Moda Charm Week 6

It’s the last day of July (sad face) already! My favorite time of the year is flying by fast! (as always) but lets celebrate with a give-away…read on!


Here is a peek at this week’s Charm Swap pattern…Vanessa from Lella Boutique is using MY Star & Stripe Gatherings fabrics….This is an awesome table runner…I love how it sparkles!   Head on over to Vanessa’s  BLOG  to get the pattern!Mini Chandelier Table Runner1

If you need the Charm pack for this runner click HERE-do not hesitate there are limited charm packs left.

If you need the white/red background click HERE

If you need the red binding click HERE

If you need backing click HERE

I hope you love this runner and if you need any red, white and blue fabrics we have a bunch of them HERE!

If you would like to see more of the Star & Stripe Gatherings Precuts click HERE.

If you would like to WIN a kit for this table runner please leave a comment and tell me your favorite summer activity!

Here’s was the whole Summer Schedule if you missed any of the designer patterns
June 26 ~ Kansas Troubles
July 3 ~ Sherri McConnell   
July 10 ~ Laurie Simpson
July 17 ~ Me and My Sister Designs
July 24 ~ Primitive Gatherings
July 31 ~ Lella Boutique

Do you have all six pattern printed?

Have a great summer day!  It’s 100 degrees in Dallas…and I like the heat, but it is kinda like walking inside of a furnace….look for some fun pics from QuiltStock and ReStore this week!

my best…




137 responses to “Moda Charm Week 6”

  1. Julie Kennedy Avatar

    My favorite thing about summer is baseball–go Brewers!

  2. Nancy Zimmerman Avatar
    Nancy Zimmerman

    Anything outside in the warm weather!

    1. Terri C. Avatar
      Terri C.

      This is super cute! Hope it’s my lucky day!

  3. Rita Avatar

    Because I live on the Ohio River one of my favorite activities is watching the various sternwheel boats as they make stops and dock at our Levee through the summer and fall. Last week we had the Queen of the Mississippi. We can also watch them lock through upriver a few miles before they make it to our city. Brings reminders of a era long gone. They are always decked out in red, white, and blue flags and banners!

  4. Maribeth Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is having a bonfire and making s’mores!

  5. lochary Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is sipping lemonade on the back porch watching the fireflies light up the yard. 🙂
    I’d love the kit for this week’s charm pack. That is very cool! Love the blog!

  6. Pame Blasy Avatar
    Pame Blasy

    My favorite summer activity is sewing in the air conditioning and sewing on my wool summer block of the week!

  7. Darlene Avatar

    Beautiful table runner. My favorite summer activity is watching the sun set over Lake Erie with a cup of tea at the end of the day.

  8. Deb Avatar

    I love to be at our beach house with the family. Can’t beat a sunny day with the kids running and playing in the sand and swimming.

  9. Joan R Avatar
    Joan R

    I love to reach summertime beach reads outside or inside with the fading summer light in the evening. The kind of books you only like to read in the summer.

  10. Alice Avatar

    Love the quilt! With the heat we are having in Maryland Quilting is the best activity for summer. Gardening when cooler.

  11. Liz Avatar

    I love walking around my yard and garden to see what’s blooming and what the deer haven’t eaten–if only they would eat the weeds!!

  12. Patty Archuleta Avatar
    Patty Archuleta

    My favorite summer time activity is gardening.

  13. Jean Avatar

    My favorite summer time activity is getting to spend time with my granddaughters while they’re out of school.

  14. Martha Guyer Avatar
    Martha Guyer

    Martha, I love the stars and strip fabric. Love to make a quilt four one of my four grandsons. My favorite activity this summer is watching our twelve week old English cocker puppy, Abby Rose. I try to quilt when she is sleeping beside me on my double rocker.have a great summer.

  15. Lois Wilhelm Avatar

    My favorite part of summer is the warm weather which makes it easy for quick road trips to spend time with our grandkids!!

  16. Jean Siettmann Avatar
    Jean Siettmann

    I love gardening. It still amazes me to plant to a seed and see the emerging plant push its way through the dirt in search of the light, and then flourish to produce beautiful flowers that nourish our souls or gorgeous vegetables that nourish our bodies. It’s so metaphorical. I even find weeding satisfying, well most of the time. It’s a time of contemplation. And then seeing the clean beds of green and color flowing is very satisfying. Even better when followed by a glass of wine on the patio!
    I also love walking the dog in the sun without being bundled up in layers.

