Favorite Fat Quarter Quilts & a Friday Quilting Giveaway!

Quilting giveaway hosted by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Two, Four, Six, Eight Fat Quarter Quilts you can Appreciate!!!

What a clever name for a quilting book?ย  We all have Fat Quarters, lots of Fat Quarters! So this is another tool you can use for sewingย  those Fat Quartersย  up into quilts, you then can make room for, maybe more fabric?ย  Not right away of course, but you know there will soon be something you cannot resistย  so you will have room if you just “have to buy” it…

Wait, back on point, This new quilt BOOK!ย  This is another great compilation of Moda quilt designers coming together to aide another great cause: the proceeds of this book will go to Special Olympics!

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

and look!!!!! My quilt made the cover, over on the bottom corner!!!! My quilts usually do not make covers, they usually are too dark for covers, but not this one!!!!!

Click HERE to get your Copy of Two, Four, Six, Eight!

Click HERE to see ALL the Moda All Star Books

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

This little quilt is called Golden Rule in the book, (Be Kind on our website, oops) It takes 8 Fat quarters plus the border fabric.ย  The quilt and the appliques are flannel and the whole quilt is just so fun and easy to stitch. It ca be stitched by hand or machine AND if you are allergic to wool try using flannel like I did here…you will have to eliminate the one wool piece because I did use wool strips for the stems and vines but they could easily be made out of cotton if you wish; click the button below if you want to purchase a kit for this project, if you win our Friday quilt give-away we will refund your purchase!ย  We have the book and kit at a special price on the website for this through the weekend!ย  We have limited number of kits because this flannel is so popular it is almost sold out!Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Here are a couple more projects in the book without giving every project in the book away!

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa Bongean

If you would like to buy a kit for our quilt Golden Rule…CLICK HERE.

I might have borrowed a block from a certain pattern of mine. Do you know which one? ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  ย  Twilight Garden!ย  Fat Quarter Quilts featured by top US quilting blogger, Lisa BongeanClick HERE if want to know more about Twilight Garden! Twilight is made with wool appliques on a navy flannel background.ย  It was quilted by long are quilter, Linda Hrcka and is just beautiful beyond words in person, here in this photo…not so much…I am going to do a whole post soon on this quilt alone…

I know some of you are still working on it, and some are almost finished and some of them are done!ย  If have it finished can you send me a picture of you and your quilt for my post?

Now back on point again, thanks for sticking with me..

If you want win a digital copy of Two, Four, Six, Eight…and at kit

Please leave me a comment by answering this question…What size fabric do you normally buy/collect? Do you collect Fat Quarters, half yards just simply tell us what is your go-to fabric size to collect is?ย  I will pick a winner by 3/16/2020

To comment click on the words COMMENTSย  “at the end of this post after the date, and Leave a Reply will pop up! I am sorry some of you find this difficult but keep scrolling down…at the end of this post and you will find it!

All for now, STITCH EVERYDAY! xxx Lisa

Click HERE to visit our SHOP!

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565 responses to “Favorite Fat Quarter Quilts & a Friday Quilting Giveaway!”

  1. michele Breault Avatar
    michele Breault

    I usualy buy half yards when I purchase yardage unless I am buying for sashing or borders. With precuts, I prefer layer cakes.

    1. Wanda Hill Avatar
      Wanda Hill

      Lisa. I generally buy 3 1yrd fabrics and then 6 to 8 matching fat quarters. Love mostly soft colors with a focus fsbric. Fall is my favorite season.

      1. Nancy Lorence Avatar
        Nancy Lorence

        My โ€œhabitโ€ is to buy in all sizes. I have purchased multiples of the same fat quarter when I like the fabric and yardage is not available. I donโ€™t hesitate to purchase 1/2 yard cuts or yardage when the fabric is calling me.

  2. Dawn Cornell Avatar
    Dawn Cornell

    Fat quarters

  3. Kaล‚hryn Bandstra Avatar
    Kaล‚hryn Bandstra

    I usually purchase Fat Quarters. I have quite a few patterns that use fat quarters.

  4. Adele Avatar

    Usually fat quarters:) but sometimes a yard if I canโ€™t resist !

  5. Donna Schulz Avatar
    Donna Schulz

    I collect both fat quarters & 1/2 yds. Some fabrics are so precious that they call for more.

    1. Carol M Avatar
      Carol M

      I find collections of fat quarters to be very useful.

  6. Jacqueline Celestine Avatar
    Jacqueline Celestine

    I like 1 yard cuts if I am not sure what I am using the fabric for. I like layer cakes as a precut.

    1. Frances Avatar

      I collect mostly 1/2 yard to 1 yard cuts. Thanks for offering this giveaway!

  7. Bev Avatar

    I usually purchase a couple of yards if it’s something I can’t live without but usually a yard or fat quarters.

  8. Beverly Sensabaugh Avatar
    Beverly Sensabaugh

    I usually purchase half yards or fat quarters.

    1. Lj Avatar

      Fat quarters are go to purchase but was told early on if you love the fabric buy at least two yards.

  9. Ellen Reibling Avatar
    Ellen Reibling

    At least a half yard but if I love love love it of course I buy more!

  10. Sandy Baitz Avatar
    Sandy Baitz

    I have baskets of fat quarters but ummm I have yardage too. I guess my rule of thumb is if I like it, I by some of it.

  11. Pam Marshall Avatar
    Pam Marshall

    I usually buy a yard.

  12. Lisa Parlett Avatar
    Lisa Parlett

    I like pre-cuts all shapes and sizes. Layer cakes, Jelly rolls mostly.

    1. Linda Avatar

      I started with 1-3 yards and Fat Quarters. Now I’m building my stach with Jelly rolls. I need more Fat Quarters! I’m a Beginner and I’m excited to Explore๐Ÿ’œ

  13. KarenS Avatar

    I have been using jelly rolls and charm packs, but since Iโ€™ve started BH3 Iโ€™ve started to purchase half yards and fat quarters. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of 2,4,6,8 and the kit for your quilt!

  14. Jeane Avatar

    I usually buy at least a yard since I do large quilts and half yards for wall hangers.

  15. Beth Cox Avatar
    Beth Cox

    Iโ€™m a fat quarter lady but sometimes fat eighths are all I can afford!

  16. patsystitch@gvtc.com Avatar

    I like fat quarters and have drawers full of them. I fall in love with a line and hate to cut it, so I need this book.

  17. linda bechtel Avatar
    linda bechtel

    Usually 2 yards or Layer Cakes! Love the variety that comes with Pre cut bundles.

  18. Sharon Tucker Avatar
    Sharon Tucker

    Any and all sizes! I love fat quarter and end-of-bolt sales, but buy half yard cuts if it isnโ€™t on sale but I must have it. Love the Be Kind appliquรฉ!

  19. Dana M Haskell Avatar
    Dana M Haskell

    I usually like fat quarters, but I do have a few layer cakes on hand.

  20. Jacquie Avatar

    Half meters

  21. Dori Bockbrader Avatar

    I usually purchase 1 yard, but lately I’ve been buying stripes to use for bindings–so if I see something I think I can use a lot, I’ll buy 3-4 yards so I have it on hand. My closest fabric store is 35 miles away so I hate having to run to the store every time I need something.

  22. Rachel Avatar

    Unless I have a specific project in mind I generally will go with fat quarters!

  23. Toni Avatar

    I like to buy yardage – helpful when you measure once but have to cut twice!!!!!

    1. Joanne J Avatar
      Joanne J

      Fat quarters or half yard cuts are my favorites.

  24. Cindy Westover Avatar
    Cindy Westover

    I’m in love with Fat Quarters! Always fun to have 20 – 30 in my stash unassigned. And I love your Be Kind quilt!

  25. Susie Brown Avatar
    Susie Brown

    I do collect fat quarters bundledof the fabric lines I like.
    My only problem is I find it hard to break up the set!

  26. Yvonne F. Avatar
    Yvonne F.

    I usually buy fat quarters, but sometimes I buy half yards. Thank you for the giveaway!

  27. Sandy G. Avatar
    Sandy G.

    I love fat quarters and have a whole collection of those, but if I really, really love the fabric I’ll get 3 yards because you just have to have it all and don’t want to not have enough when the time comes to use it.

  28. Minnie Jackson Avatar
    Minnie Jackson

    I buy 1/2 yards at least unless I really love the fabric then it is more.

  29. Sue Caston Avatar
    Sue Caston

    I โ€œcollectโ€ fat quarters, but I buy a yard or more of fabrics that I just gotta have! The fabric often justifies the search for just the right pattern. Your patterns call to me, and then the fabric selection follows.

  30. Jamie Avatar

    Hey there!! I collect fat quarters! Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!!

  31. Terry Richardson Avatar
    Terry Richardson

    I used to buy lots of fat quarters now I tend to go with 1/2 yard or bigger!

  32. Sharon Ray Avatar
    Sharon Ray

    I usually buy a half yard now. If I really love it, I’ll buy one yard or if I need borders, 2 or 3 yards. I bought a fat quarter bundle of the Indigo gatherings and then a larger piece for borders and binding, love the blues!

  33. Debbie Avatar

    Fat Quarters make up a HUGE part of my stash. I just find it hard to open them. They are SO PRETTY all neatly arranged and tied up with a ribbon. A present for ME.

  34. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    I generally by half yard cuts. I like to make scrappy quilts.

  35. Jayne Avatar

    My go to purchase is usually fat quarters. So versatile!

  36. Debra Hull Avatar
    Debra Hull

    I love to buy fat quarters. Itโ€™s hard to resist when you see such beautiful fabrics. I have a wonderful stash of fat quarters that comes in handy for various quilt projects.

  37. Shawn Greenough Avatar
    Shawn Greenough

    I primarily collect fat quarter bundles in the fabrics that I’m attracted to. Although I always collect half yard or full yard bundles of creamy or buttery background fabrics that I love to add to my fabric stash.

  38. Linda Wegner Avatar
    Linda Wegner

    Lately I have just started to collect fat quarters with no particular project in mind.

  39. Cathy Rasmussen Avatar
    Cathy Rasmussen

    I have a fabric habit that has me buying fat quarters half yards and even enough for backs I regret not doing twilight garden and love your new. Pattern and book Would love to put this in my kitchen wish me luck

  40. Donna Avatar

    I usually buy a yard when I don’t have an immediate plan. That gives me more flexibility and I don’t run out as often happens if I have only a fat quarter.

  41. sue Avatar

    I usually buy half yards because i have a daughter and grand daughter who quilt as well so if they need some i still have some left

  42. Carol Barton Avatar
    Carol Barton

    Half yard bundles when I can afford them, when things a tight I just look and drool. lol

  43. Kathy Roeder Avatar
    Kathy Roeder

    I do buy fat quarters but usually 1-3 yards depending on how much I love the fabrics. I do love your flannels and have made nearly all your pillows.

  44. bvobaker Avatar

    I used to buy fat quarters for “I might use this someday” or “I LOVE this fabric.” Now, I tend to buy fat quarters or half yards for specific projects. Then, when I get home, I’ll “kit” everything I need to make that project.

  45. barbara woller Avatar
    barbara woller

    For the “gotta have its”, I buy at least a yard. I would say my usual is half yard. Fat quarters are the most fun though to grab and go (and stack together in my stash).

  46. Kathy Avatar

    Kudos cover girl. Very clever design.

  47. Elaine Morgan Avatar
    Elaine Morgan

    I buy fat quarters so I can have a good variety of fabrics!

  48. Julie Kennedy Avatar
    Julie Kennedy

    I generally buy either fat quarters or half yard pieces, and most of the time I have no idea what they will be used for.

  49. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
    Tammy Marquardt

    I seem to have a stash of fat quarters that is out of control! Congrats on being on the cover of the new book. Love, love, love your quilt!

  50. Chris Zimmerman Avatar
    Chris Zimmerman

    I normally purchase a fat quarter, unless it’s a “must-have” and then it’s a half,or whole, yard.

  51. Paula Strickland Avatar
    Paula Strickland

    I normally buy at least a yard. I have bought and have several charm packs though.

  52. Kay Sanderford Avatar
    Kay Sanderford

    First I buy layer cakes and sometimes jelly rolls. This is when I โ€œmust haveโ€ at least a little bit of a new fabric collection but donโ€™t yet know what Iโ€™m going to do with it. But when a new fabric collection is introduced and I simply โ€œcanโ€™t live without it,โ€ I buy the fat quarter collection. This happened when you came out with INDIGO GATHERINGS … I ordered TWO fat quarter collections from YOU of this fabric! I have a pretty good idea which quilt Iโ€™m going to make from it.

