12 Days of Christmas – Day 12

Hey Everyone! It’s Christmas time again and I’m happy to announce that the Primitive Gatherings 12 Days of Christmas starts today! Please join me in counting down the days til Christmas, as I share a few of my favorite things that today’s Stitchers need!

Let’s start off with Little Gatherings! My brand new book from Martingale Publishing, due to come out early next year…but guess what! I heard it’s here already! What??? As of just this morning, I know for a fact that the book came early, so that means we can get them signed and out to you ASAP (Pre-orders only – Must be ordered as the only item in your cart! Our anticipated shipping date at this time is January, 2022)!

Everyone loves little quilts – you can never have too many! Little Gatherings is a compilation of 13 little quilts all together in one book. I know that when I post pictures of my mini’s wall, everyone goes crazy for them! Check out my mini’s wall below!

Now is a great time to get started on your own mini collection – OR, if you’ve already started, this will just add to the possibilities of what to make next! Also, to sweeten the deal we are including a variety pack of Primitive Gatherings HST paper with each book purchased!

Today’s deal will also include 20% off all our Primitive Gatherings Triangle Paper! Don’t forget, a free Variety Pack will be included with the purchase of an autographed Little Gatherings book! Click on the photo below and it will take you to our site for easy ordering!

I am over the top excited about this newest book! I hope you are just as excited to add another great Martingale book to your library. It’s such an honor to serve the quilting community any way I can, whether it’s books on wool appliqué, tiny quilts or being one of the designers in the Moda compilation books…it’s so much fun!

Do you want to win this book? Please leave us a comment here with an estimate of how many quilting/stitching/craft books you own. I can’t wait to read your answers!

We will pick 2 winners here on the blog and 2 on our YouTube Channel comments! The winner for our 12 daily prizes will be announced on New Years Day! If you win and have purchased the book we will refund your account!!! Take care, and see you tomorrow with another one of my favorite things!

463 responses to “12 Days of Christmas – Day 12”

  1. Mary Schlegelmilch Avatar
    Mary Schlegelmilch

    Love the Little Gatherings book! I have over 200 quilting related books. Sometimes a girl has to quilt by reading a book. Love getting all the ideas!

  2. debby815 Avatar

    I would guess I have 50 quilt books but wouldn’t be surprised if I counted, there’d be a few more than that. The new book looks like it needs to be on my bookshelf! You have the best projects.

  3. An Cooper Avatar
    An Cooper

    I haven’t counted but I’m guessing over 300 I have a lot of quilt books and even more quilt magazines. I also have cross stitch and beading magazines and books

  4. Kristy Avatar

    I would estimate at least 550…and love each and every one!

    1. Pam H Avatar
      Pam H

      I think I have around 75 left after getting rid of quite a few.

      1. Marie Avatar

        250 would be a conservative number. Always seems to be one more I can’t live without. 😬

    2. Elizabeth Avatar

      Quilting books…oh my so many lovely gems 💎 estimating 75 🤷‍♀️ They are scattered about the house 🥰

    3. Judy Stone Avatar
      Judy Stone

      I must own over 700 books on crafts. They fill 4 bookshelves and a variety of boxes.

  5. Nancy Avatar


    1. Donna Montieth Avatar

      > 100, maybe > 150 quilting/stitching/sewing/Longarm quilting books are on my shelves. I’ll be moving soon, so I’ll be packing them up.

    2. Michelle Cooper Avatar
      Michelle Cooper

      I have around 30-40 quilt books but they are are of date older freebie books from 1990’s that I got from my quilters guild. Love your new mini quilt book Little Gatherings especially the feathered Star mini quilt project.

  6. Carol Gouveia Avatar
    Carol Gouveia

    I don’t have any but love small quilts. Would love to win this book and start making some.

  7. Sandy Bessingpas Avatar
    Sandy Bessingpas

    I can’t even begin to count the number of quilting books I have..I worked in a quilt,shop for many years so the temptation was always there to buy the new books as they came in.if I had to guess, I would say 150..I have purged and given away through the years.

  8. Deborah Kuchta Avatar
    Deborah Kuchta

    wow – a lot of books. Probably close to 200. I have a huge bookcase in my sewing room and now some of the newer books have taken over the bookshelves in my living area. Always can use one more!

  9. Claudia Estep Avatar
    Claudia Estep

    I love all kinds of crafts so therefore I have purchased a huge amount of books ( probably upwards of 500) But when it comes to “fabric “ books I’ll estimate 300 books and magazines (ie Simply Quits). I cannot stop myself!

  10. Lisa Smith Avatar
    Lisa Smith

    I probably own several hundred quilting books! And that doesn’t include magazine subscriptions and patterns!

    1. Linda Avatar

      I have about 25.

  11. Marj Mellon Avatar

    I would love to win this book!

  12. Laura B Avatar
    Laura B

    I would guess probably 45 or so. How many have I used? Maybe 3. It is another sad addiction. I keep telling myself I will do all the quilt I live in the books (the reason why I bought them) when I retire and quilt all day. 🤷‍♀️

  13. Pat McNutt Avatar
    Pat McNutt

    I would guess that I have 150-175 quilting books. I think they are addictive!

  14. Stephanie Z Hironimus Avatar
    Stephanie Z Hironimus

    I would actually estimate that I have maybe 25… I love books but think I end up spending my money on more fabric!!

  15. Patricia Helton Avatar
    Patricia Helton

    I am addicted to your quilts. Did whatnot classes awhile ago. Hooked on the little quilts. I have 41 crafty books. Including all your books except new one.

  16. Nancy Knight Avatar
    Nancy Knight

    Well – I have 5 full shelves of books for all the crafts I do so I estimate about 125! I just can’t resist and love having an “at my finger tips” library

    1. Brenda Prieksat Avatar
      Brenda Prieksat

      I’m embarrassed to say after purging the books I didn’t love, I still have approximately 150-175.

  17. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    what a wonderful looking book! Your books are always AWESOME, and I think I have all but one of them. As for the number of quilting related books way to many to count but boxes full… trust me I just moved to Texas and had boxes! LOL. Happy holidays!

  18. Becky W Avatar
    Becky W

    I have quite a few but one more of yours would be wonderful. I love your style! I don’t know how you pump so many patterns and books out so quickly. You must have a lot of good elf’s to help. Merry Christmas 🎄

  19. Kathy Avatar

    Congratulations on your new book!

  20. Karen Combs Avatar

    I have over 100– never enough!!

  21. Tammy Whaley Avatar
    Tammy Whaley

    I have counted about 42 sew far just sewing and quilting books 😁. I have one section dedicated to Primitive Gatherings 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  22. Renee Stapleton Avatar
    Renee Stapleton

    Thank you for doing the 12 days of Christmas posts again this year. I look forward to seeing what you pick each year! I have too many quilting books to count. I would say at least 50. I love to look through them when I unwind in the evening (especially in the winter in front of the fireplace) and plan for the quilts I will make.

    1. Joan Powell Avatar
      Joan Powell

      Yeah Renee! How are you.

  23. Carolyn Vest Avatar
    Carolyn Vest

    I would love to win your new mini book. I have a lot of quilt books & magazines but no books on minis. Thank you for your magazine, your website & your quilty business!

  24. Julie Kennedy Avatar
    Julie Kennedy

    I have 5 shelves full of quilt books, art books for inspiration, and general design books. I counted the number of books on a couple of shelves–one shelf had around 30 books, many of them thicker/larger art books. The other shelf was mostly standard size quilt books and there were 70 of them on one shelf. I would average it all out to about 50/shelf, which would total around 250 books altogether!

  25. Therese H Avatar
    Therese H

    I would guess about 30. I love all of them!

  26. JoAnne Hawks Avatar
    JoAnne Hawks

    Around 175. Trying unsuccessfully to thin them out.

  27. Chris Avatar

    I recently cleaned my book shelf and donated some of the books I no longer use. Howeve, I think I have about 50 left. Enough to keep me busy until I find another one I like!

  28. Phyllis Beneditz Avatar
    Phyllis Beneditz

    I do love little quilts!!

  29. Bonnie Larson Avatar
    Bonnie Larson

    This looks like it would be an awesome addition to my collection. i currently have 4 bookshelves full (each shelf approx 4′ long) of quilt books and patterns. I love them all. Thanks

  30. Marie L. Beers Avatar
    Marie L. Beers

    I can’t count as we have moved twice across country in the last 20 and had to downsize to save on moving costs so lots of my books were given away to friends. You mini book would be a great addition.

  31. Stacy McDaniel Avatar
    Stacy McDaniel

    I have about 50, but only 1 on Little Quilts so I would love to add this one to my collection! Thanks for always being so generous!

  32. Sandi Avatar

    Congratulations on your new book! I would say I have about 200 books! I just them. I have quite a few on my kindle also but I prefer to hold the book in my hand. Hugs,

  33. Kathleen Koch Avatar
    Kathleen Koch

    I have 27 quilt books. Currently focused on signed books! Can’t wait to make my count 28 with your latest.

  34. Bobbi Hendrix Avatar
    Bobbi Hendrix

    I have an estimated 100. I started collecting the paper books after finding my great grandmother had a few in her belongings. Currently living with my daughter while building a new house and have discovered miniature quilts which I love doing!! I couldn’t give up quilting!!!

  35. Linda Holland Avatar
    Linda Holland


  36. Mimi Patten Avatar
    Mimi Patten

    Maybe 30-40? But I read and re-read again and again for inspiration and to keep my mojo up… thanks for your content

  37. Benay Cole Avatar
    Benay Cole

    I am estimating but I probably have 150.

  38. Wendy Nystrom Avatar
    Wendy Nystrom

    I have approximately 225 and that is after weeding out a lot of them this summer. I donated them to new quilters who will enjoy browsing for inspiration.

  39. Cheryl Avatar

    Hi Lisa!
    I know I have at least 100 quilting books! Probably more, lol! I have to say your books are my favorites! I think I have all of except a few of your very early works! I would love to win your newest book! Thanks for sharing your tsls with all of us!

  40. sue singer Avatar

    I have at least 30. Many were from when my quilt guild closed down its library.

  41. Ann Post Avatar
    Ann Post

    I have over 100. Never enough books. And that doesn’t include the quilting magazines.

  42. Judi Leventhal Avatar

    I have counted, although I may have missed a few, I would say 70 ranging from appliqué, quilting, cross stitch, painting, general sewing, etc.

