Donna Sproston Avatar
    Donna Sproston

    I love cats, but I am allergic to them. I take allergy shots so I can visit my grandchildren and their cats.

  41. Marilyn Hopkins Avatar
    Marilyn Hopkins

    I’m a dog person. I’ve been on this earth almost 70 years, and there has never been a time when I didn’t have at least one dog ( most of the time more). I can’t imagine my life without them!

  42. Susan Collier Avatar
    Susan Collier

    I am definitely a dog lover. My Bella is the greatest dog ever!

  43. Debra Miller Avatar
    Debra Miller

    I love both but currently have 2 dogs-miniature dachshunds that hate cats!

  44. Jill McCaughey Avatar
    Jill McCaughey

    Although I love both cats and dogs, I think I am a dog lover at heart, and have three grand dogs to prove it! We are pet-less now, but share lots of scratches behind the ears of friends’ dogs.

  45. Gail Heike Avatar

    I am definitely a dog lover, although I’ve fostered cats in the past! Under our tree is a special “Naughty But Cute” dog bone for our grand dog, Brooks! Merry Christmas to Jetter and all of your family, Lisa!

  46. Marcy Peterson Avatar
    Marcy Peterson

    Allergic to both dogs and cats, however iI do have a beta fish which is easy on the eyes to watch.

  47. Kathy Roloff Avatar
    Kathy Roloff

    I am equally in love with dogs and cats. We have had 3 dogs and 7 cats along the way. Love each and every one and they continue to live in my heart. I am also a big fan of PG precuts are awesome for very scrappy quilts!

  48. Darlene Wegrynowski Avatar
    Darlene Wegrynowski

    I love my dogs, have a Samoyed and Samoyed husky. I love it that they herd my grandkids! I really love all animals and presently have two wild red foxes that come into our yard and steal the dog toys and chewies they forget outside, so I leave them some dog food and treats to help them through this cold weather.

  49. Carol Schallock Avatar

    We have had several puppies and loved them very much. We lost our last one 9 years age and still today we talk about him. We spend our winters in a resort that says no pets until we don’t travel we will be without a dog!

  50. A Bartus Avatar
    A Bartus

    Dog all day long. My Instagram name is Muggziesmom. He’s a much loved pitbull rescue. He’s the best boy ever!

  51. Glenna C Denman Avatar
    Glenna C Denman

    I have had both dogs and cats, but probably prefer dogs. The very most rewarding time was having one of each and watching them play and fight, it was never a dull moment.

  52. Lori Andersen Gold Avatar
    Lori Andersen Gold

    Am definitely a puppy fur baby lover! Being a single mom for past 20ish years didn’t allow for an animal in our home, but now that the kids are on their own….Merry Christmas to me 🙂 And….I look forward to your new lines so I can build my charm and fat quarter stash….

  53. Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts Avatar

    If allergies were not an issue? both!! I grew up with cats and a dog and would love to have both now, but sadly I have developed some ugly allergies over the years. Thanks for the fun!

  54. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    Dog lover, paws down! We currently have a rescue from Mexico – the gentlest dog we’ve ever had.

  55. Nicki Slater Avatar
    Nicki Slater

    I love our rescue dogs so much!


    I am a dog lover, my babies are getting new ?????

    Sent from my iPhone


  57. Kim Avatar

    Have always had a dog even as a kid, but as a grownup have had both dogs and cats…love them both for different reasons. Had to send my 14-1/2 year old dog across the rainbow bridge earlier in December…sure do miss having him with me. Still have my cat, it not at all the same.

  58. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    I have a cat now, and I appreciate the low maintenance (except the never—ending hair supply) nature of cats. She’s a lap cat, very loving or needy… it’s all perspective!

    I did have two dachshunds at one time, and I thought they were pretty dumb, but my husband says no, we were dumb, we did everything they wanted…. he maintains they were very smart at getting what they wanted! They ruled the roost, those two. I do miss them. They were beautiful dogs.

  59. Tammy Avatar

    A dog lover! They are just not as finicky as cats!

  60. Sherrill L Ash Avatar

    Definitely a dog person! We’ve had 4 golden retrievers and they all had such great personalities. We miss all of them everyday.

  61. Laura B Avatar
    Laura B

    Always always a doggie lover. We have rescued senior dogs They are such a joy. Our currently beagle was born with something similar to macular degeneration and now is completely blind and a bit deaf. Slowly losing bladder control and our time with him is getting shorter 😢. We also ended up with my stepdaughters cat who surprisingly has been a great joy (I hated cats). He is just like a dog in almost every way. He also is relieving the sadness of dwelling on our failing health of Beasley

  62. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    Another thought (already answered the pet question)… did anyone find it impossible to answer yesterday’s question?

    I thought it was the best one… my two boys and their wives are local artists, so your support of locals is critical to their survival. My most recent support involved buying Sarah Watt’s Seam Reaper print fur my studio, which I purchased during the November sales with pincushion give-away.

  63. Jeanne Vaughan Avatar

    100% dog lover although we don’t have one currently. Like others who have commented I lost my best buddy and haven’t been able to get over him. Maybe one day. I’m dog sitting over the holidays so I’m getting a taste again how nice it is to have a dog around.

  64. Teri Avatar

    Definitely a dog lover.

  65. Denise Cabral Avatar
    Denise Cabral

    I like cats but I’m allergic to them. We’ve always had dogs and I absolutely love love dogs”

  66. Judy Avatar

    I have a love and special place in my heart for the Golden Retriever. Have had three come into my life-like my children, I have loved them equally, for their own special ways. I admire those who have cats, however, I wonder if I was a cat in a former life. I do get sleepy when sitting in sun!

  67. janice lashley Avatar

    I’m a dog person, the bigger the better! I’d love to try making something with wool after seeing all the lovely things you are always making, Jan

  68. Linda B Avatar
    Linda B

    I love both dogs and cats and have had both. Currently without either as both our last cat and dog have both gone to pet heaven.

  69. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    Have to say we grew up with cats ~ we even misnamed one. Called her Cindy as she was color of cinders in the driveways around the farm (from the coal burning furnaces), but later discovered of course she was a he! Only cat my Dad ever let come inside while we watched football games!