  53. Terri Bivona Avatar
    Terri Bivona

    I love fat quarters as I usually order a stack so I get the whole color way. Love your work and congratulations on your book.

  54. kattails....kathy in WV Avatar

    I usually purchase at least 3 yards of a fabric…that way I always have enough for borders cut on the lengthwise grain. As I do not live near any local quilt shops and have to travel at least an hour to buy fabric it makes sense to me that I get a larger amount in case I cannot find the same fabric on my next trip to the shop. I do love fat quarters and pre-cuts but 3 yards is my go-to preference. Thanks so much for a chance to win….

  55. Susan Avatar

    I purchase some fat quarters but most often several yards if buying cottons. For wools- usually bundles and yardage for basic colors. Thanks for the chance.

  56. Marie Bucher Avatar
    Marie Bucher

    I usually purchase fat quarters. They are easy to store and fun to mix and match!

  57. wqgwebmgr Avatar

    I collect fat quarters.

  58. Eve Murphy Avatar
    Eve Murphy

    I usually buy 1 yard at a time

  59. Susy Avatar

    I usually collect yards of fabric, but I have a lot of fat quarters that I have gotten through fat quarter exchanges at retreats and guild meeting. I have made a few fat quarter quilts, such fun.

  60. Gwen Avatar

    I started out buying fat quarters but soon went to one yard purchases. I now usually buy 5 yards when I purchase material unless I am buying for a specific project. Needless to say, I have a LOT of fabric!

  61. Patti Levine Avatar

    I love fat quarter bundles but if I really love it I will get a yard and usually I don’t have any plans for it….just love the fabric! Thank you for the chance to win!

  62. Karen H Avatar
    Karen H

    I usually buy half yard cuts or fat quarters – I love your quilt and congratulations for it being on the cover!!

  63. Karen Bennett Avatar

    I usually buy 2 yards only because every time I buy less, I need more! Notice I said NEED – not WANT – well maybe WANT is more appropriate!

  64. Linda Blodgett Avatar

    Depends on the project. That said, I have a lot of projects in my stash of fat quarters and yardage! I could not pass up the Indigo Blues collection and it does not have a project yet… Love your fabrics.

  65. Sandi McDaniel Avatar
    Sandi McDaniel

    I usually buy fat quarter collections and go from there.

  66. Kyra Franz Avatar
    Kyra Franz

    I usually buy 1/2 yard pieces of fabric that I simply can’t resist!

  67. Diane Avatar

    Oh Lisa! What a cute book to use all my โ€œfatsโ€! I usually buy fat quarters or half yard cuts as my stitch group gives โ€œthe Birthday Girlโ€ a fat quarter to celebrate her big day! With the half yards, I get to keep a fat quarter too! BTW, when the front of the book popped up, I immediately went to the lower corner one even before I knew it was yours!
    Another awesome book by Moda I bet!

  68. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    What size? Hmmm, I used to buy fat quarters, and have s LOT of them. In the last few years Iโ€™ve upped my game. If I like it I buy a yard, if I really like it I buy 3 yards!!๐Ÿ˜ฑ. I could really use a good fat quarter book!

  69. Carol Accola Avatar
    Carol Accola

    Of course, fat quarters are my go-to for making collection for my stash.

  70. Patricia Mayfield Avatar
    Patricia Mayfield

    I purchase fat quarters, layer cakes, charm packs, and jelly rolls. I love the assortment of colors and prints that lend themselves to so many quilt designs.

  71. Paula Avatar

    I have bought many fat quarters over the years before I opened my own shop. When I am out now I still buy fat quarters and for a possible border I buy 2-3 yards. A lot of times I purchase 1/2 to 1 yard. Thanks for a chance to win the digital copy. Paula in KY

  72. Sam Avatar

    A person can never have too many fat quarters on hand… good me time ๐Ÿ™‚

  73. Janet Shotwell Avatar
    Janet Shotwell

    All sizes actually, but I have a huge fat quarter collection.

  74. Yvonne Tinney Avatar
    Yvonne Tinney

    Your quilt is beautiful! Iโ€™m a fat quarter girl, for the most part.

  75. Jane Avatar

    1/2 yards work for me!

  76. Candra Sowder Avatar
    Candra Sowder

    I have tubs of fat quarters…they can be used for just about everything . A little piece of heaven, you get a lot of variety and dont have to burden staff to cut small pieces off the bolt. Win win.

  77. LeeAnn Hartford Avatar
    LeeAnn Hartford

    If I really love a fabric I get 2 yards ๐Ÿ‘

  78. Kathy Elwood Avatar
    Kathy Elwood

    I usually buy fat quarters, but if a fabric really speaks to me Iโ€™ll buy at least a yard! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  79. Donna K Avatar
    Donna K

    Usually FQ but if I love a fabric, 1-3 yards.

  80. Joan Savoie Avatar
    Joan Savoie

    I love fat quarter bundles as they usually have a nice variety of a designers line of coordinated fabrics. Sometimes I throw in a couple half yard pieces of the fabrics I really like.

  81. Elizabeth Evans Avatar
    Elizabeth Evans

    Usually fat quarters

  82. Vangie Brake Avatar
    Vangie Brake

    I usually buy fat quarters because they are packaged together and are so pretty or I want a lot of different fabrics of the same color way. If I see a fabric that I really like I will by a meter/yard or even two.

  83. SARA Snelling Avatar
    SARA Snelling

    I like to buy fat quarters to build up my fabric stash. I especially love reproduction prints and like my quilts very scrappy. Having a lot of fat quarters to choose from makes my quilts very scrappy and me very happy!!!! Happy Friday!

  84. Irmgard Avatar

    Fat Quarter and 1/2 yd if I really love it.

  85. Pam Mueller Avatar
    Pam Mueller

    I used to do fat quarters and 1/4 yards and still do sometimes. But now I tend to get 1/2 yards! Collecting fabric is so much FUN!

  86. LizAnn Lizotte Avatar
    LizAnn Lizotte

    If love the fabric and don’t have any plans at this time for its use, I will purchase at 1 1/4 yd, that way I can “play” with the quarter yard on a smaller project saving the yard of fabric for another project. I usually look for quilt backings when fabrics on sale at LQS

  87. Christina Avatar

    I buy yards,always afraid I will run out .

  88. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    I buy charm packs for collecting a designers fabrics. I buy fat quarters if I want to make a project.

  89. Carla Toppass Avatar

    As a beginning quilter, I’ve only purchased 10″ squares, a few fat quarters and fabric from the bolt for backing and binding.

  90. Carol Garner Avatar
    Carol Garner

    Lisa, i love your block, would love to have this book! I tend to buy fat quarters, they are so versatile.

  91. Karen Sikes Avatar
    Karen Sikes

    I do have lots of fat quarters that I have purchased, but now I mostly buy half yards!!!

  92. Kris Avatar

    I tend to buy fat quarters ๐Ÿ™‚

  93. Laurie Shain Avatar
    Laurie Shain

    I like that you said โ€œ buy/ collectโ€!! I love bundles of fat quarters~~ if a designer makes a collection and the whole thing is yummy I like having it bundled. I can add extra yardage to it! My fav precut is a layer cake. ๐Ÿฅฐ

  94. patsystitch@gvtc.com Avatar

    Fat quarters, I have drawers ful of them.

  95. lenorew1 Avatar

    Always Fat Quarters!

  96. Jackie Barron Avatar
    Jackie Barron

    I usually buy half yards. Sometimes a yard if I actually have a plan for it!!!

  97. Janice cook Avatar
    Janice cook

    I usually make bed size quilts and i have been buying kits the last many years so my stash is not turning over๐Ÿ˜žIโ€™m excited to be moving to your area from Michigan to be closer to daughters and families and will be able to take some classes. Janice

  98. peggy dalberto Avatar
    peggy dalberto

    I love fat quarters stacks! There is something so tactile having all the lovely colors and patterns. Plus it is a fantastic way to develop “color” sense for planning a quilt.

  99. Lisa Benson Avatar
    Lisa Benson

    Lately it has been 1 yard cuts if the fabric really speaks to me, otherwise FQ’s.

  100. Carolyn BC Avatar
    Carolyn BC

    Usually half meters unless I’m sure I want it as a border then I’ll buy more.

  101. John Scibran Avatar
    John Scibran

    I used to use mostly fat quarters, but now I like 2 yards of fabric I love.

  102. Vicki Witt Avatar
    Vicki Witt

    I love fat quarters! If I see a fabric I canโ€™t live without, which happens ALL the time, I have to buy at least a fat quarter!

  103. Jan Avatar

    Love to have a whole line of designers fabric so do a lot of fat quarters.

  104. Noemi Bowers Avatar
    Noemi Bowers

    Love your quilt in the new book. I started out buying 2ยฝ” strip rolls but have gone a little nuts and buy it all. Fat quarter bundles are my new go to but if I really love something I get 2 yards or more.

  105. Laurs B Avatar
    Laurs B

    If I think it is a cool fabric I will by fat quarter. If I love it I buy a half yard. If I think it is totally totally awesome I buy a yard or 3.

  106. Kris Sage Avatar
    Kris Sage

    I go towards jelly rolls or layer cakes , but sometime fat quarters …. just love fabric collections โค๏ธ

  107. Linda Dunton Avatar
    Linda Dunton

    Just love all your work!! I have a tendency to buy1 yard cuts of any fabric that I don’t have an immediate plan for. You never know how much you’ll need!

  108. Margaret Avatar

    When I buy fabric just to have on hand (not for a specific purpose), I generally buy fat quarters. Recently, however, I heard Bonnie Hunter talk about buying 1/3 yard cuts, as she finds them so much more usable, and only a dollar or so more than a fat quarter. That makes a lot of sense to me, and that is what I will do in the future.

  109. Barbara Bayer Avatar
    Barbara Bayer

    I usually buy fat quarters or layer cakes. Love your pattern. It is beautiful!

  110. sheryl harrison Avatar
    sheryl harrison

    my go-to fabric size is yardage. i wash my fabric before using and yardage is easier. plus i’m not limited to a smaller size. fat quarters are my 2nd choice, although i don’t have many fat quarters.

  111. JaneK Avatar

    I’m a fat quarter kind of girl but if a fabric speaks to me I’ll get a couple of yards lol.

  112. jrp53 Avatar

    I usually buy half to full/multiple yards. I rarely buy fat quarters because if i like a fabric, I gotta have enough to fondle plus use in a project. I can so easily see me making the Be Kind one in any number of your cotton prints. No matter the fabric, it will be fabulous for a nice wall hanging. Thanks so much for the great give away offer.

  113. Joyce Engstrom Avatar
    Joyce Engstrom

    That book looks exciting. I usually buy 1/2 yard but if I love it one yard.

  114. Martina Schwarz Avatar
    Martina Schwarz

    I often buy fat quarters. But I also do love layer cakes ๐Ÿ˜Š

  115. Sandi Avatar

    Your quilt is stunning. I buy fat quarters. I use a lot of them and they are so pretty stored.

  116. Andrea Parks Avatar
    Andrea Parks

    That little quilt is gorgeous! I definitely collect fat quarters and yardage. I also have an over abundance of charm packs and jelly rolls, which were all Christmas presents from my daughter! I finally had to tell her no more jelly rolls!

  117. Natalie Rogers Avatar
    Natalie Rogers

    I usually buy a half yard, unless it’s on a big sale or love it too much, then a yard or more.

  118. Barbara Avatar

    I usually buy a 1/2 yard to yard except for your Primitive Gatherings muslin which I buy many yards. I use if for everything and love it!

  119. Maureen Fry Avatar
    Maureen Fry

    I usually buy fat quarters or pre cuts.

  120. Liz Avatar

    I love getting fat quarters but if I really like it Iโ€™ll buy yardage. Love your creativity.

  121. Mary Kastner Avatar
    Mary Kastner

    BAckground fabrics3yards otherwise a lot of fat quarters usually.

  122. Donna Roh Avatar
    Donna Roh

    I usually buy 1 1/2 yards, then I know Iโ€™ll have enough for something in the future.

  123. Susan Thacker Avatar
    Susan Thacker

    I usually buy yardage unless I love the whole collection. Then I buy all available fat quarters – like Indigo Gatherings!

  124. Ann Armstrong Avatar
    Ann Armstrong

    I usually buy 1 yard cuts. If I want fat quarters then I will purchase 1/2 yard cuts so I have enough to make 2 quilts, one for me and one for my BFF.