  17. marie Beers Avatar

    July and August are too hot to do much outside so my favorite activity is sitting at the sewing machine in my 70 degree a/c house.

  18. goldielocks Avatar

    Love the table runner! I live on a lake so I like to be on the water or in the water as much as I can in summer!

    1. Laurel Bandi Avatar
      Laurel Bandi

      My sewing room is too warm due to no air-conditioning and lots of afternoon sun, so I use the warm summer days to do handwork. I have a wool applique project from Primitive Gatherings to work on next! Once the days cool off, I’d love to make that runner for one of my daughters. My husband, dog and I love kayaking too, I love summers in NH!

  19. Colleen Taylor Avatar
    Colleen Taylor

    One of my most favorite summer activities is sewing in the AC! But on cool evenings (before the bugs come out) I like to hand sew on the patio!

  20. Betty Avatar

    I’m so grateful you share your talent with us (I’m still looking for my talent). My favorite summer activity is: being able to leave the doors and windows open and hear the birds and other outdoor noises and feel the air and hang my sheets on the line to dry…………….

  21. Meredith Avatar

    In summer I like to spend time with my family and special friends, picnics, long walks on the beach in the early mornings, finding a spot in the shade to read a book, or sew! Love the longer days, and lazy times in the garden. Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. Judy Meeker Avatar

    4th of July as our entire family gets together the celebrate the many blessings we have living in our great country and naturally the fun of playing with all the children along with good food and naturally homemade ice cream!

  23. Sandi McDaniel Avatar
    Sandi McDaniel

    My favorite summer activity is riding my Harley Low Rider….vroom, vroom!

    1. lisabongean Avatar

      Let’s ride together…

  24. Sharon Avatar

    Love Primitive Gatherings. My favorite summer activity is getting out and enjoying nature in any way possible, probably mostly hiking.

  25. Cathy Weatherford Avatar
    Cathy Weatherford

    I too love to end a summer day, outside in my shaded area doing some handwork. Having a nice hot cup of coffee, or maybe a whiskey and coke. I put some bird seed out for my bird friends. A pair of quail have brought their littles, the last two evenings. I also love to go creek fishing. Perfectly fine if I don’t catch anything, just being there is what makes me happy. I love simple things.

  26. Linda Mee Avatar

    Love swimming with our grand babies. Actually spending any time with them is a joy. That and central air to be able to quilt!

  27. JennyM Avatar

    I spend many hours doing handwork while lounging on the pontoon. Need to enjoy the warm weather while we have it, Summer goes by fast in Wisconsin.

  28. Linda Mee Avatar

    Love swimming with our grand babies.Actually spending any time with them is a joy. Also love central air to be able to quilt!

  29. Lori Pennings Avatar
    Lori Pennings

    Table runner is beautiful. I love going out in my kayak.

  30. Kim Judkins McKinney Avatar
    Kim Judkins McKinney

    I enjoy the more relaxed pace of summer. Even though our everyday activities don’t change much during the summer months, there is a calmer, “slowed down” feeling about the hot, humid days on the Gulf Coast. And maybe an extra glass of wine as my husband cooks on the grill!

  31. Lorraine Avatar

    I love walking in the sunshine 🌞

  32. Celia Coy Avatar
    Celia Coy

    My favorite summer activity is hanging out by the pool with my grandchildren. I love summer but they are way too short here in NH.

  33. Cindy Avatar

    Swimming is my favorite Summer activity! I am in the pool everyday that it doesn’t rain. I also like to sew small projects in the Summer and leave the larger quilts for cooler weather. I love this table runner and it is on the top of my to do list. We are a military family and I love this red, white and blue line of fabric!

  34. Shasta Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is enjoying the longer days, and staying home in the air conditioning and piecing quilts.

  35. Kathy Avatar

    Love the table runner! My favorite summer activity is anything on the water!

  36. Diane Poirier Avatar

    I love sitting on the deck, with a nice beverage and watching the sun go down!

  37. Kathy Avatar

    Love the table runner! My favorite summer activity is anything on the water!

  38. Tammy Marquardt Avatar
    Tammy Marquardt

    Summertime means enjoying my multiple flower gardens and even pulling weeds is quite satisfying. The garden always changes from year to year even if I don’t plant anything new. The relaxing part of the days are spent stitching on the patio with the beautiful summer light shining from under the shade of the day.