  70. Vicki Gensini Avatar

    I am a cat lover!

  71. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    I’m definitely a dog lover, but I’m currently cat sitting for my son and his cat it tugging at my heart strings.

  72. Patti O'Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    Dogs I have always loved dogs

  73. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    I always thought I was a small dog lover only but since my grand kids now have cats I have became very fond of cats too.

  74. Donna Avatar

    A dog lover . . .

  75. Gloria Cook Avatar
    Gloria Cook

    I am definitely a dog lover! I’m totally in love with my little Yorkie, Carly. She is the third in line over the last 30 years. They have each added so much joy to my life!

  76. Jacque Wright Avatar
    Jacque Wright

    We have one dog and two cats. I’m definitely more of a cat person – have had them all my life – but I do love our Sophie Schnauzer. For the first time ever (she’ll be 13 in a few days), she’s been napping under the Christmas tree – copying the cats we think!

  77. Athena Butler Avatar
    Athena Butler

    Go, Dog, Go!

  78. Patty Avatar

    Both. Allergic to both, but right now have two rescue cats. Love them to death, in spite of sneezing and at times, unable to breath. I am looking for a rescue dog, any size, but one that likes cats and is good for people with allergies. I would rather give a rescue a good home and keep sneezing, than for the dog or cat to think or feel no one loves them.

  79. Mary Kastner Avatar
    Mary Kastner

    I am a dog lover but I don’t have any fur babies right now. Thx for the chance! Happy Holidays!

  80. Shirley Avatar

    Definitely lately dog lover. We have a golden retriever. He retrieves tennis balls.

  81. Joan Avatar

    I am absolutely a dog lover! They are best!

  82. Mary Howland Avatar
    Mary Howland

    I’d love to have a dog.

  83. T. Smith Avatar
    T. Smith

    I am a dog person. There is a dog at the animal shelter right now that I want to rescue. All I have to do is talk my husband (aka: Mr. Wonderful) into having a pet.

  84. Diana Avatar

    I am both a cat and dog lover. I grew up on a farm where we had everything for pets from cats and dogs to 2 racoons and I had 4 pigs that were pets. I wanted to be a vet when I got out of school but as often happens life – marriage – and raising kiddos came first. When I retire I hope to be able to adopt a dog that will settle in nicely with my 2 cats. – Oliver and Rupert.

  85. Robin R Avatar
    Robin R

    I love my pups!

  86. Wendy Snyder Avatar
    Wendy Snyder

    OMG it’s dogs dogs and more dogs for me! I’ve always had aussies, so the Aussie posse (plus a few others) always gather for morning hikes through our regional park. Dogs will always be in my life! Thanks for the opportunity, and happy holidays!

  87. Janis T Avatar
    Janis T

    I love both! We’ve mostly had cats but in our retirement we attempted to get a dog. Unfortunately there was a medical problem caused by the breeder and we had to return him after 6 weeks. Our hearts were so broken we haven’t had the courage to try again. Now we shower our grand dogs with love!

  88. Nancy Zimmerman Avatar
    Nancy Zimmerman

    Definitely a dog person! 🐶🐾🐾

  89. Sue Avatar

    Dogs first, but cats a close second!

  90. Linda Valentino Avatar
    Linda Valentino

    I love dogs 🐶! They never sass back and give unconditional love, which I really needed when my 3 girls were teenagers… lol!

  91. Karen Yaffe Avatar
    Karen Yaffe

    Love both!

  92. BarbBBQOnnen Avatar

    BOTH ! Throughout the years we have had 2 cats and 2 dogs – seperate times – never cats and dogs at the same time. Am now 73 and want no animals so that I am free to go where and when I want. My grandson has always wanted a dog. When he spent Christmas and summer breaks with me he would anxiously wait for the neighbor to get home for lunch or after work, then he would dash out the door so he could walk their dog. When he turned 14 he got his dog. A little late I think, but he is very responsible and takes great care. Chewie sleeps with him.
    Would love a wool a wool precut if chosen.

  93. carol thomas Avatar

    I love cats, kittens, puppies and dogs. I have had a Saint Bernard and several cats through my adult life. Greived for each one when they crossed the rainbow bridge.

  94. Jacqueline CELESTINE Avatar
    Jacqueline CELESTINE


  95. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    Hmmm we have two cats and I like girls of cats, not the ones fhat jump on the counter and table. We mostly have have cats to keep away the mice. I have not had a dog since childhood, but I like the idea of a well trained dog. Right now I don’t think I could handle it because we have 3 small children that take up all my time.

  96. Beth K Avatar
    Beth K

    Dog lover. We currently have 3 black dogs, all couch potatoes. We have a cousin of Jeter’s who is black with a white chest.

  97. Kari Stutzman Avatar

    Growing up i thought i was a dog person but i now know i am a cat person. Love my fur babies… Errol a large chicken of a cat , and Clarabelle a teeny tiny diva ruler over all cat. I also feed a herd of feral barn working cats that keep the farm free from rats and mice . Merry Christmas!

  98. Connie Hoffmeyer Avatar
    Connie Hoffmeyer

    Definitely dog lover! 🦮

  99. Gail Zatirka Avatar

    Definitely a dog lover. We have had 6 rescued greyhounds over the years and love them to pieces. They are big, funny and quirky each with a distinct personality – all loveable!

  100. Marcia Avatar

    I am a “both” lover. We share our home with a fantastic rescue Lhasa apso and two cats–one born Ferrell and a beautiful Birman. Life is good.

  101. Ellen R Avatar
    Ellen R

    Total dog lover. We are without dogs right now. Waiting for the right rescue because our last one Duncan.. a beagle terrier mix… was so amazing and made me laugh every day. He did not, however, like the sewing machine and would paw at me until it stopped. He much preferred my wool work because he could sit near and keep me company.

  102. Paula Kmetty Avatar
    Paula Kmetty

    Dogs rule. Cats drool

  103. Ann Weaver Avatar
    Ann Weaver

    I love dogs, we don’t have one now, OREO was put down in February. She adopted us, how special is that. Jester is so handsome.

  104. DEB WORTHMAN Avatar

    Dog lover! We rescued a golden retriever a few years ago.