  125. Sharon S Avatar
    Sharon S

    It depends on how I’m using the fabric – if it’s for a background, I’ll buy at least 5 yards. But typically, if I really like it, I’ll buy half yards or a yard.

  126. Anjie Chapman Avatar
    Anjie Chapman

    I usually by 1 1/2 yards of a fabric if I am not sure what I want to make yet.

  127. Charmaine Avatar

    I buy whatever the pattern says to buy. My stash wasnโ€™t getting used because none of it worked for โ€œ the next projectโ€ so I just started buying only what the patterns call for.

  128. Marilyn Avatar

    I love your Be Kind quilt. So appropriate. I generally buy only fabric in the amount I have a plan for. Sometimes a little bit more so I a have plentiful stash.

  129. Iris Avatar

    I like to buy fat quarters or fat eighths as I really like scrappy quilts.

  130. Lori Avatar

    If I don’t have a project in mind I will buy 1 yard cuts! And maybe some coordinating fabric to go with it!

  131. Michelle Wilson Avatar
    Michelle Wilson

    Oh…it depends! Fat quarters if I like a particular color or line of fabric. 1 yard cuts if it’s a great background or think i would love to use it as a border or setting in a small quilt. 3 or 5 yards if it a great backing.

  132. Barbara Jacovitch Avatar
    Barbara Jacovitch

    I generally buy at least a 1 yd cut, if I love it I will buy 2 or 3 yards.

  133. Subee Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters or half yards when fat quarters are not available. Thank you for this opportunity.

  134. Athena Butler Avatar
    Athena Butler

    Half yards are my go to. I organized my
    personal stash of fabrics in an adaptation of the Kon Mari method. (You tube) Perfect when you need to pull everything out to find fabrics for a new quilt!

  135. MaryAnn Mairs Avatar
    MaryAnn Mairs

    I generally buy fat quarters unless I’m making something that requires just 1 or 2 fabrics, then I buy what the pattern calls for plus a bit more for my stash. Love your little quilts..

  136. Loretta Pederson Avatar
    Loretta Pederson

    I normally go for a yard

  137. Jamie Parjer Avatar
    Jamie Parjer

    I normally buy fat quarters because I love fabric and colors and I usually donโ€™t know what I want to do with them. I find fat quarter bundles are usually any-project-friendly and an affordable way to get every sku in a particular line. I am currently using my Indigo Gatherings and my Urban Farmhouse Gatherings for the Moda BH3.

  138. Kim F Avatar
    Kim F

    In the past I collected fat quarters. Now I like a scrapper look so am getting more layer cakes.

  139. Cathy Winger Avatar
    Cathy Winger

    I absolutely love this new quilt! I am a collector of all fabric. I collect fat quarters, yardage usually by the yard, wool fabric, and Iโ€™m really loving your line of flannel. The colors of your flannel is so rich and deliciously soft.

  140. Linda Slauson Avatar
    Linda Slauson

    Fat quarters because donโ€™t require a lot of money and they are so easy to use for all kinds of projects big and small

  141. Kim Avatar

    Neat book! I love purchasing precuts but also purchase a lot of yardage because you can never have too much fabric!

  142. Mary Ann Avatar
    Mary Ann

    I usually buy 1 yard pieces, unless I absolutely love it, I’ll buy 3 or more.

  143. Marie Beers Avatar
    Marie Beers

    What ever mood I’m in that day is how I buy. I love it all.

  144. Lynn Marie Helmke Avatar
    Lynn Marie Helmke

    Love the Be Kind quilt! Really need that reminder now. I collect half yards because it offers more options for the full width of fabric.

  145. Cary Wisnosky Avatar
    Cary Wisnosky

    I started collecting fat quarters..but If I love a cut I will
    buy a half yard..I usually pieced my backs with left over blocks and tey to make a pretty layout…
    Cary in Tomahawk WI

  146. Mary Neitzel Avatar
    Mary Neitzel

    I am a fat quarter shopper! I mostly make scrappy quilts, so fat quarters are perfect! This book would be awesome for all my fat quarters! Your quilt is beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity!

  147. Deb Magerkurth Avatar
    Deb Magerkurth

    Layer cakes, jelly rolls seem to be my first choice. If not available I get 3 yards of each fabric because heaven forbid I should be short on one. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  148. Ellen Fox Avatar
    Ellen Fox

    Hi Lisa,

    I usually collect 1/3 yards of fabric when I am buying with nothing special in mind. I can cut 2 and 1/2 inch strips from that and still have some leftover for appliquรฉ or blocks in different sizes. I love the book and would be excited to win it.

    Thanks for your inspiration and generosity.

    Ellen in Liberty

  149. Martha Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters. I like that you can get a selection of fabrics then you can just pick up extra yardage for borders & backs.

  150. Ellen Zimmerman Avatar
    Ellen Zimmerman

    I like to buy half yard that way I am sure I have enough.

  151. Brenda Schmitt Avatar
    Brenda Schmitt

    Enjoy your blog so much and your books. I am a beginner so I donโ€™t have many fat quarters but am acquiring them at a steady rate๐Ÿ˜ณ. Would love to try my hand at wool and flannel.

  152. Debra Braz Avatar
    Debra Braz

    I like to use any precuts unless I’m doing a project that requires more fabric. If I see something that catches my eye (which is almost everything!) I’ll buy a yard or two of the fabric.

  153. Rita Hays Avatar
    Rita Hays

    I usually buy fat quarter sets unless my local quilt shop has a sale, then I buy whole yards or more!

  154. Kim Anderson Avatar
    Kim Anderson

    My go to fabric size is usually a fat quarter. I like to make small quilts.

  155. Martha Avatar

    Fat quarters. You get a nice coordinated selection then just pick up extra yardage for borders & backing.

  156. Jill McCaughey Avatar
    Jill McCaughey

    I try to purchase something at whatever shop I am visiting, so fat quarters seem to be the easiest, but that doesnโ€™t stop me from stocking up on larger cuts, too! Jill in Phoenix/Calgary

  157. Clara Avatar

    It depends…I have several fat quarter collections from favorite designers but mostly I have layer cakes due to the smaller size quilts I usually sew. clara-chandler@att.net

  158. Mary Kolb Avatar

    I usually buy half yard pieces of fabric unless I am purchasing for a specific pattern.

  159. Laurie Parsons Avatar
    Laurie Parsons

    I am a fat quarter buyer! There are many patterns that fat quarters work perfectly for. I love your Be Kind quilt!

  160. Glenda McCarthy Avatar
    Glenda McCarthy

    I usually buy 1/2 yard m or more.

  161. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    Well, kinda a hard question. If itโ€™s pretty Iโ€™ll buy 3 yards. Most of the time I buy a jelly roll or 1 1/2 yards of a blender for making quilts for our guild.

  162. Cindy White Avatar
    Cindy White

    I love your Be Kind quilt. I buy fat quarters because I love making scrap quilts . I have started buying kits would love to do Moonlight Garden once I retire and have more time.

  163. Twyla Harwood Avatar
    Twyla Harwood

    I like to buy yardage. 2 or 3 yards unless it is for project I am working on. I have to travel 35 miles to shop so I like to have plenty on hand.

  164. Pam H Avatar
    Pam H

    To get a variety, I will buy fat quarter bundles. If I buy yardage it is at least a half yard.

  165. Shirley Mord Avatar
    Shirley Mord

    I buy fat quarter bu d.es and yardage. I seem to use fat quarter bu does up as fast as I get them.

  166. Alena Dixon Avatar
    Alena Dixon

    If I’m buying yardage I usually get 1/2 yards. On precuts I get mostly whatever is on sale or at the best price. I just LOVE most all fabric! Lol

  167. Nancy Parrish Avatar
    Nancy Parrish

    I used to buy fat quarters and still do buy many. Lately though, I have purchased a few more half yard pieces. Now I need to use all the fabric I have collected.

  168. Diane Avatar

    I buy yardage. I just may use a piece of it in a different project, too.

  169. Onita Oles Avatar
    Onita Oles

    I buy fat quarters usually when there is a sale. I buy in color groups usually. Since I do machine appliquรฉ, I always have a source for my designs. Also, we have fat quarter drawings at our guild so Iโ€™m able to donate to the cause.

  170. Barbara Ahlf Avatar
    Barbara Ahlf

    I buy a fat quarter if I like it I like to buy fat quarter collections. If I buy yardage, it is usually two yards. When I see fabric suitable for backgrounds, it is four plus yards. I also buy kits if the pattern I like calls for a lot of different fabrics. It would be wonderful to win. Barbara

  171. JennyM Avatar

    Fat quarters and layer cakes are my go to fabric sizes if I don’t have a specific need.

  172. Ginger Herrera Avatar
    Ginger Herrera

    Good morning…I seem to buy more fat quarters but lately I have been getting charms for table runners. I have started my Christmas gifts. Have a beautiful weekend,๐Ÿ’œ

  173. Karen Ann Cottom Avatar
    Karen Ann Cottom

    If I like the fabric will buy 1/2 yards. I like making scrap quilts so fat quarters for those!!

  174. Linn Jencopale Avatar
    Linn Jencopale

    I would love to win this book and especially the kit! Always looking for quilts to use my fat quarters and love wool Applique!

  175. Linda Cates Avatar
    Linda Cates

    Fat quarter bundles and recently more flannel yardage and wool bundles.

  176. Maureen Eberhardt Avatar
    Maureen Eberhardt

    If not shopping for a particular pattern, I am usually tempted to purchase fat quarters from shops when traveling, or from quilt show vendors.


  177. Mary Hill Avatar
    Mary Hill

    Fatquarters are my largest stash, followed by layer cakes since I enjoy making scrappy quilts. I confess that I am addicted to your wool designs and valdani threads. SEW MUCH fun!

  178. Lori Hutchinson Avatar
    Lori Hutchinson

    I buy a yard.

  179. Beth K Avatar
    Beth K

    I have been collecting coordinating fat quarters, I am not sure when I will have “enough”. I love, love, love charm packs.

  180. Terri Mulinix Avatar
    Terri Mulinix

    I buy yardage most of the time. Fat QT’s don’t seem to be enough for me most of the time. But I love the looks of this book and who say’s I can’t cut my own fat Qt out of yardage. Happy Quilting.

  181. Donna Avatar

    I started with fat quarters, then half yards,NOW I purchase full yards!

  182. Diane Poirier Avatar
    Diane Poirier

    I usually buy fabric by the yard. If I really love the fabric I purchase at least 3 yards. I guess that is why my sewing room is bursting at the seams! LOL

  183. Judi D'Accardo Avatar
    Judi D’Accardo

    If it is something I really like or a good blender I buy 2 yards. I also buy a lot of Jelly Rolls if it is a line I really like.

  184. Joan Carlsen Avatar
    Joan Carlsen

    Good morning, Lisa. My go to fabric would probably be yardage. But as I am an addict precuts find their way to my stash often, especially with wools and wool flannel as I use smaller sizes of those.

  185. Lynn Jarzombeck Avatar
    Lynn Jarzombeck

    Hi Lisa! Thanks for the opportunity. I usually buy 1/3 or 1/2 yard cuts of fabric when stash building. If I find a good background fabric with possibilities I grab a few yards. If a fabric really appeals to me I will buy a yard. Been to your shop and love the selection.

  186. Gloria Avatar

    I usually start out with one yard cuts – and save scrapes in zip bags until itโ€™s all gone. I do collect FQ and srt by theme or color!

  187. Sherry Maybury Avatar
    Sherry Maybury

    My go-to fabric size to collect is fat quarter bundles.

  188. Nicole Wassick Avatar
    Nicole Wassick

    I collect it all!! Lol!! My go to is actually fat quarter bundles! I canโ€™t have too many! I do like precuts as well! Just makes it nice to get a whole collection and know you can make something!

  189. Ivy Smart Avatar
    Ivy Smart

    Hi Lisa: I always buy with more than one project in mine. I will normally purchase 2 1/2 yards at a time. This gives me leftovers for other projects such as a purse or tote bag. It challenges me to use the extra fabrics with what I have on hand.

  190. Carol M Wilkie Avatar
    Carol M Wilkie

    If I don’t have a particular pattern in mind I purchase fat quarters. Fat quarters are a great way to mix up a collection.

    1. Susan Quinn Avatar
      Susan Quinn

      I typically buy morefat quarters. I do a lot of hand applique and fat quarters give me a bigger variety to choose from.