  39. Jo Anne G Hawks Avatar
    Jo Anne G Hawks

    I like traveling with trailer in tow. Sewing machine and hand stitching always come along.

  40. Terri McBride Avatar
    Terri McBride

    Being outside at the water in my backyard or at a restaurant enjoying my meal on the patio. It rains so much here I just love to soak up the sun when it is here. This has been so much fun I can’t wait to do this one then I will have made all 6. :). Enjoy your day!

  41. Camilla Barringer Avatar
    Camilla Barringer

    I can’t lie… my favorite summertime activity is staying inside in the A/C and binge-watching a series on TV. I always have a quilt project to work on while chillin’!

  42. Susan Gray Avatar
    Susan Gray

    Very pretty runner! I grew up living on the ocean and my favorite thing to do was walk on the beach in the evening,listening to the surf. So peaceful!

  43. barb Avatar

    My favorite activity is gardening and picking fresh produce for my family!

  44. Marie Avatar

    Talking with all the international quilters at the EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh WI is my favorite summer activity.

  45. gailelizabeth Avatar

    I love the summer garden and relaxing outside in the summer evenings while watching the lightning bugs gently light up the garden.

  46. Susan Green Avatar
    Susan Green

    I love spending time outside with the grandkids.

  47. Esther Avatar

    Love the table runner and your fabric! Favorite summer activity is early mornings walks with my doggie before it gets too warm outside. He loves them, too, is a prancer/show off! Its really quiet and peaceful that early, hardly any traffic; you really get to enjoy our little world.

  48. Laura B Avatar
    Laura B

    Love planting and taking care of flowers

  49. Belinda Jones Avatar
    Belinda Jones

    My favorite summer activity is spending time with my four year old grandson. We play and talk and read
    and even sew. He is growing and changing daily. What a blessing it is to spend time with him.

  50. Susan Collier Avatar
    Susan Collier

    I moved to Florida 2 years ago and now I have summer all year long! I love it!!

  51. carol thomas Avatar
    carol thomas

    My favorite summer activity is enjoying all the homegrown fruit and vegetables at farmer’s market. Love the colors, smell, taste, trying new recipes.

  52. Gail Heike Avatar

    There are so many things to love about summer! Longer days to be outside, gardening, swimming, BBQ’s with family and friends, and spending time with my 2 adorable grandsons!

  53. jrp53 Avatar

    I love hanging with the grandkids since they are out of school. We have had a detour this summer though since my husband has had some unexpected surgery and has been immobile. So I really look forward to next year hanging with the grandkids again and maybe even teach one of them to make a small quilt!

  54. Jan Avatar

    I have several favorites in the summer. Seeing my flowers bloom & that this year the deer didn’t eat my phlox, high fiving the bumble bees on the cone flowers, watching for the monarch butterfly & the others. Watching the hummingbirds dive bomb each other as if that’s their feeder. Then when I’m out watering they chat at me to say a feeder is empty. Picking the veggies & canning or sharing. Then swimming in our in-ground pool we keep in the neighbor’s back yard. Only a little sewing gets done as it’s time for stash building & project gathering. Little road trips to new shops or far shops.

  55. Annette Moore Avatar
    Annette Moore

    Doesn’t matter what season quilting is my favorite activity

  56. Lisa kishman Avatar
    Lisa kishman

    I love paddle boarding at the cabin. But I also just love no coats, no boots, warm ground under bare feet.

  57. Loraine Jarman Avatar
    Loraine Jarman

    Going to the beach with the grandkids.

  58. Harriett Murray Avatar
    Harriett Murray

    My fave was just spent enjoying my granddaughters ages 6 & 4!!! I’m sad they left for home this am😔

  59. Pat Avatar

    My favorite summer activity? Spending time with family and quilting, of course!

  60. Nancy Watkins Avatar

    I just love to sit on the patio in the soft breeze and read.

  61. Susan Stanton Avatar
    Susan Stanton

    My favorite summer fun is going to the beach with my family. I look forward to it every August!

  62. Alice Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is your wool summer block of the week! ❤️✂️😊

  63. Mary Kastner Avatar
    Mary Kastner

    Watching my grandgirls swim competitions! Thank you for the chance to win!