  105. Beth N in AZ Avatar
    Beth N in AZ

    dogs! Mine gives me those big brown eyes until we go for a walk, rests his chin on my knee when he needs something …. but kittens can be ok too

  106. suejean1 Avatar

    We have 2 cats and 2 dogs but I am definitely a dog person. If anyone were to look at my FB feed they would see nothing but quilts and dogs. I volunteer when available at our local dog shelter and as community service chair person for our guild have facilitated community service sew-ins for kennel quilts and quilts for their beds. Dogs are loyal and loving. Your Jeter is a sweetheart, I am thankful I got to meet him once. Our fur babies are definitely part of the family.

  107. Wendy L Avatar
    Wendy L

    I am a dog lover for sure! I have a very faithful golden retriever who loves to follow me from room to room. Although one room he isn’t allowed is my sewing room, it’s amazing how his golden hair still finds its way in there!

  108. Sharon Gregorczyk Avatar
    Sharon Gregorczyk

    I am a total dog lover!! I have two border collies who have my heart ❤️

  109. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I guess I am both—we have had cats as pets for many years, but now we have our little rescue dog Willow who sometimes acts like a cat!

  110. Annette Crain (Nettie) Avatar

    Allergic to pet fur, so no dogs or kitties dwell with us.

  111. Sandy Avatar

    Lover of all cats and dogs! Would have a houseful if I could!!!

  112. AudreyB Avatar

    Cat lover!!! I love their independent streak. they give their love but only when they want to.

  113. Jan Hughes Avatar

    well when I look at my Yorkie, Highway, I’m a dog lover! But when I see my little cat, Allie, then I’m a cat lover!

  114. Nancy Avatar

    Cat lover. Rescue. She’s a beauty…

  115. Audrey Z Avatar
    Audrey Z

    Cat Lover
    ! I love their independent personality. They give love only when they want to.

  116. Patricia Wiggs Avatar
    Patricia Wiggs

    LOVE my Scottie — can’t imagine life without her. This is my first time with just one dog – the best gifts of life. Merry Christmas, Jeter – hope you love your presents.

  117. JoAnn Avatar

    I’m a cat person. I lost my cat Lucy, she slept on my pillow. I miss her every day. She followed me around and sat at my feet when I sewed. Best company ever.

  118. Cherie Reynolds Avatar
    Cherie Reynolds

    We had cats for years but i had a dog when i was growing up. Cats seems to be lower maintenance for our family!

  119. Lynn Barrett Avatar
    Lynn Barrett

    Definitely dog! We’ve had golden retrievers for 45 years and are raising our 9th puppy, 5-month-old Sailor. It was easier when we were younger, but she is so much fun!

  120. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    We are a dog family! We have a grey lab/ pitbull rescue mix. Sophie is almost 3 years old and we dote on her. My husband grew up without any pets and has really taken to dog ownership in his 50s!

  121. Barb Gibney Avatar
    Barb Gibney

    Cat for sure💕

  122. Marlene Leonardo Avatar
    Marlene Leonardo

    I’m a dog lover…yep!

  123. Terri Hauge Avatar
    Terri Hauge

    Cats over Dogs, but love them both!

  124. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    I am definitely a dog lover. I currently don’t have one, but as soon as I can I know I’ll get another. One of my daughters has a sweet husky/Shepard cross who is filling the need for now!

  125. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    I have to say dogs.

  126. Martha Followill Avatar

    I love dogs and have had 3 in the past that died. I want another dog so bad, but my husband said we are gone to much and the poor dog would have to be alone. I am praying that I can get one someday.

  127. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    Love your fabric designs and would love to win some.

    1. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
      Cheryl Gherna

      It would definitely be a dog!

  128. Diane Schwarz Avatar
    Diane Schwarz

    We have had several cats in our lives. They were all cuddly. Now my daughter has a Standard black Poodle. When they come to visit for several days—plus—-, she never touches anything in the house. Good dog!!! Very smart

  129. Donna Watson Avatar
    Donna Watson

    I love them both! I only have a cat for now….but grew up with both around the house!

  130. Maureen Fry Avatar
    Maureen Fry

    I prefer dogs, tho I have had both.

  131. Sharon Avatar

    I’m a dog lover. I only have one but I would have more if I had the space. I got him squeaky tennis 🎾 balls for Christmas. He loves them and will run through the house squeaking them, his jaw moving a mile a minute. He’s so funny to watch!

  132. Joy P Avatar

    I’m an animal lover…but I currently have a cat. I do try to get my dog fix in as often as possible (after asking if it is okay to pet).

  133. Donna Lee Lurker Avatar
    Donna Lee Lurker

    I love dogs and cats, but for now I have brother and sister 18-month-old long-haired cats. My cocker spaniel died two summers ago from cancer. When I retire in a few years I will get another puppy. I miss him so much. I would love to win a precut! They are so much fun to work with!

  134. Karen Schneider Avatar
    Karen Schneider

    I am a dog lover. Bailey, short for Bailey Irish Cream (because she looked that color when we picked her up as a puppy. ) is our 3rd Golden. She is a needy monster. I truly love her.

  135. Tracie Avatar

    LOVE dogs but have two very sweet cats. Lost both of my boxers at early ages and just couldn’t do it again…)
    I know we will someday start looking. I love the look of Jeter!

  136. Jane Avatar

    I am a cat lover! The cats I have had over the years have all been so sweet. My current one, Mimi, I rescued from a store in Mineral Point. She could not live with the owner because of the other animals she had. I was in there once and saw her. I had just lost my cat, 6 months later I went in there again and she was still there. The owner had told me on 1st visit I could have her. When I went back….my decision was made. After we got back from a trip, I drove to Mineral Point and picked her up. The rest is history. This past September the owner of the store closed it. I am so happy to have her.

  137. Sandi McDaniel Avatar
    Sandi McDaniel

    I favor dogs, Jeter is so cute!

  138. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    I’m a dog lover. Cats seam to know it because they always rub up against me and I really don’t like it. It really freaks me out.

  139. Marie Avatar

    Dog lover, have never owned a cat.

  140. Susy Avatar

    Dog and cat lover! Do not have any pets at this time, due to an allergy problem with my housemate. But have had many of each, love the loyalty of dogs, they always sense your moods and are so responsive. Love a cat to cuddle. So now I have grand dogs, love them, too!