  43. Carol Eberhardt Avatar
    Carol Eberhardt

    I have 46 books, I would have had more, but decided to weed out the collection and only keep piecing and wool books, no hand appliqué books, watercolor quilts (remember that trend?) and other types of stitching I’ll probably never do.

  44. Susan Koscielak Avatar
    Susan Koscielak

    I have about 60 books. They range from general quilting procedures to specific processes such as paper piecing and appliqué and also embellishments which includes embroidery. I am more and more interested in mini quilts. I love your wall!

  45. Sarah F. Avatar
    Sarah F.

    Way tooooo many to count! I have at least 8 shelves 3-4 foot long full of quilt and quilt history books and several that are not on the shelf yet. Quilt books are a passion as is my fabric stash.

  46. John Scibran Avatar
    John Scibran

    I would say right now I have about 50 books on quilting/sewing, but I can always use anotyer one.

  47. Linda Reed Avatar
    Linda Reed

    3 Shelves of books and 2 boxes full of patterns and way too many magazines to count, which is more quilts, rugs, or stitched pieces than I can make in this lifetime. But there is always a new idea or way to do a pattern.

  48. Susan A. Lord Avatar
    Susan A. Lord

    Great patterns. I love miniature quilts. I have several books of miniature patterns along with around 30 other quilt books.

  49. Barb Avatar

    Just learning to do the mini quilts and sew those small pieces so they look nice. As for quilting books, I’d have to say over a 100.

  50. Ginny Brown Avatar
    Ginny Brown

    Maybe 15. Thinned them down when I moved…

  51. Paulette McKenna Avatar
    Paulette McKenna

    I have 56 books on quilting and 42 books on knitting. After reading some of the other comments, I think I need to do more book shopping…

  52. Linda Baker Avatar
    Linda Baker

    I have about 50 or more Love looking at them and sometimes I even make something! Love wool applique the most!

  53. Pam Avatar

    I have no idea, I would guess greater than 50. But also have an equal number of individual patterns.

  54. Kimberly Schell Avatar
    Kimberly Schell

    Your new book looks amazing. Your wall of little quilts is absolutely stunning. I would say approximately 48 books in my library.

  55. Darlene Wegrynowski Avatar

    I must have over 300+ books, DVD’s, magazines and hundreds of patterns in binders. Fortunately or unfortunately these past two years we have been blessed with hundreds of free patterns from designers! The book buddy app has really helped me cut down on purchasing duplicates which it tells me I have 180 in just quilting books alone (not counting any of the other crafts I do; ie, knitting, etc). I know many keep books on their computers but I love the hard copies.

  56. Shirley Thompson Avatar
    Shirley Thompson

    Your new book looks exciting! I only have four books now as I am somewhat new to quilting.

  57. Pat Braun Avatar
    Pat Braun

    I probably have a couple dozen. Make that 3! So much fun to look through and pick the next project!

  58. amycofer Avatar

    I have several hundred quilting books since I also love books. Have most of yours. Perhaps you’d consider doing a larger version of the 9 patch with 2 square-in-a-square borders as the pieced SBOW in 2022?

  59. Lorraine Gaffney Avatar
    Lorraine Gaffney

    Definately not 1 too many! Lots of books-love them all.

  60. Sandra L McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra L McDaniel

    24 books for me!

  61. Bernadette Bird Avatar
    Bernadette Bird

    I think about 150, but I have given many, many away. Love your small quilt wall it’s perfect!

  62. Sandra Simek Avatar
    Sandra Simek

    Enjoyed seeing the book & all your mini quilts.

  63. Sandra L McDaniel Avatar
    Sandra L McDaniel

    When you go to the website to order the book……the description is of a different book….just fyi

  64. Donna Frazier Avatar
    Donna Frazier

    I have about 25 books and 75 magazines I’ve been keeping because they have a project, “I’m going to start.” Lol.

  65. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    I love miniature quilts! I have been eagerly anticipating this book! I own about 150 books relating to quilting, sewing, etc. and would love to add this new book to my collection!

  66. Sharon Martin Avatar
    Sharon Martin

    I would estimate that I probably have about 100+ quilting books, including piecing, embroidery, wool, longarm quilting, antique quilts, and lots of primitive gatherings! I would love this Little gatherings Book to dream and make some little quilts.

  67. maryclaire36 Avatar

    I would love to add your new mini book to my library. When my collection of sewing, quilting, embroidery books became too large and I ended up with duplicates, I decided it was time to index them so I could check titles before ordering. At this time, my index is 52 pages with an average of 11 book titles on each page, making an estimate total of 572. This system has paid off as I belive I have only 3 duplicates. This may seem obsessive but I love to study quilts and can’t resist a new book. My first quilting classes began with the Jo Morton Club for Little Quilts. I have made larger ones; however, the minis are my favorite. Recently I ordered from Primative Gatherings when I found your YouTube on the small UW flag quilts. I really enjoy your teaching sessions and thank you for all of your generous offerings.

  68. Jenny Brooks Avatar
    Jenny Brooks

    I probably have 30-40. I thinned them out a couple of years ago, only kep the ones I really loved (including all the Gatherings books!)

    Jenny in Florida

  69. Terri Ann Murray Avatar
    Terri Ann Murray

    I think that I own about 60 books, but am always looking to add more!

  70. birdlooker Avatar

    I have at least 300 books. They are all well thumbed through, whether I’ve made a project from them or not.

  71. Melanie Bloy Lee Avatar
    Melanie Bloy Lee

    Including crafting books?! I have at least 100! Always room for more!

  72. Joanne Rodriguez Avatar
    Joanne Rodriguez

    Merry Christmas everyone at PG. I am going to order the Little Gatherings book, but it would really be sweet to win it!!

  73. Laurel Avatar

    I have well over 100. But would love to add your new one to my collection

  74. Mary Kolb Avatar

    Congratulation on your new book arrival.
    I would guess that I have over 50 quilting books

  75. Pam Solka Avatar
    Pam Solka

    Winning this book would be such a blessing. Merry Christmas to all.

  76. Rosemary Skinner Avatar
    Rosemary Skinner

    Closest estimate is 300…and I recently donated over 250 to my local quilt guild for other quilters to enjoy. I’ve been a quilt book collector for decades and we recently sold our home to “right size” after my husband retired. He’s a great quilter’s husband, and never complains about the amount of fabric, wool, notions, machines, or books…well, at least he hasn’t since I reminded him I’m not shopping at the jewelry store. 😉

  77. Kelly Avatar

    I probably have over 100. I have several of your books in that collection and would love to win this one!

  78. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    I love miniature quilts and have been eagerly anticipating this new book!!! i own about 150 books relating to quilting, sewing, wool applique, etc,. and love to add this book to my collection!

  79. Adrienne Landgrave Avatar
    Adrienne Landgrave

    I have approximately 50 books. Cannot wait to add this one!

  80. Valerie Whited Avatar
    Valerie Whited

    I can’t wait to see your new book. I have over 50 quilt books, but you can never have too much inspiration!

  81. Roxanne Baumann Avatar
    Roxanne Baumann

    I think I have around 150 books, guess I need to get some more, love this little quilts book, can’t wait to get one and get started!

  82. murschelcarol Avatar

    Maybe about 20 book – most from Primitive Gatherings

  83. Barbara McCart Avatar

    Love, Love, Love the miniature quilts. I especially love the beautiful patterns I’m seeing. I own about 75 books. Have tried making the smaller quilts but think the papers you use will make it SOOOOOO much easier. Excited about getting the book and making a miniature quilt!

  84. Joanne Rodriguez Avatar
    Joanne Rodriguez

    Merry Christmas PM people. I would be very happy to win ‘Tiny Gatherings’.
    I am guessing my book total is about 125.

  85. Larine Dunham Avatar
    Larine Dunham

    Hi Lisa! I have about 60 quilt books, it seems I tell myself I need to downsize the shelf but then end up getting another book, and another book …. Your new book looks to be sensational, definitely will have a place on my bookshelf…

  86. Sandy Fry Avatar

    I probably have at least 500 and have everyone of them inventoried on my phone so I don’t buy a second one (ha ha)!

  87. Deb WORTHMAN Avatar

    I have around 25 books. We’re not going to count individual patterns.

  88. Linda Cates Avatar
    Linda Cates

    I have about 10 quilting books and would love to add to my collection. Merry Christmas to Lisa and your quilting family. Thanks for empowering all of us to make beautiful things.❤️🎄

    1. Lynn Barrett Avatar
      Lynn Barrett

      It’s not a stretch to say 200 or more! Love them all!

  89. Marian L. Roeseler Avatar
    Marian L. Roeseler

    I must have nearly 200 books. I’ve been quilting for 35 years and love every book I have.

  90. Katherine McIntyre Avatar
    Katherine McIntyre

    Just love triangle paper and quilt books. I am excited to see this one coming. Will add to my collection of about 25

  91. maryclaire36 Avatar

    I would love to add your new mini book to my library. When my collection of sewing, quilting, embroidery books became too large and I ended up with duplicates, I decided it was time to index them so I could check titles before ordering. At this time, my index is 52 pages with an average of 11 book titles on each page, making an estimate total of 572. This system has paid off as I belive I have only 3 duplicates. This may seem obsessive but I love to study quilts and can’t resist a new book. My first quilting classes began with the Jo Morton Club for Little Quilts. I have made larger ones; however, the minis are my favorite. Recently I ordered from Primative Gatherings when I found your YouTube on the small UW flag quilts. I really enjoy your teaching sessions and thank you for all of your generous offerings.

  92. Rita Nichols Avatar
    Rita Nichols

    I have an embarrassing amount of books and though I couldn’t possibly make all the quilts I want to in this lifetime I enjoy the inspiration that quilt books bring me.

  93. sheilaz47 Avatar

    Well I can’t count them all but must at least be 100.

  94. Jane a semrau Avatar
    Jane a semrau

    Hi lisa. So excited to hear your newest book is ready. Yeah!
    I probably have way over 200 books.
    Quilting since 1976.
    Thank you for your creative ideas!

  95. Rita Gillis Avatar
    Rita Gillis

    Love the little quilts! I probably have about 50 quilt books and always looking for more.

  96. Barb Barker Avatar
    Barb Barker

    I would love to add this book to my mini quilt library! And…make a few of them.

  97. Debra Mae Cross Avatar
    Debra Mae Cross

    I’ve been collecting quilt books for a while. Expect the count to be approximately 75. Great fun to look through.