  64. Candee Avatar

    Sitting on my front porch when it’s cool in the morning & evening with a good book & my stitching. Sipping a cup of tea or iced tea watching the birds, butterflies & bees enjoy my flower garden. I added a fountain this year. I just love it.

  65. LeAnne K Avatar
    LeAnne K

    I love going to the beach!

  66. Lola stokes Avatar
    Lola stokes

    Sitting outside and listening to the sounds of summer, the sound of a lawn mower in the distance, singing cicadas, laughing children playing outside. And, watching lightening bugs light up the night sky!

  67. Cheryl G Avatar
    Cheryl G

    We love being in the mountains riding our atv. It’s a lot cooler too.

  68. Fran Bianchi Avatar
    Fran Bianchi

    Love that table runner! My favorite thing to do in the summer is head to the beach to escape the triple digit temperatures in the California Desert. If I can’t make it to the beach, I’ll be sitting under the A/C vent!

  69. Debbie Magerkurth Avatar
    Debbie Magerkurth

    Love it! I’ve enjoyed this series, seeing designers move outside their box. Thanks for sharing!

  70. Karen Peterson Avatar
    Karen Peterson

    Swimming! And when I get too cold…quilting, of course!

  71. Sally Avatar

    I love swimming!

  72. Teri Avatar

    Love your fabrics and the table runner. My favorite summer activity is gardening.

  73. Kim Avatar

    Great runner.. I enjoy the outdoor BBQ’s with Friends and Family!

  74. Kay Sanderford Avatar
    Kay Sanderford

    My favorite summer activity is eating watermelon! Ha!

  75. Clara Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is hiking in the Olympic National Park near where I live in Washington state. You never know when you will round a curve in the pateh and see wildflowers or a waterfall or a glimpse of the ocean. Love the pattern Vanessa did with your fabric. The swap has been fun. Thank you, Lisa.

  76. Karren Avatar

    I love spending time at the lake with my kids. And on really, really hot days, time in my sewing room catching up on all my UFO’s.

  77. timbersmith63 Avatar

    I enjoy travel during the summer but what I love most is just having a slower pace, sleeping a bit longer, having more time to sew, grilling out, etc. Just enjoying life a little more.

  78. Wendy Avatar

    Beautiful runner! Lazy day’s sipping cold drinks and eating all the local fresh fruit, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and peaches.

  79. Sue Hoover Avatar

    I love eating! Lol! All the fresh fruits and veggies just beg to be eaten. I top them off with fresh herbs from my garden. Delish! Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful table runner kit. I think some fresh salads would look magnificent on it!

  80. Terri Avatar

    I love sitting on the front porch in the morning listening to the birds.

  81. bowtiesnstars - Sandy Avatar

    Summer is when I am able to get together with friends for a quilting retreat! Don’t always get much done, but the fellowship is great! I have really enjoyed all the great ideas for what you can really do with a charm pack!

  82. Kathy h Avatar
    Kathy h

    Beautiful runner and I always love a red white and blue combination. My favorite summer pastime is spending time with my grandkids. Fewer schedules since they are out of school.

  83. Theresa Avatar

    Reading a book outside in the late afternoon early evening after the heat of the day has lessened where I can also enjoy the plethora of wild animals and birds esp hummers coming in for dinner and not realizing that I sit quietly for a moment of pure peace and joy watching them.

  84. Kwiltykat! Avatar

    I like to be outside unless the humidity is too high, then it’s in the A/C with some wool stitching for me!

  85. Cheryl Keown Avatar
    Cheryl Keown

    My favorite part of summer is being outdoors as much as possible enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. My spend my time gardening, going to the grand-kids activities or going for walks.

  86. Sheila Beins Avatar
    Sheila Beins

    July is always busy – I live in Seward, Nebraska’s 4th of July City. And once that is over and the cleanup is done – it’s time to start getting ready for the Nebraska State Quilt Guild’s annual convention – QuiltNebraska. This year is was held in Seward and I was one of the co-chairs – so extra busy this year.
    On to August and time to relax and take some quilting time just for me! What fun it would be to work on this charm project

  87. Rita Jones Avatar
    Rita Jones

    Spending my summer at home quilting and being as lazy as possible 😉

  88. Linda Klawitter Avatar
    Linda Klawitter

    My favorite thing to do is sit on our deck and look at my flowers.