  141. Rose J Avatar
    Rose J

    I have three of both….but I have to say I am slightly partial to the dogs..

  142. Cindy G. Avatar
    Cindy G.

    I’m a cat lover.

  143. JoyceO Avatar

    Seems as though I’m one of those “allergic to everything” kind of people. 😒. However, if I wasn’t and could make a choice, it would be a dog in the “blink of an eye!” 🐶😁

  144. sharon docherty Avatar
    sharon docherty


  145. Sue Bennett Avatar

    Dog. Schnauzers rule.

  146. Patti S Avatar
    Patti S

    Oh, I am a dog lover! We do have a cat also, and he is an amazing cat, kind of like a cat-dog, in that he will follow some commands you give a dog, like wait, lay down. Its kind of cute. But we love our golden!

  147. Wanda Wolfe Avatar
    Wanda Wolfe

    We are both dog lovers and cat lovers. Right now we only have cats. Our dear dog sadly has gone to doggy heaven. We miss him, but aren’t ready to get another one just yet.

  148. shadesofrandom Avatar

    Is it okay to like both cats and dogs? But I think I like cats better.

  149. Dede benson Avatar
    Dede benson

    I love all animals, but dogs are my people. Nothing is better than to come home to a pet.

  150. Jan Avatar

    I have two chocolate labs. Love them so much, but still miss max who has been gone 2 years but always in my heart.

  151. EDIE Avatar

    If I had to choose, it would be dogs. That being said, no animals in my home. Merry Christmas to everyone at Primitive Gatherings!

  152. Kathy Avatar

    I LOVE ALL FUR BABIES — always had a dog as a child into adult treats. Now kitties too. If you give them the same time/attention as a dog, they ‘do’ respond. I’m ‘learning’ to speak ‘meow’…!! 🙀😸

  153. Twila J Avatar
    Twila J

    A few years ago I would have answered very quickly and emphatically…DOGS! However, we rescued a sweet, little feline and he surely has snuggled his way into my heart. He really is one of the sweetest creatures ever. With that said…my Gordon Setter and Catahoula Leopard dog are pretty darn great too!
    Happy Holiday!

  154. Judy Wilson Avatar
    Judy Wilson

    I am cat lover. I have had cats since I was little. Sadly we do not have any now and it is driving me crazy!

  155. COLLEEN KOSKI Avatar

    I love them both! But cats win at the moment. I have a cat full of sass who knows how to strut her stuff!! She is very personable surprisingly so if you are gone for an extended time she has lots to say when you return and loves to warm your lap!

  156. Alyson Avatar

    I tend to be a dog lover. My daughter likes both and decided to save kittens during kitten season. Last year she rescued a kitten and an adult cat. This year three kittens. Yes that does equal five plus the two dogs we already had.

  157. Laura Amlott Avatar
    Laura Amlott

    I am a total dog lover! My Westie, Lulu is my partner in crime!

  158. Kelly Avatar

    Dogs are the best! I have a white Schnauzer named Lucky who I adopted from the Humane Society, he is the best dog I’ve ever had! I don’t know what I would do without him! He is very spoiled he has several outfits to make him even more handsome!

  159. Pattie Davidson Avatar
    Pattie Davidson

    I am a dog lover. I would love to win the precuts!

  160. Judi Smith Avatar
    Judi Smith

    I love them both, but cats only give love to you when they want to. Dogs will love you all the time!

  161. Mary Dick Avatar
    Mary Dick

    Cat lover! Don’t have any at the moment but most of my quilts still have cat hair interwoven!

  162. MollieAgnes Avatar

    I’m a dog person who lives with and loves a sweet cat who adopted me.

  163. Judy D Avatar
    Judy D

    Definitely a dog person! We used to raise Labs and at one time we had 7 adult labs living in the house with us! We now have 13 year old Black Lab , Molly and our rescue LabxGerman Shepard, Kenny who has been with since since May 2018

  164. Kat R Avatar
    Kat R

    I have 4 cats right now because I travel a lot so they don’t require the attention that dogs do. I love both though!

  165. Margaret F Avatar
    Margaret F

    Dog lover. I’m glad I’m not the only one spoiling my special hound with lovingly wrapped Christmas presents – she loves to tear off the paper to get to whatever is inside!

  166. KRISTIE Avatar

    All in for dogs, love them all. Currently looking right at 3 of them!

  167. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    Even though cats don’t require as much care, I would have to say I would prefer dogs. Both animals can sit on your lap and give you that warm fuzzy feeling!

  168. Donna W Avatar
    Donna W

    Dogs for me! In fact, we have a puppy on order, which we should be able to get near the end of January. Can’t wait. Counting down the weeks.

  169. Gayle Cowdin Avatar
    Gayle Cowdin

    Of course I would like to win. I am a total dog lover. Couldn’t live without them

  170. Julee Prose Avatar
    Julee Prose

    have 2 cats, that’s enough…

  171. Kristie M Michalowski Avatar

    Definitely a dog lover ;o) I have 6 dog from a Great Dane to a mini dachshund…(allergic to cats). They all get along wonderfully and I am home all day with them.

  172. Patricia Smith Avatar
    Patricia Smith

    I am a dog lover all the way. In fact she loves Primitive Gatherings wool so much. Sometimes she will find a scrap on my studio floor and lay on it:):):),,

  173. Loris Mills Avatar

    I’m a total dog lover…and a total cat lover. Not sure I could be happy without either one of them. Jeter is adorable. I hope he loves his gifts! Merry Christmas!

  174. Bonnie Larson Avatar

    I am a cat lover. Thanks

  175. Shari allen Avatar
    Shari allen

    I’m a dog lover. There’s just something about their little faces and desire to please. I’m with Lisa my pup is spoiled. My husband told me to stop buying her Christmas presents and giving them to her early. I just couldn’t wait to give them to her

  176. teresaherbold7350 Avatar

    Wow! Most of you are dog lovers. Well, I am a dog lover and a cat lover. I have a dog of my own and sometimes during the week I will watch my two sons’ dogs as their wives work and they don’t want to leave the dogs alone. So they come up here and be with me. I also have four cats that tolerate the dogs well. So we are fur babies all the way. Couldn’t live without a pet around.