  98. Pam Marcis Avatar
    Pam Marcis

    Hi, HAPPY HOLIDAYS. I love books so consequently I have a good library of books. Probably over 200. I really like books focusing on techniques, stitches, with patterns.

  99. kpavski7243 Avatar

    I want a wall of little quilts. That is my goal for next year

  100. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    I have between 30 and 50 books! I really do not want to know the exact number. But, they’re all wonderful and I would love to have your new book join my library!

  101. Cynthia Avatar

    I’m totally guessing but I think about 45?

  102. Nancy Yuill Avatar
    Nancy Yuill

    I am pretty sure I have close to 300 books! And there are more I am sure I need to add to my library.

  103. Vicki Tallacksen Avatar
    Vicki Tallacksen

    Probably about 50 or more!

  104. thjones1111 Avatar

    I would guess given all my subscriptions I have about 83 books, patterns and downloads on my computer. I’m always finding ideas from my favorite online quilters and adding to my to-do list.

  105. Jasmine Cooper Avatar
    Jasmine Cooper

    I’ve previously only done cross stitching, but recently joined your wool box club and I’m also just starting out on my quilting journey so I only have 1 quilt book and a few magazines. I would love to start a primitive crafts library in my home 🙂

  106. Janet Riley Avatar
    Janet Riley

    Since I like to do quilting, cross stitch, traditional rug hooking, etc. I must have over 100 books which I enjoy looking through. Can’t bear to give them away.
    Congratulations on your new book!

  107. Cheryl D Keown Avatar
    Cheryl D Keown

    So many beautiful quilts in this book. I have around 25 quilting books. There is always room for one more.

  108. Maureen Fry Avatar
    Maureen Fry

    I had way too many quilt books, so I started downsizing. I decided to make only small and baby quilts from now on.

  109. Kimberly Anne Brandt Avatar
    Kimberly Anne Brandt

    Well after nearly 50 years of stitching I have to admit I have a terrific library of books :0) But of course I am always collecting more since I stitch everyday. Sewing and quilting and wool applique are part of my wellbeing! thanks for the chance to win :0) and Merry Christmas!

  110. Elaine Avatar

    50 or more!

  111. Maria Nagel Avatar
    Maria Nagel

    I would estimate I have a collection of about 40 books…but it keeps growing 😁

  112. Stella Goodbee Avatar
    Stella Goodbee

    Love your triangle paper. Looking forward to the new book!

  113. Denese Fisher Avatar
    Denese Fisher

    I probably have at least 225. Last year I gave away about 150. My bookcases were full. I love books too.

  114. Judith Stout Avatar
    Judith Stout

    I have about 350 books and magazines combined. I keep them for years and years. Always much to learn. Would love to have your new mini book Thank you

  115. mary h Avatar

    I am going to guess 50. I thought that was a lot, but I see from above answers that it is not!!!

  116. Carol Thomas Avatar
    Carol Thomas

    740 quilting/sewing books are in my library app. but I haven’t entered a few yet. I know, I have a problem…you should see my stash!

  117. Pat Wakefield Avatar
    Pat Wakefield

    I love your wall of minis. I think I have more than enough to start a gallery wall of my own. Need to look into how you use the yardsticks and clips. Also, I will have been quilting for 40 years in 2022 and have over 500 quilting, stitching and rug hooking books and still buying, as well as many magazines I just can’t part with. It’s fun to pull books and magazines out after not looking at them for a while.

  118. Judy Avatar

    I’m guessing I have over 100 quilting books. Plus, I cross stitched for many years and have hundreds of patterns. I still have many of my past magazine subscriptions as well. Yikes, that’s a lot!

  119. sharon docherty Avatar
    sharon docherty

    thirty five….. and thats after ive gone through them and donated a few to friends. Always room for a few more, especially for little quilts! My favourite!

  120. Jill Avatar

    So very hard to even think that this estimate is correct, but guessing maybe 75 books dedicated to quilting projects. 200+ dedicated to quilt history.

  121. Kay Nickerson Avatar
    Kay Nickerson

    I have at least 75 books.

  122. Elizabeth Lacumsky Avatar
    Elizabeth Lacumsky

    I have at least 75 books and excited to get your new miniature quilt book. Your the greatest Lisa

  123. Jennifer Hickey Avatar
    Jennifer Hickey

    I have 32 books and I love them all

  124. Marilyn Avatar

    I only have 4 quilting books but would love the chance to win your new mini book. Inhave always wanted to try one of these quilts.

  125. Brenda C Wyatt Avatar
    Brenda C Wyatt

    Probably 200, but would love to add this one to my library! Thanks for all you do Lusa.

  126. 107sophie Avatar

    Can’t tell you how goof I felt reading the comments – so many others have the same addiction to quilting books that I do. I now don’t have to feel embarrassed to admit that I must have over 400!

  127. Cynthia Goda Avatar
    Cynthia Goda

    A bookcase full!

  128. Donna Kooistra Avatar
    Donna Kooistra

    I keep a library record on a spreadsheet……I have 526 quilt history books and 321 books designated “technique”………but…..I DO need this one!

  129. Cindy Erickson Avatar
    Cindy Erickson

    I probably have over 500 books. I’ve been trying to pare down. I gave some to our local library

  130. Nancy Avatar

    Oh my gosh. I think 10 just wool appliqué abs loads of sewing and needle felting books from Japan. I do have a lot woolie books if that makes sense

    I now have two grand nieces so I am into all things tiny. I have been making lots of dolls and girls clothes.

  131. Tamara Williams Avatar
    Tamara Williams

    Oh, I’d be scared to count since I’ve been quilting since about 1980! Remer all the states that documented their old quilts? I’ve got them! Books that had templates before strip piecing ? Have those too!

  132. Barb Avatar

    Just started quilting in September 2021. I have 6 books to start my collection and will be adding this new book.

  133. Kathy Cooper Avatar
    Kathy Cooper

    I don’t own one single tiny quilt book and would love to have this along with the triangle paper so I can learn how to do this❣️

  134. Julia Stavran Avatar
    Julia Stavran

    About 5 years ago I started a spreadsheet of all my quilting books. At that time I had just under 100. Now I estimate that I doubled that. I have many books authored by Lisa. Even have one from her early years under Backyard Quilts!

  135. Charlene Reeder Avatar
    Charlene Reeder

    I’m a newbie quilter. This would be my first autographed mini quilt book!

  136. Dori Bockbrader Avatar

    Without counting, I would say well over 300. That does not include my quilting magazines. But I like them all or they wouldn’t be here–I gave those away.

  137. Beth Pedersen Avatar
    Beth Pedersen

    I’m sure I own at least 20 quilting and stitching books. I love to reference these beautiful resources.

  138. Chris Marshall Avatar
    Chris Marshall

    Have been cleaning up my sewing area and so far about 50 books.

  139. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    On my. The Little Gatherings book looks so cute. It’s making me rethink making small quilts. What a great job you did.

  140. Lisa Schooley Avatar
    Lisa Schooley

    I have about 60 quilt books and love looking at them for planning my next quilt.

  141. Marcia onnpr Avatar
    Marcia onnpr

    Hundreds of quilting books—-love rereading AND gifting to quilting friends.

  142. Maryanne Dochter Avatar
    Maryanne Dochter

    I probably have 200 quilt books….always room for 1 more!!!

  143. Wynona Drolet Avatar
    Wynona Drolet

    The book looks wonderful and perfect to work on with my stash of PG fabrics!

  144. Shelley D Avatar
    Shelley D

    I have about 30 books. I recently moved so I had to downsize my collection.

  145. Tammy Avatar

    Way to many books to count😀

  146. Caryn Schipper Avatar
    Caryn Schipper

    Little quilts are awesome! Love the variety of these!

  147. Sue Bennett Avatar
    Sue Bennett

    the book looks amazing. This is always my favorite time of the year and your favorite things.

  148. Debbe Turnquist Avatar
    Debbe Turnquist

    I would quess I have approximately 50-60 books. Love every one of them!

  149. Yvonne Rupe Avatar
    Yvonne Rupe

    I’ve always loved your mini wall! I’ll have to add this book to my collection!!!

  150. Carol Barton Avatar
    Carol Barton

    I think I have 30-40 quilting books.

  151. Judy Vaughn Avatar
    Judy Vaughn

    Probably 100

  152. Rita Avatar

    I have well over 100 books. I love to look at them for inspiration.

  153. Lisa Giesfeldt Avatar
    Lisa Giesfeldt

    I’ve never counted the number of books I have because I do t want to know how much money I’ve spent 😄. Realistically it’s close to 300.

  154. Kimberly Pedrick Avatar
    Kimberly Pedrick

    Such a great time of the year. I have about 10 quilting books and love them all. Have a wonderful Holiday season. Thank you for all your inspiration.

  155. Roberta Campbell Avatar

    An estimate only -130 and counting…..

  156. Joan Avatar

    I have approximately 25 quilting books! I love looking through them!

  157. Janet D Avatar
    Janet D

    I have around 150 quilting books.

  158. susan Bass Avatar
    susan Bass

    Merry Christmas Lisa & Staff, Love the New Book, I think I must own at least 500 I still dust them off. Can’t wait to add your to my Bookcase!

  159. Sandy G Avatar
    Sandy G

    I don’t even know how many quilt books I have. I’m not very good about keeping them organized and in one location, but I have a lot! I just love getting a new quilt book, looking at all the designs and imagining what I’m going to make. Your little quilts are all so beautiful, but I’ve been nervous to try making one, your book will inspire me to get started!

  160. Lola Stokes Avatar
    Lola Stokes

    About 50.

  161. Joan Robinson Avatar
    Joan Robinson

    I would guess about 100+. Every so often I try to purge some, but I can’t seem to part with any of them!

  162. Lois Wilhelm Avatar
    Lois Wilhelm

    I have a library of quilt books, 878 to be exact! I have them listed on a spread sheet by title, author, date, subject. It is the only way I can keep myself from duplicating titles. (Even then I do occasionally 🤣🤣🤣)

  163. Lisa Bravo-Degen Avatar
    Lisa Bravo-Degen

    I believe I have at least 20 books of some sort for quilting, just can never have enough books with different ideas!!

  164. Joy P Avatar
    Joy P

    I cleaned out and donated a lot of my books this year. I still have a lot more! At least three shelves full in a large bookcase 😆

  165. Danae Moore Avatar
    Danae Moore

    Hello, I would guess about 100 books most recently Lisa’s books as I’ve started and fell addicted to wool appliqué, and have always loved primitive gather fabrics
    I of course ordered this book

  166. Jilleen Neumann Avatar
    Jilleen Neumann

    Way more quilt books than I care to count.