  191. Diane Avatar

    I usually buy half yards

  192. Raquel Garcia Avatar
    Raquel Garcia

    If I like a grouping of fabrics, I will buy the entire bundle, especially at shows. Same at my local store. I definitely have a fabric addiction. Since so many of my volunteer activities have been canceled lately, I am going to sort through my stockpile and donate fabric I know I wonโ€™t use or canโ€™t possibly live long enough to use! Based on my fabric stash, I should live to 120!

  193. AmandaC Avatar

    I usually go for fat quarters. Sometimes a half yard if it is a print I really love.

  194. Patty Reid Avatar
    Patty Reid

    I yard or less if I like it.
    2 yards if I REALLY like it.
    3 yards or more if I REALLY, REALLY like it.

  195. Gretchen Avatar

    I also like to purchased 1/2 yard pieces. Fat quarter just don’t do it for me. Thanks!

  196. Margaret A Johnson Avatar
    Margaret A Johnson

    My go to fabric for all colors, they are great for all the applique I do, so many colors and designs.

  197. Diane Ziegler Avatar
    Diane Ziegler

    I buy mostly fat quarters and way to many layer cakes!

  198. Carol Collier Avatar
    Carol Collier

    My first choice is fat quarters/ second is charm squares. Love your quilt!!!

  199. Linda Otten Avatar
    Linda Otten

    My go to fabric to buy is fat quarter stacks. I just bought the Wool & Needle V stack. I love it and can wait to use it.

  200. Phyllis K. Avatar
    Phyllis K.

    I collect half yard cuts…..fat quarters are sometimes just not enough (LOL)!!

  201. Barbara Glaeser Avatar
    Barbara Glaeser

    1/2 yard

  202. Linda Holland Avatar
    Linda Holland

    I either collect fat quarters or layer cake unless I already have a plan then it will be yardage.

  203. Laura Berlie Avatar
    Laura Berlie

    I usually buy 1 1/2 to 2 yard pieces. Fat quarters depends on the pattern. I have way to much of both. I’ll used the fabric up eventually, right? Thanks

  204. Veronica Johnson Avatar
    Veronica Johnson

    If I fall in love with a fabric and must have some, but don’t have a project in mind – I buy pre-cutsl. Layer cakes, jelly rolls, charm packs !!! It great to see a book dedicated to fabric obsession.

  205. Berta Keeler Avatar
    Berta Keeler

    I start with 1/2 yard If I’m adding to my stash – more yardage if I really love the fabric of bundles if I love the line. Now I’ve started wool applique and will need a new house for my cotton and wool stashes.

  206. Maggie R. Avatar
    Maggie R.

    I buy fat quarters some times but mostly 1/2 yards and if I really like it 3 yards just in case!!

  207. Sharon Walsh Avatar
    Sharon Walsh

    i mostly buy yardage when I find fabric I love. I found that I have collected so many fat quarters and they just sit there.

  208. Ellen Reinwald Avatar
    Ellen Reinwald

    I love Fat Quarter Bundles. You get the whole collection, then I can shop for yardage for boarders and backings and pick my favorites. Thank you for the give a way!

  209. Barbara Ruland Avatar
    Barbara Ruland

    I like 1/2 yard cuts. But certainly have my share of FQ’s too.

  210. Melinda vennard Avatar
    Melinda vennard

    I buy 1 yard and fat quarters…really like getting the entire line with the FQ option! Thanks for your give away…you are special. .Melinda

  211. Dina Tabbert Avatar
    Dina Tabbert

    I went on a kick of purchasing fat quarters of civil war fabrics a while back so I have a pretty good collection of them. Lately, I like to buy a yard … โ€œjust in caseโ€!

  212. Suzanne Martin Avatar
    Suzanne Martin

    I usually buy fat quarters or 1/2 yards I love the way the make a beautiful stack and fit perfectly in my storage bins.

  213. Darlene Wegrynowski Avatar
    Darlene Wegrynowski

    I usually buy a yard a fat quarter is never enough

  214. Cindy Derr Avatar
    Cindy Derr

    I’ve been buying mostly fat quarters, but will buy 1/2 yards collections when I can find them (sometimes you need that full WOF). By the qay, the detail in your Golden Rule quilt is exquisite!

  215. Jan S Avatar

    I like to purchase 1 yard cuts and fat quarter stacks. If buying background fabric usually 3 or 4 yards.

  216. Janet Selman Avatar
    Janet Selman

    I am a fabric collector. I have many fat quarters in many colour ways. Most times I purchase 1 meter of fabric when on sale. Would love to own your book.

  217. Lorri Avatar

    I love fabric- buy alot of scrap bags for the treasures inside. Will buy 3 yd lengths of the one that call my name. Enjoy your collecting and sewing

  218. Marian M. Avatar
    Marian M.

    Half yards to stash build. Four to five yards for backgrounds. Two and a half yards for borders.

  219. MJ Price Avatar
    MJ Price

    If I really really love the fabric 2 yards, and figure later what to do with it.

  220. Ardys Curl Avatar
    Ardys Curl

    if I’m not making a project, I like to collect the mini charms. I get to experience so many fabric lines!

  221. Judy Buck Avatar
    Judy Buck

    I like to have lots of fat quarters in cottons on hand and wool charms.

  222. Terri McBride Avatar
    Terri McBride

    I usually buy fabric in 1/2 yards, but I also love fat quarter and fat eight bundles.

  223. Maria Avatar

    I love fat quarter bundles!!!! I have lots of them! ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ

  224. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    I enjoy purchasing coordinations of fat quarters. When you use and cut fats quarters itโ€™s possible to plan more than one quilt with whatโ€™s left after your first cut depending on your first pattern.

  225. Lou M. Avatar
    Lou M.

    I tend to buy 1/2 yards but if I love the fabric I might buy 3 yards. A special fabric seems to find its way into more than one quilt.

  226. Diana York Avatar
    Diana York

    Thanks for the chance to win! I buy fat quarters.

  227. Mauri Avatar

    If I love the fabric and it can be a background I buy 4 yards. If I love it and not a background I buy 2 yards.
    Oh, I canโ€™t forget the times I buy fabric twice when I forget I already purchased the fabric. I figure I must really love it.

  228. Cindy Erickson Avatar
    Cindy Erickson

    I usually get a collection of fat quarters but I will get a yard if I want a possible main print

  229. Karin Avatar

    I buy everything. I have so much material as I have been quilting for 44 years so I usually gather what I have and then fill in with whatever is needed to finish the quilt. Usually it is the backing.

  230. Patti Avatar

    Love fat quarter packs!

  231. Maxine Reisenleiter Avatar
    Maxine Reisenleiter

    Hello. I usually buy fat quarters unless I’m totally in love with one fabric or particular color. Then I buy yardage.

  232. Gail Holmes Avatar
    Gail Holmes

    I collect all size fabrics in different patterns. As Iโ€™ve been a quilter for twenty years Iโ€™ve become more purposeful in collecting.

  233. Tracy Avatar

    1/2 yard to a full yard depending on color, pattern and the vision I see for itโ€™s future.

  234. maureen Avatar

    I love scrappy quilts so fat quarters and 1/2 yard cuts are what I usually go for. If a great large scale print is on sale, I’ll buy 4-6 yards for backings.

  235. Carol Avatar

    I buy lots of fat quarter towers… lots…. and why donโ€™t I use them up? Lack of fq friendly patterns (that I like), so this book… Would be great!
    Future purchases …. Iโ€™m going with five yard cuts of neutrals… so I have backgrounds for those fqs!

  236. Carol Avatar

    Fat quarters

  237. Jackie Rizzo Avatar
    Jackie Rizzo

    1 yard

  238. Eileen Burgo Avatar
    Eileen Burgo

    I have learned over the years that if I see a fabric I must have, I buy at least a yard. If I really love it, I might check out how much is left on the bolt!

  239. Judy Clark Avatar
    Judy Clark

    I like to buy fat quarter bundles so I have coordinating fabrics to work with but I also buy larger quantities of favorite fabrics – 1 yd or 1/2 yd cuts. You can never have too much fabric๐Ÿฅฐ

  240. Joanie Rockvoy Avatar
    Joanie Rockvoy

    Fats quarters are my usual purchase because they are so versatile but I also will buy six yards of a fabric I absolutely love because you can never have enough! LOL

  241. Kristie M Michalowski Avatar
    Kristie M Michalowski

    Definitely a fat quarter…just enough to play with and fun to mix a pallet with other of its kind ;o)

  242. Pam Avatar

    Usually 1/2 yards…but I buy it all. Trying to shop out of my stash lately! ๐Ÿ˜„

  243. jmstavran55 Avatar

    I typically buy a yard of fabric I like. Sometimes I purchase fat quarters if Iโ€™m trying to get a coordinated line of fabric.

  244. Brenda Avatar

    I may be a little obsessed with fat quarters…they are like eye candy – just have to have them!!!!

  245. Bev Avatar

    I usually buy yardage which gives me more options. Love your website!

  246. Tammy Avatar

    Typically fat quarters but a lot of times half yards. Thanks for the giveaway! Have a great day!

  247. Kelly Zellars Avatar
    Kelly Zellars

    half yards if it’s flannel, otherwise lately, I am buying lots of kits to get me going faster! Wool is just like candy. Any amount will do!

  248. Caren Avatar

    If the fabric is full price I get .75 yd, if I love it I get 1.5 yds. Sale fabric could put me in a more carefree spending mindset.

  249. Ja Avatar

    Yes, I collect fabric from mini charms to yardage, for planned projects or just maybe projects. So my purchases vary. I some of it all. LOL

  250. Chris Thorpe Avatar
    Chris Thorpe

    Fat Quarterโ€™s are my favorite size! Enough to play around with for scrap look!

  251. Tammie Smith Avatar
    Tammie Smith

    I buy a lot of charm packs and fat quarters. I make scrap quilts, so larger size pieces overwhelm me. I even use FQs to back my scrappy quilts sometimes.

  252. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    When I first began quilting I collected fat quarters to build my stash. I often still do that but have a better idea of what Iโ€™m looking for and buy accordingly.

  253. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    If I love the fabric, I buy at least a yard otherwise I purchase fat quarters.

  254. Paula Avatar

    I collect all shapes and sizes! I have a hard time going to the store (physical or online) without coming home with something! Lately, I’ve been filling my drawers with wool! And no matter how many pieces I have – it seems that I always need another to get just the right “shade”…

  255. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    I like buying half yards. Fat quarters usually arenโ€™t quite enough.

  256. Jane Avatar

    I collect FQs of some lines I just can’t live without, but I also will do 2 to 4 yards if I am thinking of a background. I will go between 4 or 5+ for backings. I like unusual backings…so if I see one and it is in my color wave or I know of a specific quilt…I buy it. LOL sounds like I buy everything. This is how I shop!

  257. Stephanie Tabares Avatar
    Stephanie Tabares

    I used to collect 1 yard amounts of the pieces of a coll that I liked, but than ran short. So now I buy 1 1/2 yards of a couple of main pieces and a couple of 1 yard amounts.

  258. Marylou Crawford Avatar
    Marylou Crawford

    I seem to be buying quite a few layer cakes and charm packs lately, but have a bazillion fat quarters, so I am obviously always picking them up as well. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  259. Joke Dingemans Avatar
    Joke Dingemans

    I buy fat quaters, a lot , and from the ones that I really, really love I buy yardage, mostly two or three metres

  260. moosebaymusings Avatar

    I usually buy half yards–a fat quarter just isn’t enough!


    If I am mail ordering I usually get a fat quarter tower. In the shop I select my favorites and get half yards and yards!

  262. kathyreeves Avatar

    I usually buy a fat quarter for an ongoing project, otherwise 1/2 yards of color and 2-3 yards of neutrals. I am still working on MIL and Mom’s stashes. A version of your Twilight Garden was used as the back drop for our State Make It With Wool style show last fall. It is exquisite!

  263. kiminalaska Avatar

    I usually get half to one yard cuts. Iโ€™m always worried I wonโ€™t have enough if I get less.

  264. Marilyn Hopkins Avatar
    Marilyn Hopkins

    This is a hard one for me, Lisa. Is “it depends” an answer? Sometimes its fat quarters, but usually larger. If I have a project in mind it is always at least a yard, but then sometimes I buy 3. Oh well. Now you know why “it depends” fits me!! Sorry I’m not very helpful, but I do love your Be Kind quilt.

  265. Linda Burnett Avatar
    Linda Burnett

    I love scrap quilts and usually buy fat quarters.

  266. Irene Schmold Avatar
    Irene Schmold

    I typically collect 1/2 yards.