  177. Mary Kolb Avatar
    Mary Kolb

    Dogs like I grew up with – out in the barn & smart enough to bring the cows home from the pasture for milking!

  178. Barb K Avatar
    Barb K

    Can’t choose between the two–We have an outside dog “Daisy” and two indoor cats, Cinderella (all black) and Katie (a Siamese). Love them all!!

  179. Barb Avatar


  180. Mary Lu Avatar
    Mary Lu

    Cats !

  181. Bonnie Harrell Avatar
    Bonnie Harrell

    Absolutely, definitely a cat person! We are owned by 4 indoor cats and we feed and shelter many ferals outside.

  182. Diane Poirier Avatar
    Diane Poirier

    I’m 100% a dog! Naya is a rescue, black lab/border collie. We thought her how to say grace before eating. She will do anything for food, lol

  183. Sheila Snyder Avatar
    Sheila Snyder

    I like dogs-but I really LOVE cats, especially black cats. We have had 2 (black cats) in my life time and they both have been wonderful pets and “best friends to us :-)!”

  184. Kristy Avatar

    Yep, I am allergic to both………however, there are some dogs I am fine with. So I would say dog……plus they are so loyal and loving.

  185. Lj Avatar

    Dogs! Big dogs! We have had Rotties, St Bernard, Dogue De Bordeauxs. Just lost our two dogues this year- mother and son. First time in forever that we have not had at least one dog in the house. Kids about cannot stand it. Need a little more time but I am sure it will not be long till we have another! Just don’t tell them that yet😉

  186. linda bechtel Avatar

    I love all fur babies! We have a small female cat that was rescued from the highway. Lucky me , I have four grand dogs! Don’t gave to put them out for potty breaks!

  187. Annette Moore Avatar
    Annette Moore

    Cats dogs you name it I love them both!!

  188. Tami Boyette Avatar
    Tami Boyette

    Definitely a dog lover. I have 2 Yorkies (Harley and Maggie).

  189. Cheryl Avatar

    We have a mini Goldendoodle, Paisley. She is loved but she has a mind of her own!!

  190. Elizabeth Zaysoff Avatar
    Elizabeth Zaysoff

    Dogs 100%. We have 2 show Scotties and hope to be getting another soon, and a retired Westie. We are a full house!!

  191. Novella McCracken Avatar
    Novella McCracken

    I am mostly a dog lover but I love cats, too. Just not as much. Our Jack Russell,
    Callie Ann is 13 and we have 2 cats, mother Mailbox and daughter Sadie.
    Love your blog!

  192. Kathy C Avatar
    Kathy C

    We have two toy poodles one is 5 lbs and one is 10lbs! Fur babies are great!

  193. Sue knill Avatar
    Sue knill

    Love my dog Zoey I am always amazed at how smart she is and how she so much of what is going on.

  194. Charmaine Avatar

    We’ve had a cat for a long time, but dogs are super cute too 😻

  195. Jennifer Theien Avatar
    Jennifer Theien

    Gotta be cats 😼

  196. Debbie G Avatar
    Debbie G

    I’m a dog lover. Mine is a Yorkie Maltese mix. She’s 6 1/2 pounds and 10 years old. Since I have been a widow for the past almost 3 years, she’s a great companion. She’s always happy when I walk in the door. She keeps me walking every day, except when it’s really cold or there’s a lot of snow. Summers are out favorite season.

  197. Maureen G Avatar
    Maureen G

    I am an animal lover all the way, does not matter what kind. But to share space in my house dogs rule.

  198. carmen mullins Avatar

    I’m a dog lover. Right now we have a little scottie mix who loves to play with stuffed toys. 🙂

  199. Terri S Avatar
    Terri S

    Dog, but we have an adorable cat too!

  200. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    I’ve owned both but come down on Team Dog!

  201. Patty Archuleta Avatar
    Patty Archuleta

    Definitely a dog lover…the bigger the better!!! Mastiffs rule at our house. No little yippee dogs here.

  202. Gale W. S. Avatar
    Gale W. S.

    I’ve had an absolutely terrific Beagle, then a solo cat, now 2 cats. Love both critters!!

  203. Joanne Avatar

    I am a devout animal lover. We are definitely dog people, but have had many “fur babies” through the years, rabbits, guinea pigs, cats, horses, dogs. We just lost our two funny, heart warming border collies in the past few months and are not ready for a couple more fur babies yet. But we sure miss cuddling with them.

  204. Louise Nielson Avatar

    While growing up, my cat was my best friend to tell all my problems to, however, with the onslaught of allergies, I prefer my dogs now!

  205. Karen H Avatar
    Karen H

    Definitely a DOG person !! We live in an area where a lot of dogs are abandoned and one day when I brought one home my husband said to me ” the next time you bring a dog home the dog can stay and you can go” because I was bringing too many home- two weeks later he called me up at work and said- I just found another dog!!!- can’t live without them !!!

  206. Liz Kisielewski Avatar
    Liz Kisielewski

    Both a dog and cat person. They each have personalities that appeal to me.

  207. Paula Philpot Avatar
    Paula Philpot

    We have a German Shepherd and I am a dog person. Paula in KY

  208. Deb G in VA Avatar
    Deb G in VA


  209. Vicki Avatar

    I love both, but right now I am in love with my cat. She is mouthy, pushy and will lie to me. Our Vet can’t believe she’s 15. I tell her if someone waited on us 24 hours a day we would look younger too. I can’t save all the rescue animals, but I can give the ones I adopt a wonderful life.

  210. Laura Berlie Avatar
    Laura Berlie

    I would say I am a cat lover. I have had cats and dogs in the past. My last cat had such a personalty. I would talk to her (Mango) and she would make little chirpy noise like she understood what I was saying.

  211. Kathy Johnson Avatar
    Kathy Johnson

    I am a cat person all the way! But I have a soft spot for all animals. 🙂

  212. mary h Avatar
    mary h

    I have 2 cats but like both, except yappy dogs!