  89. Joanne Ward Avatar
    Joanne Ward

    I love summer! We love to go to the beach and just relax and read a good book. But paddle boarding or kayaking on one of the many lakes in the area is right up there with favorite things about summer. Thank you for showing us this darling quilt using such a fun charm pack.

  90. Holly h Avatar
    Holly h

    I love to sit back. I my rocker on the front porch and read or stitch or enjoy a cup of coffee or maybe an adult beverage on a pleasant evening.

  91. usairdoll Avatar

    Love playing in the pool with my grandson.

    usairdoll (at) gmail (dot) com

  92. Charmaine Avatar

    Love to make quilts and read for pleasure (instead of reading for work) during the summer!

  93. Judi G Avatar
    Judi G

    Camping! Right where I’m at now. Uninterrupted sewing.

  94. Jane Lamborn Avatar
    Jane Lamborn

    Love the red, white n blue and creative use of a tradional block! Love all the outdoor flowers and plants, but quilt retreat is my favorite activity!

  95. Bev G Avatar
    Bev G

    Love the runner and your red, white and blue fabrics. Favorite summer activities are sewing, reading and camping. Also really enjoy all the fresh veggies from the garden.

  96. Anne Thate Avatar
    Anne Thate

    I love to spend time at our cabin in northern Wisconsin. Swimming kayaking biking and drinking adult beverages 😀

  97. kaywelch Avatar

    Summer treats are my fave – fresh strawberry shortcake, ice cold watermelon, cantaloupe, and ice cream. All delicious ways to cool off.

  98. Colleen Coffman Avatar
    Colleen Coffman

    Love your Stars & Stripes Gatherings! This table runner is so cute. My favorite activity of summer is working in my garden. The beautiful weather, beautiful flowers and vegetables – it’s all just perfect.

  99. Athena Avatar

    In the summer, I love that summer vibe–the one you had as a kid. To get that feeling, I jump in the car, barefoot with a swimsuit on, and drive the 1/2 mile down to our beach/boat. Makes me feel like a kid again!

  100. Jayne Avatar

    While I love days in my quilting studio… I have been a golfer for over 40 years, so days outside on the golf course is a favorite activity. As I am aging though, quilting is more of a lifetime sport! 🙂

  101. Karen D Martin Avatar
    Karen D Martin

    My favorite summer activity is walking my dog without having to put on a hat, gloves, a parka and boots!

  102. Cheryl Gherna Avatar
    Cheryl Gherna

    My favorite summer activity is driving my motorcycle.

  103. Nyla Dominguez Avatar
    Nyla Dominguez

    My favorite summer activity is mostly staying indoors and sipping iced tea, I live in Texas where it is very hot! I do love to swing outside with my granddaughter when the sun has gone partway down. We also enjoy a tradition of having “ice cream o’clock” each Wednesday night!

  104. Beverley Howard Avatar

    My favourite thing to do in summer is to grab some time on “Veranda Beach” listening to the breeze in the trees & reading a great book. Beverley

  105. Kristi Castanette Avatar
    Kristi Castanette

    My favorite summer activity is hiking around the beautiful Pacific Northwest!

  106. Kristy Avatar

    Best favorite activity is spending time with my daughter and littles whilst they are all off school! Hands down the best thing ever!!! I started the two boys on some machine sewing this summer…they are 5 and 7 and love it!

  107. Wanda Barth-Lindblom Avatar
    Wanda Barth-Lindblom

    Love everything in the sun …… boating swimming jet skis tubing wake boarding reading a book ……. Summer is my favorite time

  108. Natalie Rogers Avatar
    Natalie Rogers

    Favorite summer activity, is probably picking berries, raspberries, and strawberries. It is a special time of the year and the season is so short for them. You have to enjoy them while they last.

  109. Susan Linder Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is swimming and going to the beach. I love your table runner – hope I win!!

  110. Janet Olmstead Avatar
    Janet Olmstead

    My favorite summer activity is spending time with my kids. When they’re out of school we have time to bike, go for picnics and go swimming. It’s a great runner – would be lots of fun to sew!

  111. Carol Kuse Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is a combination of quilting, reading and genealogy.

  112. Martha N Campbell Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is my garden! I can’t keep up with all the tomatoes, okra, eggplant and peppers! Getting a deer fence sure made a difference from years gone by when they ate from it every night!