  167. Ruth-Anne Hayes Avatar
    Ruth-Anne Hayes

    I own at least 25 books not counting patterns. And magazines – forget about it! Thanks for the opportunity to win your beautiful book!! ❤️

  168. Terri Ann Avatar
    Terri Ann

    I have about 60 books. I’m always looking to add additional instructional and inspirational books.

  169. Maria L Zook Avatar
    Maria L Zook

    I am guessing I own at least 200 quilt books , maybe more. I can’t resist a new book.

  170. Mari-ann Miller Avatar
    Mari-ann Miller

    Oh my…. I have at least 300, but please… do not tell my daughters!!!! They’ll institutionalize me!!!!!

  171. Lynne MacDowell Avatar
    Lynne MacDowell

    I do not know how many quilting books I have …. LOTS ….. but I know I want this one next!
    Lynne MacDowell

  172. Heidi Lehnig Avatar
    Heidi Lehnig

    Oh – I’d have to estimate over a hundred craft sewing quilting books – love this mini collection!

  173. Vicki A Avatar
    Vicki A

    OMG! I will only give an educated guesstimate as, I am quite sure, would be a number more than I probably really want to know. When you consider magazine subscriptions, and the over flow books that are found on shelves in the living room and den etc, I wager I have close to 200. I have loved surrounding myself with those books that make me happy and above all, bring inspiration.

  174. Dolores Roberts Avatar
    Dolores Roberts

    Guessing between 35 – 40

  175. Barbara Williams Avatar
    Barbara Williams

    I have at least 75! Really like tiny quilts!!

  176. Lori T Avatar
    Lori T

    That will be a great book to have with a bunch of your small quilt patterns in one place. The triangle paper is really helpful to have especially with the small piecing makes it much more accurate.

  177. Phoebe R. Bitler Avatar
    Phoebe R. Bitler

    My best educated guess is 23 books. Love your designs.

  178. Carolyn Moon Avatar
    Carolyn Moon

    I have approximately 150 books and quilting magazines. Can’t seem to part with them! Then there are the machine knitting pattern books. I’m guessing 75 – 100.

    1. Gloria Avatar

      I would guess I have around 200 books. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  179. Mary Lu Nelson Avatar
    Mary Lu Nelson

    I have around 35 to 40 quilting related books! And I just got your “Itty Bitty Celebrations in the mail today. Can’t wait to start a hand project from that. Thanks for all the great videos you do to inspire me.

  180. Polly Davis Avatar
    Polly Davis

    🤪🤪Wow. You made me count. I have 87 books. Good grief. Made something from almost 50 of them. Sure would love to add yours to my collection. Merry Christmas

  181. Robin T. Avatar
    Robin T.

    Too many to count. I estimate over 400 ! OMG!!! I’ve been quilting for over 34 years and still love it 🥰

  182. Sarah Vodicka Avatar

    I have over 125 quilting books!

  183. Barb Onken Avatar
    Barb Onken

    Yikes! 200+. I get as much enjoyment looking at my books as I do quilting!

  184. Wanda Playter Avatar

    I have over 200 books. I can’t pass up a good book to add to my little library! Little Gatherings will be my newest addition. I have never used triangle paper, but am excited to give it a shot.

  185. threadnana Avatar

    I am estimating I have 300 quilt-sewing-craft books. Some I kept after teaching 30 years, and use those with family kids.

  186. Glenna C. Denman Avatar
    Glenna C. Denman

    I don’t know how many quilting books I own, but I have 4 full shelves of them. There’s always room for one more, though.

  187. Karen Avatar

    I probably have about two hundred or so. I love books to study and dream over. . .

  188. Dee Avatar

    I would guess about 87. Lol. But I definitely NEED this book!!🎄💕🎄💕🎄💕

  189. Linda Walters Avatar
    Linda Walters

    I would say about 25 books

    1. jacquelinefaith2020 Avatar

      I have over 50 books….

  190. Janie Avatar

    I have a lot of beautiful quilt books and lots of quilt magazines. I love to look at all the beautiful quilts and dream of a day when I can play in my sewing room all day. Thank you for sharing your creativity with the world.

  191. Lurene Avatar

    An estimate of around 100 books…

  192. Ruthie Scharenbroch Avatar
    Ruthie Scharenbroch

    I must have 27 books dating back to the 80s. I can always use more!I also have lots of magazines
    Primitive stitcher Primitive quilts Primitive wool and Primitive place
    As you can see, I love primitives

  193. Lara Avatar

    Probably 25 to 30, but I have room for many more! Love the new book.

  194. Becky Lomasney Avatar
    Becky Lomasney

    I had two big books sales full of quilt books- I like to read them in bed. You don’t have to make every quilt, but if you understand how they’re made you can improve your piecing! We’re moving to a smaller home! But I’ve rehomed about half my books. In going through them I found one of Lisa’s before she started Primitive Gatherings. Love it❤️

  195. Marianne Stana Avatar
    Marianne Stana

    I have about 30 books now. Just downsized and gave many away to friends and the local library

  196. Deb Neal Avatar
    Deb Neal

    I have around 197. According to my spouse that is way too many and my sewing loft floor will soon fall in!!

  197. Amy M Avatar
    Amy M

    When I downsized from my home two years ago, my book collection was downsized to my guild. I would say I have 50 now and I am buying new ones that have more than one project I plan to do.

  198. Shirley Avatar

    Probably 12 books and 10 times that in patterns. I am in to small quilts now would be fun to have your book to add to my collection

  199. Rose Cameron Avatar
    Rose Cameron

    I would estimate that I have around 200, more I you count magazines, probably double! Geez, 400!! Don’t tell my husband!🙂🤦‍♀️

  200. Jeanne Hammell Avatar
    Jeanne Hammell

    Omg my estimate of books is 30. Small quilts, many gifted a total 75 or so. Love them to add color to rooms

  201. Dawn L Lee Avatar
    Dawn L Lee

    I have about 40 quilting books, based on some of the answers, I need a few more 🙂

  202. Caryn S Avatar
    Caryn S

    I have a lot of books, too. Too afraid to count (LOL). I have been trying to give the duplicates away.

  203. Felice Avatar

    Honestly……I have just under 400!!! And I have all of your books – most of which are signed. I think the autograph will make them more valuable to the next generation of quilters who inherit my library – mostly my new granddaughter who arrived December 1st!!!! I also LOVE miniature quilts. As always, thanks for the chance to win:)

  204. Irene Philp Avatar
    Irene Philp

    I have over 100 books in my collection!

  205. Jodi Guerrero Avatar
    Jodi Guerrero

    Can’t wait to get your new book !! Looks beautiful.!!
    I have never counted them but rough guess is 45-50. Maybe I’ll count them ;- D I have moved the collection a few times, maybe there’s more than 50, lol

    Happy Holidays !!

  206. Jan P Avatar
    Jan P

    Probably over 200! In the process of going through all of them to make room for new ones!!

  207. socarmela Avatar

    Love your minis! I only have about 16 quilting books.

  208. Irene Philo Avatar

    Love your book!
    I have over 100 books in my collection!

  209. Cathy C Avatar
    Cathy C

    I probably have about 40 and thanks for asking as I should catalog them. Some I keep with me room to room and traveling like “Wool, Needle & Thread. Great book!

  210. Linda Fitzpatrick Avatar

    Apparently I don’t have enough books!

  211. Vickie Olsen Avatar
    Vickie Olsen

    Oh my! Well over 200. They are running over so now I have to stack them on top. I try to clean them out, but then, when I go through them, I find something that I just might need to make, so back it goes on the shelf.

  212. Ann B Avatar
    Ann B

    I’m a new quilter, so only have a few books in my collection. I love miniature quilts because I want to learn how to FMQ, and believe in starting small!

  213. Alice Avatar

    My library has least 200 quilt books which of course includes all of yours!!!

  214. Alberta Bailie Avatar
    Alberta Bailie

    Probably about 100. Some have been inherited. Love the look of the new book. So excited about the 12 days of Christmas!!

  215. Sue Sharp Avatar
    Sue Sharp

    I would say I probably have had upwards of 45 to 50 books, but in recent days I’ve been trying to whittle that down to just the books I truly love. And all my Martingale books made the cut…they’re keepers!

  216. Sheryl Solcan Avatar
    Sheryl Solcan

    I have probably about 50, not including all my cross stitch and craft magazines from many years ago. Love miniature quilts, hoping to expand my collection

  217. Janet Avatar

    Oooooooo that’s an embarrassing question! Probably 50 plus! Lol……jmh

  218. Karen McMahon Avatar
    Karen McMahon

    I have at least 30 quilting books but I certainly need more!

  219. pttcrdb24 Avatar

    I have 30-40 books. Always room for another great quilting book!

  220. Theresa Waite Avatar
    Theresa Waite

    I have a huge library of quilt books. Many are no longer available only at estate sales. I store them in 2 drawer file cabinets. I’ll never live long enough to make many of them, but I enjoy looking through them. and remembering the different authors. some of which I have met or taken classes from over the years.

  221. Tammy Walters Avatar
    Tammy Walters

    Just purged again. Thinking I am down to around 200

  222. R. Avatar

    Love the new book, I probably have 100 or so books. So many that i forget sometimes which ones I have 🙂

  223. Barbara Lovekamp Avatar
    Barbara Lovekamp

    Around 100!😂

  224. Liz Avatar

    Merry Christmas, Lisa! I have close to 100 and that is not counting individual patterns or magazines. Everything from quilting to embroidery, to wool appliqué, to scrapbooking, card making, basket weaving, Bible journaling, knitting and crocheting. Ugh!
    Never enough hours in the day 😉

  225. Marty Anderson Avatar
    Marty Anderson

    Probably over 100, and I have culled down the number 3-4 times!

  226. Dawn goodspeed Avatar
    Dawn goodspeed

    Congratulations on the early arrival. I probably have 30 books.

  227. Chyree Rohde Lincoln Avatar
    Chyree Rohde Lincoln

    I have too many books to count.. some so old they use templates… antiques!!

  228. see mary quilt Avatar
    see mary quilt

    Even after trying to thin out my holdings, I have close to 200 quilting books, which doesn’t include quilt-themed fiction novels. Congratulations on your new book.