  213. Carol Joswick Avatar
    Carol Joswick

    I am a dog lover. But I love all animals too. Jeter reminds me of my granddog AK….love Pits. Merry Christmas Lisa and family

  214. Pam McLellan Avatar
    Pam McLellan

    I am a dog lover for sure. We lost our fur baby in July so we don’t get to see him open his presents this year. Batista loved to open presents. He would snoop under the tree so we couldn’t put his presents under the tree til Christmas eve. Merry Christmas Jeter

  215. kathyreeves Avatar

    Dog lover, definitely, and my current dog is Max, the cardigan corgi-border collie who guards and herds me. He loves to lay on his blanket in the sewing room, listening to audio books, and he is the smartest dog I have ever seen! ❤️

  216. Karen L. Avatar
    Karen L.

    I am a “dyed in the wool” (get it? Ha!) dog person although I have had several cats along with the dogs. However, I have family members who are allergic to cats so won’t be having anymore. Still, they both have there pros and cons but I do love dogs best!

  217. Krissy Butorac Avatar
    Krissy Butorac

    I love them both…well any animal actually. I have always had dogs and can’t imagine a life without one. They are the best friend you could have. So faithful. Our dogs are family members. they go where we go and have the same rights to furniture…and snacks. We worry about them and try to make their days wonderful.They have Christmas stockings. How could someone not love a dog? One of the best gifts you can give yourself. Merry Christmas Jeter!

  218. Betty Avatar

    Well, I am a dog lover. I like cats ok, but dogs are almost as nice as Grandchildren, 🙄

  219. Carmen Montmarquet Avatar

    I love and have both, We have an 11 yr old Brittany, who thinks she is still a puppy? And 2 sister kitties that were feral when i adopted them in July as 3 mo olds, and until last month i could not pat 1 of them! But thankfully she came around! I can’t imagine not having pets, i wish i could rescue so many more!!! And yes i have Christmas shopped for them as well as the 4 grand dogs my kids own! Merry Christmas to all!

  220. Vickie Olsen Avatar
    Vickie Olsen

    Dogs, are our bestest friends. They love you unconditionally.

  221. paula Avatar

    I’m a dog lover and our beat friend Ben is a lab mastive .hes really a great dog on the farm and by the warm fireplace lol that’s his favourite places to be.

  222. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    Although I love both cats & dogs, dogs are my favorite! Love your pictures of Jeter

  223. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    I am a dog lover. As long as it is a non-shedding one.

  224. Maggie R. Avatar
    Maggie R.

    I love my dogs! I have two Havanese…Sadie and Izzie. They’re sisters and I’d have more but we travel and it’s hard to take more than two along!!

  225. Leanne Mal Avatar
    Leanne Mal

    Dog lover! We have allergies in the family so we can’t have pets. I like to say I get to love everybody else’s dog 🙂

  226. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    How does one choose a dog or a cat? I love the loyalty of dogs and the independence of cats. Although my husband will not permit me to have either, I would probably choose a dog over a cat. Dogs are more dependable and make me feel safe because they can bark–loudly!

  227. Avatar

    I am a dog lover. We have been without a dog for a few years now. Looking for a Borderdoodle n

  228. Patti S Avatar
    Patti S

    A dog lover. We just adopted a dog from the local humane society. Murphy is a sweetie.

    1. judireiss Avatar

      I love both. Right now we have 2 biggies.

  229. Kathy Harris Avatar
    Kathy Harris

    We are cat and dog lovers. We have had both over the years.

  230. Beverly Sensabaugh Avatar
    Beverly Sensabaugh

    Love dogs!

  231. Paula Avatar

    Hello I just wanted to comment on where my accomplishments come from and that’s to My mother for showing me to my favourite sewing machine.and for my girlfriend mom for showing me to quilting.sewing is in my blood and the woman in my life that have infullenced me to be creative.the indigo blue fabrics would look amazing in my farmhouse.

  232. debbie ryniewski Avatar
    debbie ryniewski

    Definitely a dog lover. I was blessed with 3 terrific dogs during my lifetime. Bud (actually a girl dog), Ariel (after the little mermaid), and Ollie. Ollie was my daughters dog, but I was grandma to Ollie as I have no grandkids. They were the best companions and are sorely missed everyday.

  233. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    Definitely a dog lover!

  234. Susan Polk Avatar
    Susan Polk

    Hello! I am a cat lover – I have three cats and have had many more in the past. Cats rule!

  235. Judy Clark Avatar
    Judy Clark

    Hi Lisa- Definitely a dog lover. I’m allergic to cats. We had precious little terrier for 17 years but she was our one and only. Now love our kids dogs.

  236. feliciahamlinFelicia Hamlin Avatar

    I used to think that I loved cats more than dogs, but then my hubby got a Beagle and I got a Chiwiini a few years later. I still have a kitty, but the dogs are always welcoming us with wagging tails. Priceless! Thank you for the chance to win.

  237. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    Dog lover!

  238. feliciahamlinFelicia Hamlin Avatar

    I used to think that I loved cats best. Then my hubby got a Beagle and a few years later I got a Chiwini. I still have a kitty, but the dogs welcome us with wagging tails. Priceles! Thank you for the chance to win.

  239. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    Both!! We have a dog and two cats. You don’t want to pick a favorite do you?

  240. Jennifer Granrud Avatar
    Jennifer Granrud

    On Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 9:04 AM Lisa Bongean’s Web Blog wrote:

    > lisabongean posted: ” Today we have precuts on sale!!!! I know I do not > have to go into a long explanation why we need precuts other than the fact > that we can have a piece of every fabric in the line in whichever size our > budget allows from 2″ charms to FQ tower…All pre-cu” >

  241. Charlotte Schindler Avatar
    Charlotte Schindler

    We don’t have any dogs or cats now but have had both in the past. So love them equally.

  242. Vicki Avatar

    Dog lover although we don’t have any currently. So we enjoy our grand-dogs when we get to see them.

  243. Michelle Navratil Anderson Avatar
    Michelle Navratil Anderson

    Dog person. I had cats for years, but developed allergies. I had a miniature schnauzer that was a wonderful companion. He’s in doggie heaven and I’m looking forward to getting another one.

  244. Pam Bo. Avatar
    Pam Bo.

    Dog? Probably but I’m not sure! I do know I would like some pre-cuts….

  245. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    Dog for sure, all my bffs have 4 legs.