  267. Karen Krusinski Avatar
    Karen Krusinski

    I have lots of collections of fat quarters – they just suck me in with the coordinating fabrics, colors, and designs. I do have problems, though, when it comes time for a border or back but I’m working on collecting larger cuts now (always!). I love to just have them piled up and enjoy looking at them!!

  268. Olga Johnson Avatar
    Olga Johnson

    I think you used block 3 for your mini quilt. I use to buy fat quarters when I started quilting, but now purchase yardage, as you never know how much you will need.

  269. Linda Tuley Avatar
    Linda Tuley

    I purchase 1/2 yard cuts and if I really like a pattern, I purchase 2-3 yards. ๐Ÿ™‚

  270. Jan B Avatar
    Jan B

    Lately charm packs! But I also collect FQs & all other precuts. Someday I’ll start using them. LOL!

  271. Suzanne Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters. If itโ€™s a fabric I canโ€™t live without I will buy yardage.
    I find that more and more I am making smaller blocks, like 3 and 4 inch, so
    I have started to collect fat eights. I havenโ€™t found a civil war fabric that I donโ€™t like
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  272. Sue schultz Avatar
    Sue schultz

    I usually collect a half yard cut. Or if itโ€™s a collection that I really like but donโ€™t have a project for it yet I like to buy a layer cake. Congratulations on another beautiful quilt.

  273. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    If I see something I really love, I buy 5 yards because once itโ€™s gone, itโ€™s gone forever! Otherwise, Iโ€™ll buy half yards or one yard cuts. I also buy layer cakes and jelly rolls.

  274. Mary Tobias Avatar
    Mary Tobias

    I wish it was half yards, but usually fat quarters. Thanks for the chance.

  275. Melanie Avatar

    One yard is my go to, but it always leaves me wanting more!

  276. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    When shopping, I usually buy yardage. I buy 1/2 yard, one yard or 3 yard, depending upon whether I plan to use it as a filler, background or backing.

  277. Millissa Masters Avatar
    Millissa Masters

    Fat quarters bundles and half yards. I need this book to start using my stash right now!!!! Thank you!

  278. Tammy Sorensen Avatar
    Tammy Sorensen

    I tend to purchase precuts and fat quarters.

  279. Terry McCloskey Avatar
    Terry McCloskey

    I usually buy 1/4 or 1/2 yards because my stash is already runneth over. Need to stash bust!

  280. Michele Avatar

    I usually buy one yard pieces unless I want to use the fabric for borders

  281. Deborah Koetter Avatar
    Deborah Koetter

    I typically buy a 1/2 yard of fabric that I come across. But like yesterday I found a fabric I see using in a future UFO I bought 1 yard. Lisa one of my favorite songs is Be humble and Kind so this wall hanging had special meaning to me

  282. Lola Stokes Avatar
    Lola Stokes

    I tend to collect fat quarters!

  283. Beth Talmage Avatar
    Beth Talmage

    It depends on the fabric. More often than fat quarters, I’ll buy quarter yards or half yards of something I just like, or a yard of a polka dot that I know I’ll use over and over.

  284. Lin Anderson Avatar
    Lin Anderson

    I usually buy one yard of fabric I just have to have. Then when I get home, I wish I had bought more!

  285. Linda S Avatar

    I collect fat quarters.

  286. Kathy Byers Avatar
    Kathy Byers

    Layer cakes! They’re very user friendly.

  287. Mary Andra Avatar
    Mary Andra

    I buy at least 1 FQ bundle then 1 1/2 to 6 yards of my favorites in each bundle. If I donโ€™t buy the whole bundle then I buy 3 yards of my favorite. 50% of the time I donโ€™t have an immediate plan but know I will.

  288. Cindy Bell Avatar
    Cindy Bell

    I canโ€™t say that I have a go to, I love them all! I buy fat quarters, half yards, full yards, and if I REALLY LOVE it, I buy 2-4 yards. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  289. Kathy Roloff Avatar
    Kathy Roloff

    I am currently addicted to charm packs. Especially PG charms as I can get a varied collection by color or category, like shirting. I love small piece scrap quilts and these give me a great variety

  290. Linda Avatar

    I usually collect 1/2 yards of fabric when I buy it.

  291. Cheryl Japenga Avatar
    Cheryl Japenga

    How fun is this One!
    I do collect Fat Qtr! Been doing it for yrs…
    When I buy yardage it is usually 1-2 yds depending on how much I love it.
    Thanks for all the wonderful things you bring to us!!

  292. Brenda C Avatar
    Brenda C

    I buy precuts, fat quarters and yardage. I just buy fabric! Lots of fabric!

  293. Monica Mackison Avatar
    Monica Mackison

    I used to buy yard pieces for my stash. I have moved to half yards. I still buy 3 yards if a really like it and 6 yards if I LOVE it.

  294. Judy Avatar

    I usually buy 1 yard pieces, sometimes 3yds. if I really like it and might use it for borders on a quilt.

  295. COLLEEN KOSKI Avatar

    I tend to buy fat quarters. Lots of patterns just use Fat QTRS. If it is a fabric I LOVE I will move up to a 1/2 yard or in cases 1 yard. Love your quilt Lisa! Congrats on the cover!

  296. usairdoll Avatar

    Gosh! I collect/buy different sizes. If I love the line then I usually buy the FQ bundle, sometimes the HY bundle. I also love charm packs and the mini charms for my EPP projects.

  297. Marcia Gilbreath Avatar
    Marcia Gilbreath

    I often buy 3 yards of a fabric I love. I also buy half yards and cut them into SQs. that way I can share with a friend!

  298. Jody Carter Avatar
    Jody Carter

    Fat Quarters

  299. Sharon Gregorczyk Avatar
    Sharon Gregorczyk

    I still buy fat quarters, especially If they are in a bundle that I canโ€™t resist. But more and more, Iโ€™m buying 1/3 yards. I like to do scrappy quilts and this seems to be a good solution for me.

  300. Debi Leitner Avatar
    Debi Leitner

    Fat quarters and charm packs are my usual go to sizes, but fabric on any size is great!

  301. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    I typically buy yardage and if I do buy FQ, it is usually a in a set of anywhere from 4 to 40. LOL. Thanks. I Love this pattern

  302. Ann Smith Avatar
    Ann Smith

    I do buy fat quarter bundles of lines that I like but I also buy yardage it just depends on what I envision myself making

  303. Susan Stanton Avatar
    Susan Stanton

    I like to buy a collection of fabrics, so I usually buy fat quarters!

  304. Diana Hansohn Avatar
    Diana Hansohn

    I used to buy fat quarters but now, if I really like a fabric, I will invest in at least a half yard..

  305. Patty Archuleta Avatar
    Patty Archuleta

    I usually buy 1/2 yard, or a yard depending on what I think I might use for. If I love it….3 yards.

  306. Sharon Avatar

    Congratulations on having your beautiful little quilt featured on the cover of the book. I usually buy by the yard, depending on the project I am working on.

  307. Lynn Fisher Avatar
    Lynn Fisher

    Hi, being that I started quilting after 40 years of sewing home decor and clothing items I am in the habit of buying yardage. Especially if I love a fabric and donโ€™t know how I am going to use it yet.

    I also love buying fat quarter bundles. They look so nice displayed in my sewing room.

  308. Jill Ann Church Avatar
    Jill Ann Church

    Until recently, I bought half yards. Now I like fat quarters and jelly rolls.

  309. Edwina Smith Avatar
    Edwina Smith

    I have a soft spot for precuts!

  310. Terri Whitney Avatar
    Terri Whitney

    I usually buy 1.5 yards of fabric with no project in mind just because I like it.

  311. Jody Randall Avatar
    Jody Randall

    I love fat quarters!! I have an entire bookcase full!!! I’m always picking up a few at my LQS.

  312. Maggie Avatar

    I like to buy a Layer Cake so that I have some of every piece of fabric in the collection~

  313. Jane Lyon Avatar
    Jane Lyon

    What a gorgeous quilt. I normally buy fat quarters but I have been known to buy full bolts of your flannels. (love) Congrats for being featured in the new book.

  314. Kathaleen Quinlan Avatar
    Kathaleen Quinlan

    Fat quarters. If I love it two yards

  315. Lori Karnick Avatar
    Lori Karnick

    What size of fabric piece? That is a great question. If I really love the fabric or the line, I will usually get a half yard. But when browsing through a store and see colors/prints I love, fat quarters are the ticket. As I am sure with most quilters, our eyes are much bigger than the time we have to work on all the projects we want to complete.

  316. Carol Kirk Avatar
    Carol Kirk

    Hahaha…..good one! I’m a collector. Therefore I buy whatever interests me. If there is not much left on the bolt, I’ll buy whatever is there. I buy at least 2 yards. If I like the entire line, I buy them in a fat quarter bundle so I have the whole line. If the quilt shop has a sale on 1/2 yard or yard cuts, I buy them that way. I love fabric….looking at it and touching it.

  317. Linda York Avatar
    Linda York

    I collect a variety of sizes, depending on my mood. I do like to make up my own fat quarter bundles if I have a project in mind. I also like to have a collection of tone-on-tone colors in half yard lengths for contrast/coordinating with that fat quartes and for sashing. And ,of course, 3 to 4 yard lengths fare essential or backing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  318. JoAnne Hawks Avatar
    JoAnne Hawks

    All sizes have their use, but I typically by a yard at a time. Fat quarters would be 2nd choice.

  319. Lynn Barrett Avatar
    Lynn Barrett

    For “pretty” fabric collections with no project in mind, I like to buy the fat quarter bundle. When I’m just buying yardage, I’ll buy 1-3 yards.

  320. Heather G Avatar
    Heather G

    For simple stash building, I buy a 1/3 yard cut.

  321. Julee Prose Avatar
    Julee Prose

    I buy what I like… 6yds if using for background and borders, 2yds if I really like it, 1 yard if a companion piece and may buy fat quarter if I don’t know what I want to do with it…

  322. Sarah Avatar

    When I first started quilting, I collected so many FQ and charm packs! As a matter of fact, I still have tons of FQ and charm packs needing to be used in scrappy or small projects!

  323. Ruthann. Lindsay Avatar
    Ruthann. Lindsay

    Love your things. Have your new book and love it. I usually buy 1/2 yards and fat quarters. I find if you dont have enough of 1 fabric it makes you stretch. The more fabrics in a quilt the better.

  324. Debra Sue Brigle Avatar
    Debra Sue Brigle

    I usually buy fat quarters. I have been a quilt kit purchaser in the past and find that I end up changing something about the kit hence the need for a fat quarter stash. I am in the process of building my stash up.

  325. KATHY REED Avatar

    1/2 yard is my preferred, but I do buy a lot of fat quarters.

  326. Theresa J W Avatar
    Theresa J W

    I buy fat quarters because I usually work on smaller projects

  327. lcdds217 Avatar

    I tend to buy fat quarter packs of fabric lines I can’t resist – and then head for yardage (usually 3 yards) to go with it

  328. Nancy Hogan Avatar
    Nancy Hogan

    Fat quarter

  329. Helen D. Avatar
    Helen D.

    I usually buy 1/2 yard cuts. I also love precut jelly rolls. Thank you for a chance to win:)

  330. LeAnn Goettel Avatar
    LeAnn Goettel

    Iโ€™m a half-er. As much as I love fat quarters, half yards provide me with more freedom.

  331. Teena Avatar

    my stash has gotten so big that when I buy its usually a backing so 5yds…..sometimes its hard to find that much or more on a bolt…..but anymore I buy kits and buy the fabric offered for backing…..Keep the kits a coming Lisa!!! Teena

  332. Wendy Avatar

    If I really love the whole collection, I will buy a few charm packs and yardage for one or two borders. Otherwise I will buy a half yard or yard out of a collection depending on how much I like it.

  333. Jonnie Avatar

    If I REALLY REALLY love it, 2 yards. If I LIKE it and am not sure how I’m going to use it, I’ve started buying fat quarters. Thanks, Lisa, for all that you do for us!!!

  334. Denise Avatar

    I will buy any size if I really, really like the fabric; but usually 1 meter pieces (yup, I am Canadian!)

  335. Rebecca Ross Avatar
    Rebecca Ross

    I like half yard collections because I like to make big quilts. If I can’t afford those, I choose fat quarters. I like having someone else decide which fabrics look good together!

  336. Debby Hillstead Avatar
    Debby Hillstead

    I will usually go for fat quarter bundles. Iโ€™m not really good at putting colors together so I love when someone else does it for me in bundles. I also go for yardage if the project requires it. I love the combinations of your fabric lines.

