Bring On the Weekend!

Boy, what a week! Frankly, I’m happy that it’s over and the weekend is here. If it wasn’t crazy weather and dangerous roads throwing a wrench in our gears, it was medical emergencies, transportation issues, and a whole slew of other inconveniences that we could have done without. Special thanks to those of you prayer warriors who took the time to say a prayer for little Emery, my goddaughter’s son who was rushed to the hospital earlier in the week with fluid on his brain. If you haven’t heard the latest, I’m happy to report that the doctors were able to remove his drains and he continues to improve. So thank you, thank you, thank you! See! Prayers WORK!

Thankfully the craziness we faced this week wasn’t all bad. There were a few other positive things that happened in the midst of all the chaos to be grateful for, including attending my grandson Jace’s school spring concert. He even had a solo speaking part. Talk about a proud Mimi moment!

It’s such a huge blessing to be a regular part of these boy’s lives, they bring me so much joy it’s ridiculous. Definitely one of my favorite things about life so far, hands down! But as much as I love watching them grow up… I wish it didn’t go by so darn fast. Slow down boys – just a little!

Another reason I was so ready for Friday this week is because this afternoon we kicked off our “Friday Night Lights” over night retreat with a bang as guests started arriving late afternoon. We’ve been mingling and getting to know each other as everyone gets settled in before dinner. I have to admit, I’m pretty excited about this particular dinner because it includes a WI style Bloody Mary bar, and after a week like this one – a Bloody sounds pretty darn good right about now. I’m not a huge drinker and usually have mine sans vodka, but tonight I may need to make a little exception… If you don’t know what I mean by WI style Bloody Mary, let’s just say we tend to get a little crazy with our Bloody’s by bringing a whole new meaning to the word “garnish.” As in…we like to garnish ours with enough to make a meal out of it. Here’s are some examples of what I mean… Basically we believe you can have whatever you want in your Bloody. Yeah – like I said… Wow right!? These aren’t our photos, just examples of how we’ll be doing ours in just a few minutes here (photo credits go to Anduzzi’s in Green Bay (left), WI and the Nitty Gritty in Madison, WI). The pictures are featured in a really great article on about where you can find some of the best Bloody Marys in WI. You can check it out to see more examples by clicking HERE! 

After dinner we’ll be having a pajama party including pajama bingo complete with prizes. Then tomorrow we stitch, shop, and stitch some more! It’s going to be great and I can’t wait to get at it… That being said I better get back over there, but before I sign off for the night we need to talk about the latest Sewcialites 2 block release. This week we’ve reached Block #18 – “Spellbound by Robin Pickens, another of my super talented fellow Moda sisters. In years past, Robin worked as a graphic designer in a corporate setting, but quickly discovered that despite the prestige and rewards of the job, the stress and long days were not fulfilling. This inspired her to pursue art that was more personal and artistic. She eventually found joy through illustration, textile, and surface design. Her current works are known for beautiful color, happiness, and positive inspiration, and range from greeting cards and calendars to tabletop collections, rugs, and home décor. She is also a talented fellow fabric designer for Moda!

Robin’s block Spellboundis a charming and unique block that is fun to do. It’s made up of an hour glass unit in the center, and 16 squares – 12 squares around the center piece and the remaining four the outer corners. In other words – a quarter triangle block that is surrounded by little patchwork squares and then framed by another outer row with squares on the ends.

Spellboundis classified as “intermediate” skill level by Fat Quarter Shop and is fairly easy to do. The block pattern is based on four fabrics that you will be placing however you think it looks best – scrappy or planned. Starching will help control small pieces and help them to keep their shape as you sew and press. If hour glass blocks intimidate you, don’t fret. Kimberly Jolly of Fat Quarter Shop has an excellent tutorial posted where she explains her go-to hot tips and tricks for making perfect hour glass units, which you can find by visiting the  Sewcialites 2 Landing Page. For the full pattern and instructions for Spellbound simply click the button above!

If you’ve been following along you know that for my blocks I’ve been using my Garden Gatherings fabric line, leaving out the five tans. For the background I used a selection from the Garden Gathering Shirtings Collection, #49176 15 – a cream fabric with an adorable tiny mustard/orange floral print. I really love how this block turned out. Let me know in the comments what you think of it so far!