  246. Toni Anne Potter Avatar
    Toni Anne Potter

    Definitely a dog person. I like dogs more than I like some people, dogs are not fake if they don’t like you you know it right away. I’m the person that when visiting someone, I come and get on the floor to pet the beasts first and then go on with my visit with the people. I’m also the neighbor who will chase a dog all over the neighborhood and return the dog, sometimes before the owner ever realizes they were gone.

  247. Sue H Avatar
    Sue H

    I’m BOTH! I have a dear kitty named Polly. Her mother was run over before her eyes were even opened. I adopted her when she was almost 8 weeks old. She isn’t always the easiest to get along with but she’s family and beautiful. My dog is a rescue mutt. My husband got her DNA tested and she is 1/4 Pit, 1/4 Retreiver, 1/8 Boxer, 1/8 Husky, 1/8 Dalmatian, 1/8 Boston Terrier! Her name is Gracie and she looks like a golden retriever with an over-sized head and her fur is thick like a husky. She is sweet, lovable, and so docile!

  248. skeetercramer8937Skeeter Avatar

    Unconditional love, happy to see you after a stressful day, snuggles on a cold wintery day. Just a few reasons I’m a dog lover.

  249. Kim naylor Avatar
    Kim naylor


  250. Marilyn Avatar

    Honestly – I’m kind of afraid of animals (didn’t grow up with any around, and a dog tried to bite me). But I did dog sit once, after which I felt more comfortable. If I had a pet it would be a dog.

  251. usairdoll Avatar

    Definitely a dog lover! Grew up with them, raised my kids with them and now we all have dogs, hehe.

    Happy Holidays!

    usairdoll (at) icloud (dot) com

  252. Amanda Waldoch Avatar
    Amanda Waldoch

    I am a total dog lover! We have a chocolate lab named Shrek who will be 8 in February! He is our fur baby and completely spoiled! They have so much unconditional love and teach us to truly live each day to the fullest!

  253. Robin RK Avatar
    Robin RK

    I am a Cat lady to the core, just don’t tell my dog. We have 3 cats and 1 dog and those cats are all over the poor dog, literally. But it’s Cats for sure!

  254. Diane Avatar

    Cat person, definitely. Allergy to dogs unfortunately. 6 cats in the house currently to be reduced to 4 after the college Christmas break. Hopefully down to 2 in February and reclaiming my sewing room.😻😎

  255. Kyra Franz Avatar

    Dogs for me! They are so adorable and loving!

  256. Robin Crittenden Avatar
    Robin Crittenden

    I love them both but currently have a house full of cats.

  257. Jean Siettmann Avatar
    Jean Siettmann

    I’m a definitely love dogs! My Jack is a special needs 70 pound Terrier mix. He was recently diagnosed with Addison’s disease and had a tough life before coming to my home. My kids refer to him as my little money pit. I wouldn’t trade my strange little guy for the world.

  258. Shirley R Mann Avatar

    I love cats and dogs both. But, cats would be my favorite. Not so needy. Shirley

  259. Robin Avatar

    DOGS……. we adore ours. Ziggy “Stardust” , named after my favorite David Bowie album! He’s a mini golden doodle. We got him at a farm in Lancaster, PA while my husband and I were antiquing and of course, going to Quilt stores ! He’s a wonderful part of our family, he loves my quilt room he has his own quilt! Lisa, whenever I hear your dogs name, I think of Derek Jeter from the NY Yankees, our favorite team!!

  260. Dortha Avatar

    I love dogs and cats. But dogs are my favorite.

  261. JennyM Avatar

    Totally a dog lover here!

  262. Kathy Grahek Avatar
    Kathy Grahek

    Cats! In fact I do cat rescue…living in the country I find people drop off their unwanted pets anywhere. I have had as many as 12 at one time…one adult male was neutered and declawed even. People can be cruel but we love and care for each for their life-time. And they give so much in return!

  263. Janet Avatar

    Dogs for this family! Although cats might be less work, I just don’t trust them! Lol….jmh

  264. Sharon Browne Avatar

    I love all animals but cats hold a special place in my heart.

  265. needleminder Avatar

    I love them both. Because of my working hours, and A cats tendency to be more aloof and independent, I have only two cats currently. But would dearly love to add another dog to the family if I were ever able to be at home enough to be a true companion to it the way one should with a dog. I’ve owned/been owned by an amazing Border Collie before and hope to someday share my home with one again!

  266. nancyf18 Avatar

    I love Cats and dogs
    I spoil them all
    Mack ( dog ) is in heaven now with Boomer, Maxwell,and Tobey his cat brothers. Malachi my cat Mack his dog
    They got along so well. They both waled the fence line and is by chance you fussed at Mack Malachi would sit their and fuss at you telling you do not fuss at my dog, so cute. I’ll get another dog one day.

  267. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    Thankful for all kinds of animals, but non dwell with us now.

  268. Michele Avatar

    Your dog is adorable. Thanks so much for your blog!

  269. Sue Sawyers Avatar
    Sue Sawyers

    Definitely a dog lover. I had to call him Alex the dog, as people would think he was my human child…

  270. Deborah I Graber Avatar

    I am so happy to see a picture of Jeter! it’s been too long since I saw his cute fuzzy face. Obviously I am a dog lover! I have two Goldens who are both certified Therapy Dogs and we volunteer at our local hospital. Merry Christmas, I hope your holidays are wonderful.

  271. Terri U Avatar
    Terri U

    I like both cats and dogs. They each are their own individuals. We do not have either now but may again some day.

  272. Dana Avatar

    I was a cat person until I got my first dog, now I’m totally a dog person! My little guy will be 14 in March. He’s blind, hard of hearing so having and moves at a snail’s pace so he requires a lot of patience, but he’s still a happy little dude!

  273. Robin T. Avatar
    Robin T.

    Love big dogs. I would like to have a cat, but hubby says no! Currently we have no pets. It’s so sad when our pets die. They just don’t live long enough.

  274. Lori Genther Avatar

    I’m definitely a dog person. Right now we have Banjo, a chocolate yorkie, and my Tucker, he’s a yorkie schnauzer mic with one ear up and one down. He’ll be leaving soon, as he’s almost 17 and blind and deaf. Not sure I will have another for awhile when that happens. It’ll be hard to top him!