  229. Heidi Story Avatar
    Heidi Story

    I have 6 quilting books – all bought used 😀 I usually can’t afford new books.

  230. Karin Avatar

    I think I must have close to 100. Wow…I don’t know that I wanted to think about that! I love them all though and look through them lots for inspiration and patterns

  231. Joan Flanigan-Clarke Avatar
    Joan Flanigan-Clarke

    If we are including all types of crafts, including quilting, knitting, cross stitch and stained glass. Including books and pamphlets I would say close to 750🙀

  232. Carol Mina Avatar
    Carol Mina

    I have maybe 15 books and most of Primitive Gatherings Magazines. Love what you shared.

  233. Diana Avatar

    Hello! I would say that I have about 55ish quilting books. When I have room, I hope to have many more!

  234. Janet Kay Avatar
    Janet Kay

    Counting all my books I have 11 shelves FULL! Way too many to count. Each book has many ideas in it to quilt projects. I could never part with any of them and must always get the next new book that is published! Can’t wait to look at your new book.

  235. Gloria Y. Avatar
    Gloria Y.

    Yikes…I haven’t counted but I would estimate at least 125! I love books and so enjoy reading about all the quilts I might make some day!! Of course, I would need to live to be 120 years or more!

  236. Crystal Geerts Avatar
    Crystal Geerts

    Hi Lisa, I have about 50 books, give or take! But don’t ask my husband cause he will double that amount 😘
    Love the new book!

  237. Pam Avatar

    Quilting and Embroidery books-not counting any magazines or patterns–1069 (according to the library program I have to keep track of them all!) These are in 2 6 foot wide by 7 foot tall shelving units.

  238. Anne Avatar

    Gosh, close to 75 maybe?
    Just added the Itty Bitty and the How to books 🙂

  239. Vicki Avatar

    Have donated more than I have left, but still have around 150 books that I couldn’t part with!

  240. Peg U. Avatar
    Peg U.

    I only have a few – I’m just getting started with quilting. I love looking at quilt books from our local library and at patterns on Pinterest.

  241. Katrina Weiand Avatar
    Katrina Weiand

    I still have at least 50 quilting/embroidery/appliqué and rug hooking books. However, have donated at least 50 books to our local library and quilt guide. I have borrowed books from my quilt guide so it’s nice to give back to my local quilters.

  242. Kathy Avatar

    Hi Lisa! I probably have at least 100 quilting books alone! If I add all the other books related to knitting, crochet, and all kinds if needlework, there are at least another 100+! Then, add all the magazines and patterns I have collected over the past 45-50 years, I cannot even begin to guess!! And I love going through them rekindling my love for all the projects I have lined up and want to do someday, not to mention all the WIPs!! Oooooooooooh, think I had better hut the post button!!

  243. Deb Knickerbocker Avatar

    I like to share my quilting books with friends, so right now I have 64 books. Please don’t let my husband know…
    Can’t wait to check out your newest book!

  244. Judy Clark Avatar
    Judy Clark

    Love your new book. I probably have 50 books.

  245. Audrea Constancio Avatar
    Audrea Constancio

    I have approximately 150+ books.

  246. Cindy Ford Avatar
    Cindy Ford

    I have about 30 books. I have spiral bindings put on at the stationery store to make them easier to use.

  247. Dana M Haskell Avatar
    Dana M Haskell

    I estimate about a 100 or so books.

  248. Lisa Stack Avatar
    Lisa Stack

    I’m guessing but I think I have at least 150 books.

  249. Connie Boulay Avatar
    Connie Boulay

    I would estimate about 400 or so. I did a purge several years ago, but you wouldn’t know it looking at my book shelves. OK, I forgot about the shelves in the storage shed, so probably well over 500. I remember when quilt books were few and far between, and I bought every one as it came into the quilt store. That time has passed. And that does not include my magazine collections…

  250. Susan G. Avatar
    Susan G.

    Oh my. That’s a good question. Maybe 50 or more. Can’t have too many quilting books now can we?

  251. Vickie Clark Avatar

    I have them all listed on a spread sheet to try to help duplicate buying – I have over 550 books

  252. JennyH Avatar

    I have around 200, I think.

  253. Kristie Michalowski Avatar
    Kristie Michalowski

    Oh my what a question! It’s like asking a lady her age ;l)
    Well I am a former librarian so I LOVE books. I would estimate about 300 titles…most likely more but I have never counted. I will admit they are in order of type of quilting and then by author…once a librarian, always a librarian.
    I’ve purchased a few ebooks for quilting too but find I like the physical copy when making the quilt.

  254. CindyFord Avatar

    I have about 30 books. I have spiral bindings put on them to make them easier to use

  255. A M bartus Avatar
    A M bartus

    Somewhere around 140 including your first spiral-bound Little Gatherings.

  256. Carolyn Provost Avatar
    Carolyn Provost

    I have around 75 quilting books & magazines. Always looking for new projects that I can make. Especially love “valor quilt” patterns. I have donated 10 valor quilts this year. Love our veterans.

  257. Lori Lutzow Avatar
    Lori Lutzow

    Over a hundred books. I love pulling them out and revisiting the beautiful quilts or a specific technique. Thank you for your generosity.

  258. Barbara Avatar

    I think at least 300 books, and I love each of them.

  259. Tamma Melton Avatar
    Tamma Melton

    I have about 20 quilting books. I’m pretty new to this & have found the books to be very helpful with techniques & tricks to make it much easier.

  260. Bonnie Emmons Avatar
    Bonnie Emmons

    I probably have 200 and even more if you count all the years of quilting magazines that I have collected!! Thanks for the Chance to win your beautiful new book!!! Can’t wait to visit your new store again. I was there before the Grand Opening and I see from all the pictures of the Grand Opening and recent how beautiful it is!! Road trip needed from the southern part of the state. My sister lives in Wild Rose!! We need to visit again!! Merry Christmas and wishing you the very best of New Years but I’m sure it will be hard to top this one!!

  261. Ann Smith Avatar
    Ann Smith

    I have about 20 quilting books. Doesn’t sound like a ton but I’ve only been quilting for two years!

  262. Diana s Rosenthal Avatar
    Diana s Rosenthal

    I love books mostly quilting and magazines of quilting.I have a spare bedroom set up with book cases of quilting books, I try and purchase my favorite Quilting Designer’s new books when they come out or within the year. Funny today I received in the mail Yuletide Gatherings book. Two months ago Star and Stripes Gathering because I just have to make the Constitution Log Cabin. Hopefully starting it in January.I have over 300 Quilting Books. Keep them coming Lisa your books are amazing.

  263. Kim Mueller Avatar
    Kim Mueller

    I have way more books than I have quilting projects completed. But love them all and the inspiration they give me!

  264. Patti O'Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    How many craft books do I have? So many I can’t count them. Over 300 in my studio and then there are those that are ebooks. I love books and if I haven’t made a quilt or knit a shawl out of each one I still love sitting and enjoying them. Every New Year’s Day, I bring out several and skim through making notes of possibilities for the new year. I love to dream about quilts.

  265. Sharon Ray Avatar
    Sharon Ray

    Wow, I have about 200 and I’ve given away a lot over the years. Yours are in there too. This new book would make a great addition. Merry Christmas!

  266. spencc1 Avatar

    If I count all the books that I’ve bought and given away over the years I’ve probably had 30 at any given time. My favorite thing is to sit in bed at night and just page to do them and look at the pictures and envision the patterns

  267. Eileen Bill Avatar
    Eileen Bill

    I’m sure my book collection is well over 100 but I do have my favorites!

  268. Clara Avatar

    My guess would be approx. 75 and they are filed alphabetically. I enjoy reviewing the work by various authors. I haven’t tried triangle paper yet.

  269. Carol Blackall Avatar
    Carol Blackall

    It’s a bit scary to count, but I would guess over 300 books. I love to explore new quilting ideas and designs.

  270. Judy Monaghan Avatar
    Judy Monaghan

    I keep track of my books in an app called Book Buddy. I have 334. Good grief ☺️

  271. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    I don’t have many books, easy peazy to count, 7!

  272. Patricia Pitzer Avatar
    Patricia Pitzer

    I’ve really pared down so I have about 55…love the triangle papers, started using yours a few years ago!

  273. Stella Avatar

    Have 2 shelves but always room for one more

  274. Joyce Jensen Avatar

    I have 72. It was fun to count the books, noticed some old books, Georgia Bonsteel’s “Lap Quilting”, Eleanor Burns books, to newer ones by Kim Diehl, Jo Morton and Lisa’s books of course.

  275. Nancy Elliott Avatar
    Nancy Elliott

    Just counted … 79 books. I could use a few more.

  276. Julie Dromgoole Avatar
    Julie Dromgoole

    I never have stop to count the number of books I have..I really don’t want to know the answer.. wild guess of 150! 🤣

  277. Barbars Avatar

    I probably have more than 100. Should I be ashamed? I am sort if proud of them all. Lol. Merry Christmas!!

  278. Sandy Avatar

    Don’t know how many books I have. When I moved from Illinois to Arkansas I donated many just too many and heavy to move. Starting over. I do have both of your wool books and love them!!

  279. Michelle Avatar

    I would guess I have around 100 book. I love going back to them after awhile because something I didn’t like 5 years ago I my love now!

  280. Barbara Tamblingson Avatar
    Barbara Tamblingson

    I had such a wonderful time at the retreat but only have 4 quilt books

  281. Bev Wallace Avatar
    Bev Wallace

    I have 60+ quilting books and I love them all !

  282. Lou Mongler Avatar
    Lou Mongler

    I probably have at least 150 books. I have given some away to friends and our guild. I love looking at these books for inspirations and just for fun. This book with its wonderful miniature quilts looks so nice.

  283. Sharon S Avatar
    Sharon S

    I don’t have a lot of books but absolutely love these little quilts. Your collection is so beautiful and what a great way to display them. You are such an inspiration!

  284. Elaine Brochtrup Avatar
    Elaine Brochtrup

    I’m amazed at how many books others have, but since I just started quilting a year ago, I guess my 10 books is just the beginning 🙂 I really love the mini quilts so I don’t have to commit to a huge project yet.

  285. Lori T Avatar
    Lori T

    I have probably 50-75 books. This one looks like it would be great to have with so many great patterns in one book. I have used the triangle paper and it works great especially making these small blocks.