  337. Judy Vaughn Avatar
    Judy Vaughn

    I like to buy kits so I have everything available when I want to make my quilt. I also buy everything else, Fat quarters, charm squares, patty cakes, yardage. I am so in love with fabric.

  338. Marsha Herr Avatar
    Marsha Herr

    I buy it all, half yards . Love the Golden Rule!! It would look great with Twilight Garden! I am on social distancing, so I am quilting away!

  339. quiltngal515Vickie Snyder Avatar

    Lisa, I used to buy 3 yards of a fabric at a time if I loved the fabric. Lately over the last 3 years, I have been buying charm squares because all the fabrics work well together. I do a lot of applique. I choose one of the fabrics in the selection that will likely be a border or frame to my quilt and buy that fabric in yards. BTW, I love your fabric designs and patterns, especially your blues and the shiritngs.

  340. Tammy Avatar

    I would collect half yards because I would sew small quits. Now that I am working on bigger quilts I realize my stash isnโ€™t large enough. Darn still shopping.

  341. Karen in Ohio Avatar
    Karen in Ohio

    Fat quarters unless I am buying for a border or specific pattern. I love a variety. The more the merrier!

  342. Jeanne Clausen Avatar
    Jeanne Clausen

    I usually buy fat quarters. I can never decide, so I get the ones I like. I figure you never know when you might use them

  343. June Avatar

    Fat Quarters & Yardage.

  344. Colleen Kechter Avatar

    Love the โ€œbe kindโ€ quilt! Just what we all need at this time……kindness and compassion! Thanks Lisa!

  345. Karen M Avatar
    Karen M

    I buy a yard or two unless I see a collection I like. Then it is lots of fat quarters.

  346. Sharon Avatar

    Congratulations on having your beautiful little quilt featured on the cover of the book. I usually buy by the yard.

  347. amdezo Avatar

    I like a LOT of different sizes. I probably have the most 5″ charm packs. In additiona, I love fat quarters. But then if there is a print that I love I may buy three yards in case it could be borders. And for greens, I buy a yard, because they go with everything or make good stems.

  348. Susan Street Avatar
    Susan Street

    As a newbie I’ve purchased fat quarters so far

  349. Amanda Best Avatar
    Amanda Best

    I usually collect half yard pieces, but I have quite a stash of fat quarters.

  350. Barb Reininger Avatar
    Barb Reininger

    Fat quarter for just adding to my collection. But a yard if it’s really special.

  351. kay lynch Avatar
    kay lynch

    I buy all sizes. Just what I like.

  352. Kathy Kuntz Avatar
    Kathy Kuntz

    I usually buy fat quarters so I have a variety to choose from.

  353. Leslie Schucker Avatar
    Leslie Schucker

    I do love fat quarters but also purchase a yard if it is unique, different or a must have.

  354. Janet Avatar

    1/2 yard cuts. Living 50 miles from my favorite quilt shop often left me hanging with fat quarters…..jmh

  355. Judi Reiss Avatar
    Judi Reiss

    SInce I have never met a fabric I didn’t like….I seem to collect FQs as well as Jelly Rolls. But looked in my sewing room and noticed a lot of Charms and Layer Cakes as well.

  356. Kathy Harris Avatar
    Kathy Harris

    What a beautiful quilt. I do collect fat quarters if it is an interesting print. If I find a nice neutral or blender, I usually get a yard so I have enough to work with.

  357. Judyk Avatar

    I started out collecting charms, then fat quarters, now mostly layer cakes and individual fat quarters. The exception was a fat quarter bundle of indigo gatherings, I fell in love and didnโ€™t even question what I would do with it if I had it!

  358. Denise Cabral Avatar
    Denise Cabral

    I like to buy fat quarters but if I really love the fabric I get half yards!

  359. Gloria Y Avatar
    Gloria Y

    I seem to buy more FQ and 1/2 yd pieces. If the piece is something I just can’t leave in the store, I buy 2 1/2 – 3 yds. My checkbook/credit card sometimes cries when I overbuy!!

  360. Theresa Avatar

    I buy 1/3-1/2 for smaller print fabrics that I like. At least a yard of ones I love.

  361. Jan Snyder Avatar
    Jan Snyder

    I usually purchase either half yard or yard pieces. I am a newer sewer and am building my stash.What I have a lot of is wool. I love wool applique – especially your patterns. i am drawn to primitive.

  362. Judi L. Avatar

    If I don’t have a specific project need, I tend to buy fat quarters, especially bundles. Of course, I then find it very difficult to untie the ribbon holding all the prettiness together. One day…

  363. Karen Ritter Avatar
    Karen Ritter

    I have taken to buying half-yard pieces so that I have more flexibility than a fat quarter provides. But if I really, really love a fabric, itโ€™s a yard or more for sure! And I just LOVE your flannels!

  364. Julie Mirdoch Avatar
    Julie Mirdoch

    I’m a bit of a fat quarter junkie…. but I love the mini-charm packs too!

  365. Bonni Brooks Avatar
    Bonni Brooks

    Yep, fat quarters have been my irresistible choice for a long time. Sometimes I buy 1/3 yards & now I’ve been tempted by 10″ squares. If I spent as much time sewing as I do shopping (online), I might have made more quilts by now!! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  366. Kristie Avatar

    I buy a lot of both — still being a fairly new quilter, it’s all about stash building, right? Lovely items shown here!!

  367. MargaretAnn Avatar

    Fat quarter bundles are my go-to to purchase! Then, I will add yardage of a big print and and background of the line.
    And I am always grabbing a few singles at every quilt shop I visit.

  368. barbara woods Avatar
    barbara woods

    I usually buy three yards , enough to use in a queen sized quilt

  369. JoyceO Avatar

    Hmmmmmm…… it all depends. I collect “yard” pieces, fat quarters, and charm squares. Actually, I collect it all. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  370. Jeanne P. Avatar
    Jeanne P.

    If I really love it and the price is amazing I might buy what is needed for a backing, otherwise usually half yard to whole yard cuts. If there are some FQ not in bunches I might pick up a couple to fill in a color I need in my stash.

  371. Kathy Bahn Avatar
    Kathy Bahn

    I have been a fat quarter junkie for years!!!!!! Wishing I spent as much time sewing

    as i have shopping for fabric!!!!

  372. Linda Rice Avatar
    Linda Rice

    I usually buy a yard. It seems to keep me from wishing I had bought more than a fat quarter when I find it would be just the right fabric for that special project!

  373. Nancy Avatar

    I love fat quarters and once in a while buy the 1/2 yard bundles. Love the jelly rolls for scrappy binding on quilts.

  374. Judy Avatar

    I buy a lot of fat quarters but on occasion I will buy a car eighth bundle. Thank you!

  375. Pris Avatar

    I mostly make baby quilts for our local NICU so I typically buy a few fat quarters for the top and 1.5 yds for the back and 1/2 yd for the binding. I buy it all at the same time and store it together so I have complete baby quilt โ€œkitsโ€ to work with.

  376. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I usually get half yard pieces but if I really like it at least a yard.

  377. carol thomas Avatar
    carol thomas

    I use to like jelly rolls. Now I buy fat quarters. I don’t have a jelly bar yet.

  378. Becky Eller Avatar
    Becky Eller

    All those fat quarters – what a great book to get them out of the way for more stuff! It is such a creative habit.

  379. Kim Marie Quade Avatar
    Kim Marie Quade

    Hi Lisa ! I’ve done it all, fat quarters, half yards and full yards. And if the fabric is amazing, and moves me, I’ll buy 5 yard . Sometimes more! I’ve made small quilts and projects and king sized, double layers of thin washable wool quilts, and everything in between! Thank you for the inspiration to you and your staff!!!!!

  380. sylvia11310 Avatar

    I’d say fat quarters most frequently bought especially if I do not have immediate plans for using the fabric. If I’m buying just because the fabric strikes me that it needs to come home with me, I might buy 1/2 yard. But the go to is fat quarters!!

  381. DEB WORTHMAN Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters. They don’t have to be for anything in particular, mostly because I like the colors.

  382. Jeanne Clausen Avatar

    I like to buy fat quarters because I can never decide which one I like best

  383. Karen Qualls Avatar
    Karen Qualls

    I used to buy 1/2 yard pieces of fabric. Then I switched to fat quarter towers because I wanted a sampling of every fabric in that particular line. Now I am in love with jelly rolls! I love them all!!

  384. Susan Sawyers Avatar
    Susan Sawyers

    I guess I don’t like have a usual size fabric. I buy based on how much I like the fabric and where I think I might use it

  385. Nancy Bailey Avatar
    Nancy Bailey

    fat quarter sets

  386. Mary Bevan Avatar
    Mary Bevan

    My usual size is a fat quarter in pre cut or 1/2 yard in yardage. Been known to buy 6 meters if I really like the fabric!

  387. JoAnn Avatar

    I usually buy one yard pieces, but I am a sucker for buying cute print fat quarters.

  388. Regina Harris Avatar
    Regina Harris

    I typically purchase 10″ Layer Cakes

  389. Linda E Avatar
    Linda E

    Friday, the 13th give away! Awesome and I love the proceeds from book sale going to Special Olympics! I tend to buy kits, but fat quarters would be my second choice!

  390. Gale C. Avatar
    Gale C.

    It depends…. I like 10″ squares, fat quarters or 1/2 yard pieces. The bigger the better.

  391. Debbie Marttala Avatar
    Debbie Marttala

    One yard cuts, when I know that the fabric will blend in beautifully with what I have. But for a variety, a designer or line, Half yard bundles or fat quarters are the best.

  392. Darlene Warner Avatar
    Darlene Warner

    If I like the fabric I will normally purchase 2 yards, but if it’s a specific line of fabric I will purchase the FQ collection.

  393. Cathy Silveria Avatar
    Cathy Silveria

    1/2 to 1 yard specially if I really like!


  394. Denice kilmer Avatar
    Denice kilmer

    I love fat quarter bundles all bundled up and aging to the right degree for me to start my next creation. But I must admit I love precuts of all kind And yardage ohhhh yardage!!!!

  395. Colleen C. Avatar
    Colleen C.

    It depends on what it is for. I love scrappy quilts so I do buy lots of Fat Quarters. But if a fabric will be for background, borders, or focus fabric I buy yardage.

  396. Constance Boulay Avatar
    Constance Boulay

    I have a lot of fat quarters, including a bundle of Farmhouse Flannels. I don’t buy a lot of individual fat quarters, anymore, but often buy bundles for quilt-alongs, along with some yardage for the borders. I am looking for more quilts to make with stash fat quarters, so will have to check out this book, even if I don’t win it.

  397. Cynthia Wood Avatar
    Cynthia Wood

    I usually buy a yard if I am stash building. But, if I really, really, love it I’ll splurge and buy 3 yards (just in case it makes it into a big project)

  398. Kim Avatar

    I usually buy fat Quarters. Your quilt is just gorgeous!


    Most of the time I will by it by the yard But I do collect fat quarters especially in a bundle as they are all matching and just so pretty

  400. Becky Kasten Avatar
    Becky Kasten

    I buy at least half yard cuts and sometime full yards. Love that wall hanging.

  401. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    For a long time, I purchased lots and lots of fat quarters, but lately I have been buying half yards cuts! Maybe the next step is to buy 1 yard cuts! I LOVE fabric!

  402. Becky Kasten Avatar
    Becky Kasten

    I like to buy half yard cuts. Love that wall hanging.

  403. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I normally buy a fat quarter tower of a collection and if I really really love the collection I’ll start with one yard cut of the entire collection, and then I will buy 5 yard cuts of the fabrics in the collection that I really really love. I’ll have to say that again this year my concentration has been finishing projects and I’ve limited my buying (okay maybe not as much as I’d like to) to things I really really love (indigo gatherings was on the really really love list)!

  404. Ruby Bundy Avatar
    Ruby Bundy

    I love to buy all sorts of cuts. I guess if I buy without a pattern in mind I always get at least a fat quarter stack. Thanks.

  405. Sarah Williams Avatar
    Sarah Williams

    I like to collect fat quarters. Love your work!

  406. Kathleen winslow Avatar
    Kathleen winslow

    After I get an idea. Either from a pattern, or a book, or a quilt I see, I think back on my stash and decide how much background I will need. Usually 3 yards plus. Then I consider border colors. Usually darks, all in Lisaโ€™s style. Is it to be appliquรฉs or pieced you bring the center together with background and where will the quilt b used? I open my gatherings fabric box, lay out colors I have that will work and add halves and quarters until Iโ€™m smiling. Then I mail off my order. Wait not so patiently to begin!