Every week I emphasize on one of the things I love most about this quilt-along, which is that you can do it on your time, however your schedule allows. Plus, many of the blocks are fairly simple to make and can be done in an afternoon so catching up is easy. You can always find previously posted blocks on the Sewcialites 2 Landing Page. You can also visit the Sewcialites 2 Block Archive on my blog which is listed in the main menu of links at the top of the page.

Newly released blocks are posted on Kim’s blog The Jolly Jabber, along with a video tutorial on her YouTube Livestream the same day. Each designer will also post their own block to either their blog or their website on that day as well. I will also be posting each block release here on MY blog every Friday for your convenience. Fabric requirements and all block patterns are on the  Sewcialites 2 Landing Page, which you can access by clicking the link below. If you’d like to get automatic updates on Sewcialites 2 you can subscribe to the blog by signing up in the Email subscription box by visiting the Landing Page, or by subscribing to the YouTube channel by clicking HERE.

Alright gang, that’s all I’ve got for you today! Time for me to skidattle over to the retreat house and let the Bloody Mary bar commence! I hope you have a great weekend and an even better week next week. I for one plan to come back refreshed and ready to go! I’m looking forward to putting this week in the past and moving forward with a fresh start. See you then! Until then, take care and remember – Stitch every day! Talk soon… ~Lisa

23 responses to “Bring On the Weekend!”

  1. Lisa Marie Avatar
    Lisa Marie

    One of the things I miss about Wisco is the bloodies. Not so much the snow and cold!

  2. Melanie B Avatar
    Melanie B

    My girls are on Spring Break this coming week so I have lots of plans for crafting with them!

  3. Mary Connelly Avatar
    Mary Connelly

    I am enjoying Sewcialites,too. Can’t wait to see how it all comes together.

  4. Pat Widmaier Avatar
    Pat Widmaier

    Have fun ladies! Wish I was there with y’all!

    Also, don’t ya just love Anduzzi’s!

    Pat W

  5. Charlene Morris Avatar
    Charlene Morris

    Happy you have an overall good week. The baby is doing well. Grand boys put a big smile on your face. And what a fun weekend sewing and playing around. Have fun!!!!

  6. Annie B Avatar
    Annie B

    Your block looks great! Your background fabric is adorable. Love those little flowers 💐

  7. Laura Parsons Avatar
    Laura Parsons

    Your block looks great! Enjoy the Bloodys and stitching!

  8. Therese Ann Hinson Avatar
    Therese Ann Hinson

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
    Tammy Marquardt

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  10. Alice Avatar

    Can’t wait to see pictures of this weekend’s festivities!!! ❤️❤️❤️ your block and Garden Gatherings!

  11. Sandi Avatar

    It was a crazy week. Thanks for taking us along! Happy weekend!

  12. Rosemary Redhead Avatar
    Rosemary Redhead

    I look forward to your posts! So relieved baby Emery is on the mend🙂 Your grandsons are precious! Have a fantastic weekend 💕 Red

  13. lee Avatar

    Please enjoy your weekend! Those bloody Mary’s are crazy!! Weather here was a nightmare (MI) but hopefully the last big blast before Spring! Love your block!

  14. Patti O'Donnell Avatar
    Patti O’Donnell

    Would love to have a Bloody Mary with you. Enjoy the party.

  15. Joanne Hudock Avatar
    Joanne Hudock

    Hope you all had fun ! That block is so pretty.

  16. Judy Wagner Avatar
    Judy Wagner

    Enjoy the weekend, looks like so much fun!!

  17. Lorraine Wieziolowski Avatar
    Lorraine Wieziolowski

    Enjoy your weekend. Your Socialites block is spectacular!

  18. Stephanie R Avatar
    Stephanie R

    Looks like a great weekend!

  19. gijane279-Liz Avatar

    I know you’ll have tons of fun, and one of those burger bloody Marys sans alcohol would very much appeal to me! I’ve been catching up on old SBOWs and other projects…. LOL still unpacking some of them too!

  20. Cindy Avatar

    I had a Bloody Mary at the pool today!!! But boy what you add looked wonderful !!! Enjoy the fun times!! We will see you in May!! Maybe we can have a Bloody Mary then!!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      We definitely can Cindy!

  21. Judy Prochnow Avatar
    Judy Prochnow

    Grew up in Wisconsin not far from Neenah Menasha

  22. Wanda Avatar

    Prayers continue and wanted to let you know I appreciate your videos and emails.

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