  286. Deborah Koetter Avatar
    Deborah Koetter

    Congratulations on your new book. So excited that it came early. I have books spread out throughout the house. It’s fun to come across one that you haven’t looked at in a while. I have 78 books right now

  287. Sandie@crazyboutquilts Avatar

    Congratulations on your book! I love the wall of mini quilts!! I am a reader so have a room with books~ and not a single quilt book in there! 😮 As far as quilt books, I probably have around 70. I thinned them a few years ago. 😉

  288. Geraldine Sherwood Avatar
    Geraldine Sherwood

    Hi Lisa,
    Books in my sewing studio are eye candy. I love quilting books. I can’t part with them. My favorite part of new books are having my granddaughter over and we open the book and it smells wonderful. We love the smell of new books. I know we are probably crazy. Then we look at each page and dream of making each quilt soon.
    Thank you for all your encouraging!

  289. Karen Seitz Avatar
    Karen Seitz

    I am certain I have more than 500 craft-related books on hand, mostly cross stitch and quilting but many other crafts as well. That doesn’t count all the magazines I have!

  290. KC Mitchell Avatar
    KC Mitchell

    Love your little quilts and look forward to getting this book. I have at least 100+ books — too many to count.

  291. Carolyn Burson Avatar
    Carolyn Burson

    Hi Lisa…I am really looking forward to your new book!!! You are sooo talented and an excellent teacher!!
    I have close to 175 books but never can have enough!!!! Love looking at books for inspiration..
    Happy New Year to you and your family 👪 ❤

    1. Deborah L L Contreras Avatar
      Deborah L L Contreras

      I have about 75 books. I love books. I love patterns and would love to have your new book. Minis are favorites of mine. Thanks and Merry Christmas

  292. lcdds217 Avatar

    I think I have 400 plus which includes at least 17 of yours ( not to mention a whole bunch of stand alone patterns!) I have a copy of Garden Gatherings published in 2005. Still on my to do list!

  293. wantstoberetired Avatar

    I have 3 bookcases full, but I’m afraid to do an actual count. I’ve just started making mini quilts so I have fewer than a dozen books in that category. Winning Lisa’s new book would be sweet!

  294. Angelina Castaneda Avatar
    Angelina Castaneda

    I have at least 7 hardbacks and many many pamphlets 😉🎅

  295. Teri LaVoy Avatar
    Teri LaVoy

    I love mini quilts. Would certainly like to add this book to my library, which has about twenty books in it. Guess I need more! Thanks for the chance to win.

  296. Cindy Zabuska Avatar
    Cindy Zabuska

    Guessing I have at least 100 books..(Forgive me for not actually counting them)…collecting them for 4 decades now. If course you are well represented on my book shelves!

  297. MARY WRIGHT Avatar

    I have 8 milk crates standing on their sides full of books. One is dedicated to your books and patterns. Love your fabric lines!

  298. Gail S Avatar
    Gail S

    Maybe 30 – 40

  299. Sue Hoover Avatar
    Sue Hoover

    I probably have approx 75 quilting books and maybe about 25 or so knitting/crafting books.

  300. Jane A Avatar
    Jane A

    I’d guess 40

  301. Melanie Dreike Avatar
    Melanie Dreike

    I just wanted to say Happy Holidays to all of you at Primitive Gatherings I love everything Lisa designs. I have so many books I can’t count. Be well and again Happy Holidays!

  302. Kathleen Koch Avatar
    Kathleen Koch

    I have 27 quilt books. Soon to be 28 when Little Gatherings arrives.

  303. Stephanie Tabares Avatar
    Stephanie Tabares

    I must have hundreds of books, can’t count them all. This looks like another great book from Lisa

  304. imjquilter Avatar

    I have at least 50 quilt books. I enjoy looking at the color combinations and the inspiration of discovering different patterns. Merry Christmas!

  305. MaryJeanne Bruce Avatar
    MaryJeanne Bruce

    Season Greetings to you and everyone at Primitive Gatherings. I estimate that I have about 75 books or more including every thing from hand embroidery, scrappy, nickel quilts, free motion quilting, applique, wool work and on and on. Blessings and Good Health.

  306. Linda Slauson Avatar
    Linda Slauson

    I donated well over 100 books to our library when we moved from a large home to a small condo. Too small for all my “stuff” so we moved to a house again. I only saved a few of my all time favorites so I’m collecting quilt books again. I have several of Lisa’s. I’ve always been too afraid to make a little quilt but will be trying when I receive Lisa’s new book. I’ve learned so much from her.

  307. Terry Powers Avatar
    Terry Powers

    I would guess that I have over 200 books but have numerous notebooks with patterns I have printed from the internet that have been free in so many sewalongs!

  308. Barbara E. Morse Avatar
    Barbara E. Morse

    I lost track at 25 and that doesn’t count all of the past copies of magazines and random patterns that I have collected. Thanks for all of your inspiration.

  309. Beth Robinette Avatar
    Beth Robinette

    First, thank you for allowing us to comment on your blog for a chance to win one of your beautiful gifts. I’m thinking I probably have around 100 books give or take. I love to sit snd look through them. I love small pieces and mini quilts so would love this book.

  310. Nancy Hambright Avatar
    Nancy Hambright

    I had not counted my books before and I recently gave away about 100, so here goes. Currently on my shelves I have 502 books and 57 binders. Wow. So many wonderful resources. And I refer to the almost daily.
    Can’t wait to get your newest book.

  311. Toby Lubinsky Avatar
    Toby Lubinsky

    I have donated multiple books to the local library and also given some to friends and I am guessing I still have close to 100. I love new books, sometimes I love them so well I buy it a second time not remembering that I already bought it!!

  312. Linda+Pickenpaugh Avatar

    Enjoyed all the little quilts today.. Most likely I have 200 books scattered around, but if you count all the books I have , it’s probably close to 2000. I like to read.

  313. Sue knill Avatar
    Sue knill

    I have books in so many different places in my house can’t even begin to give a count. Love your minis

  314. Nancy Morone Avatar
    Nancy Morone

    So I just started to count and when I reached 200 I had to stop. Obviously I have a problem because now I have to order another lol. Can’t wait to check out Little Gatherings by Lisa. Merry Christmas to all at Primitive Gatherings.

  315. Annita Avatar

    This is like confession time!:) I’m embarrassed to say I quit counting at 50, as I started looking through each book I have purchase, I realized I’ll never live long enough to make all the quilts I have planned. But some books are just beautiful to look through! Thanks for another got to have book and the opportunity to win!

  316. Maggie Reintges Avatar
    Maggie Reintges

    I tried to count the ones in my cabinet but I stopped at 73…it’s a lot Lol 😬

  317. Cynthia Mahdalik Avatar

    I am sure I have more quilting books as I have been collecting for a long time. I know the total number as I have listed on a database along with author’s name and other pertinent information. 2,464 books. I totally enjoy making the small and mini quilts. Started out large quilts and now do the small ones.

  318. Bonita E Zobl Avatar
    Bonita E Zobl

    I have given some to 2 young girls that I’m teaching to see and quilt to get them started.. But I still have at least 60…

  319. Karen Cottom Avatar
    Karen Cottom

    Sad to say, I have way too many…and I will even notice I like a book so much, I sometimes find I will buy it twice. My girlfriends always enjoy the second book!!!!!

  320. Linda Lee Avatar
    Linda Lee

    I bet I have 100 to 150. It’s just fun looking at them and dreaming of all the projects I’d like to make

  321. Sandra Richardson Avatar
    Sandra Richardson

    I have over 400 books and love every one of them..some have very hard to find but I love the search too!!

  322. Sue Sawyers Avatar
    Sue Sawyers

    I probably have around 50. As so many have mentioned, I am of the Age that I’ve been trying to downsize rather unsuccessfully. Your new book looks like a “have to have”. So much for downsizing!

  323. lindakqovgmailcom Avatar

    I have so many books that many live in a box, many live on shelves, and many are loaned to friends. Who counts!!!

  324. Joan Richards Avatar
    Joan Richards

    How many quilt books? In which room? I spread them the joy throughout the house!

  325. Norma Klotz Avatar
    Norma Klotz

    What great little quilts! I would guesstimate that I have 125-150 books. They are my “dream” books!

  326. Carla Toppass Avatar
    Carla Toppass

    As a beginning quilter, I’ve only acquired about 15 (give or take) quilting books so far. I have many aspirations to make all of the wonderful quilts in the books some day.

  327. Harriet murray Avatar
    Harriet murray

    I love making mini quilts.

  328. Diana Kiehl Avatar
    Diana Kiehl

    I’ve got 250! I can’t say I’ve made a quilt out of everyone but I do know the ones that I love! They are yours Lisa!

  329. Cathy King Avatar
    Cathy King

    My best quesstimate would be 250 to 300 books. I Love so many aspects of quilting, always something new to be excited about. Just need to figure out how to get more hours in my day. LOL

  330. Jilleen Bodwin Avatar
    Jilleen Bodwin

    I have accumulated way too many quilt/craft books over the years to count. Every so often I go through my books and patterns and select a few that I know I’m not going to get to and donate them to a local high school’s Family and Consumer Science sewing classes. I continue to purchase new books each year so I can keep up my donation tradition. I’ve never been able to part with any of my Primitive Gathering books or patterns and they will always be part of my personal collection.

  331. Patricia Y Warthan Avatar
    Patricia Y Warthan

    I have 77 that I can actually get my hands on now. I constantly give books to friends and trade with others so we all get to share. We have a lending library in our community where I take a lot of my books so other quilters can use them and I pick up some new ones that they have left behind. It really makes it great for us to be able to share with each other. I love the wool applique books. Best of all.

  332. Debra Reber Avatar

    I hate to say it, but I have too many to count!! Two big bookshelves full!!

  333. Cheryl shoemaker Avatar
    Cheryl shoemaker

    I have around 200. Many mini quilt pattern books and the old Miniature Quilts magazines. I go thru the books every so often to pick out ones I do not want and use them for door prizes at our bi-annual quilt show, which I am the chair. Your books I always keep, can’t part with those. Love your patterns.

  334. Patricia Y Warthan Avatar
    Patricia Y Warthan

    I have about 77 I can actually get to. My favorites are on wool applique. You have really helped my growth with your YouTube videos. From needle choices to thread and fusible, they have really helped to make my stitching more enjoyable. Thanks
    Hope I’m doing this right. My first time

  335. Mary Bongers Avatar
    Mary Bongers

    I’ve had hundreds over the years, but I gave most away. I kept only the ones I love, including Lisa’s of course. ❤️

  336. Robin Avatar

    I have about 30ish books and counted 8 Primitive Gatherings. I am putting this book on my list! I always find your books to be inspiring!