  407. Stephanie Kluk Avatar
    Stephanie Kluk

    I usually buy fat quarters and/or half yards!

  408. Cheryl Miles Avatar

    I love scrappy quilts so I tend to collect fat eighths. If I REALLY love a fabric I have a tendency to buy the boltโ€” several have been a Primitive Gatherings ๐Ÿค—

  409. Marie Eddins Avatar
    Marie Eddins

    I used to buy just fat quarters, but now I seem to have gone to 1/2 yards or even a yard if I think it will make a nice sashing or first border for a quilt. I think my most favorite precut now is layer cakes.

  410. Meredith Avatar

    I love fat quarters, especially in bundles, but I also collect fat eighths and half yards too!

  411. Ginger Smith Avatar
    Ginger Smith

    Another wonderful project.

  412. Ginger Smith Avatar
    Ginger Smith

    Another wonderful project. I love to buy a fat quarter bundle when I buy.

  413. Karla Stiverson Avatar
    Karla Stiverson

    Jelly Rolls and Cakes. I enjoy the selected fabrics so you have more variety of color

  414. Lori Avatar

    I collect half yards especially jo Morton. I have just about every line in half yards

  415. Dawn Hughes Avatar
    Dawn Hughes

    I buy 1/2 yards as I love scrappy

  416. Stephanie's Woodward Avatar
    Stephanie’s Woodward

    I collect all sizes, but mostly fat quarters and 5 to 6 yards. quite a difference I know. I started with fat quarters and have progressed to 5 to 6 yards. I know, I’m hopeless.

  417. Dawn Oyer Avatar
    Dawn Oyer

    I buy a lot of half yards to split with my friend. If I see a really good background we up that to no less than 3 yards. These quilts look fun!!

  418. annita Avatar

    I usually buy 1/2 yard cuts, then I have enough for a scrappy binding.

  419. Carol Nichols Avatar
    Carol Nichols

    I buy a lot of precuts, mostly layer cakes and jelly rolls. But also fat quarters! Lots of fabric!

  420. Bonita Scruggs Avatar
    Bonita Scruggs

    I buy 1 yard pieces mostly, unless I really like the fabric. Then I buy at least three yards of more.
    I buy fat quarters only for small projects or quilt block filler.

  421. Francine Pollock Avatar
    Francine Pollock

    I like fat quarters because I make lots of scrappy quilts. They are so easy to buy and collect and give my quilts lots of variety.

  422. EllenB Avatar

    I purchase FQs for variety or 3 yards for backgrounds.

  423. Judy Wilson Avatar
    Judy Wilson

    I like fat quarters, I like the variety I can get.

  424. Julie T Avatar
    Julie T

    I collect Fat Quarters no matter te type of fabric or designer. I also collect 1/2 yards of Kaffe.

  425. Deborah DeBerry Avatar
    Deborah DeBerry

    I usually get fat quarters or fat quarter bundles of colors, and have started getting half yards of background or neutrals.

  426. Wanda Avatar

    I LOVE this new quilt . I buy fat quarters and then donโ€™t know what to make with them…. I have to get this book!

  427. Joyce Avatar

    I usually buy 1/2 yard pieces but if I really love it Iโ€™ll get 2 yards, because I know Iโ€™ll use it.

  428. kaywelch Avatar

    I love the compilation books because they give you a sample of different designers, and I especially love when they are done is an effort to support a cause. This is a great title. When I first became interested in quilting I only bought fat quarters, and now I still buy fat quarters, also yardage to go with them. My stash is overflowing, so I’m working again this year to reduce it by making gifts and projects for my many causes.

    1. Lisa Avatar

      I like to buy fat quarters and yardage!

  429. Linda Bond Avatar
    Linda Bond

    I usually buy fat quarters along with a couple different fabrics in a collection to use as a boarder and binding. I am loving your new line.

  430. Kathi B Avatar
    Kathi B

    I prefer to buy fat quarters. I love looking at all the different fabrics on my shelves!

  431. Jana Avatar

    I like to buy 1 yard if I am not sure what I will do with such fabric. I would like to try any pre-cuts in future, like layer cakes, so hope one day I give it a try… On retreats I usually buy fatquarters to have something small to remember the time I spent on the retreat.

  432. Ellie Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters but if the fabric speaks to me a little bit more I purchase 1 yard.

  433. Teri Avatar

    Usually buy 3/4 yard pieces of fabric as it gives fairly useable cuts.

  434. Cindy Golding Avatar
    Cindy Golding

    Hello. I buy yardage, charms, and fat quarters. Only recently have I purchased a 10โ€ pack!

  435. DinnaSchalge Avatar

    I usually buy my fabric in 2-3 yards pieces. I have a collection of many precuts also. I buy what I like, not necessarily with a specific project in mind.

  436. Ann Weaver Avatar
    Ann Weaver

    I buy 1/2 to 1 yd cuts for backgrounds. Fat quarters are great for Applique projects. I also buy 1/8 cuts when I want a range of fabrics of one color ie berries or leaves.

  437. Jackie Roisler Avatar
    Jackie Roisler

    Impulse buy of neutrals is 2 yds. Other then this I do my best to purchase closely to a pattern I have in mind.

  438. Pamela Avatar

    I generally buy fat quarters. But also buy yardage of the special fabric I just have to have!

  439. Terry Avatar

    I normally buy fat quarters.

  440. Jenny Owens Avatar
    Jenny Owens

    Fat Quarters are #1 go-to, but if I really love the fabric line I get half-yard bundles.

  441. Annette F. Avatar
    Annette F.

    When I see a fabric I have to have, but don’t necessarily have an idea what I will use it for, I will buy a half yard. For variety, I like buying fat quarters. They are a great option when making scrappy quilts.

  442. Rosalinda Avatar

    I like fat quarters and jelly rolls.

  443. Wanda (Mimi) Hall Avatar

    I have LOTS of fat quarters! When I like a collection, I get fat quarters of the different pieces in the collection and then I buy 1/2 yards and even 1 yard cuts of the pieces I really LOVE… because you never have enough of that piece you LOVE!!! Your quilt is adorable!

  444. Bee Avatar

    fat quarters—preferably a pack with the whole fabric line.

  445. Belva Avatar

    I usually purchase yardage of fabrics I likeโ€”two or three yards. I do lots of fabric Applique and banners and never know how much Iโ€™m going to need.

  446. Amy Burns Avatar
    Amy Burns

    I usually buy fat quarters the most.

  447. MaryEllen P Avatar

    Fat quarter collection towers are my go to so they can be mixed for quilt a-longs.and samplers. Adding larger cuts when a project requires. “Be Kind” on the cover, how wonderful, Lisa!

  448. Vickie Mills Avatar
    Vickie Mills

    Iโ€™m always tempted by fat quarter bundles. However, being afraid I wonโ€™t have enough fabrics if I want to make a big quilt, I supplement with yardage of select pieces that would work well as a focus fabric, background or border.

  449. Candice S. Avatar
    Candice S.

    I prefer 1/2 yard cuts unless I really love the fabric. Yards if itโ€™s a great backing fabric.

  450. Karen K. Avatar
    Karen K.

    I like to buy fat quarters – often the whole collection and the adding some yardage of 1or 2 of the prints.

  451. Lori T Avatar
    Lori T

    I buy a lot of fat quarters. They are so hard to resist. It makes for wonderful scrap quilts

  452. Carmen N Avatar
    Carmen N

    I’m most likely to collect half yards but will also buy fat quarter bundles. I love scrap quilts but have been sorry several times I didnโ€™t buy enough.

  453. Amy McCaulley Avatar
    Amy McCaulley

    I go through seasons of what I collect. Now itโ€™s layer cakes. Tomorrow…who knows?? ๐Ÿ˜Š

  454. Kay Romahn Avatar
    Kay Romahn

    Lately I have been buying fat quarters, but jelly rolls are also a favorite.

  455. Cathie Moore Avatar
    Cathie Moore

    Fat quarters are my go to for fabric because so many patterns use them.

  456. bbnelson25 Avatar

    2 yards. Then I can do anything I want!

  457. Melinda Coupland Thorne Avatar
    Melinda Coupland Thorne

    I will occasionally buy minimum cuts of a fabric if the budget is tight but love to buy yardage for just in case projects

  458. Gayle Cowdin Avatar
    Gayle Cowdin

    1/2 yards unless I think I will use it for focus or border fabric

  459. Donna wright Avatar
    Donna wright

    Fat quarter bundles!!

  460. Jan Smith Avatar
    Jan Smith

    I buy whatever trips my trigger; If I see something I like and better yet on sale I will buy it for future projects. It may not get used for that right away but my fabric is in the sun free basement! I do like the precuts but find myself taking some from them and not really using them all in one project.

  461. Jan Smith Avatar
    Jan Smith

    I am fascinated by the quilting shown on your project for book. Is it quilted after the applique? It is hard to tell by looking. I would think it would be hard to quilt in the little spaces but it is a beautiful job. Love the project.

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Yes…just like a normal quilt. Make the top…have it quilted!

  462. Kay U McAllister Avatar
    Kay U McAllister

    If buying background fabrics, I buy at least 1/2 yd. Like fat quarters as I usually make small blocks which doesn’t require a lot of fabric. But basically, I buy LOTS.

  463. Denise Gosselin Avatar
    Denise Gosselin

    What a great book! I may have to add it to my collection. I generally buy fat quarters unless I see a background fabric that I like – then I will buy three yards of it.

  464. Peggy Avatar

    I generally buy half yards, although I do have a healthy collection of precuts as well, since they are so mainstream now.
    Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity, your cover quilt is lovely !

  465. Leona Avatar

    I love collecting fat quarters but always on the lookout for yardage to tie it all together or that I simply cant live without at that moment

  466. Sharon cardiges Avatar
    Sharon cardiges

    The patterns in the book look awesome!
    I usually buy fat quarters and usually 3-4 yards of background fabric

  467. Carol Thomas Avatar
    Carol Thomas

    Most often itโ€™s 2 yards

  468. Tracey Avatar

    I usually buy a yard or precuts

  469. Elizabeth Pierce Avatar

    Fat Quarter bundles are a must have in a collection I can’t live without. Additionally, I will purchase a couple of Layer Cakes with some yardages of my favs from the bundle for backing and fillers.

  470. Brenda Ourada Avatar
    Brenda Ourada

    I buy it all. Doesnโ€™t matter the size. Iโ€™m addicted.

  471. Sandie Avatar

    Your Fabric lines? I buy half yard bundles and two charm packs of every line. (And background yardage.)Other designers I buy FQ bundles and charm packs. (And also background yardage.

  472. Janice Hope Avatar

    I do love this latest quilt. Very stylish. My favourite fabric size just happens to be fat quarters. They are affordable and give a great variety for a scrappy look.

  473. Rebecca Stipe Avatar
    Rebecca Stipe

    I like fat quarters and half yard cuts

  474. Pam Knight Avatar
    Pam Knight

    I like half yard or yard cuts. Iโ€™d rather have extra than not enough!

  475. Elvia Shirkey Avatar
    Elvia Shirkey

    Generally will buy 1/4-1/3 yards. Depends on the print. Collect from different designers for variety and keep the colors intact

  476. Gale Avatar

    It started out with fat quarters, then I found half yards, which led to yards/yardage, now I have been collecting those lovely charm packs and layer cuts!!!

  477. Lisa N. Avatar
    Lisa N.

    I love fat quarters to get more of a collection but always pick some half yard cuts of my favorites.

  478. Sybilla Steenport Avatar
    Sybilla Steenport

    My go to size is the 10″ layer cake. So many options with this, whether I want to make quick quilted baskets, or whip up a quick lap quilt, they are my go to.

  479. Laura Hillaker Avatar
    Laura Hillaker

    I like to purchase 1 yard cuts because then I have lots of options.

  480. Linda Avatar

    Oh goodness gracious! At one time or another on this journey, I think Iโ€™m have collected them all. Lately itโ€™s mostly fat quarters.๐Ÿ˜Š

  481. Dana Doerfler Avatar
    Dana Doerfler

    My favorite is a fat quarter. I especially love fat quarter bundles – they are SO pretty! I have loads of them on display in my sewing room!

  482. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    Your quilt is beautiful Lisa. Hooray for making the cover. Mostly now I just buy kits for projects I love, but when a fabric jumps out at me, I buy a fat quarter of it. I think there’s a little more versatility for finished projects with a fat quarter vs. a jelly roll strip (but I like these too.)