  275. Blotzer Kennette Avatar
    Blotzer Kennette

    We are cat lovers. As living in the country dictates we always have a pair and a spare. Three adorable furry felines.

  276. Lori Albrechtsen Avatar
    Lori Albrechtsen

    I am a dog LOVER! I have five grand puppies…one Great Dane and four Brittany Spaniels. Love them all!!!

  277. Sandy G Avatar
    Sandy G

    Dogs are the best, I miss my miniature dachshund Barney. I hope to adopt another dog someday soon, when I can be home more. I think cats are cute too, but I’ve developed an allergy to them as I’ve gotten older.

  278. Judyk Avatar

    All pets are great, I just don’t have any now. At this time in my life it’s not just possible. I have my eye on Indigo Gatherings, can’t wait for its arrival in quilt shops.

  279. Beth Esser Avatar
    Beth Esser

    Guess I’m more of a dog person since my dad raised German Shorthair Pointers when I was growing up. But those cats my daughter has sure have quite the personalities! Especially when they climb up on Grandpa’s lap every time we visit and he is the one who doesn’t really care for cats!

  280. Jakey Avatar

    Hi Lisa, I am a dog lover. I had a cat a long time ago, which was nice. Though, It’s been my experience with Molly (a border collie & Australian shepherd mix) that dogs are so much more communicative, playful, loving, and protective. As Vincent says “she’s adorable!” Hugs, Jakey

  281. Angela Brady Avatar
    Angela Brady

    Dog Lover for sure!! I do love all animals. Fur babies are the best! Mine love to be with me in my sewing room.

  282. Candee Avatar

    Dog LOVER! We have Max & Charlee, long haired dachsy’s. Their presents are wrapped but not under the tree yet or they will open them.❤️

  283. Janet Avatar

    Dogs……cats can’t be trusted! Lol….jmh

  284. Tamara Williams Avatar

    Dog lover! I don’t have a pet right now but a local rescue has been showing some great puppies lately that make it so tempting to great one!

  285. Kd Brown Avatar

    Without a doubt I am a dog person. I like furbabies that sleep at night when I do!

  286. Karen H Avatar
    Karen H

    Like dogs and have loved a few, but I am a cat person.

  287. Linda Otten Avatar
    Linda Otten

    Dog lover!

  288. Linda Cates Avatar
    Linda Cates

    Dog lover!! Particularly my 3 y/o Norwich Terrier.

  289. Carmen N Avatar
    Carmen N

    I love all of our neighbors dogs but I’m really a cat person. I really miss having a pet so I love it when bloggers post pictures of theirs.

  290. Camille Avatar

    I am a dog lover… but am currently without a dog. Thus, I visit my daughter’s cats for my pet interactions.

  291. Jane Avatar

    Both, when you only have a dog you realise how much you need a cat too and vice versa!

  292. Brenda Kowalski Avatar
    Brenda Kowalski

    Love both cats and dogs. Growing up we always had at least five cats and a couple of dogs. After I got married, we had a dachshund. I now doggie sit for a friend who rescued a Yorkie. He is such a sweetheart.

  293. Karla Pickhinke Avatar
    Karla Pickhinke

    Definitely a dog lover, I get to hang out with my “Granddog”, “Ruger”, almost daily!! He is a chocolate lab, & so many are scared of him when they pull into our farm, his hair stands straight up & he looks pretty scary, but he wouldn’t hurt a fly, (even though he does catch them🤣) people will not even get out of their vehicles. He is such a good watch dog, he is our protector, but yet, he is my big baby❤️❤️ Love him 🐕❤️❤️❤️

  294. Kristine Avatar


  295. Kristine Avatar

    Dog lover

  296. Kim Avatar

    Definitely a dog lover here!

  297. Laurel Avatar

    Cat lover! We were given Clementine to care for while my sister and her family went to Malawi as missionaries in 2011. When they returned two years later, they realized Clem was so much a part of our family, they couldn’t take her away from us, and we’ve all continued to live happily ever after 🙂

  298. ladymelrose Avatar

    Cat lover! In 2011, we were asked to care for Clementine while my sister and her family spent two years as missionaries in Malawi. However, upon their return, they realized that Clem was so much a part of our family, they had to leave her with us and we’ve continued to live happily ever after 🙂

  299. Pat Anderson Avatar
    Pat Anderson

    I am definitely a dog lover! We miss our mini schnauzers so much and hope to get another one soon!

  300. Christi Avatar

    I am a dog lover for sure.

  301. Gale C. Avatar
    Gale C.

    Even if I wasn’t allergic to cats, I still would choose dogs.

  302. Beth Talmage Avatar
    Beth Talmage

    I don’t think it has to be an either/or situation. At least not in our family. I grew up with family dogs and family cats, and we adored both, and now we have dogs and cats. (5 dogs and 5 cats, and we love each of them as if each is an only child.) I do think cats get a bad rap as being snooty and aloof; our cats are loving and funny and their behavior is “puppy-like”–they get up in the morning and hurry over to the dogs, asking to be kissed on the tops of their heads by whichever dog they greet.

  303. Karen Ritter Avatar
    Karen Ritter

    Had dogs and cats in the past, but became allergic to the cats later in life. So now it’s just me and my two dogs. Both are rescues, and we all adore each other.

  304. Beth from Peoria Avatar
    Beth from Peoria

    I love both but as an adult, I have had cats because they are a little easier to care of. But I am such a softie for any cat or dog.

  305. Heather G Avatar
    Heather G

    I am a dog lover….more specifically a Beagle/Hound lover!

  306. Kayla Gunter Avatar
    Kayla Gunter

    Dog lover!

  307. Cynthia Avatar

    I don’t have either but if I did choose it would definitely be a dog.

  308. Angela Avatar

    Dog lover!!

  309. Erin Avatar

    I’m a dog lover – my Sadie lady is a super smart black lab mix who is 15 years old.

  310. Joni S. Avatar
    Joni S.

    Dogs. All day long. Specifically adopted dogs. Specifically adopted doxie dogs.

  311. Sharon K Avatar
    Sharon K

    Dog Lover. Lost ours a few years ago. Was a sad day.

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