  337. Ruth Tacoma Avatar
    Ruth Tacoma

    Pretty sure it’s around 100 or so. 90% are must haves…I could possibly part with a couple, but I probably don’t. 😂

  338. Diane Avatar

    No more than 15. lol I haven’t been doing this very long.

  339. Diane Alness Meske Avatar
    Diane Alness Meske

    I have a very extensive collection of quilt books. They included all aspects of the craft.

  340. Linda Kay Smith Avatar
    Linda Kay Smith

    I have quilted since the mid 90’s so I have had so many quilt books. A couple of years ago I went through and weeded quite a few out. I still have between 75 and 100. I love quilting books!

  341. Connie Schofield Avatar
    Connie Schofield

    I have about 65 quilting books. I love them all. I made a list and update it when I buy a new book.

  342. Delene Drew Avatar
    Delene Drew

    My husband thinks I have around 150 quilt, wool appliqué, sewing and rug hooking books. It’s probably double that.😉

  343. Brenda Jeffers Avatar
    Brenda Jeffers

    I would guess I have close to 150 books. It’s hard for me to get rid of any books!!

  344. Pam Jacklitch Avatar
    Pam Jacklitch

    200 and counting! and that’s after doing some purging about a year ago!! 🙂

  345. Janet Brooks Avatar
    Janet Brooks

    I have only around 9 books for small quilts.

  346. Karla Pickhinke Avatar
    Karla Pickhinke

    Hmmm, too much to do to take the time to count😂😆😂🤷‍♀️, maybe 50-75🤷‍♀️, but I do remember my very first wool project book I bought, my favorite, Summer Gatherings!! It also has some really yummy recipes in it, I always get asked to bring the pineapple salad to family gatherings😋🥰

  347. Leigh Ann P Avatar
    Leigh Ann P

    150+!!! Always Love a new Great One!!

  348. KittyAnn Hudson (KittyAnn) Avatar

    I will guesstimate 200 books on my shelves! Love your new book!

  349. Vickie Nelson Avatar

    Somewhere between 30-40 books.

  350. Sandy Ruffino Avatar

    I logged all my books maybe six or seven years ago and at time had over 400 books. I’ve added a few over the years and my best guess
    would be over 500.

  351. terrimulinixyahoocom Avatar

    Love your wall of mini’s I also like to make them. Thanks for all the things you do for your followers. Merry Christmas

  352. Caryn Bravos Avatar
    Caryn Bravos

    I believe I have 66 books 😀

  353. Janet F Avatar

    Oh boy! I have to say I’m thrilled that you’re releasing this book … I took a class with Gwen Marston years ago and she said there’s no way she can make all the quilts she wants to in her lifetime, so she had turned to mini quilts … what a great idea!! and they’re SO versatile. I’m currently in the process of putting together an inventory of all of my quilting books and am about halfway through. Hopefully when I’m done I’ll stop buying duplicates! Right now I’m at 267, so I’m going to guess the real number’s around 600 … I’m actually relieved … when I started I was thinking I had over 1000!

    Thanks for the opportunity … you rock, Lisa!

  354. Dee Small Avatar
    Dee Small

    Maybe 75, I’ve donated a few to our Guild.

  355. lee Avatar

    Counting all my craft books I believe I have about 10! I would love to add to the collection! Thank you and Happy Holidays!

  356. Kathy Bonnell Avatar
    Kathy Bonnell

    I know it’s well over a hundred. I love to sit and look thru books!

  357. lilsnuggi Avatar

    I’ve lost count, but would guess I have about 30 including several of yours. I love mini quilts and would love to add this one to my collection!

  358. Mary Knabe Avatar
    Mary Knabe

    I have at least 50 quilting books. My favorite is the Little Gatherings. I have made several quilts from that book.

  359. Tammy Clark Avatar
    Tammy Clark

    32 ish books!

  360. Paula Wentworth Avatar
    Paula Wentworth

    I’m going to guess that I have close to 30 crafting books….and then there’s the magazines….

  361. Audrey Bretz Avatar
    Audrey Bretz

    Obviously I don’t have enough quilt books since I don’t have this one! It looks like a great book with lots of projects.

  362. Jean Harley Avatar
    Jean Harley

    I have over 100…..eye candy and great inspiration! Love your patterns!

  363. Theresa veroline Avatar
    Theresa veroline

    I have so many books I can’t even count them. I don’t believe in selling books or patterns online or destashing them so when I destash my fabric online I include either a book or a pattern as a surprise in the order…

  364. Patti Avatar

    I probably have 100 books in my collection. I would love to add this one to it and great my own wall of littles! 😊

  365. Sybilla Steenport Avatar
    Sybilla Steenport

    I would love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity. I have 24 books, as I just did some house cleaning in my quilt room and was surprised I had that many. But I use them all and refer back to many 😊

  366. kathyreeves Avatar

    Not very many books, maybe 6, but three years of American Patchwork & Quilting Magazine.

  367. Deb Hull Avatar
    Deb Hull

    Like Lisa, I am a book addict. I most likely have 150+ books of quilting, wool related topics.

  368. Lorraine W Avatar
    Lorraine W

    Too many to count! Just love quilting books for learning and patterns.

  369. Cathy Brock Avatar
    Cathy Brock

    Hi Lisa, I am a very new quilter/wool projects, I love books and currently have about 20 books. Would love to add this to my collection.

  370. Joyce Beenes Avatar
    Joyce Beenes

    I love the mini quilts in your book! I have around 40 books.

  371. Lisa Angel Avatar
    Lisa Angel

    Oh my!! I would guess between 200-250. I love to look through them. I have most of PG’s and would love another. Mini’s I find to be quiet the challenge. Thx.

  372. Judy Dietiker Avatar
    Judy Dietiker

    I would love to add your book of small quilts to my library of 75!

  373. Denise B Avatar
    Denise B

    I did a little cleaning out this year, but still have at least two dozen quilting and embroidery books. Then there’s the notebook filled with plastic sleeves of individual patterns…and the quilting magazines! Good thing I’ve made good use of them again this year!

  374. Barbara Onnen Avatar
    Barbara Onnen

    have been collecting quilt books since I started to learn to quilt 30 years ago after my husband died unexpectedly at The age of 49. Have always loved to sew so piecing was a natural fit. I have no idea how many quilt books I have.Also subscribed to several quilt magazines. My closest guess is 250 -300 books, magazines and individual patterns. Your Little Gatherings will make a welcome addition to my passion for all things quilting.

  375. Barbara Lotthammer Avatar
    Barbara Lotthammer

    I have a lot of quilt books but none specifically of mini quilts. Maybe if I did mini quilts I would finish some. Would love you book of minis just like I love anything Primitive Gatherings

  376. Patty B Avatar
    Patty B

    I have many interests, so between quilting, wool stitching, embroidery ,craft books and also many magazines. I have well over 200 books- plus the magazines. But I enjoy browsing through them often. I plan to sew and quilt as soon as my hand heals. Your book looks interesting. Thanks

  377. Rebecca Moore Avatar
    Rebecca Moore

    I have been quilting and cross-stitching and crafting for over 30 years. I love books and have well over 300 books. My love of books I get it from my father he had over 3000 books in his library when he past away. It took the entire garage to house them.

  378. Amy Jors Avatar
    Amy Jors

    Oh I don’t know…………..I got rid of a bunch and I still seem to have so many – they are somehow multiplying – I’d guess 100

  379. Kristina Wilkinson Avatar
    Kristina Wilkinson

    How exciting to have your book come early! Now as far as how many books you own, that is a tricky question! I saw some books on the shelves in your studio tour at your new place but I have no idea how many you have at your house so my wild guess is 175. I know I collect quilt books from the past and enjoy looking at all of the patterns before rotary cutters. I also love to read the history of quilts and how the quilt blocks got their names. Your new quilts look adorable. Thanks for doing your 12 days of Christmas. It is always lots of fun! K-

  380. Marilyn Avatar

    It’s so hard to part with any of them. Even the older ones (pre-rotary cutter) are still priceless to me. I’m embarrassed to say I have about 157. 477 if I add magazines to that number.

  381. Cherie Reynolds Avatar
    Cherie Reynolds

    I can’t even begin to guess the number of books i have. Well over 200 I would guess. You’re new book looks lovely!

  382. Gena Watters Avatar
    Gena Watters

    I have several large totes of books, probably over 200 in all. I am always finding that design in them that I just HAVE to make.

  383. Wanda Clarkson Avatar
    Wanda Clarkson

    I probably had 80-100 before moving to downsize to a one story house. More than half were donated to our small library so others could enjoy them. I love scrappy quilts and want to start making smalls.

  384. Sarah Anne Avatar

    How many? I’m embarrassed to even say and don’t even ask me to count quilting/craft magazines! In the beginning (circa 2005) I began with a paper listing that I faithfully added to each time I purchased. My sister and I collected like crazy as our quilting and fiber interests expanded. Well, that list quickly grew to over 10 pages which was unmanageable when shopping for new books, so I typed it all into my laptop and alphabetized “The List”. Talk about OCD! This was before I had a smart phone so as you can imagine, I often was without a printing of my list and often purchased duplicates. In frustration, I abandoned updating “The List”. I now have an entire 20′ x10′ wall of bookshelves that holds most of my books, but some live in 2 tall Ikea cabinets (shall I start counting?) Time to start selling/donating, I think!

  385. Judi Avatar

    I thought I was bad but after reading some of the other comments I’m the owner of relatively a small number of quilting books. I’d estimate less than 150? I’ve actually gotten rid of some too. Books that I bought when I first started quilting and were pretty basic.

  386. Andi Avatar

    I am a new quilter, I have 3 quilting books.

  387. Peg Avatar

    Love to see knew book!

  388. Joan Powell Avatar
    Joan Powell

    All I can say is that I am looking for a place to open a quilt studio that would contain a gigantic quilters library!

  389. Gerry Shipton Avatar
    Gerry Shipton

    Hi Lisa! I have around 50. I am going to complete one item from each of the books…..after I finish the too many to mention kits I have. Have a Merry Christmas.

  390. lowrys75gmailcomPamlenLowry Avatar

    I have 13 quilting and craft books. Two of my favorites are your Wool Books. Thanks for all you do.