  113. Pat McMullin Avatar
    Pat McMullin

    My favorite summer activity is spending time with our children and their families at Bear Lake. Lots of sun, sand and fun! And don’t forget the good food!

  114. Joni SCHAUER Avatar
    Joni SCHAUER


    Sent from my iPhone

  115. Kristine Greve Avatar
    Kristine Greve

    My favorite summertime activity is cheering for my grandkids at their baseball games. We traveled to Richfield, Wisconsin (from Michigan ) to watch our grandson’s baseball game. The following weekend traveled to Whitehall, Grand Rapids , then onto Rockford Michigan all in one day to watch awesome baseball games! Go Coast Guard, Lakers, Rams!!

  116. Karen Avatar

    Favorite summer activity is getting to spend more time with our granddaughter!! Especially at the cabin in the Sierra. Beautiful scenery, so many fun things to do!! Especially our trips to Yosemite!! Gorgeous!! Love all of the projects all of you came up with!! What a fun challenge and an extra bonus for all of us!! Fun!! =:)

  117. Margie. Oeltjenbruns's Avatar

    Love the red white and blue runner, bright and happy celebrating.

  118. Christi Avatar

    Summer is for sitting on my front porch and watching the Humming birds eat. Plus drinking tea and eating watermelon.

  119. Vicki Sprain Avatar
    Vicki Sprain

    My favorite summer activity is spending more time with my kids and husband!

  120. Julia S Avatar
    Julia S

    My favorite summer activity is our trip from California to Montana where my in-laws have property. It is 31 miles outside Yellowstone and it is the most peaceful place! No Internet (I miss it a lot) and no television (except DVD player). Right on the Yellowstone river! I also love the warm summer nights here in California when I sit out on the patio and read while sipping margaritas.

  121. Gail Holmes Avatar
    Gail Holmes

    My favorite summer activity is a refreshing dip in the pool on the sultry days

  122. Margaret E Mossing Avatar

    I love the patriotic table runner. Great for summer. Summer goes by so fast, so like to do as many activities as possible. I love to go on walks with my husband and dog. My colorful flowers light up my world. Also love to try new grilling foods.

  123. LoriL Avatar

    Summer is the best time for quilting road trips here in WI. That is my favorite thing. That table runner is so pretty. Will have to try to duplicate this color scheme. Thanks for the giveaway.

  124. Judy Avatar

    My favorites are spending time with my grandkids, sitting outside reading and dreaming of quilts and fresh tomatoes off the vine. Life doesn’t get much better than that (unless I win the table runner kit) 😁

  125. JolieF Avatar

    I love to play and take walks at the beach; along Lake Michigan here in IL; with my Standard Poodle! He really loves to fly after the ball catching it with a twist in mid air. Being a poodle he prances as we walk. I have so much fun with him! When we chill in the backyard, I with a glass of ice tea and he watching for squirrels in the trees or chipmunks along the ground. Thank you for a chance to win the ADOR able Kit. 🙂 AND for such a fun topic to write about :)!

  126. Shari C Avatar
    Shari C

    It’s so hot here in the south. In the summer, I like to sit on the screen porch in the morning before it gets too hot with a Diet Coke and stitch.

  127. Debra Reber Avatar
    Debra Reber

    My favorite summer activity is our annual family beach trip!

  128. Tami Ellis Avatar
    Tami Ellis

    My favorite summer activity is taking road trips with my family and discovering new places!

  129. 2nana50 Avatar

    My favorite summer activity is split, one is spending time with my three youngest Grand babies, and playing outside. The second thing is riding my horse on week long rides, camping as we go along. Then if I’m home, I’m totally happy with my sewing machine happily humming along on my latest project!

  130. Janet Avatar

    My favorite part is the lack of schedules and hanging around our backyard pool ……jmh

  131. Lori Quinlan Avatar
    Lori Quinlan

    Adorable runner! I love playing water balloon volleyball. Fun game for every age. Thanks for the giveaway.

  132. KitsyKeelSmith Avatar

    My favorite summer activities are deadheading and watering my flowers. Love that table runner, and I love your blog so much.

  133. Barb Avatar

    Favorite summer activity is travel and eating outside. Thanks.

  134. bobbie rumler Avatar
    bobbie rumler

    favorite summer is quilting, swimming, eating, reading about Lisa’s activies!!!!!!

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