  483. linda schiffer Avatar
    linda schiffer

    I buy mostly fat quarters and half yards. I love scrappy quilts and I like to have lots of variety in my stash.

    The only exceptions are border prints and things I want to stack’n’whack.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ Linda

  484. Christi Avatar

    I love Fat Quarter bundles but if it’s a tone on tone fabric I buy 5 yards.

  485. Jill Coenen Avatar
    Jill Coenen

    My favorite size is fat quarters – lots a variety that way!!

  486. Lois N Rutherford Avatar
    Lois N Rutherford

    I buy yardage, the amount depends on how much I like it.

  487. Linda Valentino Avatar
    Linda Valentino

    I like to buy Layer Cakes of collections & then some 1-3 yard cuts of my favorites to go with them.

  488. Linda Smith Avatar
    Linda Smith

    Iโ€™ve collected fat quarters all over the country! Itโ€™s a fun way to support local quilt shops and have wonderful fabrics in my stash! I just might be inspired to sew some together soon! ๐Ÿ’•

  489. Sue Nelson Avatar
    Sue Nelson

    I buy 1/2 yard cuts. If I really like the fabric I will purchase 2 or 3 yards. The book looks terrific!

  490. Jenell Lamb Avatar
    Jenell Lamb

    I used to buy fat quarters, but now I buy 10โ€ squares, or yardage. Sometimes jelly rolls to match 10โ€ squares.

  491. Karen Avatar

    Wool- I collect/purchase more when I see the PG booth at shows/conventions. Fabric-unless I need something specific, my mother has enough for both of us.

  492. Beth Byerssmall Avatar
    Beth Byerssmall

    I buy a variety of sizes depending on my level of passion or need. A fat quarter is a good starting place but basic and true passion leads to yardage or pounds if we are talking wool.

  493. Robin Crittenden Avatar
    Robin Crittenden

    I buy fat quarters or 1/2 yards unless the fabric really.takes my breath then I do yards

  494. Lorraine Wiez Avatar
    Lorraine Wiez

    I love buying and collecting fat quarters as I love scrappy quilts. Charm packs are another size I collect a lot of. Looks like a great book with beautiful quilts.

  495. PAMELA SEROVY Avatar

    I love fat quarters.

  496. Diane Schwarz Avatar
    Diane Schwarz

    I love everything. When I was lining baskets, I usually bought 1 1/1 – 2 yards. Now that I Am done with that, I love fat quarters and 5 inch squares. Easy to use and are ge at for filling in when does my larger projects. I am a crafter at heart, and love to make small bags , fabric frames, and useful items for gifts.
    Great small quilt on coverโ€”- blue is best

  497. Joan Wilson Avatar
    Joan Wilson

    I buy mostly fat quarters of reproduction fabrics for scrappy quilts (my favourites) and also yardage for borders, backgrounds, etc.

  498. Laura Lewis Avatar
    Laura Lewis

    I buy fat quarters in bundles some times, but if I love a fabric I buy at least a yard of it. Have to have enough to show it off in a project.

  499. Vicki Crowser Avatar
    Vicki Crowser

    What a GREAT name for a book and a WONDERFUL cause. I have been involved in Special Olympics for 16 years and the JOY it brings is TWO, FOUR, SIX, EIGHT, GREAT. If I don’t have a project in mind and find a fabric I love I will buy at least 1 yard. I love fat quarters as they challenge my creativity side to put them all together. Thank you for offering the opportunity to win these products.


  500. Amy Bristol Avatar
    Amy Bristol

    I collect all but jelly rolls. My favorite is the fat quarter bundles ๐Ÿ™‚

  501. Sandi Schauer Avatar
    Sandi Schauer

    I usually buy yardage! I like to have the option for many different quilts. I also like layer cakes. It gives me four charm packs if necessary.

  502. Betti Hendrickson Avatar
    Betti Hendrickson

    Fat quarters and jelly rolls

  503. Joan Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters or half yards! I love your be kind quilt and I did recognize the block from Twilight Garden quilt! โค๏ธ

  504. Louise lee Avatar
    Louise lee

    I usually purchase fat quarters or 1/2 yd

  505. sharon tseu Avatar
    sharon tseu

    IF I absolutely LOVE a fabric, or see it as a useful “mother fabric”, I buy three yards. If I’m not shopping for anything in particular, I buy fat quarters.

  506. Gloria Galiana Avatar
    Gloria Galiana

    I buy fat quarters and half yards for bindings and borders. What an awesome giveaway!!! Thanks Lisa!

  507. Juareen Castillo Avatar
    Juareen Castillo

    I buy Fat Quarter packs but when I’m just buying I buy half yard cuts up to one card cuts so I have enough.

  508. Robyn Wiggins Avatar
    Robyn Wiggins

    I usually buy kits in the interest of time, but will buy fabric by the yard if I see something I can’t live without!

  509. Connie Thompson Avatar

    I like fat quarters and 1/3 yards…can fill in with the years of stash I have๐Ÿ˜‹. Love this block!

  510. Marge Avatar

    Fat quarters.

  511. Jenifer N Avatar
    Jenifer N

    To collect I buy half yards, that way I can cut in half and use it as a FQ in 2 different projects!!

  512. Rita Gillis Avatar
    Rita Gillis

    Fat quarters are my favorite precut. If itโ€™s a fabric I really like I will buy 2 or 3 yards. I love fabric! I also love your โ€œBe Kindโ€ quilt!

  513. Carrie Cameron Avatar
    Carrie Cameron

    Hi Lisa, I have this very nook on my wishlist. I usually buy fatquarters and charm packs along with a few backgrounds from the line that gets me ready for whatever sew a long comes a long. Looking forward to seeing you in October her in Nova Scotia.

  514. Julie LaCount Green Avatar
    Julie LaCount Green

    Two, four, six, eight, wouldnโ€™t winning this be GREAT!!

  515. Sharon Henson Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters, or fat quarter bundles.

  516. Brenda Ottman Avatar
    Brenda Ottman

    I buy yard and split to share with my friend who has the same collection as me.

  517. Jenny Coplenad Avatar
    Jenny Coplenad

    for a long time, I would not buy anything less than a yard…but years and years of large yardage purchases, I have settled on half yards (and buy 3 yards of things I especially like)…

  518. Linda Kay Smith Avatar
    Linda Kay Smith

    I find fat quarters to be really versatile so they are often my “go to” .

  519. Christine Day Avatar
    Christine Day

    My favorite size to collect is fat quarters.

  520. Barb K Avatar
    Barb K

    If I have to pick–Fat Quarters!! (But I do have Jelly Rolls and charm packs as well as 10 inch packs).

  521. Sandy Dagg Avatar
    Sandy Dagg

    I have a good collection of fat quarters and a few half yard lines.

  522. Paula Wentworth Avatar
    Paula Wentworth

    Fat quarters. Unless it’s wool and then I buy a yard.

  523. Kim Martin Avatar
    Kim Martin

    I love fat quarter bundles, and I buy more to make sure I have enough for borders.

  524. carmen mullins Avatar
    carmen mullins

    I love to buy fat quarters. Such variety! Love’em! ๐Ÿ™‚

  525. Loretta Avatar

    Lisa I donโ€™t like a lot of waste in my world so I usually buy what I need for a project but if I absolutely have to have a particular yummy fabric then I will buy a metre ๐Ÿ˜‰

  526. Roxanne Baumann Avatar
    Roxanne Baumann

    Love to buy fat quarters, because I like scrappy quilts.

  527. Kristy Wilkinson Avatar
    Kristy Wilkinson

    Lisa- Your quilt for the book is gorgeous and the stitching looks so interesting. I love fat quarters but I have been known to buy thirds of a yard or even quarters of a yard if I really want variety. I will buy charm packs sometimes as well but fat quarters are really my favorites. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful work with us. K-

  528. Wynona Avatar

    Love love all your fabrics patterns and hand dyed wools! Hope to make a trek to Wisconsin from Texas one day!

  529. Clare Avatar

    I usually buy fat quarters, mostly a few at a time but have brought a whole range a time or too.

  530. Dayna Avatar

    Wow such a beautiful project! I love your patterns! I buy a lot of fat quarter bundles!

  531. Regina Avatar

    If i want the entire collection of a line of fabric I will buy a fat quarter pack. If I am just stach building I buy half yard cuts of fabric.

  532. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    My go to precuts are 10โ€ layer cakes. This book is impressive and your pattern especially caught my eye. Thank you & Moda for fun give a- ways.

  533. Yvonne Craig Avatar
    Yvonne Craig

    Iโ€™m just addicted to fabric โฃ๏ธ Sooo I buy everything but in precuts it would be layer cakes. Thanks for all the giveaways.

  534. Kari Oโ€™Connor Avatar
    Kari Oโ€™Connor

    I buy 1/3 yard of fabric for stash building.

  535. shadesofrandom Avatar

    I generally buy by the yard or half yard.

  536. Karen L. Avatar
    Karen L.

    If I am buying yardage, I usually buy 1 yard. If I find a good deal on jelly rolls or fat quarters in a fabric line I like, I will buy them for sure.

  537. Sue Hoover Avatar
    Sue Hoover

    I usually buy 1/3 yard pieces. I find that if I need layer cake size, I’m good. Plenty of lenghth for strips and usually more than enough for applique!

  538. Dixie McAdam Avatar
    Dixie McAdam

    My ‘collection’ lengths are half or full yard cuts. Love your flannel quilt that made the cover – Congrats! Thanks for all you do for us quilters.

  539. Michele Avatar

    I will buy some fat quarters but really prefer a minimum of a half yard. Too many times I’ve either not had enough, especially if I want to do some fussy–cutting. Your piece is lovely ๐Ÿ™‚

  540. Rita jones Avatar
    Rita jones

    I like quarter yard cuts or big pieces for backs.

  541. Ann P. Avatar
    Ann P.

    Oooh I love this book. I normally purchase FQs. Like them because I can buy a full collection. If I am in love with a certain fabric then I will buy 1/2 yard or full yard. That gets me in trouble every time.

  542. Kari Stutzman Avatar
    Kari Stutzman

    I love a fat quarter but i also will buy just an eighth of yard wof. But if i truly love a fabric i will buy a yard. I love a scrappy look so little bits of fabric are my jam!! I can hardly get out of a fabric store without buying at least one fat quarter. Love the be kind quilt.

  543. Pam Suther Avatar
    Pam Suther

    I used to always buy fat quarters, but since pre-cuts came out, I find myself buying more of them-especially charm packs since they aren’t too expensive and so pretty!! Thanks for the give away!!

  544. Pat D Bley Avatar
    Pat D Bley

    My go to size of pre cuts are layer cakes for I do a lot of hand applique and this works out pretty good for me there is enough fabric there for my project and then I can see what I have to buy extra of for my borders.

  545. tracy53 Avatar

    I collect fat quarters and meter cuts, but then if there is a backing cut on clearance – thatโ€™s good too-lol

  546. Deb Avatar

    I usually get metre cuts but have been known when I really love it the rest of the bolt

  547. Linda Avatar

    I collect fat quarters. But I wish I had more of your flannels – they are wonderful and so soft!

  548. Barb H. Avatar

    I have been buying fat quarters. I’ve decided to buy kits of a certain project with extra from that line and the backing; so that I have it all even if I don’t get around to it right away.

  549. Alison Krall Avatar
    Alison Krall

    I like to collect half yards and fat quarters- it all depends on the design of the fabric.

  550. Judy Shapleigh Avatar
    Judy Shapleigh

    I usually buy a half yard but if I really love it, i will buy a yard. The story of many of my projects: I run out and don’t have enough for the border the size I want or for the binding. Then I have to look online.

  551. Cindy Roosma Avatar
    Cindy Roosma

    Hey Lisa, I can never resist fabric and usually buy yardage. 1-2 yards!

  552. Connie Avatar

    I usually buy by the yard, because as we all know, when we need a little more, they don’t have it any longer. I like jelly rolls too!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      I got both of them!

  553. Connie J Martin Avatar
    Connie J Martin

    I don’t see my reply, but, I buy by the yard. I like jelly rolls too.

  554. Debie Avatar

    I love fat quarters….I really do love your quilt the Golden Rule! I would love to buy it but I just bought some Valdani and the tin to make the sheep, and your book and some wool….it just never ends all of it so beautiful! Not to mention the shopping I did at the quilt show booth in Houston LOL Thanks Lisa for such great inspiration.

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