  391. Anne Elizabeth Johnson Avatar
    Anne Elizabeth Johnson

    Good morning Lisa. I must have at least 30+ books, and then there are the countless magazines I saved with projects I would like to create. I would love and be honored to have your book and to start my own mini wall.

  392. Shirley Deasy Avatar
    Shirley Deasy

    More than 50, less than 100. Well, actually, I don’t know. I gave lots away a few years ago but keep adding more!

  393. Jane Marchant Avatar

    Is a gazillion a number? if so thats how many books I have and I love them all for their inspiration!

  394. Karen Patterson Avatar
    Karen Patterson

    I have 20 but becoming a new quilter.Some are over my head . But I liked a comment that a lady said that she reads her quilt books in bed and it helps her to understand.Oh I have several Fons and Porter magazines and I was going through them and guess what Lisa there you were. I didn’t even know who you were until 4 months ago.Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. OHIO


    Iisa you know me from the last retreat. I bought two of your books and I was lucky to be gifted Urban Homestead Gatherings. Can not wait to start building my library.

  396. pammie Avatar

    A LOT– plus all the binders full of ideas that I’ve made myself.
    love looking at patterns, techniques, tips and beautiful quilts.
    Inspiratioin on every page. 🙂

  397. Linda Bell Avatar

    I would estimate I have around 100 crafting books – quilting, sewing, hand needlework. I have given away many over the years to help others out in there quest to learn new crafts. Some are just too pretty to put up on the shelf and remain on tables to just look at and adore!

  398. linda d bechtel Avatar
    linda d bechtel

    tooooo busy finishing christmas gifts to count but more than 200 and not near enough!!!

  399. marie Avatar

    After downsizing I now have 71 quilting books on my shelves.

  400. Philip Avatar

    Omg. These little mini quilts are fantastic! May have to make a collection of my own!

  401. Lorraine Avatar

    Probably around 50!

  402. Dot Avatar

    According to my list I currently have 115.

  403. Debbie Rochester Avatar
    Debbie Rochester

    Hello Lisa, I have been quilting for several years on and off, but have always just did my on thing with quilts, dream it up and put it on paper, then make it. But the last few years I have started to purchase books and I probably have maybe a couple dozen. This mini quilt idea is amazing.

  404. Carmen N Avatar
    Carmen N

    After reading many of the other comments, I’m among great company of book lovers. I’d estimate that I have around 250+ books. To me, there is great entertainment in sitting down with a pile of books. Even if I never make a single project from a book they a a wealth of inspiration for other projects.

  405. Barbara Shires Avatar

    I have around 350….love my quilt books and I’m anxious to add this new book to my shelves!!!

  406. Debbie Rochester Avatar
    Debbie Rochester

    I left a comment but don’t see it; Maybe I didn’t do it correct. But anyways have about 24 books, just recently started purchasing books.

  407. Debbie Miller Avatar
    Debbie Miller

    I admit, I am a bookaholic! I would LOVE to win your new book to add to the library! At least that is what my family says as my collection fills a 25 cubbie Ikea bookshelf! My grandson put an app on my phone to inventory and alphabetize them for me but it’s taking a while as I get so distracted looking and “rediscovering” each of them! I would estimate I have around 600 quilt books.

  408. Janet T Avatar
    Janet T

    I have at least 350 books; and then there are the quilting magazines. I know they take up room, but I enjoy looking through them at night while hubby watches mindless tv.

  409. Paula Andrews Avatar
    Paula Andrews

    Thank you for sharing your talent with all of us. I have about 200.
    Merry Christmas.

  410. Judy Zoll Avatar
    Judy Zoll

    I don’t have as many as I as I once did. I’ve donated many to friends and the library. I would estimate that I have 90 or so left. Fixing to have one more. 😊

  411. Darla Rice Avatar
    Darla Rice

    ❤️ me some Primitive Gatherings!!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁

  412. Marcia Gilbreath Avatar
    Marcia Gilbreath

    Well over a thousand, and I can substantiate that with photos if need be! I have floor to ceiling bookcases.

  413. Diane B Avatar
    Diane B

    As my husband would say I have WAYYYYY too many. In some cases, I liked them enough I’ve found duplicates!

  414. Peggy Avatar

    I have about 2 dozen craft books…..and counting, of course.

  415. Marlene Heiting Avatar
    Marlene Heiting

    Oh dear. I probably have 250 or more. And…..of course I will have one more. Love small quilts. You are amazing!

  416. Cyndy Lipe Avatar
    Cyndy Lipe

    Not as many as I used to have, but I could find room for 1 more lol. Have started to downsize as neither one of my daughters quilt. Have given them away to all the local libraries around me, they always like these kind of books as long as they are in good condition.

  417. Beverly Hickey Avatar
    Beverly Hickey

    Since I have been doing cross stitch from 1982 to about 1990 (when my eyesight changed) I have probably 15-20 cross stitch books. I started my quilting journey then learning from Alex Anderson, Eleanor Burns and others who had quilting lessons on TV . I started collecting books then, so I have in my collection now 25-50. Others I have shared with new quilters. I have collected and shared with new quilters more magazines and patterns than I can count. Love being able now to learn lessons from teachers like you. Since I live in an area where the nearest quilt store is 2 hours away and we were all kept home last year I have continued learning online. I am now teaching myself to sew small blocks. Thank you for giving me so much small block knowledge. Love making blocks as small as 3 1/2” blocks. I hope I will never stop learning from great teachers like you.Thank you for sharing your knowledge and time.

  418. Joanne Hodges Avatar
    Joanne Hodges

    I have about 150 books…..plus your new one! It’s fantastic – I love it so much!

  419. Debbie Stinson Avatar
    Debbie Stinson

    I probably have about 250 books- always a way to get some great ideas!

  420. Cindy A Avatar
    Cindy A

    I have approximately 40 quilting books and love them all!

  421. Lisa Avatar

    I have about 20 books and enjoy them all!

  422. Kathy R Avatar

    I would guess over 150 books and that’s after giving some away just to make space for more! I love to read the historical books about quilts so sometimes I don’t even buy it for the patterns but the stories.

  423. Kris Kayser Avatar
    Kris Kayser

    Books..hhmmmm….alot! You can’t ever have too many!

  424. Jean M. Brittingham Avatar
    Jean M. Brittingham

    I have over 300 and still keep adding! Your new book would be a great addition and I love your mini quilt wall!!

  425. Gayle Barka Avatar
    Gayle Barka

    I think I must have about 50 books. There are so many great ones out there.

  426. Phyllis Kundrick Avatar
    Phyllis Kundrick

    I would estimate that have at least 100 books.

  427. Bev F Avatar
    Bev F

    Oh my! I have well over 100!!
    As a former teacher/librarian I love books!
    Congratulations on another book. Love all those mini quilts.

  428. Jakey Avatar

    OMG! Over 260, and that doesn’t include quilt magazines!! Congratulations on another new book!! Hugs, Jakey

  429. ChristieB Avatar

    Oh my! I have 137 on my spread sheet, but, I have many many more that aren’t on there yet. I haven’t gone into each room of the house to add the books I find in each of them yet. I am a reader and love pulling them out and rereading or looking over all the possible “some day” projects! Love your new book! HUGS… and stitches

  430. Laurie Parsons Avatar
    Laurie Parsons

    I only have about 10-15 books, I am a newbie! But I have room for more!

  431. Shari K. Avatar
    Shari K.

    238 books! I keep an Excel spreadsheet. 🙂

  432. berninadeb Avatar

    I probably have 40 books. I thought that was a lot until I see the other comments!

  433. Cathy B. Avatar
    Cathy B.

    I must have at least 50! Plus way more pdfs and inspiration saved to my laptop!

  434. Darla Logsdon Avatar
    Darla Logsdon

    I have soooo many books! Between quilting, crafts, dollmaking, cross stitch, embroidery, painting, I couldn’t even count! On top of the ones I have accumulated over the years, I also inherited probably 400 from my mom, who enjoyed many of the same things! So I would say that I have way more than I need! lol! But I love them, and would love to add this one to my collection! ( of course it would go in the stack of 50 or so that contain projects I want to do right away!

  435. Trisha Balding Avatar
    Trisha Balding

    I probably have 30+. Always looking for new ideas!

  436. June Avatar

    My bookcase runneth over!? Not sure how many books in my wonderful collection – wouldn’t want to take away from my “stitching time” to count!!!

  437. JennyM Avatar

    I enjoy making miniature quilts, this book had my kind of projects. I have about two dozen quilt books.

  438. ch8rl3n3m8ri3 Avatar

    I have over 100 books in my collection. I’ve not attempted a miniature quilt yet. These Locke like fun.

  439. Jeanne Giebe Avatar
    Jeanne Giebe

    I think I have at least 200 quilting, craft and cross stitch books!

  440. Brenda Julovich Avatar
    Brenda Julovich

    I have a short row of books on the bottom shelf an old pie safe for inspiration. LOVE a smaller project and your wall of minis!


    I have well over 2,000 books about quilting. My two 7′ bookcases are crammed and overflowing. Been collecting since 1975 and have made thousands of quilts and designed several. Love to quilt to stay sane.

  442. Karen Harbaugh Avatar
    Karen Harbaugh

    Oh, if you count the specialty cookbooks, in the high hundreds, and access to my mom’s hundreds of quilting/crafts books

  443. Lisa Mikel Avatar
    Lisa Mikel

    Your new book looks amazing! I likely have about 70 craft sewing books.

  444. Heather Avatar

    I love quilt and stitchers books. I have 2 of my office book shelves full of them, so that makes maybe 80ish books.

  445. linda d bechtel Avatar
    linda d bechtel


  446. ShariK Avatar

    I’m afraid to count! Thanks for the opportunity!

  447. Sally Wilmoth Avatar
    Sally Wilmoth

    I have more than 200 quilt books and who knows how many quilt magazines! They bring a lot of inspiration and enjoyment!

  448. Ruth Ann Avatar
    Ruth Ann

    I have about a dozen, but I mostly go to my mom’s and borrow from her library. ☺️

  449. Barb H. Avatar

    I would probably be embarrassed to give the number of quilting and craft books that I have. Too numerous to count. Recipe books and quilt books are my happy place. I have not worked with triangle papers, but would love to find a good project to try these out.

  450. Jan Avatar

    My husband would say too many but he needs to read the comments on those who have counts in the 100’s. I tried to count mine but some of my books are with UFO’s or to dos. So guessing app 50. Then I have magazines. Yes, most of these are eye candy & wishes.

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